Author Topic: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself  (Read 5720 times)

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Re: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself
« Reply #50 on: June 05, 2008, 03:02:02 PM »
Who the fuck was this cat anyway?

He made this statement here only to talk to the NFL weeks later. Which is why the mainstream media is on this story.

Hello everyone!

FINALLY I can take a deep breath and sit down and talk to you.  First off I want you to look at the statement I made today.  As you will see I have not and I did not and I have no intention of naming names.  These rumors and allegations need to stop right now.  The sentencing was a public forum and nothing can be hidden.  Not ONE SINGLE NAME was mentioned and nothing was said about any friends, bodybuilders, former friends - nothing.  So now that it is official, on the record, I am officially sentenced and NO ONE HAS HAD A CASE BROUGHT ON THEM.  I hope that you can all take a step back - look at the situation and understand that I did what I said I was going to do.  I protected a shitload of people.

Anyone who knows how big I was, how many people I was involved with, and the different athletes I worked with can easily understand that if I was ratting people out and I was slinging names all around - I would not have been sentenced.  If there were ongoing trials etc. that I was needed for - I would not have been sentenced. If I was out there naming names not one or two people would have been busted - it would have been more like HUNDREDS of people.  So considering that there is no one that can come forward and say that I brought a case on them should speak volumes about what I did and how adamently I protected people in every way I could.  However as we found out today - my case is closed.  Its over.  No one else was indicted and no one was mentioned.  Dave Palumbo kept telling everyone - when you are sentenced and the judge lists everything you did then we will know.

OK well then now we know dont we Dave.  No one mentioned any names, and in the press interview/statement I said again.  I have no intention of naming names.  I am not about ruining peoples lives and careers - that is not who David Jacobs is.

Hear it from my own mouth today minutes after my sentencing.  click this link

Listen guys.  I cant blame people for being suspicious and cautious - even keeping their distance especially until the sentencing.  When you are sentenced - they are done with you.  Thats it.  Done. Case Closed.  Goodbye. 

I love bodybuilding.  I love how it helped changed my life.  I have made some incredible friends and even met the love of my life as a result.  Not all of what I went through is bad.  Yes it hurt like hell to have people like Branch Warren, Matt Matthews, Jay Moore, and others start rumors, say things that were not true and turn their backs on me.  Especially since I never did anything but help them.  However at this stage in my life I dont have any more room for anger and hatred.  All that is left is disappointment, but that will pass too.  I have made the best friends I have ever hoped to have.  I have grown, learned and come out of this stronger and sharper.  I plan on getting back involved in bodybuilding - just not in the same way I had been before.  I wont ever go through this again trust me.

We all make mistakes and it is none of our business to judge.  I fucked up.  I fucked up big time, but I took it like a man.  I took responsibility for it.  I spent a year of my life living in hell every day, I lost my business, I lost all the money I had ever made, and I lost those who I thought were like my family - Trust me - I have paid my dues.  Now I have to pay the government an addtional 25,000 dollars which I have no idea in hell how I am going to do that, I have to continue to submit to weekly drug tests, surprise visits at my house, check ups on my work, my financial records to be reviewed every month, I can never vote again, I am no longer able to have any federal benefits, I can never own a firearm either.  Is it better than spending a year in prison yes - but did I hurt anyone? No.  Was I a coke, meth or ex dealer - no - so I truly believe that I should not be (and no one else involved with steroids) should be put behind bars.  This should be a huge wake up call for many people reading this.  If you ever are stupid enough to do what I did, and you are out there pushing the envelope to get that easy money.  You better be setting a whole lot of it aside for an attorney like the one I had because a pit bull attorney is THE ONLY THING that will save your ass.

Last but definitely not least I want to say one last thing.  I fought so hard for a good deal, and my attorney stayed on top of things every day for an entire year they arranged (through serious negotiation, arbitration, arguing, compromising etc.) that I would receive 3 years probation.  Now due to recent supreme court findings there has to be a level of fairness applied to everyone involved in a federal case.  Since I was the "kingpin" and my attorney was able to negotiate an agreement for 3 years probation - the judge said that he could not accept that anyone involved could face a fine or punishment greater than mine.  Therefore because my attorney and I busted our ass to work out a probation deal - EVERY SINGLE OTHER PERSON INVOLVED faces max 3 years probation too. They get AT WORST my same deal.  All of them got much less than me by the way!!!

So now maybe instead of beating me over the head people will realize that by playing my cards right, fighting for what was right and fair and also for being a man - everyone else gets to enjoy the same benefit of my hard work.  Its not like I am skating by and anyone is going to jail.  We all learned from our mistakes and every one of us is moving on.

Here is what happened..... Everything I did and fought for ended up helping everyone else too.  If I was a selfish person only looking out for myself and cared nothing about others lives then Why have none of my friends in bodybuilding been questioned or arrested?  Why are they all still competing?  Why are there so many NFL players still on the field?  Dont you think if they had cases on people that they would not be competing, they would not be fighting, they would not be playing?  The answer to that question is painfully obvious.

Its over guys.  Please let me and everyone else get on with our lives.

Let me enjoy the friendships and comradery that I once did in bodybuilding.  I proved I am not the enemy. If anything I proved I am your friend - even if I did not know you.

Lets move on.  Case Closed.

Thank you to all who stood by me and believed in me.  Thank you to my closest friends and family and I really look forward to building good relationships back up with people and helping as many people as I can (without chemicals of course) =)

Stay strong... Stay Safe...

From the Associate Press which totally contradicts his bullshit claims here on getbig:

"Hank Hockeimer, Jacobs' attorney, has told The Dallas Morning News that Jacobs then met with NFL security officials in the Dallas area on May 21 and gave them names of players he said bought steroids from him. Hockeimer didn't immediately return a phone call from The Associated Press on Thursday."
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Re: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself
« Reply #51 on: June 05, 2008, 03:03:21 PM »
So he was a snitch? Wow..


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Re: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself
« Reply #52 on: June 05, 2008, 03:07:50 PM »
another great publicity for the "bodyfuilding industry"  :-X


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Re: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself
« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2008, 11:46:28 PM »
another great publicity for the "bodyfuilding industry"  :-X

lol, are you talking out of your ass??

The IFBB has strict drug testing and every viewer in the audience has to make a lie detector test to prove he's not gay and only came to masturbate in the audience.

Bodybuilding is the cleanest sport ever.

 ;D ;D


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Re: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself
« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2008, 04:49:04 AM »
Dave in 2002
the chinese signal board behind him means "tough guy...."or "good guy...."(好漢...)


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Re: Dave Jacobs shoots his girlfriend in the face, and kills himself
« Reply #55 on: June 06, 2008, 04:55:51 AM »
If this is a suicide

I don't think this has to do with coming off a cycle...

Imagine knowing your women would never be with you if you didn't juice and make good money etc. you never thought she would EVER want you. A girl you thought COULDN'T BE ATTRACTED TO YOU! SO YOU become possessive and incredibly jealous and you are fragile inside. You develop an "I own her" mentality rather than a shared life experiance. She starts slipping away! you are extremely emotionally fragile... You're two loves in life are dissappating away - bodybuilding(with assistance) and your love of your life(YOU NEVER THOUGHT YOU COULD HAVE)...

That is the catalyst for this behaviour compound this with the fact Americans have guns... and there you have it. Its in the heat of the moment and I  think he got the "talk".

Coming off a cycle for the most part is quite liberating for most guys. Its a time where you are impervious to the power of the puss, you lose size and feel a bit better. Your mental outlook is fresh and you are less driven and more reflective. Then your sex drive comes back and its all good.