Author Topic: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev  (Read 26203 times)


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #150 on: July 08, 2007, 10:25:47 AM »
It does pay to point out the killer who is killing the sport of bodybuilding (in Asia)...

payment: 2 years ban for Mr. Milos Sarcev.


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #151 on: July 08, 2007, 12:28:07 PM »

Hmmmmmm, someone deleted the thread about Paul Chua receiving bribe?

corruption threads will be deleted


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Frank D. Law

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #153 on: October 19, 2007, 04:06:59 AM »
Milos does say it like it is!  Refreshing!  Unfortunately, this admirable trait does land him in hot water from time to time - especially, the Paul Chua affair and his allegations of official corruption in the Asian Games by Paul Chua, Secretary General of the Asian Bodybuilding Federation and VP of the IFBB.  His reward for his efforts to clean up the sport?  A 1 year supension from the IFBB Pro League led by the unsconcionable Jim Manion.  Again unfortunately, every single one of Milos' allegations against Paul Chua is true!  Also unfortunately (for Paul Chua) this action against Milos was a mistake - a BIG MISTAKE for it finally aroused a sizeable community in Asian Bodybuilding and gave us the courage to take this action!

For many decades now, Asian bodybuilders and Officials (apart from Paul Chua's lackeys and sycophants) have cowered in the face of the propensity of this man to SUSPEND anyone who even remotely resembles a threat to exposing his corrupt ways. 

What are the ways.  He places compliant judges willing to do his bidding in the Asian Games and the SEA Games and then proceeds to sell the gold medal to the highest bidder, often for staggering sums reaching US$75,000.  Why is he able to do this?  Because, unlike the USA, Asian Governments lavish massive cash rewards (sometimes, even houses and prime real estate) for gold medals in these Games.  This explains the anomaly and unique phenomena of many Asian bodybuilding champions winning multiple Mr. Universe titles and then the very next week, lose to some nobody at the SEA Games!  The reason is simple - Paul Chua has no control over the judging at the Mr. U's and Asian Governments do not care two hoots about that title, so Paul leaves these non-Games titles basically alone, as they do not attract the larghese of Asian Governments! 

But wait, justice is finally on the way!  A website called has finally gone LIVE to collect and collate evidence to put Paul Chua where crooks like him belong - in the slammer!

Paul Chua has often confided privately that his secret ambition is to become IFBB President.  This unscrupulous man has advanced so far in the IFBB because of his ability to throw the book at anyone who dares to utter a squeak or threaten to expose his misdeeds, backed as always by the IFBB machinery!  Perhaps, Rafael Santonja should step aside to let Paul attain his aspirations - so that we can have the first sitting IFBB President, sitting in jail!

In any event, spread the word.  The site can be accessed by clicking on in the url or by Googling "Arrest Paul Chua" or even simply, "Paul Chua".  The end is nigh for this IFBB Asian crook of crooks!  We are interested in solid evidence of wrong doing by Paul, so that we can report him to the Singapore Corrupt Practices Investigation Bureau (where he resides and carries out his crimes)  You can bet that every bodybuilding scribe, magazine and website, plus the mainstream media all over Asia and the world, plus every Bodybuilding Organization and Committee all over Asia and the world will be alerted to the existence of this website of conscience!

Frank D. Law
Arrest Paul Chua Executive Committee


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #154 on: October 19, 2007, 10:46:58 AM »
I am just re-posting something found on this very board...

As last time Mr. Mohamed Abdulrahim Abdulla, president of Bahrain Bodybuilding Federation sent me official letter + started the thread here on GETBIG stating that I am "misbehaving and acting like uneducated person" I would point out to him and others...THIS IS NOT MY POST (just like the last time...).
I am only re-posting interesting comments of others...

As always - TRUTH FINDS THE WAY TO COME OUT...and sooner or later TRUTH WILL BE TOLD...

My suspension is almost I will wait just a little bit longer...

Getbig II
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Paul Chua: Wold Champion tested Positive
« on: Today at 04:40:51 AM »
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I got the following from the Bahrain Bodybuilding federation president (Mohammed Abdulla):
Kamal Salam form Qatar (85KG) was tested positive for “trenbolone” in the Asian Championship.  This is the second time he is testing positive –first time being world championship in 2003- an official from Qatar (Ibrahim Mohamed Kafod) was sent to Paul Chua to clear the matter and discuss how much they have to pay to cover the tests and let Kamal do the world championship after 10 days in Korea.
The amount is not finalized yet but new from Bahrain is that they will pay a sum of US$100000 to the Asian federation just to let it slip.  The Bahraini federation is not happy with the decision cause having Kamal in the lineup will weaken their chances of scoring.


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #155 on: October 19, 2007, 10:56:42 AM »
Still waiting for my answer.

What's the harm of Milo's going back stage at a contest?

he might be able to help his competitors prep for their routines and they they might have a better shot of winning a contest.

its all bullshit politics.   Ifbb is trying to make an example of him to get people to just keep their mouths shut and play their little game.

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #156 on: October 19, 2007, 03:12:30 PM »


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #157 on: October 19, 2007, 03:20:31 PM »


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #158 on: October 20, 2007, 10:24:46 AM »
Milos, slow day at work?

Never (slow)...

Interesting how nobody is responding...

There are few names mentioned....Mr. Mohamed Abdulrahim Abdulla, president of Bahrain Bodybuilding Federation - same gentleman who officially sent me a warnning now being upset about someone else paying more to get what they want....?

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #159 on: October 20, 2007, 10:56:55 AM »
Never (slow)...

Interesting how nobody is responding...

There are few names mentioned....Mr. Mohamed Abdulrahim Abdulla, president of Bahrain Bodybuilding Federation - same gentleman who officially sent me a warnning now being upset about someone else paying more to get what they want....?

i must say, for all our differences, i really so hope you come up with the goods on chua. something is definitely not right here (we've all seen those contest pics).

it's just a little frustrating that over a year later all we have is accusations without solid proof, maybe it's just the nature of the game?

sorry to say that when you things like a totally outclassed and bloated jay cutler beating (not even ccompared) a far superior dennis wolf, it doesn't seem to be heading in the right direction either.

Frank D. Law

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #160 on: October 20, 2007, 07:19:09 PM »
 It's sad but true.  Poor Milos has to pay the price for his forthright  and outspoken nature whilst the rest of Asian bodybuilding officialdom and bbers cower under the onslaught of Paul Chua's hammer!  You see, Paul has sown such a climate of fear in Asian Bodybuilding over the decades, by throwing the book at anyone who's in a position to expose his criminal ways and misdeeds.  Presidents, officials and even entire National Committees have been suspended and their careers ended for uttering the slightest squeek, not to speak of competing bbers.  

That this crook is able to continue to roam the halls of power of the IFBB is due to the fact that he's the official WEIDER distributor for ASIA for quite a few decades now.  He simply employs the age-old tactics of the mafia to eliminate and silence any threat of exposure (except that he uses the IFBB official machinery such as the IFBB Pro League, instead of machine guns).

The rest he leaves to the natural tendency of Joe public to second guess - where's the concrete proof?, did he or didn't he?

Now proof can be forthcoming.  Thanks to this unjust action by Paul Chua and the IFBB against Milos, it has aroused the ire of a significant silent majority in Asian bb, and given us the courage to finally act! We've set up a website, called to collect and collate evidence against this Asian IFBB crook of crooks and to put him where people lile him belong - in the slammer!  Just Google "Paul Chua" or "Arrest Paul Chua" and see for yourself the UNSTOPPABLE FORCE of right over wrong!

Because of the sums bandied about (of up to US100 thousand for a Games Title) which to some of you may border on the incredulous, it is necessary to give you a little insight into the mind of Asian Governments.  

We have amateur bb titles such as the Mr. Universe, Mr. World or Mr. What-have-you.  Asian Governments do not care 2 hoots about them.  Paul Chua knows this and so he basically leaves this segment alone, partly due to the fact that they do not attract the larghesse of Asian Governments and partly because he has no direct control over the judging.  Asian bber's, especially in the lighter classes do win these amateur titles, and some of them win multiple times (with Paul Chua triumphantly raising their hands in victory each time, ala Don King).

However, Bodybuilding GOLD Medals in the ASIAN GAMES or even the SEA GAMES (SE Asian GAMES) are a different proposition altogether!Because these games are sanctioned by the IOC and the national prestige that those games presumably profers, Asian Governments through their respective Sports Ministries go ga ga whenever one of their national athletes wins a Gold Medal at these Games. The Ministries together with coporate sponsors roll out the rewards for the gold medallist and their Bodybuilding Associations, often to the tune of Hundreds of Thousands, cars, houses, and even land.  Wily old Paul Chua has spotted an opportunity as he, in his virtually omnipotent position as IFBB head honcho for Asia, can then appoint compliant judges from his long entourage of lapdogs and sycophants.  He then proceeds to sell the Games Gold Medal to the highest bidder!  So we have the uniques phenomena in Asia of BBers winning multiple Mr U's and the just a week later loses to some smooth tyro at the minor SEA Games!

He can do this with impunity because he knows 4 things:

1.  Joe Public will always demand concrete proof
2.  He can throw the book at anyone, (including Milos) who dares to suggest that he is corrupt
3.  Concrete proof is always a rare commodity in view of the surreptitious nature of the crimes and the environment of Mafia-like conditioned fear carefully built up in Asia by him.
4.  He can count on the IFBB to back him up as he's IFBB VP for Asia, Special Assistant to Rafael Santonja, and Official Distributor for Weider Products for Asia.

Hey, even Ben Weider has been known to look the other way!  In an SEA Games contest in which Ben Weider was invited to hand over the medals, in which the obvious winner had been given a dissapointing 3rd placing, Ben told the athlete as he handed over the medal:  "I know, I know what's going on...just be patient!"

Do spread word about the site.  Inevitably, someone will pluck up the courage to come up with concrete proof.  Then it's hasta la vista Paul Chua!  We can potentially have the first sitting IFBB President (if he fulfils his secret ambition to become ultimately IFBB President) sitting in jail!

Frank D Law (meaning The Truth and The Law)


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #161 on: October 20, 2007, 07:35:27 PM »
I wonder if Milos' wife wears here "Zena, princess warrior outfit to bed"

I have spent many hours pondering life's mysteries.
Here comes the money shot

Frank D. Law

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #162 on: October 20, 2007, 07:56:12 PM »
Just got word that there are pictures floating around the net of Paul Chua cavorting with Myanmar Generals (members of that murderous regime that just shot pro-democracy protestors/citizens) enjoying dinner with them and presenting them with momentos (IFBB Certificates of Merit?)

It does give you a sense of the values that this man has!  At least Ben Weider was principled enough to attend this contest in Burma. 

Anyone with pictures of Paul Chua consorting with these murderers, please post on the Arrest Paul Chua website.

Further, I've been informed that Paul Chua is a "Love Rat" keeping a mistress in Kuala Lumpur.  Apparently, he introduces this ex-lady bodybuilder from Hong Kong called "Christina" whom he meets regularly at his love nest in a condo in Kuala Lumpur conveniently as his wife at official IFBB functions when his wife is not around!  Any one with pictures of Paul Chua with this girl, please post on

What's the IFBB to say of their second most senior official taking advantage of some poor, young and naive figure contestant, participating in a contest that he sanctions?  Aren't there any Codes of Conduct in force?


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #163 on: October 21, 2007, 07:45:06 AM »
I am just re-posting something found on this very board...

As last time Mr. Mohamed Abdulrahim Abdulla, president of Bahrain Bodybuilding Federation sent me official letter + started the thread here on GETBIG stating that I am "misbehaving and acting like uneducated person" I would point out to him and others...THIS IS NOT MY POST (just like the last time...).
I am only re-posting interesting comments of others...

As always - TRUTH FINDS THE WAY TO COME OUT...and sooner or later TRUTH WILL BE TOLD...

My suspension is almost I will wait just a little bit longer...

Getbig II
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Paul Chua: Wold Champion tested Positive
« on: Today at 04:40:51 AM »
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I got the following from the Bahrain Bodybuilding federation president (Mohammed Abdulla):
Kamal Salam form Qatar (85KG) was tested positive for “trenbolone” in the Asian Championship.  This is the second time he is testing positive –first time being world championship in 2003- an official from Qatar (Ibrahim Mohamed Kafod) was sent to Paul Chua to clear the matter and discuss how much they have to pay to cover the tests and let Kamal do the world championship after 10 days in Korea.
The amount is not finalized yet but new from Bahrain is that they will pay a sum of US$100000 to the Asian federation just to let it slip.  The Bahraini federation is not happy with the decision cause having Kamal in the lineup will weaken their chances of scoring.

can you post the letter or email that you got

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #164 on: October 21, 2007, 08:20:44 AM »
Just got word that there are pictures floating around the net of Paul Chua cavorting with Myanmar Generals (members of that murderous regime that just shot pro-democracy protestors/citizens) enjoying dinner with them and presenting them with momentos (IFBB Certificates of Merit?)

It does give you a sense of the values that this man has!  At least Ben Weider was principled enough to attend this contest in Burma. 

I'd be willing to bet George W Bush has killed far more people than those douches in Myanmar, yet you'd probably have no problem if Chua had dinner with him.

Besides, when is having dinner a crime anyway, regardless of the character of your dinner companions?  It's not like Chua was a spectator at the executions, or pulled the trigger himself for them, is it?  ::)
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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #165 on: October 21, 2007, 10:52:22 AM »
Milos it seems you always have some kind of excuse for whatever happens to you. You always the victim and everyone is just picking on you and  you such a great person, friend, trainer. Only for some reason IFBB has a problem with you, athletes that you call brothers have problem with you and majority of athletes you work with somehow end up looking worse than before they started working with you.


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #166 on: October 21, 2007, 11:13:40 AM »
Milos it seems you always have some kind of excuse for whatever happens to you. You always the victim and everyone is just picking on you and  you such a great person, friend, trainer. Only for some reason IFBB has a problem with you, athletes that you call brothers have problem with you and majority of athletes you work with somehow end up looking worse than before they started working with you.

Find me example when I look for any (kind of) EXCUSE(S)... ;D

I am actually exactly the opposite - never looking for excuses (why I didn't do something) rather - I am always looking for solutions (how to do that "something")...
If I am a "victim" or not - we'll see very soon...
IFBB had a problem with me - and I am suspended...Suspension is almost over - and than what? ;)

After suspension...[IF OR WHEN I PROVE MY INNOCENCE] ;) maybe official apology will have to take the place...or something even greater than that?

Now, athletes that I am calling "brothers" are very few...but in general EVERY SINGLE ONE of the athletes I've worked with - IMPROVED...and some improved dramatically...which is exact reason WHY they came to me in the first place...

Or maybe you are suggesting - my results are so horrible that guys choose to hire me as they believe my "IFBB connection" will lead them towards "favorable judging"... ::)

But, than again - coming from "getbig anonymous" your words really MEAN A LOT TO ME ::) I find that you must be so sincere  ;D and honest  ;D ;D ;D- and what's more I am sure that you also must be ready to introduce yourself to me, and other readers of this wonderful forum  ::) - at no time...I hope you'll have MORE open questions and remarks...

I am ALWAYS ready to answer ANY of the questions WHEN I KNOW who I am talking to...After all it is only fair...don't you think? ;)


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #167 on: October 21, 2007, 04:48:27 PM »
Milos, i was just stating what is known to everyone.
you have beef with ifbb, but thats ok, since they not exactly what you would call honest organization with intergrity.
you called mustafa brother on numerous occasions and then you had personal problems and you decided to take it to internet rather than solve your problem between "brothers" and went out of your way to humliliate mustafa, which he probably deserved, but still.
gustavo looked great when he worked with you first time and then it was downhill and friendship and your working relationship fizzled.
luke looked great in the beginning but same thing, he went downhill.
dennis james looked his best when placed 4th at the O and that was when he worked with chad, not you.
silvio, well we all saw what happened and how the truth came out that you are a control freak who acts more like a dictator rather than friend.
it is a simple observation. thats all. not a personal attack.

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #168 on: October 21, 2007, 08:48:29 PM »
How would any of us have any clue about Paul Chua? This belongs on the Asian Board.

Frank D. Law

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #169 on: October 21, 2007, 11:14:28 PM »
Hey Goatboy,

I can understand your ambivalence on that murderous junta in that far flung place called Myanmar/Burma.  It's easy for you to write that as you can protest peacefully anywhere in the States, and all you'd get is a few hours in the slammer, but only if you resort to violence!

However, unlike the US of A and other civilized nations, the entire world knows that this group of ruthless Generals are the pariahs of the International community! They'd put their democratically elected leader (Aung San Su Kyi) under house arrest for the past 2 decades after her electoral victory and they put down peaceful protests from its own people with bullets, beatings and long term jail?  In fact, the US is tabling a motion to expel them from the UN.

Would you like to see Rafael Santonja consorting with such criminals.  Paul Chua did more than have dinner with them.  He actually presented IFBB Certificates of Merit to these crooks in military garb!

Frank D. Law

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #170 on: October 21, 2007, 11:29:47 PM »
Hi Special Ed,

This belongs only on an Asian Board?  Isn't Paul Chua the Special Assistant to the IFBB President and IFBB Vice president?  In fact, this man is the second most powerful official in the IFBB.

So we move this to an Asian Board.  Then what happens?  The Asian Bodybuilding community is so terrified of Paul Chua that nobody has ever dared to say anything about this crook over the DECADES, until Milos stepped forward.

I call on all right minded BBers in the US, Europe and all over Asia who've talked trash over Milos' "inability to furnish proof" to acknowledge that he has been wrongly crucified by the IFBB Pro League and in these threads!  If not for this brave man (Milos), this Paul Chua crook would have been able to continue to ride roughshod over Asian BB, untrammeled, unexposed and unpunished for his corrupt ways!  And don't for a moment think that corruption in Asian BB has no bearing on the US.  Ultimately, the rot will spread if this man achieves his ambition to be IFBB President.

Incidentally, go to Wikipedia and check out this Paul Chua guy.  He's described as "an internationally reknowned bodybuilder"!  LOL,what a fake and a fraud!  This guy has a belly to rival the Titanic and has never touched a dumbbell in his life!  In fact, the only exercise that he performs with any regularity, is with his right arm - his "Official Drinking Arm".  His left arm?  That's his" Reserve Drinking Arm"!


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #171 on: October 23, 2007, 01:33:17 AM »
After being in the sport for a very long time the passion for bodybuilding goes away and the focus goes on making money. This is what has happened to Chua.  And from the ways things has gone in the past decades he made pretty good money and still continuing to do so.


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #172 on: October 23, 2007, 08:45:20 AM »
Milos, i was just stating what is known to everyone.
you have beef with ifbb, but thats ok, since they not exactly what you would call honest organization with integrity.
you called mustafa brother on numerous occasions and then you had personal problems and you decided to take it to internet rather than solve your problem between "brothers" and went out of your way to humliliate mustafa, which he probably deserved, but still.
gustavo looked great when he worked with you first time and then it was downhill and friendship and your working relationship fizzled.
luke looked great in the beginning but same thing, he went downhill.
dennis james looked his best when placed 4th at the O and that was when he worked with chad, not you.
silvio, well we all saw what happened and how the truth came out that you are a control freak who acts more like a dictator rather than friend.
it is a simple observation. thats all. not a personal attack.

I have no problem answering ALL your comments...

I don't have "beef" with the IFBB...I LOVE IFBB and fight for my Federations integrity - which is highly affected by this unethical guy who is corrupted as they come.
I have NO DOUBTS it is just matter of time when EVERYTHING WILL SURFACE and THAN I would be last man standing - laughing or having some fat lady sing....

I accepted suspension as I respect and love too much some people in the IFBB organization who told me to back off at this I did.

I also fight for the athletes, IFBB athletes, professionals from around the world...and especially I was ready to stick my neck so far out for all of my Asian comrades and got ZERO support from I figured it is NOT the time to fight for them as they are not ready to stand behind me...

As far as my athletes:
MUSTAFA is someone I absolutely loved like a brother...spent 2 nights in two different hospitals saving his life (and I literally speaking did just that - as I stopped paramedics injecting him with lethal potassium injection....when he was hyperkalemic...and they thought he was hypokalemic instead)...
I invited Mustafa to my home, my mother's home in Yugoslavia, my gym for several weeks, prepared him and SPONSORED HIM for his shows (several shows - where I paid for all expenses as he couldn't afford it...Neither could I but being a friend and fan of his physique I wanted to help as much as I could...)
When he ABUSED my friendship and tricked me into borrowing A LOT of money which he had no intention to pay back (as proved to be a case) and someone saw our heated discussion - and posted on the board - I simply told the truth...TO WARN OTHERS about (what I learned in the mean time) he did THE SAME THING TO SEVERAL OTHER PEOPLE....

GUSTAVO is another athlete welcomed in my family...and I don't need to say ANYTHING other than he choose to stop working with me (stating in magazine how I didn't care for my now he is working with someone who does...)...
Well, my fault was: FRIDAY - day before the 2006 Mr. Olympia (after helping him get 3rd twice in a row - task who was super hard to accomplish and nobody BUT ME saw coming at 2004 and 2005 Mr. previously Gustavo placed 24th out of 25 guys competing in only Olympia he qualified for - 2002) - I was few minutes late to meet him at the expo (where we were suppose to meet - as he was finishing working and I suppose to start working)...
He left the expo - expecting me to come back to hotel and see him - leaving the Weider Booth (like I did many times before...but this time was impossible).
He missed his peak on a small margin and Saturday he was perfect...but it was too late...
All in all I do think Gustavo highly benefited from our working relationship - and I am happy with his success and for his family...

LUKE is my dear friend who has a little health issue people don't realize and I am not going to talk about it out of respect to him...
I love him as my brother...probably will be his best man in the wedding and hopefully we'll see him compete again - better than ever.
Luke is 100% focused and loves the sport...He is super hard working and motivated athlete and as such - he will make progress in many years to come...

Dennis James is my dear friend who has so much potential I saw him winning the Olympia far back in 2001...I must say that in his case due to few of the misses in preparation we started compromising and did things half way...and many times he came to the show LESS than 100%...
What happened in Colorado was absolute disaster and I am responsible for it.
DJ is the only guy who could outmuscle even the biggest "muscle freaks" and I took the risk of loading him up  to his absolute biggest - believing that he would shock the world and catapult himself as true contender for the Olympia title...
As he was spilled over - judges penalized him and placed out of top 5...which was truly disastrous result for him...

What many fail to realize - getting in CONDITION is complex process and certainly at this level every little bit COUNTS...
IF  dryness is the only aspect we should be worry about - as I said on the radio - simply deplete into the show (like many amateurs do) and you'll be a bone...

But, when you start manipulating other aspects of conditioning - things could go somewhat wrong...and in DJ's case - I witnessed many times last minute changes I would have not expected...several times...

Now, as far as Silvio - like Mustafa...I tried my best to HELP HIM in every possible way...and ended up as a "control freak"?
More like dictator than a friend...?
Truth comes out I will leave it at that for now...

Fact is however - he was expected to compete at the European tour 2006...but he never made it there (he was crying in the room as he was ready to step on stage but could not afford to be there)...List of competitors for Ironman and Arnold 2007 was published WITHOUT HIS NAME ON IT...and I contacted him to find out WHY...

He told me he never got ANYTHING from the IFBB so he couldn't even apply for Arnold...etc...

In short few weeks with me in Fullerton - he shocked many people looking spectacular in Ironman and Sacramento...getting TWO endorsement contracts, Arnold's invitation and Olympia's invitation...

Like I said - I will leave it at that... you can see I am always available to discuss ANY issues - including mine...

I openly speak about EVERY matter that concerns me...and I hope everyone realizes that I am passionate about the sport and LOVE the athletes...and fight for them.
I also love the IFBB and fight for the Federation as well.


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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #173 on: October 23, 2007, 08:48:59 AM »
Milos it seems you always have some kind of excuse for whatever happens to you. You always the victim and everyone is just picking on you and  you such a great person, friend, trainer. Only for some reason IFBB has a problem with you, athletes that you call brothers have problem with you and majority of athletes you work with somehow end up looking worse than before they started working with you.

this is very true. BUT milos is also correct about some things.

like paul chiuauaua and IFBB judging (lack of comparisons etc)

Frank D. Law

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Re: IFBB suspends / bans Milos Sarcev
« Reply #174 on: October 23, 2007, 05:02:26 PM »
The reason, Milos, why you got ZERO support from Asian bodybuilding, the self same people that you were trying to help, is due to FEAR! 

Let me draw an analogy.  A murder is committed.  The police comes around and asks for witnesses.  Nobody steps forward.  No one has seen anything!

It's the same scene here, except that the police, the IFBB in this instance, arrests the complainant (yourself, Milos) and the judiciary (the IFBB Pro League DC) sentences the complainant, you Milos, to a year's jail (suspension) for lodging a complaint without witnesses.  LOL!

You see this guy, Paul Chua is so ruthless that everyone in Asian bodybuilding knows the score!  Cross his path and your career is over.  The IFBB is equally complicit in his crimes, as they choose to look the other way, when Paul Chua commits his crimes....very much like the corrupt local Police Department or Sherriff!!!