Author Topic: Obama Vows To Disarm America  (Read 39454 times)


  • Getbig V
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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #125 on: June 06, 2008, 06:52:02 PM »
disarm America ::)

you didn't listen to a damn word he said,people like you are why i think Americans should not have the right to vote unless they can pass some sort of comprehension test.................... .hope this helps ;)


Of course these ASSHOLES did not listen to what Obama said...99 percent of the time the most VOCAL IDIOTS on this board don't have a clue as to what they are screaming about....but scream away they do. These lame brains of GB want to continue in the George Bush BULLSHIT system of MONETARY WASTE while we all watch food, gas, taxes, etc climb exponentially. Sadly most of the persons on this board are still home with their parents and don't have a clue as to the reality of things, so they just scream out what ever they emotionally feel without knowing or at the very least checking the facts. As this Patriot Act/NWO/ Police State system comes further into effect in america the same assholes will be the ones standing there with the proverbial deer in the headlights look saying HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHAT DO WE DO NOW? By then it will be too late...everyones RIGHTS WILL HAVE BEEN TERMINATED, new laws will eradicate freedom of speech, privacy, worship etc etc. Then these morons will try and forceably take back what has been taken and will end up shot to death or jailed by the new police state cops. How many times has George Bush made reference to THE NEW WORLD ORDER, has added more agencies to the government whose powers are AGAINST THE POPULATION and whose powers are UNQUESTIONABLE, ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION, ARE DONE IN THE COVER OF DARKNESS AND SECRECY? Obama at least informs people of what he would like to it perfect...NO, but look at the fucking disaster of a country he will inherit should he become president. TRILLIONS of dollar of debt, no manufacturing, massive unemployment (I hope you are not dumb enough to believe the 5 percent bullshit that the news reports...that number is easily 20 to 30 percent given the continuous 3 to 4 hundred thousand people filing for unemployment insurance every week), multiple wars costing trillions of dollars and accomplishing nothing, rogue foreign policy EYC ETC ETC. Why would anyone turn their nose up  to someone who is at least TRYING to make things better as opposed to staying with lame son of a bitch you have had for eight years? Why would you protest...KNOWING NOTHING ABOUT THE CANDIDATE? And for the rest of the closeted racist who say Obama isn't qualified...hahahahah... america has had nothing but UNQUALIFIED WHITE MEN SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON and look at the MESS they have made. Some of you are dumb enough to want McCain...why would I want some CANCER STRICKEN HOMOSEXUAL KNOB replacing a closeted homosexual like George Bush...anyone heard from his lover Jeff Gannon lately? Is Jeff still making hundreds of late night whitehouse visits to see Georgie boy? Lemme see we have seen dozens of closeted fags under George Bush since he came into effect: Dennis Hastert, John Crisp, Barney Frank, Larry Craig, Robert Allen UGH..the list is endless and let us not forget Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearle, etc etc who have DECIMATED america in their time. WTF?

You know maybe letting a McCain into the whitehouse will do the assholes who hate Obama all the good they deserve. When they are reduced down to soup lines, welfare, jails, being sacrificed in war for the rich petrochemical and big pharma companies, when they are drinking and eating food so foul a dog would turn away from it, when there are no jobs and society is reduced to something similar to Judge Dredd or Soylent Green then they will be able to see...But why should it have to come to this extreme for anyone to see? Then again this is america land of the IGNORANT, BLIND, DUMB, SENSELESS, DEMORALIZED....maybe the best thing is for it to be consumed by its own devices.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #126 on: June 06, 2008, 06:53:17 PM »
samson i skimmed your post i agree with the general points our making but you wrote WAY too much nobody's gonna read all that... try editing it to make it more read able and pleasing to the eye


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #127 on: June 06, 2008, 06:53:38 PM »
Of course these ASSHOLES did not listen to what Obama said...99 percent of the time the most VOCAL IDIOTS on this board don't have a clue as to what they are screaming about....but scream away they do. These lame brains of GB want to continue in the George Bush BULLSHIT system of MONETARY WASTE while we all watch food, gas, taxes, etc climb exponentially. Sadly most of the persons on this board are still home with their parents and don't have a clue as to the reality of things, so they just scream out what ever they emotionally feel without knowing or at the very least checking the facts. As this Patriot Act/NWO/ Police State system comes further into effect in america the same assholes will be the ones standing there with the proverbial deer in the headlights look saying HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHAT DO WE DO NOW? By then it will be too late...everyones RIGHTS WILL HAVE BEEN TERMINATED, new laws will eradicate freedom of speech, privacy, worship etc etc. Then these morons will try and forceably take back what has been taken and will end up shot to death or jailed by the new police state cops. How many times has George Bush made reference to THE NEW WORLD ORDER, has added more agencies to the government whose powers are AGAINST THE POPULATION and whose powers are UNQUESTIONABLE, ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION, ARE DONE IN THE COVER OF DARKNESS AND SECRECY? Obama at least informs people of what he would like to it perfect...NO, but look at the fucking disaster of a country he will inherit should he become president. TRILLIONS of dollar of debt, no manufacturing, massive unemployment (I hope you are not dumb enough to believe the 5 percent bullshit that the news reports...that number is easily 20 to 30 percent given the continuous 3 to 4 hundred thousand people filing for unemployment insurance every week), multiple wars costing trillions of dollars and accomplishing nothing, rogue foreign policy EYC ETC ETC. Why would anyone turn their nose up  to someone who is at least TRYING to make things better as opposed to staying with lame son of a bitch you have had for eight years? Why would you protest...KNOWING NOTHING ABOUT THE CANDIDATE? And for the rest of the closeted racist who say Obama isn't qualified...hahahahah... america has had nothing but UNQUALIFIED WHITE MEN SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON and look at the MESS they have made. Some of you are dumb enough to want McCain...why would I want some CANCER STRICKEN HOMOSEXUAL KNOB replacing a closeted homosexual like George Bush...anyone heard from his lover Jeff Gannon lately? Is Jeff still making hundreds of late night whitehouse visits to see Georgie boy? Lemme see we have seen dozens of closeted fags under George Bush since he came into effect: Dennis Hastert, John Crisp, Barney Frank, Larry Craig, Robert Allen UGH..the list is endless and let us not forget Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearle, etc etc who have DECIMATED america in their time. WTF?

You know maybe letting a McCain into the whitehouse will do the assholes who hate Obama all the good they deserve. When they are reduced down to soup lines, welfare, jails, being sacrificed in war for the rich petrochemical and big pharma companies, when they are drinking and eating food so foul a dog would turn away from it, when there are no jobs and society is reduced to something similar to Judge Dredd or Soylent Green then they will be able to see...But why should it have to come to this extreme for anyone to see? Then again this is america land of the IGNORANT, BLIND, DUMB, SENSELESS, DEMORALIZED....maybe the best thing is for it to be consumed by its own devices.

This qualifies for meltdown of the night ! great work.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #128 on: June 06, 2008, 07:09:35 PM »
I don't understand why Americans are so frightened by things that other countries have done so well on?

-socialised medicine
-higher taxes (VAT: value added tax)
-proper education
-big government

1. Show me where socialized medicine has been successful. All I see are countries with long waiting lists, inadequate services, and crippling tax burdens. The reason socialized medicine is a bad idea and feared in America is because it creates unlimited demand which strains supply to the max. It's like if a gas station offered free gasoline, there would be a line around the block of people waiting for their free gas whether they need it or not. The same principle applies with health care, if health care is "free" every asshole with so much as a sniffle will go to his or her doctor to get treated because it's "free". Because government can't keep up with demand they have to either: deny people coverage, have people wait for medical care, or both.

2. I agree with you here, income taxes are outdated and inefficient. I like the FairTax myself, it's a consumption tax very similar to the VAT. The American people are not afraid of consumption taxes, their government is. The income tax gives politicians a lot of power, consumption taxes take it away, simple.

3. If by "proper" education you mean government controlled education then America already has that. Government or "public" schools are the norm here and they're terrible. If your kid is stuck in a shitty school you have three options in this country: move, enroll in a private school (which only the wealthy can afford), or home school (can't really do this if your poor either). You can't just move your child to a different public school (well you can but it's almost impossible). The sad thing is that private and home schoolers blow public school kids out of the water performance-wise but for some reason many Americans think that if you just increase funding of public schools then they will perform better when really this is totally opposite. If you put more money into your shitty machine without changing how it operates then all you get is a bigger shitty machine.

4. America is a secular nation, all religions practice freely and there is no established religion. Religious people vote and influence their government, but that doesn't mean the country isn't secular. Are you suggesting religious people shouldn't vote?

5. This one is my favorite, the reason big government is bad in a nutshell is because it is corrupt and inefficient. Government can do some things well such as collect money, and write checks. As far as running things government is inferior to the private sector, big time. The problem with the way government is run is that its incentives are backwards, employees are rewarded by tenure rather than performance, government agencies are rewarded for spending their entire budgets with more funding, agencies that save money are punished with cuts. If a business does poorly in the private market, then it goes out of business and another better company takes over. If a government agency does poorly, then it receives more funding because it "wasn't funded properly". It's also almost impossible to fire a government employee, not so in the private market. So basically government employees and agencies are not motivated to be efficient or effective, I mean why should they? All they have to do is sit on their fat asses year after year and their pay goes up regardless of their performance. Another this is if I don't want to deal with a business, I DON'T HAVE TO. If I don't like Wal-Mart I can tell them to go fuck themselves and go to Target. I HAVE TO deal with the government whether I like it or not, 1950 America was the worlds supreme superpower, since then America has been overtaken by dozens of countries all founded on the above listed principles. In fact the argument could be made that America is teetering on the brink of total economic collapse.

America's GDP is still 3 times higher than the country in second place so I wouldn't say it's on the brink of collapse or in any risk of being overtaken any time soon. America is having some problems, but most of them are due to out of control spending, high taxation, and government regulation, not because of a lack of socialism.

Why do conservative Christians espouse the kind of nonsense The Coach is spouting in this thread?

What kind of nonsense is he spouting? Where is he wrong about anything he's saying about the Messiah?

Since when is Rush Limbaugh, fabricator of 95.6% of all the statistics he quotes, considered a reliable source? What's with the stupidity of people happily shouting "Obama is bad for America... Big Oil/Big Tobacco/Big Pharma/Big Money told me so!"

Just because you don't like what Rush has to say doesn't mean that he doesn't bring up good points. I trust Rush more than the regular socialist media because at least Rush admits he's biased as hell. You know where he's coming from, the rest of the media pretend that they are "objective" which is total horseshit, just look at the constant orgasms they're having over this Obama guy, it's embarrassing. Why would the regular media be a more reliable source of information when you know right of the bat that they are lying their asses off about their motives and biases?

...I just don't understand right wing American Evangelicals? Why do they vote Republican? Jesus would vote Democrat, surely?

They vote Republican because of abortion. The stupid useless issue of abortion, these people would vote Stalin himself in if he had the "right" view on abortion. The anti-choice religious nuts in the republican party are a liability, they are the reason that that old liberal geezer McCain got the nomination. The Republican party must crash and burn and be rebuilt into a real nationalist capitalistic party again.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #129 on: June 06, 2008, 07:14:32 PM »
America's GDP is still 3 times higher than the country in second place so I wouldn't say it's on the brink of collapse or in any risk of being overtaken any time soon.

Not sure whether you mean some overall thing, which is hard to quantify. On a per capita basis USA is not highest, has not been for years. Studies vary but most put the USA at 7 - 10th position.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #130 on: June 06, 2008, 07:19:14 PM »
Of course these ASSHOLES did not listen to what Obama said...99 percent of the time the most VOCAL IDIOTS on this board don't have a clue as to what they are screaming about....but scream away they do. These lame brains of GB want to continue in the George Bush BULLSHIT system of MONETARY WASTE while we all watch food, gas, taxes, etc climb exponentially. Sadly most of the persons on this board are still home with their parents and don't have a clue as to the reality of things, so they just scream out what ever they emotionally feel without knowing or at the very least checking the facts. As this Patriot Act/NWO/ Police State system comes further into effect in america the same assholes will be the ones standing there with the proverbial deer in the headlights look saying HOW DID THIS HAPPEN? WHAT DO WE DO NOW? By then it will be too late...everyones RIGHTS WILL HAVE BEEN TERMINATED, new laws will eradicate freedom of speech, privacy, worship etc etc. Then these morons will try and forceably take back what has been taken and will end up shot to death or jailed by the new police state cops. How many times has George Bush made reference to THE NEW WORLD ORDER, has added more agencies to the government whose powers are AGAINST THE POPULATION and whose powers are UNQUESTIONABLE, ABOVE THE CONSTITUTION, ARE DONE IN THE COVER OF DARKNESS AND SECRECY? Obama at least informs people of what he would like to it perfect...NO, but look at the fucking disaster of a country he will inherit should he become president. TRILLIONS of dollar of debt, no manufacturing, massive unemployment (I hope you are not dumb enough to believe the 5 percent bullshit that the news reports...that number is easily 20 to 30 percent given the continuous 3 to 4 hundred thousand people filing for unemployment insurance every week), multiple wars costing trillions of dollars and accomplishing nothing, rogue foreign policy EYC ETC ETC. Why would anyone turn their nose up  to someone who is at least TRYING to make things better as opposed to staying with lame son of a bitch you have had for eight years? Why would you protest...KNOWING NOTHING ABOUT THE CANDIDATE? And for the rest of the closeted racist who say Obama isn't qualified...hahahahah... america has had nothing but UNQUALIFIED WHITE MEN SINCE GEORGE WASHINGTON and look at the MESS they have made. Some of you are dumb enough to want McCain...why would I want some CANCER STRICKEN HOMOSEXUAL KNOB replacing a closeted homosexual like George Bush...anyone heard from his lover Jeff Gannon lately? Is Jeff still making hundreds of late night whitehouse visits to see Georgie boy? Lemme see we have seen dozens of closeted fags under George Bush since he came into effect: Dennis Hastert, John Crisp, Barney Frank, Larry Craig, Robert Allen UGH..the list is endless and let us not forget Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Pearle, etc etc who have DECIMATED america in their time. WTF?

You know maybe letting a McCain into the whitehouse will do the assholes who hate Obama all the good they deserve. When they are reduced down to soup lines, welfare, jails, being sacrificed in war for the rich petrochemical and big pharma companies, when they are drinking and eating food so foul a dog would turn away from it, when there are no jobs and society is reduced to something similar to Judge Dredd or Soylent Green then they will be able to see...But why should it have to come to this extreme for anyone to see? Then again this is america land of the IGNORANT, BLIND, DUMB, SENSELESS, DEMORALIZED....maybe the best thing is for it to be consumed by its own devices.

A challenge for you, if you dare to take it:

Please name 5 things good about the USA...or is your life, respectfully, that sad?


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #131 on: June 06, 2008, 07:25:48 PM »
1. Show me where socialized medicine has been successful. All I see are countries with long waiting lists, inadequate services, and crippling tax burdens. The reason socialized medicine is a bad idea and feared in America is because it creates unlimited demand which strains supply to the max. It's like if a gas station offered free gasoline, there would be a line around the block of people waiting for their free gas whether they need it or not. The same principle applies with health care, if health care is "free" every asshole with so much as a sniffle will go to his or her doctor to get treated because it's "free". Because government can't keep up with demand they have to either: deny people coverage, have people wait for medical care, or both.

And we are not fond of seeing our taxes shoot to 70%

2. I agree with you here, income taxes are outdated and inefficient. I like the FairTax myself, it's a consumption tax very similar to the VAT. The American people are not afraid of consumption taxes, their government is. The income tax gives politicians a lot of power, consumption taxes take it away, simple.


3. If by "proper" education you mean government controlled education then America already has that. Government or "public" schools are the norm here and they're terrible. If your kid is stuck in a shitty school you have three options in this country: move, enroll in a private school (which only the wealthy can afford), or home school (can't really do this if your poor either). You can't just move your child to a different public school (well you can but it's almost impossible). The sad thing is that private and home schoolers blow public school kids out of the water performance-wise but for some reason many Americans think that if you just increase funding of public schools then they will perform better when really this is totally opposite. If you put more money into your shitty machine without changing how it operates then all you get is a bigger shitty machine.

Well, I don't know. Physics at Yale is the same as physics at community college. You can learn anywhere. I have a hard time blaming the 'system'...I like to cast responsibility for failings to the mommies and daddies (if there are any) and the lazy-ass, Ipod toting kids themselves. 

4. America is a secular nation, all religions practice freely and there is no established religion. Religious people vote and influence their government, but that doesn't mean the country isn't secular. Are you suggesting religious people shouldn't vote?

5. This one is my favorite, the reason big government is bad in a nutshell is because it is corrupt and inefficient. Government can do some things well such as collect money, and write checks. As far as running things government is inferior to the private sector, big time. The problem with the way government is run is that its incentives are backwards, employees are rewarded by tenure rather than performance, government agencies are rewarded for spending their entire budgets with more funding, agencies that save money are punished with cuts. If a business does poorly in the private market, then it goes out of business and another better company takes over. If a government agency does poorly, then it receives more funding because it "wasn't funded properly". It's also almost impossible to fire a government employee, not so in the private market. So basically government employees and agencies are not motivated to be efficient or effective, I mean why should they? All they have to do is sit on their fat asses year after year and their pay goes up regardless of their performance. Another this is if I don't want to deal with a business, I DON'T HAVE TO. If I don't like Wal-Mart I can tell them to go fuck themselves and go to Target. I HAVE TO deal with the government whether I like it or not,

Wow. Sounds a lot like France!

America's GDP is still 3 times higher than the country in second place so I wouldn't say it's on the brink of collapse or in any risk of being overtaken any time soon. America is having some problems, but most of them are due to out of control spending, high taxation, and government regulation, not because of a lack of socialism.

The ship will be righted

What kind of nonsense is he spouting? Where is he wrong about anything he's saying about the Messiah?

Just because you don't like what Rush has to say doesn't mean that he doesn't bring up good points. I trust Rush more than the regular socialist media because at least Rush admits he's biased as hell. You know where he's coming from, the rest of the media pretend that they are "objective" which is total horseshit, just look at the constant orgasms they're having over this Obama guy, it's embarrassing. Why would the regular media be a more reliable source of information when you know right of the bat that they are lying their asses off about their motives and biases?

Yes. I don't mind dealing with a jerk, because I always know he is a jerk, so I can trust and depend on his 'jerkiness'

They vote Republican because of abortion. The stupid useless issue of abortion, these people would vote Stalin himself in if he had the "right" view on abortion. The anti-choice religious nuts in the republican party are a liability, they are the reason that that old liberal geezer McCain got the nomination. The Republican party must crash and burn and be rebuilt into a real nationalist capitalistic party again.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #132 on: June 06, 2008, 07:29:36 PM »
Not sure whether you mean some overall thing, which is hard to quantify. On a per capita basis USA is not highest, has not been for years. Studies vary but most put the USA at 7 - 10th position.

Of course I mean the overall thing, Per Capita GDP isn't exactly a reliable method to determine who are the movers and shakers of the world. The highest per capita GDP is Quatar, followed by Luxembourg, then by Malta and Norway. Not exactly the big dogs of the global market.

When you look at total GDP you get the US (14 trillion), Japan (4 trillion), Germany (3 trillion), and China (3 trillion). See what I mean?


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #133 on: June 06, 2008, 07:30:28 PM »
Of course I mean the overall thing, Per Capita GDP isn't exactly a reliable method to determine who are the movers and shakers of the world. The highest per capita GDP is Quatar, followed by Luxembourg, then by Malta and Norway. Not exactly the big dogs of the global market.

When you look at total GDP you get the US (14 trillion), Japan (4 trillion), Germany (3 trillion), and China (3 trillion). See what I mean?

Yes. It is all relative.

The True Adonis

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #134 on: June 06, 2008, 07:30:45 PM »
...this is another weird thing Americans believe without question.

What's so bad about big government?
The model you support has lead America into the instability it's now suffering.

Small government does indeed mean more personal liberty for middle class Americans, but it also means:
-poor public school systems
-poor social welfare
-a homelessness rate to rival any third world country
-rampant crime
-most working class people living one paycheque away from destitution
-most middle class people living one diagnosis away from destitution

...but more importantly, it means a small government which cannot curb the Machiavellian machinations of big-money vested interests. So small government effectively means a Corporo-cracy.

As George Bernard Shaw so wisely said: "I don't want the working classes to have baths only for their sake, but also for my sake"

The Luke
The Luke has made THE MOST Intelligent response on this thread.  Finally, somebody who champion rationality.

The True Adonis

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #135 on: June 06, 2008, 07:32:43 PM » point was that America's Gordon Gekko culture has lead it to the brink of societal collapse, meanwhile the socialist countries have been overtaking America in every positive living index.

Elections are won and lost here in Ireland based on the performance of our free health service... we have the 9th best healthcare system in the world.

American politicians get voted out if they even mention "socialised" medicine... yet America has the 37th best healthcare system in the world... while simultaneously paying many times more for their medical insurance than socialised countries pay in taxes for their better systems.

A socialist revolution in the US might be the only thing that can save it... unfortunately, the people who have been indoctrinated into believing the American Dream dismiss proven socialist policy without even being able to articulate why they disagree.

The Luke
I am a committed Socialist my friend.  Only the wisest of the wise ever make it to our side.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #136 on: June 06, 2008, 07:35:52 PM »
I am a committed Socialist my friend.  Only the wisest of the wise ever make it to our side.
genius and retard alike fall into each and every category on the spectrum of political ideaology, adam. its not a matter of intelligence that dictates viewpoint on this kind of thing.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #137 on: June 06, 2008, 07:41:40 PM »
The Luke has made THE MOST Intelligent response on this thread.  Finally, somebody who champion rationality.
I totally agree ,my friend.

The True Adonis

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #138 on: June 06, 2008, 07:42:34 PM »
Obama isn`t socialist enough. Mike Gravel or Dennis Kucinich would have certainly been a MUCH better choice.

The Fair Tax is also the pertinent way to go.  I can`t bear the miscreants in this thread on all sides.  Nobody here clearly knows much of anything.  Especially American History.

Camel Jockey

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #139 on: June 06, 2008, 07:43:06 PM »
genius and retard alike fall into each and every category on the spectrum of political ideaology, adam. its not a matter of intelligence that dictates viewpoint on this kind of thing.

wow dude.. I'm impressed.

That is so true.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #140 on: June 06, 2008, 07:43:48 PM »
A challenge for you, if you dare to take it:

Please name 5 things good about the USA...or is your life, respectfully, that sad?


1. Everyone has a home or the opportunity to have one...Not the scam that has been played on the masses.
2. Everyone has access to healthcare...too many without healthcare and too many with serious sickness
4 Employment be it a job or the ability to have or open ones own business
5 RETIREMENT...being able to retire at an age when life is still within ones body...With retirement now set at the same time as ones DEATH there is no longer a time to retire.


What do you see as GOOD?

The Master

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #141 on: June 06, 2008, 07:45:16 PM »

This coming from a guy that writes more lies and factual errors than anybody here. Oh, the irony ;D

Camel Jockey

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #142 on: June 06, 2008, 07:46:33 PM »
We may need 8 years of socialism and welfare economics to fixed our national debt and restore our reputation.

During the 90's people loved this nation and looked up to it, while now they despise it.

Obama can actually get back our reputation. I mean he's already viewed in a favorable light by the world, much more so than than lunatic old man named McCain


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #143 on: June 06, 2008, 07:46:41 PM »

This coming from a guy that writes more lies and factual errors than anybody here. Oh, the irony ;D


The Master

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #144 on: June 06, 2008, 07:48:40 PM »

So, do you still stand by your post where you clearly claimed that almost a dozen inventions documented to be invented by white inventors were in reality invented by black inventors without being able to come up with a shred of evidence? ;D

The True Adonis

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #145 on: June 06, 2008, 07:50:16 PM »

A TRUE hero.

The True Adonis

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #146 on: June 06, 2008, 07:51:54 PM »
Another TRUE hero.

The True Adonis

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #147 on: June 06, 2008, 07:53:04 PM »
Yet ANOTHER hero.


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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #148 on: June 06, 2008, 07:54:18 PM »
So, do you still stand by your post where you clearly claimed that almost a dozen inventions documented to be invented by white inventors were in reality invented by black inventors without being able to come up with a shred of evidence? ;D

I STAND FIRM...and it is YOU who has not come up with any evidence to support your LIES and the LIES that have been taught. Did you read the books I receommended? Please do so you can get over your white dreams...


The Coach

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Re: Obama Vows To Disarm America
« Reply #149 on: June 06, 2008, 07:56:14 PM »
This country's reputation is tanked. Gas prices are soaring. The cost of living is going up everyday. People are losing their jobs.

And you're worried about firearms

If you don't want gas prices to keep on soaring then we need to stop being dependant on other countries oil besides, local and state taxes are major reason why gas increasing. Even though oil companies are making shitload, the profit margin is only about 3-4%. I heard today that in England local gas tax is something 58%.