Author Topic: Decent Article  (Read 4458 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Decent Article
« on: October 15, 2007, 10:16:13 AM »
Mods, this one's a 'tweener as far as where it could go, so I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to put it here or move it to the Relig. Board. 

Thanks - Colossus

If Bush and the Gop act like Democrats
 by Mike Moseley
October 13, 2007 01:00 PM EST

Many people would agree that the Democrats have supported Islamic terrorists by working against and supporting the defeat of the terrorist surveillance program and the money transfer program along with other activities such as John Murtha {D PA} acted as judge and jury in the Haditha killings, to learn that the case has been ruled in favor of the Marines. Dick Durbin {D Il} compared our soldiers to soviet gulag guards and Hitler’s Nazis. Harry Reid {D Ne} said that the war is lost. Nancy Pelosi {D Ca} and newly elected Keith Ellison {D MN} went to Syria, a state terror sponsor during a war against Islamic fascists. Keith Ellison compared the President to Hitler. Hillary Clinton {D NY} recently asked the Pentagon if they had a withdrawal plan ready, adding to enemy propaganda. The Democrats cut the “John Doe” amendment from recent homeland security legislation that would protect a person from being sued if they witnessed and reported suspicious activity involving possible terrorism. The examples go on without end and the picture is clear.

There will never be a war that the Democrats will stand with the soldier on the battlefield again. The anti-war movement owns them. As our country follows the left, we have to remember that this party has advanced failure in many areas. They have been successful in removing GOD from our society and all that comes with Him, family, honor, valor, courage, and most recently virtue, of any kind. They take every opportunity to attack American moral values and virtues. Some of the more liberal Democrat leaders appear to believe that the Bible has no truth and that Christianity is based on lies. They are defeating our moral values just as they are defeating American troops. If the electorate listen to these fools, we will never win a battle again, moral or any other kind. These Democrats will defeat all that is good, moral, virtuous and American.

Radical Islam wants to defeat America because of moral decadence that has been advanced and celebrated by the left. Because radical Islam is 180 degrees opposite of liberalism, Islam wants to attack San Francisco {Pelosi, and Feinstein}, Los Angeles {Boxer}, New York City { Clinton and Schumer}, Las Vegas {Reid}, Chicago { Durbin and Obama} and Hollywood. These cities are Democrat strongholds and always will be. I find it ironic that the man that the left hates the most, President Bush, is the same man that has stopped the attacks COLD and protects the haters from attack..

If Bush and the GOP were to act like the Dems, you would see the pullout of troops from Iraq, the central battle against Islamic radicals. Then an ethnic cleansing would take place with murder and mayhem unmatched since the days of American defeat in Viet Nam. You would see the terrorist surveillance program stopped, and terror would be an everyday event for France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, England, Spain and America. The major Democrat cities would be attacked over and over. You would see Guantanamo close and the terrorist released into the battle field, in great victory. Re-enlistment of United States military would be nonexistent. Our men of honor would leave the military just as they did under President Clinton. Bush in his best John Murtha impersonation would call our men of honor cold-blooded murders, and in his best Harry Reid impersonation would call the war lost. The change would be dramatic and the USA and the world would pay the price. Iran and Syria would gain the 2nd largest oil field and the money and power that goes with it. Victory would be final for the butchers of radical Islam.

With every word from Sen Harry Reid, Rep Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dick Durbin, Sen Chuck Schumer, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama the next generation of terrorists are born and motivated. The Democrat voice reinforces every word of Al-Qaeda and the terror organizations across the world. If America’s voice spoke of victory and victory alone, this war would be over because radical Islam would NOT have a recruiting tool. The only thing that will save all from radical Islam are American values, Bush, and the GOP. To use the Democrat voice in issues concerning the war is to damn our nation to failure.

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2007, 10:25:55 AM »
ya know, everyone would support the GOP if you bastards would just be HONEST.


You insult our fcking intelligence.

It's why we don't support you.


With every word from Sen Harry Reid, Rep Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dick Durbin, Sen Chuck Schumer, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama the next generation of terrorists are born and motivated.

George Bush has 300,000 forces in Iraq.
Nancy Pelosi wants to bring them home.

You're saying with a straight face, that Iraqis/AQ/isolamofascists are MORE angry about Pelosi wanting to leave?  That 300k men in their yard isn't why they're pissed?

Colossus - it's idiotic and insulting.  They're pissed we interfere in their region.  Not because we want to stop interfering.  Seriously, a little honesty would be appreciated.

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2007, 10:30:00 AM »
Note colossus - before crys of "lib" begin -

I am fine with us being in their region.  I'm all about controlling the oil so they don't fck with our economy.  but I don't blame their anger on "pelosi".  I accept that fact that ANY nation will be mad when conquerors enter, remove their govt and police force, and start building a pipeline.  Fuck em, sure.  But please show the honesty that I am.  don't lie to yourself and try to sleep better knowing "I support the good guys" cause there are none in this game.  We're assholes, they're assholes.  The minute you stop using the Lib crutch to clear your conscience you'll feel a hell of a lot better about your positions.


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2007, 10:47:31 AM »
Many people would agree that the Democrats have supported Islamic terrorists by working against and supporting the defeat of the terrorist surveillance program and the money transfer program along with other activities such as John Murtha {D PA} acted as judge and jury in the Haditha killings, to learn that the case has been ruled in favor of the Marines. Dick Durbin {D Il} compared our soldiers to soviet gulag guards and Hitler’s Nazis. Harry Reid {D Ne} said that the war is lost. Nancy Pelosi {D Ca} and newly elected Keith Ellison {D MN} went to Syria, a state terror sponsor during a war against Islamic fascists. Keith Ellison compared the President to Hitler. Hillary Clinton {D NY} recently asked the Pentagon if they had a withdrawal plan ready, adding to enemy propaganda. The Democrats cut the “John Doe” amendment from recent homeland security legislation that would protect a person from being sued if they witnessed and reported suspicious activity involving possible terrorism. The examples go on without end and the picture is clear.

This right here tells just how brainwashed and stupid some people can be. 

Democrats aren't against these things in principle they are against these things in their details and to think that translates into "supporting Islamic terrorists" is plain fucking stupid.

 ::) ::) ::) ::)

People need to wake the fuck up and stop being such brainwashed sheep.

Granted, Lib agenda includes some real stupid stuff but to think they support terrorists is beyond assinine and is really the neo-con Gobble-like propaganda machine succeeding in full effect.


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2007, 10:49:57 AM »
I'm really beginning to believe we are the stupidist nation on earth.

P.S.  I respect your veiws C-500 and am not intending to critisize you indirectly or directly.  I just think that people who truely believe this crap need to have their heads examined.

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2007, 10:54:00 AM »
And the biggest problem the Dems have with many of these things are domestic abuses.

Wiretapping - all they want is to be able to examine the records to find abuses.  They don't want to release anything to the world.  They just want to see if the White House has been wiretapping on it's political enemies.  Which is VERY illegal.  And since the FBI has admitted there have been abuses in many of the cases already, chances are when it all does come out (and it will, mind you), there will be many more.

Colossus - I admire your blind allegience.  Just remember one thing, though.  Chances are, in 15 months, Hilary Clinton will be the most powerful president in history.  The policy you support now - the infinite presidential power - works both ways.  

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2007, 11:02:38 AM »
Mods, this one's a 'tweener as far as where it could go, so I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to put it here or move it to the Relig. Board. 

Thanks - Colossus

This is totally fine to post in political, it's up to you since the topic is of value to both forums.  Might even post it in both places if you wanted.


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2007, 11:16:42 AM »
And the biggest problem the Dems have with many of these things are domestic abuses.

Wiretapping - all they want is to be able to examine the records to find abuses.  They don't want to release anything to the world.  They just want to see if the White House has been wiretapping on it's political enemies.  Which is VERY illegal.  And since the FBI has admitted there have been abuses in many of the cases already, chances are when it all does come out (and it will, mind you), there will be many more.

Colossus - I admire your blind allegience.  Just remember one thing, though.  Chances are, in 15 months, Hilary Clinton will be the most powerful president in history.  The policy you support now - the infinite presidential power - works both ways. 
It's actually not about allegiance, 240.  I'm of the mindset that it's hard to judge the situation as a good or bad thing until time passes.  Rather than get caught up in the emotion of it (as you and some of the others obviously have), I'm willing to wait to see how time treats the whole situation.  I'd rather try to look at the bigger picture. 

You might very well be right about a President Hillary Clinton being the most powerful president in history, but 15 months won't tell us that.  It'll be much longer after. 

240, Ozmo, the two of you need to lighten up.  That being said, it's good to see you back into the thick of it on this board, 240. 



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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #8 on: October 15, 2007, 11:18:02 AM »
This is totally fine to post in political, it's up to you since the topic is of value to both forums.  Might even post it in both places if you wanted.
I think you're right, Berserker. 

Ozmo, I'm going to post it in the Relig board, so you can blast me there too.  lol   ;)

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #9 on: October 15, 2007, 11:35:21 AM »
It's actually not about allegiance, 240.  I'm of the mindset that it's hard to judge the situation as a good or bad thing until time passes.  Rather than get caught up in the emotion of it (as you and some of the others obviously have), I'm willing to wait to see how time treats the whole situation.  I'd rather try to look at the bigger picture. 

Your article delt almost exclusively WITH the emotion of it all.  "Nancy's words embolden the bad guys".  Fck that.  Put a JDAM in the bad guys and worry naught about their emotions.  We must all remember that without the far left voices to even things out - the far right would be declaring 4th and 5th wars to fulfill their very open agenda of a pipeline from sea to sea, and eradicating most muslims, period.   Without the far left influence, we'd be pre-emptively taking on a lot of nations.

You might very well be right about a President Hillary Clinton being the most powerful president in history, but 15 months won't tell us that.  It'll be much longer after. 

She'll start having fun with the power in 15 months.  Typically, it's about a year after abuses that word starts to leak.  it's 3 or 4 years before hearings.

240, Ozmo, the two of you need to lighten up.  That being said, it's good to see you back into the thick of it on this board, 240. 

It's nice to be here now that I'm an honest neotaint.  :)


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #10 on: October 15, 2007, 11:39:10 AM »
I think you're right, Berserker. 

Ozmo, I'm going to post it in the Relig board, so you can blast me there too.  lol   ;)

I'm not trying ot blast you C-500.  i just found the article appauling and insulting to anyone with any objectivity.  

You mention not getting casught up in the emotion of things?

The article start off by tapping into the emotion of the war on terror and makes a false connection with suppoting it.

That's plain manipulation of emotion and is more than obvious if you are truely looking at the "big picture"


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #11 on: October 15, 2007, 11:40:20 AM »
It's nice to be here now that I'm an honest neotaint. 

you sound like my friend who says he's an honest gambler.   ;)

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #12 on: October 15, 2007, 11:42:22 AM »
Mods, this one's a 'tweener as far as where it could go, so I'll leave it up to you as to whether you want to put it here or move it to the Relig. Board. 

Thanks - Colossus

If Bush and the Gop act like Democrats
 by Mike Moseley
October 13, 2007 01:00 PM EST

Many people would agree that the Democrats have supported Islamic terrorists by working against and supporting the defeat of the terrorist surveillance program and the money transfer program along with other activities such as John Murtha {D PA} acted as judge and jury in the Haditha killings, to learn that the case has been ruled in favor of the Marines. Dick Durbin {D Il} compared our soldiers to soviet gulag guards and Hitler’s Nazis. Harry Reid {D Ne} said that the war is lost. Nancy Pelosi {D Ca} and newly elected Keith Ellison {D MN} went to Syria, a state terror sponsor during a war against Islamic fascists. Keith Ellison compared the President to Hitler. Hillary Clinton {D NY} recently asked the Pentagon if they had a withdrawal plan ready, adding to enemy propaganda. The Democrats cut the “John Doe” amendment from recent homeland security legislation that would protect a person from being sued if they witnessed and reported suspicious activity involving possible terrorism. The examples go on without end and the picture is clear.

There will never be a war that the Democrats will stand with the soldier on the battlefield again. The anti-war movement owns them. As our country follows the left, we have to remember that this party has advanced failure in many areas. They have been successful in removing GOD from our society and all that comes with Him, family, honor, valor, courage, and most recently virtue, of any kind. They take every opportunity to attack American moral values and virtues. Some of the more liberal Democrat leaders appear to believe that the Bible has no truth and that Christianity is based on lies. They are defeating our moral values just as they are defeating American troops. If the electorate listen to these fools, we will never win a battle again, moral or any other kind. These Democrats will defeat all that is good, moral, virtuous and American.

Radical Islam wants to defeat America because of moral decadence that has been advanced and celebrated by the left. Because radical Islam is 180 degrees opposite of liberalism, Islam wants to attack San Francisco {Pelosi, and Feinstein}, Los Angeles {Boxer}, New York City { Clinton and Schumer}, Las Vegas {Reid}, Chicago { Durbin and Obama} and Hollywood. These cities are Democrat strongholds and always will be. I find it ironic that the man that the left hates the most, President Bush, is the same man that has stopped the attacks COLD and protects the haters from attack..

If Bush and the GOP were to act like the Dems, you would see the pullout of troops from Iraq, the central battle against Islamic radicals. Then an ethnic cleansing would take place with murder and mayhem unmatched since the days of American defeat in Viet Nam. You would see the terrorist surveillance program stopped, and terror would be an everyday event for France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, England, Spain and America. The major Democrat cities would be attacked over and over. You would see Guantanamo close and the terrorist released into the battle field, in great victory. Re-enlistment of United States military would be nonexistent. Our men of honor would leave the military just as they did under President Clinton. Bush in his best John Murtha impersonation would call our men of honor cold-blooded murders, and in his best Harry Reid impersonation would call the war lost. The change would be dramatic and the USA and the world would pay the price. Iran and Syria would gain the 2nd largest oil field and the money and power that goes with it. Victory would be final for the butchers of radical Islam.

With every word from Sen Harry Reid, Rep Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Dick Durbin, Sen Chuck Schumer, Sen. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama the next generation of terrorists are born and motivated. The Democrat voice reinforces every word of Al-Qaeda and the terror organizations across the world. If America’s voice spoke of victory and victory alone, this war would be over because radical Islam would NOT have a recruiting tool. The only thing that will save all from radical Islam are American values, Bush, and the GOP. To use the Democrat voice in issues concerning the war is to damn our nation to failure.

Interesting.  Some valid points.  It is hard for people to hear the plain truth like this sometimes.  I wouldn't go quite as far to say that Democrats intentionally support terrorism, but I don't believe people like Hillary, Reid, etc. are sincere.  They are running for office and using our troops as political pawns.  Some Republicans do this too.  But there is no question in my mind that what some of these guys say and do gives aid and comfort to the enemy.  


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #13 on: October 15, 2007, 11:53:28 AM »
Interesting.  Some valid points.  It is hard for people to hear the plain truth like this sometimes.  I wouldn't go quite as far to say that Democrats intentionally support terrorism, but I don't believe people like Hillary, Reid, etc. are sincere.  They are running for office and using our troops as political pawns.  Some Republicans do this too.  But there is no question in my mind that what some of these guys say and do gives aid and comfort to the enemy. 
I agree.  It's all political jockeying.  While I don't agree with the emotion of it (just as Ozmo points out), I think it's a legitimate argument that much of what's done by politicians (particularly the left as pointed out in the article) is purely for political gain.  Moseley obviously put some of his heart into this one, thus rendering some of the comments we've seen on the board. 


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #14 on: October 15, 2007, 11:56:13 AM »
That moronic piece only reaffirms what I've always thought.

The demographic for far right conservatives is a group of people with zero ability to think and reason. They're all reactionary troglodytes.

What a load of BS.


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2007, 12:12:36 PM »
I agree.  It's all political jockeying.  While I don't agree with the emotion of it (just as Ozmo points out), I think it's a legitimate argument that much of what's done by politicians (particularly the left as pointed out in the article) is purely for political gain.  Moseley obviously put some of his heart into this one, thus rendering some of the comments we've seen on the board. 

He put his heart into it?

It's straight up misleading in it's intial assertion which is used as the basis for the article.


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2007, 12:31:55 PM »
While I'm sure they didn't wake up with that agenda, i question why they do what they do. Murtha is an asshat. he convicted those Marines in Haditha before any charges, nor any evidence came out...and what do u know...most cases have been dropped. These guys take the other side of almost every issue. The Democratic attacks on the President make us look divided. It gives the terrorists hope that if they just hold out a little longer they can win, or if they do a spectacular attack they can easily destroy our will. Pelosi and Reid have been the worst. The dems have sold their souls to the far left Amercan haters. I don't think Hil is as bad, but to appeal to her base to get the Nom, she'll have to say some crazy shit.


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #17 on: October 15, 2007, 09:30:59 PM »
Let's all act united in are immorality just in case the other side cares.  ::)


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2007, 09:47:15 AM »
Just beginning?  :D  Dude, ...I'm sooooo way ahead of you.  ;D
I know, I couldn't get past the first sentence of that article either.  :-\

And those who don't, ...but pay it lip service just the same, need to find their balls.

I may not agree with Robs fascist like approach to the situation, ...but dammit, at least he's really thought it through, and I can at least respect his honesty while at the same time I forgive his admited hypocrisy.
Party's over everbody.   :(  Jag just walked in the door.   ::)


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2007, 10:28:29 AM »
It’s this kind of pontificating that is ruining this country.
"Many people would agree that the Democrats have supported Islamic terrorists by working against and supporting the defeat of the terrorist surveillance program and the money transfer program..."

I hate to remind the author of this garbage that the US Constitution--not GW Bush--governs our political lives and that Bush’s spying program was Unconstitutional and a felonious violation of FISA.

The money transfer program?  I wonder if that’s in reference to the anti-money laundering bill introduced by Carl Levin after 9/11 but opposed by republicans b/c it threatened off-shore tax havens.

Here’s something for the author to pin his hopes and dreams on:  The war in Iraq (not all wars) is illegitimate b/c it is a crime against the peace and humanity--it is a war of aggression.

Here are some facts for us to consider:

Ethnic cleansing is well under way in Iraq.  Iraq is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold

The Iraq war started by President Bush has caused terrorist acts to swell in Iraq.  U.S. Cites 91 Percent Rise In Terrorist Acts in Iraq

“…the report acknowledged, the invasion "has been used by terrorists as a rallying cry for radicalization and extremist activity that has contributed to instability in neighboring countries."”

World-wide deaths from terrorist acts has grown 40%
Iraq blamed for 2006 terrorism increase

The only truth the author of this nonsense is in touch with is that propaganda works.

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2007, 04:27:48 PM »
It’s this kind of pontificating that is ruining this country.

Not it isn't.  It's this kind of pontificating that makes this country great.  The fact people can express opinions like this without becoming Salman Rushdie is one of the beauties of this place.  This is guy is no different than those who call Bush a terrorist and those who accuse the U.S. of "stealing oil."   


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #21 on: October 16, 2007, 04:30:39 PM »
Not it isn't.  It's this kind of pontificating that makes this country great.  The fact people can express opinions like this without becoming Salman Rushdie is one of the beauties of this place.  This is guy is no different than those who call Bush a terrorist and those who accuse the U.S. of "stealing oil."   

I agree and it's equally appalling on both ends of the spectrum at times.

However with the oil; We may not be stealing it.....but we are indirectly controlling it, so it depends on if your definition of stealing is the same or not. 

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #22 on: October 16, 2007, 04:35:17 PM »
I agree and it's equally appalling on both ends of the spectrum at times.

However with the oil; We may not be stealing it.....but we are indirectly controlling it, so it depends on if your definition of stealing is the same or not. 

I think it depends on your definition of "we."  By "we" you mean the private companies working with foreign countries?  [This conversation feels like deja vu all over again.   :)]


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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #23 on: October 16, 2007, 04:39:18 PM »
I think it depends on your definition of "we."  By "we" you mean the private companies working with foreign countries?  [This conversation feels like deja vu all over again.   :)]

lol   :)

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Re: Decent Article
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2007, 04:48:16 PM »
I think it depends on your definition of "we."  By "we" you mean the private companies working with foreign countries?  [This conversation feels like deja vu all over again.   :)]

you don't understand much about corporations and how they're tied to other interests.

Hell, you read Sam Walton's book, and in a conversation about Walmart, you muttered that you had no idea who the Waltons were.