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Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: Bast175 on August 24, 2006, 10:08:30 PM

Title: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 24, 2006, 10:08:30 PM
How often do you see a fat person eating junkfood and then telling you, "well I do cardio to burn it off".    They eat 7000 calories then burn 150 calories on the 'stairmaster'.      What logic!

And if you do cardio you'll notice that the fat people have the intensity level on the lowest setting and they move slow as hell, often reading "O" magazine or on a cell phone.  What effort!

One time I was on a recumbant bike and a girl was pedaling slow as fock and on the cell phone complaining to whoever she was talking to "I'm trying to get in shape, I mean I'm eating yogurt and healthy stuff"

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 24, 2006, 10:12:11 PM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 24, 2006, 10:20:43 PM
I'm not one that hates on a guy for not being jacked, that's idiotic.  Some guys don't care about being muscular. 

But fat people that complain about being fat but don't put forth any effort are open to being made fun of with no mercy.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: BabyBallsMcgee on August 24, 2006, 10:22:03 PM
Funny post. Those exact words were said by someone a few months ago, whom i've seen training for the past 5 years and looks the exact same.

Somehow he burns all the junk calories yet retains his saggy bitch tits... it must be a scientific phemomena for that to happen if what he says holds true.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jmt1 on August 24, 2006, 10:34:04 PM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

if someone is eating clean a couple of pieces of fruit or a glass of milk here and there it isnt gonna make them fat...but there is a difference between the average person who just wants to stay in shape and a competitive bodybuilder who needs to be shredded and dry onstage...fruit and dairy products have no place in a precontest what if steve reeves ate fruit in 1950 and alot of the 70's guys drank milk and even heavy cream....they would also be considered smooth by todays standards...yeah part of that is drugs that are available today but advancements in nutrition and supplements also play a huge part in that.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Sir William Idol on August 25, 2006, 12:30:20 AM
fat free cheese is worse than no cheese at all, fucking digusting
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: kreator on August 25, 2006, 12:45:39 AM
they usually blame their genetics for their massive amount of unwanted blubber
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jacshelb on August 25, 2006, 01:10:09 AM
I had a friend that asked me for diet advice.  A girl, all of 4'10"or so, very short and about 225 lbs.  I asked her to write down everything she ate during the last two days.  I guestimated her calorie intake and it was about 1100 calories per day...  Which is f**ked up because I would have guessed her to need 3600-4000 cal. per day to maintain her weight as she was somewhat active.  I then asked THE question, "Uh, do you drink much soda?"  "Yes," she says, "About four of these per day." - she said, pointing to a 44 oz big gulp.  Inside, I was thinking 'holy shit!!'  Politely, I advised her to switch to diet as I knew that's about the best I would get her to do. 

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 25, 2006, 01:23:58 AM
fat free cheese is worse than no cheese at all, fucking digusting

haha i like it and use it.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 01:33:46 AM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

So tell me smart ass, what do i do when my favorite meals are ice cream and chips.

i think it' not only the healthy eating, th emajor factor is that fat people are too lazy to be healthy. It's the convenience that makes you fat.
If you are willing to stand in the kitchen for an hour to make your own pizza, you probably aren't fat.
It's the constant eating of ready to eat junk food.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 25, 2006, 01:35:38 AM
So tell me smart ass, what do i do when my favorite meals are ice cream and chips.

This tastes just like ice cream and chips.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: 240 is Back on August 25, 2006, 01:35:48 AM
I had a friend that asked me for diet advice.  A girl, all of 4'10"or so, very short and about 225 lbs.  I asked her to write down everything she ate during the last two days.  I guestimated her calorie intake and it was about 1100 calories per day...  Which is f**ked up because I would have guessed her to need 3600-4000 cal. per day to maintain her weight as she was somewhat active.  I then asked THE question, "Uh, do you drink much soda?"  "Yes," she says, "About four of these per day." - she said, pointing to a 44 oz big gulp.  Inside, I was thinking 'holy shit!!'  Politely, I advised her to switch to diet as I knew that's about the best I would get her to do. 


Did you hit it, jake?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 25, 2006, 01:38:10 AM
One 44oz. size cup =40 teaspoons of sugar & 550 calories 

= 4 of them would be 2200 calories, lol.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 01:39:51 AM
I had a friend that asked me for diet advice.  A girl, all of 4'10"or so, very short and about 225 lbs.  I asked her to write down everything she ate during the last two days.  I guestimated her calorie intake and it was about 1100 calories per day...  Which is f**ked up because I would have guessed her to need 3600-4000 cal. per day to maintain her weight as she was somewhat active.  I then asked THE question, "Uh, do you drink much soda?"  "Yes," she says, "About four of these per day." - she said, pointing to a 44 oz big gulp.  Inside, I was thinking 'holy shit!!'  Politely, I advised her to switch to diet as I knew that's about the best I would get her to do. 


That's the best about it. Ask them what they eat and probably it's not that much. But go to the next store and watch what fat people buy.
I amazes me every time that they buy all the shit that i'd never even touch PLUS they drink fucking tons of Cola and all that sweet stuff.

Then they'll have fucking excuses why they are fat.
I've been asked by  fat people how i stay lean because they see me eating all day. They just don't get it that's the value of cottage cheese with some fruit and cinnamon is different from that cafeteria sandwich with sticky butter and ham, topped with cheese and a tiny slice of tomato. PLUS, they drink a fucking liter of soda afterwards.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 01:42:51 AM
This tastes just like ice cream and chips.


That's what you think.

If you are dieting hard without carbs, a glass of milk seems like eating pure sugar, but if you eat ice cream all day, you'd disagree.

Ever noticed that fat poeople claim that diet soda isn't sweet enough?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 25, 2006, 01:51:26 AM
That's what you think.

If you are dieting hard without carbs, a glass of milk seems like eating pure sugar, but if you eat ice cream all day, you'd disagree.

Ever noticed that fat people claim that diet soda isn't sweet enough?

Yea I was joking, but I do like fiber one.  That's the only form of carbs I had today, haha.

Some people are too fucking picky about food.  These people are ungrateful glutenous assholes.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 02:15:16 AM
Yea I was joking, but I do like fiber one.  That's the only form of carbs I had today, haha.

Some people are too fucking picky about food.  These people are ungrateful glutenous assholes.

Nothing to add to this.  ;D
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: muscleforlife on August 25, 2006, 03:15:20 AM
This tastes just like ice cream and chips.


I actually like this cereal mixed in with my yougurt.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 03:22:36 AM
I actually like this cereal mixed in with my yougurt.


Thanks for that stupid comment, Sandra.

This thread is about hatin on fat people, not about the cereals you like.

Can you please add to the thread?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jwb on August 25, 2006, 03:36:09 AM
I do diets for large people all the time.

I find a low low fat diet doesn't work for them too well - they just overeat refined carbs because they feel hungry.

what does tend to work for many is eating some beef, chicken, whole eggs, whole milk and fish for protein - no oil added though.

carb wise I get them to eat some starchy carb at every meal even dinner but make sure it is unrefined and a small portion.

if they are hungry after their serve of protein and starch then they can load up on salad or cooked fibrous vegetables.

a few pieces of whole fruit per day too.

the BIG thing is to avoid drinking any calories - except for the milk which will probably only be a cup per day anyway.

also they should avoid diet sodas too... the artifical sweetners are too sweet to the palete and makes them crave other sugars too much.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Eyeball Chambers on August 25, 2006, 03:37:12 AM
How often do you see a fat person eating junkfood and then telling you, "well I do cardio to burn it off".    They eat 7000 calories then burn 150 calories on the 'stairmaster'.      What logic!

And if you do cardio you'll notice that the fat people have the intensity level on the lowest setting and they move slow as hell, often reading "O" magazine or on a cell phone.  What effort!

One time I was on a recumbant bike and a girl was pedaling slow as fock and on the cell phone complaining to whoever she was talking to "I'm trying to get in shape, I mean I'm eating yogurt and healthy stuff"


Girls at school would get bagels thinking there healthy or something.... Then load them down with like 6 little packs of cream cheese.   :P
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 03:58:45 AM
Most people here are not expert in obesity but they sure think they are. The laws of science surely govern people who become fat. However, there seems to be a lot we don't know about obesity and how some people just store fat easier than others. Once stored in the body it becomes very difficult to remove. Dieting can be counterproductive because it makes the body store more fat when the diet is over. So, unless you can get fat people to adopt a different lifestyle it is not going to be easy to get them to lose fat. Gyms should be full of fat people but that isn't what happens. I guess part of the reason they are fat is because they tend not to enjoy exercise. You don't see many fat people even out walking. If people get huge they literally cannot do much exercise and many present with joint injuries so cannot do weight training. If these people present at a gym the typical procedure is to get them to do aerobic activity to burn fat. Well, that is boring and not what fat people need. I would put them on gentle bodybuilding programs and make them progress and get stronger.

We all seem to think we know about nutrition and I think bodybuilders as a group are more knowledgeable than just about any other group except nutritionists. However, don't think you know how to get fat people to reduce. It might sound simple but it really is a challenge. I guess all those fat people inherited great genes for hard times but those genes aren't so useful in abundant societies like the Western countries. The Asians are usually not obese so there might be some racial and cultural factors here, too. There could even be a correlation between obesity and intelligence. It seems that richer people can afford treatments and so on to avoid being too fat. Poor people seem to be more fat than the rest of the population.

Another factor besides sex is age. Clearly women seem to be fatter than men. As you get older and less active you will be able to store fat much easier than when you were a teenager or in your twenties. We all seem to think we could get fat people thin but even that TV show The Biggest Loser revealed it wasn't so easy. With persistence and motivation it is possible to reverse some of that obesity. Many are being persuaded to have various surgeries to lose fat. Those surgeries are a last resort because they are dangerous and some people have died from complications.

I would expect bodybuilders to be supportive of fat people who go to gyms. Also, encourage them to do bodybuilding. Bodybuilding for fat people suits them better because you lift and then rest and so on. Also, they will have a better chance at longterm memberships if they see some benefits instead of wearing themselves out on treadmills, etc. Remember that fat people have to sweat and when they exercise their bodies have trouble cooling them so they tend to overheat. No wonder they don't train too hard on those machines. Neither would you if you were that fat.  
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: HERACLES on August 25, 2006, 04:04:57 AM
Just look at they bring up kids, fast foods, sodas..etc..its terrible..

it starts from a young age, parents have to educate their kids and make them understand how important a healthy, low fat "DIET LIFESTYLE" is....

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 04:21:53 AM
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 04:26:15 AM

 There could even be a correlation between obesity and intelligence. It seems that richer people can afford treatments and so on to avoid being too fat. Poor people seem to be more fat than the rest of the population.


I agree with the correlation, but you mix up two things here.
You say intelligence and then continue with rich and poor people. There is no correlation with wealth and intelligence, yet i understand your argument. It's not the treatment that make rich people healthy, it's the education. Rich people tend to have other interests than poor people and a better education.
It seems that low educated people are easier to satisfy with short term goals or even extreme short term goals like a fat meal and a good movie (speak comsuming), while higher educated people are converting their education in long term goals like health, more education or a career.

Someone poor might feel better when he has a full stomach because he hasn't got much else to satisfy him. This is debatable.

A clear point is that poor people with a bad education know nothing about nutrition, they don't care about it.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 04:29:38 AM
Just look at they bring up kids, fast foods, sodas..etc..its terrible..

it starts from a young age, parents have to educate their kids and make them understand how important a healthy, low fat "DIET LIFESTYLE" is....

One problem is that society gets more and more motorized. Most people walk less than 500 meters a day! When they come home, they just sit around an eat some shit.
Mankind was made to survive in a highly dangerous environment with scarce food ressources, that's what our genes are up to.
This dangerous environment can be created artificially by doing sports and having a healthy low calorie diet.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 04:30:21 AM
I agree with the correlation, but you mix up two things here.
You say intelligence and then continue with rich and poor people. There is no correlation with wealth and intelligence, yet i understand your argument. It's not the treatment that make rich people healthy, it's the education. Rich people tend to have other interests than poor people and a better education.
It seems that low educated people are easier to satisfy with short term goals or even extreme short term goals like a fat meal and a good movie (speak comsuming), while higher educated people are converting their education in long term goals like health, more education or a career.

Someone poor might feel better when he has a full stomach because he hasn't got much else to satisfy him. This is debatable.

A clear point is that poor people with a bad education know nothing about nutrition, they don't care about it.
Look at the big brain on Brad!!

Nice followup DKing....Very Well Put!
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 04:32:37 AM
Look at the big brain on Brad!!

Nice followup DKing....Very Well Put!

Thank you, sir.  ;D
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 04:40:14 AM
Fat people are very concerned about nutrition and many know quite a bit because they have read diet books galore. Just about everyone talks about diet to fat people. It must be embarrassing.

People in the lower socio-economic classes tend to be fatter than people in higher classes. The reasons could be many and I touched on a couple previously. If you examine people living in outer poor suburbs of cities they tend to be fatter. I must say the citizens left behind in New Orleans represented poor people and many were fat.

Women tend to worry about their appearance more than men do. So how come many women become obese? They surely do not want this to happen to them and I know even intelligent women can get obese. In general, though, if you go to shopping centers in well-to-do areas you seldom see many fat people there. Go to Walmart and there are heaps of fat people. Go figure.

So if society deems fat unattractive then how come so many women are fat? It must be caused by many things and I guess there is no easy solution. You have big servings when you to out to dinner. Try eating in Australian cafes and see the difference. You have many, many choices of tasty food at your supermarkets and all manner of yummy food available at takeaway places. Advertising also makes kids almost addicted to McDonalds and other brands because of Happy Meals, etc. I still can't find an Unhappy Meal! There are a lot of factors re obesity and I certainly don't have the answers.

You would think if 'fat' is a negative word in America then 'muscle' should be a positive one. That is hardly the case and I guess we bodybuilders haven't done the right thing to reverse the all brawn and no brains concept that many hold about us. Then guys use steroids and that seals the case against us because then we are stupid.  
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Playboy on August 25, 2006, 04:40:26 AM
How often do you see a fat person eating junkfood and then telling you, "well I do cardio to burn it off".    They eat 7000 calories then burn 150 calories on the 'stairmaster'.      What logic!

And if you do cardio you'll notice that the fat people have the intensity level on the lowest setting and they move slow as hell, often reading "O" magazine or on a cell phone.  What effort!

One time I was on a recumbant bike and a girl was pedaling slow as fock and on the cell phone complaining to whoever she was talking to "I'm trying to get in shape, I mean I'm eating yogurt and healthy stuff"


Proven fact. Fat people are extremely jealous of skinny people or people that are in shape. They find every excuse in the book to try and justify their obesity. On Doctor Phil there was an obese lady and she actually told Doctor Phil that the reason she was fat was because she was bitten by a spider. Pregnancy is another ridiculous excuse. I know women that have had more than three births and they look phenomenal because they actually got off their ass and did some excersize. Can you believe that stupidity?! The best is when fat people try and tell you how to workout and how to eat. No thats funny.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: bmacsys on August 25, 2006, 04:40:57 AM

Mankind was made to survive in a highly dangerous environment with scarce food ressources, that's what our genes are up to.
This dangerous environment can be created artificially by doing sports and having a healthy low calorie diet.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 04:53:00 AM

You would think if 'fat' is a negative word in America then 'muscle' should be a positive one. That is hardly the case and I guess we bodybuilders haven't done the right thing to reverse the all brawn and no brains concept that many hold about us. Then guys use steroids and that seals the case against us because then we are stupid.  

again, i agree to a certain degree.
If fat is a negative word, 'healthy' or 'athletic' should be the positive words. In these words, you include a lifestyle. It contains nutrition, sleep, sports. 'muscle' leads to these juice heads. Also, more muscle is not always positive, but you can be 'healthier' or 'more athletic'. i don't consider Ronnie Coleman a healthy individual.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 04:55:00 AM
Humans are composed of water, fat, muscle and bones. So if fat is bad then muscle should be good. What else is there in the body?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 04:57:53 AM
Humans are composed of water, fat, muscle and bones. So if fat is bad then muscle should be good. What else is there in the body?

brains, baby.

You shoot to fast, Vinnie. You always forget to load your arguments before you fire.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Lord Humungous on August 25, 2006, 04:58:17 AM
Being fat is cool, people get out of my way at the buffet, I dont have to struggle to find jeans because everyone else is a size 32-34, and no one crowds me, i crowd them. Besides I can out lift 90% of the sissy around here.

Being fat is way cool  :)
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 05:08:18 AM
brains, baby.

You shoot to fast, Vinnie. You always forget to load your arguments before you fire.
DKong.. I think you should change the quote under your avatar to , "Dont think of yourself as a ugly person..think of yourself as a beautiful monkey"
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Parker on August 25, 2006, 05:09:18 AM
Proven fact. Fat people are extremely jealous of skinny people or people that are in shape.

Look at the comedian Mo'nique. She always starts her jokes with "Skinny women don't hate..." I can't stand skinny women...". "Skinny women think they are all that...."

I can't stand that fat ass. She had a movie called "Fat Girls", in which the fat woman gets the man (in shape with abs)
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: HERACLES on August 25, 2006, 05:11:17 AM
I read how eastern Civilizations like France, and China are catching up to the USA as far as obesity is concerned...haha..USA set the tone for FAT folks...

Sad, but true..
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 05:19:44 AM
Hey, we bodybuilders shouldn't knock anyone else. None of us were great when we started. Besides a lot of fat women look great. I tend not to fancy thin gals and have never dated a fitness chick or female bodybuilder. Never was interested even though I own a gym. Not good to mess with the customers.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 25, 2006, 05:24:44 AM
Hey, we bodybuilders shouldn't knock anyone else. None of us were great when we started. Besides a lot of fat women look great. I tend not to fancy thin gals and have never dated a fitness chick or female bodybuilder. Never was interested even though I own a gym. Not good to mess with the customers.

Whaaa? A lot of fat women look great?

Could you toss us a bone and enlighten us with the name of at least one? That is, if you think some fat chick won't try to eat it before it gets to us.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: nzmusclemonster on August 25, 2006, 05:25:02 AM
Hey, we bodybuilders shouldn't knock anyone else. None of us were great when we started. Besides a lot of fat women look great. I tend not to fancy thin gals and have never dated a fitness chick or female bodybuilder. Never was interested even though I own a gym. Not good to mess with the customers.

Keep telling yourself it's by choice, but in reality you can only get fat chicks because your such an ugly bastard.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: backday on August 25, 2006, 05:26:16 AM
I read how eastern Civilizations like France, and China are catching up to the USA as far as obesity is concerned...haha..USA set the tone for FAT folks...

Sad, but true..
Yeah, that`s true we have seen many more fat people in the last years here in Europe.Bu not only
in adults, children are more fat than 5-10 years ago too :'(
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 05:26:54 AM
fat people are people too you guys ...sheesh, am I the only one that sees that ?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: backday on August 25, 2006, 05:29:55 AM
Keep telling yourself it's by choice, but in reality you can only get fat chicks because your such an ugly bastard.
You are too kind, the fact is he is a fat bastard too. ;D
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 05:38:01 AM
Hey, we bodybuilders shouldn't knock anyone else. None of us were great when we started. Besides a lot of fat women look great. I tend not to fancy thin gals and have never dated a fitness chick or female bodybuilder. Never was interested even though I own a gym. Not good to mess with the customers.

hhahahaa, what a dork you are. Fat chicks look great?

Delete your account.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 05:40:16 AM
Well, bodybuilders are hypocrites. They expect women to think they are more manly because they have bigger muscles. So what if some guys prefer women who are more curvaceous and have more female attributes. Bigger boobs and bigger butts. Gosh, you guys are primitive.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Rome on August 25, 2006, 05:43:31 AM
Look at the comedian Mo'nique. She always starts her jokes with "Skinny women don't hate..." I can't stand skinny women...". "Skinny women think they are all that...."

I can't stand that fat ass. She had a movie called "Fat Girls", in which the fat woman gets the man (in shape with abs)
That biotch is as delusional as the day is long. I don't think fat people should walk around with their heads down feeling ashamed of themselves but this new "I'm fat and STILL look fine and I'm all that" mind set is REALLY fucking annoying! No hate for fat people from me it just makes those of us who workout look better but there are few things more simultaneously amusing and  irritating than a conceited fattie.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 05:44:36 AM
Hey, we bodybuilders shouldn't knock anyone else. None of us were great when we started. Besides a lot of fat women look great. I tend not to fancy thin gals and have never dated a fitness chick or female bodybuilder. Never was interested even though I own a gym. Not good to mess with the customers.
They look great??  What about them looks great?
1.  the 3rd or 4th chin
2. the red whelt marks between their thighs from walking grease fires
3. the calves which look like legs from a cabbage patch doll
4. or the fact that when they are naked it looks like they have a thousand rubber bands tied around their body
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 05:52:14 AM
Get a life you guys. Some big women have amazing bodies. Anyway, talking about preferences is like arguing about ice cream flavours. There is no way to convince someone if they don't agree.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jwb on August 25, 2006, 05:57:01 AM
Marilyn Monroe would be considered large today but she was smokin IMO...
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: nzmusclemonster on August 25, 2006, 06:00:22 AM
Marilyn Monroe would be considered large today but she was smokin IMO...

I agree, but Vince said he was attracted to these sort of women:
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jwb on August 25, 2006, 06:02:11 AM
I agree, but Vince said he was attracted to these sort of women:
sure he did...
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 06:08:48 AM
Marilyn Monroe would be considered large today but she was smokin IMO...
lets dont get "large" or "big boned" confused with FAT.

but yes Marilyn was HOT
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jwb on August 25, 2006, 06:16:59 AM
One BIG problem with more and more people getting fat is that there is power in numbers.

Being fat is becoming more and more accepted and they are gaining power as a lobby group just like the baby boomers.

Fat people cost the rest of us plenty of money though. Our tax dollars go towards their care when they get sick and die younger.

Dying younger also means they pay less tax themselves and contribute less to society financially than healthier people...
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 06:18:35 AM
One BIG problem with more and more people getting fat is that there is power in numbers.

Being fat is becoming more and more accepted and they are gaining power as a lobby group just like the baby boomers.

Fat people cost the rest of us plenty of money though. Our tax dollars go towards their care when they get sick and die younger.

Dying younger also means they pay less tax themselves and contribute less to society financially than healthier people...
sooo are you saying we should start a big grease fire???
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Palpatine Q on August 25, 2006, 06:22:25 AM
The one I like is that baboon Star Jones from The View. For years she was spouting that "I look good, I'm happy with myself, I'm sexy." BULLSHIT and now she's had her stomach stapled,  more surgeries that Joan Rivers and she parades around like she's a fvcking supermodel. All these fat fvcks are full of shit, they are hideous looking and deep down they know it. Hopefully they all kill themselves, Espescially Star Jones.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Playboy on August 25, 2006, 06:24:28 AM
One BIG problem with more and more people getting fat is that there is power in numbers.

Being fat is becoming more and more accepted and they are gaining power as a lobby group just like the baby boomers.

Fat people cost the rest of us plenty of money though. Our tax dollars go towards their care when they get sick and die younger.

Dying younger also means they pay less tax themselves and contribute less to society financially than healthier people...
That means the number of twinkies just quadrupled.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 06:25:20 AM
Star Jones husband is a nugga on the 'down low'
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Playboy on August 25, 2006, 06:27:32 AM
Get a life you guys. Some big women have amazing bodies. Anyway, talking about preferences is like arguing about ice cream flavours. There is no way to convince someone if they don't agree.
Are you kidding me? Cankles arenot a turn on and neither is blubber. And most on this thread would agree unless they are ugly themselves and can't get any good looking women.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 06:32:14 AM
Are you kidding me? Cankles arenot a turn on and neither is blubber. And most on this thread would agree unless they are ugly themselves and can't get any good looking women.


ahhaha, he must think it's fun to shove your hand through kilos of lard before you reach the pussy.

Just think of how fat people sweat between the fat rolls. I'd never touch a fucking whale.

Fat people are the worst. If you're dumb, it's not your fault, but if you're fat, you're just a lazy mofo.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 06:37:11 AM
Are you kidding me? Cankles arenot a turn on and neither is blubber. And most on this thread would agree unless they are ugly themselves and can't get any good looking women.

HOnestly your age most women that are available to you....the ones at your age....are pretty wrinkled and usually have fat arms and big, fat a**es.  Alot of that has to do with age.  I think you know that you are stuck with that,,,so you have adjusted and accepted it....therefore,,,you dont knock it.

Now you go get your girl some extra gravy and give her a nice pinch grip from the guys at getbig
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Palpatine Q on August 25, 2006, 06:38:33 AM
ahhaha, he must think it's fun to shove your hand through kilos of lard before you reach the pussy.

Just think of how fat people sweat between the fat rolls. I'd never touch a fucking whale.

Fat people are the worst. If you're dumb, it's not your fault, but if you're fat, you're just a lazy mofo.

And if you are fat AND dumb.....well, just do us all a favor and go away. You have missed the genetic lotto and have no reason to exist.

Seriously I feel bad for the person who looks at a french fry and gains ten pounds. those people are just fvcked at birth and there is nothing they can do. It's the run of the mill sloppy bastard with no dietary discipline that i can't stand.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 06:42:30 AM
HAHAAHAHA The MAJORITY of people on this site are fat.

You guys kill me with your "diet" advice.

Don`t drink milk or eat fruit. >OLOLOLOLLLLLLLOLOLOL

What the fuck are you gonna say when I am 4 percent bodyfat and that I eat fruit and drink milk everyday just like my boy Bast does?

hahahahahahahahah   You people don`t know shit in reality.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 06:43:38 AM
HAHAAHAHA The MAJORITY of people on this site are fat.

You guys kill me with your "diet" advice.

Don`t drink milk or eat fruit. >OLOLOLOLLLLLLLOLOLOL

What the f**k are you gonna say when I am 4 percent bodyfat and that I eat fruit and drink milk everyday just like my boy Bast does?

hahahahahahahahah   You people don`t know shit in reality.
Frank Zane said to stay away from Diary Products and Fruit when dieting down for contest ... he was ripped
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 06:45:26 AM
Frank Zane said to stay away from Diary Products and Fruit when dieting down for contest ... he was ripped

Actually he didn`t. I have all of his books. Even the one with his diary entries of him drinking milk and eating fruit pre contest.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 06:45:55 AM
HAHAAHAHA The MAJORITY of people on this site are fat.

You guys kill me with your "diet" advice.

Don`t drink milk or eat fruit. >OLOLOLOLLLLLLLOLOLOL

What the f**k are you gonna say when I am 4 percent bodyfat and that I eat fruit and drink milk everyday just like my boy Bast does?

hahahahahahahahah   You people don`t know shit in reality.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 06:47:05 AM
Frank Zane really advocates Cheeses. Fat free mostly.

If you go to his site and read his newsletters, you will see.

Zane was smarter than all of these current people.  He is a Legendary Icon.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: RJB on August 25, 2006, 06:47:23 AM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

Why DO people think that diet soda will make one fat. There are no calories in it; that's the whole selling point. Sometimes people see me drinking it and say "what's the point, just as bad as regular". Huh?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 06:48:36 AM

What the f**k are you gonna say when I am 4 percent bodyfat and that I eat fruit and drink milk everyday just like my boy Bast does?

Do you drink milk with your Adonis cookies?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 25, 2006, 06:49:21 AM
Get a life you guys. Some big women have amazing bodies. Anyway, talking about preferences is like arguing about ice cream flavours. There is no way to convince someone if they don't agree.

Just exactly how big are you talking, Vince.

Are you saying you like curvey and thick or rolly polly?

I think you're also missing a major point here and it's not just an attitude reflected by bodybuilders but by people who take fitness and health seriously. Personally, I can not respect a fat person that does nothing to improve their health and appearance and if I can't respect that person I sure as hell do not want to be around them.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 06:49:49 AM
Why DO people think that diet soda will make one fat. There are no calories in it; that's the whole selling point. Sometimes people see me drinking it and say "what's the point, just as bad as regular". Huh?

They are the same people that think Fruit and Milk make you magically fat.

People really aren`t that smart.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 06:50:01 AM
HAHAAHAHA The MAJORITY of people on this site are fat.

You guys kill me with your "diet" advice.

Don`t drink milk or eat fruit. >OLOLOLOLLLLLLLOLOLOL

What the f**k are you gonna say when I am 4 percent bodyfat and that I eat fruit and drink milk everyday just like my boy Bast does?

hahahahahahahahah   You people don`t know shit in reality.

More like MILKDOWN
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 25, 2006, 06:53:52 AM
More like MILKDOWN

I drink skim milk everyday.... in my Starbucks latte.  ;D

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: RJB on August 25, 2006, 06:54:17 AM
Fat people are lazy.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 06:55:49 AM
I drink skim milk everyday.... in my Starbucks latte.  ;D

That a boy.  Milk is anotehr Nectar of the Gods. That and Diet Soda.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: RJB on August 25, 2006, 06:57:40 AM
People on this board think milk and fruit are bad for you? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I drink skim milk like water.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 06:59:22 AM
People on this board think milk and fruit are bad for you? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I drink skim milk like water.

I don`t get it either.  They think a magical layer of fat appears under your skin or something.  These two things are about the best thing to eat and drink when in a caloric defecit.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 25, 2006, 06:59:39 AM
That a boy.  Milk is anotehr Nectar of the Gods. That and Diet Soda.

Fvcking A it is.  ;D    ....but you forgot Crystal Light.

Clue to fat people: exercise and everything in moderation.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know how to eat healthy and avoid processed sugar.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Mars on August 25, 2006, 07:02:44 AM
Crystal meth.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: candidate2025 on August 25, 2006, 07:05:05 AM
I'm not one that hates on a guy for not being jacked, that's idiotic. 
no.......because that would make you a hypocrit.


Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:10:48 AM
no.......because that would make you a hypocrit.



You fall into the category of delusional fat people.  Do you realize this?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 07:11:36 AM
Crystal meth.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 07:12:08 AM
You fall into the category of delusional fat people.  Do you realize this?
Hahahah he is a bigger joke than Alexxx when it comes to delusionalism, at least alexxx works out, Canidate is the typical fat kid ..
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: ignorance on August 25, 2006, 07:12:58 AM
A friend of mine, was 260pds, @ 5,7 and he wanted to see his abs, this was back in Jan. 2006, the very very first thing I told him to do before going and buy a gym membership was to stop drinking cola and switch to water, After 6 months of going to the gym with me, he lost 50 pds, and pick up a hot fucking girlfriend in the summer, he doesn't have his abs yet but he has more muscle than most peestains that went to the gym in that time period.

In fact his girlfriend and him have a 'relationship deal' He isn't allowed to have any type of pop or high carb drink, ands she isn't allowed to eat junk food, ie Mac D's and all that shit. My work here is done.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:14:44 AM
A friend of mine, was 260pds, @ 5,7 and he wanted to see his abs, this was back in Jan. 2006, the very very first thing I told him to do before going and buy a gym membership was to stop drinking cola and switch to water, After 6 months of going to the gym with me, he lost 50 pds, and pick up a hot fucking girlfriend in the summer, he doesn't have his abs yet but he is so fucking happy that he doesnt drink soda anymore.

In fact his girlfriend and him have a 'relationship deal' He isn't allowed to have any type of pop or high carb drink, ands she isn't allowed to eat junk food, ie Mac D's and all that shit. My work here is done.

I hope he at least drinks diet soda.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: ignorance on August 25, 2006, 07:16:02 AM
only when streed out does he drink pop, he grew up abit, he now drinks beer.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 07:18:37 AM

In fact his girlfriend and him have a 'relationship deal' He isn't allowed to have any type of pop or high carb drink, ands she isn't allowed to eat junk food, ie Mac D's and all that shit. My work here is done.

How sad.  Some fat chick threating to hold back the Punani if her fat boyfriend gets any fatter.

Such self control
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: nzmusclemonster on August 25, 2006, 07:19:11 AM
A former top NZ bodybuilder would drink 5-10 litres a day of chocolate milk.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: HUGEPECS on August 25, 2006, 07:24:52 AM

hhahahaa, what a dork you are. Fat chicks look great?

Delete your account.

ha,ha,ha...fat chicks make me regurgitate >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: buffbodz on August 25, 2006, 07:25:33 AM
I had a friend that asked me for diet advice.  A girl, all of 4'10"or so, very short and about 225 lbs.  I asked her to write down everything she ate during the last two days.  I guestimated her calorie intake and it was about 1100 calories per day...  Which is f**ked up because I would have guessed her to need 3600-4000 cal. per day to maintain her weight as she was somewhat active.  I then asked THE question, "Uh, do you drink much soda?"  "Yes," she says, "About four of these per day." - she said, pointing to a 44 oz big gulp.  Inside, I was thinking 'holy shit!!'  Politely, I advised her to switch to diet as I knew that's about the best I would get her to do. 

I just saw a story on soda in our diets.  After 30, the average person who drinks 1 can of soda a day will add 15 lbs. of fat in a year.  It's all sugar and chemicals.  Not only will it add lbs. of fat, but say good buy to a healthy pair of teeth too.  With all the flavored non calorie drinks, it amazes me how many people still drink 3-4 cans a day and wonder why they can't drop lbs.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: brianX on August 25, 2006, 07:25:44 AM
I don`t get it either.  They think a magical layer of fat appears under your skin or something.  These two things are about the best thing to eat and drink when in a caloric defecit.

Skim milk has 12g of sugar per serving, Einstein. ::)
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: HUGEPECS on August 25, 2006, 07:26:18 AM
ahhaha, he must think it's fun to shove your hand through kilos of lard before you reach the pussy.

Just think of how fat people sweat between the fat rolls. I'd never touch a fucking whale.

Fat people are the worst. If you're dumb, it's not your fault, but if you're fat, you're just a lazy mofo.

lol.....donkeykong, stop ;D ;D
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: RJB on August 25, 2006, 07:28:25 AM
Skim milk has 12g of sugar per serving, Einstein. ::)

That's a lot if you sit on the couch all day. If you move it's inconsequential.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:36:11 AM
Skim milk has 12g of sugar per serving, Einstein. ::)

All CARBOHYDRATES are sugars Einstein.

Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose molecules bonded through a β1-4 glycosidic linkage. Lactose makes up around 2-8% of the solids in milk. The name comes from the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars. Lactose is a disaccharide consisting of two subunits, a galactose and a glucose linked together. Its empirical formula is C12H22O11 and its molecular weight is 342.3 g/mol. In the young of mammals, an enzyme called lactase (β1-4 disaccharidase) is secreted by the intestinal villi, and this enzyme cleaves the molecule into its two subunits for absorption.

A Growing Body of Evidence

A growing body of evidence suggests that getting adequate amounts of milk in the diet may help promote a healthy weight for both adults and children. In fact, experts now consider a low dairy intake a risk factor for being overweight or obese.

"Consistently we see that people who regularly drink milk weigh less or have less body fat than those who rarely drink milk or consume little or no dairy," says renowned calcium researcher Dr. Robert P. Heaney of Creighton University in Omaha, who suggests that correcting the country's calcium deficit might reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity in women by as much as 60 to 80 percent.

In one of Heaney's recent studies, he and colleagues reanalyzed data and found that women who consumed the recommend 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day weighed an average of 18 pounds less than those not getting enough calcium. Each 300 milligram increase in calcium intake - the amount found in one glass of milk - was associated with about 5 to 6 pounds lower body weight.

Using data from adults in the Quebec Family Study, Canadian researchers found that women consuming less than 600 milligrams of calcium a day had greater body weight, BMI, percentage of body fat, fat mass, waist circumference and abdominal tissue compared to those consuming 600 milligrams of calcium or more.  Milk and milk products provided about 60 percent of the calcium in the diets of the study participants.

Similar trends have been observed with children and teenagers. A recent study conducted by nutrition researchers at the University of Hawaii found that adolescent girls ages 9 to 14 who drank more milk weighed less and had less body fat around their waist compared to their peers who were more likely to drink sodas instead of milk. Girls who drank more soda but also ate the same total calories tended to be heavier.

"We wanted to identify dietary factors to help reverse the growing rate of childhood obesity in this country," said lead researcher Dr. Rachel Novotny, a nutrition professor at the University of Hawaii. "It didn't take much, just an extra glass of milk or a cup of yogurt was associated with lower body fat in teens. Our study found that adolescent girls who ate an additional serving of dairy had significantly lower body fat, when age, ethnicity, growth stage, activity level, and calorie intake were the same."

The researchers found that for every 8-ounce glass of milk consumed, which provides 300 milligrams of calcium, teenage girls weighed an average of 2 pounds less and had a waistline of about one inch slimmer than their counterparts who drank more sodas.

Achieving Better Results

There is a growing body of research indicating that for those people who don't already get the recommended levels of dairy, they can get better results when dieting by including three glasses of milk a day (for a total of 24 ounces) in a reduced-calorie plan.

"No, milk is not a magic bullet, calories still count, but there's growing evidence that you could lose more weight with dairy in your diet plan than without," said Dr. Michael Zemel, a nutrition researcher at the University of Tennessee.  Zemel has conducted numerous clinical trials demonstrating that increasing dairy intake to three servings a day promoted greater weight and fat loss in overweight people following a reduced-calorie diet.   According to Zemel, most Americans do not consume enough calcium to satisfy their needs. Including three servings of low fat of fat free milk a day is consistent with the U.S. dietary guidelines and MyPyramid.

Zemel said when we don't have enough calcium in our diets, it appears to send two messages to fat cells. "One is to make more fat and the other is to slow down the process of fat burning.  Increasing milk consumption seems to tell your body to burn excess fat faster, increasing your body's fat-burning ability," he said.

While more research is needed to understand the dairy-weight loss connection, it looks like the mix of nutrients found in dairy foods, including calcium and protein, may help promote healthy weight by assisting in the body's natural system that regulates fat breakdown and oxidation (or burning of fat).

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:37:45 AM
I just saw a story on soda in our diets.  After 30, the average person who drinks 1 can of soda a day will add 15 lbs. of fat in a year.  It's all sugar and chemicals.  Not only will it add lbs. of fat, but say good buy to a healthy pair of teeth too.  With all the flavored non calorie drinks, it amazes me how many people still drink 3-4 cans a day and wonder why they can't drop lbs.

That study is bullshit because if a normal person was in a caloric defecit, then drinking one soda a day would not cause any weight gain.

Its just another for shock value. 
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:38:49 AM
Skim milk has 12g of sugar per serving, Einstein. ::)

All Carbohydrates are Sugars and All Sugars are different.  Lactose is a great sugar to reduce body fat.

Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose molecules bonded through a β1-4 glycosidic linkage. Lactose makes up around 2-8% of the solids in milk. The name comes from the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars. Lactose is a disaccharide consisting of two subunits, a galactose and a glucose linked together. Its empirical formula is C12H22O11 and its molecular weight is 342.3 g/mol. In the young of mammals, an enzyme called lactase (β1-4 disaccharidase) is secreted by the intestinal villi, and this enzyme cleaves the molecule into its two subunits for absorption.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Mars on August 25, 2006, 07:41:19 AM
Fruit and milk makes you fatter then eating donuts.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 07:42:28 AM
Fruit and milk makes you fatter then eating donuts.
absolutely right
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: RJB on August 25, 2006, 07:50:03 AM
In my experience with fat people, they don't excercise and they eat fast food and cake and soda and fried chicken and pizza. And they can't figure it out. And they are usually angrier than skinny people.
Nobody ever got fat from eating apples.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:54:03 AM
You will lose more body fat by including one serving of dairy in your diet than without.

The new studies are pretty amazing....Do a search and you will see.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 07:54:15 AM
Fat Person Diet Lunch: Two Slices of Pizza , fries, and a diet coke....Then when they get to their desk at work and nobodies looking, a chocolate bar.

Then they have the nerve to complain, Im trying everything and ITS NOT WORKING !!!
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 07:56:16 AM
Here is another interesting study concerning dairy and Abdominal body fat reduction.  These new studies are getting pretty conclusive in that if you want to get ultra lean, you should include one serving of dairy.

Good Stuff.

It's easy. It's simple. And it tastes good. Eat light yogurt daily as part of your weight loss plan, and you could lose an average of 14 pounds in just 12 weeks.

That's the word from researchers at the University of Tennessee who have found that people who included Yoplait Light as part of their weight loss plan lost significantly more weight compared to others who simply reduced the number of calories.

Specifically, this is what the yogurt eaters lost during the 12-week study:

22 percent more weight for an average weight loss of 14 pounds.
66 percent more body fat.
81 percent more trunkal (or stomach) fat.
How does yogurt do this? It appears to fuel the body's fat-burning ability, which in turn makes it easier to lose fat and maintain lean muscle.

The study: Led by Michael Zemel, a professor of nutrition, the research team studied the impact of adding yogurt to a reduced-calorie diet among 34 healthy, but obese, adults. They were randomly assigned to one of two diet groups. The first group consumed about 1,100 mg of calcium each day, including three servings of Yoplait Light yogurt, while the other group ate a low-calcium diet with only one serving of dairy a day. The second group is a reflection of the typical American diet, which is low in calcium. Participants were given individualized diet plans that were about 500 less calories fewer than they typically ate. Weekly measurements of body weight and blood pressure were taken.

The results: "Not only did yogurt help the study participants lose more weight--the average weight loss was 14 pounds--they were about twice as effective at maintaining lean muscle mass," Zemel said in a news release announcing the findings. "This is a critical issue when dieting. You want to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle helps burn calories, but it is often compromised during weight loss." The calcium helped the dieters lose more than an inch around their waist.

More important, they lost weight were it counts the most--in their tummies. Stomach fat is the most dangerous kind of fat, creating a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer.

"The moral of the calcium story is to not dump dairy when you're dieting," Zemel explained in the news release. "Not only is it critical to keep your calcium levels high so you won't lose bone density, but also it will help you maintain your muscle mass and increase your fat loss. A diet rich in low-fat dairy foods, like yogurt, can help make your weight loss efforts easier."

How much dairy should you eat each day? Zemel recommends three servings of fat-free and low-fat foods.

The study findings were published in the International Journal of Obesity
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: the choad on August 25, 2006, 07:58:57 AM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

Damn Adonis some times you make a little sense...When you aren't bashing drugs..
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 25, 2006, 08:02:02 AM
Fat Person Diet Lunch: Two Slices of Pizza , fries, and a diet coke....Then when they get to their desk at work and nobodies looking, a chocolate bar.

Then they have the nerve to complain, Im trying everything and ITS NOT WORKING !!!

that sounds like my lunch* - minus the candy bar.

* sometimes i dip my fries in ranch dressing.  :)

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: the choad on August 25, 2006, 08:03:52 AM
Here is another interesting study concerning dairy and Abdominal body fat reduction.  These new studies are getting pretty conclusive in that if you want to get ultra lean, you should include one serving of dairy.

Good Stuff.

It's easy. It's simple. And it tastes good. Eat light yogurt daily as part of your weight loss plan, and you could lose an average of 14 pounds in just 12 weeks.

That's the word from researchers at the University of Tennessee who have found that people who included Yoplait Light as part of their weight loss plan lost significantly more weight compared to others who simply reduced the number of calories.

Specifically, this is what the yogurt eaters lost during the 12-week study:

22 percent more weight for an average weight loss of 14 pounds.
66 percent more body fat.
81 percent more trunkal (or stomach) fat.
How does yogurt do this? It appears to fuel the body's fat-burning ability, which in turn makes it easier to lose fat and maintain lean muscle.

The study: Led by Michael Zemel, a professor of nutrition, the research team studied the impact of adding yogurt to a reduced-calorie diet among 34 healthy, but obese, adults. They were randomly assigned to one of two diet groups. The first group consumed about 1,100 mg of calcium each day, including three servings of Yoplait Light yogurt, while the other group ate a low-calcium diet with only one serving of dairy a day. The second group is a reflection of the typical American diet, which is low in calcium. Participants were given individualized diet plans that were about 500 less calories fewer than they typically ate. Weekly measurements of body weight and blood pressure were taken.

The results: "Not only did yogurt help the study participants lose more weight--the average weight loss was 14 pounds--they were about twice as effective at maintaining lean muscle mass," Zemel said in a news release announcing the findings. "This is a critical issue when dieting. You want to lose fat, not muscle. Muscle helps burn calories, but it is often compromised during weight loss." The calcium helped the dieters lose more than an inch around their waist.

More important, they lost weight were it counts the most--in their tummies. Stomach fat is the most dangerous kind of fat, creating a higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and some types of cancer.

"The moral of the calcium story is to not dump dairy when you're dieting," Zemel explained in the news release. "Not only is it critical to keep your calcium levels high so you won't lose bone density, but also it will help you maintain your muscle mass and increase your fat loss. A diet rich in low-fat dairy foods, like yogurt, can help make your weight loss efforts easier."

How much dairy should you eat each day? Zemel recommends three servings of fat-free and low-fat foods.

The study findings were published in the International Journal of Obesity

There's isn't anything magical about yogert.. you can easily replace it with other dairy products and get the same results..provided you account for the extra calories..
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 25, 2006, 08:06:16 AM
Fat people smell funny, too.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:06:51 AM
Fat people smell funny, too.

It isn't one bit funny.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 25, 2006, 08:08:14 AM
It isn't one bit funny.

Very true DK, poor choice of words on my part.  How bout....fat people smell like a bucket of unwiped assholes?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 08:09:06 AM
Very true DK, poor choice of words on my part.  How bout....fat people smell like a bucket of unwiped assholes?
So do terrorist ...
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: the choad on August 25, 2006, 08:09:57 AM
Very true DK, poor choice of words on my part.  How bout....fat people smell like a bucket of unwiped assholes?

yes Showstoppa fat people smell like sweaty bungholes...this much is true
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 25, 2006, 08:10:52 AM
So do terrorist ...

Yes, Double J.  I think a very effective way to counter terrorism on planes is to just give them a smell test.  If you can smell them from more than 5 feet away, they are either a terrorist or fat.  Either way, no fly zone for them.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 08:11:33 AM
They are not only selfish with their portions of food but they hog all the good air...they are always breathing harder and heavier than normal people... >:(
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: the choad on August 25, 2006, 08:13:15 AM
They are not only selfish with their portions of food but they hog all the good air...they are always breathing harder and heavier than normal people... >:(

we should just put all fat people including sarcasm on a small, i mean large island and blow it up..
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:15:06 AM
we should just put all fat people including sarcasm on a small, i mean large island and blow it up..

add some arabs and we have a deal. Their women are fat too.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 25, 2006, 08:15:42 AM
They are not only selfish with their portions of food but they hog all the good air...they are always breathing harder and heavier than normal people... >:(

Plus, sometimes they just make me vomit with the golf divets on their legs.... :-X
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: shiftedShapes on August 25, 2006, 08:16:29 AM
we should just put all fat people including sarcasm on a small, i mean large island and blow it up..

The island is called North America. 
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jaejonna on August 25, 2006, 08:16:41 AM
we should just put all fat people including sarcasm on a small, i mean large island and blow it up..
I thought we were using the spare island for the AIDS homos ??
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 08:19:17 AM
The point is,

FRUIT AND MILK will DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat specifically in the abdominal region.

I just love how people try to avoid it for no reason whatsoever.

Another victory for modern science and another loss for idiotic gym science.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: shiftedShapes on August 25, 2006, 08:20:42 AM
The point is,

FRUIT AND MILK will DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat specifically in the abdominal region.

I just love how people try to avoid it for no reason whatsoever.

Another victory for modern science and another loss for idiotic gym science.

true hulkamaniacs konw that milk is for babies.  It's all about drinking raw eggs.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:22:12 AM
The point is,

FRUIT AND MILK will DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat specifically in the abdominal region.

I just love how people try to avoid it for no reason whatsoever.

Another victory for modern science and another loss for idiotic gym science.


This thread isn't about fruit and milk, it's about smelly fat people chugging down ice cream and annoying healthy people like us.

We understood now that you know all about milk and fruits. It's all good, you can go to bed again.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:27:35 AM
Plus, sometimes they just make me vomit with the golf divets on their legs.... :-X

there should be a law that fat people cannot go to pools or to the beach.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 08:27:45 AM
All CARBOHYDRATES are sugars Einstein.

Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose molecules bonded through a β1-4 glycosidic linkage. Lactose makes up around 2-8% of the solids in milk. The name comes from the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars. Lactose is a disaccharide consisting of two subunits, a galactose and a glucose linked together. Its empirical formula is C12H22O11 and its molecular weight is 342.3 g/mol. In the young of mammals, an enzyme called lactase (β1-4 disaccharidase) is secreted by the intestinal villi, and this enzyme cleaves the molecule into its two subunits for absorption.

A Growing Body of Evidence

A growing body of evidence suggests that getting adequate amounts of milk in the diet may help promote a healthy weight for both adults and children. In fact, experts now consider a low dairy intake a risk factor for being overweight or obese.

"Consistently we see that people who regularly drink milk weigh less or have less body fat than those who rarely drink milk or consume little or no dairy," says renowned calcium researcher Dr. Robert P. Heaney of Creighton University in Omaha, who suggests that correcting the country's calcium deficit might reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity in women by as much as 60 to 80 percent.

In one of Heaney's recent studies, he and colleagues reanalyzed data and found that women who consumed the recommend 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day weighed an aver          pounds less than those not getting enough calcium. Each 300 milligram increase in calcium intake - the amount found in one glass of milk - was associated with about 5 to 6 pounds lower body weight.

Using data from adults in the Quebec Family Study, Canadian researchers found that women consuming less than 600 milligrams of calcium a day had greater body weight, BMI, percentage of body fat, fat mass, waist circumference and abdominal tissue compared to those consuming 600 milligrams of calcium or more.  Milk and milk products provided about 60 percent of the calcium in the diets of the study participants.

Similar trends have been observed with children and teenagers. A recent study conducted by nutrition researchers at the University of Hawaii found that adolescent girls ages 9 to 14 who drank more milk weighed less and had less body fat around their waist compared to their peers who were more likely to drink sodas instead of milk. Girls who drank more soda but also ate the same total calories tended to be heavier.

"We wanted to identify dietary factors to help reverse the growing rate of childhood obesity in this country," said lead researcher Dr. Rachel Novotny, a nutrition professor at the University of Hawaii. "It didn't take much, just an extra glass of milk or a cup of yogurt was associated with lower body fat in teens. Our study found that adolescent girls who ate an additional serving of dairy had significantly lower body fat, when age, ethnicity, growth stage, activity level, and calorie intake were the same."

The researchers found that for every 8-ounce glass of milk consumed, which provides 300 milligrams of calcium, teenage girls weighed an average of 2 pounds less and had a waistline of about one inch slimmer than their counterparts who drank more sodas.

Achieving Better Results

There is a growing body of research indicating that for those people who don't already get the recommended levels of dairy, they can get better results when dieting by including three glasses of milk a day (for a total of 24 ounces) in a reduced-calorie plan.

"No, milk is not a magic bullet, calories still count, but there's growing evidence that you could lose more weight with dairy in your diet plan than without," said Dr. Michael Zemel, a nutrition researcher at the University of Tennessee.  Zemel has conducted numerous clinical trials demonstrating that increasing dairy intake to three servings a day promoted greater weight and fat loss in overweight people following a reduced-calorie diet.   According to Zemel, most Americans do not consume enough calcium to satisfy their needs. Including three servings of low fat of fat free milk a day is consistent with the U.S. dietary guidelines and MyPyramid.

Zemel said when we don't have enough calcium in our diets, it appears to send two messages to fat cells. "One is to make more fat and the other is to slow down the process of fat burning.  Increasing milk consumption seems to tell your body to burn excess fat faster, increasing your body's fat-burning ability," he said.

While more research is needed to understand the dairy-weight loss connection, it looks like the mix of nutrients found in dairy foods, including calcium and protein, may help promote healthy weight by assisting in the body's natural system that regulates fat breakdown and oxidation (or burning of fat).

and you do know that cows are fed hormones, so you are actually getting steroid Milk.
So Adonis...You NOW are TRUELY   ALL DRUGS
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 08:30:42 AM
add some arabs and we have a deal. Their women are fat too.
and all the women have mustaches too
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:33:09 AM
and all the women have mustaches too

Luckily they cover their faces most of the time.

We should have Saudi-Arabian Laws considering women converted to fat people in the US.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 08:38:39 AM
and you do know that cows are fed hormones, so you are actually getting steroid Milk.
So Adonis...You NOW are TRUELY   ALL DRUGS

Not a dumber statement could be made.  Steroids aren`t stored in the muscle or tissue like that, steroids and hormones don`t work like that.

Kind of like Steroids aren`t passed to a baby whose father is juicing.

You people really are stupid.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 08:40:27 AM
Not a dumber statement could be made.  Steroids aren`t stored in the muscle or tissue like that, steroids and hormones don`t work like that.

Kind of like Steroids aren`t passed to a baby whose father is juicing.

You people really are stupid.
well at least we have good haircuts
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 08:42:11 AM
well at least we have good haircuts

haha I have owned everyone one of you half rate trainers on this thread.

I love educating the stupid....At least you will reach your goals now.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: alexxx on August 25, 2006, 08:45:40 AM
Funny how all the fat guys come in this threat to burn on other fat guys.. can you say hypocrites?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:47:23 AM
Funny how all the fat guys come in this threat to burn on other fat guys.. can you say hypocrites?

What do you know who's fat here?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The Showstoppa on August 25, 2006, 08:47:46 AM
Funny how all the fat guys come in this threat to burn on other fat guys.. can you say hypocrites?

Who are you talking about, alexxx? 
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: alexxx on August 25, 2006, 08:51:30 AM
Not saying another word.  :-X
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: alexxx on August 25, 2006, 08:53:43 AM
Who are you talking about, alexxx? 

The people that can't see their abs.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 08:54:54 AM
The people that can't see their abs.

hahaha, YOU couldn't see you abs until 3 weeks ago!!

monster delusions.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 08:58:39 AM
haha I have owned everyone one of you half rate trainers on this thread.

I love educating the stupid....At least you will reach your goals now.
all this from a guy who takes his digital camera to the gym....makes up a Team Adonis shirt..and has a recipe for Adonis cookies.

You own yourself!

hahahah  Voluntary Meltdown
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: alexxx on August 25, 2006, 08:58:52 AM
hahaha, YOU couldn't see you abs until 3 weeks ago!!

monster delusions.

I always saw my abs.. even when I was over 240lbs.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 09:01:25 AM
I always saw my abs.. even when I was over 240lbs.

with your x-ray vision?

Also, you've never been over 240lbs, unless you've been a fat fuck then.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: danielson on August 25, 2006, 09:01:45 AM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

well said. Simple logic. Too many people these days are gluttonous, but it only makes us(people in shape) look better ;D
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: alexxx on August 25, 2006, 09:08:43 AM
with your x-ray vision?

Also, you've never been over 240lbs, unless you've been a fat f**k then.

Yeah I though I was around 12 % bodyfat but turns out I was closer to 18% but I could still see my abs. :)
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 09:12:31 AM
Yeah I though I was around 12 % bodyfat but turns out I was closer to 18% but I could still see my abs. :)

Yah. At least you do realize that now.  That first step to becoming a champion....Recognizing the state of oneself without delusion.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: alexxx on August 25, 2006, 09:18:02 AM
Yah. At least you do realize that now.  That first step to becoming a champion....Recognizing the state of oneself without delusion.

I just went back to see my old famous bathroom pics from last year and I was totally discusted at my conditioning.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 09:50:53 AM
I just went back to see my old famous bathroom pics from last year and I was totally discusted at my conditioning.

Yes, we all were.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 09:56:55 AM
There should be a law against fat bashing and thinking it is funny. Some men fancy fat women and others like curvaceous ones. There is a term called BBW you know or Big Beautiful Woman. You guys are a peculiar lot of conservative rednecks here. No vision and no clue at all. I guess mirror athletes care too much about what others think and that applies to their choice of women. Lots of women are attractive who are not slim and trim.

Most older single women are not fat. Have a look on dating sites and see. I think I will have to run dating seminars here for you blokes and try to increase your neuron connections.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: gatrainer on August 25, 2006, 10:00:28 AM
There should be a law against fat bashing and thinking it is funny. Some men fancy fat women and others like curvaceous ones. There is a term called BBW you know or Big Beautiful Woman. You guys are a peculiar lot of conservative rednecks here. No vision and no clue at all. I guess mirror athletes care too much about what others think and that applies to their choice of women. Lots of women are attractive who are not slim and trim.

Most older single women are not fat. Have a look on dating sites and see. I think I will have to run dating seminars here for you blokes and try to increase your neuron connections.
Go suck your fat woman's fat
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 10:03:44 AM
There should be a law against fat bashing and thinking it is funny. Some men fancy fat women and others like curvaceous ones. There is a term called BBW you know or Big Beautiful Woman. You guys are a peculiar lot of conservative rednecks here. No vision and no clue at all. I guess mirror athletes care too much about what others think and that applies to their choice of women. Lots of women are attractive who are not slim and trim.

Most older single women are not fat. Have a look on dating sites and see. I think I will have to run dating seminars here for you blokes and try to increase your neuron connections.

monster delusions. No wait, at your age it's called 'dementia'.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: corinth on August 25, 2006, 10:08:53 AM
There should be a law against fat bashing and thinking it is funny. Some men fancy fat women and others like curvaceous ones. There is a term called BBW you know or Big Beautiful Woman. You guys are a peculiar lot of conservative rednecks here. No vision and no clue at all. I guess mirror athletes care too much about what others think and that applies to their choice of women. Lots of women are attractive who are not slim and trim.

Most older single women are not fat. Have a look on dating sites and see. I think I will have to run dating seminars here for you blokes and try to increase your neuron connections.

Vince, you really are the most clueless person ever.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: danielson on August 25, 2006, 10:12:31 AM
There should be a law against fat bashing and thinking it is funny. Some men fancy fat women and others like curvaceous ones. There is a term called BBW you know or Big Beautiful Woman. You guys are a peculiar lot of conservative rednecks here. No vision and no clue at all. I guess mirror athletes care too much about what others think and that applies to their choice of women. Lots of women are attractive who are not slim and trim.

Most older single women are not fat. Have a look on dating sites and see. I think I will have to run dating seminars here for you blokes and try to increase your neuron connections.

If you are a chubby chaser it's cool, old timer. No one is making you read this thread.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 10:14:57 AM
Einstein said that the only thing unlimited in the universe is human ignorance. He said that before Getbig so was on the money. You guys are primitive individuals with very myopic vision. I try to enlighten you all and get dismissed for my troubles. The peer group pressure on this site reminds me of junior high school. No one dares be different or think for himself. Most are falling over each other kissing everyone else's back side thinking they are clever and funny. Shame on you guys for putting fat people down.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 10:15:16 AM
hahaa, old vince is getting clothesline after clothesline.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Playboy on August 25, 2006, 10:16:34 AM
Fat Person Diet Lunch: Two Slices of Pizza , fries, and a diet coke....Then when they get to their desk at work and nobodies looking, a chocolate bar.

Then they have the nerve to complain, Im trying everything and ITS NOT WORKING !!!
You hit the nail right on the head!!
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 10:17:45 AM
You wannabes are too clueless to comprehend when someone is your master. At least I have patience with you fellows and try to ease some sense into you. Nothing like a fair dinkum bloke to make you guys question yourselves.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 10:17:53 AM
Einstein said that the only thing unlimited in the universe is human ignorance. He said that before Getbig so was on the money. You guys are primitive individuals with very myopic vision. I try to enlighten you all and get dismissed for my troubles. The peer group pressure on this site reminds me of junior high school. No one dares be different or think for himself. Most are falling over each other kissing everyone else's back side thinking they are clever and funny. Shame on you guys for putting fat people down.

just delete your account.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: corinth on August 25, 2006, 10:18:16 AM
Einstein said that the only thing unlimited in the universe is human ignorance. He said that before Getbig so was on the money. You guys are primitive individuals with very myopic vision. I try to enlighten you all and get dismissed for my troubles. The peer group pressure on this site reminds me of junior high school. No one dares be different or think for himself. Most are falling over each other kissing everyone else's back side thinking they are clever and funny. Shame on you guys for putting fat people down.

Blah Blah Blah Blah..........Blah Blah Blah........Would Vince's nurse please remove the keyboard from his hands....PLEASE
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 10:18:55 AM
You wannabes are too clueless to comprehend when someone is your master. At least I have patience with you fellows and try to ease some sense into you. Nothing like a fair dinkum bloke to make you guys question yourselves.

ahahahaahahaahahahah, so you think you are our master??

MONSTER delusions.

Whatever you're on, take less.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: danielson on August 25, 2006, 10:20:04 AM
You wannabes are too clueless to comprehend when someone is your master. At least I have patience with you fellows and try to ease some sense into you. Nothing like a fair dinkum bloke to make you guys question yourselves.

Mr. Basile people here are treating you with kid gloves cuz you got one foot in the grave, but you are starting to look worse than Vince G.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 10:20:13 AM
After owning a gym for 35 years and teaching knuckleheads for 10 years I know hamburger when I see it.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: corinth on August 25, 2006, 10:22:35 AM
After owning a gym for 35 years and teaching knuckleheads for 10 years I know hamburger when I see it.

LOL seriously dude, where do you come up with this stuff???
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Wee Laddy on August 25, 2006, 10:26:41 AM
I envy the fat guy who runs around without a shirt and doesn't give a damn.  He's partying at the beach, drinking beer, pounding pizza and living happily.

That guy is happier with his body than the 8% body fat bodybuilder who is pinching 1/4 of an inch on his abs, wishing it was 1/8, and deciding if he should add another day of 60 minute cardio.  "I'll be ready for the beach next week after I drop another .5%!"

I'd suggest cutting out the self-righteous attitudes.  Anything taken to the extreme reveals an emotional flaw.  What acceptance do you hope ripped abs will get you?  What emotional hole does it fill?

How does 6 hours of cardio a week making this a better world?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: corinth on August 25, 2006, 10:30:39 AM
I envy the fat guy who runs around without a shirt and doesn't give a damn.  He's partying at the beach, drinking beer, pounding pizza and living happily.

That guy is happier with his body than the 8% body fat bodybuilder who is pinching 1/4 of an inch on his abs, wishing it was 1/8, and deciding if he should add another day of 60 minute cardio.  "I'll be ready for the beach next week after I drop another .5%!"

I'd suggest cutting out the self-righteous attitudes.  Anything taken to the extreme reveals an emotional flaw.  What acceptance do you hope ripped abs will get you?  What emotional hole does it fill?

How does 6 hours of cardio a week making this a better world?

Honestly, most of us want to look big and ripped so we get laid more often and by better looking chicks. pretty simple when you think about it.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 10:33:30 AM
You guys don't have time to get laid because you are on line 24/7! Classic stereotype of internet wannabes.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: corinth on August 25, 2006, 10:35:02 AM
You guys don't have time to get laid because you are on line 24/7! Classic stereotype of internet wannabes.

You still here gramps? Surely it has to be time for one of your 4 daily naps.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Wee Laddy on August 25, 2006, 10:39:17 AM
Honestly, most of us want to look big and ripped so we get laid more often and by better looking chicks. pretty simple when you think about it.
You haven't dieted right if that cheat day donut isn't better than sex!
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 10:42:23 AM
You guys don't have time to get laid because you are on line 24/7! Classic stereotype of internet wannabes.

Loo, grandpa is on HRT now and feels like a fifteen year old again.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 10:43:37 AM
I envy the fat guy who runs around without a shirt and doesn't give a damn.  He's partying at the beach, drinking beer, pounding pizza and living happily.

That guy is happier with his body than the 8% body fat bodybuilder who is pinching 1/4 of an inch on his abs, wishing it was 1/8, and deciding if he should add another day of 60 minute cardio.  "I'll be ready for the beach next week after I drop another .5%!"

I'd suggest cutting out the self-righteous attitudes.  Anything taken to the extreme reveals an emotional flaw.  What acceptance do you hope ripped abs will get you?  What emotional hole does it fill?

How does 6 hours of cardio a week making this a better world?

1. Personal Achievement is the best feeling in the world.  Accomplishing a goal that you set for yourself is about the best thing you can possibly do.  It is a lesson in persistance,intelligence, desire and the will to succeed.

2.  If you truly know what you are doing, you don`t have to do any cardio. hahahahahha
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: sarcasm on August 25, 2006, 10:44:31 AM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.
hahahaha, yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! people think it has to be hard to get ripped to shreds,  ::) oh brother, gayer than strict form.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Wee Laddy on August 25, 2006, 10:46:40 AM
1. Personal Achievement is the best feeling in the world.  Accomplishing a goal that you set for yourself is about the best thing you can possibly do.  It is a lesson in persistance,intelligence, desire and the will to succeed.

You're a shallow, gangly man if you think that's true.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: The True Adonis on August 25, 2006, 10:50:22 AM
1. Personal Achievement is the best feeling in the world.  Accomplishing a goal that you set for yourself is about the best thing you can possibly do.  It is a lesson in persistance,intelligence, desire and the will to succeed.

You're a shallow, gangly man if you think that's true.

Why don`t you log off, donate your computer to some inner city black kid and then go join the Peace Corp so you can then participate in the activites you always wanted to do with other gay hippies.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: sarcasm on August 25, 2006, 10:52:32 AM
Why don`t you log off, donate your computer to some inner city black kid and then go join the Peace Corp so you can then participate in the activites you always wanted to do with other gay hippies.
hahahaha, "wee laddy" is just angry that 110lb. women always steal his 115lb. bar that he's using for deadlifts so they can do lunges.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Wee Laddy on August 25, 2006, 10:56:05 AM
Why don`t you log off, donate your computer to some inner city black kid and then go join the Peace Corp so you can then participate in the activites you always wanted to do with other gay hippies.

As soon as you tell Jezebelle that nothing you can do for her will equal the time you put into yourself.  Watching your children grow up healthy and happy?  Not as important as seeing those abs!
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Wee Laddy on August 25, 2006, 10:57:29 AM
hahahaha, "wee laddy" is just angry that 110lb. women always steal his 115lb. bar that he's using for deadlifts so they can do lunges.
They always ask for that bar politely.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: sarcasm on August 25, 2006, 10:58:55 AM
As soon as you tell Jezebelle that nothing you can do for her will equal the time you put into yourself.  Watching your children grow up healthy and happy?  Not as important as seeing those abs!
hahahaha, ok "wee laddy", i'll bet you're the type of fat guy who goes out to a bar after work with a ripped guy that you work with and when you see him talking to a girl you go up to the girl when he's in the bathroom and you tell her, "he's in here all the time and he goes home with a different girl every time", hahahaha, monster jealousy of leanness.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Wee Laddy on August 25, 2006, 11:03:12 AM
hahahaha, ok "wee laddy", i'll bet you're the type of fat guy who goes out to a bar after work with a ripped guy that you work with and when you see him talking to a girl you go up to the girl when he's in the bathroom and you tell her, "he's in here all the time and he goes home with a different girl every time", hahahaha, monster jealousy of leanness.
You have, as they say, owned me, sir.

I'm actually the fat friend who pines away for her and pretends to be happy when a hot guy shows her attention.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 11:18:38 AM
You have, as they say, owned me, sir.

I'm actually the fat friend who pines away for her and pretends to be happy when a hot guy shows her attention.

You have only seven posts. Delete your account and start again when you're lean.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Playboy on August 25, 2006, 11:28:26 AM
As soon as you tell Jezebelle that nothing you can do for her will equal the time you put into yourself.  Watching your children grow up healthy and happy?  Not as important as seeing those abs!
Fat people have way too many excuses. They shouldn't even be on this board, period.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 25, 2006, 11:59:47 AM
Fat people have way too many excuses. They shouldn't even be on this board, period.

Yep. Lets ban all fat people from getbig.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: HUGEPECS on August 25, 2006, 12:02:07 PM
Yep. Lets ban all fat people from getbig.

if only they could post their pics...hmm
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 25, 2006, 12:12:36 PM
if only they could post their pics...hmm

If those rules were enforced then poor Sarjism would implode.  8)

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Croatch on August 25, 2006, 12:18:40 PM
I'm not one that hates on a guy for not being jacked, that's idiotic.  Some guys don't care about being muscular.  

But fat people that complain about being fat but don't put forth any effort are open to being made fun of with no mercy.
Oh brother.  Almost every time I talk to someone who is overweight, they feel obligated to talk to me about losing weight or commenting on my muscularity.  And usually, all of these people have something more important going on, than being able to go to the gym.  The sad thing, is they actually believe their bullshit.  One thing I have never been in life, is dishonest with myself.  I will usually reply to them,"No, you have time.  You choose not to go because you don't want to."  Then, they will usually agree with me and I say, "Well, at least you agree that you're just lazy."
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: HUGEPECS on August 25, 2006, 12:24:27 PM
If those rules were enforced then poor Sarjism would implode.  8)

He would, for sure
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: efirkey on August 25, 2006, 12:27:51 PM
I've had sex with skinny, medium and fat girls.  And the best lover of the bunch was the fat chick.  Of course I kicked her out of my dorm room early in the morning before my roommate woke up, but hey she was eager to please and my drunken self sure didn't mind.  I never did get her name. 
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: ricosauve on August 25, 2006, 12:28:39 PM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

bwahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, so you telling us you are riped and lean? please show me wrong?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: ricosauve on August 25, 2006, 12:32:38 PM
1. Personal Achievement is the best feeling in the world.  Accomplishing a goal that you set for yourself is about the best thing you can possibly do.  It is a lesson in persistance,intelligence, desire and the will to succeed.

2.  If you truly know what you are doing, you don`t have to do any cardio. hahahahahha

since you know show me a pic??
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 25, 2006, 12:33:06 PM
since you know show me a pic??

Look in the pictures board.   ::)
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: brianX on August 25, 2006, 08:07:49 PM
That's a lot if you sit on the couch all day. If you move it's inconsequential.

A gallon of milk contains 16 servings. That's around 170g of simple sugars.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bast175 on August 25, 2006, 08:18:56 PM
Mr. Canada 1970, why are you so offended?  Are you married to Sasquash?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: ManBearPig... on August 25, 2006, 08:20:29 PM
Mr. Canada 1970, why are you so offended?  Are you married to Sasquash?

are you saying that our Canadian Vince Goodrum is married to a mythical being that strongly resembles a gorilla, Bast?
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 25, 2006, 10:09:01 PM
This is my idea of nice shape. Borrowed from Rottmag, of course.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: jwb on August 26, 2006, 02:04:35 AM
This is my idea of nice shape. Borrowed from Rottmag, of course.
well that ain't fat...

fat to us young guys is a blimp...

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Vince B on August 26, 2006, 06:21:43 AM
You young guys couldn't handle those big gals. You have to pay your dues and get some confidence first.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on August 26, 2006, 10:14:02 AM
You young guys couldn't handle those big gals. You have to pay your dues and get some confidence first.

hahaahahaa, oh, yes, it would take a former Mr.Canada to wrestle one of these fat ass chicks down when they want to steal your weight gainer shake.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: w8tlftr on August 26, 2006, 10:16:52 AM
This is my idea of nice shape. Borrowed from Rottmag, of course.

Um.... that's not a fat chick. She has a perfect pooter.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: sandstone on August 26, 2006, 10:19:47 AM
I've had sex with skinny, medium and fat girls.  And the best lover of the bunch was the fat chick.  Of course I kicked her out of my dorm room early in the morning before my roommate woke up, but hey she was eager to please and my drunken self sure didn't mind.  I never did get her name. 

ROFL... Spoken like a true champ.. i love it.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Parker on August 27, 2006, 09:11:10 AM
The one I like is that baboon Star Jones from The View. For years she was spouting that "I look good, I'm happy with myself, I'm sexy." BULLSHIT and now she's had her stomach stapled,  more surgeries that Joan Rivers and she parades around like she's a fvcking supermodel. All these fat fvcks are full of shit, they are hideous looking and deep down they know it. Hopefully they all kill themselves, Espescially Star Jones.

Hell yes,  I can't stand her or Mo'nique!!

I remmeber they showed a clip of "The View" on some show, and Star Jones cam out with a ham and egg sandwich, and said, "So it is true, these are healthy for you".

Then she goes and and gets the surgery but  won't say she got it. Woman, don't you know that your face stays the same like your fat, it ain't natural!!

She got what she deserved, a man on the DL, I hope he does some Toney Morrrison sh$t to her.     
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Bones on August 27, 2006, 11:43:03 AM
Hey, we bodybuilders shouldn't knock anyone else. None of us were great when we started. Besides a lot of fat women look great. I tend not to fancy thin gals and have never dated a fitness chick or female bodybuilder. Never was interested even though I own a gym. Not good to mess with the customers.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Hedgehog on March 18, 2007, 10:59:54 AM
All CARBOHYDRATES are sugars Einstein.

Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose molecules bonded through a β1-4 glycosidic linkage. Lactose makes up around 2-8% of the solids in milk. The name comes from the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars. Lactose is a disaccharide consisting of two subunits, a galactose and a glucose linked together. Its empirical formula is C12H22O11 and its molecular weight is 342.3 g/mol. In the young of mammals, an enzyme called lactase (β1-4 disaccharidase) is secreted by the intestinal villi, and this enzyme cleaves the molecule into its two subunits for absorption.

A Growing Body of Evidence

A growing body of evidence suggests that getting adequate amounts of milk in the diet may help promote a healthy weight for both adults and children. In fact, experts now consider a low dairy intake a risk factor for being overweight or obese.

"Consistently we see that people who regularly drink milk weigh less or have less body fat than those who rarely drink milk or consume little or no dairy," says renowned calcium researcher Dr. Robert P. Heaney of Creighton University in Omaha, who suggests that correcting the country's calcium deficit might reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity in women by as much as 60 to 80 percent.

In one of Heaney's recent studies, he and colleagues reanalyzed data and found that women who consumed the recommend 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day weighed an average of 18 pounds less than those not getting enough calcium. Each 300 milligram increase in calcium intake - the amount found in one glass of milk - was associated with about 5 to 6 pounds lower body weight.

Using data from adults in the Quebec Family Study, Canadian researchers found that women consuming less than 600 milligrams of calcium a day had greater body weight, BMI, percentage of body fat, fat mass, waist circumference and abdominal tissue compared to those consuming 600 milligrams of calcium or more.  Milk and milk products provided about 60 percent of the calcium in the diets of the study participants.

Similar trends have been observed with children and teenagers. A recent study conducted by nutrition researchers at the University of Hawaii found that adolescent girls ages 9 to 14 who drank more milk weighed less and had less body fat around their waist compared to their peers who were more likely to drink sodas instead of milk. Girls who drank more soda but also ate the same total calories tended to be heavier.

"We wanted to identify dietary factors to help reverse the growing rate of childhood obesity in this country," said lead researcher Dr. Rachel Novotny, a nutrition professor at the University of Hawaii. "It didn't take much, just an extra glass of milk or a cup of yogurt was associated with lower body fat in teens. Our study found that adolescent girls who ate an additional serving of dairy had significantly lower body fat, when age, ethnicity, growth stage, activity level, and calorie intake were the same."

The researchers found that for every 8-ounce glass of milk consumed, which provides 300 milligrams of calcium, teenage girls weighed an average of 2 pounds less and had a waistline of about one inch slimmer than their counterparts who drank more sodas.

Achieving Better Results

There is a growing body of research indicating that for those people who don't already get the recommended levels of dairy, they can get better results when dieting by including three glasses of milk a day (for a total of 24 ounces) in a reduced-calorie plan.

"No, milk is not a magic bullet, calories still count, but there's growing evidence that you could lose more weight with dairy in your diet plan than without," said Dr. Michael Zemel, a nutrition researcher at the University of Tennessee.  Zemel has conducted numerous clinical trials demonstrating that increasing dairy intake to three servings a day promoted greater weight and fat loss in overweight people following a reduced-calorie diet.   According to Zemel, most Americans do not consume enough calcium to satisfy their needs. Including three servings of low fat of fat free milk a day is consistent with the U.S. dietary guidelines and MyPyramid.

Zemel said when we don't have enough calcium in our diets, it appears to send two messages to fat cells. "One is to make more fat and the other is to slow down the process of fat burning.  Increasing milk consumption seems to tell your body to burn excess fat faster, increasing your body's fat-burning ability," he said.

While more research is needed to understand the dairy-weight loss connection, it looks like the mix of nutrients found in dairy foods, including calcium and protein, may help promote healthy weight by assisting in the body's natural system that regulates fat breakdown and oxidation (or burning of fat).

Abeles, if you believe a calorie is a calorie, why did you post this article?

Also, if a calorie is a calorie, why are you suggesting that eating fruits and drinking milk will "DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat":

The point is,

FRUIT AND MILK will DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat specifically in the abdominal region.

I just love how people try to avoid it for no reason whatsoever.

Another victory for modern science and another loss for idiotic gym science.

There seems to be a bit of an inconsistencency with the opinion you voices here:

There is no such thing as eating Correctly.  You can eat anything and not lose a lb of muscle.

He was eating over 2000 calories a day obviously, because he is pretty fat in that picture.

When are you idiots going to learn?

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 18, 2007, 11:02:37 AM
I had a friend that asked me for diet advice.  A girl, all of 4'10"or so, very short and about 225 lbs.  I asked her to write down everything she ate during the last two days.  I guestimated her calorie intake and it was about 1100 calories per day...  Which is f**ked up because I would have guessed her to need 3600-4000 cal. per day to maintain her weight as she was somewhat active.  I then asked THE question, "Uh, do you drink much soda?"  "Yes," she says, "About four of these per day." - she said, pointing to a 44 oz big gulp.  Inside, I was thinking 'holy shit!!'  Politely, I advised her to switch to diet as I knew that's about the best I would get her to do. 


you could have her switch to diet soda...coke zero is awesome..if you need to drink soda
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: SteelePegasus on March 18, 2007, 11:07:46 AM

Abeles, if you believe a calorie is a calorie, why did you post this article?

Also, if a calorie is a calorie, why are you suggesting that eating fruits and drinking milk will "DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat":

There seems to be a bit of an inconsistencency with the opinion you voices here:


waiting for adam to search google, then copy/paste something that will allow him to

a) change top
b) back peddle

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: Hedgehog on June 30, 2007, 02:30:17 PM
All CARBOHYDRATES are sugars Einstein.

Lactose is a disaccharide that consists of β-D-galactose and β-D-glucose molecules bonded through a β1-4 glycosidic linkage. Lactose makes up around 2-8% of the solids in milk. The name comes from the Latin word for milk, plus the -ose ending used to name sugars. Lactose is a disaccharide consisting of two subunits, a galactose and a glucose linked together. Its empirical formula is C12H22O11 and its molecular weight is 342.3 g/mol. In the young of mammals, an enzyme called lactase (β1-4 disaccharidase) is secreted by the intestinal villi, and this enzyme cleaves the molecule into its two subunits for absorption.

A Growing Body of Evidence

A growing body of evidence suggests that getting adequate amounts of milk in the diet may help promote a healthy weight for both adults and children. In fact, experts now consider a low dairy intake a risk factor for being overweight or obese.

"Consistently we see that people who regularly drink milk weigh less or have less body fat than those who rarely drink milk or consume little or no dairy," says renowned calcium researcher Dr. Robert P. Heaney of Creighton University in Omaha, who suggests that correcting the country's calcium deficit might reduce the incidence of overweight and obesity in women by as much as 60 to 80 percent.

In one of Heaney's recent studies, he and colleagues reanalyzed data and found that women who consumed the recommend 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day weighed an average of 18 pounds less than those not getting enough calcium. Each 300 milligram increase in calcium intake - the amount found in one glass of milk - was associated with about 5 to 6 pounds lower body weight.

Using data from adults in the Quebec Family Study, Canadian researchers found that women consuming less than 600 milligrams of calcium a day had greater body weight, BMI, percentage of body fat, fat mass, waist circumference and abdominal tissue compared to those consuming 600 milligrams of calcium or more.  Milk and milk products provided about 60 percent of the calcium in the diets of the study participants.

Similar trends have been observed with children and teenagers. A recent study conducted by nutrition researchers at the University of Hawaii found that adolescent girls ages 9 to 14 who drank more milk weighed less and had less body fat around their waist compared to their peers who were more likely to drink sodas instead of milk. Girls who drank more soda but also ate the same total calories tended to be heavier.

"We wanted to identify dietary factors to help reverse the growing rate of childhood obesity in this country," said lead researcher Dr. Rachel Novotny, a nutrition professor at the University of Hawaii. "It didn't take much, just an extra glass of milk or a cup of yogurt was associated with lower body fat in teens. Our study found that adolescent girls who ate an additional serving of dairy had significantly lower body fat, when age, ethnicity, growth stage, activity level, and calorie intake were the same."

The researchers found that for every 8-ounce glass of milk consumed, which provides 300 milligrams of calcium, teenage girls weighed an average of 2 pounds less and had a waistline of about one inch slimmer than their counterparts who drank more sodas.

Achieving Better Results

There is a growing body of research indicating that for those people who don't already get the recommended levels of dairy, they can get better results when dieting by including three glasses of milk a day (for a total of 24 ounces) in a reduced-calorie plan.

"No, milk is not a magic bullet, calories still count, but there's growing evidence that you could lose more weight with dairy in your diet plan than without," said Dr. Michael Zemel, a nutrition researcher at the University of Tennessee.  Zemel has conducted numerous clinical trials demonstrating that increasing dairy intake to three servings a day promoted greater weight and fat loss in overweight people following a reduced-calorie diet.   According to Zemel, most Americans do not consume enough calcium to satisfy their needs. Including three servings of low fat of fat free milk a day is consistent with the U.S. dietary guidelines and MyPyramid.

Zemel said when we don't have enough calcium in our diets, it appears to send two messages to fat cells. "One is to make more fat and the other is to slow down the process of fat burning.  Increasing milk consumption seems to tell your body to burn excess fat faster, increasing your body's fat-burning ability," he said.

While more research is needed to understand the dairy-weight loss connection, it looks like the mix of nutrients found in dairy foods, including calcium and protein, may help promote healthy weight by assisting in the body's natural system that regulates fat breakdown and oxidation (or burning of fat).

Abeles, if you believe a calorie is a calorie, why did you post this article?

Also, if a calorie is a calorie, why are you suggesting that eating fruits and drinking milk will "DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat":

The point is,

FRUIT AND MILK will DRAMATICALLY help reduce bodyfat specifically in the abdominal region.

I just love how people try to avoid it for no reason whatsoever.

Another victory for modern science and another loss for idiotic gym science.

There seems to be a bit of an inconsistencency with the opinion you voices here:

There is no such thing as eating Correctly.  You can eat anything and not lose a lb of muscle.

He was eating over 2000 calories a day obviously, because he is pretty fat in that picture.

When are you idiots going to learn?

Bump for answer.

Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: serpentine007 on June 30, 2007, 03:36:25 PM
Fat people need to be crucified and tortured! Cellulite sickens me as much as those fat laz bastards' mentality.
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: G o a t b o y on June 30, 2007, 04:02:11 PM
Fat people need to be crucified and tortured! Cellulite sickens me as much as those fat laz bastards' mentality.

Fat people's lack of willpower is sickening!  >:(

Someone should start a thread about that!  :D
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: DK II on July 01, 2007, 08:56:39 AM
someone bring teh funny back to this thread...  :-X
Title: Re: More hating on fat people
Post by: boonstack on July 01, 2007, 09:44:03 AM
1. People don`t realize how easy it is to get ripped and lean.

For an average person, all they would have to do is make a list of their favorite foods and then make them the healthy way.

If they like Cheesburgers, go buy some fucking lean mean and fat free cheese.

If you like Pizza, go buy South Beach Diet Pizzas or make your own using fat free cheese,tomato sauce and ground beef on some whole wheat bread.

Its not fucking hard for these lame fucks to be happy eating and eating well.

Its beyond me how stupid people are.

Well not really, Tons of stupid people on here still think Milk,Fruit and Diet Soda somehow magically make you fat.

u give me a tatertot and ill give u a hamburger