Author Topic: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"  (Read 6723 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #75 on: November 30, 2006, 09:22:12 AM »
i can show you a dozen firefighter videos.  Google 'naudet brothers'.
explosives can get 1000 degrees hotter than jet fuel can.  google 'melting point steel 911' for more.
seismic data - i can share a lot on this one too.

You're speaking very authoritavely on three points in which you are wrong, wrong, and very wrong.  This is irresponsible.  I mean, the melting point comment, that was just dumb.


you're not gonna respond to my points, are ya? ;)

Your not an authority 240.
You are a laymen basing facts on observations.
Get a technical degree with some letters behind your name.
It is way easier arguing with videos because you can whitewash the fact that you aren't an expert and you don't have to supply the technical background.

Collapsing buildings is science. An investigation into collapsing building must be based in science. Observations although helpful are meaningless without the technical background.

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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #76 on: November 30, 2006, 09:26:28 AM »

He said there were no firefighrter statements - he was dead wrong, easily provable by video.
he said jet fuel and explosives burn at same temp - dead fucking wrong.
he said there was no seismic data - also wrong.

no offense, but you're backing a dog here.  you should stick to your altruistic beliefs that all people would admit their involvement and all scientsist would come forward because it's the right thing to do.  It's incredible naive, but shit, kh300 doesn't know simple things like steel's melting point.  For you to defend him puts you in his 'dumbass' boat.

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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #77 on: November 30, 2006, 09:28:12 AM »

the big conflict here is that you see 911 as an academic study, i see it as a crime.

you have said scientists should discuss the metal results for TEN YEARS before the FBI even looks at it.  To me, this is just stupid.  It essentially lets the guilty go. I know you like science, you like warm reports that make you feel better, and you have no idea at all that PEOPLE WILL LIE WHEN THREATENED OR PAID. 

You want a university discussion, i want a criminal investigation.


  • Getbig V
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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #78 on: November 30, 2006, 09:31:01 AM »
where are the fireman? any video can be takin out of context. there was that video floating around where you could obviously hear a massive explosion, but it turned out to be the 2nd plane hitting the tower. so where are these fireman today? or are they being blackmailed?

where is the sesmic data?

240 explain to me how an explosive can melt steel for 3 weeks as you claim.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #79 on: November 30, 2006, 09:33:14 AM »

He said there were no firefighrter statements - he was dead wrong, easily provable by video.
he said jet fuel and explosives burn at same temp - dead fucking wrong.
he said there was no seismic data - also wrong.

no offense, but you're backing a dog here.  you should stick to your altruistic beliefs that all people would admit their involvement and all scientsist would come forward because it's the right thing to do.  It's incredible naive, but shit, kh300 doesn't know simple things like steel's melting point.  For you to defend him puts you in his 'dumbass' boat.

I like that boat.
Your right on these three.
It still doesn't prove a conspiracy.
Actually it helps prove how the buildings collapsed and NIST used these forms of Data to back up their claims.

Sure there were Firefighters that said they heard things that sounded like explosions, but there were many more that didn't.
The melting point of steel was used to find out how long it would take before the beams would fail and the sciesmic data set an accurate time for the building collapse.

All of these proofs required science.


  • Getbig V
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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #80 on: November 30, 2006, 09:38:02 AM »
i never once said i fought in iraq, i said i was there. i helped train iraqi soldiers which wasnt exactly the safest job. and the soldier can say whatever he wants but the more of the iraqis we train the sooner our guys get home.

You clearly intimated that you were over there fighting in the war until that soldier humiliated you.

And I'd love to hear your opinion on who's more believable, a soldier that actually fought in the war or someone that intimated they fought but never actually did?

In that situation I trust what the soldier says.

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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #81 on: November 30, 2006, 09:40:57 AM »
where are the fireman? any video can be takin out of context. there was that video floating around where you could obviously hear a massive explosion, but it turned out to be the 2nd plane hitting the tower. so where are these fireman today? or are they being blackmailed?
where is the sesmic data?
240 explain to me how an explosive can melt steel for 3 weeks as you claim.

Sorry dude, I've posted this shit a million times.  Google naudet brother LIKE I SAID and their documentary has quite a few interviews.  

Google the LDEO seismic data.

And as far as the steel - Steel melts at around 1370 degrees Celcius.  
Combustible jet fuel burns at a maximum temperature of around 800 degrees Celcius.
Explosives (thermite) burn at 2500 degrees Celcius.

here you can find verification of the firefighters' accounts, molten steel, much more.


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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #82 on: November 30, 2006, 09:41:25 AM »
I don't like Gore.  But to say he's not very well abreast of political issues would be very naive.  The man witnessed Clinton's Presidency firsthand and knows very well the very bad thing that all governments do, foreign and our own.  He knows his shit.

Remember that right after 9/11, several people who were also abreast of foreign intelligence went on tv and said "Bush knew 911 was coming" due to the German ambassador and other reports, giving VERY good deatils about the attack.  They were fucking destroyed in the press for being unpatriotic.  Which is odd - isn't protecting the lives of Americans MORE PATRIOTIC than protecting any leader who lets them die?

I think he did reluctantly witness Bill Clownton's presidency since the stories of his then secret relationship with that college girl are still hard to believe :-\

I wish more people reminded themselves as to what it was like right after 9/11 in the first few months because all these re-cycled calendar years are so ostentatious that they are a waste of war time in the post2000 era.

I don't know what is MORE PATRIOTIC or LESS PATRIOTIC since the first September 11th. That is why I stopped being a republican, but I'm definitely never becoming a democrat :(

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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2006, 09:46:50 AM »
joker, thanks.  I absolutel do not want to prove a conspiracy.  I simply want to show enough doubt exists on the official story that we should initiate a second investigation.

The more people who know about it - the more people who see the oddities ("wait, how did we get all that molten steel when jet fuel can't get hot enough to melt steel?"), the more likely they are going to be, to vote for someone who wants a second investigation.  

My goal is a second 911 commission, one that is truly independent (9 of the first 10 had worked for bush 1 in the pvt sector at one time or another LOL!)

If they would just address the questions the families had, test the damn metal for explosive residue, and ask NORAD why they lied about their actions that day, we'd be closer to the truth.  We can research a bulldozed building for decades, but you put one liar from NORAD on the stand, make him accountable for his lies, and offer jail or leniency, and you might learn more in one afternoon than you would in 30 years of debates.

ReOpen 911.  Investigate it.  We don't have to convict anyone here - my only goal is showing reasonable doubt on the official story- and I think even the most ardent bush supporter will say "yeah there are holes and some oddities".  If bush didn't know and didn't do it, he shouldn't have a damn thing to worry about.  If NORAD didn't LET the planes hit, then they have nothing to fear.

But this lying - changing stories, classifying everything - that is some bullshit.  And I love my country too much to let her turn into garbage because people are too afraid to question bullshit when it's fed to them.  reOpen 911.  That's it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: It begins... Gore flirts with "Bush let 911 happen"
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2006, 10:47:08 AM »
Wow... I leave for one night and all you liberal morons come out of the woodwork.

240... I don't look in the bible for answers to anything cause I don't believe in it.  Nor do I look to left wing sources such as the ones I mentioned earlier in this thread (and where you've gotten most of your "Bush caused 911" Bullshit).

But I also don't go after every point in a CT website.  We never landed on the moon, remember? HAHA... and you call us sheep.

You pretend to be objective but it's obvious you try too hard to come up with bullshit just because you don't WANT to believe any even close to an "official" story.

Good show... but you'd better served to go protest something somewhere.