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Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« on: December 27, 2007, 09:04:12 PM »
Here is a sneak preview of some of the questions and answers in the new Nasser interview that will be out on Monday....


Q: Hi Nasser. You mentioned in our last interview that it is often hard to make friendships at the pro bodybuilding level. Could you please elaborate on this statement? By your estimation what kind of social dynamic exists within professional bodybuilding?

I have had several friendships at the professional bodybuilding level. Let me tell you all about one of the first of these friendships that started good but did not end up as good. I have to admit that I recently laughed at first about what Milos Sarcev said about me on the message boards. He is just a person you cannot take seriously because of his current life status and all the situations I have witnessed him in. I am not necessarily giving a response to his quacking like a duck most recently on the Getbig board, but I do see what I am about to tell you as more of an analysis, a description and specification of Milos's aka "DCM,s" (Delusional Clown Milos's) personality.

I have known Milos since approximately the year 1985. We used to compete back then in the so-called "Former Yugoslavia" which is a country that does not exist anymore. It split into several smaller states. Anyways, the first time I met him, he approached me after the prejudging of a bodybuilding show there and asked me (without even introducing himself to me at all):"I have heard that you live in Germany, so are you taking "plenastril (Which was at that time the German version of Anadrol 50)?" I felt kind of uncomfortable starting a conversation beginning with a drug question. And even before I could say something, he said:" You need not respond because I know you do."
I had a bad impression of him from the start. Another guy there who was also a competitor told me "Milos always likes to talk about drugs." And that "he was known for that in his village."

I think that I came in third in the heavyweight division in this national show. DCM was in the light heavyweight class, but I do not recall where he placed. I know only that he did not win. I continued competing in Germany where I was born but could not compete in the Nationals there because I was not a German citizen, despite the fact that I was born there (there is a different law compared to the US). I frequently returned back to "Yugoslavia" for competition reasons and to visit relatives on my mother's side. Finally in 1988 and 1989 I won the Yugoslav Championships. A year later (in 1990) I gained my IFBB pro card and did my pro debut in Helsinki, Finland where I competed with guys like Ron Love, who I beat there in my very first pro show. Also competing there with me was Gary Strydom, Nimrod King, Danny Padilla, Samir Bannout and Vince Comerford. I came in 8th place at my pro debut.

Milos somehow had "transferred" during this time frame from Yugoslavia to the US where he started to live without valid papers, just on a visitor's visa. He basically left socialistic Yugoslavia where people had two hours of electricity per day, milk powder instead of real milk and days where cars with regular licence plate numbers could drive on the street and the next day cars with irregular numbers were allowed to use these same streets. Meat was very rare to obtain and if it could be bought the price was horrendous. There was a complete breakdown of the economic situation there for almost a decade before finally, in 1990, on top of this dark situation, a civil war broke out. The human disaster was complete. A couple of hundred thousand people got killed because of their ethnicity, even by their own former neighbors.

As I said, meanwhile Milos had managed to escape from there with a half full suitcase, as I recall him telling me, and had arrived in the US. He sneaked into the California territory. He needed to eat like everyone else. And he needed to find a job. And he needed to stay here because he did not want to go back because he also wanted to pursue his bodybuilding dream. After collecting food from here and there, going from staying one night here and the other there, he finally started working without a trainers licence as a personal trainer. Then he became very practical and talked a female gym member here in San Diego, California, into marrying him.

This really happened - by the way. I actually met the brother of the girl who had originally married Milos. The guy was a pilot who was off duty and was sitting, by accident, next to me. He started talking about bodybuilding, elaborating about big guys with big arms, about his former brother-in-law with the name Milos. I was almost falling asleep but suddenly I was awake. This guy confirmed the whole story to me but he gave the impression that he was still angry that his sister was so dumb that Milos tricked her into marrying him. Because of this Milos got his papers to stay in the US!

Then Milos continued working out and became a member of a relatively unknown bodybuilding federation. Then he somehow won the World Title of this (to me) almost bogus sounding federation - and Wayne DeMilia the former IFBB head judge and the former chairman of the IFBB pro division then handed him an IFBB pro card.

I can say only say that "Milos is washed with all kinds of water". This is a German expression and means that he is capable of everything and anything, legal and illegal. His whole history is a proof of that. One guy named Jim Rosenthal, a former writer for Flex magazine, called him "the mind". But Rosenthal got fired by Weider for sexual harassment because he used to just show up at Figure/Fitness girls houses, invited himself in and promised them a contract from Weider if they would "do this and that" for him. But that is a separate issue.

And guys, a lot of people, including myself do call Milos not Milos but DCM. Milos's "degrees" are also of an obscure nature. At the time when Milos was studying in Former Yugoslavia you could go to University without having finished High School. Every street worker, construction guy and any plumber could go and study. The system was a socialistic system and because of that the government allowed everyone to obtain any kind of degree without any pre-qualification!

I myself began entering pro shows since 1990. In the Chicago pro show, in 1992 I did not make the top 15 - actually not even the top 20 - and I did not look good. I was big but had the cuts of a baby. After failing to place in the top 15 at the NOC, shortly before that I decided to go "off season" and continued looking this way when I entered the Chicago show. Milos competed there as well but was actually very much talking down to me and he had to flex his quads back stage between the rounds constantly in front of me to show me how good his legs looked. But he did not want to flex his hams or his non-existent calves. This is a reflection as well of Milos's personality. As long as he feels or thinks he is above you he acts arrogant, degrading and even insulting. He continued telling people that I was just a big fat guy with zero future - and he is/was calling me a friend?


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2007, 09:38:37 PM »
Looks interesting.

Matt C

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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #2 on: December 27, 2007, 10:03:52 PM »
When I met Milos at the 2007 Arnold Classic, I must say I had a great first impression of him.  Right off the bat he was extremely polite to me and we discussed getbig a little there and he seemed very professional responding to even some of the more personal attacks.  He also spent around 25 minutes just talking to me, giving me his full attention when I had questions, and just overall being very classy and professional.

At the Olympia this year, same deal.  Milos spent a great deal of time speaking with myself and my friends, this time on his supplements, but went into great detail about exactly how and why they works as they do.

No bad vibe at all from Milos.  I will say this much: I am a good judge of character.  I got a great first and second impression of Milos and I am rarely wrong on this type of thing.  That said, I HAVE been wrong in the past, and I won't deny that it's possible that I will be wrong again or that I could be wrong here.  I have heard some saying that Milos only cares about money.  I really don't like people like that, but I'm not saying it applies to Milos.  That said, I generally find that when everyone says a certain thing about a certain person, it usually is true  Not that I've heard a lot of people say that about him, but some of the same criticisms do come up routinely.  I should point out that his sales gave me all of Milos' supplement stack free for review.

As for Nasser, from all the videos I've seen of him and all the articles of his that I've read, I get the impression that he (like Milos) is very intelligent.  I do wonder why he is so bitter about Milos.  Special Ed pointed out that it would be indicative of Nasser not doing very well in life at this point in time.  While that is a possibility, I've seen numerous successful people hold grudges even when all is going well in their lives.

Conclusion: I would need to know more about the intricacies of Nasser's relationship with Milos to comment further on Nasser's point of view.  From my vantage point they are both good people.


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #3 on: December 28, 2007, 10:53:41 AM »

I do not think Nasser is bitter, on the contrary, he sounds very centered, and very sane. He is simply purging the memories of people and incidences he never wanted to be a part of but which corrupted him by association. He wants nothing to do with those people or those behaviors. He wants to be clear of it, to be redeemed. Sounds pretty sane to me. 

not saying Milos is one of those people. I wasnt there.

Big Worm

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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #4 on: December 28, 2007, 11:34:55 AM »
Nasser is very bitter ... No one will pay any attention to this washed up slug...So what does he do? He gets attention by snitching ... Why not do all this while he was competing ? I didn't lke him when he was competing...I like him less now ...He's junk..
 His days of glory are far gone.. Only homo's(bigbob) like "what he used to be" and are living in the past,to think he's anything special .


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #5 on: December 28, 2007, 11:48:00 AM »
There was only one part of that segment that truly stood out for me..

Another guy there who was also a competitor told me "Milos always likes to talk about drugs." And that "he was known for that in his village."

Epic picturing of Milos walking around in a Hobbit's outfit with an empty bucket making his way to the village well, in order to get his daily supply of water, and while there asking the well-master, "Ayy, so what do yee put in the Whatah to make you so big lately, be it dianabol?" (strangely enough I picture/hear him saying this with an irish accent)



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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2007, 11:52:28 AM »
Nasser who?

Camel Jockey

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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2007, 12:09:21 PM »
When I met Milos at the 2007 Arnold Classic, I must say I had a great first impression of him.  Right off the bat he was extremely polite to me and we discussed getbig a little there and he seemed very professional responding to even some of the more personal attacks.  He also spent around 25 minutes just talking to me, giving me his full attention when I had questions, and just overall being very classy and professional.

At the Olympia this year, same deal.  Milos spent a great deal of time speaking with myself and my friends, this time on his supplements, but went into great detail about exactly how and why they works as they do.

No bad vibe at all from Milos.  I will say this much: I am a good judge of character.  I got a great first and second impression of Milos and I am rarely wrong on this type of thing.  That said, I HAVE been wrong in the past, and I won't deny that it's possible that I will be wrong again or that I could be wrong here.  I have heard some saying that Milos only cares about money.  I really don't like people like that, but I'm not saying it applies to Milos.  That said, I generally find that when everyone says a certain thing about a certain person, it usually is true  Not that I've heard a lot of people say that about him, but some of the same criticisms do come up routinely.  I should point out that his sales gave me all of Milos' supplement stack free for review.

As for Nasser, from all the videos I've seen of him and all the articles of his that I've read, I get the impression that he (like Milos) is very intelligent.  I do wonder why he is so bitter about Milos.  Special Ed pointed out that it would be indicative of Nasser not doing very well in life at this point in time.  While that is a possibility, I've seen numerous successful people hold grudges even when all is going well in their lives.

Conclusion: I would need to know more about the intricacies of Nasser's relationship with Milos to comment further on Nasser's point of view.  From my vantage point they are both good people.

Milos in 1985 and the 90's was probably like what Nasser described. Now that he's sucessful, you think he'd act like that anymore? It's all just an image. If anything, Nasser's tellings confirm that Milos is a calculated snake in the grass.

Matt C

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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2007, 12:15:44 PM »
There was only one part of that segment that truly stood out for me..

Epic picturing of Milos walking around in a Hobbit's outfit with an empty bucket making his way to the village well, in order to get his daily supply of water, and while there asking the well-master, "Ayy, so what do yee put in the Whatah to make you so big lately, be it dianabol?" (strangely enough I picture/hear him saying this with an irish accent)


LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!  HAHAHA.  I've noticed other Europeans use the term village frequently also.  ;D

Camel Jockey

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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2007, 12:22:10 PM »
So Milos was like Sevastese back in the day?


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #10 on: December 28, 2007, 12:27:15 PM »


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #11 on: December 28, 2007, 12:30:37 PM »
So Milos was like Sevastese back in the day?



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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2007, 03:08:02 PM »

At this point, I think ANYTHING that comes out of Nasser's mouth is bullshit. HIS track proves this, from the Plasma Expander theories, the 100g of protein/day because he's a genetic freak, the interview (maybe #1 of this series) where he states he's never placed lower than third in any pro show-but yet here he talks about coming in 8th, or 15th....I posted a link to his IFBB contest placings, and he placed lower than 3rd numerous times.
Nasser is full of shit. Plain. Simple. He's trying to stay in the eye of the public, but can only do so using nefarious tactics, and claiming to be releasing groundbreaking information.
The only thing I see him doing is lying and spreading bullshit. :-X


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2007, 04:45:33 PM »
cant wait for pt 4
cant wait
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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2007, 05:18:17 PM »
Team Nasser is going to get smaller with every installment of this interview.  The guy has no class atall and the more he speaks, the more people realise it.

Even if his story gets to the point where he is saying that Milos was operating a large steroid ring, it isn't going to make me think of that has-been sockpuppet as anything less than a starved for attention, bitter twat :)


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2007, 05:24:08 PM »
I wonder if the interesting parts of the interview have already been leaked in the initial post? I think they have.


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2007, 01:51:36 PM »
Nasser is very bitter ... No one will pay any attention to this washed up slug...So what does he do? He gets attention by snitching ... Why not do all this while he was competing ? I didn't lke him when he was competing...I like him less now ...He's junk..
 His days of glory are far gone.. Only homo's(bigbob) like "what he used to be" and are living in the past,to think he's anything special .

As I've stated in another thread, Nasser is in no need of "attention" from a board!  He has travelled the world to sign autographs and give seminars, been on the cover of many magazines, has pictures on the walls of fans all over the world, got great contest placings, etc.  When you get that kind of attention for years you no longer need or strive for petty attention on a board like this!  As for your question as to why he never said this stuff while competing, before answering it I'm going to first pause to try to digest how stupid you really are to be asking that...and now I'm going to answer it - It's because when he was competing saying this stuff would have hurt his contest placings!  He's not the only pro to become more outspoken after retiring from competition and having little to lose.

At this point, I think ANYTHING that comes out of Nasser's mouth is bullshit. HIS track proves this, from the Plasma Expander theories, the 100g of protein/day because he's a genetic freak, the interview (maybe #1 of this series) where he states he's never placed lower than third in any pro show-but yet here he talks about coming in 8th, or 15th....I posted a link to his IFBB contest placings, and he placed lower than 3rd numerous times.
Nasser is full of shit. Plain. Simple. He's trying to stay in the eye of the public, but can only do so using nefarious tactics, and claiming to be releasing groundbreaking information.
The only thing I see him doing is lying and spreading bullshit. :-X

Here we have someone who must have failed reading comprehension in elementary school. 
1)  His plasma expander "theories" were already described as an obvious joke and not meant to be taken seriously
2)  Where does he say that he never placed lower than 3rd - he may have said during his peak years which is true.
3)  He never said he consistently eats 100 grams of protein per day, but that on some days he goes as little as 100 grams.  Do you think bodybuilders never have cheat days where they dont follow a strict diet?  On the other hand there are probably days when he eats 800 grams of protein per day int he offseason.  He also said once that he sometimes goes 8 hours without any food in the offseason - that doesnt mean he consistently eats once every 8 hours in the offseason! 
Like I said before, the stupidity of some members on this board really scares me at times!


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #17 on: December 31, 2007, 01:53:31 PM »
WEBMASTER IT IS NOW MONDAY WHERE IS THE PART 4 INTERVIEW?!  I'm on holidays and logged on today specifically to read it! 


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #18 on: December 31, 2007, 03:07:24 PM »
Like I said before, the stupidity of some members on this board really scares me at times!

Well, I'm sure you can put that on your resume and somebody will hire you right away....just make sure you're wearing your "previously owned by Nasser" suit so you look sharp too.....


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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #19 on: December 31, 2007, 04:17:54 PM »
WEBMASTER IT IS NOW MONDAY WHERE IS THE PART 4 INTERVIEW?!  I'm on holidays and logged on today specifically to read it! 
Bring us part 4!!!
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Matt C

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Re: Nasser Interview 4: Sneak Preview.
« Reply #20 on: December 31, 2007, 04:43:18 PM »


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« Reply #21 on: January 01, 2008, 04:09:46 PM »


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« Reply #22 on: January 01, 2008, 04:17:30 PM »
BB - I had a sneak preview and in it Nasser rants at a drug deal gone bad!


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« Reply #23 on: January 01, 2008, 04:22:10 PM »

bring us part 4!!
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« Reply #24 on: January 01, 2008, 04:56:05 PM »
We want PART 4 to bring in the new year  ;)
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