Author Topic: Need your help  (Read 2023 times)


  • Getbig IV
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Need your help
« on: February 25, 2008, 12:26:21 PM »
 i am having a discussion via email with friend and i need help with a response. He is a supporter of Intelligent Design and i am not. IMO I.D is so general unlike other religions its hard to keep him obligated to aspects of I.D. His simple belief is that there is a creator plain and simple, and life is not by accident. its hard for me to debate because its soooo damn general.

 here is his statement:
      Things like scientific evidence of nonlocal communication amongst the animal/bird/fish and insect world, spooky action at a distance/ or quantum entanglement(once again nonlocality demonstrated in atoms), NDEs where in countless documented cases people were able to exactly describe the events that took place after they “physically” and mentally died (scientist said they had no brain waves and were clinically dead yet they could describe later from a vantage point above the operating room exactly what the doctors were doing to there body and some even accurately recalled specific conversations spoken during flat line) which implies consciousness existing outside the confines of our human body, mediums channeling dead loved ones and revealing secrets to a person only the dead loved one would know (don’t laugh, there are many documented cases of this) this of course implying consciousness existing after physicality, nonlocal simultaneous cellular communication of our of body’s trillions of cells, the similar geometric and rotational design of galaxies, star clusters, solar systems, planets and moons, all the way down to the structure of an atom, and on and on this could go.
 Again there are mountains of evidence, in my opinon, of an intelligent universe created by genius so magnificent it is unfathomable.  Can you truly sit there and tell me from your heart and your mind that this is all a result of an accident and you are only the result of coinciding probabilities?  An accident that continued to become more and more complex, more and more perfect, more and more harmonious? – the delicate balance of our ecosystem, symbiotic relationship between living things, the importance of the magnetic poles of the earth, the perfect distance from the sun, the life producing rays of the sun (keep in mind, without the sun no life would exist on earth, and with the sun too close no life would exist on earth), the ozone layer, the atmosphere- 78% N, 21% O2, 1% other gases, the phenomenon of seasons and tides, the ebb and flow, the cycles of life, photosynthesis, and the miracles of reproduction.  Endess co-incidences occurring all at once. Don’t you see the beauty in all of this?  It’s amazing!  It’s perfect!  It’s Creation at its best!  It’s on purpose.   
You may still be saying at this point, ‘but these are all just random occurrences and coincidences!’  Really?  Funny how everything worked out so perfectly.
On the same point, you also have given me no evidence, proof, or reasons why you believe life is here by accident. 
It is just your belief, but you have no evidence?  You have every right to believe whatever you want to believe, but as skeptical as you are, you seem like the type of person that would need empirical evidence to back up your belief system.  Or is the reason you don’t believe merely based on “faith”?
Let me ask you these very simple questions (and please answer them because they are vital to the continuance of our friendly discussion on this fascinating subject:
1. Do you believe in the Big-Bang theory?  If yes, what caused an infinitely dense point of matter to explode and expand as the theory states it did?
2. How did life on Earth?  Really, I would like to know your answer on this.
3. How and why (as the theory states) did that alleged one-celled organism that allegedly formed out of the primordial soup of chemicals and elements on that one fine day when all the stars aligned begin to split into two, then 4, then 8 cells, and then continuously grow to greater and greater complexities?  What is causing this expansion, growth, and diversity?
4. Why can’t scientists, with all the technology available now and the genetic code cracked, create “life” in a lab?  Why can’t they create just one amoeba or one-celled organism with all the correct chemicals and elements at their disposal?  Surely this can be done if it was done by accident a few billion years ago?
5. Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?
If you ignore everything else I’ve written in this email that’s fine, but please answer these 5 questions in order for our discussion to continue intelligently.

  your help is appreciated, Bruce, Columbusdude or similar.

Nordic Superman

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Re: Need your help
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2008, 02:01:09 PM »
Ask him who created the creator.

Tell him to do at least a little research on evolution. If he's too ignorant to even do that, you win.

Tell him evolution ISN'T a chance/random process other than mutations. Explain to him that evolution explains how simple organisms gain their complexity, give examples.

If he's too general or too ignorant to even listen, why bother? ???
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  • Getbig V
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Re: Need your help
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2008, 02:34:30 PM »
Oh dear... I see your friend has been attending the MCWAY School of Apologetics and Creationism...

1. I wouldn't use the word "believe." This is not a matter of "belief." The Big Bang is a favorable theory in physics with a lot of supporting evidence. As long as more evidence keeps backing it up and no evidence turns up that blows it out of the water, it will continue to become stronger as a theory. That said, physics isn't my home area so I would have to defer to a qualified physicist.

2. How did life on earth what?

3. The question is how did the first unicellular organisms start to become multicellular. I would guess, by mitosis, i.e. cells splitting in two. Just a wild guess ;) If your friend has a genuine interest in mitosis, tell him to look up any standard textbook on developmental biology. If he just wants something that sounds improbable to "tease" his evolutionist friends with, tell him to read up on the eukaryotic cell. However improbable it is that cells would divide into two, it is far more improbable that our eukaryotic cell came into being in the first place.

4. Define "life"... What would you consider "creating life in the lab"? Self-replicating RNA? DNA? Long strands of DNA? Cells? And if your friend really thinks that it is a failure of science that it can't make more amoebas in the lab, tell him he is welcome to get a formal education, become a scientist, and show us his skills at making amoebas.

5. No. I'm open to be swayed by reliable evidence for them, but I really doubt it will ever turn up.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Need your help
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2008, 05:04:14 PM »
Thanks Nordic and Columbus, its so hard to debate people who always refer back to the lame "becuase thats the way the creator/god intended it to be.." response. i really enjoy reading both your posts, always informative.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Need your help
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2008, 06:59:42 PM »
Thanks Nordic and Columbus, its so hard to debate people who always refer back to the lame "becuase thats the way the creator/god intended it to be.." response. i really enjoy reading both your posts, always informative.

life increases in complexity through bootstrapping and self organization, this is complexity theory at heart(research auto catalytic theory).

he also has a misunderstanding of the big bang theory, there was no point or singularity in actuality, at least alot of cosmologists agree on this. this point or singularity is simply a point where our mathematics breaks down.

also, since the universe is eternal (first law of thermodynamics) every WILL happen, hence his perfect creation is inevitable and needs no explanation other then probability. I've come to conclude that the anthropic principle is a waste of time and a waste of energy.

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Re: Need your help
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2008, 08:19:07 AM »
I don't think I'll ever understand a lot of what is debated here.

Maybe when I"m old.


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Re: Need your help
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2008, 11:19:30 AM »
1. Do you believe in the Big-Bang theory?  If yes, what caused an infinitely dense point of matter to explode and expand as the theory states it did?
2. How did life on Earth?  Really, I would like to know your answer on this.
3. How and why (as the theory states) did that alleged one-celled organism that allegedly formed out of the primordial soup of chemicals and elements on that one fine day when all the stars aligned begin to split into two, then 4, then 8 cells, and then continuously grow to greater and greater complexities?  What is causing this expansion, growth, and diversity?
4. Why can’t scientists, with all the technology available now and the genetic code cracked, create “life” in a lab?  Why can’t they create just one amoeba or one-celled organism with all the correct chemicals and elements at their disposal?  Surely this can be done if it was done by accident a few billion years ago?
5. Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?

1. Scientific theories are nothing to believe in. The big-bang theory only talks about events after the big-bang so the question is obsolete.

2. ... evolve, I guess? If you are interested in the scientific view on how life evolved, the current scientific theory for it is evolution, not some lunatic counter-theory.

3. If you want scientific answers to scientific questions, ask a scientist, not a creationist.

4. Define "life". The technology available now will be surpassed by technology in the future, so that's no argument.

5. Not if you put it this way, I don't.

Nordic Superman

  • Getbig V
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Re: Need your help
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2008, 12:53:11 PM »
1. Do you believe in the Big-Bang theory?  If yes, what caused an infinitely dense point of matter to explode and expand as the theory states it did?
2. How did life on Earth?  Really, I would like to know your answer on this.
3. How and why (as the theory states) did that alleged one-celled organism that allegedly formed out of the primordial soup of chemicals and elements on that one fine day when all the stars aligned begin to split into two, then 4, then 8 cells, and then continuously grow to greater and greater complexities?  What is causing this expansion, growth, and diversity?
4. Why can’t scientists, with all the technology available now and the genetic code cracked, create “life” in a lab?  Why can’t they create just one amoeba or one-celled organism with all the correct chemicals and elements at their disposal?  Surely this can be done if it was done by accident a few billion years ago?
5. Do you believe in ghosts or spirits?
If you ignore everything else I’ve written in this email that’s fine, but please answer these 5 questions in order for our discussion to continue intelligently.[/b]

2) It was a huge game of chance. Theories include lightning causing chemical reactions to occur in the atmosphere creating primitive proteins, which led to the first life.

Remember the Earth is 4.5 billion years old, this gives a lot of time for things to happen by chance.

3) Competition for life causes evolution. At some point a small patch of slightly light sensitive cells cause one organism in a group to be more successful than it's peers, thus this organism successfully passed on its DNA. So on an so forth until complex organs such as the eye developed.

Remember bacteria have a turn over rate of 100's of generations per day. Lots of opportunity for genetic variation to occur over millions of years.

4) Technology still isn't there, we're talking about composing lifeforms beyond the current technology. The technology would probably revolve around virus vectors composing DNA chunks in such a way which created an organism... again the technology isn't at the state to "start from scratch" but such methods have been used to create glowing pigs and different coloured carrots.

5) No, I personally don't believe in ghosts/spirits; what substance are constructed of that allows them to pass through walls? Quarks?
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  • Getbig IV
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Re: Need your help
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2008, 04:00:00 PM »
thanks again for all your responses, im amazed at how you guys can grasp and articulate everything into such an easy to read format...