Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Wiggs on July 31, 2018, 04:36:15 PM

Title: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Wiggs on July 31, 2018, 04:36:15 PM
Greetings Sir, I enjoy your Bodybuilding Legends videos.  You do a great job and thank you for all you do.  I have random questions, why'd do decide to stay natural vs. "super"natural? What was it like seeing people make crazy gains?  Were you ever tempted?  Oh and to keep it light, other than yourself, who is your favorite bodybuilder and why?  Who were some guys you looked up to when you came up Thanks again.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: VladimirVersic on August 01, 2018, 02:16:39 AM
Greetings Sir, I enjoy your Bodybuilding Legends videos.  You do a great job and thank you for all you do.  I have random questions, why'd do decide to stay natural vs. "super"natural? What was it like seeing people make crazy gains?  Were you ever tempted?  Oh and to keep it light, other than yourself, who is your favorite bodybuilder and why?  Who were some guys you looked up to when you came up Thanks again.

He used in the past by his own admission. Would not rate him 100% natty becose of that fact.
Seems solid as a person tho.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 01, 2018, 03:56:52 AM

You are woefully ignorant about certain things. 

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SuperTed on August 01, 2018, 03:58:29 AM
Was never a super natural like Mike O'Hearn but a fine natty athlete nonetheless. :P :-\

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 01, 2018, 04:09:56 AM
He is a disgusting liar.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 01, 2018, 04:49:28 AM
He is a disgusting liar.

How so?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: falco on August 01, 2018, 04:58:16 AM
Was never a super natural like Mike O'Hearn but a fine natty athlete nonetheless. :P :-\

Hahaha hahaha hahaha!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 01, 2018, 05:32:29 AM
I wonder if Badell was ever tempted -

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: FitnessFrenzy on August 01, 2018, 06:59:13 AM
Wiggs baiting JH into a trap here!  :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: NotMrAverage on August 01, 2018, 08:25:02 AM
He is a disgusting liar.

One has to think two times on Johns so called natural status when he even advertises for hormone maximising on his channel? But im not losing any sleep because of it.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 01, 2018, 09:23:49 AM
If I recall John has used and admitted to it on Ironage. If I am wrong in my recollection, my apologies.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 01, 2018, 10:09:04 AM
I respect John and don’t want to put him in a situation where he is baselessly asked, so I’m going through some files I have and I’ll hit the way back machine. Let me look . . .

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 01, 2018, 10:34:28 AM interview - -

"When I started competing, especially on the national level, I realized that the drug usage was much more extensive than that."
I thought if I could do a 12 week steroid cycle before the Mr. Olympia each year, that wouldn't be so bad. I read that Arnold and other guys of his era would only use the drugs for a few months before competing each year and they would stay clean the rest of the year.
However, when I started competing, especially on the national level, I realized that the drug usage was much more extensive than that. It was at that point that I decided the risk wasn't worth the reward. I wasn't willing to take the amount of drugs necessary to possibly turn pro and then continue taking the drugs throughout my career as a pro bodybuilder.

I never wanted to put myself in the position of being forced to take drugs in order to keep my physique competitive with the other guys I would be competing against. It was just something I couldn't do. So, to answer your question, I guess I would say no, I wouldn't take the drugs even if it meant I could win the Olympia." , Post 27 by Hansen -

"Thanks for asking that question and I would love to explain my answer to clear everything up.

The short answer is, yes, I did use steroids about 20 years ago when I was in my early twenties but I used them only in preparation for the competitions I was entering so that was for 12 weeks once a year. I DID NOT use them to build my physique, only to hold onto muscle and keep my strength up when I was dieting.

My original goal when I started training at 14 years old was to win the Mr. Universe and be in the magazines like the guys I read about in Muscle Builder Magazine. I didn't know anything about steroids until I read an interview with Arnold in a 1978 issue of Muscle Builder magazine. In that issue, Arnold admitted that he used steroids in preparation for a contest and that all of the top bodybuilders competing in the Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. Olympia used them. However, Arnold said that the drugs were only being used as a "finishing touch" and that they only accounted for a 5-10% improvement in the physique but, without that 5-10% extra improvement, you would risk losing the contest. "

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 01, 2018, 10:39:05 AM
Also not to be a dick, but he competed at #20-40lbs over the steroid using stars of the 60's - early 80's at around the same height.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 01, 2018, 12:40:21 PM
How so?

Anyone who vouches for O'Hearn being natural, like he did, is a liar alternately a retard.

This is just a guy who saw he wasn't going to amount to anything in bodybuilding, so he found a way to stand out despite that fact. So now he's a Natural Mr O! Not that too many people care, in reality. I bet this guy has used drugs more consistently and for a longer period of time than most pros.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Wiggs on August 01, 2018, 01:02:31 PM
Ron, please delete this. This wasn't intended to be a bashing thread.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 01, 2018, 03:07:18 PM
Hey, Wiggs, you didn't know he wasn't a virgin.  

Not a biggie.

Lots of guys used steroids at some point and then decided to go the natty route.

Good for Hansen.  He complied with the rules for the organization he competed in.

I believe him.  He's a good guy.   He trains hard and has great mental discipline.  He cuts gradually over a LONG period of time to achieve his definition.

There are lots of these "natty" guys that are liars and they cheat unfortunately.  Hansen is not one of them.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: tres_taco_combo on August 01, 2018, 05:20:17 PM
Was never a super natural like Mike O'Hearn but a fine natty athlete nonetheless. :P :-\


delts give it way 99% of the time
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on August 01, 2018, 06:53:00 PM
As natural as Chaz Bono's schlong.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 01, 2018, 07:24:02 PM
Let’s squash this thread once and for all by just saying there is no such thing as a competitive “natural” bodybuilder
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 02, 2018, 04:07:56 AM
If I recall John has used and admitted to it on Ironage. If I am wrong in my recollection, my apologies.


Yeah, I remember that too  :-\
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 05:15:54 AM
What is the test of truth here? Hansen is innocent unless someone has evidence showing otherwise. I don't accept opinions re steroid look no matter how expert they claim to be.

I well remember those days back in the sixties and seventies. There we were blasting away and lucky to get 17 1/2 inch cold arms. How on earth could we compete against Sergio and Arnold. Impossible. Almost no one admitted using steroids then because it was cheating.

So what to do in those days? Well, if you wanted to win a national title you didn't have much choice unless you were the rare natural bodybuilder. Those who did use Dianabol kept it to themselves so who could prove otherwise?

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: milone79 on August 02, 2018, 05:28:46 AM
What is the test of truth here? Hansen is innocent unless someone has evidence showing otherwise. I don't accept opinions re steroid look no matter how expert they claim to be.

I well remember those days back in the sixties and seventies. There we were blasting away and lucky to get 17 1/2 inch cold arms. How on earth could we compete against Sergio and Arnold. Impossible. Almost no one admitted using steroids then because it was cheating.

So what to do in those days? Well, if you wanted to win a national title you didn't have much choice unless you were the rare natural bodybuilder. Those who did use Dianabol kept it to themselves so who could prove otherwise?

How fucking retarded are you?? He admitted to past use!! Guys were not ashamed to admit to steroid use back in Arnold's days at all they could easily go to the doctor and get them prescribed! You are a moron!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 05:37:01 AM
Sorry, I forgot that everyone is an expert on Getbig, even dopey gimmicks!

The fact that someone admitted using steroids in the past doesn't mean he wasn't natural for a particular contest.

It depends on when the steroids were abandoned.

I am aware that many natural contests are controversial and some claim there are cheats winning them.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 02, 2018, 05:45:41 AM
He admitted he used them in the past.

He did not use them in the natty contests and met the rules.

Every natty organization has different rules.  Some do not require you to be a lifetime natural.  Some do.

That's all there is to it.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 02, 2018, 05:46:03 AM

How fucking retarded are you?? He admitted to past use!! Guys were not ashamed to admit to steroid use back in Arnold's days at all they could easily go to the doctor and get them prescribed! You are a moron!

By Vince’s admission “thst he doesn’t accept the steroid look,” then I guess Ronnie Coleman is natural because we have no evidence he used drugs.

Vince Basile is a dope.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 02, 2018, 05:50:25 AM
Ron, please delete this. This wasn't intended to be a bashing thread.

So everyone is only free to voice their opinion when it matches yours? As a veteran you should know that we say what we think. You don't want that? Then simply send John a PM, it's that simple.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 02, 2018, 06:11:53 AM

I well remember those days back in the sixties and seventies. There we were blasting away and lucky to get 17 1/2 inch cold arms. How on earth could we compete against Sergio and Arnold. Impossible. 

People competed against Oliva & Arnold in 1960's  & 1970's  , yours senility is progressing  ::)

Forgetting: 2 more tablets of Dianabol p/d + 6 months of training & you would win Mr.Universe title , that was in the seventies  ::)

Do U "like" postcards  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 02, 2018, 06:14:42 AM
This thread is boring. Thought someone would ask if he did Gay Porn.  :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 02, 2018, 07:02:47 AM
John Hansen -


Height: 5'8
Weight: 210 (contest) 235 (off-season)


Bodybuilders at same height (plus or minus a inch or two) , that Hansen has tied or weighed more than in contest shape -

Mike Mentzer, Surge Nubret, Larry Scott, Rick Wayne, Sergio Oliva (1966 Mr. Universe), Albert Beckles, Roy Callender, Bill Whitehead, John Grimek, Samir Bannout, etc....

Guys he comes close to - Dave Johns 218 @ 5' 10",  Dennis Tinerino 217 @ 6' , Kal Szkalak 215 @ 5' 10" .


Weights were take from - . . .

And some personal recollections, I'm sure others can name more.

Hanson can say he is bigger than many real Olympia contestants and that is something to be proud of. Perhaps he's found the real HMB that feels like Deca :).
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Griffith on August 02, 2018, 07:04:32 AM
John Hansen -


Height: 5'8
Weight: 210 (contest) 235 (off-season)


Bodybuilders at same height (plus or minus a inch or two) , that Hansen has tied or weighed more then in contest shape -

Mike Mentzer, Surge Nubret, Larry Scott, Rick Wayne, Sergio Oliva (1966 Mr. Universe), Albert Beckles, Roy Callander, Bill Whitehead, John Grimek, Samir Bannout, etc....

Guys he comes close to - Dave John 218 @ 5' 10",  Dennis Tinerino 217 @ 6' , Kal Szkalak 215 @ 5' 10" .


Weights were take from - . . .

And some personal recollections, I'm sure others can name more.

Hanson can say he is bigger than many real Olympia contestants and that is something to be proud of. Perhaps he's found the real HMB that feels like Deca :).

Great natural physique.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: mazrim on August 02, 2018, 10:51:17 AM
I have no respect for this guy. Agree with Van.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: wes on August 02, 2018, 11:01:50 AM
John is a great guy who has admitted in the past that he has used gear.

Why bash him ???
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 02, 2018, 11:24:34 AM
John is a great guy who has admitted in the past that he has used gear.

Why bash him ???

Which means he isn't 'natural' anymore, but 'clean', provided that he isn't doing TRT as we speak.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 02, 2018, 12:35:49 PM
John is a great guy who has admitted in the past that he has used gear.

Why bash him ???

wes, if you were a betting man, would you bet on this guy not having taken a single hormone, androgen, gh or what have you, since whenever he briefly tried them decades ago?  :D you can't know exactly, but you know how bodybuilders are.  :D

Just trying to build a name on being "natural", whatever the case is, is bash-worthy imo. It's ridiculous for many reasons.  :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 12:51:43 PM
wes, if you were a betting man, would you bet on this guy not having taken a single hormone, androgen, gh or what have you, since whenever he briefly tried them decades ago?  :D you can't know exactly, but you know how bodybuilders are.  :D

Just trying to build a name on being "natural", whatever the case is, is bash-worthy imo. It's ridiculous for many reasons.  :D

This isn’t about odds. Claiming to be natural is clearly bash-worthy here on Getbig. That still isn’t evidence.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 02, 2018, 01:38:58 PM
This isn’t about odds. Claiming to be natural is clearly bash-worthy here on Getbig. That still isn’t evidence.

Look, we obviously can't "prove" shit here but we can still "know" all pro bodybuilders use steroids, for example. Your kind of standard of evidence isn't needed and is actually harmful in understanding bodybuilding. We couldn't state anything or take any kind of stand on bodybuilding if we needed some kind of forensic evidence of doping before we said anything about bodybuilding and drugs. I mean some scientific publications still question whether steroids improve performance in the first place. But we "know", maybe you don't but most do... I know you still argue that one could build a pro level physique without drugs with the "right" training method.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SOMEPARTS on August 02, 2018, 02:19:48 PM
John is a great guy who has admitted in the past that he has used gear.

Why bash him ???

Technically the past can be earlier today.  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dave D on August 02, 2018, 02:23:09 PM

Technically the past can be earlier today.  ;D

Can right now be the future?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 02:30:12 PM
Look, we obviously can't "prove" shit here but we can still "know" all pro bodybuilders use steroids, for example. Your kind of standard of evidence isn't needed and is actually harmful in understanding bodybuilding. We couldn't state anything or take any kind of stand on bodybuilding if we needed some kind of forensic evidence of doping before we said anything about bodybuilding and drugs. I mean some scientific publications still question whether steroids improve performance in the first place. But we "know", maybe you don't but most do... I know you still argue that one could build a pro level physique without drugs with the "right" training method.

You have stated that your physique isn’t great. So guys like you believe you need steroids, etc. That is nothing more than anecdotal experience and not proof of what is possible with others doing different things.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dave D on August 02, 2018, 02:32:46 PM

You have stated that your physique isn’t great. So guys like you believe you need steroids, etc. That is nothing more than anecdotal experience and not proof of what is possible with others doing different things.

Vince I'm confused as to what your argument is?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 02, 2018, 02:46:26 PM
What’s with those with a Hard On for a Natural / Clean Physique - Really  ::)

Clearly the man has admitted he took steroids
& So has Vince B admitted taking them
So Fcuking What.

Only each individual knows what they’ve taken & for how long or frequently
Well that’s if they can remember.

Again so Fcuking What - either you do or you don’t take PEDs
And some do take yet deny or down play what they’ve used.

Yet again who cares - So Fcuking What.

Naturals / Clean Get over yourselves.

Did Arnold earn less $ did it prevent him being a film star or California governor
Or acknowledged as likely the best male physique ever.
No - No it didn’t make a scrap of difference.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 03:02:38 PM
What is at stake here is integrity. It means a lot to some of us.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 02, 2018, 03:09:30 PM
What is at stake here is integrity. It means a lot to some of us.

He ISN'T a 'natural' anymore, get over it Vince
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 03:25:45 PM
Wonder where John is? No win situation here which is a shame.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 02, 2018, 03:56:17 PM
hansen is clearly on steroids here... heavily juiced, in fact... horrid structure:


this guy looks great, and probably used less gear:

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 02, 2018, 04:03:26 PM
Vince I'm confused as to what your argument is?

His argument is that we can't know anything. For example we can't say it's impossible to win the Mr O without drugs. Just because we can't do it doesn't mean someone else can't.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 02, 2018, 04:08:18 PM
we can't say it's impossible to win the Mr O without drugs. Just because we can't do it doesn't mean someone else can't.

thats the dumbest thing I've seen posted today.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: beakdoctor on August 02, 2018, 04:34:22 PM
hansen is clearly on steroids here... heavily juiced, in fact... horrid structure:


this guy looks great, and probably used less gear:


that's Lee at the drug tested Mr. O. I'm sure he was on as little gear as possible to pass the test but we all know he wasn't natural.

Johns admitted his use. He's known as Natural O because those are the contests he's won. Fuck of all the jack asses and sheisters in this sport why start in on John? You'll run him ofc the site like every other worth while contributor. He's one of the few people who still post positive bodybuilding related threads.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 02, 2018, 04:46:57 PM
why start in on John?

because this thread exists.

thread title – 'were u ever tempted'

I take that to mean steroids... dude is obviously on a shit load of steroids.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 02, 2018, 05:10:49 PM
What is at stake here is integrity. It means a lot to some of us.

What integrity?

You & him used PEDs
Only you say you took less than others  ::)

How do you know what & if I’ve used PEDs
Or For How Long.

So Do you think you have More integrity than Myself
Or John H or Arnold / Ronnie / Jay or other Sports Men. ??
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 02, 2018, 05:14:58 PM
if this guy claims natural for whatever reason... that means he's smart enough to recognize his shit response to drugs, horrid structural flaws and lack of potential against real competition... and then craft that reality into a career of deceit. does he sell supplements or some shit?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 02, 2018, 06:38:54 PM
thats the dumbest thing I've seen posted today.

I hope you don't think that's my opinion. That's Vince's way of looking at things.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 06:47:40 PM
What integrity?

You & him used PEDs
Only you say you took less than others  ::)

How do you know what & if I’ve used PEDs
Or For How Long.

So Do you think you have More integrity than Myself
Or John H or Arnold / Ronnie / Jay or other Sports Men. ??

I don't rate anonymous gimmicks as being high in the integrity stakes.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 02, 2018, 07:09:08 PM
I hope you don't think that's my opinion.

of course I don't think that... anymore lol
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 02, 2018, 07:25:29 PM

I don't rate anonymous gimmicks as being high in the integrity stakes.

Hope this helps.

"Anonymous gimmicks"..."TEE HEE!"

While there are exceptions to the rule, for the greater part few on any forums reveal who they are in the real world. For one, they're not stupid and by stupid I mean Genovan in their ignorance.  And two.  They're not attention cravers. Most that eagerly reveal themselves to be "real people" (i.e., by putting up for all to see what is commonly known as "PII", albeit of a minor nature, are Genovan and/or attention cravers.

You are far from stupid.  I'll leave it at that my fellow oldster.  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 07:36:36 PM
"Anonymous gimmicks"..."TEE HEE!"

While there are exceptions to the rule, for the greater part few on any forums reveal who they are in the real world. For one, they're not stupid and by stupid I mean Genovan in their ignorance.  And two.  They're not attention cravers. Most that eagerly reveal themselves to be "real people" (i.e., by putting up for all to see what is commonly known as "PII", albeit of a minor nature, are Genovan and/or attention cravers.

You are far from stupid.  I'll leave it at that my fellow oldster.  ;D

Everyone does his own thing on the internet. I never accepted all the handles most early users  adopted on the net.

I mean, what is the point of posting year after year but remaining anonymous? That is just weird.

Maybe most guys haven't done or achieved much. Many of these guys post crap about others so HAVE to remain anonymous for their own safety!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 02, 2018, 07:49:48 PM
Everyone does his own thing on the internet. I never accepted all the handles most early users  adopted on the net.

I mean, what is the point of posting year after year but remaining anonymous? That is just weird.

Maybe most guys haven't done or achieved much. Many of these guys post crap about others so HAVE to remain anonymous for their own safety!

I maintain that for the greater part, people choose to remain anonymous because it makes good sense and given the societal zeitgeist of what passes for social interaction on the web these days, it is a very valid one indeed. Whether or not someone has done or achieved much is not the point but it does validate my supposition about some craving attention.   If someone has successfully worked at their job, married and raised their children with their husband or wife, how is that less successful than someone that has won a plastic trophy and eschewed marriage and a family for a career in bodybuilding?   For that matter, how is that (winning a trophy or two) less successful than someone that trains for personal satisfaction (including ego)?  It is not. 

As John used to say, it's not a case of life is what it is, but rather it is what we work to make of it.  Not everyone is the winner.  Not everyone is the best and I will be the first to say that participation trophies are stupid.  But life isn't a competition and yet the rewards are there for all to reap.  Some more than others but that is the way of things.   ;D

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 02, 2018, 07:50:47 PM
What is at stake here is integrity. It means a lot to some of us.

Stop BS, 'juiced' BB trained at yours gym.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 08:08:40 PM
Stop BS, 'juiced' BB trained at yours gym.

Here is an example of a guy who literally has to remain anonymous. He claims he is being paid to harass me on Getbig.

I honestly have no idea who this tool is.  His purpose is to try to make people doubt the veracity of statements I post here.

He picked the wrong guy. I stand by what I post. If Arnold doesn't like it he has the resources to do something about it.

It is not defamation if what I post is the truth.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 02, 2018, 08:20:14 PM
What is the test of truth here? Hansen is innocent unless someone has evidence showing otherwise. I don't accept opinions re steroid look no matter how expert they claim to be.

I well remember those days back in the sixties and seventies. There we were blasting away and lucky to get 17 1/2 inch cold arms. How on earth could we compete against Sergio and Arnold. Impossible. Almost no one admitted using steroids then because it was cheating.

So what to do in those days? Well, if you wanted to win a national title you didn't have much choice unless you were the rare natural bodybuilder. Those who did use Dianabol kept it to themselves so who could prove otherwise?

You seriously cannot tell when someone is on gear or not?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 02, 2018, 08:26:45 PM
You seriously cannot tell when someone is on gear or not?

Basil knows, he invented BB  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 02, 2018, 08:39:44 PM
@1:57 that sure looks like gyno to me.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 08:47:31 PM
You seriously cannot tell when someone is on gear or not?

You are an embarrassment to exercise science. Shows that any tool can be a gym owner.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 02, 2018, 09:02:50 PM
You are an embarrassment to exercise science. Shows that any tool can be a gym owner.

You have clue Vince. Seriously. Your “knowledge” is still stuck in the 70’s. Prove me wrong
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 09:18:58 PM
You have clue Vince. Seriously. Your “knowledge” is still stuck in the 70’s. Prove me wrong

I rather doubt you have the intellect to comprehend or appreciate anything I might hypothesize.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Coach is Back! on August 02, 2018, 09:47:38 PM

I rather doubt you have the intellect to comprehend or appreciate anything I might hypothesize.

You haven’t hypothesized shit. I respect you as a bodybuilder (back in the day) but your your knowledge is from the 70’s.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 02, 2018, 10:59:46 PM
You haven’t hypothesized shit. I respect you as a bodybuilder (back in the day) but your your knowledge is from the 70’s.

You must be one of the Old School proponents they talk about on YouTube.

I published articles in 2000. I have yet to read any theory of hypertrophy proposed by you.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 02, 2018, 11:22:35 PM
Everyone does his own thing on the internet. I never accepted all the handles most early users  adopted on the net.

I mean, what is the point of posting year after year but remaining anonymous? That is just weird.

Maybe most guys haven't done or achieved much. Many of these guys post crap about others so HAVE to remain anonymous for their own safety!

Why would you give a fuck whether you know someone's actual name or not? Does it have impact on if you agree with that person, or on if you like that person? Most prob not.

Vince, you're just an easily offended idiot with a grotesque ego, who can't stand it if someone thinks differently.
Fact of the matter is that most people (at least over here, but prob also in real life) don't like you and don't agree with most of your thoughts. That might be a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the truth. Take some time to digest this, before you melt down again for the millionth time. Melting down is something with people who have no control over their emotions, which is your main problem.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 02, 2018, 11:27:56 PM

You must be one of the Old School proponents they talk about on YouTube.

I published articles in 2000. I have yet to read any theory of hypertrophy proposed by you.

Are their any peer reviewed studies from you on Pub med or something?

Coach has an successful coaching business, and you... well, you're a bitter lonely man who lost his gym business.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BSN on August 02, 2018, 11:30:56 PM
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Powerlift66 on August 02, 2018, 11:43:17 PM
John is a great guy who has admitted in the past that he has used gear.

Why bash him ???

Thats what internet hero's do. (Bash, attack, etc.).
John doesnt need anyone's respect from GetBig, trust me. A great person for sure... He admitted he used in the past, /thread.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 03, 2018, 12:02:39 AM
Why would you give a fuck whether you know someone's actual name or not? Does it have impact on if you agree with that person, or on if you like that person? Most prob not.

Vince, you're just an easily offended idiot with a grotesque ego, who can't stand it if someone thinks differently.
Fact of the matter is that most people (at least over here, but prob also in real life) don't like you and don't agree with most of your thoughts. That might be a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the truth. Take some time to digest this, before you melt down again for the millionth time. Melting down is something with people who have no control over their emotions, which is your main problem.

What a lame assed post. So many dopes that lift weights.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 12:05:19 AM
What a lame assed post. So many dopes that lift weights.

Will you ever learn a thing or 2?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 03, 2018, 12:39:48 AM

I don't rate anonymous gimmicks as being high in the integrity stakes.

Hope this helps.

You’re Beyond Help,
And Have No answer
And lower integrity than a snakes belly.

You’d be wise to Keep your Cock Pocket Shut rather than
Keep opening it & proving to all just how Stupid you are.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 03, 2018, 01:17:54 AM

You’re Beyond Help,
And Have No answer
And lower integrity than a snakes belly.

You’d be wise to Keep your Cock Pocket Shut rather than
Keep opening it & proving to all just how Stupid you are.

Listen to these dimwits posturing. I can single-handedly dispatch an army of you pathetic losers!

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: pellius on August 03, 2018, 02:02:15 AM
that's Lee at the drug tested Mr. O. I'm sure he was on as little gear as possible to pass the test but we all know he wasn't natural.

Johns admitted his use. He's known as Natural O because those are the contests he's won. Fuck of all the jack asses and sheisters in this sport why start in on John? You'll run him ofc the site like every other worth while contributor. He's one of the few people who still post positive bodybuilding related threads.

No one is going to run him off the board. John has gone through this over and over again. He knows that no matter what he says he'll be damn so he just, wisely, steers clear of the whole discussion. It'll play out the same way as it always does. People will believe what they want to believe. And life goes on and John will continue to post his terrific interviews.

John I wonder if you would consider interviewing Benny Podda? Not a big name but he was quite a character. He might be in an insane asylum by now but give it the ole college try.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 03, 2018, 04:48:56 AM

Listen to these dimwits posturing. I can single-handedly dispatch an army of you pathetic losers!

why do you have Blue stars? seem like a dope
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 04:57:56 AM
why do you have Blue stars? seem like a dope

For competing at a show which he organized himself...
It took him close to 100 threads and almost a decade to get those blue stars :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 03, 2018, 05:04:41 AM
In Vince Basiles world, it’s possible that Ronnie Coleman is natural since we cannot price he’s not natural.

Yup, sounds about right.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 03, 2018, 06:12:05 AM
For competing at a show which he organized himself...
It took him close to 100 threads and almost a decade to get those blue stars :D

 :D wow but he does not seem to be popular on here.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 06:19:02 AM
:D wow but he does not seem to be popular on here.

Vince is like...

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 03, 2018, 08:05:26 AM
In Vince Basiles world, it’s possible that Ronnie Coleman is natural since we cannot price he’s not natural.

Yup, sounds about right.

So many vulgar levels of ignorance being reinforced by the Flotsam here.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 03, 2018, 08:22:26 AM

So many vulgar levels of ignorance being reinforced by the Flotsam here.

So is Ronnie Coleman natural?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 03, 2018, 08:41:51 AM
So is Ronnie Coleman natural?

Yeah, Ronnie Coleman is a genuine lifetime natural. Anything else you dopes want to know?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 08:46:53 AM
Yeah, Ronnie Coleman is a genuine lifetime natural. Anything else you dopes want to know?

Why would you give a fuck whether you know someone's actual name or not? Does it have impact on if you agree with that person, or on if you like that person?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 03, 2018, 08:55:55 AM
Yeah, Ronnie Coleman is a genuine lifetime natural. Anything else you dopes want to know?

Since you asked -

1) Do you ever feel bad about fixing the 1970 Mr. Canada?

2) Does it grate on you that no one cares about the Bicep Supinator machine, and your life's work is something people have done with dumbbells for decades?

3) Did you ever feel strange walking in on, and photographing strangers wakes?

4) Do you still have a BBW fetish?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 03, 2018, 09:11:41 AM
Since you asked -

1) Do you ever feel bad about fixing the 1970 Mr. Canada?

2) Does it grate on you that no one cares about the Bicep Supinator machine, and your life's work is something people have done with dumbbells for decades?

3) Did you ever feel strange walking in on, and photographing strangers wakes?

4) Do you still have a BBW fetish?

What the hell is a bicep supinator machine?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 03, 2018, 09:14:12 AM

Listen to these dimwits posturing. I can single-handedly dispatch an army of you pathetic losers!

Yet again You Open Your Cock Pocket & Show How stupid You Are.

Go back to your Village They are missing their Idiot.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 03, 2018, 09:22:52 AM
What the hell is a bicep supinator machine?


Now you may ask yourself what could this gleaming mass of stainless steel be? Perhaps a mobility suit for the infirmed?  May some type of search and rescue gadget? Maybe something to do with Virtual Reality or computer modeling? 


It's a biceps supination machine, much like these -


Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 03, 2018, 10:16:27 AM

Now you may ask yourself what could this gleaming mass of stainless steel be? Perhaps a mobility suit for the infirmed?  May some type of search and rescue gadget? Maybe something to do with Virtual Reality or computer modeling? 


It's a biceps supination machine, much like these -



Is he trying to Maybe say constant Tension or like Nautilus or something, LOL  what an asshole
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 03, 2018, 10:26:29 AM
Is he trying to Maybe say constant Tension or like Nautilus or something, LOL  what an asshole

I don't remember, all I know is he spent thousands on it, and years of development, and nothing came of it. I will say it's well made.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 03, 2018, 10:34:50 AM
I don't remember, all I know is he spent thousands on it, and years of development, and nothing came of it. I will say it's well made.

was there results? as in test results?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 03, 2018, 10:40:39 AM
was there results? as in test results?

Not anything conclusive, Vince loves it, and it sat in his gym for a number of years, where gym goers marveled at its Rube Goldbergesque nature.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 03, 2018, 11:36:53 AM

Now you may ask yourself what could this gleaming mass of stainless steel be? Perhaps a mobility suit for the infirmed?  May some type of search and rescue gadget? Maybe something to do with Virtual Reality or computer modeling? 


It's a biceps supination machine, much like these -



why use a single piece of steel to build your biceps when you could use a machine with 3000 moving parts and looks like a bio-mechanical suit ??
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 03, 2018, 11:45:37 AM



A lifetimes work just to over complicate & re-create A dumbbell

The Real Dumbbell is the Inventor.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Hypertrophy on August 03, 2018, 01:02:25 PM
John is cool- love his interviews with the greats. So he used for a while and now doesn’t- he admits it. Ok, big deal.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 03, 2018, 01:09:22 PM
John is cool- love his interviews with the greats. So he used for a while and now doesn’t- he admits it. Ok, big deal.

True - That's fair enough I've No issue with him using or not using.

I just Find the "Natural" olympia a thing a joke

Someone who used & didn't get where he wanted goes the "Natural Route"  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 03, 2018, 01:16:13 PM

It's a biceps supination machine

biceps supination while under tension is totally unnecessary and dangerous... a machine dedicated to such hazardous nonsense is unimaginable and should b destroyed.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 01:16:14 PM
Did he used before of after his 'natural' titles?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 03, 2018, 01:21:57 PM
Did he used before of after his 'natural' titles?

IIRC he claims prior to his “Natural” titles.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 03, 2018, 02:20:40 PM
Did he used before of after his 'natural' titles?

Most Natural contests allow prior usage within certain time frames.

For example they might stipulate you can't have used steroids within less than a year of the contest, or two years, etc.

It depends on the organization.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 02:26:50 PM
Most Natural contests allow prior usage within certain time frames.

For example they might stipulate you can't have used steroids within less than a year of the contest, or two years, etc.

It depends on the organization.

Which is pathetic. Once you're start using, more satellite cells will develop in a muscle and they will stay there for the rest of your life.
He might be clean, but he's NOT A NATURAL.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 03, 2018, 02:30:13 PM
Which is pathetic. Once you're start using, more satellite cells will develop in a muscle and they will stay there for the rest of your life.
He might be clean, but he's NOT A NATURAL.

He is complying with the rules of the organization so he is not cheating.

There are organizations and contests for those who have never used so if that is what you want you do that.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 03, 2018, 02:33:10 PM
He is complying with the rules of the organization so he is not cheating.

There are organizations and contests for those who have never used so if that is what you want you do that.

Which is why 'natural' bodybuilding is a myth...
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 03, 2018, 02:44:15 PM
Which is why 'natural' bodybuilding is a myth...

As Bill Clinton said, "It all depends what your definition of 'is' is."
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 03, 2018, 05:36:27 PM
There has never been any kind of effective
testing in bodybuilding anywhere, anytime. The natural
orgs simply don't have the funds, some use a fucking lie detetector, and when
testing has been implemented, in the IFBB for example, corruption has always been rife and people with money and/or connections have been able to beat their positive tests or are not "randomly" picked out for testing. Anyone involved in the sport knows this. There are some public cases (like the one Milos was involved in) and a ton of less known cases, but since bb is a subjective sport no individual bb dares bring corruption up when they see it.

Natural bodybuilding is for the less successful druggies, it's as simple as that. And if some poor autistic fool with "ideals" does do a show clean there he is looking like an idiot in last place. There are a few like this, who simply don't understand that there is no testing, and even less honor, that it's all bullshit.

Those with experience can look at a body and know, though some fools like Basile need proof as if it was an advanced mathematics or physics question.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 03, 2018, 05:46:16 PM
Lying comes naturally to some folk, so it should come as no surprise that a great many competitive bodybuilders are liars.  That's about the only thing "natural" about them.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 03, 2018, 06:08:47 PM
There has never been any kind of effective
testing in bodybuilding anywhere, anytime. The natural
orgs simply don't have the funds, some use a fucking lie detetector, and when
testing has been implemented, in the IFBB for example, corruption has always been rife and people with money and/or connections have been able to beat their positive tests or are not "randomly" picked out for testing. Anyone involved in the sport knows this. There are some public cases (like the one Milos was involved in) and a ton of less known cases, but since bb is a subjective sport no individual bb dares bring corruption up when they see it.

Natural bodybuilding is for the less successful druggies, it's as simple as that. And if some poor autistic fool with "ideals" does do a show clean there he is looking like an idiot in last place. There are a few like this, who simply don't understand that there is no testing, and even less honor, that it's all bullshit.

Those with experience can look at a body and know, though some fools like Basile need proof as if it was an advanced mathematics or physics question.

Who do you think you are to say shit like this? I agree that bodybuilding has always been questionable re the judging. The competitors are always sheep and accept whatever bullshit is associated with contests. Doesn't matter if the contests are open or 'tested'.

Jay Cutler tested positive in an Olympia and got off because they didn't use an 'accredited' lab. After that debacle the IFBB saved money and didn't test.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: visualizeperfection on August 03, 2018, 06:38:52 PM
What is the test of truth here? Hansen is innocent unless someone has evidence showing otherwise. I don't accept opinions re steroid look no matter how expert they claim to be.

I well remember those days back in the sixties and seventies. There we were blasting away and lucky to get 17 1/2 inch cold arms. How on earth could we compete against Sergio and Arnold. Impossible. Almost no one admitted using steroids then because it was cheating.

So what to do in those days? Well, if you wanted to win a national title you didn't have much choice unless you were the rare natural bodybuilder. Those who did use Dianabol kept it to themselves so who could prove otherwise?

You could always just pick your own judges. Cheaper than gear.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 03, 2018, 07:32:42 PM
You could always just pick your own judges. Cheaper than gear.

I always advise young bodybuilders to go out and buy their own trophies. In 20 years no one will know anything about such contests.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dave D on August 03, 2018, 08:01:54 PM
I always advise young bodybuilders to go out and buy their own trophies. In 20 years no one will know anything about such contests.

Lol, excellently done.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 04, 2018, 12:23:07 AM
John is cool- love his interviews with the greats. So he used for a while and now doesn’t- he admits it. Ok, big deal.

This . . . however, I suspect John is on TRT.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 04, 2018, 01:30:33 AM
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Bevo on August 04, 2018, 01:54:12 AM
In Vince Basiles world, it’s possible that Ronnie Coleman is natural since we cannot price he’s not natural.

Yup, sounds about right.

As natural as Monica brants fun bags
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: beakdoctor on August 04, 2018, 01:58:56 AM
I always advise young bodybuilders to go out and buy their own trophies. In 20 years no one will know anything about such contests.

Is that how you got your Mr. Canada trophy?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 02:13:40 AM
Is that how you got your Mr. Canada trophy?

Yep, we were responsible for buying the trophies, too. Missed out on a huge trophy that went to another sport.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 02:44:38 AM

Listen to these dimwits posturing. I can single-handedly dispatch an army of you pathetic losers!

Looks WHO is talking  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 02:55:19 AM
True - That's fair enough I've No issue with him using or not using.

I just Find the "Natural" olympia a thing a joke

Someone who used & didn't get where he wanted goes the "Natural Route"  ::)

Super joke, on Inba Olympia in Australia 1 guy won pro title , then competed again as amateur & took that title 2  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 04, 2018, 03:19:11 AM
Super joke, on Inba Olympia in Australia 1 guy won pro title , then competed again as amateur & took that title 2  ::)

Ha ha ha
No doubt it was Protege of Vince B's & likely has never even so much as
taken a Aspirin or Vitamin Pill - He's Super"Natural"  ::) ::) ::)

Still whatever it makes them feel good.
Fooling those that don't know or care.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 04, 2018, 03:35:38 AM

Who do you think you are to say shit like this? I agree that bodybuilding has always been questionable re the judging. The competitors are always sheep and accept whatever bullshit is associated with contests. Doesn't matter if the contests are open or 'tested'.

Jay Cutler tested positive in an Olympia and got off because they didn't use an 'accredited' lab. After that debacle the IFBB saved money and didn't test.

I feel bad for calling you a fool, because you are very intelligent, you probably have a high IQ, much higher than me for sure. But at the same time you are lost on some  level and can't see some things that are obvious to even the much less "intelligent".

I thought of Jay's positive test as well when I wrote that post. I mean wtf, the lab wasn't accredited Lol, that's ridiculous from several angles. Anyway, testing is not effective, even much less so in these small natural organizations. So that leaves personal honor and honesty to police the natural bodybuilders. Now, is it realistic to think the competitors are mostly honorable men that wouldn't cheat out of principle? No, if it was then testing, effective or not, wouldn't be needed in the first place.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Van_Bilderass on August 04, 2018, 03:49:10 AM
This . . . however, I suspect John is on TRT.


That is actually a question that would be interesting to pose to him, is he on HRT? I don't know what he looks like today but in these old pics he looks like he has absolutely massive natural testosterone production - I mean if he was clean. So it's unlikely he would ever need replacement, unless he injured his balls somehow  :D

As I recall, he wasn't even opposed to using drugs per se, his problem was the level of drug use he was seeing. IOW, he wasn't seeing enough results from the drugs so promoting himself as a natural still put him in some type of elite category. Otherwise he would just be another gym rat.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 04, 2018, 04:59:53 AM
I always advise young bodybuilders to go out and buy their own trophies. In 20 years no one will know anything about such contests.

And forfeit all that prize money?

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 05:33:10 AM
Meanwhile, John is avoiding this thread like a doping test...
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 06:15:36 AM

Ha ha ha
No doubt it was Protege of Vince B's & likely has never even so much as
taken a Aspirin or Vitamin Pill - He's Super"Natural"  ::) ::) ::)

Still whatever it makes them feel good.
Fooling those that don't know or care.

SUPER"NATURAL" bb organization exist  ;D  ::)   
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 06:19:20 AM
Meanwhile, John is avoiding this thread like a doping test...

It's time to create: Sy-Fy bb organization  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 06:23:42 AM
I feel bad for calling you a fool, because you are very intelligent, you probably have a high IQ, much higher than me for sure. But at the same time you are lost on some  level and can't see some things that are obvious to even the much less "intelligent".

I thought of Jay's positive test as well when I wrote that post. I mean wtf, the lab wasn't accredited Lol, that's ridiculous from several angles. Anyway, testing is not effective, even much less so in these small natural organizations. So that leaves personal honor and honesty to police the natural bodybuilders. Now, is it realistic to think the competitors are mostly honorable men that wouldn't cheat out of principle? No, if it was then testing, effective or not, wouldn't be needed in the first place.

I always respect your opinion which isn't random like most people here.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 06:29:36 AM

I always respect your opinion which isn't random like most people here.

No one cares about getting respect from you or not. You're NOT an authority Vince, so stop acting so pathetic, you grumpy fat man with anger issues ::)

(yes, I'm a flotsam, so what?)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 04, 2018, 06:30:38 AM

I always respect your opinion which isn't random like most people here.

I am neutral on here so i want to ask if you, Vince made any Money out of your machine? Did People take it on board & make you famous? I just never heard of you until this thread. you seem to be very unpopular & attack People. Maybe i answered my own Question because you Maybe are not famous because of your machine. could explain your hurt ego & frustrations.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 04, 2018, 06:41:35 AM
also why worry About such a small muscle as the Biceps? Which is worked intensly with back Training ? Maybe if you developed a machine for a big muscle Group which would also benefit the smaller ones you might be famous like Arthur Jones...but you are not. Why is this? you cannot Change the genetic make up of your biceps. If you think you can then you are a Buffoon. you are the idiot on here. I feel embarrassed for you. stop it please.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 07:03:09 AM
I am neutral on here so i want to ask if you, Vince made any Money out of your machine? Did People take it on board & make you famous? I just never heard of you until this thread. you seem to be very unpopular & attack People. Maybe i answered my own Question because you Maybe are not famous because of your machine. could explain your hurt ego & frustrations.

What we have here is a failure to communicate!

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 04, 2018, 07:10:19 AM
The Biceps Supination Machine is the Edsel of fitness products.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 04, 2018, 07:12:46 AM

What we have here is a failure to communicate!

No you understand. sometimes the truth is painful. your life's work was & is a failure. You will pass in a few years & will be forgotten.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 04, 2018, 07:19:47 AM
The Biceps Supination Machine is the Edsel of fitness products.

I can't understand why he makes such a big issue About supination. will his machine give you that Mr O Trophy? did Arnold or Albert Beckles use his machine? It's Genetics. Long or short or high Peak .. sure you can Play around with exercises but end off the Day you can only work with what you were given.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 07:58:42 AM
I can't understand why he makes such a big issue About supination. will his machine give you that Mr O Trophy? did Arnold or Albert Beckles use his machine? It's Genetics. Long or short or high Peak .. sure you can Play around with exercises but end off the Day you can only work with what you were given.

Pathetic attitude. Imagine that one of you came up with a new exercise machine. Not only that but you also built it and it worked. That would be an achievement. What do we see on this forum? Ridicule and scoffing.

Please don’t post condescending remarks based on broscience. I don’t acknowledge such rubbish.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 08:11:36 AM
Well these champion of purity all have one thing in common.  When axed if they ever "took" drugs they simply reply "No.  I has never tooken them drug".  The key is in the phrasing and contest owners know not to ax 'em if anyone has ever "given" them drugs.   ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 08:26:53 AM

Pathetic attitude. Imagine that one of you came up with a new exercise machine. Not only that but you also built it and it worked. That would be an achievement. What do we see on this forum? Ridicule and scoffing.

Please don’t post condescending remarks based on broscience. I don’t acknowledge such rubbish.

Fair enough, that's a valid point.

I would come with a Hammer like chest press that allows you to start a press with your arms straight. I would also implement an mechanism to increase the load during the eccentric phase.
However... manufacturing, marketing & selling that machine would be a pain in the ass.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 04, 2018, 08:56:11 AM

Pathetic attitude. Imagine that one of you came up with a new exercise machine. Not only that but you also built it and it worked. That would be an achievement. What do we see on this forum? Ridicule and scoffing.

Please don’t post condescending remarks based on broscience. I don’t acknowledge such rubbish.

I post Facts, fact is you are not fa mouse or your machine. what is Broscience? OK Maybe Arnold was not known as Mr O or had big guns from preacher curls, incline curls, BB curls. what is with Albert Beckles how did he get that Peak? I know how. Genetics & hard Basic Training. shut up you Buffoon.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 04, 2018, 09:14:02 AM
Vince Basile getting destroyed in this thread.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: beakdoctor on August 04, 2018, 09:16:24 AM
Meanwhile, John is avoiding this thread like a doping test...

There was a chance he would've responded to Wiggs initial post but this thread bas turned into a shit show. He's too smart to take the bait.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 09:23:24 AM
There was a chance he would've responded to Wiggs initial post but this thread bas turned into a shit show. He's too smart to take the bait.

That's because fake naturals are scum here
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 09:25:34 AM
There was a chance he would've responded to Wiggs initial post but this thread bas turned into a shit show. He's too smart to take the bait.

I doubt he would've stepped in here as he was bound to a belittling and with good reason.  When your entire presentation is a façade, what can you do but put another false front on display.  He may well be a nice guy (and he probably is!) but no one here is fooled into thinking more of his title than it deserves. 

Ooops...DP just said it all.   ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 09:41:05 AM
I post Facts, fact is you are not fa mouse or your machine. what is Broscience? OK Maybe Arnold was not known as Mr O or had big guns from preacher curls, incline curls, BB curls. what is with Albert Beckles how did he get that Peak? I know how. Genetics & hard Basic Training. shut up you Buffoon.

Why mention Albert Beckles? I never liked his biceps....big gap there.

Broscience = stuff you believe as fact when it is only anecdotal experience.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 09:46:39 AM
Broscience is no more valid than schmoescience. 
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 09:59:20 AM
Broscience is no more valid than schmoescience. 

Yet more valid than theories from a fat man
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 10:08:31 AM
Yet more valid than theories from a fat man

Unless, of course, that "fat man" is excellent character actor, Sydney Greenstreet.  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 10:22:02 AM
Haha, uncanny!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 04, 2018, 10:25:11 AM
Vince Basile getting destroyed in this thread.

he's having a meltdown
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: a_pupil on August 04, 2018, 05:25:44 PM
basille was officially the best bodybuilder in canada and he was in the famous mentzer vs ahnold picture.

you flotsam better pipe down and take knowledge from a true golden era legend.

p.s. you guys can talk shit when you build and patent your own weight training machines.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 06:24:29 PM

Pathetic attitude. Imagine that one of you came up with a new exercise machine. Not only that but you also built it and it worked. That would be an achievement. What do we see on this forum? Ridicule and scoffing.

Please don’t post condescending remarks based on broscience. I don’t acknowledge such rubbish.

Basil, WHAT IS THE MONETARY VALUE of that biceps building machine  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 06:29:33 PM
Yet more valid than theories from a fat man

Correction, UGLY FAT man  ;)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 04, 2018, 06:30:02 PM
he's having a meltdown

And he cannot just bow out humbly.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 04, 2018, 06:30:50 PM

Why mention Albert Beckles? I never liked his biceps....big gap there.

Broscience = stuff you believe as fact when it is only anecdotal experience.

If your Bicep Supination Machine produces such great results, why has it not been picked up by major companies?  ??? ???
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dave D on August 04, 2018, 06:34:49 PM
If your Bicep Supination Machine produces such great results, why has it not been picked up by major companies?  ??? ???

Or at least show before and after pictures of biceps that have been changed.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 06:36:52 PM
basille was officially the best bodybuilder in canada and he was in the famous mentzer vs ahnold picture.

you flotsam better pipe down and take knowledge from a true golden era legend.

p.s. you guys can talk shit when you build and patent your own weight training machines.

a_pupil = V.B.

Weiders of Australian BB:

- Paul Graham
- Rocco Oppedisano
- Tony Doherty
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 04, 2018, 06:42:27 PM
If your Bicep Supination Machine produces such great results, why has it not been picked up by major companies?  ??? ???

It's an overly complicated vanity project.

Here's its story -


"Here is the first image online of the biceps-supinator. This was invented by myself and built totally by myself in my engineering factory. I tried to sell the design to Nautilus and Cybex but they were not interested. So this machine has cost me over $100,000 to patent and build. Surely it is the most expensive machine ever installed in a gym.

This machine was conceived in 1986, and first conception on paper was in 1991. I obtained patents from the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany and Australia. You have to apply to each country. Then you have to pay thousands of dollars per year to maintain those patents.

I wouldn't patent anything in the future! I built the first version in 2001 and then modified it several times since. The last major surgery occurred last year. I am quite pleased with this machine. There are many adjustments and it really is a complex machine with lots of angles needed. It works, though! Lots of stainless steel on the prototype. I will paint it silver soon.

Even Arthur Jones was unable to build this machine. It is undoubtedly the most complicated bodybuilding machine with weight stacks that has ever been installed in a gym. When used properly it can result in an absolutely brutal biceps workouts. You can twist the arms and get a resistance. Each arm can be trained separately, too. The curl plates are 20 pounds and the supination plates are 5 1/2 pounds."

"Interesting to find my machine and a photo of it on the HIT site.

I found another invention of a machine that claims to do a similar thing.

I approached Nautilus and Cybex but neither were interested in the invention. It turned out to be a waste of money to patent. That isn't what you think when you go to a patent attorney. He said it would be about 10,000. That is a joke. Costs way more than that after everything goes through. Don't even think of patenting anything. Let someone else do it."

Taken from -;jsessionid=108635224262976E945AE33660BD04BF.hydra?id=441355 .
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 04, 2018, 06:45:24 PM
Or at least show before and after pictures of biceps that have been changed.

Maybe Vince can show us pictures of his biceps!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 04, 2018, 06:48:43 PM
It's an overly complicated vanity project.

Here's its story -


"Here is the first image online of the biceps-supinator. This was invented by myself and built totally by myself in my engineering factory. I tried to sell the design to Nautilus and Cybex but they were not interested. So this machine has cost me over $100,000 to patent and build. Surely it is the most expensive machine ever installed in a gym.

This machine was conceived in 1986, and first conception on paper was in 1991. I obtained patents from the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany and Australia. You have to apply to each country. Then you have to pay thousands of dollars per year to maintain those patents.

I wouldn't patent anything in the future! I built the first version in 2001 and then modified it several times since. The last major surgery occurred last year. I am quite pleased with this machine. There are many adjustments and it really is a complex machine with lots of angles needed. It works, though! Lots of stainless steel on the prototype. I will paint it silver soon.

Even Arthur Jones was unable to build this machine. It is undoubtedly the most complicated bodybuilding machine with weight stacks that has ever been installed in a gym. When used properly it can result in an absolutely brutal biceps workouts. You can twist the arms and get a resistance. Each arm can be trained separately, too. The curl plates are 20 pounds and the supination plates are 5 1/2 pounds."

"Interesting to find my machine and a photo of it on the HIT site.

I found another invention of a machine that claims to do a similar thing.

I approached Nautilus and Cybex but neither were interested in the invention. It turned out to be a waste of money to patent. That isn't what you think when you go to a patent attorney. He said it would be about 10,000. That is a joke. Costs way more than that after everything goes through. Don't even think of patenting anything. Let someone else do it."

Taken from -;jsessionid=108635224262976E945AE33660BD04BF.hydra?id=441355 .

Haha lol

That thing looks atrocious. It looks like it belongs in a junkyard for scrap metal.

Maybe Goodrum would buy it from Basile.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: mazrim on August 04, 2018, 06:50:01 PM
Maybe Vince can show us pictures of his biceps!
Not sure if you can upload pics that big.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 06:56:29 PM
Haha lol

That thing looks atrocious. It looks like it belongs in a junkyard for scrap metal.

Maybe Goodrum would buy it from Basile.

Just imagine transport cost of that junk from Sydney > LA or NY  :o

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 04, 2018, 07:01:48 PM

Just imagine transport cost of that junk from Sydney > LA or NY  :o


Probably weighs a few hundred pounds in scrap metal.

Would cost a few grand to ship.

Would love to see Vince Goodrum pumping his biceps on Basiles machine.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 07:07:44 PM


Sadly, this device looks like the answer to a question only one person (Vince B.) asked.   All that to do what is the equivalent of a dumbbell curl?  There's no doubt that Vince B. is far from stupid, but the reason exercise is not rocket science is because it doesn't need to be.  I think Gene Fisher made some good exercise equipment many years ago but none were as needlessly complicated as this device was/is.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 04, 2018, 07:09:49 PM

Would love to see Vince Goodrum pumping his biceps on Basiles machine.

 ;D ;D ;D
 ;D ;D ;D
 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 07:31:32 PM
Sadly, this device looks like the answer to a question only one person (Vince B.) asked.   All that to do what is the equivalent of a dumbbell curl?  There's no doubt that Vince B. is far from stupid, but the reason exercise is not rocket science is because it doesn't need to be.  I think Gene Fisher made some good exercise equipment many years ago but none were as needlessly complicated as this device was/is.

So much for the consensus theory of truth on Getbig. Nothing important is believed by the multitudes and they are collectively incapable of coming up with even one original idea let alone a new machine.

This is the first pin-loaded biceps machine that incorporates two degrees of freedom. Arthur Jones and Nautilus never built such a machine although Arthur wrote about having supination incorporated into a biceps machine. Is it any wonder that most here have no clue about the value and effectiveness of such a machine? These people reveal more about their limited thinking than anything about my machine.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 07:45:16 PM

So much for the consensus theory of truth on Getbig. Nothing important is believed by the multitudes and they are collectively incapable of coming up with even one original idea let alone a new machine.

This is the first pin-loaded biceps machine that incorporates two degrees of freedom. Arthur Jones and Nautilus never built such a machine although Arthur wrote about having supination incorporated into a biceps machine. Is it any wonder that most here have no clue about the value and effectiveness of such a machine? These people reveal more about their limited thinking than anything about my machine.

Surely you jest?  Nay...Methinks you kid not. Sheesh...This is not a case of your "readership" here having limited thinking but instead one of you having an unlimited ego.  Well, not quite unlimited as it is obvious that reality contained it all too easily.   Unlike the "Field of Dreams", you built this and no one came.  Yes. It is kinda cool but no, it was overly complicated and projected cost was too much for gym owners to bear.  Choose your next words carefully VB, because it will not be any of us that makes you look like a fool, but as usual, it will be you.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 04, 2018, 07:46:07 PM
Reenactment of Vince trying to meet with Cybex and Nautilus about the Biceps Supinator -

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 08:03:57 PM
Surely you jest?  Nay...Methinks you kid not. Sheesh...This is not a case of your "readership" here having limited thinking but instead one of you having an unlimited ego.  Well, not quite unlimited as it is obvious that reality contained it all too easily.   Unlike the "Field of Dreams", you built this and no one came.  Yes. It is kinda cool but no, it was overly complicated and projected cost was too much for gym owners to bear.  Choose your next words carefully VB, because it will not be any of us that makes you look like a fool, but as usual, it will be you.

Where are the peers who can judge? What you, indeed.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 04, 2018, 09:37:19 PM

Where are the peers who can judge? What you, indeed.

Believe me when I say without reserve that you are quite common and therefor easily judged by all who come here.  In truth, Reeves would say...No.  No you don't deserve to know true wisdom, for doing so would make you aware of your disgusting ego.  Revealing your problem would not change you, it would only cause you to curl further into your hermit crab shell of an ego. 

Not even wild animals shit where they eat and sleep. But you?  As for your true peers, go look into a mirror and confront Gray's picture.  There is your peer.  And as you gaze upon your reflection give pause to note that it too, is alone in this world.

As for your machine?  Try making something worth having around.  Like a friend or two.  Ooops.  There goes some of the wisdom that was and remains, my friend John.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 10:21:27 PM
Believe me when I say without reserve that you are quite common and therefor easily judged by all who come here.  In truth, Reeves would say...No.  No you don't deserve to know true wisdom, for doing so would make you aware of your disgusting ego.  Revealing your problem would not change you, it would only cause you to curl further into your hermit crab shell of an ego. 

Not even wild animals shit where they eat and sleep. But you?  As for your true peers, go look into a mirror and confront Gray's picture.  There is your peer.  And as you gaze upon your reflection give pause to note that it too, is alone in this world.

As for your machine?  Try making something worth having around.  Like a friend or two.  Ooops.  There goes some of the wisdom that was and remains, my friend John.

A few blokes here would be good friends. The thanks. Hope this helps.
I post here for a few laughs just like everyone else. Trouble is humour isn't that easy to detect unless vulgar.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 10:34:30 PM
Haha lol

That thing looks atrocious. It looks like it belongs in a junkyard for scrap metal.

Maybe Goodrum would buy it from Basile.

Not sure if this version from the Italian brand Panatta can be called a 'Basile Biceps Suplinator ™' but I had some good sessions with this one in a formal gym. There's almost no way that you can perform cheat curls.


Will Vince sue them?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 04, 2018, 11:07:36 PM
Panata and Technogym have biceps machines but no supination.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 04, 2018, 11:13:38 PM
Panata and Technogym have biceps machines but no supination.

Would you sue them if they had a twisting handle?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 01:34:25 AM
If your Bicep Supination Machine produces such great results, why has it not been picked up by major companies?  ??? ???

I had honestly never heard of this Vince guy until i read this thread. Really is a Buffoon. seems to have wasted a whole Lifetime on something that never went anywhere. I feel sorry for the man.  :'(
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 05, 2018, 01:52:14 AM
Sadly, this device looks like the answer to a question only one person (Vince B.) asked.   All that to do what is the equivalent of a dumbbell curl?  There's no doubt that Vince B. is far from stupid, but the reason exercise is not rocket science is because it doesn't need to be.  I think Gene Fisher made some good exercise equipment many years ago but none were as needlessly complicated as this device was/is.

preacher bench is probably the best for biceps anyway , was good enough for larry scott and steve reeves . . .
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 01:56:15 AM
preacher bench is probably the best for biceps anyway , was good enough for larry scott and steve reeves . . .

The epitome of broscience. Well done.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 01:57:18 AM
I had honestly never heard of this Vince guy until i read this thread. Really is a Buffoon. seems to have wasted a whole Lifetime on something that never went anywhere. I feel sorry for the man.  :'(

You got the wrong Vince. Sorry.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 05, 2018, 02:05:06 AM
preacher bench is probably the best for biceps anyway , was good enough for larry scott and steve reeves . . .

& Arnold  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 05, 2018, 02:18:43 AM

You got the wrong Vince. Sorry.

Rubbish, he got the right 1  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 02:47:19 AM
Rubbish, he got the right 1  ;D

Come on, no one is dumb enough to pay a dork like you money to harass me on Getbig!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 05, 2018, 02:50:11 AM

The epitome of broscience. Well done.

so larry scott and steve reeves were wrong
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 03:16:21 AM
so larry scott and steve reeves were wrong

Vince seems to have ignored my Point About genetics, this is why i mentioned Arnold & Albert beckles. He backed up in a post my Point..without even realizing it. He Vince, mentioned the short high Peaks of Albert beckles. This was my Point some have high short peakes & some like Larry scott had Long full biceps. Vince still thinks his machine can Change all of this..a Buffoon.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 05, 2018, 03:24:25 AM
Vince seems to have ignored my Point About genetics, this is why i mentioned Arnold & Albert beckles. He backed up in a post my Point..without even realizing it. He Vince, mentioned the short high Peaks of Albert beckles. This was my Point some have high short peakes & some like Larry scott had Long full biceps. Vince still thinks his machine can Change all of this..a Buffoon.

steve reeves said all he did were preacher curls for his biceps and this worked them the best , larry scott mainly used them too , as you say no exercise was going to change the shape of their biceps . . .
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 03:36:08 AM
steve reeves said all he did were preacher curls for his biceps and this worked them the best , larry scott mainly used them too , as you say no exercise was going to change the shape of their biceps . . .

If Arnold just did BB curls his biceps would still have been excellent. Reeves liked incline Db curls. Does that mean everyone will get Biceps like reeves/Arnold?, of course not. To say his supination machine will give everyone superb biceps is just plain dumb & that we are all fools who know nothing. I know guys with only 6 months training behind them who would laugh at this. Vince is the whipping boy here.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 03:43:34 AM
One of the bad things about the internet is complete nobodies can post pure rubbish and think they are clever. Please don’t insult me with your bullshit.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 03:46:28 AM
One of the bad things about the internet is complete nobodies can post pure rubbish and think they are clever. Please don’t insult me with your bullshit.

 :D Vince just owned his own ass.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 05, 2018, 04:02:59 AM
One of the bad things about the internet is complete nobodies can post pure rubbish and think they are clever. Please don’t insult me with your bullshit.

Stop being so sensitive, a man with your age should have a thick skin, not just literally...
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 05:24:34 AM
Stop being such a sensitive, a man with your age should have a thick skin, not just literally...
I have to stick around, so funny this Vince Buffoon... :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 05:47:38 AM
I have to stick around, so funny this Vince Buffoon... :D

Lame gimmick.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 05, 2018, 05:49:56 AM


Lame gimmick.

Good to see you coming around Vince :).
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 05:51:48 AM

Lame gimmick.

No please explain how your machine can turn me into the Hulk. How it will transform my arms into massive mountains of muscle, regardless of my genetics
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 06:13:54 AM
I can't be bothered debating with halfwits. Sorry.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 05, 2018, 06:19:55 AM
The costs of bringing an idea to prototype to actual production are great.

If you've ever watched Shark Tank you are familiar with the costs some of the contestants incur.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 05, 2018, 06:35:43 AM
The costs of bringing an idea to prototype to actual production are great.

If you've ever watched Shark Tank you are familiar with the costs some of the contestants incur.

Vince lacks the communication skills like the Rhino has...

... and the looks ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 05, 2018, 06:44:02 AM
How old is Vince? he really has the Knowledge of a 10 year old. To come on here & take such a beating because his ego is so big. So funny though. Why the hell has he blue stars?  :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 05, 2018, 09:02:52 AM
One of the bad things about the internet is complete nobodies can post pure rubbish and think they are clever. Please don’t insult me with your bullshit.

if Arnold had used your biceps supinator machine would he have better arms ??
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: cephissus on August 05, 2018, 09:46:14 AM
Why would you give a fuck whether you know someone's actual name or not? Does it have impact on if you agree with that person, or on if you like that person? Most prob not.

Vince, you're just an easily offended idiot with a grotesque ego, who can't stand it if someone thinks differently.
Fact of the matter is that most people (at least over here, but prob also in real life) don't like you and don't agree with most of your thoughts. That might be a bitter pill to swallow, but it's the truth. Take some time to digest this, before you melt down again for the millionth time. Melting down is something with people who have no control over their emotions, which is your main problem.

Good post
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: che on August 05, 2018, 10:56:35 AM
why'd do decide to stay natural

Oh brother  ::)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Henda on August 05, 2018, 11:07:19 AM
The only thing the biceps supinator ever produced is the fat saggy old man arms we see on vince today, the only person who will ever benefit from the useless pile of shit supinator is the scrap man who picks it up and weighs it in for the scrap value
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: che on August 05, 2018, 11:37:07 AM
Best  biceps machine they've ever made .

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 05, 2018, 11:44:00 AM
Best  biceps machine they've ever made .


I find the preacher bench much better than any machine . . .
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 05, 2018, 12:30:05 PM
Best  biceps machine they've ever made .


Which brand? Since it has a display, is it pneumatic?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: che on August 05, 2018, 02:27:43 PM
Which brand? Since it has a display, is it pneumatic?
  I think is an old  Life Fitness Circuit , it was a  computerized machine with negative resistance , crazy pump.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 05, 2018, 06:28:29 PM
How old is Vince? he really has the Knowledge of a 10 year old. To come on here & take such a beating because his ego is so big. So funny though. Why the hell has he blue stars?  :D

Grumpy - obese - bold - 76 yo

Blue stars : last placed on Paul Graham Ifbb Mr.Australia 1975 (that was 43 years ago)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 07:05:21 PM
 I think is an old  Life Fitness Circuit , it was a  computerized machine with negative resistance , crazy pump.

Paul Graham gave me a frame from an Expo in Brisbane in 1986. No electric resistance. I converted it to pin loading. Guys used it in our gym for over a decade. When I started using it I found the pivot point was out by 2 inches. I made the modification and now it is an excellent biceps machine. Most bodybuilders don’t know how to improve machines. I had assumed that Life Fitness knew what they were doing re pivot points but I was mistaken. Recent machines are much improved.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 05, 2018, 07:45:56 PM
Another view of the Life Fitness modified biceps machine.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 06, 2018, 01:13:47 AM

Paul Graham gave me a frame from an Expo in Brisbane in 1986. No electric resistance. I converted it to pin loading. Guys used it in our gym for over a decade. When I started using it I found the pivot point was out by 2 inches. I made the modification and now it is an excellent biceps machine. Most bodybuilders don’t know how to improve machines. I had assumed that Life Fitness knew what they were doing re pivot points but I was mistaken. Recent machines are much improved.

Those pivot points are part of the design and are placed there  by engineers who use information taken from massive data samples which give numbers ( height, torso length, arm length ) for the average user. By moving them you may  have made it more comfortable for you, however companies ( perhaps shortsightedly ) don't design specifically for old Sheila's who think they know more than they actually do. What an ass.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 06, 2018, 01:31:46 AM

Grumpy - obese - bold - 76 yo

Blue stars : last placed on Paul Graham Ifbb Mr.Australia 1975 (that was 43 years ago)

I saw on another thread he does not like exercise for fat loss, so we are Talking About a Fat old man who only Trains biceps? ::)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BSN on August 06, 2018, 01:44:20 AM
Oh, well.. I think the topic should be renamed : Questions for Vince Basile, Were you ever tempted?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 06, 2018, 02:05:42 AM
Oh, well.. I think the topic should be renamed : Questions for Vince Basile, Were you ever tempted?

I would like to see if his biceps are better than Albert beckles… Show us Vince.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 02:43:14 AM
Those pivot points are part of the design and are placed there  by engineers who use information taken from massive data samples which give numbers ( height, torso length, arm length ) for the average user. By moving them you may  have made it more comfortable for you, however companies ( perhaps shortsightedly ) don't design specifically for old Sheila's who think they know more than they actually do. What an ass.


Good point
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 06, 2018, 02:44:02 AM
Another view of the Life Fitness modified biceps machine.

FAKE photo, that gym DO NOT EXIST  ;D

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 06, 2018, 03:30:24 AM

I would like to see if his biceps are better than Albert beckles… Show us Vince.

but imagine how huge beckles arms would have been with the biceps supernator machine ?? :o
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SuperTed on August 06, 2018, 03:33:04 AM
Haha lol

That thing looks atrocious. It looks like it belongs in a junkyard for scrap metal.

Maybe Goodrum would buy it from Basile.

That's one of the machine's biggest problems. Even if it provides a good bicep workout, it has zero aesthetic appeal and just looks like a pile of scrap metal. What decent gym would want that contraption?
Why didn't Vince make any effort to improve it's look?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 04:09:32 AM
That's one of the machine's biggest problems. Even if it provides a good bicep workout, it has zero aesthetic appeal and just looks like a pile of scrap metal. What decent gym would want that contraption?
Why didn't Vince make any effort to improve it's look?

There are plenty of brands who look 'aesthetically appealing', but are far from stable, functional & flexible. Now what's most important when you care about getting results?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SuperTed on August 06, 2018, 05:05:18 AM
There are plenty of brands who look 'aesthetically appealing', but are far from stable, functional & flexible. Now what's most important when you care about getting results?

I totally agree, but if you're trying to sell a product, you should at least make it look like it isn't ready for the scrap heap.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 05:08:56 AM
That's one of the machine's biggest problems. Even if it provides a good bicep workout, it has zero aesthetic appeal and just looks like a pile of scrap metal. What decent gym would want that contraption?
Why didn't Vince make any effort to improve it's look?

What you reveal is that you have never designed anything new. This is my one and only prototype. Lots of stainless steel involved. I have modified the machine several times since 2001. At least 3 major changes. Today it is simpler and much more user friendly. Still the best biceps machine ever made or conceived.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 05:12:20 AM
Those pivot points are part of the design and are placed there  by engineers who use information taken from massive data samples which give numbers ( height, torso length, arm length ) for the average user. By moving them you may  have made it more comfortable for you, however companies ( perhaps shortsightedly ) don't design specifically for old Sheila's who think they know more than they actually do. What an ass.


Spoken like a complete ignoramus. I am about average in height for males. So if a machine fits me it will fit most people. Look at the hand grips. They adjust to suit most people re length of arms. People were using the machine for over a decade and didn't detect the problem. When I altered the pivot point it went from being a good biceps machine to an excellent one.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 05:48:30 AM

Spoken like a complete ignoramus. I am about average in height for males. So if a machine fits me it will fit most people. Look at the hand grips. They adjust to suit most people re length of arms. People were using the machine for over a decade and didn't detect the problem. When I altered the pivot point it went from being a good biceps machine to an excellent one.

Speaking of ignorance, you would fail a 101 statistics exam
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 06, 2018, 05:59:41 AM

What you reveal is that you have never designed anything new. This is my one and only prototype. Lots of stainless steel involved. I have modified the machine several times since 2001. At least 3 major changes. Today it is simpler and much more user friendly. Still the best biceps machine ever made or conceived.

“Still the best biceps machine ever made or conceived”

Okay Vince let’s be civil & ask a few sensible questions
Hopefully you will be able to supply sensible answers.

Says who ?
Has it been critically acclaimed ?
Why Do you believe it is superior to other machines ?
Do you really think Arnold / Sergio / M Mentzer / R Coleman / P Heath / L Scott etc
Would’ve had better or different biceps development had they used your machine ?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 06:37:46 AM
I watched Phil Heath train arms and said wtf! How can he get big training like that?

The sad truth is drugs have ruined bodybuilding.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 06, 2018, 06:51:56 AM

Spoken like a complete ignoramus. I am about average in height for males. So if a machine fits me it will fit most people. Look at the hand grips. They adjust to suit most people re length of arms. People were using the machine for over a decade and didn't detect the problem. When I altered the pivot point it went from being a good biceps machine to an excellent one.

What a dick.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 06, 2018, 07:26:08 AM
“Still the best biceps machine ever made or conceived”

Okay Vince let’s be civil & ask a few sensible questions
Hopefully you will be able to supply sensible answers.

Says who ?
Has it been critically acclaimed ?
Why Do you believe it is superior to other machines ?
Do you really think Arnold / Sergio / M Mentzer / R Coleman / P Heath / L Scott etc
Would’ve had better or different biceps development had they used your machine ?

I watched Phil Heath train arms and said wtf! How can he get big training like that?

The sad truth is drugs have ruined bodybuilding.

Is that it.... your answers to the questions I asked you.
You can’t even answer or justify your own statements,
It it any wonder you’re ridiculed & abused on here if
That’s all you can say.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 07:30:18 AM
It appears that equipment isn’t critical for pros. End of story.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 07:38:36 AM
It appears that equipment isn’t critical for pros. End of story.

Response is critical. Response to training, nutrition & drugs.

Regarding training, you simply need stimulus don't need fancy equipment for that.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 06, 2018, 07:39:04 AM
It appears that equipment isn’t critical for pros. End of story.

No Answers. As I thought.

End of Story. Yes agreed
Let’s not here any more spurious nonsensical claims about a Hugely
Over complicated machine that if lucky mimics what can be achieved
with a Simple Barbell or Dumbell.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 07:59:52 AM

No Answers. As I thought.

End of Story. Yes agreed
Let’s not here any more spurious nonsensical claims about a Hugely
Over complicated machine that if lucky mimics what can be achieved
with a Simple Barbell or Dumbell.

What a pathetic comment. Who else on Getbig has invented some new apparatus? I have plenty more to come if I choose.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 06, 2018, 09:17:08 AM
Those pivot points are part of the design and are placed there  by engineers who use information taken from massive data samples which give numbers

human engineers r going the way of human truck drivers
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 06, 2018, 09:22:30 AM
I watched Phil Heath train arms and said wtf! How can he get big training like that?

The sad truth is drugs have ruined bodybuilding.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Henda on August 06, 2018, 09:22:40 AM
Let’s not forget that basil also claims to have invented the linear bearing smith machine
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 10:07:53 AM
Let’s not forget that basil also claims to have invented the linear bearing smith machine

I said I was the first manufacturer to use them in a Smith machine.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: JAGO on August 06, 2018, 10:21:23 AM

I said I was the first manufacturer to use them in a Smith machine.

Prove it Sheila.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Henda on August 06, 2018, 11:27:44 AM

I said I was the first manufacturer to use them in a Smith machine.

Correct, that would mean you invented the linear bearing smith machine
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dr Dutch on August 06, 2018, 11:57:38 AM
Ronnie is a 100% natural....he turned pro in a natural contast...really no kidding.

 ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 12:02:23 PM
Ronnie is a 100% natural....he turned pro in a natural contast...really no kidding.

 ;D ;D ;D

Go away, drunk old geezer
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 06, 2018, 12:51:20 PM

What a pathetic comment. Who else on Getbig has invented some new apparatus? I have plenty more to come if I choose.

You're the Pathetic one Vince
You were asked some questions politely
And you either choose not to or couldn't answer them.

Having Been a gym owner & no doubt others on here have also
I have & expect others have modified / improved or come up with specific
pieces of equipment.

Its not nuclear physics - Also we don't trumpet on & on about a Goliath of
a redundant piece of equipment that Zero people are interested in other than you.

You really are a self absorbed Buffoon.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 02:27:15 PM

You're the Pathetic one Vince
You were asked some questions politely
And you either choose not to or couldn't answer them.

Having Been a gym owner & no doubt others on here have also
I have & expect others have modified / improved or come up with specific
pieces of equipment.

Its not nuclear physics - Also we don't trumpet on & on about a Goliath of
a redundant piece of equipment that Zero people are interested in other than you.

You really are a self absorbed Buffoon.

Anyone can own a gym so that fact doesn't impress me. Please list any original gym equipment that you came up with.

I built an original piece of equipment so how on earth does it become redundant? No one else has this piece of equipment.

You can't judge what you have never used. Simple as that.

What a waste of time debating gym equipment with knuckleheads.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 02:30:30 PM

You're the Pathetic one Vince
You were asked some questions politely
And you either choose not to or couldn't answer them.

Having Been a gym owner & no doubt others on here have also
I have & expect others have modified / improved or come up with specific
pieces of equipment.

Its not nuclear physics - Also we don't trumpet on & on about a Goliath of
a redundant piece of equipment that Zero people are interested in other than you.

You really are a self absorbed Buffoon.

Long story short: his lack of communication/social skills is one of the main factors why he never became a successful entrepreneur.
Also, as Fitnessfrenzy already pointed out, he's living in his own bubble.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Taffin on August 06, 2018, 03:17:34 PM

What a pathetic comment. Who else on Getbig has invented some new apparatus? I have plenty more to come if I choose.


I'd be interested to hear more about some of the concepts you've got up your sleeve if you feel like sharing?  (No BS on my behalf)
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 03:20:43 PM

I'd be interested to hear more about some of the concepts you've got up your sleeve if you feel like sharing?  (No BS on my behalf)

I would be a real dope to share any original ideas with the Flotsam here.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 03:21:57 PM

I'd be interested to hear more about some of the concepts you've got up your sleeve if you feel like sharing?  (No BS on my behalf)

Before he answers you have to sign a contract where you promise that would never include him to Taffin's photoshop thread
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Zillotch on August 06, 2018, 03:28:10 PM

I would be a real dope to share any original ideas with the Flotsam here.

ur already a dope of considerable magnitude... u should lay off this forum, it is not healthy 4 u.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 06, 2018, 03:33:18 PM

What you reveal is that you have never designed anything new. This is my one and only prototype. Lots of stainless steel involved. I have modified the machine several times since 2001. At least 3 major changes. Today it is simpler and much more user friendly. Still the best biceps machine ever made or conceived.

Name gym & location where is that 'machine'  ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 06, 2018, 03:51:33 PM

What a pathetic comment. Who else on Getbig has invented some new apparatus? I have plenty more to come if I choose.

Stop bullshitting yourself , gym is long gone !.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 06, 2018, 03:55:52 PM

I would be a real dope to share any original ideas with the Flotsam here.

Why not trade marking "CORNUTTO" !.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 06, 2018, 04:05:40 PM

Why not trade marking "CORNUTTO" !.


Someone is paying you to insult me. What a disgusting pig of a person you are.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 06, 2018, 04:09:09 PM

What a pathetic comment. Who else on Getbig has invented some new apparatus? I have plenty more to come if I choose.

Get back to us when you make something useful that is successful.  I don't think you're an idiot.  But I've been wrong before... ;) ;D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 04:17:54 PM
Get back to us when you make something useful that is successful.  I don't think you're an idiot.  But I've been wrong before... ;) ;D

I put money on it that it WILL NEVER HAPPEN, and I've already pointed out why.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 06, 2018, 04:42:21 PM

I'd be interested to hear more about some of the concepts you've got up your sleeve if you feel like sharing?  (No BS on my behalf)

I would be a real dope to share any original ideas with the Flotsam here.

You just got Basile'd. That's where he pontificates that he has some great machine, theory, etc.... that will change the industry, but it never comes to fruition. He'll share bits and pieces vagary or he'll just throw out the old "Flotsam and Jetsam" line. He's been trolling that way for decades.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 06, 2018, 05:01:37 PM
You just got Basile'd. That's where he pontificates that he has some great machine, theory, etc.... that will change the industry, but it never comes to fruition. He'll share bits and pieces vagary or he'll just throw out the old "Flotsam and Jetsam" line. He's been trolling that way for decades.

Are you implying that Binge Basile is the inventor of the broken record player?
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: BB on August 06, 2018, 05:06:09 PM
Are you implying that Binge Basile is the inventor of the broken record player?

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 06, 2018, 05:56:24 PM
So the basic conclusion of this thread:

1) Vince’s bicep supination machine is scrap metal.

2) Vince is jealous of Arnold.

3) Vince thinks he’s more important in the bodybuilding industry than he actually is.

4) Vince’s ideas are non scientific in nature.

5) Vince rigged the 1970 Mr. Canada by picking his own judges.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 06, 2018, 06:55:56 PM

Someone is paying you to insult me. What a disgusting pig of a person you are.

You do realize you're being Wiggsian in your paranoia?  Trust me on this.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: The Scott on August 06, 2018, 06:57:13 PM
I put money on it that it WILL NEVER HAPPEN, and I've already pointed out why.

You, my good sir, are correct!
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: che on August 06, 2018, 07:23:38 PM
So the basic conclusion of this thread:

1) Vince’s bicep supination machine is scrap metal.

2) Vince is jealous of Arnold.

3) Vince thinks he’s more important in the bodybuilding industry than he actually is.

4) Vince’s ideas are non scientific in nature.

5) Vince rigged the 1970 Mr. Canada by picking his own judges.

He also invented the palm tree , the human live trap  and fat trannies .




Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 06, 2018, 07:38:45 PM

He also invented the palm tree , the human live trap  and fat trannies .




I have the first picture hanging up above my bed.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: che on August 06, 2018, 07:40:26 PM
I have the first picture hanging up above my bed.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IRON CROSS on August 06, 2018, 09:31:42 PM


 :o He is wearing women's stockings  :o ???
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dave D on August 06, 2018, 10:16:42 PM

 :o He is wearing women's stockings  :o ???

In my dreams hes always wearing them.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Vince B on August 07, 2018, 12:32:42 AM
Che and SF you two are cu#ts for posting a photo of a friend here.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 07, 2018, 01:47:12 AM

What a pathetic comment. Who else on Getbig has invented some new apparatus? I have plenty more to come if I choose.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 07, 2018, 03:30:15 AM
is there a noticeable benefit using the biceps supernator machine over using a barbell or dumbbell, especially on a preacher bench ??
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: SF1900 on August 07, 2018, 04:57:33 AM
Che and SF you two are cu#ts for posting a photo of a friend here.

I didn’t post the photo.

I just commented to it.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DroppingPlates on August 07, 2018, 05:09:37 AM
I didn’t post the photo.

I just commented to it.

If she only knew what we already know... :o
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: IroNat on August 07, 2018, 06:04:30 AM
Well, looks like John Hansen is off the hook on this thread...
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: chrisbro on August 07, 2018, 09:27:31 AM
Well, looks like John Hansen is off the hook on this thread...

He did the Right Thing keeping quite, Vince on the other hand just can't stop being a Buffoon.  :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: DooM_ on August 07, 2018, 11:14:06 AM
Well, looks like John Hansen is off the hook on this thread...

he's a good guy so we're going easy on him  :D
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: illuminati on August 07, 2018, 12:56:59 PM

Anyone can own a gym so that fact doesn't impress me. Please list any original gym equipment that you came up with.

I built an original piece of equipment so how on earth does it become redundant? No one else has this piece of equipment.

You can't judge what you have never used. Simple as that.

What a waste of time debating gym equipment with knuckleheads.

Exactly right anyone can own a gym - youre always bringing it up that you were a gym owner aren’t you.. ::)

Why would I or any other gym owners want to trumpet on about the equipment they’ve
Adapted or made. Hmmm only You Do. ::)

It’s not wanted by any equipment manufacturers - other than you no ones interested in it
I’d say that makes it fairly Redundant.!!

Correct I can’t judge it as I’ve not used it -
Likewise you can’t back up your claims of how good the machine is or what benefits if any it has.
It just Hot Air Claims From You... ::)

Not only are you a Baffoon
I’m beginning to wonder if your not mildly retarded
As your only mode of reply is to try to insult or try to dismiss.

Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: pellius on August 08, 2018, 02:16:38 AM
he's a good guy so we're going easy on him  :D

And he's  no dummy.
Title: Re: Questions for John Hansen, Were you ever tempted?
Post by: Dr Dutch on October 01, 2018, 02:14:12 PM
Go away, drunk old geezer
As friendly as before.... plus: we're almost the same age you know ??