Author Topic: Contest Dieting  (Read 35112 times)


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Contest Dieting
« on: September 10, 2007, 08:24:00 PM »
Thought I would throw out there how I diet for a comp.  Now this is constantly evolving and being tweaked so I will just touch on the basics about what I do. Since I'm in the middle of one I thought this would be a good time.

Timing is very important for your comp diet.  First you must asses how much time you will need.  If you are already pretty lean and know how your body responds you may not need as much time.  On the other side of the coin if you are fat you may need more time.  12 weeks is the standard time frame many people use if they are in average offseason shape maybe 12-14% BF and that is about right IMO.

For my prep I will use a low carb diet, some people like to cycle carbs or use 0 carbs even, me I like to keep them at a fairly steady low level.  For me that is about 80-100 grams of carbs per day, some days I may go as low as 60 grams.  I like to keep the carbs the same for the whole diet and I will usually use just 2, sweet potatoes and oatmeal.  I will also have about 5 pieces of asparagus with dinner most nights, asparagus is a natural diuretic and I like it.  I just throw it in a pan and saute it in a little olive oil and may throw a little Mrs Dash in there.  Those are my carbs.

Protein is from chicken, red meat and salmon.  I grill or broil all the meats and will season with a lower sodium seasoning on one side of the meat and good old Mrs Dash on the other.  For this prep I'm going to be running the sodium a little closer to the date than I have in the past, to help keep me fuller.  Will admit it is a little scary to do so cause the salt has you holding water and it is a little tricky to gauge your progress.  I will start pulling the salt out about 2 weeks before the comp. and have it all out 3 days before.  The red meats I eat are fillet, NY strip, flank steak and some lean hamburger. I will also consume 2-3 very low sugar whey protein shakes mixed with water of course every day.

Fats:  I eat a lot of avocados while I diet along with natural peanut butter, raw almonds and some olive oil.  I also take a essential fatty acids (EFA's) everyday (ED)  The fats make up a big part of this diet and they keep my energy levels jacked up and allow me to train with good intensity.

As far a supplements I will take the EFA's mentioned, a multivitamin extra E and C

I will drink about 2-3 gallons of fluids, water, Crystal Lite and a bunch of coffee in the morning with Equal everyday.  I use Equal all the way up to the show and have never had any issues with it, such as water retention, I put in my oatmeal also.  I find when the carbs and sodium are so low that it is very hard to stay hydrated, so I will pound the fluids at the end, its hard to drink enough fluids at that time.

For work I will make my food in advance and pack it up in a cooler for the day.  Here is a typical days eating in prep mode.

6:30 am:  Coffee, 3/4 cup oats with water, 2-3 table spoons PB, whey shake.  Will take my fat burner here I like clenbuterol for this, which I split into 2 doses for the day.

9:30 am:  12oz chicken (this meal could also be red meat or salmon), 1/4 small sweet potato, 1/4 avocado 

12 ish:  Same as above

3:30:  Pre work out 2-3 tables spoons PB (or maybe 1/2 cup almonds here), whey shake.  Fat burner here also.

6:30 ish:  Same as 9:30 meal with some asparagus.

10 pm  2-3 table spoons PB, whey shake.

Thats about it. This pic I have put up before but this is me 10 days out from last show, about 2 hours after eating 2 NY strip steaks, asparagus, a 1/4 sweet potato and almost a gallon of Crystal Lite  :)


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2007, 04:10:23 AM »
AHHHHHHH  this makes me remember how much CONTEST DIETING SUCKS.    ;D

I usually go 18 weeks because I don't like to panic towards the end (I'd rather be ahead of schedule), and I also think that it takes a bit longer for women to get their BF levels that low than it does for men.

LUV BABY, how many weeks till your show as of now?  You must be looking pretty awesome by this point.   8)

Your diet sounds pretty similar to mine, back to the basics with the foods, and timing is indeed very important.  It doesn't look like a lot of food for someone your size, but I guess that's pretty much how it goes.

As I mentioned, I am happy to do extra cardio for extra food, so my contest diet was a bit heavier on the carbs, at least towards the beginning (remember we're talking 18 weeks out here). 
My contest diet is based on counting carbs and protein, with very little fat included....a few nuts here and there or a little flax oil, and a EFA supplement. 
No carb cycling, as the diet just got lower in carbs as I got leaner and closer to the show.  It was probably around 1400 or 1500 calories, but I am not sure.  Calories also got lower as I got closer to the show, but the increase in protein helped me from starving to death.

I started with six meals that totalled 210 g protein and 210 g carbs (120 complex, 40 simple, 50 fibrous).
After a few weeks, I moved to 7 meals that totalled 220-240 g protein and 130 carbs (60 complex, 20 simple, 50 fibrous).
In the final weeks, it was 8 meals that totalled around 220-240 g protein and 80 g carbs (30 complex, 50 fibrous).

I did two rounds of carb depleting/loading before the week of the show, to see how it worked for me and what carbs worked best.  For carb depleting, I went three days - Day 1 50 grams carbs, Day 2 25 grams carbs, and Day 3 0 grams carbs.  It was during this time that I discovered that I could NEVER survive on a zero carb diet.  Even just that one serving of complex carbs in the morning made a HUGE difference in how I felt during the entire day.

I didn't really mess with sodium at all.  I kept it relatively low the whole way through and used similar spices like Mrs. Dash and lemons.

This year, I FINALLY found the combo of OTC fat burners that worked for me.  Gaspari's Third Degree Burn and Thyrotabs.  Loved the combo and used it for the last six weeks....Of course they have discontinued Third Degree Burn, but I bought the last two bottles from my friend's supplement store.   ;D


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2007, 04:50:17 AM »

LUV BABY, how many weeks till your show as of now?  You must be looking pretty awesome by this point.   8)

Hey Rip baby thanks for sharing your diet, looks good.  :)

Well I'm like 6 and a half weeks out from show.  I'm getting there I'm pretty tight for the most part typical male fat holding area, mid section still blurry and a little fat to go yet.  The additional salt than that I have used in the past has me holding a little more water, But my legs and arms are separated and vascular so I think I'm on track.

With myself I need to be careful at the end and make sure I do not flatten out and burn too much muscle.  Once I get the BF down to a certain level it seems my body keeps freight training towards weight loss and it is hard to slow it down.  I will need to adjust my cardio and calories accordingly at this time.  Thats why its a good idea to have someone you can trust and knows what they are looking at to judge your condition for you that last 6 weeks or so.  They need to be brutally honest and tell you what you NEED to hear.  Do not listen to a bunch of different people, ultimatly its your call but someone can help you open your eyes at times.

I never figured out the calories of my diet and will try to.

I always have figured that the last week you are either ready or not and do not make any changes to my diet the last few days.  I don't carb load and I may just bring the water back a little bit.  I think I will get some pics up soon, when I feel like I'm ready.


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #3 on: September 12, 2007, 08:18:49 AM »
Luv Baby, are you working with someone on your contest prep?

I think I have asked you this before, but are you doing the same show as The Blockhead?



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2007, 11:58:49 AM »
Luv Baby, are you working with someone on your contest prep?

I think I have asked you this before, but are you doing the same show as The Blockhead?

No I do my diet myself, but do get people i can trust to gauge my progress and see how I am looking.  I learn as i go LOL.

I think the Blockhead is doing that show too, yes.


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2007, 12:12:59 PM »
No I do my diet myself, but do get people i can trust to gauge my progress and see how I am looking.  I learn as i go LOL.

I think the Blockhead is doing that show too, yes.

You MUST get some pics with Blockhead.  I will call him and tell him to look for you.   8)
What class do you plan on competing in?

Are you having any bad cravings yet?  I tend to get real bad cravings when I am contest prepping, for food that I don't even eat when I am not dieting.  I remember being close to a competition and being in a diner and getting SOOOO PISSED that I couldn't eat this slice of day-old peach pie that was sitting on the counter.  It didn't even look that good in retrospect....and I don't even like peach pie!!!

DOUGHNUTS is a big one.  I don't eat doughnuts all that often, but man do I crave them when I am dieting.  That is usually one of the first things I eat after a competition.  In fact, I don't think that I have even had any doughnuts since the morning after Junior Nationals when I ate about 8 hot, fresh Krispy Kremes.   ;D



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2007, 12:37:18 PM »

You MUST get some pics with Blockhead.  I will call him and tell him to look for you.   8)
What class do you plan on competing in?

Are you having any bad cravings yet?  I tend to get real bad cravings when I am contest prepping, for food that I don't even eat when I am not dieting.  I remember being close to a competition and being in a diner and getting SOOOO PISSED that I couldn't eat this slice of day-old peach pie that was sitting on the counter.  It didn't even look that good in retrospect....and I don't even like peach pie!!!

DOUGHNUTS is a big one.  I don't eat doughnuts all that often, but man do I crave them when I am dieting.  That is usually one of the first things I eat after a competition.  In fact, I don't think that I have even had any doughnuts since the morning after Junior Nationals when I ate about 8 hot, fresh Krispy Kremes.   ;D

Yep me and the Block will get some pics I am sure of that  :)  I have chatted with him some on this already.  I will be doing the mens open light heavies and masters 40-49.  I think Block will be a heavy weight. 

To be honest, since i follow a diet very similar to a Dave P diet, once i get into ketosis I really don't crave too much.  At that point I'm using fats for energy instead of carbs and find myself not overly hungry or craving anything.  Will admit I saw a dude eating a huge double bacon cheese burger with fries about 2 weeks out and I really wanted one!! LOL  I use a few more carbs than Dave does but still feel they are low enough with the training and cardio and they are consumed in such small quantities that getting into ketosis is no problem.  Peanut butter is the miracle food LOL

Altough about a half dozen D&D double chocolate doughnuts and a quart of cold milk does sound pretty damn good.  I think I'm gonna have that after the show along with some good old Chicago pizza, hope you got to have some of that when you were here?  For the Jr's  ;D

Hey Rip you mentioned the OTC fat burners?  Thats cool you have found one that works for you, all the ones I tried had me feeling really bad like too much caffine, man i was sitting in my ofice at work and i was like seeing 3 papers in front of me when there was only one LOL  Which other ones have you heard good things about/


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2007, 01:38:04 PM »
Yep me and the Block will get some pics I am sure of that  :)  I have chatted with him some on this already.  I will be doing the mens open light heavies and masters 40-49.  I think Block will be a heavy weight. 

To be honest, since i follow a diet very similar to a Dave P diet, once i get into ketosis I really don't crave too much.  At that point I'm using fats for energy instead of carbs and find myself not overly hungry or craving anything.  Will admit I saw a dude eating a huge double bacon cheese burger with fries about 2 weeks out and I really wanted one!! LOL  I use a few more carbs than Dave does but still feel they are low enough with the training and cardio and they are consumed in such small quantities that getting into ketosis is no problem.  Peanut butter is the miracle food LOL

Altough about a half dozen D&D double chocolate doughnuts and a quart of cold milk does sound pretty damn good.  I think I'm gonna have that after the show along with some good old Chicago pizza, hope you got to have some of that when you were here?  For the Jr's  ;D

Hey Rip you mentioned the OTC fat burners?  Thats cool you have found one that works for you, all the ones I tried had me feeling really bad like too much caffine, man i was sitting in my ofice at work and i was like seeing 3 papers in front of me when there was only one LOL  Which other ones have you heard good things about/

I did have some Chicago-style pizza, with Blockhead actually.  I'll ask him the name of the place we went and letcha's his favorite place.

In terms of fat burners, I HATE the jittery feeling you get from fat burners, esp ones with ephedra.  I cannot handle ephedra at all.  I tried it for two days during my prep once, and I was puking half way through day 2. 

I tried several different ones before I discovered the Gaspari Third Degree and Thyrotabs combo.  Third Degree has DHEA in it (old school!), and Thyrotabs are sort of like over the counter T3, I think.  This combo worked REALLY well for me and did not give me any jitters at all.  I would not take the thyrotabs if you are taking T3 though.

I thought that Jet Fuel was a waste of $, and it gave me the jitters a bit.  I also tried "Scorch" and didn't feel like it was doing much of anything.  I went through about three or four different ones and bailed out on all of them.

TBH, I haven't ever found any OTC fat burners that I have ever liked until this Gasprai combo.  Now they have discontinued Third Degree Burn and are replacing it with Gaspari Cytolean.  I've heard good things about it, but I have heard that it makes you feel like you are high, so my guess is that it may make you a bit jittery too.  Of course, with a description like that, I am gonna HAVE to try it.   ;D


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2007, 01:42:14 PM »
just the thought of you losing that beautiful extra 20 or so offseason pounds makes me feel bad for the guys at your gym Rip :D.


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #9 on: September 12, 2007, 02:24:01 PM »

I've heard good things about it, but I have heard that it makes you feel like you are high, so my guess is that it may make you a bit jittery too.  Of course, with a description like that, I am gonna HAVE to try it.   ;D

Yeah give me some of that LOL  I feel fine on clenbuterol and it does not get me too jittery if I ramp up slowly. I think its the best fat burner out there for me, cause it works round the clock and actually like the way I feel on it.  I don't mess with T-3


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2007, 03:05:13 PM »
Nice post!!! I'm 8 weeks out but I may do a comp that's in 6 weeks depending on how I look. I'm doing 210 protein, 153 carbs and around 50 g's of fat per day. My diet will change on friday I'll let you know what it changes to when I get it. Last year I zig zagged and got great results, I'm sure I'll do it again this year, went up to 4 days in a row with 0 carbs, sucked but it got me lean. I'm 6.5%bf as of today, just can't seem to get my butt down!!!!!

I dream of oreo's, I crave bologna sanwhiches on white bread with miracle whip, pancakes, shakes and pizza. So far it's not that bad, just so darn hungry all the time!!!


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2007, 04:00:21 AM »
Nice post!!! I'm 8 weeks out but I may do a comp that's in 6 weeks depending on how I look. I'm doing 210 protein, 153 carbs and around 50 g's of fat per day. My diet will change on friday I'll let you know what it changes to when I get it. Last year I zig zagged and got great results, I'm sure I'll do it again this year, went up to 4 days in a row with 0 carbs, sucked but it got me lean. I'm 6.5%bf as of today, just can't seem to get my butt down!!!!!

I dream of oreo's, I crave bologna sanwhiches on white bread with miracle whip, pancakes, shakes and pizza. So far it's not that bad, just so darn hungry all the time!!!

Awesome az....just remember you can do anything for 8 will fly by!

LOL @ bologna sandwiches on white bread with miracle whip!    :D



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2007, 03:41:27 PM »
thanks rip!

Hey Luv, is that PB regular, like jiffy, the smooth tasty stuff or natural, the stuff you gotta stir for a month before it'll spread??? not that it matters, I can't have it anyway but I was just curious :-X


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #13 on: September 13, 2007, 06:21:57 PM »
thanks rip!

Hey Luv, is that PB regular, like jiffy, the smooth tasty stuff or natural, the stuff you gotta stir for a month before it'll spread??? not that it matters, I can't have it anyway but I was just curious :-X

I use the natural stuff, chunky is the kind I like and I eat it right out of the jar :)  I think its gross the way it sits on the shelves, so I take it home stir it up good and put it in the refrigerator for a day.  This firms it up pretty much and has a consistency almost like the hydrogenated ones like Jiff and Skippy.  They add sugar to Jiffy and Skippy so its a no-no, and the hydrogenation is bad news too.

I like the Smucker's natural, but they add a little salt.  There is one I get called "just peanuts" and they add no salt, I buy it at Jewel which is a grocery chain in this area.

Hey az why can you not have PB?  IMO its a very good food for getting ripped on, just gotta use it in moderation, there are some carbs in it and it provides major calories.  I see you follow a low fat diet, me I kind of do the opposite.  Seems I learn new things each time I diet down, that is a cool thing and the only way is to do it  :)  Good luck in your show!!  Im 6 weeks out myself.  Keep us up dated on your progress.


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2007, 04:19:37 AM »
I use the natural stuff, chunky is the kind I like and I eat it right out of the jar :)  I think its gross the way it sits on the shelves, so I take it home stir it up good and put it in the refrigerator for a day.  This firms it up pretty much and has a consistency almost like the hydrogenated ones like Jiff and Skippy.  They add sugar to Jiffy and Skippy so its a no-no, and the hydrogenation is bad news too.

I like the Smucker's natural, but they add a little salt.  There is one I get called "just peanuts" and they add no salt, I buy it at Jewel which is a grocery chain in this area.

Hey az why can you not have PB?  IMO its a very good food for getting ripped on, just gotta use it in moderation, there are some carbs in it and it provides major calories.  I see you follow a low fat diet, me I kind of do the opposite.  Seems I learn new things each time I diet down, that is a cool thing and the only way is to do it  :)  Good luck in your show!!  Im 6 weeks out myself.  Keep us up dated on your progress.

Peanut butter is a major weakness of mine when I am dieting.  I always use the organic, all natural, peanuts only kind, but still...I get carried away. 
Carla knew better than to put it into my diet, so I would have a spoonful or two every now and again (like several times a week lol) as a "cheat."



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2007, 02:11:01 PM »
if I am about to choke someone because of hunger I can have a teaspoon (not heaping) of pb, at least that's what I was allowed last year but this year no mention of pb :(

New diet i now 4 days 216 protein, 35 carb, 63 fat, then for 3 days 177 protein, 27 carbs, 53 fat.

trying to get ripped like ripitupbaby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm psyched now, in the zone (but I may have a break down tomorrow  ;D )


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #16 on: September 15, 2007, 07:46:00 AM »
if I am about to choke someone because of hunger I can have a teaspoon (not heaping) of pb, at least that's what I was allowed last year but this year no mention of pb :(

New diet i now 4 days 216 protein, 35 carb, 63 fat, then for 3 days 177 protein, 27 carbs, 53 fat.

trying to get ripped like ripitupbaby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm psyched now, in the zone (but I may have a break down tomorrow  ;D )

Stay strong az, it's time to rip it up!   8)

If it's not PB, where do you get your fats from?



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2007, 01:43:54 PM »

Stay strong az, it's time to rip it up!   8)

If it's not PB, where do you get your fats from?



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2007, 04:07:26 AM »
Yeah give me some of that LOL  I feel fine on clenbuterol and it does not get me too jittery if I ramp up slowly. I think its the best fat burner out there for me, cause it works round the clock and actually like the way I feel on it.  I don't mess with T-3

Luv, if you don't use T3, you may like the Gaspari thyrotabs.  I used them just for the final 6 weeks of prep, and I thought they worked really well.  They probably combo well with the ctyolean, if you can get your hands on that.

You're coming down the home stretch now! 



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2007, 04:30:19 AM »

Luv, if you don't use T3, you may like the Gaspari thyrotabs.  I used them just for the final 6 weeks of prep, and I thought they worked really well.  They probably combo well with the ctyolean, if you can get your hands on that.

You're coming down the home stretch now! 


I know big time!  With a very hard last week I feel I am falling behind.  I think Im OK but my body is fighting me right now.  It is saying from what I can tell that it does not want to go back to those BF levels.  My weight has fallen some Im about 200lbs right now, thinking 188-190 I should be about ready, but we will see.  Im hesitant to try t-3 right now considering all the other stuff Im using and I have no experiance with it.  Maybe I will try the Gaspari products as I usually hear good things about them. thanks  :)

I have got to get my shit together!!  This next 6 weeks I have to get in hermit mode and do this for real. 

Thats one reason I like to wear a training belt, its very good at letting you know where your waist is.  Notch  6 comfortably, where Im at now means Im in pretty decent shape.  Notch 7 comfy means Im ready for a show.  When notch 5 is tight my ass is fat LOL.


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2007, 04:48:11 AM »
I know big time!  With a very hard last week I feel I am falling behind.  I think Im OK but my body is fighting me right now.  It is saying from what I can tell that it does not want to go back to those BF levels.  My weight has fallen some Im about 200lbs right now, thinking 188-190 I should be about ready, but we will see.  Im hesitant to try t-3 right now considering all the other stuff Im using and I have no experiance with it.  Maybe I will try the Gaspari products as I usually hear good things about them. thanks  :)

I have got to get my shit together!!  This next 6 weeks I have to get in hermit mode and do this for real. 

Thats one reason I like to wear a training belt, its very good at letting you know where your waist is.  Notch  6 comfortably, where Im at now means Im in pretty decent shape.  Notch 7 comfy means Im ready for a show.  When notch 5 is tight my ass is fat LOL.

LOL you got this one Luv Baby! 
I talked to Blockhead, he's kickin it into high gear as well.  He said that you know how to get yourself SHREDDED, so I am sure you are gonna look better than ever!



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2007, 05:17:12 AM »

LOL you got this one Luv Baby! 
I talked to Blockhead, he's kickin it into high gear as well.  He said that you know how to get yourself SHREDDED, so I am sure you are gonna look better than ever!


Thanks Rip Baby  :-*

Yep Blockhead does sound on track it will be cool to see him compete, man its usually me pumping out the energy but Im feeding off Block's and another couple people who I know are doing the show, they are all helping me out.  8)


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2007, 05:30:56 AM »
Thanks Rip Baby  :-*

Yep Blockhead does sound on track it will be cool to see him compete, man its usually me pumping out the energy but Im feeding off Block's and another couple people who I know are doing the show, they are all helping me out.  8)

That's awesome...I will be there in spirit...I want LOTS of pictures.   ;D



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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2007, 07:24:34 PM »

That's awesome...I will be there in spirit...I want LOTS of pictures.   ;D

There will be pics, you can be sure of that.  :)


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Re: Contest Dieting
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2007, 07:40:06 PM »
There will be pics, you can be sure of that.  :)

Progress pics too?   ;D

That goes for AZ too!   
