Author Topic: Test is not best  (Read 16989 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Test is not best
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2015, 02:15:51 PM »
great advice.

Jizmo - ive thought about breaking up with a girl i love alot - because id have an extra 3-400 quid a month to spend on bodybuilding lol

then i reliased thats pretty fucking stupid -

now i have it in my head if we do break up hey i can spend the extra on bodybuilding lol  win - win

chances of getting to 35 with little savings due to hopw much i spend on gear - high if i continue 90%

chance of getting mr olympia by age 35 - extreamly Low possibly below 5%

so whats the point? if life is a game of maximising your chances

chances of staying 215- 30 and being very ripped - maybe dropping down into physique and winning - alot higher - market yourself well on youtube instagram more chance off adding money to your pocket - and still being big enough to look huge in public ,

thats my kind of thought process at the momemt tbh

I lived the bodybuilding lifestyle for 12 years and made a lot of stupid decisions based on maximizing my potential.  Today I'm glad i enjoyed it for what it was, but i wouldn't sacrifice having a real life for it.  In fact, i think almost everyone can reach their full potential while not sacrificing a real life or relationships.  I never told anyone i used gear, not even my closest friends and family, but they probably knew anyway because they asked me about it and still do.

I knew I'd never be Mr. Olympia or the World's Strongest Man, but i trained like it for a long time.  I put my health in jeopardy many times using stupid doses in order to bench a few more pounds or gain a few pounds of muscle.  I was a big dude for a long time and stronger than almost anyone i came across.  Won many power lifting events and even featured in Powerlifting USA magazine in the mid-00's.

Today my joints are shot and I'm 215 pounds.  I was 250 with a 32" waist for most of my "career".  I wouldn't go back and change it, but I'm glad i did catch myself before anything serious happen.  I always did blood work and the minute it got out of line i took precaution.  At one point i was using over 5g's of combined AAS for months on end, i thought i was bulletproof. I LIVED the life and ended relationships over it, i was dedicated but obsessed with becoming something i know i never would be anyway, i just wanted to play the part.  I wanted to be like Jon Pall Sigmarsson and we all see what happen to him.

I'm healthy now, 215 pounds 5'11" and 8% BF.  My joints are trashed, i can't lift half of what i used to just because of my joints.  I look great, most people think I'm still "living the life", everyone still always asks me about how my training is going and diet.  The truth today, i use 200mg Test E and maybe 600mg Eq or Deca now and then.  I train 3 days a week and do Muay Thai twice a week.  My diet is good, but not great, i drink beer every weekend and live normal, i don't even really think about bodybuilding, i just do it.

But you know what? I LOVE my life today, i used to have a pretty boring life, always worried about training and eating.  Live life, have fun and get big.  You can do it all if you are structured and dedicated.  Don't sacrifice your life for this game IMO.

Anyway, i don't post much anymore, I'm just not in this game like i was, but i still love it and how important it was for me.  It helped me become more driven and structured, i think it made me a better person due to discipline.

Take care.



  • Getbig III
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Re: Test is not best
« Reply #51 on: February 04, 2015, 01:39:40 AM »

love this very motivating and im glad your health is good.

like you say you can live the BB life and still have a life IF.... your not obbsessed with it

most of the time gear comes before most things. kind of dont want to live like that anymore. want to try and slowly put this obbsession away from trophies and into something that benefits me while still looking big and lean.


  • Getbig III
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Re: Test is not best
« Reply #52 on: February 04, 2015, 08:37:08 AM »
I lived the bodybuilding lifestyle for 12 years and made a lot of stupid decisions based on maximizing my potential.  Today I'm glad i enjoyed it for what it was, but i wouldn't sacrifice having a real life for it.  In fact, i think almost everyone can reach their full potential while not sacrificing a real life or relationships.  I never told anyone i used gear, not even my closest friends and family, but they probably knew anyway because they asked me about it and still do.

I knew I'd never be Mr. Olympia or the World's Strongest Man, but i trained like it for a long time.  I put my health in jeopardy many times using stupid doses in order to bench a few more pounds or gain a few pounds of muscle.  I was a big dude for a long time and stronger than almost anyone i came across.  Won many power lifting events and even featured in Powerlifting USA magazine in the mid-00's.

Today my joints are shot and I'm 215 pounds.  I was 250 with a 32" waist for most of my "career".  I wouldn't go back and change it, but I'm glad i did catch myself before anything serious happen.  I always did blood work and the minute it got out of line i took precaution.  At one point i was using over 5g's of combined AAS for months on end, i thought i was bulletproof. I LIVED the life and ended relationships over it, i was dedicated but obsessed with becoming something i know i never would be anyway, i just wanted to play the part.  I wanted to be like Jon Pall Sigmarsson and we all see what happen to him.

I'm healthy now, 215 pounds 5'11" and 8% BF.  My joints are trashed, i can't lift half of what i used to just because of my joints.  I look great, most people think I'm still "living the life", everyone still always asks me about how my training is going and diet.  The truth today, i use 200mg Test E and maybe 600mg Eq or Deca now and then.  I train 3 days a week and do Muay Thai twice a week.  My diet is good, but not great, i drink beer every weekend and live normal, i don't even really think about bodybuilding, i just do it.

But you know what? I LOVE my life today, i used to have a pretty boring life, always worried about training and eating.  Live life, have fun and get big.  You can do it all if you are structured and dedicated.  Don't sacrifice your life for this game IMO.

Anyway, i don't post much anymore, I'm just not in this game like i was, but i still love it and how important it was for me.  It helped me become more driven and structured, i think it made me a better person due to discipline.

Take care.


That is a great post! There is nothing much to say but thank you and I think you are bang on! We get so caught up in a fabricated world that life passes us by... It is true in bodybuilding but in all other areas too: people sacrificing their family for their academic pursue, people always chasing for that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, only to wake up one day wondering where all those years have gone by. Never taking time to just give a hug to you kids, never connecting deeply with anyone around you, never stopping to enjoy the simple pleasures of life...

I am glad you are healthy and really do wish you the best of luck!

Take care,