Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums

Getbig Main Boards => Gossip & Opinions => Topic started by: bcrizzy on September 25, 2006, 09:56:58 AM

Title: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bcrizzy on September 25, 2006, 09:56:58 AM
definition of a pro=someone who gets paid for a job/activity............most pro's don't get paid for anything. i'd say 5% of pro's actually get paid for anything even related to bodybuilding. so what constitutes a pro? a card from the ifbb that costs money (dues).  i'm curious what the total amount of purses is for all ifbb sanctioned shows in a given year. i would put the number at 1,500,000 total. that's not a lot of money up for grabs. when you factor in all the effort, and money involved in preparing for just one show, why would anyone want to do this for a living. anyone of them aside from ronnie coleman and maybe jay cutler would be better of being a bus driver and doing this as a hobby lol
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Figo on September 25, 2006, 10:07:55 AM
I think a lot of them are doing normal day-to-day jobs, anyway, out of necessity.

The rich get richer, and the saps, I mean pros, put their lives more and more on the line, taking bigger risks to please the fans and the powers-that-be, taking nothing or not even half the drug-bill home. No health-care, and what sport do you think needs it most?

I'm not saying f**k the IFBB, but the PDI is a good development, and I wish them all sucess, not only as a federation, but also to give the Weider Empire a wake-up call. The sport has grown, but has it really?
I get the feeling its actually regressing sometimes.
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: rccs on September 25, 2006, 10:19:31 AM
I think a lot of them are doing normal day-to-day jobs, anyway, out of necessity.

The rich get richer, and the saps, I mean pros, put their lives more and more on the line, taking bigger risks to please the fans and the powers-that-be, taking nothing or not even half the drug-bill home. No health-care, and what sport do you think needs it most?

I'm not saying f**k the IFBB, but the PDI is a good development, and I wish them all sucess, not only as a federation, but also to give the Weider Empire a wake-up call. The sport has grown, but has it really?
I get the feeling its actually regressing sometimes.
Há pouco cuidado com a saúde dos atletas!
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Lee_a_priest on September 25, 2006, 10:21:30 AM
I think a lot of them are doing normal day-to-day jobs, anyway, out of necessity.

The rich get richer, and the saps, I mean pros, put their lives more and more on the line, taking bigger risks to please the fans and the powers-that-be, taking nothing or not even half the drug-bill home. No health-care, and what sport do you think needs it most?

I'm not saying f**k the IFBB, but the PDI is a good development, and I wish them all sucess, not only as a federation, but also to give the Weider Empire a wake-up call. The sport has grown, but has it really?
I get the feeling its actually regressing sometimes.

VERY TRUE ........ :(
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Figo on September 25, 2006, 10:37:55 AM
BTW, congrats, Lee. Our very own first PDI Champion!

Hope you do the O.
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bcrizzy on September 25, 2006, 12:00:33 PM
what does the average pro make anually, net, after expenses, food bills ,drugs?  95% of them probably lose money. not a very smart business to be in. normally you could say maybe they are sacrificing now for future success, but even if you are the top guy in the sport at best you are going to make 500 000 which is decent but everyone else from the top spot down is struggling. trust me there are lot easier ways to make 500 k a year than slowly killing yourself with drugs   just my opinion
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bigbiceps on September 25, 2006, 12:04:54 PM
what does the average pro make anually, net, after expenses, food bills ,drugs?  95% of them probably lose money. not a very smart business to be in. normally you could say maybe they are sacrificing now for future success, but even if you are the top guy in the sport at best you are going to make 500 000 which is decent but everyone else from the top spot down is struggling. trust me there are lot easier ways to make 500 k a year than slowly killing yourself with drugs   just my opinion

Let us know how to make 500k easily.  If I have a $1 million dollars how can invest that money to get 500k a year?
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Croatch on September 25, 2006, 12:10:47 PM
Exactly the reason I have zero aspirations to be a "pro".  Luckily, my genetics agree. ;D
Most pros have serious health issues down the road and for what, a trophy and low rent contract?  There are more important things in life.  It's a shame the sport is based on drug use and not just work ethic.
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Figo on September 25, 2006, 12:14:00 PM
Yeah, thats why I never went pro... ;D
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bcrizzy on September 25, 2006, 12:17:13 PM
Let us know how to make 500k easily.  If I have a $1 million dollars how can invest that money to get 500k a year?
i didn't say it was easy to make 500 k a year, all i said is that there are much easier ways to make 500k a year then attempting to be the number one bodybuilder in the world when only one person can hold that title and everyone else attempting it is losing money doing so...................... ....there are many ways to make  about 500 k  a year with 1 million to quick way is to buy a boars head coldcut route there is one for sale on right now....the total cost is 1.3 million  your net is 6900 per week if u work it yourself u'll earn about 375000 a year and still have your health
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bigbiceps on September 25, 2006, 12:24:13 PM
i didn't say it was easy to make 500 k a year, all i said is that there are much easier ways to make 500k a year then attempting to be the number one bodybuilder in the world when only one person can hold that title and everyone else attempting it is losing money doing so...................... ....there are many ways to make  about 500 k  a year with 1 million to quick way is to buy a boars head coldcut route there is one for sale on right now....the total cost is 1.3 million  your net is 6900 per week if u work it yourself u'll earn about 375000 a year and still have your health

I went the Hospitality Industry Route and make about 300 thousand net a year.  Only I have a loan for 400k that I'm paying off in addition to the 1 million I've invested.  But, you still have to work but you do not have to be number 1 like you said in Bodybuilding.  So, I agree bodybuilding is not the smartest thing to do.  It just feels good doing it.  :)
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bcrizzy on September 25, 2006, 12:30:41 PM
I went the Hospitality Industry Route and make about 300 thousand net a year.  Only I have a loan for 400k that I'm paying off in addition to the 1 million I've invested.  But, you still have to work but you do not have to be number 1 like you said in Bodybuilding.  So, I agree bodybuilding is not the smartest thing to do.  It just feels good doing it.  :)
good for i'm glad to see your successful but i'm sure you break ur ass but to make great money we all do right lol.....i agree bodybuilding/ working out  is a great hobby just a shitty business lol  continued success to u
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Jr. Yates on September 25, 2006, 12:46:37 PM
I think a lot of them are doing normal day-to-day jobs, anyway, out of necessity.

The rich get richer, and the saps, I mean pros, put their lives more and more on the line, taking bigger risks to please the fans and the powers-that-be, taking nothing or not even half the drug-bill home. No health-care, and what sport do you think needs it most?

I'm not saying f**k the IFBB, but the PDI is a good development, and I wish them all sucess, not only as a federation, but also to give the Weider Empire a wake-up call. The sport has grown, but has it really?
I get the feeling its actually regressing sometimes.
That was a good post. I agree 100% I hope the PDI kicks some serious ass and helps the athletes where the help should be. In Medical and proper pay checks.
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: sarcasm on September 25, 2006, 01:03:30 PM
Speaking of which, I was joking with my workout partner that most pros take a cab or the city bus to the Arnold Classic lol.

People like King are delusional enough to think we are jealous of his lifestyle.  Jealous of what exactly?  ???  Compromising your physical health to get paid peanuts (rightfully so - supply and demand) and look horrible?

/ reality check.  Don't want to get too worked up here.

You know why pros get so worked up over what we say around here?  Because they are in no better of a position in life than we are and probably doing a whole lot worse.  If pro bodybuilders were making millions like pro football players they would laugh at what we post on here.  But they are going through the same ups and downs and struggles as everyone else.  I would say a lot of us here have much better lives than most pros.  THAT is why they take everything so personally.  People wonder why football players don't care about what is said in forums - if you were making millions a year you wouldn't care either.
are you saying that you aren't impressed by Kamali's just about to be repossesed H3 Hummer, his 140,000 dollar home with "italian marble" floors, his shoddy website, his 46 inch waist, his "wife", his knock off Versace sunglasses and his membership to NY Sports Clubs, Matt?
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: HUGEPECS on September 25, 2006, 01:46:34 PM
the funniest thing about being a pro bodybuilder is most of the time after they retire, they ended up broke as shit. specially those who dont manage their little pocket change well
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bigbiceps on September 25, 2006, 05:29:39 PM
good for i'm glad to see your successful but i'm sure you break ur ass but to make great money we all do right lol.....i agree bodybuilding/ working out  is a great hobby just a shitty business lol  continued success to u

Thanks, yes in order to make money you need to break your ass and sacrifice long hours of work.  None of that I need my 2 days off and real expensive cars and useless stuff.  My motto is if you can't deduct as a business expense don't buy it.  Work, work, work until you have sufficient money to pay someone to make money and work for you!  Then buy as you please with a conscience.  Too many people want to live rich without being rich.  The rich are stingy and the poor are not hence the rich stay rich and the poor stays poor.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Ron on September 25, 2006, 05:44:37 PM

A pro bodybuilder is someone that has attained the title of Pro, from winning a contest or via designation of their home country, in winning the contest back home. It does not mean that you immediately get money in return.

One needs to market yourself, promote yourself, get the deals you want by doing it yourself. It will not come to you unless you are in the top 15. Some amatuers do a lot better than some pros because of this.

But there is always companies looking for someone out there - the question is what is the price.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: knny187 on September 25, 2006, 05:49:56 PM
A pro bodybuilder is someone that has attained the title of Pro, from winning a contest or via designation of their home country, in winning the contest back home. It does not mean that you immediately get money in return.

That makes no sense

Technically....if you receive a money placement in any contest or sport....wouldn't that separate you from being a novice?
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: SWOLETRAIN on September 25, 2006, 05:57:09 PM
I think it boils down to the contests and contest money. The IFBB makes little effort to go mainstream with bodybuilding. Expansion of the sport does not seem to be a major priority. Without further expansion, the sport is stuck on a financial plateau. Professional bodybuilders are the best in the world. They have proved throughout the amateur ranks that they are able to compete at the pro level. Its a crying shame that the sport doesn't want to expand and bring more youth into the sport. But, we can always have faith that one day things will change.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: HRDCOR on September 25, 2006, 06:14:29 PM
For most parts Male Pro bodybuilders are extremely good looking , very well endowed , amazing lovers whom have sculptured there beautifull physiques to represent that of a Demi God and are seen by the female species as the ultimate in sexual attraction and prowness !! ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Chick on September 25, 2006, 07:25:38 PM
Thanks, bro...I appreciate that!!

Bob Cicherillo- fellow IFBB Pro
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Miss Karen on September 25, 2006, 09:36:59 PM
Some of the Pros who finish out of top 10 are the rich and healthy ones that don't need to win at all costs.They call them the Smart ones.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Chick on September 25, 2006, 09:38:26 PM
appreciate that as well, ms. karen!!
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Miss Karen on September 25, 2006, 09:42:14 PM
I knew you were one of the smart ones Chick anyone over 40 and doing Pro shows with their health in check and not worried about money are the True winners.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: honest on September 25, 2006, 10:38:02 PM
For most parts Male Pro bodybuilders are extremely good looking , very well endowed , amazing lovers whom have sculptured there beautifull physiques to represent that of a Demi God and are seen by the female species as the ultimate in sexual attraction and prowness !! ;D ;D ;D


NZ pro = US gym member, they are similar in size the US guy probably has better shape upon joining the gym, 12 months later hes well past the NZ pro stage. ;D
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: JaggyShortBuff on September 25, 2006, 10:46:35 PM
appreciate that as well, ms. karen!!

WoW, humble support from a sarcastic supporter...Keep up the good rep Bob...Your career is far from the positive on what you goals were....Douche...Not negative only wondering why Bob had to shoot for the "War of the Worlds" Instead of comparing himself to all top level athletes even in his age range and be owned....Ummmm Ronnie Coleman ring a bell...How much younger than you is he????
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: JaggyShortBuff on September 25, 2006, 10:52:57 PM
I hate to post after my own post, but Toney Freeman would steal your lunch money in the school yard too Bob....The sad thing is he is almost as "old" as you are.....
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: El_Spiko on September 25, 2006, 11:05:33 PM
WoW, humble support from a sarcastic supporter...Keep up the good rep Bob...Your career is far from the positive on what you goals were....Douche...Not negative only wondering why Bob had to shoot for the "War of the Worlds" Instead of comparing himself to all top level athletes even in his age range and be owned....Ummmm Ronnie Coleman ring a bell...How much younger than you is he????
Hey, Bob may not be the best bodybuilder on the planet, but he's still a pro bodybuilder, and he paid his dues and then some getting to the pros. He might be a douche sometimes on the boards, but not all the time, and whether you agree with him or not, love him or hate him, he has done way way more to help expand the sport and get it more mainstream than any other recent or current bodybuilder. More exposure has meant more money out there for other bodybuilders. Bob markets himself and bodybuilding very well. Even if he is an assclown on the boards sometimes ;D
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: JaggyShortBuff on September 25, 2006, 11:12:58 PM
Hey, Bob may not be the best bodybuilder on the planet, but he's still a pro bodybuilder, and he paid his dues and then some getting to the pros. He might be a douche sometimes on the boards, but not all the time, and whether you agree with him or not, love him or hate him, he has done way way more to help expand the sport and get it more mainstream than any other recent or current bodybuilder. More exposure has meant more money out there for other bodybuilders. Bob markets himself and bodybuilding very well. Even if he is an assclown on the boards sometimes ;D

You mean in that statement that Bob promotes that which benefits himself the most...Nothing has really changed in bodybuilding and lets not kid ourselves that it has....I hear what Bob is preachin, but I only see his pockets fillin....Not a conspiracy only the truth....Propaganda is a bitch that you will follow around to death hoping to get a piece of....The truth is what it is - an un-marketable dead end street......
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: gordiano on September 25, 2006, 11:15:02 PM
definition of a pro=someone who gets paid for a job/activity............most pro's don't get paid for anything. i'd say 5% of pro's actually get paid for anything even related to bodybuilding. so what constitutes a pro? a card from the ifbb that costs money (dues).  i'm curious what the total amount of purses is for all ifbb sanctioned shows in a given year. i would put the number at 1,500,000 total. that's not a lot of money up for grabs. when you factor in all the effort, and money involved in preparing for just one show, why would anyone want to do this for a living. anyone of them aside from ronnie coleman and maybe jay cutler would be better of being a bus driver and doing this as a hobby lol

Right. I've asked these very questions before, and was flamed for it.

I would love some insight as to why ANYONE would think of this (por bbing) as a career choice.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: El_Spiko on September 25, 2006, 11:29:47 PM
You mean in that statement that Bob promotes that which benefits himself the most...Nothing has really changed in bodybuilding and lets not kid ourselves that it has....I hear what Bob is preachin, but I only see his pockets fillin....Not a conspiracy only the truth....Propaganda is a bitch that you will follow around to death hoping to get a piece of....The truth is what it is - an un-marketable dead end street......
Hey, it worked for Arnold. He did it by kissing ass and promoting the hell out of both himself and bodybuilding. And he made himself a millionaire doing it.  I'm not going to hold wanting to make money against Bob. Sure I don't agree with him on some things, but just because he makes money off of the ways that he promotes the sport, doesn't mean he still isn't promoting it. How much publicity has Ronnie given bodybuilding compared to Bob?

And yes, I realize his stance on the PDI can be viewed as hindering the sport. I totally agree there, I think the PDI is a good thing for bodybuilding if it can stay alive long enough. Like I said, he's an asshat sometimes, but a popular asshat ;)
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: gordiano on September 25, 2006, 11:32:16 PM
Thanks, yes in order to make money you need to break your ass and sacrifice long hours of work.  None of that I need my 2 days off and real expensive cars and useless stuff.  My motto is if you can't deduct as a business expense don't buy it.  Work, work, work until you have sufficient money to pay someone to make money and work for you!  Then buy as you please with a conscience.  Too many people want to live rich without being rich.  The rich are stingy and the poor are not hence the rich stay rich and the poor stays poor.


For some people, it's all about apperances........
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: gordiano on September 25, 2006, 11:35:02 PM
That makes no sense

Technically....if you receive a money placement in any contest or sport....wouldn't that separate you from being a novice?

You're thinking of real Sports......... :-\
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: JaggyShortBuff on September 25, 2006, 11:39:56 PM
The sad fact is that Bob is lost in thinking he has the swagger to be anything remotely close to what Arnold is....Yes, he has had a few very brief appearances on film, but he is starting much to late and trying to beat a dead horse on his views that he claims he is doing anything about....Please....
Title: Re: what is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: AVBG on September 25, 2006, 11:42:19 PM

For some people, it's all about apperances........

All about apperances..  ;D
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: El_Spiko on September 25, 2006, 11:50:47 PM
The sad fact is that Bob is lost in thinking he has the swagger to be anything remotely close to what Arnold is....Yes, he has had a few very brief appearances on film, but he is starting much to late and trying to beat a dead horse on his views that he claims he is doing anything about....Please....
I wasn't trying to say he is near Arnold's caliber of self promotion. Sorry if I came off that way. No one's matched Arnold's promotion skills. Arnold did Pumping Iron to get both bodybuilding and himself out into the public eye more. The more bodybulding grew, there more money there was for him to make. And by the time Pumping Iron was made he was already a millionaire from his real estate investments. That's what he did with most of the money he made. Sorta like Jay these days, he's made a lot of money from real estate. Bob may be making money, but he's putting a lot of work into marketing himself and creating these opportunities for himself, and the more positive publicity there is of bodybuilding and bodybuilders the better.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Matt C on September 26, 2006, 12:43:07 AM
It's interesting when pros like Tom Prince get off the juice then say they are happy to be lighter because it's healthier.  It's as if every pro knows full well that what they are doing is extremely unhealthy yet they do it anyway.  Why not just lose the weight and not compete to begin with?  I don't think any dream is worth fulfilling if it's not a healthy one.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bcrizzy on September 26, 2006, 05:39:33 AM
if any bodybuilder who has an ifbb pro card put half the effort that it took to become a pro into any other profession they would most likely be extremely successful.............. of course maybe they have a passion for bodybuilding and wouldn't derive as much joy from doing something else but i just don't see the joy in stuffing urself full of drugs and food to become a professional with almost no monetary rewards to show for it. i don't know any ifbb (or pdi) pros personally but it seems to me if u were to take a glimpse into there daily lives its a pretty miserable experience,,where's the upside? whats the exit strategy? whats the long term plan?  thats what i think about i guess that and shitty genetics will save me   lol
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: Mobil on September 26, 2006, 06:29:01 AM
I knew you were one of the smart ones Chick anyone over 40 and doing Pro shows with their health in check and not worried about money are the True winners.


Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: knny187 on September 26, 2006, 10:15:57 AM

Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: brad_74 on September 26, 2006, 01:38:41 PM
I think 9,99 out of every 1,000 bodybuild not for the income but because it is what they love doing.  I mean I guess that is more than what most ppl can say about their jobs.  Most would probably even admit that it gets them nowhere financially.
Title: Re: What is a pro bodybuilder?
Post by: bcrizzy on September 27, 2006, 06:23:33 AM
I think 9,99 out of every 1,000 bodybuild not for the income but because it is what they love doing.  I mean I guess that is more than what most ppl can say about their jobs.  Most would probably even admit that it gets them nowhere financially.
well for the average person thats great but for a pro who is supposed to make his living at bbing thats just not acceptable......thats like me saying i became a stockbroker for the love of stocks, no i do it for the money just like everyone else who has a job , bills, life lol