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Getbig Main Boards => Politics and Political Issues Board => Topic started by: Skip8282 on January 27, 2010, 07:50:41 PM

Title: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 27, 2010, 07:50:41 PM
How did he do?

My take:

He's a great speaker, always has been.  Seemed to move a little to the center.  He's on the right track about jobs.  But, his actions don't often support his most of the speach just seemed empty and hallow to me.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 27, 2010, 07:51:47 PM
Oh and lol at the Republican response being like a mini State of the Union.

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 27, 2010, 07:54:47 PM
In the last week, he 'took on' big banking and slashed spending with this freeze.

Then, he talked about these actions and repubs sat there refusing to stand and applaud things that the moderates like.  it was a pretty shrewd move.  I think repubs who believe they're gonna win back congress in 10 months should stop counting their chickens before they hatch and not get so complacent.

He's still at 50% approval.  Americans still blame repubs for the economy more than Obama (see the new WSJ poll tonight).  He still has an insane senate 59 seats and what, 79 seat lead in house?

He's still clearly in charge, and it's gonna take more than a health care loss to win back the congress in the fall.  GOP, you put a newbie on for the response, weird move, but looking ahead = a great idea.  

tea party > Obama > RINOs.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 27, 2010, 07:59:26 PM
In the last week, he 'took on' big banking and slashed spending with this freeze.

Then, he talked about these actions and repubs sat there refusing to stand and applaud things that the moderates like.  it was a pretty shrewd move.  I think repubs who believe they're gonna win back congress in 10 months should stop counting their chickens before they hatch and not get so complacent.

Moderates support?  Are you kidding me?  It doesn't even make sense.  He's freezing some spending while trying to promote stimulus spending.  HUH?

I also noticed the Blame Bush Theme reared it's ugly head.  No shock there.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 27, 2010, 08:11:28 PM
eh, he didn't act like a pussy, that's all.  He took blame for things, which is a change.

then he went populist and did what many thought he would do - rah rah and cheerlead some vague shit like "punish the banks!" and "freeze spending!"

He's playing smart politics.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: GigantorX on January 27, 2010, 08:21:25 PM
Typical political bullshit.

After putting this nation even deeper into debt in just his first 6 months in office, Stimulus, more spending, Health "Reform", still fighting two wars....he want's to cut taxes and is now a deficit hawk?

Earmark reform? He is STILL talking about "change"? "The American people deserve a govt. that works for them"? What? It seems to only be working for the elite and the financial institutions at this juncture.

And he wants change by sticking with Bernanke, who is a Bush guy? What the fuck?

And I love his claim that the economy is "growing", if you were to take out govt. spending that "growth" would be next to nill and for what, more debt? Awesome.

But even better, fear not, he is going to throw a "JOBS BILL" out there to "create" jobs....probably meaning take money from people who earn it and create artificial ditch digging govt. jobs. Well fucking sweet.


He of course blames Bush...when he was talking about a huge recession, huge spending, tax cuts and paying for two war, I thought he was talking about his current administration.

This was lame and transparent. It was like when Bush II was bragging about the DOW being at 12,000 in one of his SOTU speeches....good lord.

MASSIVE debt overhang, UE still 10%, housing just hit a double dip, we are out of money, still fighting 2 wars, no organic job creation, 1 trillion dollars in stimulus that has done nothing.....

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 27, 2010, 08:23:17 PM
He's playing smart politics.


Blame Bush is not smart politics (at least not at this point in his Presidency).

Promoting spending and not spending at the same time is not smart politics.

Acting like the healthcare bill failing was due to Republicans obstructionist when it's the people who don't want it, is not smart politics.

Saying that jobs for Americans is the new #1 priority, is very smart politics.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 27, 2010, 08:28:16 PM
Something else I found comical was his renewed call for transparency.  This was a central theme throughout his campaign, yet since he's been in office, it's been a joke.  That got a bipartisan round of applause.  They can all go fuck themselves because none of them want to give the public any transparency.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MCWAY on January 27, 2010, 09:21:08 PM
Thank God I had a date with my wife. I have better things to do, then listen to Obama blame Bush for everything under the sun and claim that he saved the economy, when unemployment's at 10%
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MCWAY on January 27, 2010, 09:22:32 PM


Blame Bush is not smart politics (at least not at this point in his Presidency).

Promoting spending and not spending at the same time is not smart politics.

Acting like the healthcare bill failing was due to Republicans obstructionist when it's the people who don't want it, is not smart politics.

Saying that jobs for Americans is the new #1 priority, is very smart politics.

Too bad it took him one year (and a political punch in the jaw, last week) to get that through his head.

The only reason he's talking about jobs NOW, is because ObamaCare is DEAD!!! This State of the Union speech was supposed to be his BIIIIIIIIIIIG chest-thumping moment in the sun, to brag about universal healthcare being passed into law.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: headhuntersix on January 27, 2010, 10:06:53 PM
Just when it appeared that the numbers for the Democratic health care proposals passed by the House and Senate couldn't get any worse -- they have. A new poll by CNN and Opinion Research, taken from January 22 to January 24, shows that 69 percent of respondents say Congress should dump the current Democratic health care proposals and either write an entirely new health bill or stop working on the subject altogether.
"What do you think Congress should do on health care?" CNN asked. "Pass a health care bill similar to the legislation that Congress has been working on for the past year, start work on an entirely new bill, or stop working on any bills that would change the country's health care system?" Thirty percent said pass a bill similar to the current ones, while 48 percent said start work on a new bill and 21 percent said stop working on health care. Add it up, and 69 percent say Congress should either write a new bill or stop working on health care altogether. (When CNN asked only about the existing bills, 58 percent said they oppose the bills, while 38 percent say they support them.)

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Bindare_Dundat on January 27, 2010, 11:02:52 PM
Have they increased chocolate rations again?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 06:09:23 AM
How did he do?

My take:

He's a great speaker, always has been.  Seemed to move a little to the center.  He's on the right track about jobs.  But, his actions don't often support his most of the speach just seemed empty and hallow to me.

Another complete farce and embarassment for the country. 

Only a moron believes a word he says. 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 06:11:17 AM
of course he's lying and FOS on most issues.

But politically, he held his own last night.  We could have been criticizing him for playing the bitch role and backing down last night.  isntead he came out swinging. 

He's gonna be an ice cold mofo by the end of his presidency.  Throwing out the right/wrong/BS of what he says, cause many of you get all whiny about that angle and start namecalling.  Politically though, he did okay last night.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 06:13:44 AM
of course he's lying and FOS on most issues.

But politically, he held his own last night.  We could have been criticizing him for playing the bitch role and backing down last night.  isntead he came out swinging. 

He's gonna be an ice cold mofo by the end of his presidency.  Throwing out the right/wrong/BS of what he says, cause many of you get all whiny about that angle and start namecalling.  Politically though, he did okay last night.

Not so 240 - he called for Cap & Trade, Illegal Alien Amensty, and and repeal of DODT.

Bring it on in November Dear Reader! 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 06:17:32 AM
His 2 biggest and loudest points were abuot attacking the banks, and freezing the debt.  He dared repubs not to stand in support.

It was a politically shrewd move. you have to admit that, even if you hate him.  He releases those 2 new initiatives the week before the State of Union, then shouts these popular moves while american idol voters are wondering why simon and ellen aren't on.

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 06:20:02 AM
of course he's lying and FOS on most issues.

But politically, he held his own last night.  We could have been criticizing him for playing the bitch role and backing down last night.  isntead he came out swinging. 

He's gonna be an ice cold mofo by the end of his presidency.  Throwing out the right/wrong/BS of what he says, cause many of you get all whiny about that angle and start namecalling.  Politically though, he did okay last night.

Lets see,he still wants health care passed,68% of Americans dont want it.He still said he wants cap and trade passed,its very unpopular,jobless claims "unexpetedly" were up to 47,000 today up from the estimated 45,000,durable goods plumetted.You keep thinking this man can win with his words.He cant.The economy continues to plummet,all the words in the world cant change it.

By the way,questioning a ruling by the supreme court with the dumb ass dems like little Dick Durbin clapping in their favce looked great.My favorite reaction was not Alito,it was Roberts who just smirked at what a dim wit Obama is.Obama  isnt a speck on the shoe of Roberts and he dares question his ruling.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 06:21:32 AM
His 2 biggest and loudest points were abuot attacking the banks, and freezing the debt.  He dared repubs not to stand in support.

It was a politically shrewd move. you have to admit that, even if you hate him.  He releases those 2 new initiatives the week before the State of Union, then shouts these popular moves while american idol voters are wondering why simon and ellen aren't on.

Only if you are a braindead idiot.  Geithner was seen all throughout the speech and people are not that dumb.

Everyone knows he is also FOS on spending.  

He makes Bill Clinton look like a paragon of virtue in the truth department.

I never NEVER seen a bigger, more blatant liar in my lifetime.  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 06:23:06 AM
hey, there are a lot of braindead idiots out there who will hear "going after banks" and "freeze spending" and buy it. 

If you don't think many americans are idiots, look at the 2008 results ;)  How many electoral votes did Kuscinich and Ron paul end up with?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 06:26:27 AM
hey, there are a lot of braindead idiots out there who will hear "going after banks" and "freeze spending" and buy it. 

If you don't think many americans are idiots, look at the 2008 results ;)  How many electoral votes did Kuscinich and Ron paul end up with?

People dont believe him anymore.That was proven in New Jersey and Mass.When two of the most lib states come out to vote against YOU you know your introuble.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 06:27:48 AM
People dont believe him anymore.That was proven in New Jersey and Mass.When two of the most lib states come out to vote against YOU you know your introuble.

When UE gets adjusted to the birth death model and official UE goes to 11.5% and this marxist/communist POFS keeps pushing amnesty for illegals, DODT. and crap and tax, 240, I am telling you, there will be MILLIONS protesting this scumbag. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 06:53:44 AM
"People dont believe him anymore."

I guess we'll see what the polls say this week.

My guess is that after everyone sees "Obama is feisty again!" he will get a bump.

I know you guys say you're not... but I'm still in absolute shock that he's around 50% approval despite a year of this garbage. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: LurkerNoMore on January 28, 2010, 07:28:14 AM
I couldn't watch but a few minutes as biden and his used car salesman grin and hyper blinking eyes in the background was too distracting.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 07:31:25 AM
"People dont believe him anymore."

I guess we'll see what the polls say this week.

My guess is that after everyone sees "Obama is feisty again!" he will get a bump.

I know you guys say you're not... but I'm still in absolute shock that he's around 50% approval despite a year of this garbage. 

Oh brother,its the lowest rating for any president at this time in his first term.THE LOWEST.If you can find a silver lining in that ,then be my guest.Add to it,he started out at 76% approval.NEVER EVER in history has one man squandered so much.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:32:58 AM
Oh brother,its the lowest rating for any president at this time in his first term.THE LOWEST.If you can find a silver lining in that ,then be my guest.Add to it,he started out at 76% approval.NEVER EVER in history has one man squandered so much.


I thought Clinton was a good liar. 

However, Clinton was an amatuer compared to Obama. 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 07:37:14 AM
he only needs 48% or 49% to win in 2012, BILLY.

Stop celebrating 50%.  Aim for 32%, then you can celebrate ;)
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 07:37:34 AM

I thought Clinton was a good liar. 

However, Clinton was an amatuer compared to Obama. 

The difference is,Clinton knew we knew he was lying.Did you ever see his face when he gave the famous "it depends on what is is".The guy was holding back laughter.Obama is such an ego maniac that he actually beieves his own lies.When a liberal democrat says the reason Mass. elected a republican senator to Ted Kennedys seat is that they were mad at George Bush,you know he really must believe it,because a liar would come up with a more plausible excuse then that.I think he actually believes he is god and we believe every word he utters.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 07:40:34 AM
he only needs 48% or 49% to win in 2012, BILLY.

Stop celebrating 50%.  Aim for 32%, then you can celebrate ;)

Again,50% because he is black and whites wont give their true feelings of him.Mathews last night is EXACTLY what 90% of all whites are,trying so hard not to be racial,that they are actually racists.Very few whites will say "I dont like Obama",for fear of being labeled a racist.

All his words cant change the UE numbers and economy,if its just like it is now,and I think it will be,Bush will be a distant memory and it will be HIS fault.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:41:18 AM
he only needs 48% or 49% to win in 2012, BILLY.

Stop celebrating 50%.  Aim for 32%, then you can celebrate ;)

Dont worry 240 - myself and 5 of my business collegues met last week and we are forming the "Bronx Tea Party".  Staten Island has one and we are going to start from the nerve center of leftism, NYC.  

I have NEVER seen so many people so pissied off as I do now as to what the govt on every level is doing.  

Like I keep telling you, Mass. will be nothing compared to what is coming to these communists/leninists.    

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 07:42:41 AM
I don't care WHY he's at 50%... color, religion, whatever.

He would still win re-election today based on these numbers, or it would be close enough to steal, and you know how the guy in charge managed that in 04  ;)
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:43:06 AM
Again,50% because he is black and whites wont give their true feelings of him.Mathews last night is EXACTLY what 90% of all whites are,trying so hard not to be racial,that they are actually racists.Very few whites will say "I dont like Obama",for fear of being labeled a racist.

All his words cant change the UE numbers and economy,if its just like it is now,and I think it will be,Bush will be a distant memory and it will be HIS fault.

I really dont give a shit.  I called out a few libs at my business meeting this morning who were complaining about the economy who shilled for obama over cap & trade and Card Check.  

He is not black - he is RED, a marxist/communist lying NWO POFS elected by guilt ridden whites.  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:43:54 AM
Again,50% because he is black and whites wont give their true feelings of him.Mathews last night is EXACTLY what 90% of all whites are,trying so hard not to be racial,that they are actually racists.Very few whites will say "I dont like Obama",for fear of being labeled a racist.

All his words cant change the UE numbers and economy,if its just like it is now,and I think it will be,Bush will be a distant memory and it will be HIS fault.

I really dont give a shit.  I called out a few libs at my business meeting this morning who were complaining about the economy who shilled for obama over cap & trade and Card Check.  

He is not black - he is RED, a marxist/communist lying NWO POFS elected by guilt ridden whites.  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:45:33 AM
I don't care WHY he's at 50%... color, religion, whatever.

He would still win re-election today based on these numbers, or it would be close enough to steal, and you know how the guy in charge managed that in 04  ;)

Not true.   You have a Thune/Brown or something like that, Obama would get crushed. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 07:48:53 AM
hahaha maybe... but it could still be close.

he comes into 2012 at 32% or wherever Bush was, and you KNOW you'll win.
he comes in at 48% and it's anybody's ballgame.

Remember, the guy in charge can CHEAT.  I celebrated when Bush fcked d-bag Kerry in 2004.  I know many here also did.  He stole that shit haha... but it works both ways.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 07:53:07 AM
hahaha maybe... but it could still be close.

he comes into 2012 at 32% or wherever Bush was, and you KNOW you'll win.
he comes in at 48% and it's anybody's ballgame.

Remember, the guy in charge can CHEAT.  I celebrated when Bush fcked d-bag Kerry in 2004.  I know many here also did.  He stole that shit haha... but it works both ways.

I thoght I saw a poll saying 34% of the people who voted for him,now say they wouldnt.I dont  think he would win today.If he could how come he made ZERO difference in the Mss. race or the new jersey race.These are faaaaaar dem states.Obama didnt mean a hill of beans in those states and,in fact,was THE REASON that they went republican.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:54:49 AM
hahaha maybe... but it could still be close.

he comes into 2012 at 32% or wherever Bush was, and you KNOW you'll win.
he comes in at 48% and it's anybody's ballgame.

Remember, the guy in charge can CHEAT.  I celebrated when Bush fcked d-bag Kerry in 2004.  I know many here also did.  He stole that shit haha... but it works both ways.

240 - here is the thing - Obama is not clinton and will not "moderate".  

When the GOP stampede happens in Nov. Obama is going to double down on stupid.  UE will be high at that moment and people are going to have to line up for prez run in 2012.

When Dear Reader is still pushing Cap & Tax and Amnesty for Illegals, a guy like Thune, Brown or someone like that, will absolutely be destroy ZERO.

Zero wont have the goldman money, wont have the wall street cash, and wont have the overwhelming youth vote that he did in 2008 since most of those people will still be out of work.  

Additionally, the elderly and baby boomers wont forget DeathCare and Death Panels.  

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 07:55:56 AM
I thoght I saw a poll saying 34% of the people who voted for him,now say they wouldnt.I dont  think he would win today.If he could how come he made ZERO difference in the Mss. race or the new jersey race.These are faaaaaar dem states.Obama didnt mean a hill of beans in those states and,in fact,was THE REASON that they went republican.

Ridiculous 240.  Brown camapgined against ObamaCare, KSWM Trial in NYC, and Crap & Tax. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MM2K on January 28, 2010, 08:43:04 AM
240 - here is the thing - Obama is not clinton and will not "moderate". 

When the GOP stampede happens in Nov. Obama is going to double down on stupid.  UE will be high at that moment and people are going to have to line up for prez run in 2012.

When Dear Reader is still pushing Cap & Tax and Amnesty for Illegals, a guy like Thune, Brown or someone like that, will absolutely be destroy ZERO.

Zero wont have the goldman money, wont have the wall street cash, and wont have the overwhelming youth vote that he did in 2008 since most of those people will still be out of work. 

Additionally, the elderly and baby boomers wont forget DeathCare and Death Panels

Exactly right. Bill Clinton was only intrested in being popular and being loved. He had no center. He was never a favored candidate of the Democrat Party. Barack Obama is a true leftist ideoulouge who will follow his beliefs into oblivion. Also, he is the favored son of the Democrat Party and too many people there and too many interst groups have too much intvested in him.

Its interesting that you mentioned the young people. I hear that even they are starting to wise up. Unfortunately, the majority of voters today werent around when Jimmy Carter was president or they are too young to really remember him.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 08:46:42 AM
Exactly right. Bill Clinton was only intrested in being popular and being loved. He had no center. He was never a favored candidate of the Democrat Party. Barack Obama is a true leftist ideoulouge who will follow his beliefs into oblivion. Also, he is the favored son of the Democrat Party and too many people there and too many interst groups have too much intvested in him.

Its interesting that you mentioned the young people. I hear that even they are starting to wise up. Unfortunately, the majority of voters today werent around when Jimmy Carter was president or they are too young to really remember him.

By then, things will be far worse than they are even now. 

When young people who kneepadded for this communist POFS are still out of work with massive debt on their shoulders are asked to show up at the pols for ZERO, it aint going to happen. 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MCWAY on January 28, 2010, 08:49:06 AM
Exactly right. Bill Clinton was only intrested in being popular and being loved. He had no center. He was never a favored candidate of the Democrat Party. Barack Obama is a true leftist ideoulouge who will follow his beliefs into oblivion. Also, he is the favored son of the Democrat Party and too many people there and too many interst groups have too much intvested in him.

Its interesting that you mentioned the young people. I hear that even they are starting to wise up. Unfortunately, the majority of voters today werent around when Jimmy Carter was president or they are too young to really remember him.

If you saw the Fox Focus Group in Philadelphia, with Frank Luntz from "Hannity" (nearly all Obama voters), you will note that the general consensus, following the State of the Union speech, was that Obama was basically nothing but mouth.

A number of young votes in that group came to that conclusion. He's talking the talk yet not walking the walk.

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 08:53:03 AM
If you saw the Fox Focus Group in Philadelphia, with Frank Luntz from "Hannity" (nearly all Obama voters), you will note that the general consensus, following the State of the Union speech, was that Obama was basically nothing but mouth.

A number of young votes in that group came to that conclusion. He's talking the talk yet not walking the walk.

How can he walk the walk when HE HAS NEVER HELD A DAMN JOB BEFORE? 

I'm serious, I speak woth mail room clerks who have more of a clue than our president on both micro and macro economics. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: 240 is Back on January 28, 2010, 08:57:38 AM
i know 1 thing.

i know in the last week, after reassembling his tem, obama delivered 2 centrist/populist moves which don't mean much but do speak to people.

He went after banks, and he froze spending.  Those are some pretty big things.  You can argue they're BS, and you're probably right... but 10 or 12 or 25 of these small populist moves and his ass will be back over 60% approval, don't kid yourselves...
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 09:08:19 AM
Repubs didn't stand at all when he talked about taxing the big banks etc poor move on their part.

I felt Obama did a great job at delivering his speech.  It was very well written and he spoke with authority. 

I've felt all along that by defining cap and trade and healthcare as job creation and deficit reducers respectively, that he makes it much easier to swallow for the American public.  Challenging the repubs to come up with a better plan was extremely smart.  The ball is now in their court on this one. 

Overall i was impressed by his speech and the content.  Now it's time to deliver it so i guess in 12 months we will be able to gauge better exactly what has and hasn't been done.

Of course 333, Billy etc will jump up and down when after one week joblessness isn't decreased and blame him for it.  Or they'll blame him for layoffs that they supported happening (via market correction) in the first place but hey what's new?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 09:10:19 AM
Repubs didn't stand at all when he talked about taxing the big banks etc poor move on their part.

I felt Obama did a great job at delivering his speech.  It was very well written and he spoke with authority. 

I've felt all along that by defining cap and trade and healthcare as job creation and deficit reducers respectively, that he makes it much easier to swallow for the American public.  Challenging the repubs to come up with a better plan was extremely smart.  The ball is now in their court on this one. 

Overall i was impressed by his speech and the content.  Now it's time to deliver it so i guess in 12 months we will be able to gauge better exactly what has and hasn't been done.

Of course 333, Billy etc will jump up and down when after one week joblessness isn't decreased and blame him for it.  Or they'll blame him for layoffs that they supported happening (via market correction) in the first place but hey what's new?

Because its all words and bs. 

Cap & Tax has FAILED everywhere it has been tried. 

HCR - disaster and bribery.

Only an idiot believes word this fool says. 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 09:15:56 AM
Because its all words and bs. 

Cap & Tax has FAILED everywhere it has been tried. 

HCR - disaster and bribery.

Only an idiot believes word this fool says. 


In 12 months you can judge that.  Not a day after a speech.  I'll admit Obama didn't focus on what was needed in his first year as pres.  I think him bringing back his campaign staff shows he understands the reality of losing the public.  Like 240 said he's made two popular move thus far and it's a snowball effect, if he is doing or is seen as doing as much as he can for job creation, the economy and tackling wall street/bank greed people will support him and the democrats, if he continues to ignore peoples pleas for help in those areas he will continue to slide in popularity. 

Cap and trade was brought in via Bush 1 you know that right? In his clean air 1990 bill i believe.  That's worked out pretty well huh?  Hasn't failed the American power gird has it? 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 09:19:09 AM
One week jobless numbers?The guy has lost 4 million jobs SINCE passing his stimulous bill.What the hell are you talking about?The only thing he said last night that made a dam bit of sense was when he agreed with Palin,"drill baby drill".
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Eric15210 on January 28, 2010, 09:19:51 AM (
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 09:20:37 AM
By the way,in the CNN poll 48% thought it was a good speech.Hardly a ringing endorsement of the great Obama.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 09:25:53 AM
One week jobless numbers?The guy has lost 4 million jobs SINCE passing his stimulous bill.What the hell are you talking about?The only thing he said last night that made a dam bit of sense was when he agreed with Palin,"drill baby drill".

haha agreed with Palin? give me a break.  On his campaign trail he never said he was against drilling, just that he wanted alternatives to be sought as well.  

Right from the start i've said America needs to focus on becoming the worlds leader in green tech.  333 etc want to rubbish that idea, while China invests heavily in green tech to export.  This is a chance to become energy independent and an exporting nation again.  What other industry is going to offer those? Drilling for oil? give me a break.  America will always be beholden to foreign interests in oil even if they found enough to last 100 years it would take decades to get it all up and running, not to mention during that time the saudis would gouge us for billions to make up for their future lost profits.  Oil wouldn't get cheaper it would skyrocket and we'd be fu*ked in the as* by the middle east.

I'm not against drilling for oil, it's a via short term option.  But to think that it will solve all our problems is delusion.  Canada has more oil than us, we'll never be the saudi's so why try?  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 09:28:21 AM
In 12 months you can judge that.  Not a day after a speech.  I'll admit Obama didn't focus on what was needed in his first year as pres.  I think him bringing back his campaign staff shows he understands the reality of losing the public.  Like 240 said he's made two popular move thus far and it's a snowball effect, if he is doing or is seen as doing as much as he can for job creation, the economy and tackling wall street/bank greed people will support him and the democrats, if he continues to ignore peoples pleas for help in those areas he will continue to slide in popularity. 

Cap and trade was brought in via Bush 1 you know that right? In his clean air 1990 bill i believe.  That's worked out pretty well huh?  Hasn't failed the American power gird has it? 

Hysterical.  Europe tried Crap & Tax and everyone got a 25% increase in electricity rates with no real dimunution of carbon emissions. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 09:31:00 AM
Hysterical.  Europe tried Crap & Tax and everyone got a 25% increase in electricity rates with no real dimunution of carbon emissions. 

No comment on Bush 1's enactment of it huh? Just talking about Europe.  if it's so bad why did a cap and trade like system work in the clean air bill of 1990?

Oh wait we should keep drilling right? I mean Russia and Canada have more oil than us but hey it's great to be third at something isn't it? Always beholden to another country. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 09:41:47 AM
No comment on Bush 1's enactment of it huh? Just talking about Europe.  if it's so bad why did a cap and trade like system work in the clean air bill of 1990?

Oh wait we should keep drilling right? I mean Russia and Canada have more oil than us but hey it's great to be third at something isn't it? Always beholden to another country. 

Unreal.  You want to literally create a 2 Trillion dollar carbon market where GS will make billions on our backs.  This is why the GOP will win huge being the party of "No".

No communism.
No marxsim
No gay agenda
No tax hikes to fund wall street gangsters.
No KSM trial in NYC

I so cant wait till November. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Kazan on January 28, 2010, 09:42:44 AM
i know 1 thing.

i know in the last week, after reassembling his tem, obama delivered 2 centrist/populist moves which don't mean much but do speak to people.

He went after banks, and he froze spending.  Those are some pretty big things.  You can argue they're BS, and you're probably right... but 10 or 12 or 25 of these small populist moves and his ass will be back over 60% approval, don't kid yourselves...

So he went after banks, am I supposed to be impressed? The fucking government forced banks to make bad loans and repealed all kinds of law Glass-Steagal come to mind. So the banks are forced to make shit loans they know are going to be defaulted on, then the regulations are conveniently pulled back, the banks weren't going to eat the loss. And guess what we get, the sub prime mess created initially by the banks trying to cover their asses. I am so sick of the government and their "this guy  is greedy" bullshit, when they hemselves set the conditions for all this to happen. Chris Dodd, Barney Frank should be in prison not the congress.

The spending freeze is yet another joke, that will mean exactly dick.

Obama is a good public speaker, other than that he is completely and utterly incompetent
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 10:02:32 AM
haha agreed with Palin? give me a break.  On his campaign trail he never said he was against drilling, just that he wanted alternatives to be sought as well.  

Right from the start i've said America needs to focus on becoming the worlds leader in green tech.  333 etc want to rubbish that idea, while China invests heavily in green tech to export.  This is a chance to become energy independent and an exporting nation again.  What other industry is going to offer those? Drilling for oil? give me a break.  America will always be beholden to foreign interests in oil even if they found enough to last 100 years it would take decades to get it all up and running, not to mention during that time the saudis would gouge us for billions to make up for their future lost profits.  Oil wouldn't get cheaper it would skyrocket and we'd be fu*ked in the as* by the middle east.

I'm not against drilling for oil, it's a via short term option.  But to think that it will solve all our problems is delusion.  Canada has more oil than us, we'll never be the saudi's so why try?  

The energy problem could be solved tommorow and it would create thousands of jobs.BUILD NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not stupid ass windmills.NUKES!!!You know why they wont?Because ,once again,enviro lunatics wont allow it and Obama is owned by them as well as the rest of the dems.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 10:07:52 AM
The energy problem could be solved tommorow and it would create thousands of jobs.BUILD NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not stupid ass windmills.NUKES!!!You know why they wont?Because ,once again,enviro lunatics wont allow it and Obama is owned by them as well as the rest of the dems.

Did you not hear him say nuclear technology is a priority Billy? The republicans stood up immediately in support.  However, nuclear is a bridge toward energy independence.  It cannot be our only source of power.  I agree they must be built and refined, but the waste still makes nuclear not a viable option as our only source.  renewable energy and green tech (which includes clean coal and nuclear) have to be at the forefront and without one dominating the other.  Like a good investment it should be diversified. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Option D on January 28, 2010, 10:09:42 AM
The energy problem could be solved tommorow and it would create thousands of jobs.BUILD NUKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not stupid ass windmills.NUKES!!!You know why they wont?Because ,once again,enviro lunatics wont allow it and Obama is owned by them as well as the rest of the dems.

so who owns the repubs if any one
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:11:01 AM
Did you not hear him say nuclear technology is a priority Billy? The republicans stood up immediately in support.  However, nuclear is a bridge toward energy independence.  It cannot be our only source of power.  I agree they must be built and refined, but the waste still makes nuclear not a viable option as our only source.  renewable energy and green tech (which includes clean coal and nuclear) have to be at the forefront and without one dominating the other.  Like a good investment it should be diversified. 

Maybe because he is also pushing a fraudulent carbon market where GS and Al Gore will rape us for Billions of Dollars? 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 10:11:11 AM
Did you not hear him say nuclear technology is a priority Billy? The republicans stood up immediately in support.  However, nuclear is a bridge toward energy independence.  It cannot be our only source of power.  I agree they must be built and refined, but the waste still makes nuclear not a viable option as our only source.  renewable energy and green tech (which includes clean coal and nuclear) have to be at the forefront and without one dominating the other.  Like a good investment it should be diversified. 

He said it during the campaign.Have you heard ONE plan to build ONE plant?The answer is NO!!!!!!!Words are all this empty suit has.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 10:14:35 AM
He said it during the campaign.Have you heard ONE plan to build ONE plant?The answer is NO!!!!!!!Words are all this empty suit has.

Yes Billy because nuclear plants are so easy to build, it's not like you have to find a site away from a majority of people, but close enough for workers, it's not like there aren't public hearings on them and red tape.  You can't just say well nuclear plant goes here, here and here.  It's a process that takes time and not days. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:14:48 AM
He said it during the campaign.Have you heard ONE plan to build ONE plant?The answer is NO!!!!!!!Words are all this empty suit has.

This is all you need to know.  

Mal - wake the hell up Bro.  If you think Obama is on your side, you are seriously a complete jackass.  

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Option D on January 28, 2010, 10:19:49 AM
This is all you need to know.  

Mal - wake the hell up Bro.  If you think Obama is on your side, you are seriously a complete jackass.  

so who is on my side...which person, party, group, is best for the masses of America..Its like this...i will be alright...In whatever i do ill be alright..but who's idea works best for america for everyone...
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:22:08 AM
Yourself and your neighbor, not your politicians or "leaders" in DC. 

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Option D on January 28, 2010, 10:23:33 AM
Yourself and your neighbor, not your politicians or "leaders" in DC. 

So republicans dont have the answer?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 10:25:02 AM
This is all you need to know.  

Mal - wake the hell up Bro.  If you think Obama is on your side, you are seriously a complete jackass.  

so 3333 what industry do you think america could be a leader and export country in?  If not green tech then what exactly?  I mean green tech is so laughable that's why the chinese have dedicated billions to it.  cause it's just a fad they feel like throwing that money away to al gore right?  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 10:25:27 AM
Yes Billy because nuclear plants are so easy to build, it's not like you have to find a site away from a majority of people, but close enough for workers, it's not like there aren't public hearings on them and red tape.  You can't just say well nuclear plant goes here, here and here.  It's a process that takes time and not days. 

Its been over a year?Funny,he had no problem getting that idiotic stimulous bill passed or trying to get a super railroad in Florida that is a total waste.HE WILL NOT BUILD ONE NUKE PLANT IN 4 YEARS.THATS A PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:25:38 AM
So republicans dont have the answer?

No.  None of these crooks do.  

The best thing we can do is knee-cap these hack politicians with all their "brilliant plans" and tell them to leave us the hell alone.  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 10:27:18 AM
No.  None of these crooks do.  

The best thing we can do is knee-cap these hack politicians with all their "brilliant plans" and tell them to leave us the hell alone.  

Ah yes the united states of 333  ::)
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:27:31 AM
so 3333 what industry do you think america could be a leader and export country in?  If not green tech then what exactly?  I mean green tech is so laughable that's why the chinese have dedicated billions to it.  cause it's just a fad they feel like throwing that money away to al gore right?  

Its not the governments' job to determine that.  We live in a free market sociaiety where the free market decides what products people want, not reid, pelosi, obama, et al.  

Green jobs is a complete lie.  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 10:27:58 AM
So republicans dont have the answer?

Minorities have been voting democratic for years.How is it working out.Schools better,unemployment better,housing better,anything better?This man has been in office for over a year.Anything better for ANYONE?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:28:25 AM
Ah yes the united states of 333  ::)

Show me where in the constitution the govt has authority to 95% of what they are doing?  

You cant so dont even bother.  
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: kcballer on January 28, 2010, 10:37:15 AM
Its not the governments' job to determine that.  We live in a free market sociaiety where the free market decides what products people want, not reid, pelosi, obama, et al.  

Green jobs is a complete lie.  

So the govt's job is what? to not create jobs?  To not serve and help the people in their time of need?  Show me in the constitution where the govt can't do what they are doing?

In fact better yet heres some advice 333

a - leave the united states
b- sue the govt for their 'violations of the constitution' (this must be a sure thing right i mean 95% it's a slam dunk case)
c - blow yourself up

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Option D on January 28, 2010, 10:38:03 AM
No.  None of these crooks do.  

The best thing we can do is knee-cap these hack politicians with all their "brilliant plans" and tell them to leave us the hell alone.  

3333 you just gained all of your credibility back with this post...though i dont think that the government hands off approach is correct...i think it leads to total mayhem...i do agree that neither have the right formula

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 10:41:03 AM
3333 you just gained all of your credibility back with this post...though i dont think that the government hands off approach is correct...i think it leads to total mayhem...i do agree that neither have the right formula

You think I like McConnel, Graham, McCain or Boehner with his fake tan?  GMAFB!

I can stand those country club, bougiouse, blue sport coat, loafer wearing, punks. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MCWAY on January 28, 2010, 10:47:04 AM
Its been over a year?Funny,he had no problem getting that idiotic stimulous bill passed or trying to get a super railroad in Florida that is a total waste.HE WILL NOT BUILD ONE NUKE PLANT IN 4 YEARS.THATS A PROMISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He's in the Tampa Bay area, my home of nearly 30 years, talking that mess about a hi-speed rail to Orlando, as we speak.

Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MCWAY on January 28, 2010, 10:49:27 AM
Its not the governments' job to determine that.  We live in a free market sociaiety where the free market decides what products people want, not reid, pelosi, obama, et al.  

Green jobs is a complete lie.  

The American people don't care about "green" jobs, "red" jobs, "black" jobs, "white" jobs, "blue" jobs, or "yellow" jobs.

They just want JOBS!!

The fact that Obama waited, until he got kicked in the nuts on ObamaCare, to address the NUMBER-ONE ISSUE ON THE MINDS OF AMERICAN PEOPLE, SINCE THE DAY HE STEPPED INTO OFFICE, shows what an utter goofball he has become, in just one short year.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Option D on January 28, 2010, 10:53:39 AM
The American people don't care about "green" jobs, "red" jobs, "black" jobs, "white" jobs, "blue" jobs, or "yellow" jobs.

They just want JOBS!!

The fact that Obama waited, until he got kicked in the nuts on ObamaCare, to address the NUMBER-ONE ISSUE ON THE MINDS OF AMERICAN PEOPLE, SINCE THE DAY HE STEPPED INTO OFFICE, shows what an utter goofball he has become, in just one short year.
did you decide that before he got into office or after?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Kazan on January 28, 2010, 10:54:17 AM
The American people don't care about "green" jobs, "red" jobs, "black" jobs, "white" jobs, "blue" jobs, or "yellow" jobs.

They just want JOBS!!

The fact that Obama waited, until he got kicked in the nuts on ObamaCare, to address the NUMBER-ONE ISSUE ON THE MINDS OF AMERICAN PEOPLE, SINCE THE DAY HE STEPPED INTO OFFICE, shows what an utter goofball he has become, in just one short year.

Sorry but he has been a goofball for alot longer than one year. I just found something out that I didn't know, Obama was trying to implement the same sort of ObamaCare in Illinois before he went to DC.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: MCWAY on January 28, 2010, 11:04:36 AM
did you decide that before he got into office or after?

I and several million other Americans decided that.

Heck, HIS VP stated much the same thing.

So, if you'd like to address the fact that the primary (if not, only) reason he's focusing on jobs NOW is because ObamaCare is DOA, be my guest.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Option D on January 28, 2010, 11:05:28 AM
I and several million other Americans decided that.

Heck, HIS VP stated much the same thing.

So, if you'd like to address the fact that the primary (if not, only) reason he's focusing on jobs NOW is because ObamaCare is DOA, be my guest.

na im asking if you decided he sucked, before or after he was elected?
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: BM OUT on January 28, 2010, 11:11:31 AM
na im asking if you decided he sucked, before or after he was elected?

I knew he sucked when I learned his spiritual guide was Rev. Wright,just as I knew that senator Byrd sucked when I found out he was a recruiter for the Klan.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 28, 2010, 01:44:40 PM
Dont worry 240 - myself and 5 of my business collegues met last week and we are forming the "Bronx Tea Party".  Staten Island has one and we are going to start from the nerve center of leftism, NYC. 

Dude, you've got to stay away from this Tea Party.  I told you before these clowns are not all that stable.  Going on strikes to hurt Obama doesn't make sense.  Going on some month long road trip doesn't make any sense.  Self admitted lack of national organization and no discernable leader (apparently they are looking for one - hint, hint).

Perhaps if they change some stupidity it might be a good thing.  But right now, it just doesn't seem to be a sensible thing to do.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 01:47:22 PM

Dude, you've got to stay away from this Tea Party.  I told you before these clowns are not all that stable.  Going on strikes to hurt Obama doesn't make sense.  Going on some month long road trip doesn't make any sense.  Self admitted lack of national organization and no discernable leader (apparently they are looking for one - hint, hint).

Perhaps if they change some stupidity it might be a good thing.  But right now, it just doesn't seem to be a sensible thing to do.

Were going to do our own thing.  Its only going to be buisness owners sick of the taxes, regulations, costs, and garbage that the pols are throwing at us in NYC and lower NYS area. 

I have contractors, painters, plumbers, electricians, etc all on board. 
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Skip8282 on January 28, 2010, 01:51:29 PM
Then you might be better served calling yourselves something like, "Business Leaders United against Washington" or something.  I just wouldn't use the "Tea Party" moniker.  Right now it seems to have to many negative connotations.
Title: Re: State of the Union
Post by: Soul Crusher on January 28, 2010, 01:55:42 PM
Then you might be better served calling yourselves something like, "Business Leaders United against Washington" or something.  I just wouldn't use the "Tea Party" moniker.  Right now it seems to have to many negative connotations.

Good Idea.   

We are just sick of the govt, all of us.  They are driving young people out of the state, its horrible.