Author Topic: Feeling overwhelmed  (Read 6982 times)


  • Getbig I
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Feeling overwhelmed
« on: January 02, 2014, 03:20:26 PM »
All right guys, I'm asking for it, give me the brutal truth......

I am a 42 y/o recovering narcotic addict, almost 2 years clean/sober, with a bad right rotator cuff. I'm 6'0", 231 lbs, work a sedentary job and am covered in layers of fat. Disgusted, I'm ready to hit the gym and turn this thing around, but I feel totally overwhelmed by the mountains of information out there regarding diets, routines and supplements.

Where the fuck do I start?   ???


  • Getbig II
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2014, 03:50:30 PM »
KISS... Keep It Simple Stupid

- Don't over-complicate things. Small, sensible meals. Get enough rest. Make up a simple workout regimen that takes an hour or less each time you train. And join a gym close to home to help ensure consistency.

- A shitty workout is better than not going at all. Once you miss a workout, it's easier to miss the next one. 

- Make a plan to get a job that you find more interesting. If you have to go back to school, do so. It can be done, even with a wife, kids, and mortgage. I am living proof of that over the past 5 years.

- Don't complain about how you look today. You should appreciate the fact you have your health. If you take care of yourself sensibly, there should be aesthetic improvements with it. Replacing sugary beverages with water will help tremendously.

Good luck.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 03:58:11 PM »
I agree with all of the above with the exception of the job advice. You didn't say you didn't like your job, just that it was sedentary. If you can, buy a stand up desk and do as much of your job standing as possible. Standing is better than sitting and it burns a few more calories. Also take frequent breaks from either sitting or just standing and do a couple of jumping jacks, squats, toe touches or whatever just to get the blood flowing.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 04:17:59 PM »
enjoy the process, don't be focused too much on the ultimate goal
that way, you'll learn to like the little things, the small improvements, rather than just be obsessing over some long-term goal weight
it's a journey
celebrate the small steps
easy does it, but do it!


  • Getbig I
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 04:25:08 PM »
Thanks men, I very much appreciate the feedback. I'll focus on the journey........  :D
Nah, my job is cool, I'm a clinic Registered Nurse. I used to work in the ER and run around for 12 hours but recovery landed me here which is the right place, minus the whole sitting on my ass thing all day!


  • Getbig II
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2014, 08:01:38 PM »
My bad on the job advice.... ;D
I hear complaints about career
choices so often, I focused on that.
Good to hear you like your career, and have been
clean for a while.


  • Getbig I
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 09:08:48 AM »
Thanks Kurt.......

started with a sensible meal plantoday.. After reading around here, went with 1 cup oatmeal with 3/4 cup

grapefruit, green apple with 2 tbsp raw almond butter, 6 oz baked salmon with package of microwaveable frozen broccoli, lg

banana and 2 scope whey protein shake w/ almond milk for dinner.

not sure if the calories are sufficent but I thought I would shock my body and eat from that list every 3 hours.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 09:21:26 AM »
I like the keep it simple method.

Cal in = Cal out - Stay under 2000 cals to tone up.

Dump red meat, sugar, pasta and bread. Especially after lunch time. Eat a some fruit and go unlimited crazy on veggies

work out 1hr every day ..anyway / where you can. Intensity is key but consistency is also important. Even a fast walk for an hour is better than sitting on the couch man.

Drink lots of water (and green tea if you like it), Cut soda..even the diet shit.

Go to bed earlier (at least 8hrs of sleep)

Personally I have a veggie steamer pot and brown rice cooker of which I use daily. I also have a vacuum food sealer of which I put in two chicken breast per bag and various seasonings (bbq / garlic / curry / lemon pepper) and throw in the freezer. I get in the routine of taking a pack out in the morning and cooking it on the Foreman grill that night. One breast for dinner, the other saved for tomorrow's lunch at work.


  • Getbig I
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #8 on: January 03, 2014, 10:05:55 AM »
Great advice and feedback, thanks man!!! ;D


  • Getbig V
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #9 on: January 03, 2014, 03:26:54 PM »
Thanks Kurt.......

started with a sensible meal plantoday.. After reading around here, went with 1 cup oatmeal with 3/4 cup

grapefruit, green apple with 2 tbsp raw almond butter, 6 oz baked salmon with package of microwaveable frozen broccoli, lg

banana and 2 scope whey protein shake w/ almond milk for dinner.

not sure if the calories are sufficent but I thought I would shock my body and eat from that list every 3 hours.

This seems like a sensible start on your diet. Do be careful to not make your diet too restrictive. Your stomach is used to you filling it up, it will take time for it to shrink and for you to retrain your mind to know when you've had enough to eat. Remember to include exercise in your routine.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2014, 03:40:23 AM »
One of my rotator cuff muscles is completely torn. I train around it. Some things I can do ...some cant... but I can do all the basic mass builders minus shoulder presses. DB bench, hammer incline, db rows, pullups etc I can do. 

You have no excuses. Find out what you can do and train around your injuries.



  • Getbig IV
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2014, 09:16:48 AM »
Glad that Squattogether has selected a new life style of thinking, training and a different  eating pattern to follow. As far as that 4 letter word 'diet' goes, there are other options rather than the lower calorie method. While not getting the calorie needs for basic maintenance (2000 is around what the average sedentary man may require, much less for  BB'ers who want to gain...or even hold on to his present muscle size, when losing fat) and body cell repair, the body may tend to cannibalize upon it's self. Which can result in muscle tissue lost, which any self respecting BB'ing wants to avoid at all cost. Also the energy output can become lower for workout or just about anything else on a drastic reduction of a normal calorie input.

Just a suggestion, do what you wish, but many find a alternative  eating pattern of lower daily carb intake can reduce fat to the extent that the metabolism is encourage to burn fat 24/7. Even when the body is at rest. All while keeping the body at  healthy state, holding onto the present muscle  mass or even increasing it if a well planned training protocol is followed. A 100 grams of carbs a day is the usual starting point of a lower carb diet. If results are slower than expected, than drop to 60 grams daily. Still not happy, than 40 grams as the point of lowest amount allowed. Don't want to drop below 40 grams, when it's really never needed.  Avoiding grain, dairy and processed food are the first step when beginning a reduced carb protocol. With this style of eating, the stomach will feel full. Never, ever any reason to feel hungry or starve the body.

If you have a complete torn/ruptured rotator cuff ligament or muscle (there are 4 of each) you will find even normal activity quite uncomfortable.  Some guy's will try to work around it, and you can to a certain degree. Though unbalance development/strength can only invite more injury. it's like your cheating yourself, working around this tear, not really gaining full potential for development, if you can't do any serious pressing or even pulling when working out. A lucky few can train most of their lives with a damaged rotator cuff.

Good to know Squattogther has successful rehab. Met a few ER workers, with those extra long shifts. Tend to be presented with the option of taking a variety of 'helpers' during, and off, those shifts. One of those ER workers was a doctor, who went into rehabs quite a number of times. On his third marriage at present.

Good Luck


  • Getbig V
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2014, 02:53:15 PM »
I have worked so many usual hours. Rotating shifts and steady midnights for so many years. Most guys that haven't work nights like nurses, soldiers or cops don't realize how it really plays a number on you. It can be a challenge to fit workouts in with work if you are not working 9 to 5 hours.

I used so many routines over the years. I found low sets and training body parts every 5 to 7 days worked. Whole body routines work great too but contrary to popular belief they are harder than splits. The best thing about whole body routines is that if you miss a scheduled day training due to work or fatigue your previous session worked everything.

Maybe you can try something like this. I will use days of the week but of course the body doesn't function according to a calender. Monday: Chest and Back. Wednesday: Legs and Friday: delts and arms with weekends off. Of course doing what you can with your bad shoulder. You can time your workouts so one of your 3x a week routine one of the workouts will be on your day off.

This workout will work if you work hard enough due to over lap. Monday you're training chest but on Friday's delt day maybe either dips, close grips, or narrow pushups when training triceps will hit the pecs again.  Arms both bicep and tricep gets hit hard on all the pushing and pulling on chest/back day.  Legs get hit twice on leg day and back day with deadlifting/ cleans.  Delts get hit on inclines and directly on delt day. There is really over lap for everything.

I would use a form of hit like one warm up if needed then 2 work sets.  per exercise. Use 3 to 4 exercises a body part. On days off and delt/arm day you can do your cardio. Don't let anyone kid you. Doing cardio is the quickest way outside of using drugs to get lean.  Every 4 weeks or so change the exercises to give your body and mind a break.

Of course there are so many ways to accomplish your goals. Find your own direction and move forward. Don't make your workouts so hellish that you burn out quickly.  I make that mistake all the time. I train to within an inch of my life and reach exhaustion after a couple of weeks.

Lastly don't listen to these drug marvels. If they weren't using drugs you would see many of them have no clue and look like crap without the assist. They think they know something because they are drug buff.

Don't waste your time looking for the secret. The secret is that there isn't any secret except for syringes. Do consistent cardio and lift. Step by step you will start dropping fat.  You don't need a bro science diet. You know what you shouldn't eat so don't. Allow your self some cheat days.

Good luck. A lot of little steps adds up to a lot of distance in time.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2014, 04:37:34 PM »
There is some great advice in this thread. I too SamoanIrishman's advice, and picked up a vegetable steamer, and dusted off the George Foreman grill.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #14 on: January 09, 2014, 01:58:33 AM »


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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2014, 05:00:36 PM »


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2014, 07:25:30 PM »
Hows it going man? Progress? Remember the first month is the hardest. Make a plan and stick to that shit. Consistency and perseverance win the battle. Get in a routine.

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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2014, 10:02:03 PM »
start by walking.   60 minutes a night, around your neighborhood.  as fast as you can.  clear your head and lose some fat and get your lungs and heart ready for the weights.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #18 on: February 11, 2014, 09:12:09 AM »
start by walking.   60 minutes a night, around your neighborhood.  as fast as you can.  clear your head and lose some fat and get your lungs and heart ready for the weights.

Good advice. Anything is better than sitting on your ass man.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2014, 09:41:57 AM »

Probably why no one has answered your other thread is because it sounds too much like were being played by you. If being straight (and not some guy getting off...which has happen much too much on GB ) than check out the above thread. Some  good advice is yours for the taking.  

The day your started walking is the day you might have started with serious weight training.  If your not in some small remote village, than might suggest heading to a spa/gym and receive instructions, the staff is usually more than glad to help. Would not suggest a personal trainer, can be expensive and your really not getting your moneys worth anyway.

If living in a small remote village, than might suggest investing in a small home gym. Just the basic stuff is all your really need;BB, DB, adjustable bench, Ab wheel, step-up platforms, etc. If ambitions are that you want to be a Pro,as you stated in the other thread, than starting at 16 could have helped. But, again, there is always hope for anyone, at most any age. Depends on your personal dedication and will to achieve. Video's seem to help women to get towards their goals. But those boot camp style training video's are really too unrealistic for most people. Than again, you might be the exception. The can work very well indeed.

I see that your are a Mrs, so hopefully your mate can help and encourage you along the way.

Good Luck  (if you are playing us and are some guy......than my bad)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2014, 10:00:03 AM »
I am not playing you.  :(

I know nothing about weights. I figured walking was agood way tostart things. I lilke how the bikini models look and that is what I am going to look like when im done! I was a mrs but am not now. I think I will start at home with weights. I saw a weight set in wal mart and it had a 2.5 ppound, 5 and 10 pound. i'll work my way up to the ten pounds. Im not sure what exercises to do or what they are but I will google women working weights.

When you think about it, if you are overweight you are already lifting weights just by walking  ;D


  • Getbig III
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Re: Feeling overwhelmed
« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2014, 12:40:59 PM »
I would include a full-body lifting routine 3 times a week if I was an overweight beginner starting from scratch and looking to lose fat. Squats, deadlifts, rows and presses (whatever you can do that doesn't hurt/reinjure your rotator cuff).

These movements when performed consistently will turn your body into a CALORIE FURNACE. Being an overweight beginner (not used disparagingly) will actually be somewhat of an advantage when performing these lifts - your extra bodyweight will allow you to support and lift heavier weights than an underweight beginner. Strive to improve your performance in these key lifts every time you train (e.g. add more weight or more reps with the same weight).

Now is not a time to fret about specific bodyparts and use an advanced body split routine - there will be plenty of time for that in the future when you reach your current goal. And your current goal is of utmost importance - focus on it until you reach it. Then you can choose a new goal and focus on that.

I'd second the advice here on including some low intensity cardio. Walking for 60 minutes is ideal - it will have minimal impact on your recovery from the weights. You should save your intensity for the weights and use low intensity activities to burn up some extra calories.

As for diet and supplements, keep it simple. You will want to up your protein requirements and keep some good fats in there. Usually decreasing carbs is the simplest way to swing the energy balance toward burning your own body fat. However keep some carbs in there (oatmeal, potatoes, rice) pre- and post-workout to fuel you and allow you to maintain intensity in the gym. For supplements I'd recommend a multi-vitamin and fish oil. Maybe some creatine and protein powder (not a necessity) and some caffeine before you lift.

If you follow such a plan, with small weekly progressions, for at least a year, I guarantee you will delighted with how you look and feel. Best of luck with it.