Author Topic: I have been putting helpful stuff in a Notepad file for years.. it is huge now  (Read 4240 times)


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 33175
  • Well?
oh brother  ::)

G o a t b o y

  • Time Out
  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21431
  • Time-Out in Dubai, India with Swampi the Cocksmith
aka  manifesto before the killing spree.

Are we going to see this on Fox news someday?

My thoughts exactly!
Ron: "I am lazy."

Voice of Doom

  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 3633
  • Everything is under control.
Two "thoughts" jumped out at me:

"Treat women like whores, **** and dump'em, they're all just goldiggers"

and then

"Be nice to everyone no matter their attitude because you may need their help one
day or another."

wow...there's some deep shit here..........


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 501
you guys are lightyears behind. :P I have my own wiki to organise my thoughts.  8)


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4286
  • operation deep throat
post more


  • Time Out
  • Getbig III
  • *
  • Posts: 597
Two "thoughts" jumped out at me:

"Treat women like whores, **** and dump'em, they're all just goldiggers"

and then

"Be nice to everyone no matter their attitude because you may need their help one
day or another."

wow...there's some deep shit here..........

I actually like women, I guess I saved that stuff that someone else wrote just to think about it more. I don't believe in treating women like whores.  ;D

The Squadfather

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 25840
hahahahaha, i love how this just appears in the middle of all of that ;D

take 20mg lexapro per day (10mg since ur smaller)


  • Getbig III
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  • Posts: 871
  • m
Post more!

This is great stuff.

Master Blaster

  • Guest

Respect yourself first, be comfortable in your skin, don't back down from anyone or you will never get respect. Let people
know how you feel. Own your own space. Toughen up. Get a spine. Be a man. Don't be effeminate. Keep going. Take your skirt
off. Fight for what's yours. Keep getting up when knocked over.

take 20mg lexapro per day (10mg since ur smaller)

if someone insults you, insult them back

when working out and about to give up, ask "what am I made of"

chin punch = ko

dont talk about yourself too much

Chop someone in the throat but not so hard where you crush the esophagus. Just enough where he's gagging for air. I guarantee he'll drop to the floor. Then you stand there laugh and ask if he has trouble breathing then walk away. Trust me he won't call the cops if he gasping for air for a few seconds or a minute.

self-confidence is the one necessary thing to be successful in anything

Never trust women, never fall in love, just **** em and have fun, never let emotions get involved.

That which you run from appears in front of you.

Say sorry when you're wrong, its okay, dont make excuses.

"People will chop off your legs to make a few quid. People lie, cheat and steal in business."

Dont talk bad about people or it may come back and bite you in the ass later. Always be diplomatic and magnanimous.

Self belief, ruthlessness.

Its all mental. Mental strength trumps all.

Ask yourself, "What is the most valuable use of my time right now?"

Those who push themselves, and are willing to face pain, exhaustion, humiliation, rejection, or worse, are the ones
who become champions. The rest are left on the sidelines.

If you can't do something about something, don't think about it or talk about it anymore.

Looks mean nothing, it's how the mind works.

If you don't love yourself, nobody will.


Women are whores. Flash the money and go for the most beautiful one. **** and dump cuz they're all gold digging cheating

If you want to be happy you will not find it acting like scrooge.

The #1 problem with you is your low self esteem. That's a problem which, if left to dwell will make you die a very unhappy man. I used to have very low self esteem myself. For about a year I dealt with a lot of stress about a lot of unfortunes I had to deal with. I got braces, developed terrible acne and had begun to get fat. And this was after having been a very attractive, athletic young kid in my youth, so I know what it's like to be on both ends of the spectrum. What you have to do is learn from your problems because life is a journey. You have to say OK well I could style my hair better, fix my teeth, find a new style of clothing that will make me happy and perhaps attract women, and most importantly develop huge muscles which will intimidate even the 6 ft+ tall guys!!

You have to realize that having your mind dwell on your problems will effect EVERYTHING in your life. It makes the quality of life so shitty. You don't want to deal with this. Go to the library and read some self-help books about thinking positively. I didn't read books about this but sort of developed my own method of positive thinking which has been successful.

I'm 5'7. I dont compare my height to anyone. It's not something I think about. As a matter of fact, I enjoy being my height because I can toss my bodyweight around like nothing and am very agile. I'd prefer to be this height because of all the fun I can have with it. And you know what? My confidence projects itself onto others.

Look, you have a lot of money. Find a hobby. You have sooo many opportunities! You have no idea how lucky you are. My mom works up to 12 hours a day 7 days a week to support us and I ask her of nothing but internet, food, gym and a phone. I'm trying to become a personal trainer so I can pay for all those things myself. If I had money like you I would buy myself a camaro, harley davidson, nicer house, clothes, and my very own pot garden, to name a few. I'd go out every weekend with my best friends. Out to see broadway plays, museums, BB shows, boxing, whatever I want. Travel the world. You have no idea how lucky you are. Appreciate it.

And you don't have to go out and make an effort to do something nice. Next time some homeless guy begs you, take him to get a nice meal. You'll have a conversation like you'd never imagined before. You can learn someone from anyone. If you run into an opportunity to do something nice and be remembered for it go do it!

And last but not least, life could be MUCH worse no matter what you think of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In business you have to be a ruthless animal. Trust no one and never give up. Be drop dead shrewd.

Where you went wrong to start off is thinking you can't get any girl you wanted. With that mentallity you'll always be
bangin' trick ass hoes.

This is when you have to decide to keep talking about her work or move toa different subject. I would move on to a
different subject but make sure it's about HER. Girls like talking about themselves, atleast they're all attentions whores
so just talk to her as if your into her and dont really focus on yourself focus on HER.

Just don't throw a woman up on that pedestal man, they're people just like you. I've liked a few women before who, before i
got to know them, seemed like they were too good for me, then after dating a bit i wondered what the hell i was thinking.
Just be casual, don't think everything you say is going to impact whether she likes you or not. If you can be natural around
her and just be yourself (yes, i know that's advice everyone says, but no one ever listens) girls will flock to you. just
don't care. if there's a gurl you like go up and talk to her, just ask her out, if she says no, so what? it's not a big
deal, there are other women and you probably would have gotten annoyed with her later anyway, wasting both your time. just
go out and have fun, be seen having fun. women want guys who will intrigue/excite them, what you have to remember is whether
or not they'll interest you once the sex is over and you haven't kicked her out of bed.

# Butting with the head.
# Eye gouging of any kind.
# Biting.
# Hair pulling.
# Fish hooking.
# Groin attacks of any kind.
# Putting a finger into any orifice or into any cut or laceration on an opponent. (see Gouging)
# Small joint manipulation.
# Striking to the spine or the back of the head. (see Rabbit punch)
# Striking downward using the point of the elbow. (see Elbow (strike))
# Throat strikes of any kind, including, without limitation, grabbing the trachea.
# Clawing, pinching or twisting the flesh.
# Grabbing the clavicle.
# Kicking the head of a grounded opponent.
# Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent.
# Stomping a grounded opponent.
# Kicking to the kidney with the heel.
# Spiking an opponent to the canvas on his head or neck. (see piledriver)

Let your hair grow long, get five tatoos, learn to play the drums, get your teeth fixed, buy elevated shoes,
learn how to dance, spend your money, use deoderant, put a ring in your nose, ride a motorcycle, quit talking
about sex, get a 100 dollar pair of shades, and say "****en ah" a lot.

overhand rights (liddell)

workout based on compound movements such as rows, squats and deadlifts

Talking a lot makes you look like an idiot.

"life is not as bad as you think it is. Theres always someone worse off than you are"

"some people will never pay you back"

dont care what anyone thinks about you. dont give something power and it cant hurt you. dont let anything bother you.

Next time.. "witnessed by" on any document.

Money is VERY important. The most important thing in the world.

Do not be afraid to be assertive.

"Years ago we hardly had anything to eat. Now I earn more money and see every opponent as a man that tries to put me back to
that poorer period. That man has to be eliminated." -Fedor Emelianenko

(assuming that no weapons are present)

Left jab to his head, followed by a quick kick to his left thigh (with your right leg). Perfect. Compliments of Bas Rutten.

Usually the guy who throws the first punch/ does the first attack wins. Barrage, no mercy till its over.

take receipts from now

"A fool and his money are soon parted..."

People are generally ungrateful so don't trust anybody and more importantly, don't give anyone any money or you won't get it

Get inside the bigger guy so he doesnt have room to punch

Muay Thai clench then knees to stomach.

Night meals take the weet bix instead of fruits. (complex carbs in the cereal)

elbows, knees, hands

I would recommend:
taking on some fat, low-gi carb, BCAAs and whey isolate/concentrate before your workout

start sipping on a shake with some high-gi carb, BCAAs and hydrolised whey after 45-60 minutes or so

Nothing wrong with a 2-hour workout if you plan it right.

Dont trust anybody, dont keep friends, because if you trust someone you will never be rich.

Hogan says "If you have friends it means you're not making any money".

All Sessions 45 Mins (flexibility training too)

mon - back, lats, shoulders, delts (lat pulldown, shoulder shrugs, dumbbell flyes, machine or db vertial db press)
tue - cardio
wed - bis, forearms, squats, calf raises, abs
thu - cardio (or rest)
fri - chest, triceps, neck, abs
sat - cardio
sun - rest, cheat day

this is how i was through grade school, it makes your life a living hell. most people dont get it. the only cure i know of
is alcohol.


1) I'm healthy
2) I have money
3) I am alive
4) I

CPU (lots of hdd space plus external hdd with lots of space) so there's no need to buy CDs
external hard drive (for backup purposes)
protein order
gym with punching bag


dont let women play you

eat strawberries


from now - 2X a day 6x a week workouts for november, extreme


Ranked in order of importance.. professional, physical, personal.

a) $700k NAV by Dec 31st 2007.

Consider minor arbitrage expansion if the opportunity arises. (750-750 or similar equal fund division)

Keep at least half at home base.

Consider $50k converts to Jpy and other majors.

Consider a property.. around the $300k mark.

b) Maintain and grow lean muscle, develop better conditioning and endurance. 2x cardio, 3x weights / wk.

C1 - running, cycling, abs; C2 - thai boxing, jiu jitsu, abs

W1 - chest, tris, bis, forearms; W2 - lats, delts, shoulders, back; W3 - legs (quads, hams, calves)

2 hours per session.

c) Meet someone?


Why should you help anyone when if the roles were reversed, they wouldn't give a crap about you. That's how most people are:
ungrateful self serving bastards.

Fight mindset: no emotion, do the job, no fear.

***The past is gone, the future isn't here...all you have is NOW.
***NOTHING on earth is permanent, so don't get too attached.

I have learned that life can change in an instant and to be appreciative of what life brings you at every moment. Good or

Complete fat elimination.

Extreme training... 1 hour 2-3 times a day 6 days a week. Weird angling.

No matter what happens, life goes on. We have to live it each and every day. Do not brood and dwell over your misfortunes.
Every man has his tale of woe. Learn from it, forget it and move on.

Prenups are necessities when it comes to women. People change over time, gotta protect yourself with a prenup.

People will do anything to put food on the table. So don't trust anybody.

learn patience ****nuts

people are starving in the world, be happy with whatever situation you are in


when speaking, get to the point as quickly as possible

dont sweat the small shit

dont speak unless spoken to, dont interrupt when people talk and dont talk too much


you feel good when you exercise



There is a lesson in every bad experience.

train like a ufc guy - 3x a day, 3 hours a day



start watching the fight tapes

suicide = always an option

rull of thumb is every 8-10 weeks ur body needs 1 week rest, i do every 10 weeks

In a fight its ALL conditioning. Size doesn't matter at all, unless it's 2 pros.

Be happy with who you are, and be at peace with the fact that you may be alone forever.

40lbs.. 2100cal maintenance, aim 1900cals in 5 meals 4 hours apart (450, 450, 400, 350, 225) (aim 110g protein, 210g carbs)

meal 1: 375ml skim milk (15g prot, 15g carbs, 190cals) + 70g oats (11g prot, 44g carbs, 250cals) [26g prot, 59g carbs, 450

meal 2 (post workout): 1 1/2 slices wholemeal bread (18g carbs, 90 cals) + 75g chicken (25g prot, 140 cals) + sauce (20
cals) + 100g banana (23g carbs, 90 cals) and 150g grapes (23g carbs, 90 cals) [25g prot, 64g carbs, 450 cals]

meal 3: 1 1/2 slices wholemeal bread (18g carbs, 90 cals) + 1 can sardines (20g prot, 200 cals) + sauce (20 cals) + 100g
banana (23g carbs, 90 cals) or 150g grapes (23g carbs, 90 cals) [20g prot, 41g carbs, 400 cals]

meal 4: 1 1/2 slices wholemeal bread (18g carbs, 90 cals) + 75g chicken (25g prot, 140 cals) + sauce (20 cals) + 100g banana
(23g carbs, 90 cals) or 150g grapes (23g carbs, 90 cals) [25g prot, 41g carbs, 350 cals]

meal 5 (pre bed): 250ml skim milk (8g protein, 8g carbs, 125 cals) + 25g casein (20g protein, 100 cals) [28g prot, 8g carbs,
225 cals)

TOT: 124g protein, 213g carbs, 1875 cals

focus on rows, benchpress, deadlifts, squats

Dont have emotional attachments to women. Dont fall in love with women. They're all the same money hungry gold digger evil
****s who will try to blackmail and extort money from you.

Stand on balls of feet.

Mind over matter.

Girls like men who wear blue jeans (tight jeans).

Alot of girls won't respect you if you cater to their every whim. Don't do more for a girl than what she would do for you.
Be confident. They dont want to hear your problems. Girls want a guy that is almost uncatchable. So dont tell them about
your problems getting women.

In business, its important to be a vicious brutal animal to succeed.. no care no concern for anyone. Gotta be tough, hard
hearted, maybe even evil. No compassion no friendships.. its all business. Money is God. It's all about money.

Against a boxer, hands up, move head, keep moving.

EYE GOUGE. Biting, eye gouging, fish hooking, head butting, strikes to the spine, groin, throat, back of the head, kicking
the head of a downed opponent. Move hands AND head so a boxer doesnt knock you out.

Have the eye of the tiger.

It is not a good idea to make too many enemies.

Its not your job to provide anyone sustenance. Worry about yourself and thats it. Other peoples problems is none of your

Thai clinch then knees.

Knee to head of downed opponent.

Flexibility, cardio, lifting

Try to always be in control of your emotions.. try to never get angry. Practical actions to solve problems thats all.

Everyones got problems.. accept yours and move on.

You're not my father *******, you're just a sperm donor.

-you think you can stay around in my life and make me suffer? im sorry dude. you can go get your own life. there's no such
thing as staying as an ******* in my life. i've much better things to do than let you stay around and make me feel shitty
all the time.. im good without you. true you made some impact of sort, but hell i realise that its bullshit. oh wells.-

Dont gas out.. fight smart.

Dont let words affect you.

Everything happens for a reason. You will find out later why whatever happened.

Make logical, never emotional decisions in life. Bad things can and will happen. Take it like a man.

Dont take life too seriously.

When you need something ask for it nicely. Be nice to everyone no matter their attitude because you may need their help one
day or another.


Hahahahahah, full quote. :D


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig III
  • *****
  • Posts: 812
 my "notepad file of useless shit collected over the years" includes at least a dozen links to porn on the first PAGE.......

yours is kinda boring....


  • Competitors II
  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 6493
  • Team New Dad
Some of the funniest shit I've read in a long, long time ! Please post some more !  ;D

And please DON'T misunderstand me ... there's a lot of deep truths in Mahg's Notepad as well. Post some more, Mahg.  :)


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 2093
Interesting. I kinda wondered what the average lemming had going through his head. Lots of stuff about beating people up, sex and food. Guess I shouldn't be so surprised.


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 3281
  • chillin out relaxing
yes my thoughts are somewhat paralleling garraeth on this one.

but i do have to say props on writing this shit down, props on the self confidence stuff, and props on being financially successful.

a couple big thumbs down on all you anti-women stuff though. your quite the sexist.
d[-_-]b actin all cool


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 50318
  • Team Hairy Chest Henda
Good mix of wisdom from many places (even from some of the philosophers here on getbig).

Post 20 % of it all and we can make some judgement if it's mostly good or bad.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 871
  • m
I have a few that I hope help:

- flossing? We all forget and can't be bothered. However, if you leave a roll next to your computer you'll use it whenever you're bored and you WILL start to floss regularly.

- Never over-wash your armpits with soap. This ruins the skin and will ultimately leave more dents for the bacteria to reside in.

- Use aluminum chloride anti-persperant for your armpits, and shave your armpits too. The hair is gross and it smells.

- The source of bad breath is largely from the tongue. Wash your teeth AND your tongue, scrape your tongue with your nails or toothbrush to remove the source of bad breath.

- If you have lenthy hair do not let it dry by itself - dry it with a towel, otherwise you can get flaky hair.

- when parking your bike always lock it to something immovable. Odds are thieves will go for whatever is simply locked yet movable.

- Never let go of your training and dieting. Visualize your long term goals and remember that it's worth it.

- wash your gums as much, if not more, than your teeth.

- mind your posture. Always think about how YOU look in the eyes of OTHERS, if that's what you care about.

- speak slowly and surely, don't mumble or talk too fast or too much.

- pissing in the bathroom sink allows you to pose and flex in front of the mirror, which ultimately adds up to quite some time if you're a bodybuilder who has to piss all the time.  And it all goes down the same drain anyway and is more environment-friendly.

- Studies have shown that a key factor for successful dating is agreement and agreeing - don't disagree, or keep it to a minimum. Change the subject or lie if you have to. Also, girls don't care for politics.

- modern society sucks. Show genuine enthusiasm for anything by speaking about it or doing what is necessary will not impress people - you're just "obsessed". your results should somehow come seemingly without you trying too hard.

- always check yourself in the mirror before leaving your house.

- don't over-do facial expressions. Expressions come out better when done slightly or moderately.

- Look up or straight ahead, not down.

- smile.

El Diablo Blanco

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 31828
  • Nom Nom Nom Nom
don't forget to put your dick back in your pants after taking a piss.

when you want to jizz on a girls face aim for her chin, jizz travels at a 15% vertical direction.

beautiful face doesn't mean sexy vagina.  Had some girls with model faces and stanky pussies.

wax on, wax off.

Boys should wipe their ass downwards and girls should wipe upwards.

never piss into the wind

when getting a blowjopb, shut the fuck up and let the girl do her job.

never tell a girl when you are about to cum in her mouth.  Just do it.

anal sex is dirty so do it last

vaginal sex is slimy so do it second

oral sex is clean so do it first

why fuck one girl when you can fuck two

if she's old enough to bleed she's old enough to breed

if she can crawl, she's in the right position

fuck em all, let God sort them out.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig III
  • *
  • Posts: 597
my "notepad file of useless shit collected over the years" includes at least a dozen links to porn on the first PAGE.......

yours is kinda boring....

Then post it dude.


  • Time Out
  • Getbig III
  • *
  • Posts: 597
I think instead of posting entire chunks, we should do a one liner a day, so people can actually think about it.

Today's one liner:

(regarding women) if you have to do anything but be yourself, then its not worth it

Ahh I'm done w/ this thread. I read through some of the stuff in my files and it's all the same stuff as what I already posted except worded differently.

The Ugly

  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 21286
Anyone care to see a 1st Grade poop sculpture I've been saving?


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 5213
  • Have a good time, all the time.
Always wipe front to back.


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 585
  • Maybe we all just havent figured it out yet
lots of guys on this thread  :o


  • Getbig III
  • ***
  • Posts: 585
  • Maybe we all just havent figured it out yet

ah yeah


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 1939
  • "look, it's the drunk piano player."
what's quid?!
footloose and fancy free


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 3035
Most are all show no go!


  • Getbig IV
  • ****
  • Posts: 1939
  • "look, it's the drunk piano player."
i thought they were pounds!? ;D
footloose and fancy free