I object counselor. I feel like Tom Cruise. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!. Dave, I really dont think Lee is doing this to get back in to the IFBB. I think he is doing this cause of the way the IFBB has been treating their members since day one just about. It would be dumb for him to go to the IFBB. CHic somehow sidesteps the fact and thinks Lee wants back in. WHY? The IFBB is unfair to their members who are pawns and kiss their ass, can you imagine what they would do to Lee. It would be an absolute waste going back. ANd Chic seems to think the only money is in the IFBB. WHen in fact the IFBB in 40+ years has not paid any member any money. The promoters of the shows pay the IFBB competitors. The sponsors money. Yet the PDI has already paid several of their members more money than CHic has made in his entire IFBB career. It's funny how CHic keeps on Lee and saying shit about the PDI yet Lee has been paid more in prize money in a couple months than Chic has made in the IFBB in how many years?
Lee individually will end up getting something. But the major thing that will happen to the IFBB will be financially. The IRS is getting involved and their will be allot fo shit flying around. Sorry but the IRS is not going to let this pass by. We are talking millins of dollars in taxes they owe. Hey and the IRS pays up to 10% of the taxes collected to the person who tips them off. So who knows Lee could get allot of money.
But, the IFBB will have a very short life during and after the court case. Financially they will be ruined. SPonsors will not support an organization under such tight scutiny from the IRS like the IFBB. Just a matter of time. Then where do you think the sponsors will go. The PDI. And in regards to legal fees for Lee. This case is pretty big and can end up allot of money especially if the IRS is involved. FInding a good attorney to do it with a small retainer or spec won't be to hard.
Lets start at the beginning of your ridiculuos tirade..
First off...Lee is doing this for one person...LEE. He isn't representing anyone but himself as the mass exodus of 2 clearly shows the IFBB Pro's have little to no interest in going to wayne's PDI...
The whole point of Lee (alledgedly) bringing this to court, is to be allowed to compete in the IFBB as well as wherever he wishes...so you are completely wrong, as usual.
History shows us that the only descent money is in the IFBB...there have been other pro BB organizations for many years...none of which pay out anything to write home about, and none that directly pay the athletes...PDI included.
The IRS gig is tired and old...and has nothing to do with Lee's (supposed) case. The IFBB has been around since the 40's, I'm sure they've had to answer to the government financialy throughout that time. Also, Any NFP company has to submit paperwork and proof of their NFP status about every 2 years or so.
The PDI offers nothing to sponsors, thus the complete lack of them. No magazine, amateur athletes, little coverage, few fans attending, etc, etc...
I don't wish the PDI to fold tent...As I see it, every Pro team has a farm team...every Varsity has a Junior Varsity, and every Circus needs it's clowns...
Keep trying Keith....