Author Topic: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!  (Read 16023 times)

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #125 on: April 01, 2008, 08:51:31 AM »
Hey 240.
Cool, your words resound, I appresiate them.
My 'awesome' professor job ain't so awesome.
the kids are so bad I bring a cell phone jammer into class so they can't disrupt me(yes...a cell phone jammer...friend goit for me in's GREAT!)
It's only part time...down the street from my practice.
I do my own pension. I know it is always subject to rick.
But if I always think in terms of gloom and doom (whether badness is coming or not) why would I even bother to get out of bed anymore?
The badness you describe just makes me work harder to counteract in positive fashion.
Rose colored glasses? Maybe..
But it makes for a great and productive life.'d I look in my pics....I know, I know...not too big.... :)

I'm not a pessimist.  I actually believe the party system is cyclical.  Dems fix the DOMESTIC situation (Clinton creating the surplus) and Repubs hook us up with FOREIGn advantages.  Poor prosper under dems, rich prosper under repubs.

Regardless of your own "I am set financially position", realize that if things do go in that direction, you will have 260 millino Americans who are NOT set financially who might come knocking on your door for a handout.  Or, might stick a gun in your face for your car keys.  Realize that a $ collapse here would mean hundreds of millions of hungry desperate people destorying how nice you have things.   Your pension might still be there partially, but your ability spend the $ might not.

Yes, that's the 'doomsdayers' viewpoint, and it'll likely never happen.  But, many leaders (repubs!) are now admitting we're in the worst shape since WWII.  And after the housing/credit crash, more sectors will fall due to the ripple effect.  I'm not a 'the sky is falling' guy... I'm just pointing out that many in the world believe the dollar is in trouble, and if it does fall, you'll be up shit creek with everyone else, no matter how much $ you have.


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #126 on: April 01, 2008, 08:52:19 AM »
Well, I don't know about that, Squad


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #127 on: April 01, 2008, 08:53:57 AM »
Anybody here see the movie, 'The Last King Of Scotland'?

That Idi Amin was one sick fuck. Killed, I believe, 300,000 of his countrymen.

If the US must go in and, forgive me, "break a few eggs" to get rif of such a miscreant, well....who the Hell else is gonna do it???

If people only knew of all the sacrifices that have been made throughout history in an attempt to live with the kind of freedoms we have today.


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #128 on: April 01, 2008, 08:54:46 AM »

I'm not a pessimist.  I actually believe the party system is cyclical.  Dems fix the DOMESTIC situation (Clinton creating the surplus) and Repubs hook us up with FOREIGn advantages.  Poor prosper under dems, rich prosper under repubs.

Regardless of your own "I am set financially position", realize that if things do go in that direction, you will have 260 millino Americans who are NOT set financially who might come knocking on your door for a handout.  Or, might stick a gun in your face for your car keys.  Realize that a $ collapse here would mean hundreds of millions of hungry desperate people destorying how nice you have things.   Your pension might still be there partially, but your ability spend the $ might not.

Yes, that's the 'doomsdayers' viewpoint, and it'll likely never happen.  But, many leaders (repubs!) are now admitting we're in the worst shape since WWII.  And after the housing/credit crash, more sectors will fall due to the ripple effect.  I'm not a 'the sky is falling' guy... I'm just pointing out that many in the world believe the dollar is in trouble, and if it does fall, you'll be up shit creek with everyone else, no matter how much $ you have.

Hmmm...well, I never say I am set financially...I never think that way. I always work harfd, no matter what.

And could you find my photos...I really wanted your opinion.

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #129 on: April 01, 2008, 08:55:22 AM »
I understand we have problems and I will be the last to deny them but it ticks me off when guys put the blame solely on the President let alone the Government. If they are American companies and American consumers then we have only ourselves to blame.

I agree that people did this to themslves, SOMEWHAT.  

Buying a house you can't afford with an adjustable rate = asinine.  

But spending $12 BILLION a month in Iraq... when the majority of the population is against it... and Bush saying he'll keep spending it, even if 99% of the population is against it.

That's not doing the will of the people.  That's doing what he wants to preserve his legacy in history.  And borrowing $1 Tril per year from China to do it - using US highways and parks as collateral.

I don't like that idea, and I'm betting 51% of our population doesn't like that idea.  Does that mean it'll stop, as the majority doesn't want it?  Um, no.  It'll continue, even if 99% of us don't like it.  


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #130 on: April 01, 2008, 08:56:01 AM »

If people only knew of all the sacrifices that have been made throughout history in an attempt to live with the kind of freedoms we have today. shit.

Mike, have you seen the recent series, 'John Adams' on HBO?

Man those folks had it rough as Hell. It's like we live in Utopia in comparison.

Mark Kerr

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #131 on: April 01, 2008, 08:58:23 AM »
Truckers Line Up To Protest Fuel Costs

Authorities in Tampa are working to keep traffic moving as dozens of truckers lined up to protest the rising cost of fuel.

Police said they're working to keep traffic moving near the Port of Tampa, where the big rigs are gathered. It's happening along 22nd Street near the causeway at McKay Bay.

Diesel prices are nearing $4 a gallon, which is putting the squeeze on truck drivers. They said they're fed up on Monday and planned to fight back.

Independent trucker Rui Olivera said he's worried the high price of diesel may run him out of business.

"If it goes up another 50 cents a gallon, I have to park. I'll have no choice. I don't work for free. I'll go find a janitorial job for a little bit,” Olivera said.

After 11 years behind the wheel, it's the first time he's considered stopping.

"If there's a strike, I'll have to honor it obviously. If we don't stick together, its getting harder and harder," Olivera said.

Diesel prices are hovering around $4 a gallon, forcing truckers to spend $600 to $700 or more to fill up one tank.

"It's hurting a lot of companies. People are struggling, you hear them talking on the radios, not just trucking, everyone's feeling the pinch," trucker Wayne Calvert said.

Many drivers said they believe the strike will happen.

"It has to. The guys, the owner operators, I know they can't afford to keep running like this. It's killing them," Calvert said.

Others, like 35-year veteran Gary Burch, disagree.

"Since the one in the early '70s until now, every time they threaten to shut down, it never works," Burch said.

The strike was slated to begin at midnight Monday and run through April 5. Truckers promised it would make an impact.

As part of the planned protest, truckers said they plan to either park their rigs, go 45 mph on highways or post protest signs on their trucks.

There are no reports of traffic troublespots around Orlando on Tuesday morning.


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #132 on: April 01, 2008, 09:00:45 AM »
I agree that people did this to themslves, SOMEWHAT.  

Buying a house you can't afford with an adjustable rate = asinine.  

But spending $12 BILLION a month in Iraq... when the majority of the population is against it... and Bush saying he'll keep spending it, even if 99% of the population is against it.

That's not doing the will of the people.  That's doing what he wants to preserve his legacy in history.  And borrowing $1 Tril per year from China to do it - using US highways and parks as collateral.

I don't like that idea, and I'm betting 51% of our population doesn't like that idea.  Does that mean it'll stop, as the majority doesn't want it?  Um, no.  It'll continue, even if 99% of us don't like it.  

If our Armed services need that much money then I say give it to them, they know more about what's going on then we do. Why should people who know nothing of the situation other then what the news shows have control over what the armed services should get. If the people we elected to office approve then I say go for it, unless you feel we can't trust anyone in the government that WE elected.

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #133 on: April 01, 2008, 09:03:47 AM »
If our Armed services need that much money then I say give it to them, they know more about what's going on then we do. Why should people who know nothing of the situation other then what the news shows have control over what the armed services should get. If the people we elected to office approve then I say go for it, unless you feel we can't trust anyone in the government that WE elected.

Wait a second - "If our armed forces need that money"?

They need that money for the massive cost of infrastructure to keep them there in Iraq. 

We are stalling letting iraq's new police/military take over those duties, even though they want to, and they wish for us to leave.


Some say it's because Cheney is receiving what, $10 to $30 mil per year from haliburton in Stock options?

I don't know... if a company was paying me $30 mil a year, and it would stop if I ended the war... I would sure keep that beyotch going, woudln't you?


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #134 on: April 01, 2008, 09:04:20 AM » shit.

Mike, have you seen the recent series, 'John Adams' on HBO?
Man those folks had it rough as Hell. It's like we live in Utopia in comparison.

No when is it on?

I am a big history buff and trust me I have a decent understanding of how good we have it, bad thing is most people have no idea. I think we should all be tested to keep our citezenship, I gurantee your average American today (especially the younger generations) couldn't pass the citizenship test.

Mark Kerr

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #135 on: April 01, 2008, 09:04:41 AM »
And borrowing $1 Tril per year from China to do it - using US highways and parks as collateral.

Where did you hear that?


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #136 on: April 01, 2008, 09:05:02 AM »

If our Armed services need that much money then I say give it to them, they know more about what's going on then we do. Why should people who know nothing of the situation other then what the news shows have control over what the armed services should get. If the people we elected to office approve then I say go for it, unless you feel we can't trust anyone in the government that WE elected.


It is crazy to think that the REAL 'powers that be' would ever let we little folks know what is REALLY happening.

WE elected 'em. Now we gotta lay in bed with 'em.


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #137 on: April 01, 2008, 09:06:34 AM »
Wait a second - "If our armed forces need that money"?

They need that money for the massive cost of infrastructure to keep them there in Iraq. 

We are stalling letting iraq's new police/military take over those duties, even though they want to, and they wish for us to leave.


Some say it's because Cheney is receiving what, $10 to $30 mil per year from haliburton in Stock options?

I don't know... if a company was paying me $30 mil a year, and it would stop if I ended the war... I would sure keep that beyotch going, woudln't you?

C'mon, 240, then you are saying you have the same integrity (or lack of it) that you are questioning in Cheney?

The Squadfather

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #138 on: April 01, 2008, 09:06:34 AM »
hahahhaaa, a trillion bucks down the drain and 4,000 lives wasted for nothing and this clown is OK with it. ::)


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #139 on: April 01, 2008, 09:06:40 AM »
Wait a second - "If our armed forces need that money"?

They need that money for the massive cost of infrastructure to keep them there in Iraq. 

We are stalling letting iraq's new police/military take over those duties, even though they want to, and they wish for us to leave.


Some say it's because Cheney is receiving what, $10 to $30 mil per year from haliburton in Stock options?

I don't know... if a company was paying me $30 mil a year, and it would stop if I ended the war... I would sure keep that beyotch going, woudln't you?

I wouldn't exactly say they are ready to do it on their own, i say we get it done right so we don't have to go back yet again.


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #140 on: April 01, 2008, 09:06:52 AM »
unless you feel we can't trust anyone in the government that WE elected.

The democrats also wish to let the iraqis take over their own security.

That would mean our men and women come home.
That would mean the war bill drops instantly.

51% of the Senate wants it.  Problem is, Bush stops them everytime with the veto power.  He can keep the war going until the 2008 elections, because the dems don't have 60% of senate.  If they did, we'd pull troops back tomorrow.

So despite the fact a majority of the country, and a majority of the senate wants to let the iraqis police their own country, it ain't happening.

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #141 on: April 01, 2008, 09:09:05 AM »
Where did you hear that?

Go look up the national debt trends.  gone up $5 tril in 7 years under Bush with the trend being much higher in 08 than in 01.

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #142 on: April 01, 2008, 09:13:41 AM »
don't get me wrong.  i'm a republican, i support the war, i support us being in the region and reaping the benefits.

I'd just like to see IRAQI forces doing the close up gun battles each day, not Americans.  Pull out our men to the safety of bases, let the iraqis face the day-to-day dangers.  After all, it is THEIR country to defend. They want to.  The troops want to let them! 


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #143 on: April 01, 2008, 10:50:48 AM »

Thats a little inflated don't you think :-\

We are very fortunate to not have that kind of stuff around here but don't you think others deserve the same. If we weren't there, there would still be just as much violence if not more and more extreme.

sorry I meant thousands not billions ;D
damn english  :D


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #144 on: April 01, 2008, 11:45:34 AM »
sorry I meant thousands not billions ;D
damn english  :D

You're just a Canadian, I don't expect much, I mean look at Tom Green ;D


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #145 on: April 01, 2008, 12:10:49 PM »

No when is it on?

I am a big history buff and trust me I have a decent understanding of how good we have it, bad thing is most people have no idea. I think we should all be tested to keep our citezenship, I gurantee your average American today (especially the younger generations) couldn't pass the citizenship test.

Sundays at 9 pm, EST.


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #146 on: April 01, 2008, 01:41:57 PM »
don't get me wrong.  i'm a republican, i support the war, i support us being in the region and reaping the benefits.

I'd just like to see IRAQI forces doing the close up gun battles each day, not Americans.  Pull out our men to the safety of bases, let the iraqis face the day-to-day dangers.  After all, it is THEIR country to defend. They want to.  The troops want to let them! 

I am an independent...I agree with some of what you say.

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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #147 on: April 01, 2008, 02:05:40 PM »
Cool.  I'm all for kicking ass all around the world to remain a superpower.  I would just rather have iraqis do the legwork.  We can sip pina coladas on the bases, and calmly carpet bomb anyone who gets within 5 miles of us, right?


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #148 on: April 01, 2008, 02:14:50 PM »
Cool.  I'm all for kicking ass all around the world to remain a superpower.  I would just rather have iraqis do the legwork.  We can sip pina coladas on the bases, and calmly carpet bomb anyone who gets within 5 miles of us, right?

One of the problems with this strategy is what kind of Iraqi are we going to entrust to bringing order to Iraq.  There are competing factions with a multitude of agenda's.  At my worst moments i think its best to let them fight it to the death and let Crom sort them out. 

On a side note, I think it is hard to argue at this point that Bush is a good president.  Regardless of whether or not you think radical Islam is a major problem, which I believe it is( in my estimation radical religion is inherently dangerous regardless of what religion it is), his strategy for combating terrorism and radicalism was poorly devised and haphazardly executed. 


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Re: Bush booed by entire baseball stadium!!!
« Reply #149 on: April 01, 2008, 02:17:35 PM »
Cool.  I'm all for kicking ass all around the world to remain a superpower.  I would just rather have iraqis do the legwork.  We can sip pina coladas on the bases, and calmly carpet bomb anyone who gets within 5 miles of us, right?
General Westmoreland and Vietnam ring a bell with you?  ::)     ;)