Author Topic: Should the government do a better job with vets?  (Read 7288 times)

Radical Plato

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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #75 on: June 24, 2012, 11:40:08 AM »
E-Kul definately goes on the short list of Getbiggers who are the easiest to melt.
Melt, I am wringing my hands with glee at cracking the fragile psyches of the brainwashed! How they squirm when they here the Truth - for me my mind is at peace, the truth has a calming effect on a man.

By the power of truth I, while living, have conquered the universe

Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.

Dr Dutch

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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #76 on: June 24, 2012, 11:44:29 AM »
Give E-Kul a chance....... ;)

Radical Plato

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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #77 on: June 24, 2012, 11:45:16 AM »
You responded to nothing. You made no points. You just copy and pasted the words of another man that you stole for your own opinion; unfortunately for you, this has no bearing on this thread as it means nothing in the context of this debate.

I never claimed Noam Chomsky words as my own, that's why his name is at the end of the quotation - was I supposed to respond to something - I am not trying to prove anything, just stating the truth, and the truth always upsets people in denial, if you are curious about what I say, do your own fucking research, like I come here to do a research paper to your satisfaction, it amazes me that the freaks here want proof of others statements, if you find others ideas so absurd, so threatening to your fragile psyche, well, the onus is on you to disprove such claims - personally, I don't give a fuck what a GETBIGGER thinks! - everything I say is easily verifiable with a little research on the Internet, but the average arsehole is too busy on facebook or watching American idol while eating McDonalds to give a fuck to seek a deeper understanding of the world.  Like I am going to post footnotes for Idiots on Getbig!

Anyway - I am off to bed, it is 4:45am in the morning here, and you fuckers are getting old real quick!

Palpatine Q

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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #78 on: June 24, 2012, 11:46:29 AM »
Melt, I am wringing my hands with glee at cracking the fragile psyches of the brainwashed! How they squirm when they here the Truth - for me my mind is at peace, the truth has a calming effect on a man.

By the power of truth I, while living, have conquered the universe

Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.

You haven't cracked anything you limp penis.

The only person you are "convincing" is yourself. it's all you ever do, pat yourself on the back like an asshole... because, well...your'e an asshole

King Shizzo

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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #79 on: June 24, 2012, 11:48:01 AM »
I never claimed Noam Chomsky words as my own, that's why his name is at the end of the quotation - was I supposed to respond to something - I am not trying to prove anything, just stating the truth, and the truth always upsets people in denial, if you are curious about what I say, do your own fucking research, like I come here to do a research paper to your satisfaction, it amazes me that the freaks here want proof of others statements, if you find others ideas so absurd, so threatening to your fragile psyche, well, the onus is on you to disprove such claims - personally, I don't give a fuck what a GETBIGGER thinks! - everything I say is easily verifiable with a little research on the Internet, but the average arsehole is too busy on facebook or watching American idol while eating McDonalds to give a fuck to seek a deeper understanding of the world.  Like I am going to post footnotes for Idiots on Getbig!

Anyway - I am off to bed, it is 4:45am in the morning here, and you fuckers are getting old real quick!
Obviously you do, or else you wouldn't be here.


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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #80 on: June 24, 2012, 11:48:18 AM »
Melt, I am wringing my hands with glee at cracking the fragile psyches of the brainwashed! How they squirm when they here the Truth - for me my mind is at peace, the truth has a calming effect on a man.

By the power of truth I, while living, have conquered the universe

Artists use lies to tell the truth, while politicians use them to cover the truth up.
What are you blathering on about? You realize one persons reality is another brainwashing, correct? Lol, youre the one comparing the Holocaust to a war, and then further tried to justify it by comparing it to an entire countries war death toll for the last 6 decades. Then, you go one to use a few horrible wartime incidents to try and somehow claim that everyone that chooses to join is somehow a crazed rapist killer. (Not to mention you blatant use of numbers that are incorrect for shock value)

And you call us brainwashed, lol.

Radical Plato

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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #81 on: June 24, 2012, 11:49:22 AM »

You haven't cracked anything you limp penis.

The only person you are "convincing" is yourself. it's all you ever do, pat yourself on the back like an asshole... because, well...your'e an asshole
Butt Hurt getbiggers, always good for a laugh - and like the old saying goes "If nobody else pats you on the back, do it yourself"

HA HA Goodnight Fuckers - I will leave you with the song written about the average american!


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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #82 on: June 24, 2012, 01:40:23 PM »
Well, you yanks are over 1 million IRAQI dead and counting - the holocaust is estimated at 6 million - and the Yanks haven't finished yet - I definitely think the two events are more than comparable - The yanks have killed more than 10 million in the last 60 years alone - nothing to be proud of and definitely comparable to the most despotic of Nations that ever existed!

I don't know where you got 1 million dead.  Go to which is an independant organization and the most trusted source around.  They put the civilian casualties between 110,000 to 120,000.

The videos and pictures you posted are disturbing and no doubt real.  No excuses can be made for this. I don't know what the reason for this is but there seems to be no honour among a lot of young people today.  You can see it in everyday news items like a school kid who stabs another kid because of some slight, not even thinking there would be any consequence.  We had a couple on incidents close to home where girls got there boyfriends to murder other girls who were perceived to be rivals.  Then they went on with their everyday lives like nothing happened, until the police came knocking.  Then the tears started to flow like a river.  You mean I have to spend the next twenty years in jail?!!
There seems to be some disconnect between actions and consequence. I believe some people who enlist in the military are borderline psychos, not all have noble intentions like Shockwave.  Under extreme stress and a free reign thoses who are of this ilk will let their true nature come to the surface.  It's a damn shame these soldiers were not screened mentally before given a gun.  I know they were supposed to be but I think maybe the rules were relaxed because they were stretched so thin.


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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #83 on: June 24, 2012, 02:52:37 PM »

E-Kul, let's get one thing straight. You are Australian and some of us are American.  Do you see how we could get defensive by the way you word some of your posts?  I respect your opinions as a non American, but it does sting us when the obvious anti U.S. slander comes out.

E-Kul should have every right to "sting" us as he does, because despite his ranting and raving he brings up points which must be addressed (alongside reams of false information).

Let's get the falsehoods out of the way first:

The ORB study indicating 1 million Iraqi deaths cannot be taken seriously given that the average total casualty number (coalition + Iraqi) of all of the other related studies is 215K. This includes the estimates coming out of documents published by Wikileaks in 2010. So according to what Assange himself (E-Kul's hero) can ascertain, nothing close to 1 million people have been killed.

Speaking of those Wikileaks documents, they also indicate the particular nature of the killings, which relates to another falsehood of E-Kul's: far and above, Iraqis have killed Iraqis. This wasn't a Nazi campaign to cleanse the population via genocide; it was a civil war where car bombings, mortar attacks, and block-by-block sectarian violence were responsible for the overwhelming majority of civilian deaths. It is very sad that Iraqis felt that way about each other, divided by religious sect and tribal loyalty (divisions reinforced by Saddam so that he could rule them more effectively), but that is the reality.

This doesn't thereby absolve all responsibility for the civilians that were inadvertently killed by the U.S. military, nor the abuses -- isolated though they are -- evinced by our forces. It does, however, very much change the character of the war (E-Kul, why aren't you reading what your hero is putting out?).

Now, to the "moral" component of the U.S.'s decision to intervene in the first place: containing Saddam via sanctions may have killed some 500K civilians during the 1990's (this is a high-end estimate). That is 50K innocent civilians per year. Meanwhile, in 9 years of occupying Iraq and establishing a stable regime that no longer threatens its neighbors nor tortures its own people and has at least a modicum of democratic norms, 215K people died, or, a little over 23K per year. So, fewer Iraqis have died relative to the world's previous policy toward Iraq. And this death rate is lower despite being part of a front-loaded flurry of violence that has successfully moved Iraq beyond Saddam for good (in other words, it is only going down from here).

The third alternative, with neither sanctions nor intervention, was not particularly desirable either: Saddam would remain in power and continue torturing his own people, including, potentially, more gas attacks like the ones he carried out on the Kurds in the 1980's, torture/execution for anyone deemed a threat, and conscription into another of his aggressive wars on his neighbors (the Iran-Iraq War  -- initiated by Saddam -- killed perhaps 500K Iraqis). This also contained the possibility of his renewing Iraq's derelict WMD program, where documents captured in 2003 indicate Saddam would have used as a cover to act even more aggressively.

This sort of "death calculus" makes some uncomfortable but it is the reality of international politics. There were a bunch of pretty terrible options available to Iraqis, and it is within this conceptual space of terrible options that the Iraq War must be understood. There was no magical alternative that would have seen Iraq flourish and none of its citizens die.

This is why, despite all the violence and loss of life, 77% of Iraqis answered "Yes" to the question, "Thinking about any hardships you might have suffered since the US-Britain invasion, do you personally think that ousting Saddam Hussein was worth it or not?" in August 2006, at the veritable height of violence. (p.51)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #84 on: July 08, 2012, 05:08:04 AM »
the veitnam vets really got screwed :(


If the economy was booming then yes, give more back. The reality is the gov't can't afford to support any more people. The only monetary changes should be in the form of cuts.

That's because we're currently giving too many handouts to the wrong people. I agree the government needs to make cuts, and it needs to stop growing itself. It's too damn big and has been for a long time!

Bullshit.  I'm sure the goverment can cut back on some of the bullshit spending that they do.  Like some of Obama's legendary vacations.  They are reported to cost millions of dollars each, with all the prep and securtity etc.....  They can easily cut the bullshit out of the spending.  The army is the artery of America.

All of the presidents have done this, although it seems that the last two or three - especially this current one - have been completely egregious.

I'd prefer they took the money from welfare and other abused systems in America over the actual military.

YES!! And, it's not just welfare that needs an overhaul.

What I would like to see more of is help with veterans who are homeless, very poor or are have mental problems (namely PTSD and TBI).

I believe in the welfare system, but not as it currently is. I've personally seen too many able-bodied people collect a US government check simply because they choose not to work, or they're single parents who make a career out of popping out babies.

There are people who need AND DESERVE it more and are NOT getting it.


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Re: Should the government do a better job with vets?
« Reply #85 on: July 10, 2012, 09:09:43 PM »
Should get same medical and pension % that congress does