Author Topic: PRAYER REQUESTS  (Read 236720 times)


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« Reply #275 on: May 18, 2017, 07:09:40 AM »
Been praying and will continue to do so!

 Much obliged, bro.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #276 on: November 23, 2017, 10:20:27 AM »
Thanks Man. I should keep praying, but have stopped because I am feeling it is useless. Not a good excuse....I should keep praying.

I don't think biblical prayer works that way but it certainly won't hurt anything


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« Reply #277 on: November 23, 2017, 10:23:19 AM »
I ask for prayer for the father of the Johnson family.  He's struggling with a difficult bout of cancer and I ask for him to be lifted up in prayer and that he be healed.

"I appreciate that, but our friend went home to be with the Lord just recently.  Great little service with some terrific pentecostal preaching included!!  

Family left behind is doing great though....went through a long journey and have really represented God admirably in the process.

Continued prayers for the family would be appreciated!"

What do you think went wrong with the healing prayer?


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #278 on: November 25, 2017, 09:49:10 PM »

Man of Steel

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« Reply #279 on: November 26, 2017, 10:08:35 AM »
"I appreciate that, but our friend went home to be with the Lord just recently.  Great little service with some terrific pentecostal preaching included!!  

Family left behind is doing great though....went through a long journey and have really represented God admirably in the process.

Continued prayers for the family would be appreciated!"

What do you think went wrong with the healing prayer?

Nothing went wrong.  The man that passed was used by God to bring others into relationship with him and unite a small family, friends and community like never before.  In the midst of what we perceive as tragedy the Lord used the situation to bring glory, but often times we don't perceive or understand God's hand at work until the dust settles and we can meditate on the situation.   the unbelieving world perceives death as the end...from chaotic stardust we were formed and back to a state of dust and chaos we will return.  believers know better....death for believers is merely the passage into God's eternity so the act of death is understood differently.   out of tragedy does God bring tremendous healing and loving change, but the unbelieving world only grasps the tragedy and when they're told there's more to situation than they understand they scoff.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #280 on: November 26, 2017, 10:47:18 PM »
Nothing went wrong.  The man that passed was used by God to bring others into relationship with him and unite a small family, friends and community like never before.  In the midst of what we perceive as tragedy the Lord used the situation to bring glory, but often times we don't perceive or understand God's hand at work until the dust settles and we can meditate on the situation.   the unbelieving world perceives death as the end...from chaotic stardust we were formed and back to a state of dust and chaos we will return.  believers know better....death for believers is merely the passage into God's eternity so the act of death is understood differently.   out of tragedy does God bring tremendous healing and loving change, but the unbelieving world only grasps the tragedy and when they're told there's more to situation than they understand they scoff.

So why pray for _____ result at all if God is going to do what God is going to do? 


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« Reply #281 on: November 27, 2017, 05:01:25 AM »
So why pray for _____ result at all if God is going to do what God is going to do? 

 Prayer can sometimes yield different outcomes: (Verse 14.)

Man of Steel

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« Reply #282 on: November 27, 2017, 06:46:32 AM »
So why pray for _____ result at all if God is going to do what God is going to do? 

Hey BS....good read!

Dave’s comments presuppose that God has predetermined a path for our lives according to his will.  Dave is correct.   

As Dave concludes:  “Either your prayer is against God's will and therefore won't happen because you can't change his mind, or your prayer is according to God's will but doesn't make a difference because God's will would have been carried out anyway. Prayer is pointless. It's a waste of time.”

Appears to be sewn up pretty neatly.   

Dave also suggests that God’s perfection has predetermined the best possible outcome for our lives.  Dave is correct again. 

As Dave suggests our prayers are merely recommendations that are only valid if they agree with God’s preset choices because anything less than God’s preset choice is a step in the wrong direction.

Ultimately Dave blames God’s perfection and omniscience because he feels it invalidates the act of prayer rendering our prayers meaningless.

God is omniscient and has a will for each of our lives and chronologically that foreknowledge precedes our future choices, but the world he created takes into account our future choices and allows for his will and our will to be accomplished within the same perfect creation.  Now certainly only God’s will for our lives and our will for our lives can only be fulfilled simultaneously if they agree, but still God’s will for our lives takes second fiddle to our own will for our lives if they don’t agree. 

God desires that we desire his will for our lives, but he honors our choice to defy his predetermined will.    In essence, just because God is omniscient and has a predetermined will for our lives doesn’t mean his will is pre-executed.  We can easily defy his will for our lives.  For example, Jesus Christ desires that we all come to accept him as our Lord and Savior, but I’m gonna guess that the atheists and agnostics on Getbig aren’t going to gives their lives to Christ again today.  That said, God’s predetermined will for our lives still exists, but has been defied.  As Dave stated, God’s mind isn’t going to change either, but that doesn’t mean his will for our lives is going to come to fruition ….we can prevent it.

So why pray?

The main reason I can think of to pray is that Jesus Christ told us to pray and later the apostle Paul affirmed that we should pray (without ceasing) according to that which was revealed to him by Jesus Christ.

A second reason to consider praying is that while Jesus Christ came as the incarnate Son of God on earth and assumed a limited human form that he prayed to God the Father for guidance and strength as an example of how we should seek him in our own lives.  If prayer was appropriate for the Son of God then it’s appropriate for me…..God set the standard. 

Another reason to pray is because believers are engaged in a personal relationship with the Almighty and relationships are two-way streets.  How many successful relationships involve only one party engaged in communication with the other?  None that I’ve ever known of.  This is our opportunity as believers to consistently remain connected with our Lord and Savior and experience the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit (not the only way to feel the Holy Spirit's presence, but a powerful way). 

A third reason to consider is that the act of prayer is not for God’s edification, it’s for ours (God doesn't need our prayers).  Prayer is a means by which we as believers can strengthen our faith.  Prayer is our opportunity to draw closer to God, to feel his presence via the Holy Spirit, to worship and to seek his will.  As believers our will for our lives should always match God’s will for our lives.  Almost every day I pray and I ask God that he reveal himself through me to others and that his will be done in my life.   I pray that I am able to recognize his fingerprints and guidance along the way to ensure that he will is being accomplished and that I’m not a hindrance.  As Dave already suggested, God’s will for our lives is perfect and anything less than that is a step in wrong direction.

A fourth reason to consider prayer is that despite the fact that God doesn’t change his mind about his will for our lives this doesn’t necessitate his inability to intervene supernaturally to right the course of our lives while remaining in complete harmony with his preset will for our lives…..he is God afterall.  How does he accomplish this?  Wish I could tell you LOL.

There are more reasons to pray that I'm not mentioning, but this is a first blush explanation. 


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #283 on: November 27, 2017, 11:49:12 AM »
hmmm.. interesting that you advocate praying because Jesus said to pray, but you don't follow his teachings on how to pray and support public prayer at sporting events and government ceremonies.

Man of Steel

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« Reply #284 on: November 28, 2017, 07:09:47 AM »
hmmm.. interesting that you advocate praying because Jesus said to pray, but you don't follow his teachings on how to pray and support public prayer at sporting events and government ceremonies.

In short, the gist of Christ's instruction is about humility and reverence in prayer.  

Don't be like the Pharisees praying with all their pomp and circumstance so as to show off in front of the masses.  Instead, make the prayer about God and your relationship with him....seeking his will for your life.  Praying privately reinforces the idea that the focus is off you and on God because there is no audience other than God.  Christ did pray publically, but chose to pray privately for the most part.  The idea is the connection between the saved and their savior....the focus should be on the savior not the saved.  

Grandiose displays of public prayer is often nothing more than pious grandstanding at its becomes about the individual praying and not the Lord.  Although, it is completely possible for someone to pray in a public setting and the focus be completely upon Christ.

anything else you have questions about or find interesting?  basically anymore "hmmmmm" moments I can assist with?  I'm here to serve.  :)


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #285 on: November 28, 2017, 08:59:21 AM »
anything else you have questions about or find interesting?  basically anymore "hmmmmm" moments I can assist with?  I'm here to serve.  :)


The Ugly

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« Reply #286 on: December 15, 2017, 01:00:11 AM »
Nothing went wrong.  The man that passed was used by God to bring others into relationship with him and unite a small family, friends and community like never before.  In the midst of what we perceive as tragedy the Lord used the situation to bring glory, but often times we don't perceive or understand God's hand at work until the dust settles and we can meditate on the situation.   the unbelieving world perceives death as the end...from chaotic stardust we were formed and back to a state of dust and chaos we will return.  believers know better....death for believers is merely the passage into God's eternity so the act of death is understood differently.   out of tragedy does God bring tremendous healing and loving change, but the unbelieving world only grasps the tragedy and when they're told there's more to situation than they understand they scoff.

Where'd these "unbelievers" come from all a sudden?

There are ONLY believers, remember? You cleared this up a while back. God reveals the truth of His existence to every living soul, even the remote, flesh-eating savage in New Guinea. Everyone, you said. So one can maybe reject God, but not believing is sorta impossible. The way you explained it, anyway.

Seems believing may be impossible, too, though. Or at least unnecessary. After all, divine revelation = knowledge. And who needs belief, Mr. Steel, when



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« Reply #287 on: December 15, 2017, 01:52:04 AM »

This is a very important piece by the work of the jesus chatline. A must watch. I was scrolling through some extremely intellectual and chilling passages by many pastors and was fortunate enough to stumble across this masterpiece. Let me know what you guys thank. Thanks guys.

Man of Steel

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« Reply #288 on: December 15, 2017, 08:27:09 AM »
Where'd these "unbelievers" come from all a sudden?

There are ONLY believers, remember? You cleared this up a while back. God reveals the truth of His existence to every living soul, even the remote, flesh-eating savage in New Guinea. Everyone, you said. So one can maybe reject God, but not believing is sorta impossible. The way you explained it, anyway.

Seems believing may be impossible, too, though. Or at least unnecessary. After all, divine revelation = knowledge. And who needs belief, Mr. Steel, when


Well using the term unbeliever essentially softens and substitutes the reality in that these folks are God hating, suppressors of the truth of his definite reality that don't want to abandon their sin and accept any accountability for their actions as it pertains to God.

It's akin to an addict that refuses to recognize the reality and gravity of their situation and instead suppresses the truth and feigns a position of ignorance ("I don't have a problem so there's nothing that needs fixing.")

So in their suppression these folks form a body of "unbelievers".  They force unbelief via suppression despite inherently knowing the truth of God's reality.

Man of Steel

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« Reply #289 on: December 15, 2017, 08:32:11 AM »

This is a very important piece by the work of the jesus chatline. A must watch. I was scrolling through some extremely intellectual and chilling passages by many pastors and was fortunate enough to stumble across this masterpiece. Let me know what you guys thank. Thanks guys.

Ignorant work of a God hating mocker.  

Listen up chief, if you wanna continue on this board you'll check yourself or I'll wipe out every single post like this.

Done it before and will HAPPILY do it again.  I don't put up with stuff like I used to.

All the best!


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« Reply #290 on: December 15, 2017, 08:55:16 AM »
Ignorant work of a God hating mocker.  

Listen up chief, if you wanna continue on this board you'll check yourself or I'll wipe out every single post like this.

Done it before and will HAPPILY do it again.  I don't put up with stuff like I used to.

All the best!
Sorry wrong link


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #291 on: July 22, 2018, 09:28:34 PM »
Ignorant work of a God hating mocker.  

Listen up chief, if you wanna continue on this board you'll check yourself or I'll wipe out every single post like this.

Done it before and will HAPPILY do it again.  I don't put up with stuff like I used to.

All the best!

This is why MOS is not missed.