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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: cephissus on June 21, 2015, 12:36:36 AM

Title: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 21, 2015, 12:36:36 AM
cheat meal!


1.  variety!
2.  pastries, cookies, cakes!
3.  minimize fat/protein heavy foods
4.  take your time, enjoy!
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: thegamechanger on June 21, 2015, 01:12:59 AM
are you doing a contest in one day or something
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 21, 2015, 01:59:44 AM
just a little saturday night fun.

i think my days of extreme binging might be coming to an end soon.  the more i do, the less i crave.  i went overboard on the "main course" last time, overboard on the "sweets" this time.  each time i learn a little bit more.

pretty soon it will just be a standard "cheat meal", and then i'll just start incorporating more restaurant and pre-made foods into my regular diet, probably.

that carrot cake killed me... way too greasy
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: thegamechanger on June 21, 2015, 02:27:40 AM
dont look that bad to me, but then again ill eat pretty much anything. but then im not either on a diet or a maintaining phase.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 29, 2015, 04:58:59 PM
This Friday's binge was my worst ever -- I was completely done in the entire next day.  I only wanted to drink water, but couldn't as my stomach hurt so bad.  After about 9 hours of total misery, I almost puked.  Lesson learned: sugary foods are so pleasurable they let you push WAY past the usual sticking points.  On my last binge, I thought I took it too far... this one was a whole new level of pain.  I went very slow (started at about 10 PM and ended at about 2 AM), which allowed me to keep cramming down sweets.

I think I've officially learned my lesson.  From now on it's going going to be a cheat meal, not a binge -- big dinner, big dessert.  Not "decent sized dinner, absurdly monstrous dessert".  If anything, I'll let the dinner be huge -- I can't poison myself on fats/protein the same way.

Also, I prefaced the binge with a big workout then a nice big walk.  This was a great way to start -- after the walk, I was super hungry (by my standards, anyway) when I finally sat down.  The only problem: I didn't get to my destination until about 10 PM, and most of the good restaurants had closed. 

I had to settle for some Thai place that not only screwed up my order, but was horrible besides.  I make better meals on my worst day!  When the waitress finally brought out my food, I was so disappointed I had to fight the urge to simply pay and walk away.  At least it fairly 'light'.  In the end I just bit the bullet and then went for a chicken shawarma at the Indian place next door. ;D
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 29, 2015, 05:01:57 PM
On the bus ride home, it was time to start in on the 'main event' -- desserts I had gathered prior to hiking to my dinner destination.  I started by comparing two trail mixes from Whole Foods; a traditional type, mostly nuts and some PB cups, and a fancier type with more ingredients.  I actually liked the simpler one better, though neither compared to my favorite (Target's various "Monster" trail mixes).
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Teutonic Knight on June 29, 2015, 05:04:33 PM
..........all that plastic packaging  :-\ :-\ :-\
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on June 29, 2015, 05:08:29 PM
Hey man it sounds like u have an unhealthy food addiction and warped sense of eating. Im the same way, i have an eating disorder just like u...very meticulous and let it run my life most days...then i can get lost in a destructive binge day of 7000 cals just in cookies alone. Its a viscous cycle bro, id try to some how moderate this before it becomes too hard to reverse. When i find myself putting aside things i like to do like fishing, walking, hiking, camping, etc because i might mss a work out or id have to eat 2700 cals instead of 2000 or some other mentally obsessive ill thought, i take a step back and a deep breath and readjust my thought process. Im battling it to bro, im just trying to help as it seems like from your posts that u hyper obsess about it...hyper obsessing is not good even if its considered healthy. I mean look at hyper political nerds on here like 2Thick and coach...these guys have unhealthy delusions and im sure as fuck its hurting their social life and well being in general. U and me take the eating too far. We revolve our days around the nxt meal, or the next planned cheat.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 29, 2015, 05:13:03 PM
Once I got home, I was feeling pretty good.  I had eaten a bag of fritos, a bag of nilla wafers (surprisingly good), two entrees (see previous posts) and two containers of trail mix, but didn't feel the slightest bit full.  I was pretty confident I could get through most of my desserts:

A few huge cookies from Whole Foods:
  - Toffee crunch (fantastic)
  - Peanut butter / chocolate (not what I expected, but very good)
  - A thinner butterscotch or peanut butter style cookie.  Forget exactly what it was, but very good.  A bit buttery for my taste.

A Costco-style strawberry cheesecake muffin from 7/11: surprisingly light and delicious, this provided some good contrast to the cookies.

Two items from a popular, local Gluten-Free bakery:
  - Ginger / Chocolate chip muffin: I was really looking forward to this.  Usually I can't stand gluten free, but I'd had desserts from this bakery before, and they were pretty good.  Unfortunately, the ginger really killed it for me.  Ordinarily I don't mind ginger, but I don't think it goes well with binges, in general...
  - Cinnamon bun:  This was extremely good, actually.  I kind of liked the "dry" gluten free texture.  Normally I don't even like cinnamon rolls that much, but this might have been my favorite item of the night.

- About 10 mini bakery items from Whole Foods:  I really shouldn't have bought these, lol... There comes a point during every binge where I realize I've "gone too far" even before I've began.  Once I saw the weight readout on the above cookies (over two lbs), I knew adding these on top was a mistake.
  As it turns out, they weren't even that good!  The canele was super spongy and tasteless, and the rest almost all just tasted and felt like foamy mush.  The only one that was quite good (and actually fantastic, even) was the carrot cake truffle.  There was another, I forget which, sort of cookie-doughish ball that was pretty good as well.

- Several granolas from Whole Foods:  I successfully limited myself at the bulk foods section this time, but still, there was no way I was going to finish ALL of the granola I got, on top of everything else.  I still had some leftover from my last binge.  In the end, I ate about half of it.  So-so.  PCCs granolas are better.

- Two "Justin's White Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups": DELICIOUS!!!

- A "dipped magic" bar from a coffee stand: This tasted like pure butter by the time I finally took a bite -- wasn't expecting that.  I only finished about half of it, and ate the other half the next day.  Tasted much better then, lol... a food which gives the sensation of being predominantly composted of fat kills binges quick.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: spiro on June 29, 2015, 05:14:13 PM
I've fallen in love with tropical trail mix and coconut fudge chocolate cookies. Love your threads.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 29, 2015, 05:14:24 PM
the next day: sitting around in a daze...

Hey man it sounds like u have an unhealthy food addiction and warped sense of eating. Im the same way, i have an eating disorder just like u...very meticulous and let it run my life most days...then i can get lost in a destructive binge day of 7000 cals just in cookies alone. Its a viscous cycle bro, id try to some how moderate this before it becomes too hard to reverse. When i find myself putting aside things i like to do like fishing, walking, hiking, camping, etc because i might mss a work out or id have to eat 2700 cals instead of 2000 or some other mentally obsessive ill thought, i take a step back and a deep breath and readjust my thought process. Im battling it to bro, im just trying to help as it seems like from your posts that u hyper obsess about it...hyper obsessing is not good even if its considered healthy. I mean look at hyper political nerds on here like 2Thick and coach...these guys have unhealthy delusions and im sure as fuck its hurting their social life and well being in general. U and me take the eating too far. We revolve our days around the nxt meal, or the next planned cheat.

Thanks for the post man, I completely agree.  The thing is, I'm learning with every binge.  It's crazy how much more you notice when you take dieting to the extreme... you become super sensitive and learn about physiological effects you were ignorant of your entire life.

I think each time I come a little closer to normalcy.  For example, yeah, this might have been my worst binge ever, but that's because, two binges ago, I noticed: even after stuffing myself on dinner, I could still pack down cookies, cakes, etc.  Then I realized that the less fatty and more sugary the dessert, the more I could eat.  This series of realizations led to last night, where I learned that I really can suffer seriously from a single meal if I use these strategies to take it as far as possible.  Before, I thought 'how much can a single meal hurt'.  I'd never had an experience like this before -- losing a whole day, as if "hung over".

Anyway, as I said, I'm learning.  I've hit what I consider to be pretty much the most extreme I ever care to take a binge: that's one more curiosity satisfied.  In the future, I'll try to limit myself so that I don't get sick, and just have as much fun as possible.  I'm trying to emphasize the positive aspects of the binge, and minimize the negative: it's something to look forward to after a hard week of work; it's a nice break from continually working on my cooking skills, which allows me to branch out and experience a lot of new food at once, and definitely helps reduce cravings; lastly, it helps me break out of the crazy mindset that I "need" to eat in a 'bodybuilding style', and relieves the concerns I feel about eating non-bodybuilding foods, or even foods I don't prepare myself (as crazy as that may sound).
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on June 29, 2015, 05:22:08 PM
Did u read my post.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Marty Champions on June 29, 2015, 05:31:25 PM
Whats your goal(s)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 29, 2015, 05:41:25 PM
Whats your goal(s)

Good question -- I want to be healthy, lean, strong, muscular athletic, etc.   I want the best body I can have... unfortunately, I've ended up looking more like an AIDS victim than a bodybuilder.  I'm very weak, have all sorts of aches and pains, carry little muscle mass, and possess poor flexibility.  I'm not particularly athletic, either.

Well, I've had strange obsessions about my body ever since I can remember -- I'm sure lots of us have.  I think my problems stem from an unrealistic self-image, but it's hard to know, really.  I keep thinking I've finally "snapped" for good, and given up most of the part of my identity that demands "physical perfection", and yet I still find it hard to change my behavior.

I still probably eat way too little and work out way too hard, but each day I sense myself becoming a little more willing to question my beliefs about what's necessary, about how much I really have to work out, how little I really have to eat, to maintain my "looks", which I actually quite like.  I think I'm inching close to being able to ask, "why" I have to be so lean, whether it's healthy for me to act like this (all questions I've shied away from my whole life) and to actually try loosening up.

By the way, I really respect you, and your ability to give it all up.

As for my next binge's goal ;D :

I'm planning to go to a restaurant around here called "The Blind Pig" which offers an 11-course dinner.  I'll buy the sweets AFTER filling up on dinner this time (well, maybe not... ;)).  At most, 2-3 large cookies and a pint of ice cream.  I'll have a second pint on hand in case I still feel good to go at that point.  Part of the reason I go overboard: I pre-buy all these cookies in anticipation, then feel like I have to finish them.  Ice cream doesn't "go bad", so I don't have to worry about that.  I have no problem just putting it away before I start to feel sick.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on June 29, 2015, 05:56:14 PM
Good question -- I want to be healthy, lean, strong, muscular athletic, etc.   I want the best body I can have... unfortunately, I've ended up looking more like an AIDS victim than a bodybuilder.  I'm very weak, have all sorts of aches and pains, carry little muscle mass, and possess poor flexibility.  I'm not particularly athletic, either.

Well, I've had strange obsessions about my body ever since I can remember -- I'm sure lots of us have.  I think my problems stem from an unrealistic self-image, but it's hard to know, really.  I keep thinking I've finally "snapped" for good, and given up most of the part of my identity that demands "physical perfection", and yet I still find it hard to change my behavior.

I still probably eat way too little and work out way too hard, but each day I sense myself becoming a little more willing to question my beliefs about what's necessary, about how much I really have to work out, how little I really have to eat, to maintain my "looks", which I actually quite like.  I think I'm inching close to being able to ask, "why" I have to be so lean, whether it's healthy for me to act like this (all questions I've shied away from my whole life) and to actually try loosening up.

By the way, I really respect you, and your ability to give it all up.

As for my next binge's goal ;D :

I'm planning to go to a restaurant around here called "The Blind Pig" which offers an 11-course dinner.  I'll buy the sweets AFTER filling up on dinner this time (well, maybe not... ;)).  At most, 2-3 large cookies and a pint of ice cream.  I'll have a second pint on hand in case I still feel good to go at that point.  Part of the reason I go overboard: I pre-buy all these cookies in anticipation, then feel like I have to finish them.  Ice cream doesn't "go bad", so I don't have to worry about that.  I have no problem just putting it away before I start to feel sick.

Interesting about the part on how much working out is needed to maintain. Im learning that one or two quick heavy sets per body part using time under tension is more than enough to maintain while i diet down. Hours on the weights with volume and cardio sessions have me looking exactly the same as a 30 minute bike ride, a 2000 cal diet, and 30 mins of lifting.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on June 29, 2015, 06:10:03 PM
I load up on calories usually 2-4 times a week.

Of course I burn a shit ton so nothing really happens.

When I talk of loading up, It gets crazy. 
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Core on June 29, 2015, 07:00:45 PM
you guys think about your food too much, just eat when you are hungry its pretty easy. overanalyzing like a bunch of high school girls itt
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 29, 2015, 08:44:02 PM
I load up on calories usually 2-4 times a week.

Of course I burn a shit ton so nothing really happens.

When I talk of loading up, It gets crazy.

Go on :D

Btw, thanks for advising me to focus on a mastering small set of meals.  Doing so has really helped keep me sane and reign in this 'hobby'.

Also, I've tried to replace some of my hard cardio with long walks -- I think this is good for my mental health and a great way to burn calories.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Rudee on June 29, 2015, 09:14:00 PM
I made the mistake of going to Costco on an empty stomach, after a morning cardio session.   It started with just one free sample, then it was two, then three, then it was game on!   Bought a ton of junk food at ate like a slob.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: 2ND COMING on June 29, 2015, 09:25:37 PM
My idea of a cheat meal these days is a huge plate of white rice.  :-\

Great thread. Good luck on your journey, sexsuffice.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: OlympiaGym on June 29, 2015, 09:27:53 PM
unfortunately, I've ended up looking more like an AIDS victim than a bodybuilder.  I'm very weak, have all sorts of aches and pains, carry little muscle mass, and possess poor flexibility.  I'm not particularly athletic, either.

Most candid post in the history of GB

Ectomorphs lament if natural -   Weak & skinny or permabulker
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: PJim on June 30, 2015, 03:21:44 AM
You quite clearly have an eating disorder
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Mr Anabolic on June 30, 2015, 04:32:55 AM
I see a diabetic coma in your future.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on June 30, 2015, 04:37:41 AM
ceph, do you have a girlfriend?
That is one way to indulge in a calorie-free way.  :)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 30, 2015, 08:00:30 AM
You quite clearly have an eating disorder

Thanks for the heads up ::)

If you define a disorder as behavior which leads to sickness or declining strength (which is my definition), I agree.  I can see the irrational beliefs which guide my behavior.  Next, i can try to find their cause and fix it.

Or I could go on getbig and drop malignant one-liners.

In the meantime, I think I'll keep a fun thread going, as I have time.

ceph, do you have a girlfriend?
That is one way to indulge in a calorie-free way.  :)

Lol, nope.  I do have some updates for the 'what did you eat yesterday' thread though.  I'm finally learning some practical skill, I think.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Melkor on June 30, 2015, 10:03:11 AM
I don't know all of the criteria surrounding your lifestyle, eating, training etc. but judging from some of your comments here I would advise you to be very careful and to rethink some of your binging behaviour at this stage.

You say you are very lean and haven't improved your strength. Given the amount of calories you appear to be consuming during a binge episode and the fact that these are regular occurrences, would lead me to deduce that there must be some form of purging between binges (otherwise you would rapidly begin to accumulate weight, muscle and/or fat). This could eventually become a form of bulimia (if it is not already) where the purging is not through vomiting but through undereating and overexercising between binges. Do you find that you consciously restrict food between binges?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: OlympiaGym on June 30, 2015, 12:28:01 PM
ceph, do you have a girlfriend?
That is one way to indulge in a calorie-free way.  :)

Lol. He's taking long walks to dinner & taking the bus home unless he's in high school odds r he's not doing 2 well with the he has an eating disorder
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: WannaBePro on June 30, 2015, 12:33:23 PM
Here's my binge from last Saturday night  ;D
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on June 30, 2015, 12:37:07 PM
Here's my binge from last Saturday night  ;D
Thats hardly a binge.  ::)

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: WannaBePro on June 30, 2015, 12:44:04 PM
Thats hardly a binge.  ::)

I ate that all in a span of 1 hr (maybe 1.5hrs) and I couldn't breathe, was sweating bullets, couldn't sleep but also couldn't stay awake haha. I've been dieting 6 weeks prior to that on low carb. This "binge" or "refeed" or whatever you wanna call it bumped my metabolism into full gear. Woke up full and dry and better than ever  :)
So, obviously, to me its a binge haha. We're all different, maybe you can just handle more food. I can't because I'm an edo and put on fat just by looking at junk food. So I've trained myself to eat small portions and I guess shrank my stomach so now I can't handle as much food going in.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on June 30, 2015, 12:49:23 PM
Thats hardly a binge.  ::)

Was the BayGBM smiley really necessary, true Apenis?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: PJim on June 30, 2015, 01:26:53 PM
Thanks for the heads up ::)

If you define a disorder as behavior which leads to sickness or declining strength (which is my definition), I agree.  I can see the irrational beliefs which guide my behavior.  Next, i can try to find their cause and fix it.

Or I could go on getbig and drop malignant one-liners.

In the meantime, I think I'll keep a fun thread going, as I have time.

Lol, nope.  I do have some updates for the 'what did you eat yesterday' thread though.  I'm finally learning some practical skill, I think.

I'm not trying to be mean. You can enjoy food without letting it take over your life, you should try and identify your thought process. What is leading you to adapt this extreme  approach to diet? Do you have issues with control?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on June 30, 2015, 08:51:10 PM
I don't know all of the criteria surrounding your lifestyle, eating, training etc. but judging from some of your comments here I would advise you to be very careful and to rethink some of your binging behaviour at this stage.

You say you are very lean and haven't improved your strength. Given the amount of calories you appear to be consuming during a binge episode and the fact that these are regular occurrences, would lead me to deduce that there must be some form of purging between binges (otherwise you would rapidly begin to accumulate weight, muscle and/or fat). This could eventually become a form of bulimia (if it is not already) where the purging is not through vomiting but through undereating and overexercising between binges. Do you find that you consciously restrict food between binges?

Lol... I write down every calorie that I eat.  Well, I don't count individual sticks of gum anymore ;D

I have these meals once a week.  Ordinarily, I eat 2000-2500 calories a day.  I estimate I burn about 700-800 calories during my workout, sometimes 200-300 more if I go for along walk, in addition.  I work at a desk, and used to stand for about 3/4 of the day.  I've since reduced that to about 10% of the day, after realizing how hard it is to focus while standing.

I've always behaved in accordance with a lot of irrational thinking, with regard to eating and exercise.  Ultimately, I don't know why I act this way, but I think I get closer to understanding every day.  As long as I can sense progress, I think I'm doing okay.

For me, it's not easy to accept uncertainty (though everything in life is far from certain).  I have to push the limits.  I don't think I've ever really been mentally healthy compared to average, but I don't let that depress me.  It's inherently harder for some people to deal with issues that others don't even think about.  On the other hand, I have a lot if advantages, mentally speaking, that others lack.  Everyone has to learn to address their own shortcomings.

Thanks for the concern.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: syntaxmachine on June 30, 2015, 10:29:06 PM
Its a viscous cycle bro, id try to some how moderate this before it becomes too hard to reverse.

Fluidity is certainly preferable.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Melkor on July 01, 2015, 02:44:30 AM
Lol... I write down every calorie that I eat.  Well, I don't count individual sticks of gum anymore ;D

I have these meals once a week.  Ordinarily, I eat 2000-2500 calories a day.  I estimate I burn about 700-800 calories during my workout, sometimes 200-300 more if I go for along walk, in addition.  I work at a desk, and used to stand for about 3/4 of the day.  I've since reduced that to about 10% of the day, after realizing how hard it is to focus while standing.

I've always behaved in accordance with a lot of irrational thinking, with regard to eating and exercise.  Ultimately, I don't know why I act this way, but I think I get closer to understanding every day.  As long as I can sense progress, I think I'm doing okay.

For me, it's not easy to accept uncertainty (though everything in life is far from certain).  I have to push the limits.  I don't think I've ever really been mentally healthy compared to average, but I don't let that depress me.  It's inherently harder for some people to deal with issues that others don't even think about.  On the other hand, I have a lot if advantages, mentally speaking, that others lack. Everyone has to learn to address their own shortcomings.

Thanks for the concern.

The APA would classify your behaviour somewhere along the Bulimia Nervosa spectrum. However you have a unique viewpoint on your situation where (at least it seems to me) that you don't feel helpless or out of control and you seem to be accepting this behaviour and not desperate to break your "regimen".

As long as you realise how damaging it could be (both mentally and physically) and are vigilant in maintaining some control over it (e.g. being able to go for periods of time without binging and purging and not having it require a great deal of mental stress or anguish) maybe it works for you - you are in a position to know yourself better than me or anybody else on here.

I used to dismiss eating disorders as "first world problems" before realising that somebody very close had been struggling with an eating disorder for years and it was ruining their life.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on July 01, 2015, 03:20:27 AM
The APA would classify your behaviour somewhere along the Bulimia Nervosa spectrum. However you have a unique viewpoint on your situation where (at least it seems to me) that you don't feel helpless or out of control and you seem to be accepting this behaviour and not desperate to break your "regimen".

As long as you realise how damaging it could be (both mentally and physically) and are vigilant in maintaining some control over it (e.g. being able to go for periods of time without binging and purging and not having it require a great deal of mental stress or anguish) maybe it works for you - you are in a position to know yourself better than me or anybody else on here.

I used to dismiss eating disorders as "first world problems" before realising that somebody very close had been struggling with an eating disorder for years and it was ruining their life.

Could you elaborate on what was going on with your friend? I think lots here would be interested in that, and how she overcame it.

Also, Do you feel the obessive-unhealthy aspect of the OP is the vigilant tracking of cals, or the binge and starve cycle?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Super Natural on July 01, 2015, 03:51:21 AM
It's more positive to call it a "Reward meal" than a binge or cheat meal I think.

I find it's better to do it in the evening, as by the morning your insulin, blood sugar has stabilized and you sleep like a baby

It's crazy though how much you can get away with, once you are really depleted & very lean , As long as you go back to the low carbs/calories, load water and hard training, after a 3-4 hour all you can eat buffet.  Any water retention is all but gone in 3-6 days. Bonus you get even leaner after each reward meal cycle  8)

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Melkor on July 01, 2015, 03:56:27 AM
Could you elaborate on what was going on with your friend? I think lots here would be interested in that, and how she overcame it.

Also, Do you feel the obessive-unhealthy aspect of the OP is the vigilant tracking of cals, or the binge and starve cycle?

The person I refer to was a girl that I went out with for awhile but things didn't work out. We stayed friends because we worked together each summer for several years so remained close. But through all of the years I knew here (including when I dated her) she had been suffering from an eating disorder and nobody knew. She came from a competitive swimming background like me but for girls in swimming there is a constant pressure from eating enough to recover and fuel training while also limiting fat gain (it's tough when your sport has you compete in a swimsuit...) So naturally she thought she was "fat" (I think a lot of female swimmers have some issues here). She began to restrict calories more and more developing anorexia nervosa.

In a common progression, her anorexia turned into bulimia (eventually after a period of prolonged starvation the sufferer will sometimes give in and binge). However the fear of gaining weight led to the purging behaviour and a vicious cycle begins. In many ways bulimia is more dangerous than anorexia because it is possible that the sufferer won't show any physical change - weight usually stays constant. So when I knew here I never noticed her bodyweight fluctuate much. I did however notice some strange eating habits, like fasting during the day and only eating very little. Eventually she recovered although I know for a fact know that she went through hell for years. Even today she needs to be careful and mindful of her eating behaviours to avoid a relapse.

I think the unhealthy part can be both the obsessive tracking and the binge-purge cycle. The obsessive tracking doesn't equate to an eating disorder per se unless it causes the individual distress if they can not hit macros exactly or go "off" their plan.

However in the case of the OP the obsessive tracking is a way to ensure severe calorie restriction which is in itself the purging part of the cycle (equivalent to vomiting or laxatives as it offsets the caloric surplus of the binge).

Everybody splurges now and then and afterwards tightens things up for awhile (e.g. Christmas time, birthdays etc). But this is a very different thing. Once the cycle is cemented it becomes a monstrous task to break it. Very often outside support is needed. It basically comes down to amending behaviours with regards to eating patterns. The first, usually biggest and most difficult step is NOT PURGING following a binge.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Yamcha on July 01, 2015, 03:57:43 AM

I highly recommend this if you can get it.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Melkor on July 01, 2015, 03:58:51 AM
It's more positive to call it a "Reward meal" than a binge or cheat meal I think.

I find it's better to do it in the evening, as by the morning your insulin, blood sugar has stabilized and you sleep like a baby

It's crazy though how much you can get away with, once you are really depleted & very lean , As long as you go back to the low carbs/calories, load water and hard training, after a 3-4 hour all you can eat buffet.  Any water retention is all but gone in 3-6 days. Bonus you get even leaner after each reward meal cycle  8)

This is the purge aspect of the cycle (in lieu of vomiting, laxatives, fasting etc.).
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on July 01, 2015, 04:13:18 AM
Thanks Melkor, i also dealt with using food as a "reward". I think this is part of the problem. To counter this, i adopted an iifym style of eating and so far am much happier. I only eat 1900 cals a day, but if i want ice cream, ill have some...i just fit it into my cals. The binge mentality is still there though, amd i have to mentally watch myself as i can turn that 4oz of ice cream into all our dairy warfare in a split second.

Also, my family uses food as "fun", instead of activitiy. Deciding what ice cream parlor to go to is our highlight of the day. We are fighting to break that as well, which seems harder to me. I want to be able to pick things to do like camping, fishing, etc. amd not even think about "well how far is it from a place to eat, will i get hungry while fishing, if so, ill need snacks, etc". Everything revolves around food
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Super Natural on July 01, 2015, 05:58:50 AM
This is the purge aspect of the cycle (in lieu of vomiting, laxatives, fasting etc.).

There is nothing wrong with being hungry and eating low calories for peroids of time, fasted training and staying lean - may actually extends your life. We've lost touch as humans with how we are mean to be. We never use to have a bufffet of food 24/7 - it use to be famine and occasional feast.

People get hungry and you'd think by their sheer panic it was a life threatening condition LOL
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on July 01, 2015, 08:23:29 AM
Hey, Ceph!

Dude, I followed your lead and "tried" to binge last night. Ha! - it was a struggle. I got as far as: 1/2 of a large, gourmet chocolate chip cookie; 1 glazed doughnut; and about 6-8 oz. of a cream cheese apfelstrudel. Washed it all down with a quart of NF milk and a pint of coffee. I couldn't continue: epic fail :-[

you need to train more belly building.  ;)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Melkor on July 01, 2015, 02:40:23 PM
There is nothing wrong with being hungry and eating low calories for peroids of time, fasted training and staying lean - may actually extends your life. We've lost touch as humans with how we are mean to be. We never use to have a bufffet of food 24/7 - it use to be famine and occasional feast.

People get hungry and you'd think by their sheer panic it was a life threatening condition LOL

Yes I agree with all of that but the point I keep trying to make is that when it becomes a period of enforced hunger, fasting and severe calorie restriction with the sole purpose of "balancing" out a binge, then that is bulimic behaviour. If the "binge" is a way to enjoy different foods and delicacies or as a way to reward a hard training session or post competition than this is fine, as long there is no feeling of guilt or a yearning to undo the binge by restricting.

Sure, there would have been times in our evolutionary past when our species would have endured periods of feast and famine (however this is blown out of proportion - apart from the cold winter months as hunter gatherers we would have had access to food more regularly than many seem to think). And the only reason we ever went through a famine/feast cycle was because food availability could sometimes become intermittent so we had no choice.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 01, 2015, 09:50:56 PM
Hey, Ceph!

Dude, I followed your lead and "tried" to binge last night. Ha! - it was a struggle. I got as far as: 1/2 of a large, gourmet chocolate chip cookie; 1 glazed doughnut; and about 6-8 oz. of a cream cheese apfelstrudel. Washed it all down with a quart of NF milk and a pint of coffee. I couldn't continue: epic fail :-[

Haha!  I would be disappointed, but I now understand some people can eat big, some can't.  Maybe there's some correlation with one's 'phenotype' (oh brother).

Anyway, I'm proud khan.  Keep us updated -- maybe next time you can make it upgrade that yeast ring to a danish.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 01, 2015, 10:09:16 PM
Yes I agree with all of that but the point I keep trying to make is that when it becomes a period of enforced hunger, fasting and severe calorie restriction with the sole purpose of "balancing" out a binge, then that is bulimic behaviour. If the "binge" is a way to enjoy different foods and delicacies or as a way to reward a hard training session or post competition than this is fine, as long there is no feeling of guilt or a yearning to undo the binge by restricting.

Sure, there would have been times in our evolutionary past when our species would have endured periods of feast and famine (however this is blown out of proportion - apart from the cold winter months as hunter gatherers we would have had access to food more regularly than many seem to think). And the only reason we ever went through a famine/feast cycle was because food availability could sometimes become intermittent so we had no choice.

Very interesting... You bring up a lot I want to talk about, but I don't have nearly enough energy to address it all.

I used to try to 'compensate' for my binges.  Back when I followed the 'galeniko principles', I was under 2k calories a day and cooked almost 100% of my own food.  Binges weren't planned, they simply happened.

As I recall galeniko saying he would do a monstrous workout the next day to compensate for such occurrences, I tried the same.  For me, this always ended in failure... My binges haven't once allowed me to perform extraordinarily the next day.

I feel less bad about each one.  I get smarter about each one, too.  I realized they CAN provide a lot of enjoyment to my life if performed correctly.  They provide variety which greatly reduces the stress I place on myself with regard to cooking (my hobby), and the stress from constantly denying myself all sorts of food.  When I know the next opportunity to try a particular food is just around the corner, I can ignore it very easily.

I no longer try to compensate with exercise at all, either.  In fact, sometimes I hold off until Saturday night, as Sunday is typically my 'day off' (if I take one).

I have a lot of problems, but I'm learning.  To be honest, I think most of my coworkers have an eating disorder: walking around gorging yourself, bridging one glucose flood into the next.  They end up far overweight, with a habit of reaching for a sugary treat every time they feel less than stellar.  I might be too far on the other end of the spectrum -- overly afraid of 'feeling too good' -- but we're all somewhere  in the same spectrum... I just need to move into a range that makes me stronger, not weaker.  To not even consider one's eating and yet fall, by instinct, in this range... That's what I call healthy, well constituted -- but how many people qualify for this label?

Very few, by my estimation.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 02, 2015, 04:27:36 PM
Very interesting... You bring up a lot I want to talk about, but I don't have nearly enough energy to address it all.

I used to try to 'compensate' for my binges.  Back when I followed the 'galeniko principles', I was under 2k calories a day and cooked almost 100% of my own food.  Binges weren't planned, they simply happened.

As I recall galeniko saying he would do a monstrous workout the next day to compensate for such occurrences, I tried the same.  For me, this always ended in failure... My binges haven't once allowed me to perform extraordinarily the next day.

I feel less bad about each one.  I get smarter about each one, too.  I realized they CAN provide a lot of enjoyment to my life if performed correctly.  They provide variety which greatly reduces the stress I place on myself with regard to cooking (my hobby), and the stress from constantly denying myself all sorts of food.  When I know the next opportunity to try a particular food is just around the corner, I can ignore it very easily.

I no longer try to conpensate with exercise at all, either.  In fact, sometimes I hold off until Saturday night, as Sunday is typically my 'day off' (if I take one).

I have a lot of problems, but I'm learning.  To be honest, I think most of my coworkers have an eating disorder: walking around gorging yourself, bridging one glucose flood into the next.  They end up far overweight, with a habit of reaching for a sugary treat every time they feel less than stellar.  I might be too far on the other end of the spectrum -- overly afraid of 'feeling too good' -- but we're all somewhere  in the same spectrum... I just need to move into a range that makes me stronger, not weaker.  To not even consider one's eating and yet fall, by instinct, in this range... That's what I call healthy, well constituted -- but how many people qualify for this label?

Very few, by my estimation.
Just start estimating your calories.  Try that.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: 240 is Back on July 02, 2015, 04:38:09 PM
I deep fry a lamb for the ultimate in cheat day goodness.  served with those blue cheese crumbles.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 02, 2015, 05:44:20 PM
Just start estimating your calories.  Try that.

How closely do you estimate?  Over the past year or two, I progressively became more obsessive, to the point I weighed and counted tiny items like garlic and sticks of gum.  I've since backed off a bit, but I still weigh all of my ingredients and quickly write them down.

More importantly, each day I obsess less about meeting calorie-based goals (e.g. consuming at a certain rate, keeping a schedule, trying to beat my "consumption rate" from the day before, etc.) and allow myself a more "experimental" approach.

For example, today I'm trying not to eat until after my workout (which will happen in about 30 minutes).  Only had about 150 calories so far, and I feel great.  Previously, I would have beaten myself up for not "sticking to the plan", and been wracked with worry about how I would perform during my workout (oh brother).  Now, I'm willing to run daily experiments like this -- I don't feel like I have to do the same thing tomorrow, and I don't have pangs of conscience, worry, second-guessing over every little decision.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 02, 2015, 06:35:58 PM
How closely do you estimate?  Over the past year or two, I progressively became more obsessive, to the point I weighed and counted tiny items like garlic and sticks of gum.  I've since backed off a bit, but I still weigh all of my ingredients and quickly write them down.

More importantly, each day I obsess less about meeting calorie-based goals (e.g. consuming at a certain rate, keeping a schedule, trying to beat my "consumption rate" from the day before, etc.) and allow myself a more "experimental" approach.

For example, today I'm trying not to eat until after my workout (which will happen in about 30 minutes).  Only had about 150 calories so far, and I feel great.  Previously, I would have beaten myself up for not "sticking to the plan", and been wracked with worry about how I would perform during my workout (oh brother).  Now, I'm willing to run daily experiments like this -- I don't feel like I have to do the same thing tomorrow, and I don't have pangs of conscience, worry, second-guessing over every little decision.
Fuck the plan and fuck your experiments.  Its not like you are going to accomplish anything else.

Its quite difficult to get fat.  Just eat less if you do.

Just eyeball it.  Hell, don`t even do that.  Just eat and adjust every two weeks or something, depending on what you want to do.

What do you want to do?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 03, 2015, 12:01:58 AM
Fuck the plan and fuck your experiments.  Its not like you are going to accomplish anything else.

Its quite difficult to get fat.  Just eat less if you do.

Just eyeball it.  Hell, don`t even do that.  Just eat and adjust every two weeks or something, depending on what you want to do.

What do you want to do?

That's a good question, and very hard for me to answer.  I agree with you, and know i cant significantly change my body at this point; or at least i dont believe i can.

I mostly like the way I look; I want to like the way I feel.  To do that, I need to change the way I think... Which is hard, and has to do with more than just eating and exercise.

Thanks for the advice.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 04, 2015, 09:18:41 AM
That's a good question, and very hard for me to answer.  I agree with you, and know i cant significantly change my body at this point; or at least i dont believe i can.

I mostly like the way I look; I want to like the way I feel.  To do that, I need to change the way I think... Which is hard, and has to do with more than just eating and exercise.

Thanks for the advice.
Here is a decent video that may help.

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 05, 2015, 09:51:00 PM
Thanks.  I've been on vacation the past two days, and haven't tracked anything -- just eyeballed it. Under these relaxing conditions, I've had a fairly easy time on just one big meal a day; nice to eat out, too.  I like bring able to work out mid day, and eat a few hours later.

That said, on Thursday night I caved in to an unplanned binge -- the first unplanned one in a long while.  I was super stressed about getting my workout in before my flight the next day (at 5 am).  As the clock crept toward one, I just said fuck it and cleaned out my fridge:

- Bowl of pho I made for dinner
- Bowl of chicken soup
- Red banana with ellenos plain yogurt and peanut butter
- 'Zero bar' (candy bat I never heard of before -- like a white Snickers)
- 'Perfect bar', almond butter (these are so damn delicious)
- 3/4 pint gelato fiasco peanut butter stracciatella (best gelato brand, period)
- 3/4 pint talent I German chocolate cake
- Bowl of leftover mixed granolas

Nothing compared to my last binge, but it all started with the chicken soup.  I told myself I couldn't let it go bad... Lol.  Only after eating half of it (cold :x) did I realize I could have put it in the freezer.

By the way, I saw the nutrition facts for one of those giant cookies from my last binge, the peanut butter chocolate chip one... 840 cals ;D

Anyway, enough boring recount, back to the video: I always knew number-keeping was a beginners tool, and the goal ought to be to act instinctually.  Acting on instinct is efficient, easy, and frees your mind.  I think I'll get there some day, hopefully some day soon...

That guy has a better physique than me, certainly, but if he's six percent, then I'm at death's door ;D.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 05, 2015, 09:56:12 PM
Thanks.  I've been on vacation the past two days, and haven't tracked anything -- just eyeballed it. Under these relaxing conditions, I've had a fairly easy time on just one big meal a day; nice to eat out, too.  I like bring able to work out mid day, and eat a few hours later.

That said, on Thursday night I caved in to an unplanned binge -- the first unplanned one in a long while.  I was super stressed about getting my workout in before my flight the next day (at 5 am).  As the clock crept toward one, I just said fuck it and cleaned out my fridge:

Bowl of pho I made for dinner
Bowl of chicken soup
Red banana with ellenos plain yogurt and peanut butter
'Zero bar' (candy bat is never heard of before, like a white Snickers)
'Perfect bar', almond butter (these are so damn delicious)
3/4 pint gelato fiasco peanut butter stracciatella (best gelato brand, period)
3/4 pint talent I German chocolate cake
Bowl of leftover mixed granolas

Nothing compared to my last binge, but it all started with the chicken soup.  I told myself I couldn't let it go bad... Lol.  Only after eating half ofnit (cold :x) did I realize I could have put it in the freezer.

By the way, I saw the nutrition facts for one of those giant cookies from my last binge, the peanut butter chocolate chip one... 840 cals ;D

Anyway, enough boring recount, back to the video: I always knew number-keeping was a beginners tool, and the goal ought to be to act instinctually.  Acting on instinct is efficient, easy, and frees your mind.  I think I'll get there some day, hopefully some day soon...

That guy has a better physique than me, certainly, but if he's six percent, then I'm at death's door ;D.
Don't feel bad.  I am in the middle of a binger right now.  Well its been a continuation of yesterday of sorts.  It won't make one bit of difference though as I will just normalize calories for a few days and then do it all again!

I have a ton of food every 3 days or so it seems. 
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 05, 2015, 09:57:58 PM
Thanks.  I've been on vacation the past two days, and haven't tracked anything -- just eyeballed it. Under these relaxing conditions, I've had a fairly easy time on just one big meal a day; nice to eat out, too.  I like bring able to work out mid day, and eat a few hours later.

That said, on Thursday night I caved in to an unplanned binge -- the first unplanned one in a long while.  I was super stressed about getting my workout in before my flight the next day (at 5 am).  As the clock crept toward one, I just said fuck it and cleaned out my fridge:

- Bowl of pho I made for dinner
- Bowl of chicken soup
- Red banana with ellenos plain yogurt and peanut butter
- 'Zero bar' (candy bat I never heard of before -- like a white Snickers)
- 'Perfect bar', almond butter (these are so damn delicious)
- 3/4 pint gelato fiasco peanut butter stracciatella (best gelato brand, period)
- 3/4 pint talent I German chocolate cake
- Bowl of leftover mixed granolas

Nothing compared to my last binge, but it all started with the chicken soup.  I told myself I couldn't let it go bad... Lol.  Only after eating half ofnit (cold :x) did I realize I could have put it in the freezer.

By the way, I saw the nutrition facts for one of those giant cookies from my last binge, the peanut butter chocolate chip one... 840 cals ;D

Anyway, enough boring recount, back to the video: I always knew number-keeping was a beginners tool, and the goal ought to be to act instinctually.  Acting on instinct is efficient, easy, and frees your mind.  I think I'll get there some day, hopefully some day soon...

That guy has a better physique than me, certainly, but if he's six percent, then I'm at death's door ;D.
He is about that percentage.  Percentages look totally different on people.

Check out his video of getting his body fat DEXA Scanned.  The numbers don't lie.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 05, 2015, 10:03:07 PM
Don't feel bad.  I am in the middle of a binger right now.  Well its been a continuation of yesterday of sorts.  It won't make one bit of difference though as I will just normalize calories for a few days and then do it all again!

I have a ton of food every 3 days or so it seems.  

Nice. i usually polish off whatever I couldn't finish the night before (unless its an epic quantity) the next morning.  In fact, I think that may have been what truly made me so sick  after my last binge.  I suspect, had I waited a few hours before chucking down those 4-5 leftover macaroons/minis, I might have been totally fine.

I was kicking myself on the fourth, though... Passed on some extremely tasty looking toffee / chocolate chip bars.  And today I limited myself to 1/3 of my mini 'peanut butter cookie dough smash' blizzard, and 1/5 of this crazy peanut butter/chocolate bar from whole foods...  :'(

Already got next Saturday mapped out, though :D

What have you put away over the last two days?  Share! :D

(Also interesting: galeniko recommended a 'cheat' every 3 days... Something I never did on my insane caffeine bender days, when I lost all the weight.  But iirc, his cheats were only like 3k cal for the whole day).
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 05, 2015, 10:05:16 PM
He is about that percentage.  Percentages look totally different on people.

Check out his video of getting his body fat DEXA Scanned.  The numbers don't lie.

Yeah, I actually believe it even without watching the video.  He was in about the worst possible lighting... Sometimes I wonder what I'm at.  I used this shitty handheld machine my friend had, andnit kept giving me 'error code 4'.  We looked it up in the manual:  'body fat not in measurable range'

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: AlphaGyno on July 05, 2015, 10:48:04 PM
cheat meal!


1.  variety!
2.  pastries, cookies, cakes!
3.  minimize fat/protein heavy foods
4.  take your time, enjoy!

Gayer than goodrums lovers
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 06, 2015, 12:21:55 AM
Fuck the plan and fuck your experiments.  Its not like you are going to accomplish anything else.

Its quite difficult to get fat.  Just eat less if you do.

Just eyeball it.  Hell, don`t even do that.  Just eat and adjust every two weeks or something, depending on what you want to do.

What do you want to do?

This. eat what you like and adjust your overall weekly calories
I am eating quite a lot (for me anyway) and Im not gaining that much fat , if any, If my low abs start blurring I will just eat less for three days and Im back where I started.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 06, 2015, 08:07:15 PM
This. eat what you like and adjust your overall weekly calories
I am eating quite a lot (for me anyway) and Im not gaining that much fat , if any, If my low abs start blurring I will just eat less for three days and Im back where I started.

i feel like i looks like shit already... thinking it's cause i stopped doing 2-a-days, combining my morning workout into my evening workout, doing about 75% of the work overall.

of course i have almost no reason to believe this, weight hasn't changed.  just paranoid the striations are starting to fade, etc. probably lighting.

i know it's irrational, but what can i do... sigh
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 19, 2015, 09:28:33 PM
I last binged about a week and a half ago.  Oddly, my legs had been swollen (especially ankles) ever since.  This had worried me, since they usually only swell if I stand too much during the day -- and I had been sitting a lot in an attempt to alleviate the swelling.

Anyway, I had been pretty run down, and felt like it was time to binge again.  Had a nice biking workout beforehand:


It's a little hard to tell from this picture, but my calves and angles are smooth and bloated (as you'll see later).

I started by visiting the shop voted to have the "best cookies" in Seattle.  Damn, this place smelled good!!!  I didn't realize they specialized in ice-cream sandwiches.  Anyway, I held back as I had already purchased some sweets beforehand, and only picked up a "habanero orange chocolate chip" and "birthday cake" cookie.  I learned my lesson about over-indulging in sweets from my last binge...


I stowed these away and walked to a sandwich shop, where I picked up a fried chicken leg, pork belly, and roasted pepper sandwich:


While waiting for my order, I began... It was 9:30 PM and all had eaten nothing more than a few miscellaneous samples from a grocery store earlier in the day, about 200 cals.  After my 30 minutes of intervals on the bike, and having walked 10+ miles already at this point, I was ready to begin!  I snarfed the habanero orange chocolate chip cookie.

DELICIOUS!!!  Wow.  I probably only enjoyed it so much because it was my first food of the night, but it was a unique treat, any way you cut it.

Once the sandwich came out, I stashed it away and walked to a nearby bistro.  I ordered the "whole menu", a 12 course meal + a "chocolate comal" for dessert.  Basically a chocolate mousse + crumpled up brownie.  I'd never been to such a "fancy" restaurant before, and I certainly wouldn't go back.  Honestly it was a bit boring.  The menu was almost identical to that listed here, so I didn't bother with pictures:

The beer bread, zabutan steak in charred eggplant sauce, and fried egg noodles were the best courses.

At this point, it was already 11 PM, so I had missed the opportunity to visit a famous noodle shop I'd wanted to try.  I started looking up "best late night dining" spots, and the most recommended was "biscuit bitch".  It was about 2 miles away, so I started my trek.

While travelling, I downed an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, plain chocolate chip cookie, a tiny lemon cookie, a raspberry rugelach, and a small chocolate-dipped peanut butter fudge wedge, all of which I had picked up at whole foods.  At this point, I felt satisfied.  This is the point I'll stop, in the future, I think... lol.

When I finally got to biscuit bitch, I knew I had made a mistake.  This was going to be a gut bomb.  The girl working the counter recommended the "hot mess bitch": a slathering of gravy, grits, eggs cheese and sausage on top of a huge biscuit.  I grabbed it and started walking back to the bus stop:


I decided to walk to a further stop as I ate -- at this point I felt like walking more would help, somehow.  During my walk, I polished off the hot mess bitch and sandwich, and started working on the four kinds of granola I had picked up earlier at whole foods.

I swear granola is a magical food.  It's like a "cure" that's so satisfying, it just lets me keep eating and eating...

By the time I arrived at the bus stop, I realized my mistake: the buses had stopped running about 30 minutes ago, and wouldn't start up for another four hours.  Sighing deeply, I saw my phone only had 3% battery left... I tried calling a friend for pickup, but he was asleep or something.  I started the nearly 5 mile hike home...

Luckily, I ran into a cab and flagged him down.  Whew.

When I got home, I knew there was no way I'd be able to finish the stuff I had bought the day before.  I often pick things up that look good, like the 'almond coconut chocolate chip scone' and chocolate mint tart pictured here:


This is always a mistake, though.  By the time I get home, I no longer want any of it.  Oh well, at least this time I didn't feel the need to finish anything, or push past the "pain point".

In fact, I realized that planning the binge takes most of the fun out of it.  Discovery is a huge part of the fun: just walking around, finding things that look tasty, and being able to indulge.

I finished about half the desserts and a little more of the granola (the amount picture about was about half of what I started out with -- ate the other half while walking home), then went to sleep around 4.  When I woke up:


holy shit!  legs and ankles were now 100% back to normal, and DAT VASCULARITY... wow.

Interestingly, while I was sitting around at the bistro earlier, I read some articles that seemed to describe a lot of what I had been going through:

According to this article, chronic caloric deficit leads to fat loss (of course), but when fat gets too low, the hormone 'leptin' falls to such levels that the whole metabolism "slows".  I think this must be what happens to me, why I'm always cold (this never used to be the case when I was younger), how I never have energy, etc.

Interesting passage:

Leptin sensitivity is a critical point for a successful cheat meal. After a cheat meal, you should feel good, with lots of energy, more muscle definition and volume, and more vascularized, instead of being tired, hungry and with a fluid retention that covers any hint of muscle. If you are already with a good body composition, have been in a strict diet for a some days in a row, have been training with intensity and regularly you should certainly be more sensitive to leptin. This is what we seek: a primer for the cheat meal. Depending on the starting point, this level may take a few weeks to achieve. It takes experience to detect the right time, but this is precisely the feature that highlights an excellent athlete or coach and distinguishes from the ordinary. You can always go by trial and error, paying attention to your physical condition and energy in the hours following the meal and the day after.

It also reminded me a lot of Galeniko's advice, to 'cheat' every 3 days or so (something I believe Adonis does as well).

Certainly seems I had the symptoms listed above ("tired, hungry and with a fluid retention that covers any hint of muscle"), anyway.

All very strange and interesting.  This one, about the difficulty of diagnosing thyroid problems, also gives me many ideas:


This metabolic slow down can be explained by leptin inhibition on energy deprivation. Leptin has a satiating effect on the brain and it activates the sympathetic nervous system, increasing the metabolism and lipolysis. But it has also influence on TSH production, stimulating its release from the pituitary. If we produce less leptin while on caloric restriction, and we always do, the output of TSH will be lower, and consequently T4 and T3 will drop. If we consider the TSH the marker of hypothyroidism, this will not be diagnosed because it will be normal to lower, a depression caused by energy deprivation that differs from classic hypothyroidism marked by high TSH levels.

But thyroid hormones are not the only ones influenced by this auto-induced survival mode. Sex hormones, specially testosterone, are also affected by a significant reduction, which can be in part explained by the lower leptin levels. Sex hormone inhibition is one of the first changes we experience when dieting hard for too long. Libido loss, loss of muscle mass, a reduction in bone mineral density, fatigue, depression, and irregular menstruation are common symptoms. Other important sign is a hemoglobin reduction, not necessarily below the reference range (levels below 14,5 g/dL are not common in normal men, and 13,6 is the lowest level acceptable). All this contributes to worsen this chronic and subclinical state, not diagnosed in most cases since the levels are still on the reference range. This only means you are on the average, but that’s not where I want to be. The mean of a sick population is still sick, not the optimal. Reference values hardly tell us anything. Your normal is not my normal, and actually I want to be optimal…

I continue to learn...
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Rotten Mortimer on July 20, 2015, 03:15:00 AM
Dude, you're one of the few interesting posters on here, but it's painful reading posts like the above. You're seem aware that you're morbidly self-obsessed and that it makes your life worse -- why the loving cataloguing of obsessive, destructive behavior?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: growing lad on July 20, 2015, 12:52:21 PM
You're disgustingly lean. Did I read you lost weight by the galeniko diet?

What's your normal macros?

I think you'd look so much better with 10-15lbs more muscle
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Overload on July 20, 2015, 03:36:17 PM
Your writing style reads like a serial killer.  ;D

I wish i could eat like that, my stomach can't handle sweets.

You are very lean.

Good job.

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: OlympiaGym on July 20, 2015, 03:42:11 PM
I hope you get the professional help you need. Seriously.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Hulkotron on July 20, 2015, 03:46:33 PM
Juan "Diesel" (::)) Morel has a video where he eats 20,000 calories in a day or something, he basically just eats ice cream mixed with crunched-up Oreos all day.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Master Blaster on July 20, 2015, 10:03:57 PM
I load up on calories usually 2-4 times a week.

Of course I burn a shit ton so nothing really happens.

When I talk of loading up, It gets crazy. 

Tell us about the crazy.  :)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Master Blaster on July 20, 2015, 10:06:51 PM
You guys have crazy metabolisms, I look at a pizza and I blow up.

I'm post vacation and I have mad pounds to lose. 
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 21, 2015, 12:35:03 AM
Dude, you're one of the few interesting posters on here, but it's painful reading posts like the above. You're seem aware that you're morbidly self-obsessed and that it makes your life worse -- why the loving cataloguing of obsessive, destructive behavior?

Thanks.  I wish I knew for sure.  I think sharing these stories is a way of having some fun... part of the 'escape' these episodes provide from the ordinary monotony.

You're disgustingly lean. Did I read you lost weight by the galeniko diet?

What's your normal macros?

I think you'd look so much better with 10-15lbs more muscle

Yeah.  I only keep track of protein.  Usually about 120-140 grams per day.  In the past, I tended to favor fats, because every 'bodybuilder' fears carbs.  I crave carbs though.  I thrive on them.  I'm starting to eat more of them.

Here I am about 10 lbs heavier.  I'm sure most people think I look better.  But I can't go back.  Not yet, anyway.  Toilet shot of peace.


Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 21, 2015, 10:25:02 AM
Thanks.  I wish I knew for sure.  I think sharing these stories is a way of having some fun... part of the 'escape' these episodes provide from the ordinary monotony.

Yeah.  I only keep track of protein.  Usually about 120-140 grams per day.  In the past, I tended to favor fats, because every 'bodybuilder' fears carbs.  I crave carbs though.  I thrive on them.  I'm starting to eat more of them.

Here I am about 10 lbs heavier.  I'm sure most people think I look better.  But I can't go back.  Not yet, anyway.  Toilet shot of peace.


Those pictures are meaningless without being able to compare them to what 10 lbs less looks like.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Hulkotron on July 21, 2015, 09:03:45 PM
Thanks.  I wish I knew for sure.  I think sharing these stories is a way of having some fun... part of the 'escape' these episodes provide from the ordinary monotony.

Yeah.  I only keep track of protein.  Usually about 120-140 grams per day.  In the past, I tended to favor fats, because every 'bodybuilder' fears carbs.  I crave carbs though.  I thrive on them.  I'm starting to eat more of them.

Here I am about 10 lbs heavier.  I'm sure most people think I look better.  But I can't go back.  Not yet, anyway.  Toilet shot of peace.


Do you lift?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 21, 2015, 09:10:34 PM
Do you lift?

Haha if you can call it that.  Seven years ago i was benching 265 for 8, now i can get about 95 for 8.  Two years ago I put up a 4 plate squat, now I eek out 115 for brutal sets of 6-8... I call it 'periodization'


For real though, I don't think anyone could put more muscle on my body than I have.  That's part of my curse: 'everybody wanna be a bodybuilder, but cephissus wasn't born with no muscle fiber'
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 25, 2015, 05:46:17 PM
i like to collect bars, granola, etc. but i never eat them.  bad habit...  hope this is my last "cleaning out the house" binge.  on the plus side, i have little desire to binge anymore.  no more "planned binges", i think.  i went to a restaurant last night, held back, didn't worry too much about calories, and had a great time.

it always feels better when its unplanned and im able to rid myself of a stockpile.  feel much cleaner afterward.

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2015, 05:50:17 PM
Do you lift?
Why the brutal discrepancy in lifting poundages?

Honestly, I think you should go in a caloric surplus for a good 5 months.  Cleanse your mind and stop being fixated with being emaciated.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: O.Z. on July 25, 2015, 06:03:35 PM
Why the brutal discrepancy in lifting poundages?

Honestly, I think you should go in a caloric surplus for a good 5 months.  Cleanse your mind and stop being fixated with being emaciated.

at least 5 months of caloric surplus, and cut all the cardio or do just a minimum (10-15 minutes on treadmill)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: OlympiaGym on July 25, 2015, 06:15:42 PM
One thing I like about this guy is he recognizes that genetically he doesn't have much muscle. He knows there's nothing to develop. Too many guys equate fat with muse particularly extreme ectomorphs.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2015, 06:44:14 PM
I think this may help:

Watch This:
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 25, 2015, 06:47:07 PM
stop trying to control everything and just let go
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: wes on July 26, 2015, 12:05:27 AM
the next day: sitting around in a daze...

Thanks for the post man, I completely agree.  The thing is, I'm learning with every binge.  It's crazy how much more you notice when you take dieting to the extreme... you become super sensitive and learn about physiological effects you were ignorant of your entire life.

I think each time I come a little closer to normalcy.  For example, yeah, this might have been my worst binge ever, but that's because, two binges ago, I noticed: even after stuffing myself on dinner, I could still pack down cookies, cakes, etc.  Then I realized that the less fatty and more sugary the dessert, the more I could eat.  This series of realizations led to last night, where I learned that I really can suffer seriously from a single meal if I use these strategies to take it as far as possible.  Before, I thought 'how much can a single meal hurt'.  I'd never had an experience like this before -- losing a whole day, as if "hung over".

Anyway, as I said, I'm learning.  I've hit what I consider to be pretty much the most extreme I ever care to take a binge: that's one more curiosity satisfied.  In the future, I'll try to limit myself so that I don't get sick, and just have as much fun as possible.  I'm trying to emphasize the positive aspects of the binge, and minimize the negative: it's something to look forward to after a hard week of work; it's a nice break from continually working on my cooking skills, which allows me to branch out and experience a lot of new food at once, and definitely helps reduce cravings; lastly, it helps me break out of the crazy mindset that I "need" to eat in a 'bodybuilding style', and relieves the concerns I feel about eating non-bodybuilding foods, or even foods I don't prepare myself (as crazy as that may sound).
Looking veiny as a cock!!  :D

Great thread bud!!  ;)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: MAXX on July 26, 2015, 12:12:59 AM
I last binged about a week and a half ago.  Oddly, my legs had been swollen (especially ankles) ever since.  This had worried me, since they usually only swell if I stand too much during the day -- and I had been sitting a lot in an attempt to alleviate the swelling.

Anyway, I had been pretty run down, and felt like it was time to binge again.  Had a nice biking workout beforehand:


It's a little hard to tell from this picture, but my calves and angles are smooth and bloated (as you'll see later).

I started by visiting the shop voted to have the "best cookies" in Seattle.  Damn, this place smelled good!!!  I didn't realize they specialized in ice-cream sandwiches.  Anyway, I held back as I had already purchased some sweets beforehand, and only picked up a "habanero orange chocolate chip" and "birthday cake" cookie.  I learned my lesson about over-indulging in sweets from my last binge...


I stowed these away and walked to a sandwich shop, where I picked up a fried chicken leg, pork belly, and roasted pepper sandwich:


While waiting for my order, I began... It was 9:30 PM and all had eaten nothing more than a few miscellaneous samples from a grocery store earlier in the day, about 200 cals.  After my 30 minutes of intervals on the bike, and having walked 10+ miles already at this point, I was ready to begin!  I snarfed the habanero orange chocolate chip cookie.

DELICIOUS!!!  Wow.  I probably only enjoyed it so much because it was my first food of the night, but it was a unique treat, any way you cut it.

Once the sandwich came out, I stashed it away and walked to a nearby bistro.  I ordered the "whole menu", a 12 course meal + a "chocolate comal" for dessert.  Basically a chocolate mousse + crumpled up brownie.  I'd never been to such a "fancy" restaurant before, and I certainly wouldn't go back.  Honestly it was a bit boring.  The menu was almost identical to that listed here, so I didn't bother with pictures:

The beer bread, zabutan steak in charred eggplant sauce, and fried egg noodles were the best courses.

At this point, it was already 11 PM, so I had missed the opportunity to visit a famous noodle shop I'd wanted to try.  I started looking up "best late night dining" spots, and the most recommended was "biscuit bitch".  It was about 2 miles away, so I started my trek.

While travelling, I downed an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie, plain chocolate chip cookie, a tiny lemon cookie, a raspberry rugelach, and a small chocolate-dipped peanut butter fudge wedge, all of which I had picked up at whole foods.  At this point, I felt satisfied.  This is the point I'll stop, in the future, I think... lol.

When I finally got to biscuit bitch, I knew I had made a mistake.  This was going to be a gut bomb.  The girl working the counter recommended the "hot mess bitch": a slathering of gravy, grits, eggs cheese and sausage on top of a huge biscuit.  I grabbed it and started walking back to the bus stop:


I decided to walk to a further stop as I ate -- at this point I felt like walking more would help, somehow.  During my walk, I polished off the hot mess bitch and sandwich, and started working on the four kinds of granola I had picked up earlier at whole foods.

I swear granola is a magical food.  It's like a "cure" that's so satisfying, it just lets me keep eating and eating...

By the time I arrived at the bus stop, I realized my mistake: the buses had stopped running about 30 minutes ago, and wouldn't start up for another four hours.  Sighing deeply, I saw my phone only had 3% battery left... I tried calling a friend for pickup, but he was asleep or something.  I started the nearly 5 mile hike home...

Luckily, I ran into a cab and flagged him down.  Whew.

When I got home, I knew there was no way I'd be able to finish the stuff I had bought the day before.  I often pick things up that look good, like the 'almond coconut chocolate chip scone' and chocolate mint tart pictured here:


This is always a mistake, though.  By the time I get home, I no longer want any of it.  Oh well, at least this time I didn't feel the need to finish anything, or push past the "pain point".

In fact, I realized that planning the binge takes most of the fun out of it.  Discovery is a huge part of the fun: just walking around, finding things that look tasty, and being able to indulge.

I finished about half the desserts and a little more of the granola (the amount picture about was about half of what I started out with -- ate the other half while walking home), then went to sleep around 4.  When I woke up:


holy shit!  legs and ankles were now 100% back to normal, and DAT VASCULARITY... wow.

Interestingly, while I was sitting around at the bistro earlier, I read some articles that seemed to describe a lot of what I had been going through:

According to this article, chronic caloric deficit leads to fat loss (of course), but when fat gets too low, the hormone 'leptin' falls to such levels that the whole metabolism "slows".  I think this must be what happens to me, why I'm always cold (this never used to be the case when I was younger), how I never have energy, etc.

Interesting passage:

It also reminded me a lot of Galeniko's advice, to 'cheat' every 3 days or so (something I believe Adonis does as well).

Certainly seems I had the symptoms listed above ("tired, hungry and with a fluid retention that covers any hint of muscle"), anyway.

All very strange and interesting.  This one, about the difficulty of diagnosing thyroid problems, also gives me many ideas:

I continue to learn...
impressive.... veins?

try lifting weights breh
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: wes on July 26, 2015, 12:16:37 AM
Honestly, I think you should go in a caloric surplus for a good 5 months.  Cleanse your mind and stop being fixated with being emaciated.
Definately.................looks like an extreme ectomorph who could stay ripped and eat a lot more quality food while adding size at the same time.

Probably binging because he`s eating too little normally as in day to day.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: io856 on July 26, 2015, 02:04:37 AM
You have an eating disorder
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: PJim on July 26, 2015, 02:17:34 AM
Why the brutal discrepancy in lifting poundages?

Honestly, I think you should go in a caloric surplus for a good 5 months.  Cleanse your mind and stop being fixated with being emaciated.

This. A little bodyfat will do you wonders. Maybe 10-15 pounds. You'd still be cut but your strength would increase ten fold.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 26, 2015, 02:07:57 PM
i don't think i can add any muscle, at least not without adding fat.  and i hate fat.  ever since i was a little kid, i was afraid of getting fat.


i prefer this look, honestly, to any other i've been able to achieve.  except: i'm bloated throughout the week.  my ankles/legs are constantly swollen.  the swelling only seems to go down when i get enough sleep -- ordinarily i get about 5 hours.  i've slept over 50% of the past two weekends.

while i like the way i look, i can't say the same about the way i feel. undeniably, i'm weak, but mentally in disarray, as well.  my only question is whether i feel this way because of how i lift and eat, or because of other circumstances in my life.  it's hard to sort the two out, as i'm in a bad place in more ways than one.

i'm depressed by the possibility that this level of leanness may be inherently unhealthy for me, especially as plenty of other people seem to be just as lean to no ill effect.  also, i was just about as lean earlier in my life (a decade ago), though i'm not really sure how much happier i was then, to be honest.

all that said, i'm continuing to adjust.  i've cut down the cardio a bit, put time limits on my workouts, and stopped writing down every calorie i eat.  i'm not planning to binge anymore, and i'm finding ways to get more sleep.  thanks for all the advice, everyone.

ultimately, i hope this thread is entertaining for all, at least.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 26, 2015, 02:17:38 PM
You have an eating disorder

I think he purges, the amount of food he eats compared to how he looks doesnt marry up.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thin Lizzy on July 26, 2015, 02:18:29 PM
Not a cake and cookies guy, but, put one of these in front of me and it's gone!

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: 2Thick on July 26, 2015, 02:32:53 PM
Hey man it sounds like u have an unhealthy food addiction and warped sense of eating. Im the same way, i have an eating disorder just like u...very meticulous and let it run my life most days...then i can get lost in a destructive binge day of 7000 cals just in cookies alone. Its a viscous cycle bro, id try to some how moderate this before it becomes too hard to reverse. When i find myself putting aside things i like to do like fishing, walking, hiking, camping, etc because i might mss a work out or id have to eat 2700 cals instead of 2000 or some other mentally obsessive ill thought, i take a step back and a deep breath and readjust my thought process. Im battling it to bro, im just trying to help as it seems like from your posts that u hyper obsess about it...hyper obsessing is not good even if its considered healthy. I mean look at hyper political nerds on here like 2Thick and coach...these guys have unhealthy delusions and im sure as fuck its hurting their social life and well being in general. U and me take the eating too far. We revolve our days around the nxt meal, or the next planned cheat.

What type of anxiety or issue is this? Been plaguing me for a while now but never sought help, but as I get older its becoming more of a burden.

These are some examples of thought processes during the day and sometimes they get compounded and really start bothering me and i get all worried/anxious:

-i dont want to spit while that car is there and that guy is looking at me..he will think im spitting to piss him off or be confrontational
-i hope that guy sees me taking weights off the bar when im done so he thinks im a good guy
-i made eye contact with that hot chick at the gym earlier, but now i want to use the machine right next to her. She is going to think i want to fuck her and now its akward, so i wont go over by her. I dont want her to think she is hot shit
-Did that guy acknowledge i held the door for him? He didnt even thank me. What a dick

These are just some examples from today that clogged up my mind.
Its like this social anxiety thing. Its like im overly conscientious, or afraid of confrontations so im always trying to be super respectful of everyone around me. I wish i could just be in my own world and not worty about outside shit like this.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 26, 2015, 02:34:55 PM

What type of anxiety or issue is this? Been plaguing me for a while now but never sought help, but as I get older its becoming more of a burden.

These are some examples of thought processes during the day and sometimes they get compounded and really start bothering me and i get all worried/anxious:

-i dont want to spit while that car is there and that guy is looking at me..he will think im spitting to piss him off or be confrontational
-i hope that guy sees me taking weights off the bar when im done so he thinks im a good guy
-i made eye contact with that hot chick at the gym earlier, but now i want to use the machine right next to her. She is going to think i want to fuck her and now its akward, so i wont go over by her. I dont want her to think she is hot shit
-Did that guy acknowledge i held the door for him? He didnt even thank me. What a dick

These are just some examples from today that clogged up my mind.
Its like this social anxiety thing. Its like im overly conscientious, or afraid of confrontations so im always trying to be super respectful of everyone around me. I wish i could just be in my own world and not worty about outside shit like this.
Why on earth would a grown man want to be spitting FFS?

I think thats what you want to be asking yourself.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: 2Thick on July 26, 2015, 02:36:59 PM
Why on earth would a grown man want to be spitting FFS?

I think thats what you want to be asking yourself.

I think you should read a little more into my entire post than you did - including the post of the loon I quoted, and his even loonier post history.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Never1AShow on July 26, 2015, 07:53:09 PM
You have an eating disorder

I concur in this.  I think you have anorexia and need to seek professional help.  Go to a therapist.  I'm 100 percent serious.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Hulkotron on July 26, 2015, 07:54:53 PM
I think he purges, the amount of food he eats compared to how he looks doesnt marry up.

Maybe he has "metabolism like a furnace" oh brother
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 26, 2015, 07:57:12 PM
I think he purges, the amount of food he eats compared to how he looks doesnt marry up.

Its one time a week... The other 6 days I eat about 2200 cals.

 I did purge one time, months ago, mostly just for the experience.   Felt HORRIBLE for hours afterward, not sure why... I thought I would feel better.  Anyway, never considered it again.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 26, 2015, 08:00:17 PM
Its one time a week... The other 6 days I eat about 2200 cals.

 I did purge one time, months ago, mostly just for the experience.   Felt HORRIBLE for hours afterward, not sure why... I thought I would feel better.  Anyway, never considered it again.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Hulkotron on July 26, 2015, 08:07:13 PM
Its one time a week... The other 6 days I eat about 2200 cals.

I did purge one time, months ago, mostly just for the experience.   Felt HORRIBLE for hours afterward, not sure why... I thought I would feel better.  Anyway, never considered it again.

Totally serious post: this is not normal behavior, even if "only done "once" mostly just for the experience". 

If it's actually more often than only once (your business, not mine) please seek help.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Never1AShow on July 26, 2015, 08:18:04 PM
Its one time a week... The other 6 days I eat about 2200 cals.

 I did purge one time, months ago, mostly just for the experience.   Felt HORRIBLE for hours afterward, not sure why... I thought I would feel better.  Anyway, never considered it again.

Your avatar seems to be much bigger than the pics you posted above.  You are the victim of an eating disorder, seek help.  You have very unhealthy thoughts about eating.  Tried purging once just for the experience shows this.  What else have you done once just for the experience?  That's a very risky thing to post in the Thunderdome here.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 27, 2015, 12:19:44 AM
Totally serious post: this is not normal behavior, even if "only done "once" mostly just for the experience". 

If it's actually more often than only once (your business, not mine) please seek help.

Thanks for the concern.  It was out of curiosity.  Before I decided to do it, I already knew I would never do it again.  I know it's not normal, but I don't think there's anything normal about 95% of the stuff I see on this forum, anyway...

Your avatar seems to be much bigger than the pics you posted above.

Only about 10 lbs.  I've been my current weight (and more muscular, leaner, I believe) about 10 years ago.  Didn't have any problems then, but I was much younger, of course.  Hadn't been beating my body up in the gym for close to a decade and a half at that point.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 27, 2015, 04:07:29 AM
Its one time a week... The other 6 days I eat about 2200 cals.

 I did purge one time, months ago, mostly just for the experience.   Felt HORRIBLE for hours afterward, not sure why... I thought I would feel better.  Anyway, never considered it again.

Could you just recall a time when you threw up naturally?

You have serious issues mate, I picked up on it a while ago with your obsession about food prep.

Im beginning to wonder if you actually eat any of it after you have taken the photos
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on July 27, 2015, 04:13:55 AM
i don't think i can add any muscle, at least not without adding fat.  and i hate fat.  ever since i was a little kid, i was afraid of getting fat.


i prefer this look, honestly, to any other i've been able to achieve.  except: i'm bloated throughout the week.  my ankles/legs are constantly swollen.  the swelling only seems to go down when i get enough sleep -- ordinarily i get about 5 hours.  i've slept over 50% of the past two weekends.

while i like the way i look, i can't say the same about the way i feel. undeniably, i'm weak, but mentally in disarray, as well.  my only question is whether i feel this way because of how i lift and eat, or because of other circumstances in my life.  it's hard to sort the two out, as i'm in a bad place in more ways than one.

i'm depressed by the possibility that this level of leanness may be inherently unhealthy for me, especially as plenty of other people seem to be just as lean to no ill effect.  also, i was just about as lean earlier in my life (a decade ago), though i'm not really sure how much happier i was then, to be honest.

all that said, i'm continuing to adjust.  i've cut down the cardio a bit, put time limits on my workouts, and stopped writing down every calorie i eat.  i'm not planning to binge anymore, and i'm finding ways to get more sleep.  thanks for all the advice, everyone.

ultimately, i hope this thread is entertaining for all, at least.

No one has that level of leanness dude, just you.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: ritch on July 27, 2015, 06:32:06 AM
Pellius, you are a good dude man, but seriously your body is beyond gross to look at. Until you can agree with me, you need serious mental help. This may sound weird coming from me, but man... WTF??? When people see you, they must poke each other and wisper shit to the other kinda disgusted at the veins and skinnyness.

Basically, you look no different than a heroin junky.

That's the flat out cold truth.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Kwon_2 on July 27, 2015, 06:42:25 AM
Great veins Cephissus, but i think you should gain 10 kg in weight instead.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 27, 2015, 11:45:20 AM
Pellius, you are a good dude man, but seriously your body is beyond gross to look at. Until you can agree with me, you need serious mental help. This may sound weird coming from me, but man... WTF??? When people see you, they must poke each other and wisper shit to the other kinda disgusted at the veins and skinnyness.

Basically, you look no different than a heroin junky.

That's the flat out cold truth.

Dude, the veins and stuff die down after like 15 minutes, upon waking after a cheat meal.  People who lift with me have nothing but positive comments.  Doctors say I'm in great shape.

Yeah, people may talk shit behind my back, but I don't think people would bother to compliment me to my face if that were the case.

Some people say I should gain a little weight, but no one in real life shows half the concern of those in this thread.  I'm not denying I have problems -- far from it -- but the reaction to my appearance in this thread are overblown, I think.  Of course, its partly my own fault as I present myself in such a way as to encourage it.

I'm pretty sure most people just think I run a lot.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 27, 2015, 12:57:01 PM
Dude, the veins and stuff die down after like 15 minutes, upon waking after a cheat meal.  People who lift with me have nothing but positive comments.  Doctors say I'm in great shape.

Yeah, people may talk shit behind my back, but I don't think people would bother to compliment me to my face if that were the case.

Some people say I should gain a little weight, but no one in real life shows half the concern of those in this thread.  I'm not denying I have problems -- far from it -- but the reaction to my appearance in this thread are overblown, I think.  Of course, its partly my own fault as I present myself in such a way as to encourage it.

I'm pretty sure most people just think I run a lot.
Spoken like a true anorexic.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: dr.chimps on July 27, 2015, 01:02:36 PM
Looks like a jacked 10,000 m runner.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: ritch on July 27, 2015, 01:08:20 PM
Dude, the veins and stuff die down after like 15 minutes, upon waking after a cheat meal.  People who lift with me have nothing but positive comments.  Doctors say I'm in great shape.

Yeah, people may talk shit behind my back, but I don't think people would bother to compliment me to my face if that were the case.

Some people say I should gain a little weight, but no one in real life shows half the concern of those in this thread.  I'm not denying I have problems -- far from it -- but the reaction to my appearance in this thread are overblown, I think.  Of course, its partly my own fault as I present myself in such a way as to encourage it.

I'm pretty sure most people just think I run a lot.

Not at all, you presented them "as is" and that is how you look in real life and it's flat out scarry.

YOu could be the "bunny godess" dance partner looking as you do man.

You do run a lot. You "run" from the truth of things...
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Core on July 27, 2015, 07:09:40 PM
Great veins Cephissus, but i think you should gain 10 kg in weight instead.

Indeed. Food and Dianabol.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Big Chiro Flex on July 27, 2015, 10:22:18 PM
Serious question: how's your libido? When I was natty and competing, the lack of food and extreme low Bodyfat levels killed my natural test production. I was too tired to think about chasing girls. (No homo)
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 27, 2015, 11:37:03 PM
Serious question: how's your libido? When I was natty and competing, the lack of food and extreme low Bodyfat levels killed my natural test production. I was too tired to think about chasing girls. (No homo)


iirc, you said you got down to the 5% range, right?  based on my pics, what would you peg my bf% at, chiro?

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 27, 2015, 11:51:48 PM

iirc, you said you got down to the 5% range, right?  based on my pics, what would you peg my bf% at, chiro?


FFS no one say its any higher, guy will likely sew his lips together.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: ritch on July 27, 2015, 11:55:40 PM

FFS no one say its any higher, guy will likely sew his lips together.

My lips are sealed (unlike your mom's pussy lips last night) Ha!
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: SF1900 on July 27, 2015, 11:55:58 PM
Juan "Diesel" (::)) Morel has a video where he eats 20,000 calories in a day or something, he basically just eats ice cream mixed with crunched-up Oreos all day.

haha, I saw that video lol.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: SF1900 on July 27, 2015, 11:59:18 PM
Okay, i think we can all agree that the elevator does not go all the way to the top for Cephissus.....if you catch my drift :/
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Hava on July 28, 2015, 02:57:07 AM
impressive.... veins?

try lifting weights breh

Holy shit, he should fuaking eat something and start to train. Gain at least 20kg. Legs are thiner than thin. Every crack whore has more muscles!  :( :-X
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 28, 2015, 10:40:18 AM
Alright getbig... It's come to my attention that I have a problem.

Today, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, I grabbed a box of cereal instead.  This is it... I'm done with the fasting, calorie counting, and routine binges.  My new goal: get back to 185.  Only 20 lbs, can I do it?

More details to follow...
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: SF1900 on July 28, 2015, 10:41:17 AM
Alright getbig... It's come to my attention that I have a problem.

Today, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, I grabbed a box of cereal instead.  This is it... I'm done with the fasting, calorie counting, and routine binges.  My new goal: get back to 185.  Only 20 lbs, can I do it?

More details to follow...

Please seek professional help.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 28, 2015, 10:42:29 AM
Alright getbig... It's come to my attention that I have a problem.

Today, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, I grabbed a box of cereal instead.  This is it... I'm done with the fasting, calorie counting, and routine binges.  My new goal: get back to 185.  Only 20 lbs, can I do it?

More details to follow...
Its going to take a while to even put on any fat which is a good thing.

You will quickly realize how silly you ever were with all of it.

Now you finally have a goal.  This is the road to recovery.  What is your current strength again?  Keep us updated on your lifting progress as well.  I am curious to see how it increases, because it certainly will.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 28, 2015, 10:43:56 AM
Alright getbig... It's come to my attention that I have a problem.

Today, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, I grabbed a box of cereal instead.  This is it... I'm done with the fasting, calorie counting, and routine binges.  My new goal: get back to 185.  Only 20 lbs, can I do it?

More details to follow...

How you filtered the milk and heated it to 42.5 degrees C before flash cooling it with liquid nitrogen before adding to the cereal?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: OlympiaGym on July 28, 2015, 10:50:49 AM
Alright getbig... It's come to my attention that I have a problem.

Today, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, I grabbed a box of cereal instead.  This is it... I'm done with the fasting, calorie counting, and routine binges.  My new goal: get back to 185.  Only 20 lbs, can I do it?

More details to follow...

You should look into the Gh-15 protocols. At your level of leaness the gains would be epic. Would love to see what u look like after a couple of months of following his advice to the tee. With your obsessive -compulsive personality u could do it.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 28, 2015, 11:05:10 AM
You should look into the Gh-15 protocols. At your level of leaness the gains would be epic. Would love to see what u look like after a couple of months of following his advice to the tee. With your obsessive -compulsive personality u could do it.

No juice.  Never have, and probably never will.  That said, Hus training thread was great.  I should reread it sometime.

Thanks ritch, be there, and others for the honest responses...

Thanks especially to Adonis.  I appreciate your relentless style.  I've learned a lot from you.

Some changes I plan to start with:

- Normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- not trying for self torture in the gym; rather, trying to train smart.
- balancing instincts and plans.  Too often in the past, I ignored the former.
- focus on realistic goals.
- keep learning, be open to new ideas and ways to exercise.
- continue to divest 'bodybuilding' and my look/strength from my identity.  I place too much value on something I'm just not good at.

Otherwise, I plan to stick with my current split for the most part:

Lower body Mon/weds
Upper body Tues/Thurs
Friday arms / whatever I feel like
Saturday/sunday light cardio / be active

1-2 exercises per muscle group.  Few heavy sets, followed by some light sets for more sensation.

Mon - Fri about 30-40 min cardio, only about 5-10 min intense cardio.

Caffeine: no more than 150 mg/day, ideally 0

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 28, 2015, 11:13:15 AM
No juice.  Never have, and probably never will.  That said, Hus training thread was great.  I should reread it sometime.

Thanks ritch, be there, and others for the honest responses...

Thanks especially to Adonis.  I appreciate your relentless style.  I've learned a lot from you.

Some changes I plan to start with:

- Normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- not trying for self torture in the gym; rather, trying to train smart.
- balancing instincts and plans.  Too often in the past, I ignored the former.
- focus on realistic goals.
- keep learning, be open to new ideas and ways to exercise.
- continue to divest 'bodybuilding' and my look/strength from my identity.  I place too much value on something I'm just not good at.

Otherwise, I plan to stick with my current split for the most part:

Lower body Mon/weds
Upper body Tues/Thurs
Friday arms / whatever I feel like
Saturday/sunday light cardio / be active

1-2 exercises per muscle group.  Few heavy sets, followed by some light sets for more sensation.

Mon - Fri about 30-40 min cardio, only about 5-10 min intense cardio.

Caffeine: no more than 150 mg/day, ideally 0

You need to chill the fuck out and stop planning everything down to minutest detail.

FFS just eat what you like and go the gym.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: wes on July 28, 2015, 11:33:20 AM
Alright getbig... It's come to my attention that I have a problem.

Today, instead of reaching for a cup of coffee, I grabbed a box of cereal instead.  This is it... I'm done with the fasting, calorie counting, and routine binges.  My new goal: get back to 185.  Only 20 lbs, can I do it?

More details to follow...
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: visualizeperfection on July 28, 2015, 11:39:53 AM
I would rather be love handled, man boobed, and double chinned than be us "ripped" as you bro.

You need help, and shame on anyone who tells you different.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: OlympiaGym on July 28, 2015, 01:21:23 PM
No juice.  Never have, and probably never will.  That said, Hus training thread was great.  I should reread it sometime.

Thanks ritch, be there, and others for the honest responses...

Thanks especially to Adonis.  I appreciate your relentless style.  I've learned a lot from you.

Some changes I plan to start with:

- Normal breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
- not trying for self torture in the gym; rather, trying to train smart.
- balancing instincts and plans.  Too often in the past, I ignored the former.
- focus on realistic goals.
- keep learning, be open to new ideas and ways to exercise.
- continue to divest 'bodybuilding' and my look/strength from my identity.  I place too much value on something I'm just not good at.

Otherwise, I plan to stick with my current split for the most part:

Lower body Mon/weds
Upper body Tues/Thurs
Friday arms / whatever I feel like
Saturday/sunday light cardio / be active

1-2 exercises per muscle group.  Few heavy sets, followed by some light sets for more sensation.

Mon - Fri about 30-40 min cardio, only about 5-10 min intense cardio.

Caffeine: no more than 150 mg/day, ideally 0

U might feel differently about your bodybuilding prowess if u tried a bit of gear. It's not a moral crime
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 28, 2015, 01:25:47 PM
You need to chill the fuck out and stop planning everything down to minutest detail.

FFS just eat what you like and go the gym.

I agree, and that's exactly what I'm planning to do.  The lack of food definitely increases anxiety and and causes me to second-guess everything.  I've finally realized its something out of my control.  Food too low = massive anxiety, no way around it.

My goal has always been to act more instinctually, I just wasn't moving toward it.

U might feel differently about your bodybuilding prowess if u tried a bit of gear. It's not a moral crime

Maybe when I'm older.  I'm too concerned about the side effects.  I've always had high blood pressure (hereditary).  That's one of the things I'll miss... Super low blood pressure, heart rate (though I think these might actually be symptoms of a health problem... too low currently).
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 28, 2015, 01:33:39 PM
I agree, and that's exactly what I'm planning to do.  The lack of food definitely increases anxiety and and causes me to second-guess everything.  I've finally realized its something out of my control.  Food too low = massive anxiety, no way around it.

My goal has always been to act more instinctually, I just wasn't moving toward it.

Maybe when I'm older.  I'm too concerned about the side effects.  I've always had high blood pressure (hereditary).  That's one of the things I'll miss... Super low blood pressure, heart rate (though I think these might actually be symptoms of a health problem... too low currently).

So you dont eat all the meals you make?
I thought not.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 28, 2015, 01:46:39 PM
Cephissus, do you have any pics when you were at your strongest?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Simple Simon on July 28, 2015, 01:48:06 PM
Cephissus, do you have any pics when you were at your strongest?
hes likely burned them all.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: spiro on July 28, 2015, 01:48:40 PM
You would like awesome after 20 weeks of just test and dbol with your level of leaness.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Henda on July 28, 2015, 01:50:39 PM
Chyphliss was quite the large and powerful gentleman in his prime before he started diet advice from dj181
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 28, 2015, 02:11:34 PM
So you dont eat all the meals you make?
I thought not.


Prior to today, I ate once per day.  The meals I've been posting recently have been about 1700-2000 calories.

I usually had another 200 or so calories in dessert or throughout the day.  Not sure why it's hard to believe I ate them...
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 28, 2015, 02:14:12 PM

Prior to today, I ate once per day.  The meals I've been posting recently are have been about 1700-2000 calories.

I usually had another 200 or so calories in desert or throughout the day.  Not sure why it's hard to believe I ate them...
Because anything they don't do is hard for them to imagine.

I know you ate the meals in the manner you state because I do and have done the same thing at times.  Nothing wrong with that approach, its just that you cannot let it control you. 
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 29, 2015, 04:34:08 PM
Btw adonis, unfortunately I don't think I have a pic of me at my "strongest".

At 202 I got a 405 lb squat.  I think I was around that weight when I got 315 x 15, as well.

At 210 I got a 515 lb deadlift.

At ~240-250 (can't remember, tbh) I got a 320 lb bench.  I think my strength didn't increase much past ~200, but I only have pics from ~240+ and ~190 (avatar is about 180, I think) and down.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: The True Adonis on July 29, 2015, 05:15:29 PM
Btw adonis, unfortunately I don't think I have a pic of me at my "strongest".

At 202 I got a 405 lb squat.  I think I was around that weight when I got 315 x 15, as well.

At 210 I got a 515 lb deadlift.

At ~240-250 (can't remember, tbh) I got a 320 lb bench.  I think my strength didn't increase much past ~200, but I only have pics from ~240+ and ~190 (avatar is about 180, I think) and down.
May as well post them up so we can see the progression.  It could prove to be helpful in what you are now doing.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Thong Maniac on July 29, 2015, 06:31:01 PM
I just had a small pizza and stout beer just now and was thinking of this thread. Reverse dieting is going to be harder than just cutting. Im dreading it
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on July 29, 2015, 11:58:04 PM
~165 (taken yesterday, last day of starvation):












here's me as a youngster, about the same weight I am now:



guess i am a little leaner... didn't train legs back then, however.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Henda on July 30, 2015, 01:16:15 AM
Looked great at 210 mate, best out of all the pics imho
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: mazrim on July 30, 2015, 06:30:57 AM
Around 190ish you'd prob look very good judging by those pics and still keep a very lean look you like
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: tleilaxutank on July 30, 2015, 06:39:22 AM
I'm actually glad to see that those spider legs are genetic and not the result of your plans to kill yourself through fasting...Other than that you have good shape and size. Now start taking better care of yourself; you should have enough fat on your body to feel like a man from time to time...
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Taffin on July 30, 2015, 06:44:43 AM
Paul Michael Glaser looking jacked in that last B&W picture!

Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: PJim on August 02, 2015, 11:44:35 AM
~165 (taken yesterday, last day of starvation):












here's me as a youngster, about the same weight I am now:



guess i am a little leaner... didn't train legs back then, however.

Looking at you at 210 you are pretty lean. Somewhere between there and 165 you seem to have have lost about 20lbs of muscle imo
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: iwannabejacked on September 06, 2015, 11:33:44 AM
You look like you distribute your weight pretty well, even when you were 240-260, same as me. But at 210 you already looked somewhat lean (it seems like you never lose your abs, like myself), I don't see much back fat even if the pic is blurry. Sure, you might have had some leg fat, which according to your other pics seems like a place where you hold some weight when heavy, but there is no way in hell you had to cut down to 165 to get to the body fat % you are at in your 165 pics. Even at the 180 lbs pics you look like you had already lost some muscle, since it doesn't look like you needed to lose that much from the condition you were at 210.

I also agree with what some people here have said, there is no way in hell you eat everything you post in your pictures, or else you would clearly weigh more and not have all those symptoms of calorie deprivation.

I know you have already gained 15 lbs (probably look worse than before at the same weight from gaining it so fast and being bloated), but you also have to erradicate the binging part. Don't try to gain it all super fast either, just eat more consistently.

If I were you, I would bulk up to 210 in like a year or so to get to a similar condition you were in those old pics at that weight and then, when you feel you have solved your eating issues, try to get leaner, since that's what you like. You said somewhere you weren't gifted for a natty, but I don't think your genetics are shitty at all. I mean, from the 210 pics it looked like at 180-190 you would be shredded like you are now, but not looking kinda anorexic... 180-190 shredded for a true natty at 6'3" ain't bad imo. In my case, I'm 5'10.5"-5'11" and to be shredded I have to weigh like 145, so if the 7 lbs per inch is true, if I was your height, I'd weigh around 173-175, which means you have around 10 lbs more muscle than me. It's likely you just stopped eating altogether, cause there is no way you dropped that much weight by eating around 2000 calories like you said. When I was dieting I was eating around 1500 calories and at some point when your body fat gets lower, you just can't keep losing at the same rate. I remember you also mentioned in an old post when you had achieved striated glutes that you don't do cardio, which makes it harder to believe that you were eating everything you showed in the pics.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Nether Animal on September 06, 2015, 11:37:25 AM

That doesn't look 260, even at 6'3''. Still, some impressive shots, what do you think of your arms?
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: 38-26-40 on September 06, 2015, 04:11:27 PM
Jeez Ceph...not while I'm dieting  :'(
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: cephissus on September 06, 2015, 09:10:24 PM
my first (and last?) eating challenge: 5 lbs of food (burger + fries)


prize was a t-shirt if finished under an hour.  finished in 22 minutes, but apparently they were out of shirts ::)


i attempted a 20,000 calorie day, of which this challenge marked the beginning.  before the day, i weighed in at 173:


Long story short, I gave up.  Just got way too tired to catalogue everything and then figured, what's the point.  Nonetheless, I think I got pretty close.  Afterwards, I weighed 192.  Here I am, still bloated as fuck:


so can you please refrain from the "starvation victim" comments next time you feel so inclined ::)

well, i'm sure everyone will next favor the "bulimic" angle of attack.  unfortunately, the only form of "purging" i've done has been sitting on my ass.  after not missing a workout for probably over a year (and many times 2 workouts a day), i've been on an extended leave from my job, during which i've eaten like mad and skipped exercise when i felt like doing so.

i'm still very uncertain how to proceed, but my mind feels clearer every day.  i only wish more people talked about the negative mental affects of being so lean.  i wasn't sure -- and still am not sure -- whether my mind was so fucked from my job or starvation / over-exercise.  undoubtedly both contributed, but which is more to blame?  hard to say, but previously I always suspected my job, probably because I had never even heard about the kind of hormone imbalances and mental affects that can occur at low bodyfat.  leptin deficiency, low T3/T4, etc... why don't more people talk about this?  Or maybe I just never paid attention.

To address some of the other points:

I also agree with what some people here have said, there is no way in hell you eat everything you post in your pictures, or else you would clearly weigh more and not have all those symptoms of calorie deprivation.

After all the embarrassing shit I've posted, I really don't know why people continue to think this.  To (hopefully) put the final word in:

Those meals I posted were, for the most part, EVERYTHING I ATE IN AN ENTIRE DAY.  Furthermore, many of those meals were largely composed of FUCKING VEGETABLES.  To go from ~200 to 165 I drank coffee all day and ate a single meal at night, which averaged about 1700-2000 calories.  True, during this time I didn't do any cardio.

Once at 165 or so, I added in cardio, about 40 minutes a day of steady state.  However, this was HARD cardio.  I am a good runner, and would often be running at 9-10 MPH for a significant portion of this cardio.  If I was on the bike, I would be doing intervals for 40 min straight.

According to the machines, I probably burned about 500 calories a day from cardio.  I'd estimate another 200-300 from weight training, as I took very little rest between sets and kept my heart rate high.

That doesn't look 260, even at 6'3''. Still, some impressive shots, what do you think of your arms?

Astute observation, it was actually 258.4 or something like that ::) ;D

My arms are shit.  Well, really, my whole body is shit but my arms maybe even a little moreso than the rest.

Jeez Ceph...not while I'm dieting

Feel free to PM me progress pics and I will immediately refrain from posting any further binge material.
Title: Re: art of the binge
Post by: Nether Animal on September 06, 2015, 09:15:02 PM
Nah you are pretty aesthetic in some shots. Not easy at that height to look balanced and not narrow through the upper body. Low lat insertions too, I don't have that.