Author Topic: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............  (Read 9621 times)


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Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« on: June 18, 2008, 03:33:44 AM »
Report: Exams reveal abuse, torture of detainees POW's

June 18 2008
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Former terrorist suspects detained by the United States were tortured, according to medical examinations detailed in a report released Wednesday by a human rights group.

A human rights group has concluded that terrorist suspects held by the U.S. were tortured in captivity.

 The Massachusetts-based group Physicians for Human Rights reached that conclusion after clinical evaluations of former detainees, who had been held at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in Afghanistan.

The detainees POW's were never charged with crimes.

"We found clear physical and psychological evidence of torture and abuse often causing lasting suffering," said Dr. Allen Keller, a medical evaluator for the study.

The doctors' group said in a 121-page report that it uncovered medical evidence of torture, including beatings, electric shock, sleep deprivation, sexual humiliation, sodomy and scores of other abuses.

The report is prefaced by retired U.S. Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, who led the Army's investigation into the Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse scandal in 2003.

"There is no longer any doubt that the current administration committed war crimes," Taguba states. "The only question is whether those who ordered torture will be held to account."

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2008, 04:02:11 AM »
nice try.  You clearly dug this shit out of some WWII nazi files and changed it to look like we did it ::)

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2008, 04:02:43 AM »
Documents confirm U.S. hid detainees POW's from Red Cross

HH6 said we only waterboarded 3 people.

Of course, we beat and sodomized hundreds more.

I guess we can't claim that moral high ground anymore in this war or any.


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #3 on: June 18, 2008, 04:06:34 AM »
They were taken from their own nations, never charged with a crime, held againest their will and abused

And sodomy is great. Just great. Lovely. And of course I've never seen photos, or heard any type of sexual humilation done before by US troops. No chance they would do anything like put naked guys in a pile or anything. Not possible.

Anyone who complains is doing so as they "hate the US for their freedoms" >:(

No way would it be in horror that we now have another nation committing vile and despicable acts.

Sodomy is something to be so proud of :-\

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2008, 04:11:46 AM »
yes.  We inserted objects into the anuses of men in restraints.

We stuck broom handles up their asses.

Because we're the civilized ones.  We have the higher moral ground.

As they lay screaming and naked tied to a table with a plunger handle lodged in their bleeding colons, they hate us because we're free!


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #5 on: June 18, 2008, 04:45:54 AM »
Yes, very civilised.

And of course, when some of my fellow defenders of sodomy/abuses come into the thread and help me defend it, I am quite sure they will not pick only a few nations to compare to, but look at all 220 nations. Government sanctioned sodomy seems not to be too widespread in the world. Damn the Swiss, New Zealanders and so many more for not sodomising others!

The world condemns the USA for Gitmo and it's abuses obviously out of......jealousy and/or "hating them as they are free".

Not because it is sickening to think of a government paying grown men to sodomise men.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #6 on: June 18, 2008, 04:55:52 AM »
I actually did wonder why waterboarding was a big deal because after I saw pictures of some of the shit that went down in Iraq, I could only imagine that the waterboarding would be much better.  Verses some of the shit I read about that happened in the name of the war on terror, waterboarding is cheesecake.  Some fuckers in russia got their asses boiled alive.  No kidding.

Purple Aki

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2008, 05:40:45 AM »
If I remember rightly, it was in Uzbekistan where they boil people alive.

Nordic Superman

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #8 on: June 18, 2008, 05:48:20 AM »
HH6 said we only waterboarded 3 people.

Of course, we beat and sodomized hundreds more.

I guess we can't claim that moral high ground anymore in this war or any.

How can you even utter the words "moral high ground", where are YOUR morals? ;D ;D ;D

Here it comes:
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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #9 on: June 18, 2008, 05:50:34 AM »
I actually did wonder why waterboarding was a big deal because after I saw pictures of some of the shit that went down in Iraq, I could only imagine that the waterboarding would be much better.  Verses some of the shit I read about that happened in the name of the war on terror, waterboarding is cheesecake.  Some fuckers in russia got their asses boiled alive.  No kidding.

I know.

The sodomy thing needs to be discussed more in the media. A step by step video of how it is performed for TV airing might be ideal. Maybe Lou Dobbs could volunteer to be sodomised for the video clip. Or Anderson Cooper could sodomise Hannity for a cross network special. Not sure why discussing the sodomy of people is not done more, but waterboarding was discussed at length. Can't be because waterboarding is a more vague term that people are unfamilar with, or is actually less offensive to people </end sarcasm>

Not directed at anyone here, but I seriously wonder about this thing some do of choosing to always compare themself with the worst. Like a murderer saying well I only killed 3 people, others kill more. USA gov can abuse ppl as China, Russia etc do. When we in the world start using the lowest form of behaviour as our standard know it will be bad.

Purple Aki

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #10 on: June 18, 2008, 05:56:01 AM »
How can you even utter the words "moral high ground", where are YOUR morals? ;D ;D ;D

Here it comes:

That steely eyed dealer of death looks like he could sodomise a dozen unlawful combatants without so much as breaking a sweat.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #11 on: June 18, 2008, 05:57:23 AM »
I know.

The sodomy thing needs to be discussed more in the media. A step by step video of how it is performed for TV airing might be ideal. Maybe Lou Dobbs could volunteer to be sodomised for the video clip. Or Anderson Cooper could sodomise Hannity for a cross network special. Not sure why discussing the sodomy of people is not done more, but waterboarding was discussed at length. Can't be because waterboarding is a more vague term that people are unfamilar with, or is actually less offensive to people </end sarcasm>

Not directed at anyone here, but I seriously wonder about this thing some do of choosing to always compare themself with the worst. Like a murderer saying well I only killed 3 people, others kill more. USA gov can abuse ppl as China, Russia etc do. When we in the world start using the lowest form of behaviour as our standard know it will be bad.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #12 on: June 18, 2008, 05:59:21 AM »
If I remember rightly, it was in Uzbekistan where they boil people alive.
yea, some shit like that, I posted the story a long time ago but don't remember the details.  Anyway, it was in the name of obtaining intelligence for the war on terror after 9/11.  So some dudes got boiled for Bush. :-X


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #13 on: June 18, 2008, 06:05:11 AM »
Am I the only person who gets the irony of the USA having a section 100% dedicated to violating international law, abusing people, holding people with no charge, torturing people, sodomising people..........

On Cuban soil.....then complaining all the time about Cuba having poor human rights ???

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #14 on: June 18, 2008, 06:40:00 AM »
How can you even utter the words "moral high ground", where are YOUR morals? ;D ;D ;D

brutal attack the messenger, not the message.

That quote was made in response to threats from getbiggers.  If come to do me harm, you bet your ass I will not hesitate.  What the debate here is about, is foreign invaders taking the moral high ground.

So you go ahead and tease me... but in this argument, you just got your ass handed to you by refusing to debate the points ;)


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2008, 06:45:28 AM »
First off who cares, second where is this report from...please provide a link.

Nordic Superman

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2008, 06:46:41 AM »
brutal attack the messenger, not the message.

That quote was made in response to threats from getbiggers.  If come to do me harm, you bet your ass I will not hesitate.  What the debate here is about, is foreign invaders taking the moral high ground.

So you go ahead and tease me... but in this argument, you just got your ass handed to you by refusing to debate the points ;)

Wow, I feel so owned! ::)

Watch your mouth 240, hesitation in this blood doesn't come easily, (y'all)! ;D
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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2008, 06:49:01 AM »
Having served with Gen. Taguba, I find that statement hard to i have yet to see this report in any crediable news source. Please provide a link.

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2008, 06:53:55 AM »
Wow, I feel so owned! ::)
Watch your mouth 240, hesitation in this blood doesn't come easily, (y'all)! ;D

seriously dude, when i said that, i had people here saying they were coming to my door.  Like most men, if you come to my door, you're going to have a bad day.  I'm sure you'd feel the same way if you didnt' live in an anti-gun utopia.


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2008, 06:58:27 AM »
If I was there and an insurgent was captured by my team I would bust his face in, in order to find out where the enemy and weapons are. One dead Iraqi is better than 1 dead American.


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #20 on: June 18, 2008, 06:59:06 AM »
HH6 said we only waterboarded 3 people.

Of course, we beat and sodomized hundreds more.

I guess we can't claim that moral high ground anymore in this war or any.
Only 3?

I guess the other hundred or so died falling in the shower.

Torture blamed for detainee deaths

From correspondents in Washington

02/23/06 "The Australian" -- -- AT least eight detainees of the roughly 100 who have died in US military custody in Iraq and Afghanistan were tortured to death, human rights lawyers said in a report released today.

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #21 on: June 18, 2008, 07:04:13 AM »
Am I the only person who gets the irony of the USA having a section 100% dedicated to violating international law, abusing people, holding people with no charge, torturing people, sodomising people..........

On Cuban soil.....then complaining all the time about Cuba having poor human rights ???
no, you're not that special, sorry.  I think quite a few people have a grasp on it :)  I usually get a laugh when Rice or Bush get's all verbal with China.


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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #22 on: June 18, 2008, 07:07:24 AM »
From correspondents in Washington

02/23/06 "The Australian" -- -- AT least eight detainees of the roughly 100 who have died in US military custody in Iraq and Afghanistan were tortured to death, human rights lawyers said in a report released today.

"These are detainees who were beaten, suffocated or otherwise died in circumstances that meet the definition of torture that is in the federal law that bans the practice," said Hina Shamsi, a lawyer for New York-based Human Rights First and author of the report.

Analysing military documents and press accounts, Human Rights First examined 98 detainee deaths, and concluded that torture by US military personnel caused eight deaths and may have been responsible for four others.
All of the deaths have been disclosed previously.

The Pentagon said at least 108 detainees have died in US custody in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2002, not counting those killed in insurgent mortar attacks on jail facilities.

"Critically, only half of the cases of detainees tortured to death have resulted in punishment; the steepest sentence for anyone implicated in a torture-related death has been five months in jail," the report said.

The military has said it has a policy against torture, but has acknowledged using interrogation techniques that include placing detainees in stress positions.

US soldiers at Abu Ghraib jail in Iraq were also pictured sexually humiliating prisoners and menacing them with dogs.

The report said that of the 98 deaths it examined, only 12 led to punishment of any kind for US personnel.

"People are dying in US custody and no one's being held to account," said Deborah Pearlstein, who heads the Human Rights First US law and security program.

© The Australian

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #23 on: June 18, 2008, 07:07:44 AM »
First off who cares, second where is this report from...please provide a link.
I bet you have a final solution worked out for these muzzie bastards don't you ;)  I mean you wouldn't care would you?  But no fucking way you have anything in common with... ::)

Hugo Chavez

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Re: Report: Iraqi POW's Tortured by Americans.............
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2008, 07:09:40 AM »
If I was there and an insurgent was captured by my team I would bust his face in, in order to find out where the enemy and weapons are. One dead Iraqi is better than 1 dead American.
ah hell..., get yourself up to Israeli standards if you're going full out neocon on us