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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: the trainer on June 10, 2014, 05:34:23 AM

Title: No college
Post by: the trainer on June 10, 2014, 05:34:23 AM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: MORTALCOIL on June 10, 2014, 05:37:33 AM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

We all had figured that out when you first posted here.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 10, 2014, 06:02:27 AM
Most degrees are useless but in today's society they are the high school diploma of years past. Employers look down upon you unless you have the same 4 year useless college degree they have. 

You should look at college as a trade school. If that diploma doesn't say you are employable in a trade it's a waste of time. You can always continue to go to school and become a college professor to make money with your other wise useless degree.

My barber who is about 30 years old says he makes close to a $100 dollars an hour in busy times between payment and tips. My friend the pizza shop owner drives a Mercedes and lives in a fantastic large house.  On a Friday and Saturday he has 4 guys making pizzas and they are zipping out of there as fast as they make them. On a side note in Jersey, chain pizza restaurants like Domino are laughed at while real Italian pizza shops make money. Another friend puts in fancy counter tops. He has a license to print money. A cop down the block has a base salary of 130K. With over time he is over 150K. None of these guys went to college.

Title: Re: No college
Post by: Irongrip400 on June 10, 2014, 06:36:04 AM
Translation: I make $75K +/- a year, and think I am a baller because my friends all make around $40K.  Congrats bro. ::)
Title: Re: No college
Post by: _aj_ on June 10, 2014, 06:56:15 AM
Translation: I make $35K +/- a year, and think I am a baller because my friends all make around $10/hour.  Congrats bro. ::)

Title: Re: No college
Post by: 240 is Back on June 10, 2014, 07:00:58 AM
i'll never forget... I'm a year from graduating with my BS degree... I mapped out two paths...

1) Stay in the elementary education program, finish in a year and be a teacher.
2) change to business major, go to school over summer too, and finish in a year.

I realized teaching wasn't for me, so I went to my advisor (in the college of education, of course) and told him my plan to change to business.  "Oh no, just finish really quick, then go get your MBA (not mentioning the pre-reqs).  He fooled my naive ass into staying and wasting so much more time going that path.  Ended up teaching for a few years as a result. 

Any of you college getbiggers, if you want to make a change, you do it... tell the advisor to shove it.  They're salesman, selling pieces of paper.  Sure, the paper is useful many times, but just remember their motivation while giving advice.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Man of Steel on June 10, 2014, 07:05:11 AM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

I know now and have known several folks that have had much success without any education early in their careers.   I actually exist in an unusual circle of folks in which this is the case for many folks (I know more of the exceptions than the norm), but it's allowed me to see the "before and after" effects.   I see my current friends in their early 40s thriving....killing it actually....with no education.  They have big homes, nice cars, vacations, all the toys, etc.....   I see my aunts and uncles that did the same 25-30 years ago that are now broke and almost homeless because the industry they existed in shifted (or no longer exists) and their skills don't match up with current standards and they had no formal education to build off of or fall back on.  Basically their early success and experience became null and void and now they can't find good work.....anywhere.

Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that never encounters this, but from what I've seen early career success with no education typically ends up with nothing to show for it as retirement age looms.  It's awesome now and you giggle at those "suckers" that went to school, but the suckers tend to be far more stable and consistent while the early success stories founded on zero education are no longer successful.  Believe me, I've seen the pattern from beginning to end repeatedly now although hopefully you'll escape the trend.....I actually like success stories.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Donny on June 10, 2014, 07:05:22 AM
Somethings you canīt learn in School or college... just animal cunning. A lot of Celebrities or millionares were not very Educated. I think in School i could have been better but social circumstances got in the way, no not an excuse. i educated myself later on in life. not really much i did not learn for myself but as pointed out itīs just papers ;)
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Skorp1o on June 10, 2014, 07:11:24 AM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

Going to college and getting good education is not just about money you uneducated retard.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: the trainer on June 10, 2014, 07:15:18 AM
Going to college and getting good education is not just about money you uneducated retard.

Once you know how to read and write and you have street smarts that is all you need to be successful in life.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Skorp1o on June 10, 2014, 07:16:31 AM
Once you know how to read and write and you have street smarts that is all you need to be successful in life.

I don't take kindly to disrespect. not on the internet, not in person, not in a grocery store parking lot, not in like at walmart, not in a restaurant, not at the beach, not at the dry cleaners... anywhere.

ppl talk about the 'pussyfication' of America, yet they run their mouths thinking they won't get slapped and get their arm broken in front of their friends.

spent many yrs in a place where if you talk slick and say something out of line to somebody, you know that when you say it, you better be ready for what happens. most ppl here in the 'real world', aren't ready for what could happen.. and run their mouths like the world is a make believe cartoon. despite wearing nice slacks, polished shoes and a nice shirt, the guy you steal that parking spot from at the grocery store and proceed to flip off, may have just gotten out of prison and will have no problem identifying they bitch in you and proceed to teach you a lesson by taking you down to the ground and kicking out your teeth before you even know what happened.

the guy who's willing to go the furthest, wins. if you're not willing to go all the way, it's best you keep your mouth shut and move on, and make it to the next day.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Irongrip400 on June 10, 2014, 07:36:02 AM

Title: Re: No college
Post by: That_Dude on June 10, 2014, 07:58:44 AM
I know now and have known several folks that have had much success without any education early in their careers.   I actually exist in an unusual circle of folks in which this is the case for many folks (I know more of the exceptions than the norm), but it's allowed me to see the "before and after" effects.   I see my current friends in their early 40s thriving....killing it actually....with no education.  They have big homes, nice cars, vacations, all the toys, etc.....   I see my aunts and uncles that did the same 25-30 years ago that are now broke and almost homeless because the industry they existed in shifted (or no longer exists) and their skills don't match up with current standards and they had no formal education to build off of or fall back on.  Basically their early success and experience became null and void and now they can't find good work.....anywhere.

Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that never encounters this, but from what I've seen early career success with no education typically ends up with nothing to show for it as retirement age looms.  It's awesome now and you giggle at those "suckers" that went to school, but the suckers tend to be far more stable and consistent while the early success stories founded on zero education are no longer successful.  Believe me, I've seen the pattern from beginning to end repeatedly now although hopefully you'll escape the trend.....I actually like success stories.

Great post. Education = stability and career movement/options. No education works if you plan to do one job or stay with one employer for you entire life. Don't forget someone who went to college can do what someone who did not attend college does, but in terms of employment the inverse is not true.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Mr. MB on June 10, 2014, 08:27:03 AM
Look around at who is hiring, what education they require, and what they pay. If they have xtra training/education on the job even better. Then take a look at yourself. Your clothing, exposed ink, facial jewelry, your speech, vocabulary, good manners, etc. Do they fit the industry you are drawn to. Ask..."Why would they hire me?"

My X GF had a wanna be gangsta son, unemployed, spoke 'street' but knew proper English, dressed sloppy, poor posture, shook old school style hands like a girl, but wanted enough money to get his own pad, get a car and a GF. I showed him how to dress and present himself like a serious young man to the grant dept. at a school who taught medical records keeping. He got his gov. grant and finished the school with an AA equiv. degree. He now proudly works in the medical industry. If he keeps his nose clean, puts in the time he will in 10 years been running a major hospital records dept. and earning $100k per year.

Title: Re: No college
Post by: OneMoreRep on June 10, 2014, 08:35:13 AM
Here's the key to a college education.... (Very Simple)

Pick a career path that has a substantial demand in the workforce and that has proven security.

Medicine (Doctor, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Dentists, Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Nurses, Chiros etc.)

Business (Accountants)

Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical etc.)

Law (Lawyers practicing law in the most demanding areas)

Education (Teachers, regardless of age, Professor track would be nice, but early education is just as good)

You get the idea. Stick to a career-path that has a very high demand in society and you should graduate with decent-good work prospect and with a set path to not only pay off your loans, but also attaining financial independence.

If you have the financial support from wealthy parents, maybe even a trust fund in place, go ahead and knock yourself out getting a degree in Art, Political Science (those that don't go to Law School), Marketing, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature, Acting etc. (Feel free to add more to that list)

It's a hard economy. You either go with a tried and proven career track or don't waste your money and future at an expensive college. There are always state and city colleges that will provide you with a solid education at a fraction of the cost of big name universities.

Best of luck,

Title: Re: No college
Post by: Donny on June 10, 2014, 08:42:24 AM
Here's the key to a college education.... (Very Simple)

Pick a career path that has a substantial demand in the workforce and that has proven security.

Medicine (Doctor, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Dentists, Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Nurses, Chiros etc.)

Business (Accountants)

Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical etc.)

Law (Lawyers practicing law in the most demanding areas)

Education (Teachers, regardless of age, Professor track would be nice, but early education is just as good)

You get the idea. Stick to a career-path that has a very high demand in society and you should graduate with decent-good work prospect and with a set path to not only pay off your loans, but also attaining financial independence.

If you have the financial support from wealthy parents, maybe even a trust fund in place, go ahead and knock yourself out getting a degree in Art, Political Science (those that don't go to Law School), Marketing, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature, Acting etc. (Feel free to add more to that list)

It's a hard economy. You either go with a tried and proven career track or don't waste your money and future at an expensive college. There are always state and city colleges that will provide you with a solid education at a fraction of the cost of big name universities.

Best of luck,

Title: Re: No college
Post by: Wiggs on June 10, 2014, 08:45:41 AM
Here's the key to a college education.... (Very Simple)

Pick a career path that has a substantial demand in the workforce and that has proven security.

Medicine (Doctor, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Dentists, Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Nurses, Chiros etc.)

Business (Accountants)

Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical etc.)

Law (Lawyers practicing law in the most demanding areas)

Education (Teachers, regardless of age, Professor track would be nice, but early education is just as good)

You get the idea. Stick to a career-path that has a very high demand in society and you should graduate with decent-good work prospect and with a set path to not only pay off your loans, but also attaining financial independence.

If you have the financial support from wealthy parents, maybe even a trust fund in place, go ahead and knock yourself out getting a degree in Art, Political Science (those that don't go to Law School), Marketing, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature, Acting etc. (Feel free to add more to that list)

It's a hard economy. You either go with a tried and proven career track or don't waste your money and future at an expensive college. There are always state and city colleges that will provide you with a solid education at a fraction of the cost of big name universities.

Best of luck,


Title: Re: No college
Post by: Man of Steel on June 10, 2014, 08:45:44 AM
If he keeps his nose clean, puts in the time he will in 10 years been running a major hospital records dept. and earning $100k per year.

So according to GB he will be earning nothing.   ;D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: the trainer on June 10, 2014, 09:00:18 AM
A lot of people are in successful jobs and make a lot of money but they hate the job and its not what they really want to do but they stay because the money is good, I would never want to live like that I got to love what I am doing, I think if you make enough so you can own a home and a car and put away some savings for retirement and you love the job you will be a lot happier even if you are not a multimillioniare.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: OneMoreRep on June 10, 2014, 09:00:56 AM
Also, don't get me wrong.

You can decide to not go to college and still become successful. If you have a novel idea that presents a service or product into the market that has been untapped by others, you can very well start an extremely successful business, which can either expand to build an empire or be sold off to investors that can potentiate its growth.

I have a few friends out west (California) that were entrepreneurs who skipped college all together and are now owners of various franchises making millions.

Title: Re: No college
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on June 10, 2014, 09:02:33 AM
College, especially in Cali are now turning into Asian learning centers.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on June 10, 2014, 09:11:06 AM
College is worth it's weight in gold just for the amount of pussy that is served up on a platter...
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Donny on June 10, 2014, 09:20:42 AM
College is worth it's weight in gold just for the amount of pussy that is served up on a platter...
Title: Re: No college
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on June 10, 2014, 09:22:52 AM
College is worth it's weight in gold just for the amount of pussy that is served up on a platter...

It seemed that all the hot chicks I saw when in high school were in college and all the hot chicks after college when to college but while at college I didn't see many at all.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Hulkotron on June 10, 2014, 09:29:29 AM
I don't take kindly to disrespect. not on the internet, not in person, not in a grocery store parking lot, not in like at walmart, not in a restaurant, not at the beach, not at the dry cleaners... anywhere.

ppl talk about the 'pussyfication' of America, yet they run their mouths thinking they won't get slapped and get their arm broken in front of their friends.

spent many yrs in a place where if you talk slick and say something out of line to somebody, you know that when you say it, you better be ready for what happens. most ppl here in the 'real world', aren't ready for what could happen.. and run their mouths like the world is a make believe cartoon. despite wearing nice slacks, polished shoes and a nice shirt, the guy you steal that parking spot from at the grocery store and proceed to flip off, may have just gotten out of prison and will have no problem identifying they bitch in you and proceed to teach you a lesson by taking you down to the ground and kicking out your teeth before you even know what happened.

the guy who's willing to go the furthest, wins. if you're not willing to go all the way, it's best you keep your mouth shut and move on, and make it to the next day.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Tapeworm on June 10, 2014, 09:38:28 AM
I can't justify paying today's asking price for knowledge which is freely available if you're willing to get off your ass.  You don't have to be Will Humping to explore things that interest you.  Also can't justify the cost of the ticket that opens the door to the interview where you're expected to lick their ass so they can overwork & underpay you and sack you on a whim as soon as a cheaper, better ass licker comes along.  A college degree defending you against the 'realities of the market' went out of style in 1973.  And don't you forget it, Worker #45483.

I can't believe that people tolerate and continue to recommend a path which puts the young in debt at 18 and keeps them there more or less forever (student loan, various credit, mortgage, medical at the end).  Like Carlin said: "They'll get it.  They'll get it all."  Blows my simple little mind.

I can't stand the way people, even educators, regard uni as a tool for money making and sell it as such.  It's just glorified trade school anymore.  Individual development is an afterthought, at most.  Never a priority.  Look around.  Philistine mutherfuckers entrenched at all levels.  It's like Invasion of the Education Snatchers out there.  Where's the educated people?  All I see are bored technicians of one kind and another cogging away in the machine and calling it a career.  Not trying to be a dick but it occurs to me that if the table wasn't quite so tilted then people wouldn't obsess about money 24/7 and they'd get to study things of no commercial value whatsoever and we wouldn't have wall-to-wall boring, unhappy bastards.  "The Information Age," they called it, with a straight face.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 09:40:11 AM
OMR is dead on but college isn't for everyone and there's nothing wrong that. I didn't finish getting my degree but make a nice living doing what I do. Today, college is more about being a business. Tuition goes up every year, added curriculum (useless) to almost every degree just to graduate. Just in the couple of years, for example, you now have to have doctorate to be a physical therapist. It's just another revenue stream for the school.

This being said, most who went to college have all the book smarts in the world but have ZERO commonsense and ZERO street smarts.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Voice of Doom on June 10, 2014, 09:42:18 AM
"never let schooling interfere with your education" - Mark Twain
Title: Re: No college
Post by: No Patience on June 10, 2014, 09:44:15 AM
A lot of people are in successful jobs and make a lot of money but they hate the job and its not what they really want to do but they stay because the money is good, I would never want to live like that I got to love what I am doing, I think if you make enough so you can own a home and a car and put away some savings for retirement and you love the job you will be a lot happier even if you are not a multimillioniare.

Hey buddy, try using a period here and there. Only someone without and education can make one sentence the length of a fucking paragraph.

Just saying....
Title: Re: No college
Post by: TEH boob on June 10, 2014, 09:44:30 AM
Maybe ten, fifteen years ago you could still get by without college. I guess if you work doing some type of manual labor you could move up and manage other manual laborers, but even retail expects their managers to have a degree. If you can get into an industry without a degree, of course you'll be able to move up....but to get your foot in the door, a degree is pretty necessary
Title: Re: No college
Post by: No Patience on June 10, 2014, 09:46:57 AM
OMR is dead on but college isn't for everyone and there's nothing wrong that. I didn't finish getting my degree but make a nice living doing what I do. Today, college is more about being a business. Tuition goes up every year, added curriculum (useless) to almost every degree just to graduate. Just in the couple of years, for example, you now have to have doctorate to be a physical therapist. It's just another revenue stream for the school.

This being said, most who went to college have all the book smarts in the world but have ZERO commonsense and ZERO street smarts.

"most who went to college"

Where do you get your statistics from? And when you say most, is this 51%, 63.5%, or 99%?

Many uneducated people use the terms always, never, every time without realizing it. They are really just speaking out of their asses.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 09:47:33 AM
Start a business.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 09:48:12 AM
I can't justify paying today's asking price for knowledge which is freely available if you're willing to get off your ass.  You don't have to be Will Humping to explore things that interest you.  Also can't justify the cost of the ticket that opens the door to the interview where you're expected to lick their ass so they can overwork & underpay you and sack you on a whim as soon as a cheaper, better ass licker comes along.  A college degree defending you against the 'realities of the market' went out of style in 1973.  And don't you forget it, Worker #45483.

I can't believe that people tolerate and continue to recommend a path which puts the young in debt at 18 and keeps them there more or less forever (student loan, various credit, mortgage, medical at the end).  Like Carlin said: "They'll get it.  They'll get it all."  Blows my simple little mind.

I can't stand the way people, even educators, regard uni as a tool for money making and sell it as such.  It's just glorified trade school anymore.  Individual development is an afterthought, at most.  Never a priority.  Look around.  Philistine mutherfuckers entrenched at all levels.  It's like Invasion of the Education Snatchers out there.  Where's the educated people?  All I see are bored technicians of one kind and another cogging away in the machine and calling it a career.  Not trying to be a dick but it occurs to me that if the table wasn't quite so tilted then people wouldn't obsess about money 24/7 and they'd get to study things of no commercial value whatsoever and we wouldn't have wall-to-wall boring, unhappy bastards.  "The Information Age," they called it, with a straight face.
This is working on your second bottle of fuckin' Merlot-type rage.  
Title: Re: No college
Post by: MisterMagoo on June 10, 2014, 09:49:23 AM
"street smarts" and "common sense" are defensive words used by the stupid to make themselves feel superior to the educated.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 09:50:17 AM
"most who went to college"

Where do you get your statistics from? And when you say most, is this 51%, 63.5%, or 99%?

Many uneducated people use the terms always, never, every time without realizing it. They are really just speaking out of their asses.

Sounds like you're trying to sound educated by throwing out the "show me the statistics". This is where the commonsense comes in. But if you want to throw a number out, I'd go with more than 50%...easy!
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 09:51:41 AM
"street smarts" and "common sense" are defensive words used by the stupid to make themselves feel superior to the educated.

As opposed to being coddled by their parents who never taught them the basics of survival?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: No Patience on June 10, 2014, 09:53:55 AM
I will agree that many financially successful people did not go to college. This is no reason to promote it because statistically there is no comparison. Go through the local trailer parks and see how many of those people have educations past high school. How about the McDonald's employees crying about their $8/hr pay? Likely no education.

I have done well for myself having an Associates Degree. I went back, on my employers dime, and completed a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management. During the last year of my degree completion I received a 54% pay increase due to my education and experience.

This is not the case for everyone but I will be promoting higher education to both of my kids.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Kahn.N.Singh on June 10, 2014, 09:55:19 AM
Re: No College (esp. 'the education system is nothing but a rip off')

While various forms of social advancement correlate to high academic achievement (vide, e.g., our very own Voodoo Vincenzo, CSN MFT, Dry Anal Gappa), one does not need a college degree or highfalutin credentials to attain conventional measures of success.

However, having said that:

Statistically: You're committing sampling bias.
Logically: You're committing a fallacy of composition.
Socially: You're ill-equipped to hold your own in intelligent, well-educated company.

Getbigically: Your reasoning is flawless. Carry on.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: MisterMagoo on June 10, 2014, 09:55:38 AM
Sounds like you're trying to sound educated by throwing out the "show me the statistics". This is where the commonsense comes in. But if you want to throw a number out, I'd go with more than 50%...easy!

case in point. here we have a man in his... 30s? 40s? who did not finish college. this means he spent between one and three years in college but did not finish.

this means, therefore, that he spent between 13 and 15 years in education, and believes that those who spent 16 years in education lack the "street smarts" and "common sense" that he attained. this means that our dear coach believes that at some point during that year or two he was not in school he was imbued with all the world's smarts that are unavailable to those who were in a university between the ages of 20 and 22.

in other words, a 40 year old man only has common sense if he was not in school between 18 and 22. after all, before that, we were ALL in school, and after that, none of us were. so the only reason coach has "street smarts" and "common sense" is that he was out of school during that magic window wherein the "common sense" and "street smarts" of the world present themselves.

alternate theory: coach is full of shit.

occam's razor, take your pick.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Tapeworm on June 10, 2014, 09:55:59 AM
This is working on your second bottle of fuckin' Merlot-type rage.  

Painfully sober tonight, I'm afraid.  You knows us blue collas.  It's an abserantstant state!
Title: Re: No college
Post by: No Patience on June 10, 2014, 09:58:14 AM
Sounds like you're trying to sound educated by throwing out the "show me the statistics". This is where the commonsense comes in. But if you want to throw a number out, I'd go with more than 50%...easy!

You seem to have done well for yourself Coach, but that does not mean the average person without a degree will ever do that. And throwing out 50% is just your assumption based on nothing factual.

From previous threads, you have shown many times that you do not believe or care about facts...hence your belief in sky-fairies, taking Fox News as factual, etc.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: MisterMagoo on June 10, 2014, 09:59:21 AM
As opposed to being coddled by their parents who never taught them the basics of survival?

just out of curiosity, when was the last time you found yourself hunting buffalo across the plains? have you survived on your own ever in your life? do you grow your own crops and hunt your own meat? did you make your own clothing? is your generator hand cranked? how are you online right now? is this all built and maintained by you personally?

you can't "survive" any more than the educated people you're decrying. sadly, what you ARE is a sad little man who has had his mind poisoned by the right-wing propaganda that hopes to make you feel that the educated elite are really just poofy eggheads and that you're part of the gritty hard-working "real America" that knows how the world REALLY works.

it's rather obvious you never finished college. your critical thinking skills are catastrophically low.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: oldtimer1 on June 10, 2014, 10:01:31 AM
Here's the key to a college education.... (Very Simple)

Pick a career path that has a substantial demand in the workforce and that has proven security.

Medicine (Doctor, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, Dentists, Pharmacists, Podiatrists, Nurses, Chiros etc.)

Business (Accountants)

Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical etc.)

Law (Lawyers practicing law in the most demanding areas)

Education (Teachers, regardless of age, Professor track would be nice, but early education is just as good)

You get the idea. Stick to a career-path that has a very high demand in society and you should graduate with decent-good work prospect and with a set path to not only pay off your loans, but also attaining financial independence.

If you have the financial support from wealthy parents, maybe even a trust fund in place, go ahead and knock yourself out getting a degree in Art, Political Science (those that don't go to Law School), Marketing, Philosophy, Sociology, Literature, Acting etc. (Feel free to add more to that list)

It's a hard economy. You either go with a tried and proven career track or don't waste your money and future at an expensive college. There are always state and city colleges that will provide you with a solid education at a fraction of the cost of big name universities.

Best of luck,


Good post but I would take exception with lawyers. It's a saturated field and for every certified trial millionaire attorney there are hundreds of attorneys working like dogs for 75K. I do agree if college is your route then make sure that diploma makes you employable in a field.

Like I said in my previous post people who have a college degree who hire for even menial jobs are looking to hire college grads. It's the high school diploma of the past. Is it really necessary to have a college diploma to rent cars to customers? One major chain won't hire you without it. Just insane.

I would never put down the intelligence of someone on the basis of a college degree. Also there is a huge difference between in the brains required to get a degree in the sciences as opposed to liberal arts.

Title: Re: No college
Post by: residue on June 10, 2014, 10:05:37 AM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

only because you live in some podunk town without any real industry, try surviving in a competitive environment without any education
Title: Re: No college
Post by: the trainer on June 10, 2014, 10:10:41 AM
Hey buddy, try using a period here and there. Only someone without and education can make one sentence the length of a fucking paragraph.

Just saying....

The proper way to say it is Only someone without an education, now if you had some education you would know how to write english properly.

Just saying.............
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:19:09 AM
You seem to have done well for yourself Coach, but that does not mean the average person without a degree will ever do that. And throwing out 50% is just your assumption based on nothing factual.

From previous threads, you have shown many times that you do not believe or care about facts...hence your belief in sky-fairies, taking Fox News as factual, etc.

Look, I am by no means down on higher education and watching the kids that I train (some since they were 8-9) go off to college and graduate makes me a little envious that I should have done more with mine especially when I walk onto a university campus, which is frequently. But a the same time I see that if they were out on their own without the help of the parents, they would be lost. I'm talking about the basics..washing cloths, maintaining a car, folding clothes, cleaning an apartment, not remembering shit, paying a bill, getting a job and basically not knowing the fundamentals of life. I know they're young but there are things that cannot be learned in any school.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Tapeworm on June 10, 2014, 10:20:28 AM
only because you live in some podunk town without any real industry, try surviving in a competitive environment without any education

I prefer life in the podunk town, thanks very much.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: HavoX on June 10, 2014, 10:24:07 AM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

That's right bro!  Who needs an education when you are president of orgasm nation?! Amirite?


Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:25:24 AM
just out of curiosity, when was the last time you found yourself hunting buffalo across the plains? have you survived on your own ever in your life? do you grow your own crops and hunt your own meat? did you make your own clothing? is your generator hand cranked? how are you online right now? is this all built and maintained by you personally?

you can't "survive" any more than the educated people you're decrying. sadly, what you ARE is a sad little man who has had his mind poisoned by the right-wing propaganda that hopes to make you feel that the educated elite are really just poofy eggheads and that you're part of the gritty hard-working "real America" that knows how the world REALLY works.

it's rather obvious you never finished college. your critical thinking skills are catastrophically low.

Case in point here. A college grad with no commonsense and obviously no comprehension skills. 
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Hulkotron on June 10, 2014, 10:26:22 AM
"Street smarts" oh brother
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:27:06 AM
just out of curiosity, when was the last time you found yourself hunting buffalo across the plains? have you survived on your own ever in your life? do you grow your own crops and hunt your own meat? did you make your own clothing? is your generator hand cranked? how are you online right now? is this all built and maintained by you personally?

you can't "survive" any more than the educated people you're decrying. sadly, what you ARE is a sad little man who has had his mind poisoned by the right-wing propaganda that hopes to make you feel that the educated elite are really just poofy eggheads and that you're part of the gritty hard-working "real America" that knows how the world REALLY works.

it's rather obvious you never finished college. your critical thinking skills are catastrophically low.

What do you do for a living and how much do you make? We can start there? If you think being a college grad means instant success, you're high.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:31:34 AM
case in point. here we have a man in his... 30s? 40s? who did not finish college. this means he spent between one and three years in college but did not finish.

this means, therefore, that he spent between 13 and 15 years in education, and believes that those who spent 16 years in education lack the "street smarts" and "common sense" that he attained. this means that our dear coach believes that at some point during that year or two he was not in school he was imbued with all the world's smarts that are unavailable to those who were in a university between the ages of 20 and 22.

in other words, a 40 year old man only has common sense if he was not in school between 18 and 22. after all, before that, we were ALL in school, and after that, none of us were. so the only reason coach has "street smarts" and "common sense" is that he was out of school during that magic window wherein the "common sense" and "street smarts" of the world present themselves.

alternate theory: coach is full of shit.

occam's razor, take your pick.

BTW, I came up just 6 months short of my degree and I can honestly tell you that 30 years later that degree wouldn't mean shit right now. Your education starts AFTER you meet the minimum requirements for obtaining that little piece of paper.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: ENZO on June 10, 2014, 10:42:35 AM
I went to college for a field I have no true passion in. I'm now running my own business, making my own rules and earning more while doing what I love. Don't think I'd be as successful without my skills and knowledge obtained from school though
Title: Re: No college
Post by: That_Dude on June 10, 2014, 11:07:50 AM
I've noticed that generally the only people who say you do not need college are people who never attended/graduated
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Tapeworm on June 10, 2014, 11:23:57 AM
Any man will advise you to do as he has done, even if he's a complete fuckup.  People don't know shit.  Ignore them.

Kids ought to weigh it up and do something they're wanting to work hard at, even if someone says not to.  You're not going to starve.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Griffith on June 10, 2014, 11:24:17 AM
Maybe ten, fifteen years ago you could still get by without college. I guess if you work doing some type of manual labor you could move up and manage other manual laborers, but even retail expects their managers to have a degree. If you can get into an industry without a degree, of course you'll be able to move up....but to get your foot in the door, a degree is pretty necessary

In the UK, yes this is my take on it too.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Natural Man on June 10, 2014, 11:49:44 AM
it's all about luck and who you know. 

End of thread.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 11:50:51 AM
I've noticed that generally the only people who say you do not need college are people who never attended/graduated

I never said you shouldn't go, I said it's not for everyone. What do you say to people to get a degree it after they get it go into another field where their degree is all but useless?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on June 10, 2014, 11:52:30 AM
Sadly in the real world if a hiring manager has two resumes.  Some bonehead who's dad's gifts to harvard got him in but is a lazy fuck and some super smart kid with amazing potential with a college degree from Chico State, the Harvard grad will get the job 10/10 times.

Happened to me.  The hiring manager loved me for a job.  thought I'd be a perfect fit for the company but his VP hired someone else because he wanted pedigree from an ivy league school.  Fuck him.

The hiring manager even called upset to apologize because he knew his VP fucked up picking the other person.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SamoanIrishman on June 10, 2014, 11:57:25 AM
This is a ridiculous thread. Sure, we all know the guy who didn't go to college that makes 7-figures a year as a contractor. However, statistically speaking, people with a college degree earn much, much more, over the course of their lifetime than people who don't have one.

Exactly. I know of a couple as well that did fairly well without college until they had a family. You make $75k and your single....that's comfortable living. Get a girl prego and child support kicks in cut that in half. Without a degree sooner or later you cap out. Hit a ceiling if you will.

In 10yrs (probably less since I've already seen it here in Seattle) a lot of employers won't even consider you unless you have a degree. For example, you can apply for the Bellevue Police Department unless you have a degree. It literally can be any 4yr degree they don't care as long as you have one.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: residue on June 10, 2014, 12:07:38 PM
I never said you shouldn't go, I said it's not for everyone. What do you say to people to get a degree it after they get it go into another field where their degree is all but useless?
That they're still better people for graduating college.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: That_Dude on June 10, 2014, 12:08:20 PM
I never said you shouldn't go, I said it's not for everyone. What do you say to people to get a degree it after they get it go into another field where their degree is all but useless?

You gain other intangibles besides the core area of study. Also shows prospective employers that you are able to have a plan commit to it and complete the task. Not to mention it proves that you have the ability/willingness to learn
Title: Re: No college
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on June 10, 2014, 12:09:34 PM
For those saying college is a waste, would love to see how you feel when your doctor performing heart surgery on you has a degree from "the street"
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Hulkotron on June 10, 2014, 12:10:33 PM
College is much more about the skills/experiences/friends/connections you make while obtaining your degree than it is about getting a degree that qualifies you for a job in a particular field.

It is also proof to prospective employers that you can see a long-term project through to successful completion, which is good.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Ex Coelis on June 10, 2014, 12:14:47 PM
it's all about luck and who you know.  

End of thread.

also all about where you are; if you live somewhere there are no jobs, it doesn't matter how educated you are or aren't.

in some fields, though, it is not at all about luck or who you know, and the gov't makes sure of it. where we are, 'fair hiring practices' come into play (bill 115). wife has an MA in education, years of teaching experience, but principals can't even give her an interview if she hasn't been working for the board for a certain amount of time. it's education vs. experience; had she not gone to grad school those extra two years, she would have been working for the board those extra two years and would therefore have more seniority. her MA means nothing in this context.

any time i get posted, she's at the bottom of the seniority list again whatever board she applies to.

so 7 years of university later and she can't get a job despite being highly qualified and employable. in fact, being qualified has limited her options, as though she is willing to take what she can get, she is regularly told she is 'over-qualified'.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: El Diablo Blanco on June 10, 2014, 12:14:49 PM
College is much more about the skills/experiences/friends/connections you make while obtaining your degree than it is about getting a degree that qualifies you for a job in a particular field.

It is also proof to prospective employers that you can see a long-term project through to successful completion, which is good.

For about 50% of Americans it's an excuse to drink and party.  A co-worker's daughter who was a straight A student went off to college in September learned a couple months in she was missing classes, getting drunk nightly and raving every weekend.  They pulled her out of the school and brought her back home.  hahaha.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Gonuclear on June 10, 2014, 04:44:13 PM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

Let's hope you're wrong about the education system being a ripoff, else your overtime at Mickie D's might have to come down as all that cheap labor joins you behind the french fryer.  Some of that "more money" might go away.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: _aj_ on June 10, 2014, 04:51:42 PM
I've hired hundreds of software engineers. At no point have I given the slightest fuck where they went to college. I hire work experience.

Of course, you have to break into the field somewhere.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: The Abdominal Snoman on June 10, 2014, 05:00:52 PM
Title: Re: No college
Post by: residue on June 10, 2014, 06:32:14 PM
I've hired hundreds of software engineers. At no point have I given the slightest fuck where they went to college. I hire work experience.

Of course, you have to break into the field somewhere.

perhaps but they weren't without formal training/certs were they?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: _aj_ on June 10, 2014, 06:43:41 PM
perhaps but they weren't without formal training/certs were they?

Honestly, formal training and (LOL) certs don't mean fuck-all in software development. Code comprehension, testing strategies, data structures/algorithms and basic architectural knowledge will take a guy far.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 07:12:13 PM
I've hired hundreds of software engineers. At no point have I given the slightest fuck where they went to college. I hire work experience.

Of course, you have to break into the field somewhere.

Although Jack Welsh is huge on education, the highlighted is a major factor in his philosophy.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 09:42:32 PM
I've noticed that generally the only people who say you do not need college are people who never attended/graduated
Anti-intellectualism is big these days. ::)
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Mawse on June 10, 2014, 09:50:42 PM
I quit college after 2 years to work for arguably the best company in my industry (at the time) and never looked back. Like _AJ_ says, here in Silicon Valley (At least in my line of work) no-one gives a fuck where you went to college, it's as important on your resume as putting you like to volunteer at animal shelters or play softball.

the only sticking point was getting a US visa, but thankfully big corporations can get almost anything they want for their employees, thanks Obama!

Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 09:56:00 PM
I quit college after 2 years to work for arguably the best company in my industry (at the time) and never looked back. Like _AJ_ says, here in Silicon Valley (At least in my line of work) no-one gives a fuck where you went to college, it's as important on your resume as putting you like to volunteer at animal shelters or play softball.

the only sticking point was getting a US visa, but thankfully big corporations can get almost anything they want for their employees, thanks Obama!

Keep talking.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Primemuscle on June 10, 2014, 09:58:50 PM
I did not go to college in fact I did not even do great in high school cause I had no interest, the funny thing is  now I am making more money then a lot of my friends who went to college and  got their degrees, now they are stuck with student loans that they got to pay off while I am debt free, the education system is nothing but a rip off.

You and how many others? Statistics suggest otherwise.
For those who question the value of college in this era of soaring student debt and high unemployment, the attitudes and experiences of today’s young adults—members of the so-called Millennial generation—provide a compelling answer. On virtually every measure of economic well-being and career attainment—from personal earnings to job satisfaction to the share employed full time—young college graduates are outperforming their peers with less education. And when today’s young adults are compared with previous generations, the disparity in economic outcomes between college graduates and those with a high school diploma or less formal schooling has never been greater in the modern era

Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:00:16 PM
Its fine if you do not go to college, but you better at least know a trade.

If you do not want to go to college, and you have no good technical skills (electrician, carpentry, plumbing), you're shit out of luck.

In the worse case scenario, get a 2 year degree and become a cop.  :D :D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:06:35 PM
Its fine if you do not go to college, but you better at least know a trade.

If you do not want to go to college, and you have no good technical skills (electrician, carpentry, plumbing), you're shit out of luck.

In the worse case scenario, get a 2 year degree and become a cop.  :D :D

You just don't aim to be the trade laborer but aim to be the trade owner (contractor). I know MANY successful contractors that have no college that make just as much as a seasoned doctor or attorney with large practices or firms. These people have a great business sense that didn't require a degree. The problem is people aim too low in life.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Mawse on June 10, 2014, 10:07:24 PM
Keep talking.

It's not a very interesting story, I cut a boring generic management BA short to make Vidya Games back at the end of 90's when online gaming was first taking off.

15 years later I'm still doing the same thing. My company got me a high skill 'Nobel prize class' Green Card because they showed I can generate corporate America millions of dollars.

Some people I work with went to Harvard, some barely finished high school. There's no real correlation between qualifications and talent in this industry

Of course I'll never be rich by bay area standards doing this... but I can come into work at 11 wearing sweatpants, own a nice house on the hill, 2 cars and eat sushi every day so it's all good. Wouldn't change a thing if I could redo it all
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Primemuscle on June 10, 2014, 10:08:52 PM
This being said, most who went to college have all the book smarts in the world but have ZERO commonsense and ZERO street smarts.

This is an overstatement. More accurately, some folks who went to college have book smarts....but lack commonsense. Street smarts have less to do with formal education and more to do with the environment they grew up in.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 10:10:06 PM
You just don't aim to be the trade laborer but aim to be the trade owner (contractor). I know MANY successful contractors that have no college that make just as much as a seasoned doctor or attorney with large practices or firms. These people have a great business sense that didn't require a degree.
Yes. Yes. And you haven't read a book in the last year. We get it. Sarah Palin Play-Doh stuff. Revel in it.  :-\
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Primemuscle on June 10, 2014, 10:14:58 PM
Painfully sober tonight, I'm afraid.  You knows us blue collas.  It's an abserantstant state!

Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:18:46 PM
You just don't aim to be the trade laborer but aim to be the trade owner (contractor). I know MANY successful contractors that have no college that make just as much as a seasoned doctor or attorney with large practices or firms. These people have a great business sense that didn't require a degree. The problem is people aim too low in life.

Dude, what are you talking about? So if you do not become a trade owner, you're aiming too low?  ::) ::) So all those workers who lay pipe or do electricity or drive trucks are aiming too low?  ::) ::) Oh brotha. Some people are very happy being a union guy and making a very good living. I have many people in my family who are truck drivers or electricians or carpenters who made a good living and lived happily and they did not own the company. Are you saying they aimed too low? Maybe they did not want to be a business owner.

Stop assuming that just because you own a business that everyone else should in order to be happy. Can you ever just sit back and put yourself in someone else's shoes without trying to instill your own values and trying to make yourself seem right?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 10, 2014, 10:20:04 PM
sf1900 never went to college and he's the smartest guy I know.  ;D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:21:14 PM
sf1900 never went to college and he's the smartest guy I know.  ;D

You got that right, broskie.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 10, 2014, 10:22:03 PM
You got that right, broskie.  ;D ;D

haha...  ;D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:25:21 PM
Yes. Yes. And you haven't read a book in the last year. We get it. Sarah Palin Play-Doh stuff. Revel in it.  :-\

I forgot that you're a liberal. Success and capitalism elude you.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:29:00 PM
Dude, what are you talking about? So if you do not become a trade owner, you're aiming too low?  ::) ::) So all those workers who lay pipe or do electricity or drive trucks are aiming too low?  ::) ::) Oh brotha. Some people are very happy being a union guy and making a very good living. I have many people in my family who are truck drivers or electricians or carpenters who made a good living and lived happily and they did not own the company. Are you saying they aimed too low? Maybe they did not want to be a business owner.

Stop assuming that just because you own a business that everyone else should in order to be happy. Can you ever just sit back and put yourself in someone else's shoes without trying to instill your own values and trying to make yourself seem right?

Not at all, if their happy with the status quo then more power to them. Nothing wrong with that. But if they aim higher, it's there for the taking. It all depends on how hard you're willing to work and what your goals are.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 10:33:40 PM
I forgot that you're a liberal. Success and capitalism elude you.
Ah, yes. I forgot. Labeling, and bank-rolling people can make you feel better as a citizen. Man, you make a puddle look shallow. 

/ps. you  forgot religion. and guns. and religion.

Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:36:09 PM
Not at all, if their happy with the status quo then more power to them. Nothing wrong with that. But if they aim higher, it's there for the taking. It all depends on how hard you're willing to work and what your goals are.

The status quo is subjective. Your status quo is not someone else's status quo. Please, define "status quo" for me. Because I can guarantee you that its a subjective answer. Is status quo just making the bare minimum in terms of income? Or is the status quo just being somewhat happy?

A guy may be an electrician and make 90K a year and not be a trader owner. This may be quite different than when he grew up dead, broke poor. I know someone who grew up poor. I mean, living in shelters. He became an electrician for a company. He is not the owner, but he can pull close to 100K with overtime. This is not the status quo to him. In his eyes, he made it, especially from where he came from.

I knew another guy who worked on wall street and was making crazy bank. He left the job to become a mental health worker. Huge cut in pay but he loves his job now. One would say that he went from being above the status quo (working on wall street) to the status quo (just being a mental health worker). In his eyes, he is actually making more of a difference and probably sees himself above what he was before. In fact, his current job is even more stressful and demanding and he works just as hard.

Again, your status quo is not everyone else's status quo. Your values and what you define as happiness does not equate to everyone elses.

So are you saying that aiming higher = more hard work? There are many people who bust their ass doing manual labor who never aim higher to become the owners. Are you saying they do not work hard in 100 degree weather or 5 degree weather year around?

Because it seems like you're saying:

People that aim higher are harder workers and better.

People that are happy where they are at are not hard workers and below others.

You come off sounding like a real douchebag.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:36:46 PM
Ah, yes. I forgot. Labeling, and bank-rolling people can make you feel better as a citizen. Man, you make a puddle look shallow. 

/ps. you  forgot religion. and guns. and religion.

Are bank rolling words for creating jobs? Just wondering. Or do you think it's better to enable people to be lazy and kill dreams. You can answer slowly if you wish.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:39:34 PM
Are bank rolling words for creating jobs? Just wondering. Or do you think it's better to enable people to be lazy and kill dreams. You can answer slowly if you wish.

Enable people to be lazy and kill dreams? What the fuck is wrong with you? So laying pipe in 100 degree weather and working your ass of is enabling people who are lazy because they do not want to be trade owners? Man, you really come off sounding like one of those rich, self-entitled pricks.

The problem with you Coach is you equate happiness and hard work with being a millionaire and business owner.

And all those people who bust their ass each day are just lazy, assholes who cant make it because they do not want to work hard.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:40:55 PM
The status quo is subjective. Your status quo is not someone else's status quo. Please, define "status quo" for me. Because I can guarantee you that its a subjective answer. Is status quo just making the bare minimum in terms of income? Or is the status quo just being somewhat happy?

A guy may be an electrician and make 90K a year and not be a trader owner. This may be quite different than when he grew up dead, broke poor. I know someone who grew up poor. I mean, living in shelters. He became an electrician for a company. He is not the owner, but he can pull close to 100K with overtime. This is not the status quo to him. In his eyes, he made it, especially from where he came from.

I knew another guy who worked on wall street and was making crazy bank. He left the job to become a mental health worker. Huge cut in pay but he loves his job now. One would say that he went from being above the status quo (working on wall street) to the status quo (just being a mental health worker). In his eyes, he is actually making more of a difference and probably sees himself above what he was before. In fact, his current job is even more stressful and demanding and he works just as hard.

Again, your status quo is not everyone else's status quo. Your values and what you define as happiness does not equate to everyone elses.

So are you saying that aiming higher = more hard work? There are many people who bust their ass doing manual labor who never aim higher to become the owners. Are you saying they do not work hard in 100 degree weather or 5 degree weather year around?

Because it seems like you're saying:

People that aim higher are harder workers and better.

People that are happy where they are at are not hard workers and below others.

You come off sounding like a real douchebag.

I will address this more to you In person because of the nature of our friendship in our past discussions. But to put this in layman's terms, are you happy being in a dead end job and reaching your maximum potential for advancement?  
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:42:30 PM

Enable people to be lazy and kill dreams? What the fuck is wrong with you? So laying pipe in 100 degree weather and working your ass of is enabling people who are lazy because they do not want to be trade owners? Man, you really come off sounding like one of those rich, self-entitled pricks.

The problem with you Coach is you equate happiness and hard work with being a millionaire and business owner.

And all those people who bust their ass each day are just lazy, assholes who cant make it because they do not want to work hard.

Just think of where this country would be without the wealthy.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 10:42:35 PM
Are bank rolling words for creating jobs? Just wondering. Or do you think it's better to enable people to be lazy and kill dreams. You can answer slowly if you wish.
Hmm. Harsh words coming from a former drug addict.  Probably reneged on a family request for cash, I'm figuring.   :-\  
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:42:57 PM
I will address this more to you In person because of the nature of our friendship in our past discussions. But to put this in layman's terms, are you happy being in a dead end job and reaching your maximum potential for advancement?  

What's a dead end job? My dad drove a truck for 38 years and supported his family. He never become the owner of his company but he was happy doing what he was doing. He supported a family. Food on the table, nice house, all bills paid. Are you saying that my pops wasn't happy because he was in a dead end job and never went up the ladder. Go fuck yourself, you rick entitled prick who looks down on others because they never become CEO.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:45:09 PM
Just think of where this country would be without the wealthy.

Yeah, no fucking shit that this country needs wealthy people. Fucking brilliant. I already know this.

The problem is that youre saying these wealthy people are better and harder workers than someone who is just a manual labor. You may not being saying this directly, but youre saying it indirectly.

This is what youre basically saying:

Hard workers, succcessful, and happy = CEOs and millionaires.

Lazy, not wanting their dreams, unhappy = manual laborers, etc.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:45:32 PM
Hmm. Harsh words coming from a former drug addict.  Probably reneged on a family request for cash, I'm figuring.   :-\  

Hitting hard with something that ended some 25 years ago. Sorry, I don't like sitting on my ass and waiting for things to happen. I prefer to make them happen.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 10, 2014, 10:46:03 PM
I will address this more to you In person because of the nature of our friendship in our past discussions. But to put this in layman's terms, are you happy being in a dead end job and reaching your maximum potential for advancement?  

sf1900 doesn't take kindly to disrespect. not on the internet, not in person, not in a grocery store parking lot, not in like at walmart, not in a restaurant, not at the beach, not at the dry cleaners... anywhere.

ppl talk about the 'pussyfication' of America, yet they run their mouths thinking they won't get slapped and get their arm broken in front of their friends.

spent many yrs in a place where if you talk slick and say something out of line to somebody, you know that when you say it, you better be ready for what happens. most ppl here in the 'real world', aren't ready for what could happen.. and run their mouths like the world is a make believe cartoon. despite wearing nice slacks, polished shoes and a nice shirt, the guy you steal that parking spot from at the grocery store and proceed to flip off, may have just gotten out of prison and will have no problem identifying they bitch in you and proceed to teach you a lesson by taking you down to the ground and kicking out your teeth before you even know what happened.

the guy who's willing to go the furthest, wins. if you're not willing to go all the way, it's best you keep your mouth shut and move on, and make it to the next day.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:47:46 PM
sf1900 doesn't take kindly to disrespect. not on the internet, not in person, not in a grocery store parking lot, not in like at walmart, not in a restaurant, not at the beach, not at the dry cleaners... anywhere.

ppl talk about the 'pussyfication' of America, yet they run their mouths thinking they won't get slapped and get their arm broken in front of their friends.

spent many yrs in a place where if you talk slick and say something out of line to somebody, you know that when you say it, you better be ready for what happens. most ppl here in the 'real world', aren't ready for what could happen.. and run their mouths like the world is a make believe cartoon. despite wearing nice slacks, polished shoes and a nice shirt, the guy you steal that parking spot from at the grocery store and proceed to flip off, may have just gotten out of prison and will have no problem identifying they bitch in you and proceed to teach you a lesson by taking you down to the ground and kicking out your teeth before you even know what happened.

the guy who's willing to go the furthest, wins. if you're not willing to go all the way, it's best you keep your mouth shut and move on, and make it to the next day.

haha lol. That quote is almost as good as the "Father and sons" quote by Uberman  ;D ;D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 10:48:37 PM
Hitting hard with something that ended some 25 years ago. Sorry, I don't like sitting on my ass and waiting for things to happen. I prefer to make them happen.
Atta, boy. Crush them.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:49:42 PM
Atta, boy. Crush them.

Yes, because unless you're CEO or working up the ladder, you're a waste of space who is unhappy and just dreading life.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: dr.chimps on June 10, 2014, 10:51:03 PM
Yes, because unless you're CEO or working up the ladder, you're a waste of space who is unhappy and just dreading life.
2/10        Not bad.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 10:54:05 PM

What's a dead end job? My dad drove a truck for 38 years and supported his family. He never become the owner of his company but he was happy doing what he was doing. He supported a family. Food on the table, nice house, all bills paid. Are you saying that my pops wasn't happy because he was in a dead end job and never went up the ladder. Go fuck yourself, you rick entitled prick who looks down on others because they never become CEO.

I'm by no means rich but I sure as hell am not against trying to get there. Your father is a hard working man and I admire that. He raised you and your family just fine and I admire that. But your father was probably paid by a rich man. Like I said, some people are happy and make a fine living without being an owner and not wanting the hassles of owning the business, but others are willing to have that risk/reward to be less expendable and have more. My father was a landscaper (business owner) and my mom worked in the corporate office at AVON, I by no means came from money but i have always wanted a little more.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Primemuscle on June 10, 2014, 10:55:44 PM

What's a dead end job? My dad drove a truck for 38 years and supported his family. He never become the owner of his company but he was happy doing what he was doing. He supported a family. Food on the table, nice house, all bills paid. Are you saying that my pops wasn't happy because he was in a dead end job and never went up the ladder. Go fuck yourself, you rick entitled prick who looks down on others because they never become CEO.

Likewise, my stepdad had an 8th grade education and a ton of ambition. He was a painting contractor by trade who made an excellent living. He enjoyed his work and the freedom being his own boss provided him to pursue other interests. As far as being educated, he was self-educated. He was a voracious reader, who had keen commonsense and an open mind which allowed him to glean knowledge from others. All this being said, he was a rarity, even in his day. Very few people with little more going for them than ambition enjoy the success he did.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 10:59:32 PM
I'm by no means rich but I sure as hell am not against trying to get there. Your father is a hard working man and I admire that. He raised you and your family just fine and I admire that. But your father was probably paid by a rich man. Like I said, some people are happy and make a fine living without being an owner and not wanting the hassles of owning the business, but others are willing to have that risk/reward to be less expendable and have more. My father was a landscaper (business owner) and my mom worked in the corporate office at AVON, I by no means came from money but i have always wanted a little more.

No fucking shit he was paid by a rich man. I am not saying that the world does not need rich people. Are you too dense to realize that I am not saying that? The argument I am making is that just because someone is a CEO and millionaire, it does not mean they are happier or a more hard worker compared to someone who is just a manual laborer.

In fact, my father owned 2 businesses when we were growing up (and they were doing quite well). He sold them because they were consuming too much of him and he wanted to spend more time with his family. So he sold them off.

So before you go fucking assume that someone is where they are at because they are lazy and did not want to work hard, you should fucking think again. There are a lot of reasons why people do what they do. Instead of acting like you have some fucking crystal ball and youre calling all these people lazy, you should use that lump three feet above your ass.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 11:06:16 PM
No fucking shit he was paid by a rich man. I am not saying that the world does not need rich people. Are you too dense to realize that I am not saying that? The argument I am making is that just because someone is a CEO and millionaire, it does not mean they are happier or a more hard worker compared to someone who is just a manual laborer.

In fact, my father owned 2 businesses when we were growing up (and they were doing quite well). He sold them because they were consuming too much of him and he wanted to spend more time with his family. So he sold them off.

So before you go fucking assume that someone is where they are at because they are lazy and did not want to work hard, you should fucking think again. There are a lot of reasons why people do what they do. Instead of acting like you have some fucking crystal ball and youre calling all these people lazy, you should use that lump three feet above your ass.

And again, I clarified that running a business is for some and not for others. Fuck.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 10, 2014, 11:08:16 PM
And again, I clarified that running a business is for some and not for others. Fuck.

Yeah, that was AFTER you made all of your derogatory comments and I melted down.

Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 10, 2014, 11:46:36 PM
You just don't aim to be the trade laborer but aim to be the trade owner (contractor). I know MANY successful contractors that have no college that make just as much as a seasoned doctor or attorney with large practices or firms. These people have a great business sense that didn't require a degree. The problem is people aim too low in life.

Besides the anti-capitalists on here (no, not SF1900) did anyone else take offense to this quote? How did it come off. I'm actually catching some shit for this.  
Title: Re: No college
Post by: ENZO on June 11, 2014, 12:07:40 AM
Besides the anti-capitalists on here (no, not SF1900) did anyone else take offense to this quote? How did it come off. I'm actually catching some shit for this.  

I don't see why this would cause a meltdown  ???

Some people have more ambition than others, simple.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 11, 2014, 12:11:36 AM
Not at all, if their happy with the status quo then more power to them. Nothing wrong with that. But if they aim higher, it's there for the taking. It all depends on how hard you're willing to work and what your goals are.

Was this an offensive quote??
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 11, 2014, 12:14:04 AM
I don't see why this would cause a meltdown  ???

Some people have more ambition than others, simple.

I come from probably the same middle class background as sf1900 and I wasn't offended at all.

It was probably the part where you said "It all depends on how hard you're willing to work".
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 11, 2014, 12:14:28 AM
I will address this more to you In person because of the nature of our friendship in our past discussions. But to put this in layman's terms, are you happy being in a dead end job and reaching your maximum potential for advancement?  

.....or is this offensive?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 11, 2014, 12:16:02 AM
For the record, I come from a middle class, blue collar family.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 11, 2014, 12:47:08 AM
How do you explain people like Queen Vissy and Vincent Goodrum C.F.M, M.F.T, A.S.S? They both came from very humble beginnings with little or no formal education at all.

Vissy runs his own hair salon mobile home trailer and Goodrum has an online supplement store and his own internet forum.

I guess maybe people like them and Richard Branson are the exception...
Title: Re: No college
Post by: SF1900 on June 11, 2014, 01:01:25 AM
How do you explain people like Queen Vissy and Vincent Goodrum C.F.M, M.F.T, A.S.S? They both came from very humble beginnings with little or no formal education at all.

Vissy runs his own hair salon mobile home trailer and Goodrum has an online supplement store and his own internet forum.

I guess maybe people like them and Richard Branson are the exception...

LMAO!!! ;D ;D
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Novena on June 11, 2014, 02:27:31 AM
A truly educated person will have studied Science, English, Literature, Mathematics, History, Music, Art.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 11, 2014, 02:28:40 AM
A truly educated person will have studied Science, English, Literature, Mathematics, History, Music, Art, and Bodybuilding.

Fixed  :D

Bodybuilding is one of the seven liberal arts.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Novena on June 11, 2014, 02:42:59 AM
A truly educated person will have studied Science, English, Literature, Mathematics, History, Music, Art, and Bodybuilding.
Fixed  :D

Bodybuilding is one of the seven liberal arts.
This is actually truer than you realize.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: That_Dude on June 11, 2014, 06:56:23 AM
Was this an offensive quote??

Don't see why one would take offense to it
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Hulkotron on June 11, 2014, 07:03:10 AM
sf1900 doesn't take kindly to disrespect. not on the internet, not in person, not in a grocery store parking lot, not in like at walmart, not in a restaurant, not at the beach, not at the dry cleaners... anywhere.

ppl talk about the 'pussyfication' of America, yet they run their mouths thinking they won't get slapped and get their arm broken in front of their friends.

spent many yrs in a place where if you talk slick and say something out of line to somebody, you know that when you say it, you better be ready for what happens. most ppl here in the 'real world', aren't ready for what could happen.. and run their mouths like the world is a make believe cartoon. despite wearing nice slacks, polished shoes and a nice shirt, the guy you steal that parking spot from at the grocery store and proceed to flip off, may have just gotten out of prison and will have no problem identifying they bitch in you and proceed to teach you a lesson by taking you down to the ground and kicking out your teeth before you even know what happened.

the guy who's willing to go the furthest, wins. if you're not willing to go all the way, it's best you keep your mouth shut and move on, and make it to the next day.

x2 this really says it all
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 11, 2014, 08:24:38 AM
I woke up this morning still baffled as to how any of my recent posts in this thread could have misconstrued as offensive. Maybe we should just shoot any motivational speaker, any coach, any teacher that tries to light a fire under anyone's ass to do better and succeed beyond their potential. Hell, kids are graduation this week all over the country. Maybe high schools and universities should just do away with all commencement speakers.....
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Primemuscle on June 11, 2014, 09:37:09 AM
For the record, I come from a middle class, blue collar family.

My grandparents were professionals. My paternal grandfather was a dental surgeon and later a dean of a highly regarded dental school. My maternal grandfather was an attorney. He graduated from Harvard law school and had license to practice law in pretty much every state. My father was a structural engineer who chose to work in other fields. My stepdad was a painting contractor who put on a paint uniform most days when he went to work. As for the women in my family, my maternal grandmother taught French (she was French). My paternal grandmother was a homemaker. My mom worked occasionally in a variety of jobs. After I was grown, she became a nurse.

I would say I come from both a blue and white collar background. As far as I can tell there isn't much difference between white and blue collar folks except those they self impose and sometimes their finances. I worked for a living all my adult life in a mixture of blue and white collar jobs. Money has never been hugely important to me.

My wife's family was all white collar. Her mom played bridge and told the maid what she wanted her to fix for dinner. Her father and his brothers were in minerals....namely oil, as were my wife's grandparents. Clearly, I married up.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Donny on June 11, 2014, 11:13:22 AM
My grandparents were professionals. My paternal grandfather was a dental surgeon and later a dean of a highly regarded dental school. My maternal grandfather was an attorney. He graduated from Harvard law school and had license to practice law in pretty much every state. My father was a structural engineer who chose to work in other fields. My stepdad was a painting contractor who put on a paint uniform most days when he went to work. As for the women in my family, my maternal grandmother taught French (she was French). My paternal grandmother was a homemaker. My mom worked occasionally in a variety of jobs. After I was grown, she became a nurse.

I would say I come from both a blue and white collar background. As far as I can tell there isn't much difference between white and blue collar folks except those they self impose and sometimes their finances. I worked for a living all my adult life in a mixture of blue and white collar jobs. Money has never been hugely important to me.

My wife's family was all white collar. Her mom played bridge and told the maid what she wanted her to fix for dinner. Her father and his brothers were in minerals....namely oil, as were my wife's grandparents. Clearly, I married up.

Good Post Jay.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: TEH boob on June 11, 2014, 12:18:38 PM
SF layin' down some logical arguments here
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on June 11, 2014, 03:15:11 PM
My grandparents were professionals. My paternal grandfather was a dental surgeon and later a dean of a highly regarded dental school. My maternal grandfather was an attorney. He graduated from Harvard law school and had license to practice law in pretty much every state. My father was a structural engineer who chose to work in other fields. My stepdad was a painting contractor who put on a paint uniform most days when he went to work. As for the women in my family, my maternal grandmother taught French (she was French). My paternal grandmother was a homemaker. My mom worked occasionally in a variety of jobs. After I was grown, she became a nurse.

I would say I come from both a blue and white collar background. As far as I can tell there isn't much difference between white and blue collar folks except those they self impose and sometimes their finances. I worked for a living all my adult life in a mixture of blue and white collar jobs. Money has never been hugely important to me.

My wife's family was all white collar. Her mom played bridge and told the maid what she wanted her to fix for dinner. Her father and his brothers were in minerals....namely oil, as were my wife's grandparents. Clearly, I married up.

No professionals in my family. As I said, my dad was in landscaping, mom worked for avon. My grandfather was boilermaker (welder) and my grandmother was a home maker. Dad died at 54, my mom retired about 15 years ago. Most of my family on my mom's side worked in the grocery business (my cousins still do). No wealth in my family. However my mom has no bills, house is payed off. They bought house in 1968 for $21,500 and it was just re-assessed at a little over $710,000, she lives off of her SS and pension (about $2400mo total) and has some stock. My aunt passed last year, my uncle (her husband) passed the year before leaving all assets to my sickly cousin (son) who has 15% working heart capacity. There are three immediate family members on my mom's side, me, my mom and my cousin. I'm the executor on my cousin estate worth a little over $1.2mil, this includes the house they have lived in for over 50 years. For obvious reasons, when they pass I inherit both estates.

My wifes family (close aunts and cousins) are crazy rich and seems anything they touch turns to gold. They own distributorships, develop properties and own department stores also involved in politics (head of the RNC), involved with the Bush transition team as well as lobbyists, attorneys, etc. Like you, I clearly married up and just the opposite of my side of the family.  
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Marty Champions on June 11, 2014, 03:21:25 PM
I know now and have known several folks that have had much success without any education early in their careers.   I actually exist in an unusual circle of folks in which this is the case for many folks (I know more of the exceptions than the norm), but it's allowed me to see the "before and after" effects.   I see my current friends in their early 40s thriving....killing it actually....with no education.  They have big homes, nice cars, vacations, all the toys, etc.....   I see my aunts and uncles that did the same 25-30 years ago that are now broke and almost homeless because the industry they existed in shifted (or no longer exists) and their skills don't match up with current standards and they had no formal education to build off of or fall back on.  Basically their early success and experience became null and void and now they can't find good work.....anywhere.

Maybe you'll be one of the lucky ones that never encounters this, but from what I've seen early career success with no education typically ends up with nothing to show for it as retirement age looms.  It's awesome now and you giggle at those "suckers" that went to school, but the suckers tend to be far more stable and consistent while the early success stories founded on zero education are no longer successful.  Believe me, I've seen the pattern from beginning to end repeatedly now although hopefully you'll escape the trend.....I actually like success stories.
I agree i own multiple trailer parks without formal education and am killing it , not a whole lot of shit you can do without education but you can always learn shit though
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Roger Bacon on June 11, 2014, 03:30:11 PM
I agree i own multiple trailer parks without formal education and am killing it , not a whole lot of shit you can do without education but you can always learn shit though

collecting dem lot fees, yip yip
Title: Re: No college
Post by: the trainer on June 11, 2014, 05:13:20 PM
The secret to success is to find something that you are passionate about and the money will follow, I got very successful at personal training because its something I love to do, I dont even feel like I am working when I am training people.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: BOW on June 15, 2014, 08:35:55 PM
I went to college for a field I have no true passion in. I'm now running my own business, making my own rules and earning more while doing what I love. Don't think I'd be as successful without my skills and knowledge obtained from school though
what is your business in?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: AlphaMaleDawg on June 16, 2014, 06:20:10 AM
College is about partying and making friends. Degrees don't mean shit unless you go to one of the top schools. I would know.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Royalty on July 02, 2014, 06:27:18 PM
College is about partying and making friends. Degrees don't mean shit unless you go to one of the top schools. I would know.

What college did you go to?
Title: Re: No college
Post by: The Ugly on September 07, 2014, 12:45:50 PM

Tape is sneaky like that. Doc, too.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: FermiDirac on September 07, 2014, 12:53:50 PM
College is about partying and making friends. Degrees don't mean shit unless you go to one of the top schools. I would know.

Tell that to MD's or civil engineers, I am sure their degrees doesn't matter one bit.  ::)
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Mr Anabolic on September 07, 2014, 12:58:16 PM
Good luck paying for college kiddies.   I guess it's worth it if you are going to be a doctor, lawyer or engineer.  Anything else?   Getting a college degree today just does not seem worth the cost.   There is $1.2 trillion dollars of outstanding tuition loan debt in the US today.  Most of which will not get paid back.


Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 07, 2014, 01:33:46 PM
My son graduates from HS this year. The plan is to do one year at a Juco then a university transfer. Unless he comes up with somekind of a football scholarship, I'm going to be paying out the ass. But I'm not going into debt.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: the trainer on September 07, 2014, 01:40:39 PM
My son graduates from HS this year. The plan is to do one year at a Juco then a university transfer. Unless he comes up with somekind of a football scholarship, I'm going to be paying out the ass. But I'm not going into debt.

Instead of wasting money on university buy him a pair of thong a roid stack and tell him to get in the gym and train, a bodybuilding future awaits.
Title: Re: No college
Post by: Coach is Back! on September 07, 2014, 02:10:36 PM
Instead of wasting money on university buy him a pair of thong a roid stack and tell him to get in the gym and train, a bodybuilding future awaits.

He's in the gym more than you (obviously) but would NEVER want him to be a competitive bodybuilder.