Author Topic: Preparation to bodybuilding championship  (Read 5559 times)


  • Getbig II
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Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« on: September 17, 2007, 10:31:02 AM »
Hello guys,

My name is Frank and I have started this thread for the following reason.
I want to compete next year for the first time as a truly bodybuilder.I don’t want to be just one more for the statistics or make a fool out of myself on stage as I have seen others do so many times.
I am 26 years old and I have been lifting weights since I was 21.
When I started my weight was 59-60kg and now I am currently 110kg.

I have tried for some years to compete but unfortunately for some personal reasons I haven’t been able to do it until now.
I believe that in this 5 years of training cycling and everything else I have acquire a certain experience but I also believe that is not enough experience to prepare myself to compete as the absolutely best and win the contest which is what I am going for.

So I have open this thread so that people can come here and if possible share some ideas experiences and thoughts about cycles,training,food supplements…everything.

About the steroids part I can say I am open to almost everything but insulin, because I have done it once, didn’t liked the results and in my point of view you really don’t need to take it. I have made some experiences and I can put it to work eating high GI carbs as fast as shooting 10 IU insulin.2 things that I really want to try is GH and IGF1 because I have never tried before.

About the cost don’t mind with that just Wright what you think is the best.
I really appreciate if you guys could take the time and give some attention to this thread.

Just to end it I must say that my last cycle was 1 month ago I did trenbolone acetate,wsintrol and propionate 1ml every second day for 8 weeks.

About training method I was using a very famous method of Milos which is high intensively training.1 muscle a day 12 exercises splited in 3 groups of  4 exercises non stop and 4 sets normally 15 to 12 reps.
It’s a little complicated to explain but for those who are familiar with this training method, you know what I am talking about.
As I said currently I am 1.89cm 110kg with low fat and low water retention I can later post some pictures if needed. I intend to compete with at least 105-110kg.

I will be entering on off-season now and I want to start bulking on October. The competition will be near by April May ext year.

I really hope that I can get some help on this and if there´s any other info needed just lmk.

This is more or less what I have thought for start:

1 week:
1ml propionate every second day
250mg sustanon
50mg methandione a day.
250mg deca

2 week:
1ml propionate every second day
250mg sustanon
50mg methandione a day.
500mg deca

3 week:
500mg sustanon
50mg methandione a day.
750mg deca

4 week:
750mg sustanon
50mg methandione a day.
1000mg deca

5 week
1000mg sustanon
750mg deca

6 week:
1000mg sustanon
500mg deca

7 week:
750mg sustanon
500mg boldenone

8 week:
750mg sustanon
750mg boldenone

9 week:
500mg sustanon
50mg oxymetholone a day
750mg boldenone

10 week:
500mg sustanon
75-100mg oxymetholone a day
500mg boldenone

11 week:
250mg sustanon
75-100mg oxymetholone a day
500mg boldenone

12 week:
250mg sustanon
50mg oxymetholone a day
250mg boldenone

About the diet I don’t have a clue on what to do. I just intend to make 5-6 meals a day
Mostly read meet during the day and fish at night with salad rise boiled potato’s or noodles, minimum 3 protein shakes a day 2-3 carbohydrates shakes a day along with glutamine creatine BCAA and multivitamin.



Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 10:40:38 AM »
What exactly are you wanting? Are you wanting help with your bulking period or are you trying to plan out a cycle and diet for your comp in the spring?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2007, 10:48:54 AM »
Hi bro,

I am looking for info to my comp next year but for now I think that I will need only the bulking info since it’s what I am on now.
I don’t know……….what do you think?
Because I don’t want to be here asking the same things over and over again because I know it takes a lot of patience and it will be good already to have people here helping me on this so I don’t want to push my luck:)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2007, 01:19:57 PM »
Wow, thats gona be a hellacious build up of SUS and Deca  :o
I dont even need to see it on a graph.

ALso, Lots of orals there w/ taht pyramid.

Thats a heavy-heavy load your contemplating. (I'd Stock up on Ai's and BP meds)

Most guys can get their max bloat/ bulk and aggression for throwing plate on w/ a lot less GRAMS of AAS.
Not ripping on you, I'm no stranger to fill they hypo theory, but thats lookin excessive to me.
No point dumping race gas on the ground when we fill up the  'Vette.
It wont make it go faster.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2007, 02:00:06 PM »
As you can read on my post that was what I was thinking to do I posted to get ideas and thoughts about it and I appreciate that you took the time to give yours.

About the max I have used I can tell you that I have tried 3000mg testosterone once and it was a waist of testosterone and probably my health too but I was being prepared by a guy you claimed to be the guru about AS.
Oxy metholone I have tried 100mg a day during 2 weeks that was the max methandionone 50mg for 4 weeks.

About the other AS I have never made more then 600-800mg week.
I have also tried insulin, started with 8iu a day spited in 2 and I went up to 16 a day spited in 2.GH I have tried 100iu of jintropin but I found later on that I was fake.

If you want to know what have I tried in these 5 years here you go:

Trenbolone Acetate max-1ml every second day
Nandrolone decanoate max-600-800mg
Boldenone undecylenate max-750mg
Cypionate max-1000mg
Enanthate max-3000mg once….normally not more then 1000mg
Propionate max 1ml every second day
Sustanon max-1250mg
Winstrol  max 1ml-every second day
Dianabol max-50mg a day
Oxymetholone max- 100mg day
Insulin max- 16 IU a day

And remember 1 thing when I say 800mg or 1000mg that’s when I am on the highest stage of the cycle and it’s normally for 2, maximum 3 weeks.

Maximum weight so far 116kg
Maximum off-cycle time 1 year minimum 2 months.

The only rec drug I have ever taken was diazepam and It was that time I tried the 3000mg testosterone I was not aggressive I just couldn’t sleep at night.

And for the record….Never in my entire period of AS user I have went crazy aggressive or got the so culled roids rage. So I wont be throwing anything any ware and to nobody;)

About the orals you can see that I have started with 50mg dianabol a day for the first 4 weeks which I think is normal then I give it a rest from 4-8 week and then from the 8-12 week I start again but this time with oxymetholone that’s why I have changed the deca for boldenone I will be getting bloated enough already with the sustanon and oxymetholone and that’s the other reason why I want to has GH and IGF-1 to it.
Sorry for my ignorance but what’s Ai's and BP meds?

Well about my idea of cycle I think that you do know that most part of the pros take way much more then that despite what many times they claim to take.

Thanks for sharing you point of view.


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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2007, 02:44:55 PM »
I think your wasting a lot of gear with a cycle like that. Why would you use pop with sust when sust has the prop esther already in the mix. Also no need to ramp up the doses like that. I would run it straight through from beginning to end, and unless you have run 50mg dbol in the past with no problems I would drop that down to 30-40mg ed. Im 215lbs and I run dbol at 30mg ed successfully, with zero sides and no bloat at all!


  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2007, 02:46:14 PM »
That pyramid of long acting (slow released) Sus and Deca is going to be building up at the very same time your increasing the dose.
Its going sky high at the end!
I personaly prefer to throw the SUS in heavy up front if useing it.

I like this front end as a high androgen bulker:

Day1   3-4cc of sus in a hip. (We aint wasting no stinkin' injection site w/ baby shots)
Day3   2-3cc of sus + Fill to 4cc total w/ Deca in a hip.
                                                                 [After this shot of Deca, I use my max dose of it weekly].

Day6   I'd go into straighr TE at my max dose adding deca weekly where convienent to top off hypo, and
          put a top cc dose in each site, every shot.

Orals? 2-3 tabs maximum of ADrol a day for the 1st 2-4 weeks maximum will put on a load of red  cells.
Some winny with the Anapolon is a idea from RDW Im going to try sometime.

Thats the basic front end androgen load. That could run on and on and on with TE & Deca.
Jumping off a fast moving train is the trick.

I think it much less hard on the body to hit that front end androgen load, than build up the pyramid your
looking at. If you graphed the peak level of that SUS + Deca I think youd freak out.

If youve done it before and it worked, great. If not, I'd be cautious.

OXY and Dbol together? I know big guys taht do that. If you done it before, you know what to expect.
If not, I'd suggest somting less hard on the body. The OXYM at the start give benefit of a load of new red blood cells with a long life. They will last the whole cycle. The pumps will be severe.
Throwing in a few Dbol or Halo or Methyl pre workout here and there is one thing, using 50mg ed for weeks after the Oxy is another.

The OXY and Dbol are the main health issue, the pyramid is a side effect and mood problem invitation.
I think max bulk can be achieved w/ less stress than that pyramid will make.
Your past experience is the best guide.  

Arnold jr

  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2007, 04:03:55 PM »
Well, here's a good basic bulking cycle using some of the drugs you've mentioned, along with the doses you want to run as best I can tell.

wk 1-6 dbol 50mg/ed
wk 1-16 sust 1000mg/wk
wk 1-16 eq 600mg/wk
wk 17-20 prop 200mg/eod
wk 1-20 gh 4iu/ed
wk 21-23/24 PCT

You can sub in deca for the eq if you want. If you do, 400mg/wk would work fine.
As for an AI, 0.25-0.50/mg/eod of either arimidex or letrozol, if you choose to use it.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2007, 04:29:48 PM »
Well, here's a good basic bulking cycle using some of the drugs you've mentioned, along with the doses you want to run as best I can tell.

wk 1-6 dbol 50mg/ed
wk 1-16 sust 1000mg/wk
wk 1-16 eq 600mg/wk
wk 17-20 prop 200mg/eod
wk 1-20 gh 4iu/ed
wk 21-23/24 PCT

You can sub in deca for the eq if you want. If you do, 400mg/wk would work fine.
As for an AI, 0.25-0.50/mg/eod of either arimidex or letrozol, if you choose to use it.

1-4IU of GH will result in what for bulking? to keep on muscle that's been gained throughout?


  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2007, 04:40:45 PM »
1-4IU of GH will result in what for bulking? to keep on muscle that's been gained throughout?

In a nutshell - keep muscle & burn fat.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #10 on: September 17, 2007, 04:50:12 PM »
I think your wasting a lot of gear with a cycle like that. Why would you use pop with sust when sust has the prop esther already in the mix. Also no need to ramp up the doses like that. I would run it straight through from beginning to end, and unless you have run 50mg dbol in the past with no problems I would drop that down to 30-40mg ed. Im 215lbs and I run dbol at 30mg ed successfully, with zero sides and no bloat at all!

Bro the reason why I joined prop for the first 4 weeks its just to give that quick kick cause I have stopped training for a year started again on may but still not very often cause I am very busy at the moment but in October I will 100% free and dedicated to this. the reason why I don’t like to keep the same dosage for in the entire cycle is because its a little harder to keep the gains if you just drop it like that, or at least that how its works with me.

Thanks for sharing you experience bro really appreciate it.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #11 on: September 17, 2007, 04:53:50 PM »
That pyramid of long acting (slow released) Sus and Deca is going to be building up at the very same time your increasing the dose.
Its going sky high at the end!
I personaly prefer to throw the SUS in heavy up front if useing it.

I like this front end as a high androgen bulker:

Day1   3-4cc of sus in a hip. (We aint wasting no stinkin' injection site w/ baby shots)
Day3   2-3cc of sus + Fill to 4cc total w/ Deca in a hip.
                                                                 [After this shot of Deca, I use my max dose of it weekly].

Day6   I'd go into straighr TE at my max dose adding deca weekly where convienent to top off hypo, and
          put a top cc dose in each site, every shot.

Orals? 2-3 tabs maximum of ADrol a day for the 1st 2-4 weeks maximum will put on a load of red  cells.
Some winny with the Anapolon is a idea from RDW Im going to try sometime.

Thats the basic front end androgen load. That could run on and on and on with TE & Deca.
Jumping off a fast moving train is the trick.

I think it much less hard on the body to hit that front end androgen load, than build up the pyramid your
looking at. If you graphed the peak level of that SUS + Deca I think youd freak out.

If youve done it before and it worked, great. If not, I'd be cautious.

OXY and Dbol together? I know big guys taht do that. If you done it before, you know what to expect.
If not, I'd suggest somting less hard on the body. The OXYM at the start give benefit of a load of new red blood cells with a long life. They will last the whole cycle. The pumps will be severe.
Throwing in a few Dbol or Halo or Methyl pre workout here and there is one thing, using 50mg ed for weeks after the Oxy is another.

The OXY and Dbol are the main health issue, the pyramid is a side effect and mood problem invitation.
I think max bulk can be achieved w/ less stress than that pyramid will make.
Your past experience is the best guide.  

It will be any different if I use dbol first and oxy after?cause that who it is on the cycle,

Thanks for the tip;)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #12 on: September 17, 2007, 04:57:00 PM »
1-4IU of GH will result in what for bulking? to keep on muscle that's been gained throughout?

{I like AJ's 2x2cc sus shots ew}

The HGH is synergistic w/ all the androgen and EQ or Deca.
It kicks it ALL up a notch.
HGH without AAS is wonderfull  Post cycle for retention of gains also,
 but if Big is the target, adding GH to AAS works best.

That said, I'd skip the HGH first few cycles IMO.
AAS is so much more cost effective for guys that are just looking to put on some new solid beef.
esp first coupl times or so.

*** Oxy/ Dbol order of use - Id run the OXY first if using it, because of the life of the red cells.
Allthough, some competitors say they use OXY up to a show to stay "Full".
My personal experiences w/ Anapolon are - BIG, BLOATED, SMOOTH, STRONG, HIGH WORK CAPACITY,
FORGETFULL, and just not feel quite "Good".  ANything but ripped. But ripped is all about diet and
water managment policy in the end.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2007, 04:57:29 PM »
Well, here's a good basic bulking cycle using some of the drugs you've mentioned, along with the doses you want to run as best I can tell.

wk 1-6 dbol 50mg/ed
wk 1-16 sust 1000mg/wk
wk 1-16 eq 600mg/wk
wk 17-20 prop 200mg/eod
wk 1-20 gh 4iu/ed
wk 21-23/24 PCT

You can sub in deca for the eq if you want. If you do, 400mg/wk would work fine.
As for an AI, 0.25-0.50/mg/eod of either arimidex or letrozol, if you choose to use it.

Bro I need you to explain it better to me. Is that a 23 weeks non stop cycle? That’s almost half a year isn’t it?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2007, 05:01:41 PM »
{I like AJ's 2x2cc sus shots ew}

The HGH is synergistic w/ all the androgen and EQ or Deca.
It kicks it ALL up a notch.
HGH without AAS is wonderfull  Post cycle for retention of gains also,
 but if Big is the target, adding GH to AAS works best.

That said, I'd skip the HGH first few cycles IMO.
AAS is so much more cost effective for guys that are just looking to put on some new solid beef.
esp first coupl times or so.

Thanks for your post bro I don’t know if you’re refereeing to me but I am cycling for 5 years now and I am looking for a comp bulk cycle.
Otherwise I agree with your concept of using HGH...


  • Getbig V
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2007, 05:04:36 PM »
Thanks for your post bro I don’t know if you’re refereeing to me but I am cycling for 5 years now and I am looking for a comp bulk cycle.
Otherwise I agree with your concept of using HGH...

It was more for 2nd comming, but check my edit above on OXY/ Dbol order.
Good luck.
I also like AJ's 1000 sus EW. 2x2cc shots.  ;)


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2007, 05:05:25 PM »
Guys don’t forget that I just give that cycle as an example if you have a good cycle for a off-season bulk preparation please post it
I will do the following when I find a good cycle. I will take measure of my entire body the weight, BF and also some picture then every 15 days or so I will post the changes.

Thank you all ;D


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2007, 05:10:27 PM »
It was more for 2nd comming, but check my edit above on OXY/ Dbol order.
Good luck.
I also like AJ's 1000 sus EW. 2x2cc shots.  ;)

I saw it now bro... Thanks
1 thing I don’t want and that’s for sure is to turn into a fat pig off-season and have to lose weight like crazy maybe.....or probably starve to death to be in a good condition I am apologist of a semi-dry stage the whole year.
What do you think?


  • Competitors II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2007, 05:13:03 PM »
As for an AI, 0.25-0.50/mg/eod of either arimidex or letrozol, if you choose to use it.

I would recommend a higher dose of letro than that.  at least 1mg ed with that much test.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2007, 05:13:57 PM »
Arnold jr.. You are leading the way  ;D


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2007, 05:15:49 PM »
I would recommend a higher dose of letro than that.  at least 1mg ed with that much test.

Thanks bro i will keep that in mind.


  • Competitors II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2007, 05:21:07 PM »
Bro I need you to explain it better to me. Is that a 23 weeks non stop cycle? That’s almost half a year isn’t it?

Also since you stated how you are shooting for a win in this first show of yours and want to be your best.  I think you will need to stay on non stop to the show date, which I think you said is over a year away.  Cycling up and down will slow your progress.  Or at the least run a low dose (500mg EW) of test between your heavy bulk and heavy comp cycles.


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2007, 05:34:14 PM »
Also since you stated how you are shooting for a win in this first show of yours and want to be your best.  I think you will need to stay on non stop to the show date, which I think you said is over a year away.  Cycling up and down will slow your progress.  Or at the least run a low dose (500mg EW) of test between your heavy bulk and heavy comp cycles.

I mean that if I want to cycle for a comp I don’t need to do a non stop cycle but to shoot a low dosage of for examples as you said 500mg test WE just to hold the gain.
The Nationals are in April so what would be you opinion on the cycle time?


  • Getbig II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2007, 05:48:48 PM »
1 more thing I forgot to say that I will be comp in the Portuguese nationals and this is the average level:

After passing that I will probably find guys like this 2 here:


  • Competitors II
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Re: Preparation to bodybuilding championship
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2007, 06:00:48 PM »
I mean that if I want to cycle for a comp I don’t need to do a non stop cycle but to shoot a low dosage of for examples as you said 500mg test WE just to hold the gain.
The Nationals are in April so what would be you opinion on the cycle time?

Well you will be on a non stop cycle but the low dose period will give your body a bit of a break from the higher doses that you have mentioned.  Yes comming off entirely you lose most of your gains.