And, makes sense to me. It is likely he was summoned. I've never had a judge just take it upon themselves to show up. And I want to apologize for my prior comments to you. They were rude and uncalled for. Sorry.
I have NEVER seen a judge take it upon himself to show up to the place of interrogation or detainment like this. NEVER.
You know and i know that in 99.9% of cases the police make an arrest pursuant to the penal code, notify the DA of a Felony or Misdemenor arrest, do an intake, place the matter on the arraignment docket pursuant to the criminal complaint, and then put it on the docket for arraignment for the charges pled.
The idea that the magistrate, not thr defense counsel, shows up to protect the rights of the accused unannounced is almost never done.
Be honest bro. Stop the bs.