Author Topic: THE TRUE ADONIS - Mr. NC Natural IFBN?  (Read 40618 times)

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #75 on: April 10, 2008, 06:38:40 PM »
Matthew Canning is quite simply nothing more than an indolent badger bent on deepening his delusions so that reality is completely detatched from his habitat.

The True Adonis

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« Reply #76 on: April 10, 2008, 06:44:34 PM »

canning is a way all cannings can trace back there roots via a metaphysical source revealing incarnations as to where the 'canning' never learned his lessons yet had to repeat them over and over and over as if the canning enjoyed the pain though he did not , his soul did grow ever so slowly for the better but remained as a low class gayboy

mister Randy Falcon aka Johnny falcon

Mr getbig III champion
BEHOLD! The Magnificent Talons and the Majestical Wings of the Mystical Falcon.


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« Reply #77 on: April 10, 2008, 06:45:46 PM »
am I dreaming?


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« Reply #78 on: April 10, 2008, 06:48:50 PM »
Matthew Canning is quite simply nothing more than an indolent badger bent on deepening his delusions so that reality is completely detatched from his habitat.

why do you use too many adjectives and attempt to use the most uncommon words available?


Palpatine Q

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« Reply #79 on: April 10, 2008, 06:50:55 PM »
FWIW  My opinion on TA has done a 180.

I used to think he was a pompous idiot, but now as time has passed I see he is a unique individual who lives life by his own terms


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« Reply #81 on: April 10, 2008, 06:53:05 PM »
Que to Hedgehog to come in and request a video of the 112 rep deadlift.


  • Getbig IV
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« Reply #82 on: April 10, 2008, 06:53:47 PM »
Que to Hedgehog to come in and request a video of the 112 rep deadlift.



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« Reply #83 on: April 10, 2008, 06:54:32 PM »
I see some are still trying to scale the walls of the towering fortress hoping to breach walls all impenetrable, albeit trying accomplish the impossible only to be relegated to the inevitable.  The revolving assailance only produces the inevitable unavailance which is by now, not even worthy of being a sane tactic.  Such paths have been tried and all have diverged in one futile and circuitious route henceforth.  Not only will these walls hold and hold permanent, those who dare try any siege will find their goal unachievable and their own mental decline, unavoidable.

Mr. Matt C is only but a few sniveling generations removed from being an English Bootlicker.  His people were routed on the Hudson and northward from 1754–1763.  This left an indelible stain upon his genetic code, as no respectable gentlewoman or gentleman has filled the void since thier generational embarrassment.  Peasants, Street-Sweepers, Bible-Toters and worthless Mountebanks have all born the burden of bearing the name Canning.  The trend continues onward.

Respectfully yours,

The True Adonis
Mr. Getbig

Poor Matt C... They say those of shorter stature are doomed to a future of aggression. It must be hard to have that chip on your shoulder and know that you can never change it.

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #84 on: April 10, 2008, 06:55:34 PM »
Matt "the Pauper and Peasant" Canning`s Autobiography:

Taken from

Note the Highlighted Parts.

Reeks of Cretin.  The Mountebank in all his unadulterated glory.

Matt Canning -Auto Biography  


I was born in St. John's Newfoundland on December 21, 1981. There are five children in my family and I currently reside in Thunder Bay, Ontario (I moved here from St. John's in July 1989).

I have attended public school my whole life, and since September of 2001, have been enrolled at Lakehead University, completing an H.BSc in Psychology, BA in Pure Mathematics, as well as a minor and environmental management certificate in Geography. I was on the honour roll throughout high school and received many academic achievement awards in my day and other honours in math quite frequently. It was customary for me to do extremely in every math course I took, and that continued up until the OAC level, but by the time of university I found other things more interesting (having a life, girls, etc.) and my grades dropped. I received marks of 100% in grade 11 and 12 math, as well as OAC Finite. I made 0 errors in grade 11 and Finite math, and three in grade 12 math. I received 101% in grade 11 math, although transcripts note grades over 100% as 100%. The only other course I received 100% in was grade nine Science. During my high school years, I was an active member of the school debating team during grades 9, 12, and OAC. During high school, I acted as a volunteer tutor, and to this day, still tutor students who have difficulty in mathematics. Then summer of 2001 hit me, where at age 19, I realized there were more important things to life - mostly women, but just having a life and having fun in general are far more important to me than looking over tests forever to eliminate every possible error. That having been said, I try not to take anything too seriously, and understand those who feel the need to, but in part, feel sorry for them. There is more to life than being passionate about things. I try not to as much as possible. In fact, you might say I'm passionate about not being passionate, so in some ways, I'm no better than those people I think are on route to an early heart attack.

Getting 100% in a course doesn't require any additional intelligence than getting, say, a 95%, but does require a certain skill that may not be present in those getting the 95s. It's almost like a game (one I now acknowledge as being kinda boring). Computational math is something I have mastered more than any person I have ever met, and any person I think I will ever meet, including world experts at math - it's kind of a Rain Man thing. I can solve any computational math problem at such a ferocious speed that my ability to solve problems is dependent on how fast I can write out the solution. I would generally finish my math exams in 15 minutes because it took me that long to write out the answers. If my hand could keep up with my brain, I would probably have finished all my exams in five minutes. It's probably the one and only skill I possess which sets me apart from the general populace in any meaningful way, and is the only thing I will ever admit to somebody that I'm probably better at than they are at. Impressed yet? Me neither. God or the universe or whatever you want to call it gave me one distinct skill and one that I consider very unimportant. I wish I was born with an uncanny ability to read and understand people beyond that of most. Now THAT would be a useful skill. Or I wish I was born with an ease of learning how to cook and improving upon those skills. Again, that is an important skill - math is not. Also, university math is more about thinking outside the box (e.g., proving theorems), and not about number crunching. True mathematicians prove theorems, and don't sit around adding X + X or differentiating equations all day. I number crunch, and I do it extremely well. But I highly doubt I would be anything special as a professional mathematician. Will I do it? I doubt it, but who knows? My dad would like me to, since I'm the only child to have pursued university,[/color] and I think his reasoning is that if one child can get a Ph.D in Pure Mathematics, all of the rest could have (which is a pretty good thing to be able to claim), and the only reason they didn't was lack of effort. I think it would comfort him to know that he passed on genes with a lot of potential (whether fulfilled or not). For the record, I do think that, despite my general lack of being able to think outside the box, that I could get a Ph.D in math, ignoring the algebra or analysis route and going the statistics or calculus route. But as I said, I would be nothing special. I think that true mathematicians really should be gifted at thinking outside the box, and I absolutely am not. Since Lakehead doesn't offer a Ph.D program, the most I'll probably end up doing is an MA. Even then, I doubt it - as I said, math is (to me at least), an utterly useless skill. I say this because I will be the first to admit I am exceptionally good at it, and I still consider it less important than the ability to make a sandwich. I know it would be a fallacy for this to be worth anything - just because a Muslim converts to Christianity doesn't say anything about Christianity, and I don't expect my conversion to the social sciences to mean much either - but at the very least, let it be known that I personally don't feel that any amount of classical analysis has much value. I just felt as though I was wasting my time - whether I was successful or not, I realized that I wasn't developing skills I could apply in everyday life - so what was the point?

Before joining the military in 2000, my previous employers included Pizza Pizza, and Safeway Canada, Inc., as well as other work as a newspaper carrier for the Chronicle Journal and Flyer carrier for Admail. I did this all throughout my childhood between the ages of 9-15 (1991-1997). I was an active cross country runner when I was younger. I joined the Canadian Forces to master physical dicipline. My goal was to use what I learned to achieve balance in daily life. Nice idea - but if you want to achieve balance, let me warn you in advance that the army is not the way to go. It is a very unprofessional atmosphere and really barbaric in many ways (but it is the army after all, so what can you expect? They are supposed to be training us for war). I worked with a lot of good people who I admire, but the bad ones who I had to deal with made it less than worth it. I have no major hobbies other than weight training and DVD collecting. I am generally a social person. I have no medical problems and am a generally healthy, happy person. So if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm just not into academics all that much. It's no wonder that so few of my relatives pursued post secondary education - I don't think it's in my blood. I would rather interact with other people, lift weights, watch creepy detective type shows (Cold Case Files, City Confidential, just about the only TV I watch), watch horror movies, meet women, read Archie comics and enjoy my life. Have I proven that I'm more than capable as an academic and can take it as far as I want, in any area of interest? Sure. Do I care? Absolutely not. Do I even have many or any areas of interest? Not really. At least nothing that would attract me to formal learning in a university setting. There is far more to life, and formal education is unimportant to me. I would rather read and learn on my own time, and just have fun.

I think I wanted to prove to the world that I was capable of a lot after being the class clown for too many years - but here's the thing, I still am the class clown. The walls of academic awards and army achievements I have didn't change my heart. Now I'm slowly going back to becoming the person who I was, and I'm so grateful that this is happening, since it's exactly the place I want to be in.

Marty Champions

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #85 on: April 10, 2008, 06:58:21 PM »
Matthew Canning is quite simply nothing more than an indolent badger bent on deepening his delusions so that reality is completely detatched from his habitat.

There are many infant souls attached to an overwhelming existance via the continuim in wich they take part in self owning rituals , i believe canning listens he knows he has failed, all that is left is to look up to his great kind witty loving and caring masters and realize that there are chosen ones in this world with great abilities as mortal men, the others who are finding there abilities mediocre must humble to there faults and take note



  • Getbig V
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« Reply #86 on: April 10, 2008, 06:59:26 PM »
Matt "the Pauper and Peasant" Canning`s Autobiography:

Taken from

Note the Highlighted Parts.

Reeks of Cretin.  The Mountebank in all his unadulterated glory.

Matt Canning -Auto Biography  


I was born in St. John's Newfoundland on December 21, 1981. There are five children in my family and I currently reside in Thunder Bay, Ontario (I moved here from St. John's in July 1989).

I have attended public school my whole life, and since September of 2001, have been enrolled at Lakehead University, completing an H.BSc in Psychology, BA in Pure Mathematics, as well as a minor and environmental management certificate in Geography. I was on the honour roll throughout high school and received many academic achievement awards in my day and other honours in math quite frequently. It was customary for me to do extremely in every math course I took, and that continued up until the OAC level, but by the time of university I found other things more interesting (having a life, girls, etc.) and my grades dropped. I received marks of 100% in grade 11 and 12 math, as well as OAC Finite. I made 0 errors in grade 11 and Finite math, and three in grade 12 math. I received 101% in grade 11 math, although transcripts note grades over 100% as 100%. The only other course I received 100% in was grade nine Science. During my high school years, I was an active member of the school debating team during grades 9, 12, and OAC. During high school, I acted as a volunteer tutor, and to this day, still tutor students who have difficulty in mathematics. Then summer of 2001 hit me, where at age 19, I realized there were more important things to life - mostly women, but just having a life and having fun in general are far more important to me than looking over tests forever to eliminate every possible error. That having been said, I try not to take anything too seriously, and understand those who feel the need to, but in part, feel sorry for them. There is more to life than being passionate about things. I try not to as much as possible. In fact, you might say I'm passionate about not being passionate, so in some ways, I'm no better than those people I think are on route to an early heart attack.

Getting 100% in a course doesn't require any additional intelligence than getting, say, a 95%, but does require a certain skill that may not be present in those getting the 95s. It's almost like a game (one I now acknowledge as being kinda boring). Computational math is something I have mastered more than any person I have ever met, and any person I think I will ever meet, including world experts at math - it's kind of a Rain Man thing. I can solve any computational math problem at such a ferocious speed that my ability to solve problems is dependent on how fast I can write out the solution. I would generally finish my math exams in 15 minutes because it took me that long to write out the answers. If my hand could keep up with my brain, I would probably have finished all my exams in five minutes. It's probably the one and only skill I possess which sets me apart from the general populace in any meaningful way, and is the only thing I will ever admit to somebody that I'm probably better at than they are at. Impressed yet? Me neither. God or the universe or whatever you want to call it gave me one distinct skill and one that I consider very unimportant. I wish I was born with an uncanny ability to read and understand people beyond that of most. Now THAT would be a useful skill. Or I wish I was born with an ease of learning how to cook and improving upon those skills. Again, that is an important skill - math is not. Also, university math is more about thinking outside the box (e.g., proving theorems), and not about number crunching. True mathematicians prove theorems, and don't sit around adding X + X or differentiating equations all day. I number crunch, and I do it extremely well. But I highly doubt I would be anything special as a professional mathematician. Will I do it? I doubt it, but who knows? My dad would like me to, since I'm the only child to have pursued university,[/color] and I think his reasoning is that if one child can get a Ph.D in Pure Mathematics, all of the rest could have (which is a pretty good thing to be able to claim), and the only reason they didn't was lack of effort. I think it would comfort him to know that he passed on genes with a lot of potential (whether fulfilled or not). For the record, I do think that, despite my general lack of being able to think outside the box, that I could get a Ph.D in math, ignoring the algebra or analysis route and going the statistics or calculus route. But as I said, I would be nothing special. I think that true mathematicians really should be gifted at thinking outside the box, and I absolutely am not. Since Lakehead doesn't offer a Ph.D program, the most I'll probably end up doing is an MA. Even then, I doubt it - as I said, math is (to me at least), an utterly useless skill. I say this because I will be the first to admit I am exceptionally good at it, and I still consider it less important than the ability to make a sandwich. I know it would be a fallacy for this to be worth anything - just because a Muslim converts to Christianity doesn't say anything about Christianity, and I don't expect my conversion to the social sciences to mean much either - but at the very least, let it be known that I personally don't feel that any amount of classical analysis has much value. I just felt as though I was wasting my time - whether I was successful or not, I realized that I wasn't developing skills I could apply in everyday life - so what was the point?

Before joining the military in 2000, my previous employers included Pizza Pizza, and Safeway Canada, Inc., as well as other work as a newspaper carrier for the Chronicle Journal and Flyer carrier for Admail. I did this all throughout my childhood between the ages of 9-15 (1991-1997). I was an active cross country runner when I was younger. I joined the Canadian Forces to master physical dicipline. My goal was to use what I learned to achieve balance in daily life. Nice idea - but if you want to achieve balance, let me warn you in advance that the army is not the way to go. It is a very unprofessional atmosphere and really barbaric in many ways (but it is the army after all, so what can you expect? They are supposed to be training us for war). I worked with a lot of good people who I admire, but the bad ones who I had to deal with made it less than worth it. I have no major hobbies other than weight training and DVD collecting. I am generally a social person. I have no medical problems and am a generally healthy, happy person. So if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm just not into academics all that much. It's no wonder that so few of my relatives pursued post secondary education - I don't think it's in my blood. I would rather interact with other people, lift weights, watch creepy detective type shows (Cold Case Files, City Confidential, just about the only TV I watch), watch horror movies, meet women, read Archie comics and enjoy my life. Have I proven that I'm more than capable as an academic and can take it as far as I want, in any area of interest? Sure. Do I care? Absolutely not. Do I even have many or any areas of interest? Not really. At least nothing that would attract me to formal learning in a university setting. There is far more to life, and formal education is unimportant to me. I would rather read and learn on my own time, and just have fun.

I think I wanted to prove to the world that I was capable of a lot after being the class clown for too many years - but here's the thing, I still am the class clown. The walls of academic awards and army achievements I have didn't change my heart. Now I'm slowly going back to becoming the person who I was, and I'm so grateful that this is happening, since it's exactly the place I want to be in.

That paragraph is bigger than no ones tits!! Hope this helps!
Spirit of Truth


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« Reply #87 on: April 10, 2008, 06:59:57 PM »
I do think that, despite my general lack of being able to think outside the box, that I could get a Ph.D in math, ignoring the algebra or analysis route and going the statistics or calculus route. But as I said, I would be nothing special. I think that true mathematicians really should be gifted at thinking outside the box, and I absolutely am not.

This statement sums it all up. At least he admits it and this reaffirms our theory on the engineers. His inability to think in terms of the overall picture is his greatest downfall. I notice that engineers and mathematicians have this common flaw. They try to get involved in politics and ruin the whole system with their economic greed. They try to privatize everything and run it all into the ground. They think we are all individuals and are trained to think that cooperation is unnatural.


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #88 on: April 10, 2008, 07:00:50 PM »

Poor Matt C... They say those of shorter stature are doomed to a future of aggression. It must be hard to have that chip on your shoulder and know that you can never change it.
BAST..... come on now...    do i even need to say anythign to this.....???   ;D ;D  i like you man but...why..wny would you call matt out on THIS....??   ;D ;D


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #89 on: April 10, 2008, 07:00:58 PM »


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« Reply #90 on: April 10, 2008, 07:02:09 PM »
BAST..... come on now...    do i even need to say anythign to this.....???   ;D ;D  i like you man but...why..wny would you call matt out on THIS....??   ;D ;D
Have your elder's feelings changed on your rampant drug use? Are they proud of their little boy who wants to be a bodybuilder and has an addictive personality?


  • Getbig V
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« Reply #91 on: April 10, 2008, 07:02:29 PM »
you gave me all of this
and more
yea that's for sure
i can't believe in all your pain
under the draining of a
deities blood
you tell your children
they're insane

Spirit of Truth

The True Adonis

  • Getbig V
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« Reply #92 on: April 10, 2008, 07:04:04 PM »
"This left an indelible stain upon his genetic code, as no respectable gentlewoman or gentleman has filled the void since thier generational embarrassment.  Peasants, Street-Sweepers, Bible-Toters and worthless Mountebanks have all born the burden of bearing the name Canning.  The trend continues onward."
1:04 pm - The Wizard (1989).  
This movie came out on DVD in August due to huge demand (a petition was even drafted for it). I watched most of it last night and it was actually pretty good, considering it was more of an advertisement for Nintendo and Universal Studios. I could see why I was so interested in seeing it as a kid, although I remember having to wait until it came out on rent. A lot of the former child stars are still working in Hollywood, so I would like to see what Fred Savage is up to.

Also, I forgot to add...

My cousin is coming to Thunder Bay and apparently has a job lined up (I doubt this). My uncle says he is dealing with all kinds of issues right now and feels helpless to help his son. He asked if I could basically take care of him when he is up here and get his life on track. Now generally I would be all in favour, but for years I've tried to help people who don't want to help themselves and it never works - not for me, not for anyone. Unless he wants to make an effort (which he doesn't), he would be useless to me, and I would be useless to him. In September, a friend of mine had some issues to deal with and needed a place to stay. Because he was so respectful of me and because I got so much reciprocation in our friendship, I let him stay here for cost (which is almost free, about $30 or $50 a month) for as long as he wanted. He was a pleasant person and it was really fulfilling to have him in my life. Then some other issues came up and he needed to move out. He didn't want to, but he had no choice. My letting him stay here for free, which I didn't mention to anybody until just now, are of course the actions of an exploitative and immoral man; moreso, and supposed obligations of such a man.

My cousin is not the same as this guy though. He already used me for as much money as he could get off me and by going out of my way and getting stressed out, I fell very ill, which to me is a total anomaly. Unlike the situation with my friend, I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by helping him. On the other hand, my uncle is a nice man, who is pleasant and easy to get along with, and I would like to help my cousin moreso to help my uncle who deserves it. Although to see my cousin improve would also be a good thing to me. But I won't let him live here. Doing so I would stand to lose a lot and of course gain nothing at all. I think what I would like to do is bring him to the gym regularly and to LU for hot meals to get him on a healthy diet. I can also try to educate him on ways to improve himself. That way, my personal risk is limited. If I see him making no effort, or if I see that I'm only being had once again, I'll cut him off in a second. If on the other hand, he is actually willing to try to make his life better, we'll take it from there.  
(9 comments | comment on this)
Thursday, November 30th, 2006


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« Reply #93 on: April 10, 2008, 07:05:13 PM »
Have your elder's feelings changed on your rampant drug use? Are they proud of their little boy who wants to be a bodybuilder and has an addictive personality?
how are those platforms working for you? have you met any women who can look past your hieght deficiency?   have you come to terms with your past aas use and are you willing to  aadmit that you entered a natural contest as an unnatural competitor??   have you thought about killing yourself lately??   oh wait... i already know the answer to that..   your 5'6'' and cant get no pussy!!   ;D ;D

Marty Champions

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« Reply #94 on: April 10, 2008, 07:05:39 PM »
Matt "the Pauper and Peasant" Canning`s Autobiography:

Taken from

Note the Highlighted Parts.

Reeks of Cretin.  The Mountebank in all his unadulterated glory.

Matt Canning -Auto Biography 


I was born in St. John's Newfoundland on December 21, 1981. There are five children in my family and I currently reside in Thunder Bay, Ontario (I moved here from St. John's in July 1989).

I have attended public school my whole life, and since September of 2001, have been enrolled at Lakehead University, completing an H.BSc in Psychology, BA in Pure Mathematics, as well as a minor and environmental management certificate in Geography. I was on the honour roll throughout high school and received many academic achievement awards in my day and other honours in math quite frequently. It was customary for me to do extremely in every math course I took, and that continued up until the OAC level, but by the time of university I found other things more interesting (having a life, girls, etc.) and my grades dropped. I received marks of 100% in grade 11 and 12 math, as well as OAC Finite. I made 0 errors in grade 11 and Finite math, and three in grade 12 math. I received 101% in grade 11 math, although transcripts note grades over 100% as 100%. The only other course I received 100% in was grade nine Science. During my high school years, I was an active member of the school debating team during grades 9, 12, and OAC. During high school, I acted as a volunteer tutor, and to this day, still tutor students who have difficulty in mathematics. Then summer of 2001 hit me, where at age 19, I realized there were more important things to life - mostly women, but just having a life and having fun in general are far more important to me than looking over tests forever to eliminate every possible error. That having been said, I try not to take anything too seriously, and understand those who feel the need to, but in part, feel sorry for them. There is more to life than being passionate about things. I try not to as much as possible. In fact, you might say I'm passionate about not being passionate, so in some ways, I'm no better than those people I think are on route to an early heart attack.

Getting 100% in a course doesn't require any additional intelligence than getting, say, a 95%, but does require a certain skill that may not be present in those getting the 95s. It's almost like a game (one I now acknowledge as being kinda boring). Computational math is something I have mastered more than any person I have ever met, and any person I think I will ever meet, including world experts at math - it's kind of a Rain Man thing. I can solve any computational math problem at such a ferocious speed that my ability to solve problems is dependent on how fast I can write out the solution. I would generally finish my math exams in 15 minutes because it took me that long to write out the answers. If my hand could keep up with my brain, I would probably have finished all my exams in five minutes. It's probably the one and only skill I possess which sets me apart from the general populace in any meaningful way, and is the only thing I will ever admit to somebody that I'm probably better at than they are at. Impressed yet? Me neither. God or the universe or whatever you want to call it gave me one distinct skill and one that I consider very unimportant. I wish I was born with an uncanny ability to read and understand people beyond that of most. Now THAT would be a useful skill. Or I wish I was born with an ease of learning how to cook and improving upon those skills. Again, that is an important skill - math is not. Also, university math is more about thinking outside the box (e.g., proving theorems), and not about number crunching. True mathematicians prove theorems, and don't sit around adding X + X or differentiating equations all day. I number crunch, and I do it extremely well. But I highly doubt I would be anything special as a professional mathematician. Will I do it? I doubt it, but who knows? My dad would like me to, since I'm the only child to have pursued university,[/color] and I think his reasoning is that if one child can get a Ph.D in Pure Mathematics, all of the rest could have (which is a pretty good thing to be able to claim), and the only reason they didn't was lack of effort. I think it would comfort him to know that he passed on genes with a lot of potential (whether fulfilled or not). For the record, I do think that, despite my general lack of being able to think outside the box, that I could get a Ph.D in math, ignoring the algebra or analysis route and going the statistics or calculus route. But as I said, I would be nothing special. I think that true mathematicians really should be gifted at thinking outside the box, and I absolutely am not. Since Lakehead doesn't offer a Ph.D program, the most I'll probably end up doing is an MA. Even then, I doubt it - as I said, math is (to me at least), an utterly useless skill. I say this because I will be the first to admit I am exceptionally good at it, and I still consider it less important than the ability to make a sandwich. I know it would be a fallacy for this to be worth anything - just because a Muslim converts to Christianity doesn't say anything about Christianity, and I don't expect my conversion to the social sciences to mean much either - but at the very least, let it be known that I personally don't feel that any amount of classical analysis has much value. I just felt as though I was wasting my time - whether I was successful or not, I realized that I wasn't developing skills I could apply in everyday life - so what was the point?

Before joining the military in 2000, my previous employers included Pizza Pizza, and Safeway Canada, Inc., as well as other work as a newspaper carrier for the Chronicle Journal and Flyer carrier for Admail. I did this all throughout my childhood between the ages of 9-15 (1991-1997). I was an active cross country runner when I was younger. I joined the Canadian Forces to master physical dicipline. My goal was to use what I learned to achieve balance in daily life. Nice idea - but if you want to achieve balance, let me warn you in advance that the army is not the way to go. It is a very unprofessional atmosphere and really barbaric in many ways (but it is the army after all, so what can you expect? They are supposed to be training us for war). I worked with a lot of good people who I admire, but the bad ones who I had to deal with made it less than worth it. I have no major hobbies other than weight training and DVD collecting. I am generally a social person. I have no medical problems and am a generally healthy, happy person. So if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm just not into academics all that much. It's no wonder that so few of my relatives pursued post secondary education - I don't think it's in my blood. I would rather interact with other people, lift weights, watch creepy detective type shows (Cold Case Files, City Confidential, just about the only TV I watch), watch horror movies, meet women, read Archie comics and enjoy my life. Have I proven that I'm more than capable as an academic and can take it as far as I want, in any area of interest? Sure. Do I care? Absolutely not. Do I even have many or any areas of interest? Not really. At least nothing that would attract me to formal learning in a university setting. There is far more to life, and formal education is unimportant to me. I would rather read and learn on my own time, and just have fun.

I think I wanted to prove to the world that I was capable of a lot after being the class clown for too many years - but here's the thing, I still am the class clown. The walls of academic awards and army achievements I have didn't change my heart. Now I'm slowly going back to becoming the person who I was, and I'm so grateful that this is happening, since it's exactly the place I want to be in.

from what was highlighted in red

this poor man child fears society and the reprecussions against matt c's personal creativity

note to matt c-- look dude this world aint worth living in , if you have to live in fear, of what any of us say dude. the first thing to do is face your fears, its okay to act crazy , to say something right off the top of your head, even if its just a word, a word has more than 2 meanings, analyze things, break down your conditioning.

you created your own prison litterally, you are stuck inside the box of thinking like a little f@aggy.

i wake up everyday and will accept death, accept injury, accept disease, as if it is a lesson to be learned or a punishment to be paid

grow up matt act like an adult, be your own man, dont be like us or society, our conditioning influenced you, you are only comfortable with hear say  because its the majority, you feel lonley and out of place being original,

friends are not real friends, the best friend is yourself and what it can accomplish everyday be our friends, youve always acted like a peice of shit act better son


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« Reply #95 on: April 10, 2008, 07:08:41 PM »
"This left an indelible stain upon his genetic code, as no respectable gentlewoman or gentleman has filled the void since thier generational embarrassment.  Peasants, Street-Sweepers, Bible-Toters and worthless Mountebanks have all born the burden of bearing the name Canning.  The trend continues onward."
1:04 pm - The Wizard (1989).  
This movie came out on DVD in August due to huge demand (a petition was even drafted for it). I watched most of it last night and it was actually pretty good, considering it was more of an advertisement for Nintendo and Universal Studios. I could see why I was so interested in seeing it as a kid, although I remember having to wait until it came out on rent. A lot of the former child stars are still working in Hollywood, so I would like to see what Fred Savage is up to.

Also, I forgot to add...

My cousin is coming to Thunder Bay and apparently has a job lined up (I doubt this). My uncle says he is dealing with all kinds of issues right now and feels helpless to help his son. He asked if I could basically take care of him when he is up here and get his life on track. Now generally I would be all in favour, but for years I've tried to help people who don't want to help themselves and it never works - not for me, not for anyone. Unless he wants to make an effort (which he doesn't), he would be useless to me, and I would be useless to him. In September, a friend of mine had some issues to deal with and needed a place to stay. Because he was so respectful of me and because I got so much reciprocation in our friendship, I let him stay here for cost (which is almost free, about $30 or $50 a month) for as long as he wanted. He was a pleasant person and it was really fulfilling to have him in my life. Then some other issues came up and he needed to move out. He didn't want to, but he had no choice. My letting him stay here for free, which I didn't mention to anybody until just now, are of course the actions of an exploitative and immoral man; moreso, and supposed obligations of such a man.

My cousin is not the same as this guy though. He already used me for as much money as he could get off me and by going out of my way and getting stressed out, I fell very ill, which to me is a total anomaly. Unlike the situation with my friend, I have nothing to gain and everything to lose by helping him. On the other hand, my uncle is a nice man, who is pleasant and easy to get along with, and I would like to help my cousin moreso to help my uncle who deserves it. Although to see my cousin improve would also be a good thing to me. But I won't let him live here. Doing so I would stand to lose a lot and of course gain nothing at all. I think what I would like to do is bring him to the gym regularly and to LU for hot meals to get him on a healthy diet. I can also try to educate him on ways to improve himself. That way, my personal risk is limited. If I see him making no effort, or if I see that I'm only being had once again, I'll cut him off in a second. If on the other hand, he is actually willing to try to make his life better, we'll take it from there.  
(9 comments | comment on this)
Thursday, November 30th, 2006

Utterly pathetic. One can't help but wonder what is going through this gentlemans head. He has that neo-con sneer in his smile with a twinkle of gay in his eye. Perhaps he is going through some kind of phase of Senator Craigesque denial.


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« Reply #96 on: April 10, 2008, 07:08:57 PM »
This thread growing more epic by the minute...classic Getbig unfolding before our eyes right here.   ;D


The True Adonis

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« Reply #97 on: April 10, 2008, 07:09:51 PM »
From the sad seed of scounderels-the Matt C Saga Continues- hahhahahahhahah

9:06 am - Re: PS3s.  
Look at this, I go out of my way for a chance to help friends save hundreds of dollars and myself lose up to $2,000, just to get hit with a jab like this:

Just as an update, I will be putting the PS3s on EBAY in about an hour. The market value is a bit random right now, and one day it is worth $1,200 and the next day, $1,000, and back again, so I'm putting them up now. Sorry if I got anyone's hopes up. For once, I'm actually thinking about myself.

Linda had a great quote that she posted on here some time back, where she basically said that she was so sick and tired of getting taken advantage of that she would no longer give the shirt off her back to help someone "in need". The thing about Linda is that she expects everyone to be as good hearted and generous as her and only expect favours when they actually tried their best themselves not to need them, and actually truly do need them. That's not the case of course, and some people will take advantage of somebody in a flash.

Two weeks ago, my cousin who lives out of town told me that he needed $1,000 for an unspecified emergency. I kept on saying no, and he kept pushing matters. Finally I said ok, and offered to wire him the money through online banking. Low and behold, he didn't have a bank account. I then said he could come down here to get the money - nope, not possible for whatever reason. At that point I just said no, and he kept telling me of the urgency of the situation. He pushed me to come down to visit the family and lend him the money. I figured it would be $1,000 loss but for a good cause and I could at least visit my other cousins. The next day, he let the cat out of the bag that he spent a huge amount of money on his girlfriend to rectify a fight they had been in. My uncle asked him where he got the money from, and my cousin went mute.

I flipped.

He actually had the nerve to blame it on roid rage too - as if being lied to and having a relationship and trust totally destroyed isn't grounds to snap. I yelled at him so much and the pollution over there was so strong, that I went home that night and came down with pneumonia. I get sick maybe four times a decade and I had never been so sick in my life. I went to the gym on Monday to see how things were, only to find that I lost 12 pounds of body weight and half an inch on my arms and my bench press went from 350 to 320. Then I see Peter squatting 500 pounds for reps and realize what I had - what I was willing to sacrifice to help someone "in need" - I lost $1,000 and a lot more by contracting an illness to help a friend "in need". Never again.
Last year someone asked to borrow $900 for rent. I asked if it would be reasonable to ask for interest for the loan. Some people said "I wouldn't charge interest" - the same people who would never lend the money out to begin with. Yet I am the bad guy for asking for $5 interest which didn't even cover the money that I lost had I applied that $900 to pre-existing debts. I lost money to help someone and was apparently in the wrong to try to curb my losses. I was the only person willing to help when all of his family and friends did not, and yet I was in the wrong to simply ask for something that any reasonable person would have offered anyway. In such an emergency, I would feel horrible for not openly GIVING the person $100 extra on top of the loan. I would never need to be asked for $5, I would have enough respect and courtesy to offer far more than that to begin with.
So the same guy came back in September with another "rent emergency". He needed a similar loan to pay first and last month's rent before his OSAP came in. I had Currie set the terms which was the best thing I ever did. All in all I would lend the money - IF he was willing to pay the same interest rate that VISA charged him. I didn't WANT to lend the money. I didn't want to be had again just because this guy couldn't take care of himself. Where were his parents? Where were his closer friends? Clearly they didn't want to help, so how was it my obligation? It wasn't, and if I was going to help, it would be on my terms.

My mother's family was physically and verbally abused by their father. I have no love for my grandfather, who has 0 remorse for what he did. If you beat your wife and kids you're a piece of shit in my book, family or not. One of my uncles grew up always on the defensive because of it. He would never tolerate mistreatment or being taken advantage of by people because of how his father treated him. I think he is a good guy, and I don't think there is anything wrong with watching out for yourself. My other uncle on the other hand, grew up always trying to help people in need - of course the type of people who he helped, the kinds who appear to be "in need", only walked on him and abused him his entire life. What's more sad - at age 38, he died of cancer, having been taken advantage of and used by these scumbags all the way up until his death.

When I came down with the pneumonia, I still went to school before I was diagnosed. When I got there, I had almost every worker at the cafeteria personally serving me. One went so far as to actually go to the other cafeteria to get me chicken noodle soup and bring it to me. She also brought orange juice from home for me because she was concerned I would catch more germs drinking OJ from the public tap. For dinner, I came late and all of the chocolate brownies were eaten which is my favourite dessert. Low and behold, another one of the workers actually had put aside a brownie for me in the fridge because there were none left. Talk about heartwarming. I never felt so loved in my life, and in general, I feel a lot of love by the people around me.
I would say that for my age I'm ahead of the game of life. Most people twice my age would be happy to be where I am. To be honest, I don't even care if I improve on anything from this day forward. I want to stay exactly as I am right now for as long as possible - though if I improve and if things get better - great. What I'm saying is that after years of work, I'm finally exactly where I want to be. If anything, I fear regressing because I've really found my groove. But one thing I've never learned was how to exercise any discretion when sharing my generosity with others. There is nothing wrong with the gem "Do Unto Others As You Would Want Them Do Unto You", and there is a lot right with it. The key is doing unto the RIGHT kind of people. People who are actually friends. The workers in the cafeteria are the type of people I should be helping out. Instead, all my life I've helped mostly the wrong people - people who would take the food off my plate if given the chance. People who are so selfish they spent 110% of their money to support themselves and their hobbies and had no gratitude whatsoever for any help I had ever given them. If you put yourself in a bad spot due to your own stupidity and ignorance and lack of effort, I'm not going to help. Because in reality, I'm not helping - I'm enabling more of the same bad behaviour which got you there to begin with. If on the other hand, you're out there trying your best, making every possible effort to do what you can to make the best of your situation, you can bet I will help.

50/50 is the ONLY way relationships should be. What I try to do is seek out relationships with people with that same mentality. Then I try to give 60 to balance things out and make sure it is 50/50. If you try to even give 50 to the wrong person, you end up giving 100 and getting nothing in return except for abuse.

The lesson I learned from this is to only help the right people. The self abusive, self destructive, selfish types can starve on the street corner for all I care. I definitely am not going to enable their bad behaviour. From now on, I will only help the right people. If you expect more than 50% in a relationship, you need to take a good look in the mirror and realize how incredibly selfish you are. From now on, these types of people have no place in my life.  
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Wednesday, November 29th, 2006


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« Reply #98 on: April 10, 2008, 07:12:06 PM »
Thursday, August 24th, 2006
11:20 pm - New car. 
Well, sort of.

My friend offered to sell me his 2000 Civic and if all goes well I'll buy it next week and put a car starter in - otherwise it's loaded. All the reviews are good and it looks good too. I'm loving this car so far. Not too relevant, but it has good resell value too. I just want a good heater and a starter and a car that's not as old (ugly) as mine. Not brand new, but just not ugly and rusted.


Poor Matt... hahahah he is poor too. Didn't you claim to be a millionaire?


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« Reply #99 on: April 10, 2008, 07:12:52 PM »
We hear you call our name
We adore it
Hear you all these things
That we invoke here
If you call our name
Rest assured dear
See you all these things
But be forwarned dear

I don't mind the pain

Spirit of Truth