Just a question on the overhead press. Does this include any leg drive or is it a strict military press?
Standing and you do it however you can get it up. Jerk, push press, strict, whatever gets it overhead. Bar pauses in bottom position, press to full lockout, and hold for a second to show full lockout.
I'm down for something lb for lb as long as the rules and calculations are spelled out in advance and everyone agrees.
Hopefully the timing would work out OK for me with my other comps, because I'm pretty sure I could take most of you big boys.
Come up with some ideas as to how we can verify peoples weight 100% AND be sure they are weighing themselves and lifting on the same day. Honor system only goes so far. Im sure I can get a scale to say, convincingly, that I am 50lbs less than I am and still zero out correctly. So why cant someone else?
While I love that idea in principle, depending on the resolution/clarity of the vids people post, it's gonna be pretty hard to judge depth on squats. Also there would need to be strict instructions to the entrants on what angle to shoot from--and all contestants would need to shoot from the same angle for fairness' sake--so that depth could be judged accurately. 'course that's not an issue with the DL, and not really with the BP (though with the BP you have the issue of whether it is touch and go...).
I think the 405 Deadlift is the easiest one for people to agree on. Weight on the floor, pick it up, simple.
I like the overhead press but I think seated will be hard to judge. People tend to turn it into an incline press and then claim it was "strict." If its standing and you are allowed to jerk, jump, or however you can get it up, it turns into a brute strength event where the whole body is included. In a strongman competition there is no rule, just get it up, lock it out, the end. We could make it a clean and press event too. What do you guys think?