Author Topic: What does it take to be big?  (Read 5563 times)

Arnold jr

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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #25 on: September 06, 2007, 09:35:33 PM »
Some of these tips have already been said, some not but I'll reiterate a few...just because I can, lol!

*Rely more on fats then carbs...good fats

*Each body part 1xwk short workouts 1hr bullshit, just get through your training hard and heavy. Cut down on your volume because you're probably over trained and your CNS is most likely fried...not good!

*Do not rely on junk food, 1 or 2 cheats a wk is fine but get your bulk kcl from food that build muscle in the most productive way and that work the best with your body, i.e. repairing torn down muscle, repairing your CNS, etc.

*DO NOT BULK NON-STOP!!!! This is a huge mistake if this is what you're doing. No one should bulk without dieting down somewhere in there. You'd be best served to at least 1x per year diet down. Don't get caught up in thinking you need to reach your ultimate goal size before you ever diet down...this is a huge will end up taking a huge step backwards if you do this. When you diet down,l once you start bulking again, assuming you're doing all things right, you will put on more size faster then before. By the time you get to the weight you were at before you started your diet, you should be carrying more LBM then you previously did at that weight...make sense? And from that point it's more new growth. Further, long extended bulks can slow your metabolism down. therefore slowing down growth, the growth you want, and replacing it with BF growth.

*DO NOT CYCLE NON-STOP!!!!!!!! Some of the same principles can be applied here as the above statements. I'm not going to tell you that you can't stay on more of the year then off, I can't say that because I stay on more then off, but your body has to have the break...your receptors have to be recharged. You would be best to take 6-8wks off every year at least 2x. Also, when you're on cycle, since you'll be taking breaks, when on, run steady doses..don't mess with these low style bridging doses.

*Take time off from the gym each year. 1-2wk 1-2x per yr should be fine. Your body has to get rest if you want it to continue to grow.

*Look into adding GH to the mix...this needs to be run the majority of the year if your $$$ can handle it.

*Last off, what's been said about genetics is true, sad but true. Don't let this deter you, just understand this reality. We can't all be IFBB pro size BB, but I am a firm believer in that anyone with enough drive and ambition and with the right discipline can build a very nice physique...big and bad! Super genetics are great, but most don't have them...I say who cares! Use what God gave you and make the best of it and you will not be disappointed.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #26 on: September 06, 2007, 10:10:04 PM »
 ::)  What he said, and one more tid patient! Takes time to grow even when doing everything right.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #27 on: September 07, 2007, 03:42:55 AM »
sorry man, i'm calling bullshit.

Sorry but, why whould i or anyone else lie about how much they eat/have eaten? Makes absolutely no sense at all and for someone who has a huge apetit and trains hard it's really easy. I remember when i was in the army and it was winter and our stuff was out in the snow because there was no room in the tent so i went outside and ate two cans of tuna that was frozen solid, i was hungry and needed the protein.

I'll make you an offer you can refuse: pay my flight to where ever you are and follow me around for a couple of days and see how much i can eat. If you are lucky i'll even give you my autograph...

And as far as MRP's not being a meal, my choice usually is XXL by ABB which has 1090 kcal (50g whey isolate and 220 stacked carbs).


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #28 on: September 07, 2007, 04:07:03 AM »
I eat 4 solid meals and 3 shakes a day.

Ive gone 6 solids before with 3 shakes. All i did was waste money and get sick.

Id rather eat more less often. Eating is not something I enjoy unless its over the weekend.

I agree with the 500mg test. If youve only been taking gear for a year you shouldnt be taking 1g. You have already gone that far though so I guess there is no turning back.

Whats worked for me is breaking my sleep and drinking a shake at 2 am. I normally get up to pee in the middle of the night and leave the shake next to my bed.

Also how old are you?


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #29 on: September 07, 2007, 04:22:38 AM »
Whats worked for me is breaking my sleep and drinking a shake at 2 am. I normally get up to pee in the middle of the night and leave the shake next to my bed.

That works really well and i used to do that myself, but not anymore since i'm not trying to gain weight (at least right now). But it is something you should do if you are trying to GETBIG.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #30 on: September 07, 2007, 10:14:08 AM »
GH and Slin might be a  good investment BUT know what you're getting yourself into.

Change up your program every 2-3 months but make sure you stick with the basic rules which are:

1- Each muscle once a week.
2- Increase weight EVERY time.  If you find you can't do this and reach your optimal rep count, drop  down 10% and start creeping back up SLOWLY.  YOU MUST BE CONSTANTLY PROGRESSING.
3- Every 2 months, take a week off.  You'll be amazed how well this works.

Lastly, as many have said, increase your calorie count through good fats and perhaps even throw in more carbs but don't let your diet get dirty.  Your BF may increase but 15-18% isn't terrible.

Oh yeah, and 12 months is hardly an investment for a hard gainer.  Set your sights at 5, 10 or even 15 years.  That's how long it takes for some people.

P.S. I can be pretty sure that most pros don't abuse other than being on constantly.  I think you'd be hard pressed to find these guys pumping up with the amount that some of claimed.  Look at Arnold and the technology that was available to them back then.  No GH, no SLIN... Just Dbol, primobolan and Deca if I'm informed correctly.
Git 'er dun!


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #31 on: September 07, 2007, 09:51:23 PM »
Appreciate the feedback. Firstly yes im real, im not messing around. I still have a life outside of bodybuilding. I work full time and im married. I dont want to be a pro, not because i wouldnt want to be but because im not willing to kill myself for it. But i take this game very seriously. I enjoy it and it s what i love to do thats the reason i do it. Over the years i have always cycled on and off. This is the first year ive been on straight. Im only ever on 1g of test for a few weeks then i drop. In regards to eating besides breakfast which is 60gm of whey protein blended in water with six wheat bix and my post workout drink. I eat 4 meals each has 150gm grilled chicken breast 150gm minced steak 100gm of red kidney beans and unless im trying to get real lean i normally put between 150-200gm of brown rice. Again unless im trying to get real lean i will substitute a meal every couple of days for either take away or a nice home cooked meal.
Another thing is im in oz. There isent much to choose from when it comes to gear. Half the shit out here is fake.
Maybe im just being unrealistic. I think sometimes if your not satisfied with what u have u never will be. its just hard when u see some of the big guys out there and im not talking about the pro's. Makes u wonder if u are doing something wrong, or is this as far as my genetics will take me.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #32 on: September 08, 2007, 01:31:11 AM »
Maybe you are just "overtrained" and need to take a week or two off from the gym. When you come back you'll be fresh and eager to start lífting again. I'd drop your training days to 4, atleast for awhile and add one cheat meal a day, then you should start to make better gains. As far as your current meals of chicken, meat, beens and rice is concerned those are all great choices.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2007, 04:15:39 AM »
Appreciate the feedback. Firstly yes im real, im not messing around. I still have a life outside of bodybuilding. I work full time and im married. I dont want to be a pro, not because i wouldnt want to be but because im not willing to kill myself for it. But i take this game very seriously. I enjoy it and it s what i love to do thats the reason i do it. Over the years i have always cycled on and off. This is the first year ive been on straight. Im only ever on 1g of test for a few weeks then i drop. In regards to eating besides breakfast which is 60gm of whey protein blended in water with six wheat bix and my post workout drink. I eat 4 meals each has 150gm grilled chicken breast 150gm minced steak 100gm of red kidney beans and unless im trying to get real lean i normally put between 150-200gm of brown rice. Again unless im trying to get real lean i will substitute a meal every couple of days for either take away or a nice home cooked meal.
Another thing is im in oz. There isent much to choose from when it comes to gear. Half the shit out here is fake.
Maybe im just being unrealistic. I think sometimes if your not satisfied with what u have u never will be. its just hard when u see some of the big guys out there and im not talking about the pro's. Makes u wonder if u are doing something wrong, or is this as far as my genetics will take me.

Great to hear more in depth about your situation BIG A.

As what most people have advocated, take a break and then start a new fresh cycle. You may be surprised with the new gains due to receptor recharge, never know.

In this hobby, one can never be satisfied as it would just a good as givin it up. This "unsatisfaction" is the main reason why we are in the gym in a consistent basis busting our asses to reach our targeted goal in mind. Hence, this is more of a long term "sport".

Give yourself more time man, dont go crazy over it. You will never know what levels you would reach in another 5-10 years time. ;)


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #34 on: September 08, 2007, 06:02:34 AM »
Another thing is im in oz.

Is there a wizard who lives there too?  :)

Is this how it really looks there?


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #35 on: September 08, 2007, 07:40:48 AM »
Is there a wizard who lives there too?  :)

Is this how it really looks there?

LOL!!! That is too funny...I hear the wizard has some good gear??

Seriously, Big A. sounds like you are doing lots of stuff right man. Tone back the training a bit, rest, eat and grow. You can't grow if you continually break yourself down.

Is that 150 g. per meal of meat or spread over the 4 meals? Hope it is spread out for your guts sake or invest in digestive enzymes!


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #36 on: September 08, 2007, 08:01:55 AM »
Is there a wizard who lives there too?  :)

Is this how it really looks there?

Maybe he's talking about this OZ:

Arnold jr

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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #37 on: September 08, 2007, 12:11:57 PM »
Maybe he's talking about this OZ:

hahaha! It would be hard to grow and make progress there, especially when you're constantly on guard against roaming fudge packers!


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #38 on: September 08, 2007, 02:18:17 PM »
hahaha! It would be hard to grow and make progress there, especially when you're constantly on guard against roaming fudge packers!

Not exactly.  My dad works in a prison, and they have a lot of bodybuilders and even a contest in there...there's some pretty big guys too.

Arnold jr

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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #39 on: September 08, 2007, 02:41:52 PM »
Not exactly.  My dad works in a prison, and they have a lot of bodybuilders and even a contest in there...there's some pretty big guys too.
Oh I agree with you. But this would not be the case with OZ.

You know that show was pretty cool at first, but after a while it became nothing more then a glorified male rape fest...pretty sick chubs.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #40 on: September 08, 2007, 06:12:52 PM »
I'm about your size too, but I have shitty genetics.

The only way I got to this point was to reduce my volume and increase my training weights.  Make sure you squat and deadlift.  Get 400 - 500 grams of protein every day and plenty of sleep also.  As you find yourself getting stronger, you will also find yourself eating more, and adding muscle bulk.

Increase your training weights as much as possible before upping the dosage!  Then you will have a fallback strategy to keep on growing.

At age 40, I've resigned myself to this size, and now seek to maintain/improve the quality of muscle I've built.  I still train hard, but I understand realisticly that I will not grow any larger without significant pharmaceutical assistance.  However, you still may have many good years ahead, with ample opportunities to increase the intensity and effectiveness of your training before reaching a genetic peak.

Size and training volume are mutually exclusive.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #41 on: September 08, 2007, 08:04:59 PM »
Thank u for all the feedback. I think i just need to cut back the training. I do a six day split and pretty much do each body part on its own day. I feel that way i can give each body part a good blasting. I guess i just need to be a little more patient. And yes thats 150gm of minced steak with 150gm of grilled chicken breast 4 times every day. Except when i substitute one meal for a cheat meal. regarding time off. I normally take a week off every 2-3 months.

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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #42 on: September 09, 2007, 02:55:13 AM »
500mg of enth is all u need?????..... for somone chasing huge gains, possibly lookin towards competing at a high level,,,, are u for fuckn real??.... i know a few english pros well, and a whole load of amatures, the lads that are pushing it are abusing it and theres no other way to put it!


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #43 on: September 09, 2007, 06:18:52 AM »
500mg of enth is all u need?????..... for somone chasing huge gains, possibly lookin towards competing at a high level,,,, are u for fuckn real??.... i know a few english pros well, and a whole load of amatures, the lads that are pushing it are abusing it and theres no other way to put it!

Ya, I think a Gram a week is a pretty common  base load. If ya can get by w/ 1/2 that great, but if shooting at
high level of development, taht aint gona cut if forever.

I think if he been on a yr, he ought to come off for  4 months minimum, then really hit it W/ a long hard bulker merged in to "anabolics".


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #44 on: September 09, 2007, 08:09:54 AM »
Personally I think you are overtrained. Why don't you stop with the volume 6 day a week shit and do some heavy duty training, HST or something else and try, yes try 3 times a week, super intensive; remember recovery is just as important as the training if not more so, if you are blasting your muscles six days a week with one day off you are traumatising your whole body, regardless of the gear you take; otherwise a friend of mine did this stack once and raved:

Testosterone enanthate 500mg every 5 days
Boldenone 400mg every 5 days
Metenolone enanthate 400 mg every 5 days

This of course is a quality stack and may not interest you if you just want mass but he loved it and made good progress and if you are concerned about your health (which you do not seem to be) it is relatively safe.
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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #45 on: September 09, 2007, 11:36:57 AM »

And yes thats 150gm of minced steak with 150gm of grilled chicken breast 4 times every day. Except when i substitute one meal for a cheat meal. regarding time off. I normally take a week off every 2-3 months.

You mean to tell me you eat 1,200 g. of protein a day

150 + 150 = 300g x 4 = 1,200 g. Protein in 4 meals???

No flippin way and if you are eating that much, you are not utilizing all that protein bro. 1.5 g. per pound of bodyweight is plenty!


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #46 on: September 09, 2007, 02:00:28 PM »
You mean to tell me you eat 1,200 g. of protein a day

150 + 150 = 300g x 4 = 1,200 g. Protein in 4 meals???

No flippin way and if you are eating that much, you are not utilizing all that protein bro. 1.5 g. per pound of bodyweight is plenty!

Sorry, but you seemed to make a simple mistake. 1200g of meat is not all protein, the meats that he has listed have about 25% of protein. So in reality he is having about 300 grams of protein per day. It's like an egg weighs about 50-70 grams and has 5-8 grams of protein in it.


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #47 on: September 09, 2007, 05:51:26 PM »
Sorry, but you seemed to make a simple mistake. 1200g of meat is not all protein, the meats that he has listed have about 25% of protein. So in reality he is having about 300 grams of protein per day. It's like an egg weighs about 50-70 grams and has 5-8 grams of protein in it.

Duh, yeah, wait need to convert that into ounces??  :-[

Sorry, I don't live in Oz so fogive me for being a little slow....Dorothy is coming over to tutor me  :o


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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2007, 06:18:17 PM »
Duh, yeah, wait need to convert that into ounces??  :-[

Sorry, I don't live in Oz so fogive me for being a little slow....Dorothy is coming over to tutor me  :o

Yanks need to get with it and convert to the metric system....
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Re: What does it take to be big?
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2007, 06:50:55 PM »
Yanks need to get with it and convert to the metric system....

Yeah your probally right