Author Topic: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha  (Read 10677 times)


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #50 on: December 13, 2007, 08:20:01 PM »
I am not trying to be funny or anything, but I have always wondered this about Roger Clemens:

You hear all the media and related entities waxing euphoric over how HARD he trains/trained.

That he has/had the absolute hardest, intense and most impressive, year-round training routine in MLB history.

Okay, I can buy that(maybe), but...

...he has always appeared to me to be somewhat stocky, pudgy, maybe even overweight/fat.

And even having a double chin, at times.

Wouldn't all of that hard training and (what I would consider world-class) the best nutritional advisors in the world lead to what at least would appear to be greater physical leanness?

Was all this pap about him being an exercise machine just a SMOKE SCREEN for what they knew would be the day he'd be nailed for using the juice?

You know, like MaGuire being caught with Abdrosteindione in his locker? You knew he had that there most conveniently to deflect reporters interest in the REAL THING he was using all along.

With know..."Well, him being able to IMPROVE at an age when most were retiring/retired was due to spartan training methodolgy."

I'd really like to know what you all think of these words,

I agree, good post.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #51 on: December 13, 2007, 09:29:08 PM »
There are also many young people making great livings, who do not have families or children to support, and are given choices by their employers as to if they want healthcare coverage provided to them, or more pay.

Many say, "More pay," so they are uncovered/uninsured.

This is not mentioned in media reports. They are chronicled as 'uninsured', as though they are victims.

They are not.

Furthermore, these nations who provide 'free' healthcare for their societies...remember...t hey are often taxed in avenues similar to 50% to 75% of their incomes.

Imagine the backlash you'd see here if Hillary or whomever tried to pull that sort of hullabulloo.

Oh, and yes. I am a doctor.

I gladly pay for healthcare for me and my staff.

And not crappy coverage. FULL coverage. I pay for my staff's copays. I pay for their $500 deductable if they need surgery.

Its all part of living in this great country.

I don't piss my money away on $7 lattes from Satrbucks, lunch at restaurants every afternoon, and I don't drive gas-guzzlers.

Its all choice, friends.

Most on this board should especially know that we should not always be pointing the finger of blame with healthcare issues.

Get rid of (or moderate)fast food, cigarettes, booze, drugs, lethardy/lack of exercise, and not only would we wliminate the federal health care deficit, but we'd likely have anough dough left over to give everyone in this country $100 (including liiegal aliens-not that they don't already get enough!).


Dr. Mike,

My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse...and I worked in his office in high school and partly through I am well aware of our healthcare system..
Fortunately you pay for your workers healthcare so they are lucky...but for so many others this isnt the case. Actually when I just graduated from college and was searching for a full time job I got sick and went to the emergency room and the bill was $4, was unbelievable... how can someone in that situation afford we arent just talking about people who just make bad choices...sure they are a part of it...but in any case just because someone makes a bad choice do they have to continue to pay for that indefinately..
I certainly agree with you about fast food, cigarettes, etc.  Also I am not pointing the finger of blame completely at healthcare.. although I think it is completely absurd spending the money we do on the military and military expansion when people in our own country need help that was my main point...I was using healthcare as example.. My point being that why does the media waste our time with this kind of thing...not only the media but the government as well...using our tax dollars to investigate and prosecute these kinds of cases...what is the point? The US has much bigger issues it should be dealing with...just wanted to clarify my point..anyways thanks for the reply


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #52 on: December 13, 2007, 11:00:16 PM »

Dr. Mike,

My father is a doctor and my mother is a nurse...and I worked in his office in high school and partly through I am well aware of our healthcare system..
Fortunately you pay for your workers healthcare so they are lucky...but for so many others this isnt the case. Actually when I just graduated from college and was searching for a full time job I got sick and went to the emergency room and the bill was $4, was unbelievable... how can someone in that situation afford we arent just talking about people who just make bad choices...sure they are a part of it...but in any case just because someone makes a bad choice do they have to continue to pay for that indefinately..
I certainly agree with you about fast food, cigarettes, etc.  Also I am not pointing the finger of blame completely at healthcare.. although I think it is completely absurd spending the money we do on the military and military expansion when people in our own country need help that was my main point...I was using healthcare as example.. My point being that why does the media waste our time with this kind of thing...not only the media but the government as well...using our tax dollars to investigate and prosecute these kinds of cases...what is the point? The US has much bigger issues it should be dealing with...just wanted to clarify my point..anyways thanks for the reply


Your points are excellent.

When I got out of school...I was struck head-on by a drunk driver on the highway, crushed my knee and a bunch of other I was no longer on my parents insurance, I ultimately had to pay over $100,000 in medical bills on my own.

Believe me, it was not pleasant.

But, in time (lots of time!) I paid up.

You and I know (with your dad and mom being in the health professions) that just because you are a doc does noty mean you are making millions.

I do well, but I work much of the time 100 hours a week, often more.

I am not complaining...I love what I do...I'd be an idiot if I didn't working such hours.

I love it, but also, in part, MUST work these hours.

You see, If I don't do this, NO ONE will come to my aid.

They will not care.

They will not pay my bills.

Due to the indiscretions of one (A drunkard taking the wheel), I was forced to suffer inordinately, for many years.

Paradoxically speaking, due to the willful indisdretions of millions (those who treat themselves very poorly via physically, drunk, drugs, fat foods, lack of activity, etc.), many more who work hard, (you, me, others), will have to suffer and work much harder and longer than necessary.

I do a lot of work in and with the media on a national level, and I do not hesitate to say that there is very good reason as to why journalists are now the least trusted profession.

Best I can tell you is to make your own assertions and decisions daily and in life...don't depend on media outlets to steer you and your decesions.

Believe me, there is a term in the media called 'dialing it in'.

There was a time when reporters and anchors used to research their own stories, and then report on them to the masses.

Now, they 'dial it in' much of the time.

This means someone plants a good looking honey in front of a teleprompter, and she reads what is often simply a bunch of tripe.

Just reads it.

You could print, "Hey big fella, wanna lay me?"

...and she'd probably read it!!!

So, young guy, don't be mesmerized by this.

Like I teach my college classes,

"You are in college to learn to think on your own."

So, think on your own. I am certain smart parents like yours taught you this.

As far as military stuff, well...I am a jingoist, so I will not comment on this as I tend not to conversate on political matters when not with a live audience.

Anyway, thanks for your kind and thoughtful response, and I hope you are recovered from your injuries.




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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #53 on: December 14, 2007, 05:08:28 AM »
Just saw it on fox sports news.. hahaha He took winny and a personal trainer admitted to injecting him.  :-X
That fat ass was on Winstrol??? is a perfect example of how NOT to take AAS.

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #54 on: December 14, 2007, 05:49:47 AM »
Agreed, but understand that is true of today, ca. 2007.  In the 60's, 70's and 80's, lifting was avoided as a baseball player...

           The 80's is when it started to change. I have heard and read that Brian Downing is one of the first to lift weights and juice extensively in MLB. And it makes sense to me. He got a lot bigger, and turned into a offensive player, rather than a very light hitter. He probably would have barely lasted a year or 2 without juice. Downing was no Hall-of-Famer, but he was able to have a nice career, and was above average.

           When I look back on that era now, I have to say that 1983 AL ROY Ron Kittle was another pioneer of juice in baseball. I remember readind that he lifted like crazy to help his offence, and that he got so strong, he had to just push entire univeral machines around the gym, since none of the individual weight stacks were heavy enough. So as a teenager, I thought he was just a really dedicated lifter. But I would bet anything he was using steroids, just as sure as I am that guys like Mantle, Mays and Aaron never touched them. I doubt Kittle would have even made the majors without them.

         I am sure that guys like Ricky Henderson and Raines juiced too, at the end of their careers. Probably not at the beginning of the 80's when they were reall speed demons. But who knows, world class track sprinters juice, so they could have been. i would say Ricky started steroids when he became a Yankee, as he started to look muscular, and hit for some power.

        Maybe a Dave Kingman or Mike Schmidt juiced at the end of their playing days too. I loved Reggie Jackson, but he might be guilty when he was an Angel near the end of his career too. I know when he retired, he owned several Gold's Gym in Cali, and was working out like a bodybuilder for a few years and obviously juicing then.

        Julio Franco had to have been juicing when he made his comeback in his 40's, as he was actually quite muscular, and has hung around the majors almost to his 50's. I doubt he was juicing in the 1980's, but who knows.

       Obviously, the 90's is when steriods became rampant in baseball. Maybe Caminiti was not far off when he estimated 50% of all MLB was using. But I would say there was more than just a handful in the 1980' as well.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #55 on: December 14, 2007, 08:16:48 AM »
Just one more injection!  :P


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #56 on: December 14, 2007, 08:24:46 AM »

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #57 on: December 14, 2007, 08:52:59 AM »
It's no coincedence that he became a cy young winner again right around the time he started gear. He was terrible his last few years with the Sox.

You're so fuccking stupid it boggles my mind.

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #58 on: December 14, 2007, 08:54:00 AM »

1986    Roger Clemens* (1)    Boston Red Sox    24–4    0    2.48
1987    Roger Clemens (2)    Boston Red Sox    20–9    0    2.97
1991    Roger Clemens (3)    Boston Red Sox    18–10    0    2.62
1997    Roger Clemens+ (4)    Toronto Blue Jays    21–7    0    2.05
1998    Roger Clemens*+ (5)    Toronto Blue Jays    20–6    0    2.65
2001    Roger Clemens (6)    New York Yankees    20–3    0    3.51

He supposedly started in Toronto.  Those 3 Cy Youngs in Boston show his shitty performance.   ::)  If his juicing helped so much why doesn't he have more Cy Youngs after 2000 when he hit the juice hard?
  So bodybuilders could get them but celebrity athletes couldn't?  Good logic.   ::)  Palmiero used juice and was thin, like many other people.  Zane was on juice and never went over 180 lbs or so.  I highly doubt roids just started in the late 1980's and early 90's.  Try again.

A++ post, thank you.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #59 on: December 14, 2007, 08:54:47 AM »
And this pic of Clemens is a perfect example of shooting blanks instead of roids.

Camel Jockey

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #60 on: December 14, 2007, 08:55:48 AM »
You're so fuccking stupid it boggles my mind.

You don't think juicing had any effect on his performance?  ::)  His years with the Astros were stellar.

The Squadfather

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #61 on: December 14, 2007, 08:58:02 AM »

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #62 on: December 14, 2007, 09:18:58 AM »
You don't think juicing had any effect on his performance?  ::)  His years with the Astros were stellar.

You're having a hard time with Level 1. When you catch up I'll explain it to you.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #63 on: December 14, 2007, 10:14:35 AM »
if you go on baseball they have a special section dedicated to the 86 players named in the report. you can access their whole careers, most of them you can tell when they started the juice when they got off etc.brady anderson while not named in the report was coming to his walk year, all of a sudden he came into the season bigger than he ever was. he never hit more than 21 homeruns all of a sudden he hits 50, gets his big multi year contract than returns to his pre gear days. if jose canseco hadn't written his book how long would this still be left in the closet?


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #64 on: December 14, 2007, 10:27:32 AM »

Your points are excellent.

When I got out of school...I was struck head-on by a drunk driver on the highway, crushed my knee and a bunch of other I was no longer on my parents insurance, I ultimately had to pay over $100,000 in medical bills on my own.

Believe me, it was not pleasant.

But, in time (lots of time!) I paid up.

You and I know (with your dad and mom being in the health professions) that just because you are a doc does noty mean you are making millions.

I do well, but I work much of the time 100 hours a week, often more.

I am not complaining...I love what I do...I'd be an idiot if I didn't working such hours.

I love it, but also, in part, MUST work these hours.

You see, If I don't do this, NO ONE will come to my aid.

They will not care.

They will not pay my bills.

Due to the indiscretions of one (A drunkard taking the wheel), I was forced to suffer inordinately, for many years.

Paradoxically speaking, due to the willful indisdretions of millions (those who treat themselves very poorly via physically, drunk, drugs, fat foods, lack of activity, etc.), many more who work hard, (you, me, others), will have to suffer and work much harder and longer than necessary.

I do a lot of work in and with the media on a national level, and I do not hesitate to say that there is very good reason as to why journalists are now the least trusted profession.

Best I can tell you is to make your own assertions and decisions daily and in life...don't depend on media outlets to steer you and your decesions.

Believe me, there is a term in the media called 'dialing it in'.

There was a time when reporters and anchors used to research their own stories, and then report on them to the masses.

Now, they 'dial it in' much of the time.

This means someone plants a good looking honey in front of a teleprompter, and she reads what is often simply a bunch of tripe.

Just reads it.

You could print, "Hey big fella, wanna lay me?"

...and she'd probably read it!!!

So, young guy, don't be mesmerized by this.

Like I teach my college classes,

"You are in college to learn to think on your own."

So, think on your own. I am certain smart parents like yours taught you this.

As far as military stuff, well...I am a jingoist, so I will not comment on this as I tend not to conversate on political matters when not with a live audience.

Anyway, thanks for your kind and thoughtful response, and I hope you are recovered from your injuries.



Moose, you're right on point!

I put myself through college, worked as many as 3 jobs in addition to full-time classes and paid for my own health insurance.

Almost anyone can get a decent policy fron Blue Cross for @ $120 /monthly.  There are VERY few Americans that couldn't abbreviate some of thir wasteful spending to set aside that amount of money.

When I see someone with a cell phone or eating fast food every day or driving a more expensive car than they can afford complain about not having insurance, I HAVE NO SYMPATHY!

We live in the greatest country on Earth with the most opportunity for achieving success.

"Give me health insurance"?  Eat my balls.

mass 04

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2007, 11:11:41 AM »
You're so fuccking stupid it boggles my mind.
okay douchebag explain where i'm wrong.  How does a guy improve with age when most pitchers are done by 35. Like I said he was incredible for the Sox but was not the same pitcher in the mid 90's that he was when he left Boston. According to the report the time of his resurgence makes sense. Clemens is one of the best ever with or without the stuff he took.  To imply that it didn't effect his performance is wrong, sorry to break it to you, I didn't mean to talk bad of your hero.

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2007, 11:21:38 AM »
okay douchebag explain where i'm wrong.  How does a guy improve with age when most pitchers are done by 35. Like I said he was incredible for the Sox but was not the same pitcher in the mid 90's that he was when he left Boston. According to the report the time of his resurgence makes sense. Clemens is one of the best ever with or without the stuff he took.  To imply that it didn't effect his performance is wrong, sorry to break it to you, I didn't mean to talk bad of your hero.

Please provide your proof of when exactly Clemens was using and how it affected his performance. Oh, I forgot, all speculation.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #67 on: December 14, 2007, 11:22:35 AM »
Baseball plyers on gas is just as stupid and moronic as a billiards player on gas. No point. Not a contact sport. Sustenon, HGH, Winstrol all to hit a baseball  ::). Ridiculous. Baseball is a hand eye co-ordination sport. Taking roids would be like shooting blanks and a waste of the gas.

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #68 on: December 14, 2007, 11:23:11 AM »
Baseball plyers on gas is just as stupid and moronic as a billiards player on gas. No point. Not a contact sport. Sustenon, HGH, Winstrol all to hit a baseball  ::). Ridiculous. Baseball is a hand eye co-ordination sport. Taking roids would be like shooting blanks and a waste of the gas.

Not sure how true this is, it's very hard to quantify.

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #69 on: December 14, 2007, 11:25:01 AM »
Honestly Joe, you have no credibility. You melted down in the worst possible way and anything you say, whether correct or not, will just be dismissed IMO. You're better off just leaving the boards quietly.

Amazing that you call me a douchebag when you are arguably the biggest douche on GB.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #70 on: December 14, 2007, 11:32:45 AM »
And this pic of Clemens is a perfect example of shooting blanks instead of roids.
i guess he injected just for quicker recovery and feel "the edge" ,and did not work out at all.

mass 04

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #71 on: December 14, 2007, 11:40:32 AM »
Honestly Joe, you have no credibility. You melted down in the worst possible way and anything you say, whether correct or not, will just be dismissed IMO. You're better off just leaving the boards quietly.

Amazing that you call me a douchebag when you are arguably the biggest douche on GB.

I'm not Coach, but honestly the only point I was making was what effect if any what he "supposedly' took had on his performance. I personally could care less about steroids in baseball, but I'm basing this on what was in that report. If the drugs didn't work, why did he take them? To quit a multi million dollar HOF career to become an IFBB pro.

Rearden Metal

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #72 on: December 14, 2007, 11:57:45 AM »
Sorry, saw the avatar and didn't read your SN.

This is a complicated subject. To give off the cuff assesments is a mistake IMO. I haven't offered my opinion either way, mostly because it would be a book-sized response. I would think that this would be common sense.

mass 04

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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #73 on: December 14, 2007, 12:09:56 PM »
Sorry, saw the avatar and didn't read your SN.

This is a complicated subject. To give off the cuff assesments is a mistake IMO. I haven't offered my opinion either way, mostly because it would be a book-sized response. I would think that this would be common sense.

yeah, I know what you're saying. It's hard not to specualte with a guy that good, and he hasn't really got a chance to defend himself. I agree there is alot of things to consider and everyone should just wait.


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Re: Roger Clemens was a juicer.. hahahahaha
« Reply #74 on: December 14, 2007, 12:22:51 PM »
Not sure how true this is, it's very hard to quantify.
Its very true and just common sense. It is a waste of AAS. Its like putting perfomance parts on a 4 cylinder shitbox of a car.