Author Topic: Serge Nubret is here  (Read 740911 times)

serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #700 on: February 11, 2007, 01:40:55 AM »
serge when will ur book be released?

how cares about the mr. o....many people think u have the best physique ever.

it just looked out of this world. abs, arms, triceps, chest, ripped to shreds, the muscle bellies and proportionate....everyth ing was 'perfect' ;) ;) ;) ;)

It is that most of the people don't undestand, Mr O for me was not the only think I was thinking about. I was thinking more or to be the body builder who could stay in good shape during all his life, that is more important than any thing else, tell me how many body builders that people speak so much and never win the Mr O ?...



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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #701 on: February 11, 2007, 01:54:26 AM »
They should look at my picture that Weider put on his magasin cover "MUSCLE POWER" that chest pose which had been shooted 2 years only after that I started training, I did not even know what mean protein, In two years, I got 20 inches arm, they can go to my gallery photo and find out this picture, but I know already that they won't, so lazy for that.

Here you go.  ;)

D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #702 on: February 11, 2007, 03:17:50 AM »
serge ur physique is awesome!

im glad u were 100 per cent natural (it gives me much more inspiration to train and cements my faith in being natural, i always used ur physique and work ethic to inspire me anyway) all makes sense why u still are in great shape and always had that aesthetic great look!

ur triceps, chest and abdominals were phenomonal....SERGE IS NO.1!

BEAST 8692

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #703 on: February 11, 2007, 04:10:20 AM »
indeed serge was absolutely awesome, but he wasn't natural.

don ross (RIP RIPPER!) should have avoided posing next to serge.

yes he has a tiny waist, but then so did buchanan (spelling). is someone going to tell me brian buchanan wasn't using steroids? maybe i should scrap that question.

to simply say, 'well, he had a small waist.' or 'he is still healthy at 65.' is either being disingenuous or obtuse or both. there are plenty of healthy over '60's bbers still in the gym, or maybe draper, arnold, zane, pearl, padilla, columbu, platz, etc etc etc didn't use gear either? ::) well, thank god most of those guys have actually admitted their use or some key boards would be burning up right about now. funny how these guys aren't dead yet. :-\ hmmmm.

let's get up from the key board, walk outside and start counting all the natural guys that don't have wasp thin, super ripped waists (serge circa 1970). we'll still be counting next week, that is until we run into phil heath :o. oh, then maybe he doesn't use either? (shit, scrap that one too)

serge was as much a freak (for his dimensions) as sergio at the time. Oh and btw, re arnold's comments about the 'fiery cuban', he was talking about sergio, not serge.

D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #704 on: February 11, 2007, 04:18:03 AM »
yo beast,

did u see don ross in 'standing tall' dvd?

his delts were so vascular and pumped he looked ready to step on stage. rip don ross!

BEAST 8692

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #705 on: February 11, 2007, 04:36:23 AM »
yo beast,

did u see don ross in 'standing tall' dvd?

his delts were so vascular and pumped he looked ready to step on stage. rip don ross!

didn't see that. don was always extremely vascular.

i believe Teagan Clive, aka Ramazon (user i.d on Get Big), referred to him as looking like a penis, or something to that effect.


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #706 on: February 11, 2007, 04:49:58 AM »
Made in Montana, I'm not trying to attack Serge or shove my opinion down anyone's throats. I just think it's more than likely he used drugs. If you look at his pictures standing next to (probable) steroid users, you see he actually looks BETTER than some, which is very rare for a natural BBer in any day and age. Top 3 at the Mr. Olympia is another very hard feat for any natural and is virtually impossible in any era. They are just some things that you might want to consider and we can discuss this over PM if need be, since there's no need to wreck a good thread.

Serge, once again, thankyou for posting here. This will be the last you'll hear from me of the matter.

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #707 on: February 11, 2007, 05:09:57 AM »
please stop calling him a natty. he used as much as anybody during that time...which is ok..focus instead on his body and training...i'd love to hear about his diet more.

D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #708 on: February 11, 2007, 05:28:31 AM »
didn't see that. don was always extremely vascular.

i believe Teagan Clive, aka Ramazon (user i.d on Get Big), referred to him as looking like a penis, or something to that effect.

u should buy that dvd...its the one about louie ferrigno vs boyer coe for the masters olympia...but robbie robbinson wins it. it has arnold talking in it too....its great to motivate u for ur workouts.


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #709 on: February 11, 2007, 09:43:23 AM »
Hey Serge!

Do you always go wide grip on benches or do you change it every set?


just push some weight!

D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #710 on: February 11, 2007, 04:40:33 PM »
made in montana u are right about the natural size...alot of it is genetics combined with hard training.

i have an asian friend...who i swear to god has better muscle bellies, small joints combo than pro's and bigger arms, chest and muscles than those on the gear...he literally looks like an arnold but with better roundess in the muscle (no lie).... he hasnt even ever taken creatine, but he trains religiously eats super clean (never even allows any sauces like mayonaiise on his food, etc) and eveyrone thinks he is on gear....if i didnt know him personally i would swear to god he was on gear.

he would be a perfect candidate to be a pro bodybuilder...and i guarantee u he would make the olympia if he dedicated himself to it (i think he is a very rare genetic example). i would love to see how freaky he would get if he took gear....but anyway just thought i would let u know that story...this guy is a true freak, and to me he was proof that with superior genetics and hard work...u can look better than many of those on the gear.

so i believe 100 per cent serge could be or is natural.

now if only i had those genetics >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #711 on: February 11, 2007, 11:02:51 PM »
Hey Serge!

Do you always go wide grip on benches or do you change it every set?


Yes I used to do my bench press very wide, because the triceps don't help so much, but some time I used too medium and closed grip.



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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #712 on: February 11, 2007, 11:58:23 PM »
Serge, what is your opinion on alcohol?  Do you think it would hurt mass gains?  Did you ever drink?

By the way, it's an honor to have you here.  You achieved perfection.

BEAST 8692

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #713 on: February 12, 2007, 07:11:19 AM »
Beast, I do not lie and I'm not slow in any way (thanks for the compliments, though, lol).  Why do some of you think you have to have steroids to be big?  My brother is huge and has never taken any kind of drug in his life. I know this for fact because we lived on a ranch out in the middle of nowhere when he got big from weights, food and sleep only.  He would never even take an aspirin because he didn't like anything unnatural.  He is big like Steve and Serge. He is bigger than some on steroids. My cousin is very young, just started lifting and is getting big already too. Both are big--without the juice.

When someone shows such strong disbelief that natural cannot be big, it clearly says one thing--his genetics are $hit...and he can't ever get big without drugs...otherwise he wouldn't argue if he was big naturally...he wouldn't need to. The best advice--take up a ping pong or a different sport; it'll be a better use of time for you. Some people will never believe big and natural are positively corrrelated unless they experience it a doubting Thomas. You can pull out every proof and blood test there is to say you are natural and prove it...some will argue forever because they don't want to believe you. If you show them red, they will say it's blue. They have no faith...they cannot see. A reaction of disbelief tells me more about someone who disbelieves than it does about someone big being natural. 

Why should Serge tell the truth here when no one wants to hear it and then gives him more and more grief than if he says nothing at all. The worst part is that a Bodybuilding Legend who is many times World Champion would come in here to donate his time for free and then have anyone talk to him so disrespectfully...truly unbelievable. It is not this way at other boards, where people spend the first half of their post thanking Serge for his time and are nervous to talk to him. Serge, you should go back to charging Olympic athletes money for your training, time and advice because you are treated much better than when you give it for free, some people don't value it then because it doesn't cost them anything. 

Serge, I know you stay for the few who don't have money who may want to actually learn something, but it may not be worth it to you to be treatedly badly. There is a story about Jesus Christ healing people on a Sunday...the pharasees didn't see that he was helping someone and that a sick person was grateful for it. All they knew is that he broke their rules and they didn't like it...well...the rules here for you, Serge, are that you cannot agree, disagree, say yes, no, or anything or stay quiet either regarding talking about steroids--you will still be a$$holed and accused of lying or hiding something no matter what you say...or do not say. You cannot win, my friend. You lose just by standing there.

Everything happened just as I said it I predicted what would happen...and people went ahead and did it.  Except, I am the one who said Serge was natural, Serge didn't say a thing. I shouldn't have said it, because look at some of  the people coming forward who tell Serge who and what he is now....criticizing a bodybuilding legend and arguing because he says nothing here except "how can I help you?"   

Sure, there are some bb over 65 who took steroids who are still alive, but many have organ damage and look like your fat uncle, they don't look like Serge who looks better than the guys here who are 35. Which guy on your list has guest posed at 65 other than Serge? Once someone is off steroids, the muscle is gone in a New York Minute...look at Craig Titus and Kelley. It's gone. Compare it to a natural. During his acting career, when Steve trained for his movie roles/ lift weights for one month in the spring, it would stay for the rest of the year while he was busy/made the movies. In other words, the effects of natural last longer. You can see it in a bodybuilding line up of guys over 50. When someone says Serge can't look that way without steroids, they are saying that Serge is dumb enough to take steroids at age 65 (to risk ruining his organs and shorten his life just for one day of guest posing)...and then lucky enough to live through it.  They are also saying he took steroids every year for 50 years because he looked like a champion every day of his entire life. No one can do that and live.

I don't mean to show any disrespect, but it bothers me when someone shows Serge disrespect, because if anyone here deserves to be treated well, it is Serge of (if not THE) best physique the world has ever known. Whether a person agrees or disagrees, we owe him the courtesy of being nice to him and grateful to him for sharing his time here with us and wanting to help.

i have no doubt whatsoever that one can get big whilst staying natural so please spare me all your stories about your friends, cousins, uncle's mother's cousin, blah blah.

getting freaky big, cut and in olympia contest condition is a whole different ball game.

get your insert relative here competitive on a mr olympia stage and i'll be an instant believer!

i didn't think so.

look, all due respect to serge, seriously. i really don't want to offend serge, he is doing a great service posting on get big. he doesn't want to discuss the issue and i DO respect that, but it was you that opened this whole discussion up and it is you that i am pointing out a few realities to.

last time i checked, zane, arnold, franco, padilla, draper, pearl, etc weren't big fat guys with organ damage, but then maybe YOU know more than me about this. you seem to have knowledge of organ damage without having to perform a biopsy, xray, hell, you don't even actually have to see the guy to KNOW such things.

apparently you're an expert on the 'look' of a drug user, can speak truths on behalf of other grown men (even when they don't want you to) and now you're an adviser re serge's business interests/hobbies ie posting on a message board.

i don't know you from a bar of soap but, taking all the aforementioned into account, you're either a liar, obtuse or your serge's siamese twin. which one is it?


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #714 on: February 12, 2007, 09:08:23 AM »
made in montana u are right about the natural size...alot of it is genetics combined with hard training.

i have an asian friend...who i swear to god has better muscle bellies, small joints combo than pro's and bigger arms, chest and muscles than those on the gear...he literally looks like an arnold but with better roundess in the muscle (no lie).... he hasnt even ever taken creatine, but he trains religiously eats super clean (never even allows any sauces like mayonaiise on his food, etc) and eveyrone thinks he is on gear....if i didnt know him personally i would swear to god he was on gear.

he would be a perfect candidate to be a pro bodybuilder...and i guarantee u he would make the olympia if he dedicated himself to it (i think he is a very rare genetic example). i would love to see how freaky he would get if he took gear....but anyway just thought i would let u know that story...this guy is a true freak, and to me he was proof that with superior genetics and hard work...u can look better than many of those on the gear.

so i believe 100 per cent serge could be or is natural.

now if only i had those genetics >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

You know it's funny you say that because I also have a chinese friend like that. His back reminds me of Sergio, chest of Arnold, arms much better shape then any pro out there right now and when he trains wheels they pump up to such a point he has earned the monicker of quadzilla!

He is 100% natural and wherever he goes he freaks everybody up!

just push some weight!


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #715 on: February 12, 2007, 12:18:47 PM »
I agree with Made is Montanna. You can tell from the way he writes the truth that he knowns much more about bodybuilding then most people on this site. I for one thank you for sharing with us from your experience and hope to keep hearing from you.
just push some weight!

D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #716 on: February 12, 2007, 01:15:34 PM »

You know it's funny you say that because I also have a chinese friend like that. His back reminds me of Sergio, chest of Arnold, arms much better shape then any pro out there right now and when he trains wheels they pump up to such a point he has earned the monicker of quadzilla!

He is 100% natural and wherever he goes he freaks everybody up!

lol yes... most asians have shit genetics from what ive seen (skinny looking) but u get one or two that must have some sort of gene...they are big and rounded muscle bellies just amazing.


D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #717 on: February 12, 2007, 01:19:15 PM »
thanks made in montana.

to serge nubret i would like to say:

"your body is and was (especially in the 1970's) PERFECTION"

all the current pro's i would not personally want their body for everyday life.... but serge's body was perfect and not so big that i wouldnt want to live with it. if i had serge nubret's body i would go everywhere with no top on lol.

thanks for posting serge!

serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #718 on: February 12, 2007, 08:32:02 PM »
Serge, what is your opinion on alcohol?  Do you think it would hurt mass gains?  Did you ever drink?

By the way, it's an honor to have you here.  You achieved perfection.

Thank you.
About alcohol, I cannot advice you because I never drink alcohol in my life.


serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #719 on: February 12, 2007, 08:38:42 PM »
thanks made in montana.

to serge nubret i would like to say:

"your body is and was (especially in the 1970's) PERFECTION"

all the current pro's i would not personally want their body for everyday life.... but serge's body was perfect and not so big that i wouldnt want to live with it. if i had serge nubret's body i would go everywhere with no top on lol.

thanks for posting serge!

Thank you, but you can if you realy want it 100%



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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #720 on: February 12, 2007, 09:23:24 PM »
Thank you.
About alcohol, I cannot advice you because I never drink alcohol in my life.


Really?  If I'm not mistaken, you were quite the ladies man, you had to have been around the party lifestyle one time or another.  Any reasons why you never drank?  Never even had wine with a woman before?

D.L. 5

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #721 on: February 12, 2007, 11:24:20 PM »
Thank you, but you can if you realy want it 100%


thanks serge... if serge nubret says i can achieve it....THEN I BELIEVE I CAN AND I WILL!

thanks again!


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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #722 on: February 12, 2007, 11:25:48 PM »
Serge, how did you learn how to pose?

serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #723 on: February 13, 2007, 09:06:51 PM »
Really?  If I'm not mistaken, you were quite the ladies man, you had to have been around the party lifestyle one time or another.  Any reasons why you never drank?  Never even had wine with a woman before?

Do you need wine to have ladies, and I don't need party to go out with them, I prefer to stay in my home.


serge nubret

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Re: Serge Nubret is here
« Reply #724 on: February 13, 2007, 09:09:27 PM »
Serge, how did you learn how to pose?

I am from the Caraibean, every body there know how to danse, so every body know how to pose.
