Author Topic: schmoe admiration  (Read 19019 times)


  • Getbig II
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #25 on: January 26, 2007, 10:25:38 AM »
LoL.... wow that was a bunch of useless knowledge that you have already posted a million times....

I don't know how, you, going off on a tangent about female bodybuilders and their curves has anything to do with what we were talking about since there has been no attack on the female bber appearance or integrity...

And your point on how
“bodybuilding” as ANYONE who trains with free-weights and machines (a.k.a. “progressive resistance exercise”) to improve their appearance, health, strength and athletic ability…don’t you!?

Still doesn't defer from the fact that there are some users of gear and you also enjoy their appearance and dedication etc...and yet you bash gear using of all likes.

If you have any more ridiculous and defensive comments please feel free to pm me and spare yourself from making a fool of yourself on the board anymore than you already have.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #26 on: January 26, 2007, 09:41:16 PM »
Well, “LOL”, “LMAO”, “RFLMAO”, and duhh, uhh, grunt, to you too, “Mr. Cool”!

Oh me, where do I start in dealings with such ignorance and distortions of the truth!??

BG, you really need to be writin’ for the BB mags…you know, telling the kids that those juiced-to-the-gills BB freaks like RC, JC, etc., helped built their massive physiques with ONLY those $$$ food supplements advertised in their mags!

Here are some specific comments on your ignorant shiit…

Schmoe, in my mind, makes me think of 40-50 year old men, who are pale, skinny (no muscle tone), have a bit of a belly, balding or receding hairline, glasses, and overinfatuated in some object or interest. .... In fact that's pretty much my description of a rapist too.  :o

Duhh, which ones are you are stereotyping as “schmoes”???   Are they just the older male fans of FBB, OR those that pay FBBers for BDSM services?

Again, very selective and tunnel-visioned as many “schmoes”  can probably “kick-your-ass” in any REAL TEST of physical conditioning, while spotting you 20-30 years in age; AND these guys are anything but pale, skinny, etc.

AND, as we all know, your even suggesting/comparing the mentality of “schmoes” with the mentality of “rapists” is IGNORANCE in the extreme!!

But seriously those people i described above /\ creep me out and I'm not even a chick.

And, I’m sure that FAR MORE NORMAL people seeing a bald-headed, drug-bloated, BB freak staggering/strutting around in public in his muscle shirts “creeps them out”, too!!  I mean these drug-crazed FREAKS might go psycho/’roid-rage at any time…and they are infinitely more dangerous to society than mere “creepy schmoes”!!

The guys you are more or less talking about, I just think of as nerds or bodybuilding.

Yeah, these “nerds of bodybuilding” usually have good educations, good jobs, homes and families, and train hard all-naturally in their spare time, and are in sharp contrast to your often uneducated, unemployed, or menial job, BB life-style illegal drug using and illegal drug-dealin’ buddies!

P.S. it's amazing how you knockdown people that partake in gear use.  When you, yourself, are so infatuated with all these female bodybuilders, which many of them are big time users themselves....  Kind of hypocritical don't you think?

I clarified my definition of bodybuilding and the type of FBBer I find most appealing…the all-natural BB woman (including breasts).! 

Not being a BB drug-user, it’s sort of hard for me merely just look at posted pics. of FBB/fitness/figure gals and be knowledgable on their extent of BB drug usage (if any).  I mean, after all, it is the best kept secret in BB!!   Yeah, I’ve had to learn over time the “hard way” that some BB gals I thought, and still think, are physically attractive are drug users (including gear).   

However, since you are a heavy gear user (do you deal as well?) BG, I’m sure you are much more knowledgable of which BB chicks are on BB drugs (particularly the “gear”).

Yeah, I guess I have been INADVERTENTLY hypocritical in the past...but, I am learning!

Still doesn't defer from the fact that there are some users of gear and you also enjoy their appearance and dedication etc...and yet you bash gear using of all likes.

Having been BB on a regular basis for about two-three decades longer than you have been alive…and very well may live…I have a degree of admiration  for ANYONE who trains hard and is self-disciplined…particularly COMPETITIVE Olympic weightlifters, Powerlifters, BBers, etc., despite their drug use.   At least, they are trying to gain any possible competitive advantage over their opponents who are taking drugs for the same purpose.  There’s some “excuse/understanding” in their cases!

What is inexcusable is the lazy, insecure, STRICTLY RECREATIONAL, BBer who “juices-to-the-gills’ in an impatient effort to shortcut the normal path of years of BB hard work and dedication and jeopordizes his health and longevity in the process.  Talk about NOT playing with a full deck!??   BJ, methinks you fall into this category!??

LoL.... wow that was a bunch of useless knowledge that you have already posted a million times....

Why, you mean to say you’ve read my OTHER posts on the subject…why, why, BG, I feel truly flattered!!

I don't know how, you, going off on a tangent about female bodybuilders and their curves has anything to do with what we were talking about since there has been no attack on the female bber appearance or integrity...

Of course, these comments had nothing to do with you, and your posted comments/positon, but I always love to have any opportunity “to take a shot at” the IGNORANT critics of FBB on these boards who try and stereotype all FBB women as looking like men/“she-he’s” and are constantly bashing/flamng/insulting them!!

If you have any more ridiculous and defensive comments please feel free to pm me and spare yourself from making a fool of yourself on the board anymore than you already have.

Gee gollies BG, from looking-up at your post history, you are apparently a heavy gear user and support gear use in BB!  Are you also an illegal drug  dealer? 

I mean I wouldn’t want to PM you  cuz, I feel  sure the DEA is monitoring your PM’s, posts, e-mail, postal activities, home, etc…and I don’t want to get into “legal trouble”!

Uhhh…BG, with all of your apparent illegal drug-activity, I’ll just pray that you won’t end–up getting arrested, convicted, and thrown in the slammer with “The Craigers”…and end up havin to give BJ’s to, and getting’ butt-fvcked by, “Billy Bob(s)” every day!?

Best wishes BG, try hard to stay one-step-ahead-of the DEA!!


  • Getbig II
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #27 on: January 26, 2007, 10:40:38 PM »
Wat ohh, someone's having a meltdown.  Writing a whole page, what a great compliment, I didn't even have to try and you have fallin into the deep end.  Anyways, I didn't bother to read all you're useless banter, it's probably the same old rhetoric that is spewing from your retarded fingers.

When are you going to learn though.....that people are free to have their own opinions and ideas.  We are individuals living in a free society... Why don't you stop trying to change everyone into OCD weirdos like yourself and let everyone state their own opinion and enhance the diversity of these boards.  If you want to go control the world go join all those neo-nazi's and you can start your totalitarian tirade.  Heck start with the getbig boards, analyze every responce posted and then you can edit it or blast it too what you think is acceptable.... better yet, why not prevent everyone one from posting and you can be the only one, and everyone will have to listen to your nonsense all the time.  Will that make you feel better?

Sorry again that you for some odd reason have taken such offense to my simple post but that is the great thing about life you can accept it or you can refuse and stick to being miserable and angry either way, I'm just dandy  :D


  • Getbig IV
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2007, 07:17:42 AM »
Wat ohh, someone's having a meltdown.  Writing a whole page, what a great compliment, I didn't even have to try and you have fallin into the deep end.  Anyways, I didn't bother to read all you're useless banter, it's probably the same old rhetoric that is spewing from your retarded fingers.

When are you going to learn though.....that people are free to have their own opinions and ideas.  We are individuals living in a free society... Why don't you stop trying to change everyone into OCD weirdos like yourself and let everyone state their own opinion and enhance the diversity of these boards.  If you want to go control the world go join all those neo-nazi's and you can start your totalitarian tirade.  Heck start with the getbig boards, analyze every responce posted and then you can edit it or blast it too what you think is acceptable.... better yet, why not prevent everyone one from posting and you can be the only one, and everyone will have to listen to your nonsense all the time.  Will that make you feel better?

Sorry again that you for some odd reason have taken such offense to my simple post but that is the great thing about life you can accept it or you can refuse and stick to being miserable and angry either way, I'm just dandy  :D


Here we go again BG, twisting the facts!

Why, I’m just havin’ fun, aren’t you!? 

Believe me, if anybody believes in “freedom of expression” I most certainly DO!   I mean what is this “totalitarian”, “neo-Nazi”, “free-society” , stereotyping crap!??? 

Why, I’m merely just disagreeing with your opinions, insulting you, calling you names, making inferences about you, etc.…as is the “common practice” on these boards!  Gee gollies BG, don’t take it “personal”!

Hey, and if I am a “weirdo”, why…why… I am right at home over here on Getbig with all of the “other” weirdos…you know, the illegal drug users, illegal drug dealers, felons/murderers, ‘roid-rage psychos, she-he’s, porn stars, fags, schmoes, etc.!  Uhhh…you wouldn’t happen to fall into one of those groups would you, BG!??  ;D

Have a great day!  8)


  • Getbig V
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2007, 10:33:25 AM »
… I am right at home over here on Getbig with all of the “other” weirdos…you know, the illegal drug users, illegal drug dealers, felons/murderers, ‘roid-rage psychos, she-he’s, porn stars, fags, schmoes, etc.! 

You never get bored over here, specially on a rush hour.  :D


  • Getbig II
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2007, 12:55:38 PM »
I am right at home over here on Getbig with all of the “other” weirdos…you know, the illegal drug users, illegal drug dealers, felons/murderers, ‘roid-rage psychos, she-he’s, porn stars, fags, schmoes, etc.!  Uhhh…you wouldn’t happen to fall into one of those groups would you, BG!??

Haha, actually I'm having a blast.  I look forward to waking up and seeing what interesting arguments you have come up with.  :)

I definitly would fall into one or more of those categories, tis my home away from the gym  ;).

Glad to have you part of the community and I'm sure we will butt head again, just give it time, hehe.

Peace, Brosoff

P.S. Facts are boring, twisting them is what makes life so much fun and interesting!!!  Nothings absolute always an exception to everything. MUch L0vE   ;D

Benny B

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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2007, 10:21:28 AM »
Schmoe, in my mind, makes me think of 40-50 year old men, who are pale, skinny (no muscle tone), have a bit of a belly, balding or receding hairline, glasses, and overinfatuated in some object or interest. .... In fact that's pretty much my description of a rapist too.  :o

I personally like women of all shapes, sizes, and colors, (muscles included).  As long as the girl has a good face it's all good, and sometimes even if she doesn't have the perfect face if you get to know someone and interact with them long enough they usually grow on you.

But seriously those people i described above /\ creep me out and I'm not even a chick.

The guys you are more or less talking about, I just think of as nerds or bodybuilding groupies or they have a thing for chicks with big muscles.  Usually harmless folk, and nice down at heart, but always keep your eyes open for the one's listed above never know when you run into one of those, lol, the good thing about being a bodybuilding chick though is most likely you can beat the living crap out of your twisted admirer.

Keep Pumping and Happy Schmoe Hunting
Good post!



  • Getbig IV
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Re: schmoe admiration
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2007, 07:39:40 PM »
Haha, actually I'm having a blast.  I look forward to waking up and seeing what interesting arguments you have come up with.  :)

I definitly would fall into one or more of those categories, tis my home away from the gym  ;).

Glad to have you part of the community and I'm sure we will butt head again, just give it time, hehe.

Peace, Brosoff

P.S. Facts are boring, twisting them is what makes life so much fun and interesting!!!  Nothings absolute always an exception to everything. MUch L0vE   ;D

BG, your point was well made about my sounding “hypocritical” on praising the “look” of some FBB women who have very apparently taken plenty of androgens!   However, maybe I can clarify this apparent hypocrisy…

You see, all I have to go on, in practically every instance, are merely posted pics. of FBB women on these boards and, on that limited basis, I’ve seen selected pics. of top hardcore pro. IFBB FBBers (e.g. Marja Lehtonen, Dayana Cadeau, Denise Masino, Joanna Thomas and Colette Nelson) that looked “feminine and sexy” to me…only to change my viewpoint of their “level of femininity” upon seeing other pics. of them.

For example, a real “eye-opener” for me was the Supersize Me Discovery Channel TV special on top-level pro. IFBB FBBer Joanna Thomas.   IMO, she has virilized” herself, YET she looked much more feminine early-on in her BB career

Usually the pics. of these top-level IFBB pro. FBBers that “turned-me-on” were ones taken of them early-on in their BB careers before the depredations of prolonged androgen/GH use had taken their toll.

For example, I personally saw Tazzie Columb compete in one of the Kay Baxter Strength Extravaganza Contests in the early 90’s where she was competing only in the strength event and not the physique event.   This was relatively early-on in her career and she was in her off-season look/condition.  To me, at that time, up close, with her long, black, hair; “Cajun complexion”; shapely, body/look…Tazzie appeared absolutely fantastic and sexy-as-hell!!  Of course, pics. of her now (some 15 long years later!) with years of additional apparent BB drug use (?) she is going to look quite different…but, her leg/glute development was “absolutely unreal”, even then.

Also, I saw Cory Everson up close in ’84 at the Montreal Ms. Olympia and she seemed to be the “perfect example” of the “all-feminine beauty” that could be achieved through weight-training…yet, I feel sure that with Jeff Everson as her husband/trainer that she very apparently augmented her training with androgens.

Surely, few male BBers will argue that Tonya Knight and Raye Hollitt were very feminine, sexy, etc. as hardcore FBBers (in their prime!) and yet both tested positive for androgens.

Finally, I was training at Coffee’s gym in Atlanta, some years back and there was one of the top-level figure competitors training there that day, and I recognized her from her pics., which had appeared in a recent major muscle mag. "photospread of hot, sexy, babes".  She was gorgeous with a stunning figure and a lovely face, IMO!  When I approached her to compliment her appearance, the mag. spread publicity, etc., her voice sounded like Humphrey Bogart…totally contradicting her sexy, all-feminine, physical appearance!??

With the rampant drug use in competitive FBB/Figure/Fitness competition, the water is “as muddy as hell”!!  And, with all of the secrecy surrounding their BB drug usage, who can tell anything,,. or draw any meaningful conclusions…by merely looking at pictures of FBB women (particularly when you don’t know when in their long BB careers the photos were made)! ???.

IMO, ONLY if you meet these women in person (“up close and personal”) and talk with them, can you draw any meaningful (strictly personal!) objective conclusions as to how “virilized” they may have become as the result of their long-term apparent androgen usage!!   :-\