Author Topic: When the oil runs out, how long until every country in the Middle East....  (Read 7061 times)


  • Getbig V
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  • All aboard the USS Leverage
It is what it is here.

People are pissed that Israel moved in and took land.

So fvcking what.  Did they grab a place where others lived?  Sure.  Just like the USA did in our "manifest destiny" where we woke up one day with a grand vision for kicking out a whole bunch of indians.

I think it's weird that people even argue the israel thing.  They are there.  They have nukes.  They are an ally.  It's that simple.  Anyone who stands with a straight face and gets all pissy about who is the 'rightful owner' of the land.... shit, we did the same thing.  it happens.  People move into new places and they kick out the residents.  It's life.

This is how I look at it. This is what people have been doing for years. In war, to the victor goes the spoils. As far as I'm concerned, the Arabs have lost their "claim" to that land. They can bitch about it all they want, but the fact of the matter is a half dozen countries have tried twice now to destroy Israel and failed miserably. That's their land now. If they want it back, take it. The USA did it with the Indians, China with Tibet, Russia with countless countries. Almost every country in the world is responsible for doing the same thing in some way. Most of the Arab world despises each other so it's no surprise they can't get along with Jews. They'd just as soon kill every other Arab not in their country as they would Israel were they given the chance.

Ridiculous... Everyone condemns their terrorist actions.

However, for you to deny that the Israeli government is also committing terrible terrorist acts is unrealistic.

Palestinian militants launched over 2,000 mortars and rockets at the town of Sderot in the first six months of this year. They're blindly attacking civilians. Yet no one cares. But they bitch and moan when Hamas hides among the civilian Lebanese population and ends up being directly responsible for the deaths of civilians by using them as human shields.

Don't get me wrong, though. I'm not supporting either country. If Israel disappeared off the map today, I wouldn't bat an eyelash at it. But I'm not biased. And in this day and age, you don't earn respect or earn a country by launching thousands upon thousands of rockets at civilians and carrying out other terrorist attacks.

Hell, they actually IDOLIZE a guy who executed an Israeli man in front of his four year old daughter and then bashed her head in with a rifle against a rock. Just a disgusting race that deserves nothing but the utmost disrespect as far as I'm concerned.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 15922
  • Robot
This is how I look at it. This is what people have been doing for years. In war, to the victor goes the spoils. As far as I'm concerned, the Arabs have lost their "claim" to that land. They can bitch about it all they want, but the fact of the matter is a half dozen countries have tried twice now to destroy Israel and failed miserably. That's their land now. If they want it back, take it. The USA did it with the Indians, China with Tibet, Russia with countless countries. Almost every country in the world is responsible for doing the same thing in some way. Most of the Arab world despises each other so it's no surprise they can't get along with Jews. They'd just as soon kill every other Arab not in their country as they would Israel were they given the chance.

Absolutely true... The aspect that we have an ally in the region is probably the most important thing.

Can't imagine why anyone would want that area though. Religious or not, it's worth more as a pane of glass.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21026
  • All aboard the USS Leverage
Absolutely true... The aspect that we have an ally in the region is probably the most important thing.

Can't imagine why anyone would want that area though. Religious or not, it's worth more as a pane of glass.

It's all about Jerusalem. Yet again, religion is directly responsible for an entire conflict. Some shitty town with some fabled biblical value.

But, to be honest, the last time the Palestinians had control of Jerusalem, a person couldn't walk in there without risking getting killed.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 12227
Seriously, I've never seen any group, other than Jews, so hated for simply trying to be left alone.

You are seriously stupid.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
You are seriously stupid.

Ha!  I forgot, you hate hearing the truth.

240 is Back

  • Getbig V
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Can't imagine why anyone would want that area though. Religious or not, it's worth more as a pane of glass.

Because it's smack dab in the center of most of the world's bigger oil reserves.

keep your enemies close, yada yada.

plus if anyone ever makes a move on us in the region - china, russia, someone with nukes and birds to deliver them - Israel will shoot their birds into the capital cities of every middle eastern nation without question.

MAD - everyone gets wasted.  This prevents it form ever happening.


  • Getbig V
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Brixton is a textbook example of the indoctrinated little jewish boy spouting off the 'israel/jews are so innocent, they are not/have not ever done anything wrong, only the palestinians have killed/massacred civilians ( ::)), the land was 'uninhabited', the countless cultures/peoples in various places of the world who have had clashed with us over the centuries has been the other guys' fault every time, everybody is an 'antisemitic'' rhetoric.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
Brixton is a textbook example of the indoctrinated little jewish boy spouting off the 'israel/jews are so innocent, they are not/have not ever done anything wrong, only the palestinians have killed/massacred civilians ( ::)), the land was 'uninhabited', the countless cultures/peoples in various places of the world who have had clashed with us over the centuries has been the other guys' fault every time, everybody is an 'antisemitic'' rhetoric.

Throwing shit isn't winning anyone over and the issue is who is initiating and perpetuating the violence since self-defense involves violent action on both sides.  I'm Jewish so the issue hits closer to home than the ignorant gaggle of morons you were shit from.

Do some research.. read some books on the topic.. then remove your foot from your mouth and your head from your ass and man up to being completely wrong. 


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
Brixtonbulldog is just lying through the gap in his teeth. He's got no proof, no facts, backing what he says.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 21026
  • All aboard the USS Leverage
Brixtonbulldog is just lying through the gap in his teeth. He's got no proof, no facts, backing what he says.

Considering you tried to justify Hamas launching 2,000+ mortar and rockets in the first six months of this year at a civilian town, I don't think he'll feel too insulted knowing you can't refute anything he says.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
Brixtonbulldog is just lying through the gap in his teeth. He's got no proof, no facts, backing what he says.

And you have?  I'm sitting here knowing full well you'll blind yourself from any facts put in your face just to spite me or avoid admitting to being completely wrong or ignorant.   So I tell you to research it for yourself but it's sad to know you haven't.. you won't and you could care less.  It's just another issue of which you know nothing yet you must have an opinion regardless.

I certainly haven't seen any substance from you to refute my statements, have I? ;D


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 12227
Throwing shit isn't winning anyone over and the issue is who is initiating and perpetuating the violence since self-defense involves violent action on both sides.  I'm Jewish so the issue hits closer to home than the ignorant gaggle of morons you were shit from.

Do some research.. read some books on the topic.. then remove your foot from your mouth and your head from your ass and man up to being completely wrong. 

Theres no point talking to you about it. You have your opinion and if God existed, he/she wouldnt be able to change your mind, so I dont why anyone else even bothers. But one things for sure, your attitude and the many who hold it, on both sides, is what keeps all that bullshit just rolling along.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
Considering you tried to justify Hamas launching 2,000+ mortar and rockets in the first six months of this year at a civilian town, I don't think he'll feel too insulted knowing you can't refute anything he says.

Here's the other circumsized shemale.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
And you have?  I'm sitting here knowing full well you'll blind yourself from any facts put in your face just to spite me or avoid admitting to being completely wrong or ignorant.   So I tell you to research it for yourself but it's sad to know you haven't.. you won't and you could care less.  It's just another issue of which you know nothing yet you must have an opinion regardless.

I certainly haven't seen any substance from you to refute my statements, have I? ;D

You NEVER present any facts when it comes to Da Homeland paisan. If you do so you know your own arguments will force you to fall flat on your face. Hence you're lying your ass off. Your best try is saying "facts don't mean shit!", telling people they know nothing about Israel or any other idiotic diversive tactic in order to prevent people from finding out you know as much about Israel as the next guy. Hell, I'm 1000 times more Jewish than you will ever be. And I ain't even Jewish!

Remember the graphics I pasted on to the other thread about the Palestinians showing that a Palestinian person was 9 times more likely to die due to violent acts, Palestinian children are 5 times more likely to die than Israeli children, etc?. Facts which you, allow me to reiterate, refused to accept with a "facts don't mean shit". So you tell me that I present no facts? How blind can you be?


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
No reply? I thought so.


My friend!


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
Theres no point talking to you about it. You have your opinion and if God existed, he/she wouldnt be able to change your mind, so I dont why anyone else even bothers. But one things for sure, your attitude and the many who hold it, on both sides, is what keeps all that bullshit just rolling along.

Keep believing that.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
Theres no point talking to you about it. You have your opinion and if God existed, he/she wouldnt be able to change your mind, so I dont why anyone else even bothers. But one things for sure, your attitude and the many who hold it, on both sides, is what keeps all that bullshit just rolling along.

You've got kids throwing rocks at tanks and the tanks respond by firing at them and their houses. These hasidic SOBs contend that the response is "adequate". Never mind the fact that they are OCCUPYING the Palestinian's land or that killing kids is not Ok.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4302
  • Vincit qui se vincit
Now, I gotta go to sleep, so Brixton, keep surfing the pedophile sites and hold off all your ire until tomorrow.

Homo... sapiens!


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
You NEVER present any facts when it comes to Da Homeland paisan. If you do so you know your own arguments will force you to fall flat on your face. Hence you're lying your ass off. Your best try is saying "facts don't mean shit!", telling people they know nothing about Israel or any other idiotic diversive tactic in order to prevent people from finding out you know as much about Israel as the next guy. Hell, I'm 1000 times more Jewish than you will ever be. And I ain't even Jewish!

Remember the graphics I pasted on to the other thread about the Palestinians showing that a Palestinian person was 9 times more likely to die due to violent acts, Palestinian children are 5 times more likely to die than Israeli children, etc?. Facts which you, allow me to reiterate, refused to accept with a "facts don't mean shit". So you tell me that I present no facts? How blind can you be?

You just blew your own argument.  Did you ever think WHY PL kids are in so much danger?  The terrorists are hiding amongst them, praise be to Allah!!!!  hahahahahahah!!!  JFC

So now you're not only wrong but you're too simple to read between the lines.. BIG surprise there! ::) ::)

"The Jews have no historic claim to Israel."

Only one group of people have continuously lived in Israel for the past 3,700 years - the Jews. Jerusalem, in particular, has had a Jewish majority since the 1840s, 40 years prior to the beginnings of Zionism. Seventy-five percent of the land in east Jerusalem, which the press calls "historically Arab east Jerusalem," has been owned by Jews since 1947. The nations that inhabited the land prior to the Jews are no longer in existence, for they have been absorbed into various other peoples throughout the millennia. The Arabs of Israel only came to the land in 632 with the Muslim invasion.

"The creation of the state of Israel in 1948 changed political and border arrangements between independent states that had existed for centuries."

The boundaries of most Middle East countries were arbitrarily fixed by the Western powers after Turkey was defeated in World War I and the French and British mandates were set up. The areas allotted to Israel under the UN Partition Plan had all been under the control of the Ottomans, who had ruled Palestine from 1517 until 1917. When Turkey was defeated in World War I, the French took over the area now known as Lebanon and Syria. The British assumed control of Palestine and Iraq. In 1926, the borders were redrawn and Lebanon was separated from Syria. Britain installed the Emir Faisal, who had been deposed by the French in Syria, as ruler of the new kingdom of Iraq. In 1922, the British created the emirate of Transjordan, which incorporated all of Palestine east of the Jordan River. This was done so that the Emir Abdullah, whose family had been defeated in tribal warfare in the Arabian peninsula, would have a kingdom to rule. None of the countries that border Israel became independent until this century. Many other Arab nations became independent after Israel.

"Israel violates the human rights of the Palestinian Arabs."

The facts are different. Israel granted full citizenship to all of the Palestinian Arabs who fell within its borders after the War of Independence. Arabic is an official language in Israel. Israel remains to this day one of the few countries in the Middle East where Arabs can legitimately vote--and it is the only one where women can vote.

"Israel has been an expansionist state since its creation."

Israel's boundaries were determined by the United Nations when it adopted the partition resolution in 1947. In a series of defensive wars, Israel captured additional territory. On numerous occasions, Israel has withdrawn from these areas. As part of the 1974 disengagement agreement, Israel returned territories captured in the 1967 and 1973 wars to Syria. Under the terms of the 1979, Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty, Israel withdrew from the Sinai peninsula for the third time. It had already withdrawn from large parts of the desert area it captured in its War of Independence. After capturing the entire Sinai in the 1956 Suez conflict, Israel relinquished the peninsula to Egypt a year later. In September 1983, Israel withdrew from large areas of Lebanon to positions south of the Awali River. In 1985, it completed its withdrawal from Lebanon, except for a narrow security zone just north of the Israeli border. That too was abandoned, unilaterally, in 2000. After signing peace agreements with the Palestinians and a treaty with Jordan, Israel agreed to withdraw from most of the territory in the West Bank captured from Jordan in 1967. A small area was returned to Jordan and the rest was ceded to the Palestinian Authority. The agreement with the Palestinians also involved Israel's withdrawal, in 1994, from most of the Gaza Strip, which had been captured from Egypt in 1973.

"Israel is the aggressor in the current conflict."

One: The Palestinians are the aggressors; they started the conflict, and they purposely drive it forward with fresh killing on an almost-daily basis.

Two: The Palestinians regard this second intifada not as a sporadically violent protest movement, but as a war, with the clear strategic aim of forcing a scared and emotionally exhausted Israel to surrender on terms that would threaten Israel's viability.

Three: As a tactic in this strategy, the Palestinians will not fight Israeli forces directly but instead have concentrated their efforts on murdering Israeli civilians. The greater the number, the more pathetically vulnerable the victims--disco-goers, women and children in a pizza restaurant--the better.

Four: Israel has acted defensively in this conflict; and while Israeli forces accidentally killed Palestinian civilians, their planned lethal attacks have all been aimed only at Palestinian military and terror-group leaders.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 15922
  • Robot
I saw that once... It was on a site who believed that the Jews should control Israel.

I wonder what a 3rd party independent group would say.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
You've got kids throwing rocks at tanks and the tanks respond by firing at them and their houses. These hasidic SOBs contend that the response is "adequate". Never mind the fact that they are OCCUPYING the Palestinian's land or that killing kids is not Ok.

The ignorance in every part of this statement is astounding.

Since October 2000, almost on a daily basis, the Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad deliberately attempt to murder unarmed Israeli women and children. Here you'll find some of the major attacks and also articles that explain the Arab/Islamic hate of the West and Israel that leads to such barbaric acts. You might also want to check the Palestine page for more information.

July 02, 2008
Palestinian terrorist murders three Israelis; dozens wounded
A Palestinian terrorist used a bulldozer to run over cars and overturn a bus in Jerusalem, murdering three Israelis and...

March 06, 2008
Palestinian terrorist murders 8 Israeli students
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist murdered 8 Israeli students from a Yeshiva (religious school) in Jerusalem:...

March 03, 2008
Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas fire hundreds of rockets at Israeli women and children
Honest Report ( has published information on how Palestinians from the Islamic Jihad and Hamas are firing hundreds of rockets...

January 29, 2007
Palestinian Islamic terrorist murders 3 in Eilat, Israel
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian from the terrorist group "Islamic Jihad" (or "Islamic Holy War") has blown...

April 17, 2006
Palestinian terrorist murders four women and five men in homicide bombing in Tel-Aviv; dozens injured
A murderer from the Palestinian terrorist group named "Islamic Jihad" has killed 9 Israelis: [...] Terror struck in southern Tel...

April 02, 2006
Palestinian "Minister of Foreign Affairs" calls for the destruction of Israel
The Haaretz newspaper ( reports that the Palestinian "Minister of Foreign Affairs" has openly called for destruction of the State...

March 31, 2006
Palestinian terrorist murders elderly couple and 18-year-old woman reports that a Palestinian terrorist has murdered three Israelis: Suicide bomber kills four 3/30/2006, Link A suicide bomber disguised...

February 04, 2006
Palestinian terrorists fire rockets at Israeli towns; 7-month baby is critically injured
The Washington Post ( reports that the mass murderers from the Palestinian Hamas and Islamic Jihad have fired more rockets...

January 19, 2006
Palestinian terrorist blows himself up in market; tries to murder dozens of innocent Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist from the terrorist group "Islamic Jihad" has blown himself in a...

October 26, 2005
Palestinian terrorist murders 5 Israelis in homicide bombing
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a terrorist from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has murdered 5 Israelis and injured dozens...

August 07, 2005
Palestinian Terrorist shoots 10 year old boy in the head
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist shot an Israeli 10 year old boy in the head: A...

July 12, 2005
Palestinian terrorist murders three Israeli women in bombing of Shopping Center, dozens injured
A Palestinian Islamic Supremacist has blown himself up in a crowded Israeli shopping center, murdering three Israeli women and wounding...

February 25, 2005
Palestinian Islamic Supremacist murders 4 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian Islamic Supremacist has murdered four Israelis and wounded dozens after blowing himself...

November 01, 2004
Palestinian Islamic Supremacist murders three Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian Islamic Supremacist has murderered three Israelis after blowing himself up in a...

September 29, 2004
Palestinian Terrorists launch rocket on Israeli city and murder two children
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinian terrorists have bombed the Israeli city of Sderot and murdered two children: Dorit,...

September 22, 2004
Palestinian murderer kills two Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a female Palestinian bastard has blown herself up murdering two Israelis and injuring 16:...

August 31, 2004
Palestinian mass murderers kill 16 Israelis, including a three yeard old child
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian mass murderers have killed 16 Israelis, including a three year old child:...

July 11, 2004
Palestinian terrorists murder 19-year-old Israeli woman; injure over 30
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that the Palestinian mass murderers from Yasser Arafat's Al-Aksa brigades exploded a bomb at a...

June 27, 2004
Palestinian terrorists fire two missiles into Israeli city; kill two Israelis, including a 3-year-old child
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinian terrorists from the Islamic Jihad and Hamas have fired another missile at an...

May 02, 2004
Palestinian terrorists murder Israeli mother and her four children
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinian terrorists have murdered a mother and her four children: "On Friday my daughters...

April 17, 2004
Palestinian homicide bomber murders one Israeli and injures three
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian homicide bomber from the terrorist group Hamas has murdered one Israeli and...

April 03, 2004
Palestinian Terrorist murders Father and injures teenage daughter
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that once again a Palestinian murderer infiltrated an Israeli town and started shooting in all...

March 16, 2004
Palestinian terrorists reach new low: 11 year-old boy used as human bomb
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that the mass murderers from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Arafat's Fatah Tanzim have reached...

March 14, 2004
Palestinian Mass Murderers kill 10 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that two Palestinian mass murderers have blown themselves up in the port of the Israeli...

February 28, 2004
Palestinian terrorists murder young Israeli couple
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinian terrorists murdered a young woman and her husband: Eitan Kukoi, 30, and his...

February 22, 2004
Palestinian genocidal mass murderer kills 7 Israelis and injures dozens
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a genocidal mass murderer from the Palestinian terrorist group "Hamas" (Islamic "Resistance"), has blown...

February 15, 2004
Racist high ranking Palestinian Politician calls Israel "a Satanic offspring that cannot exist among human beings"
The Independent Media Review Analysis website ( has translated a racist interview given on Palestinian TV by Ahmad Nasser, the...

January 29, 2004
Palestinian terrorist murders 10 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist has murdered 10 Israelis and injured over 50 in a homicide...

January 15, 2004
Palestinian terrorist blows herself up murdering 4 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian murderer, mother of 2, has blown herself killing 4 Israelis and injuring...

January 14, 2004
Palestinian terrorist, member of Arafat's group, murders Israeli father of five
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian murderer has killed an Israeli father of five: The funeral of Ro'i...

December 25, 2003
Palestinian homicide bomber murders three Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian homicide bomber has murdered three Israelis: At least Three people were killed...

November 15, 2003
Islamic Mass Murderers kill 20 in Synagogues bombings in Istanbul
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that racist Islamic mass murderers (probably from Al-Qaeda) have killed 20 and injured hundreds in...

October 04, 2003
Palestinian mass murderer kills 19 Israelis in homicide bombing
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian mass murderer has murdered 19 Israelis, including a one year old baby,...

October 01, 2003
Terrorist from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad murders 7-month-old Israeli baby girl
Israel Insider ( reports that a terrorist from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has deliberately murdered a 7-month-old Israeli baby girl:...

September 15, 2003
Brainwashed Palestinian 10-year-old girl wishes to murder all Jews
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that some brainwashed Palestinian children wish to murder all Jews: "We want to defend [Palestinian...

September 09, 2003
Palestinian homicide bombers murder 14 Israelis and injure dozens
Fox News ( reports that two Palestinian mass murderers have blown themselves up in separate homicide bombings, killing 14 and...

August 19, 2003
Mass Murderer from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad blows himself in Jerusalem bus; kills 18, injures over 100 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a mass murderer from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has blown himself in a two-story...

August 13, 2003
Two Palestinian homicide bombers murder two Israelis and kill chances for Palestinian State
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that two Palestinian homicide bombers, one from the Hamas (Islamic Resistance) and one from Arafat's...

July 14, 2003
Palestinian terrorist murders one Israeli, stabs another two
Harretz ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist has murdered one Israeli and stabbed two others walking by: A Palestinian terrorist...

July 12, 2003
Yasser Arafat calls upon children to become murderers
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Yasser Arafat, the current Palestinian "President", has once again shown what a violent, mindless...

July 08, 2003
Palestinian terrorist from Islamic Jihad murders 65 year-old Israeli grandmother
Israel Insider ( reports that a murderer from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad has killed a grandmother and injured three of...

June 19, 2003
Palestinian homicide bomber murders 63-year-old Israeli grandfather
Israel Insider ( reports that a Palestinian homicide bomber blew himself up murdering a 63 year-old Israeli grandfather: A suicide...

June 18, 2003
Palestinian terrorist murders 7-year-old Israeli girl
Israel Insider ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist has murdered an Israeli 7-year-old girl and wounded a 3-year-old: Seven-year-old Noam...

June 11, 2003
Massacre in Jerusalem: Palestinian homicide bomber murders 16 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a fascist Muslim homicide bomber from the Palestinian "Islamic Resistance" (Hamas) has murdered 15...

June 03, 2003
Most Muslims reject peace and wish for destruction of State of Israel
The International Herald Tribune ( reports that a recent poll shows that the majority of Muslims around the World reject...

May 19, 2003
Palestinian homicide bomber murders three Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian homicide bomber has murdered 3 more Israelis: In the fifth suicide bombing...

May 18, 2003
Palestinian homicide bomber murders 7 Israelis on Jerusalem bus
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that the scum from Hamas, the Palestinian Jihad or Arafat's Al-Aksa brigades have once again...

April 29, 2003
Muslim killer murders 4 Israelis in homicide bombing
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Muslim has murdered 4 Israelis in a homicide bombing in Tel-Aviv: An Israeli...

April 23, 2003
Palestinian homicide bomber murders one and wounds 9 Israelis
To prove that the Palestinians are serious about not implementing any peace agreement, a Palestinian murderer has killed one and...

April 15, 2003
Palestinian terrorist murders two Israelis
With the coverage of the war in Iraq we might forget that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Hamas and Arafat's Al-Aksa...

March 30, 2003
Homicide bomber from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad blows himself up wounding dozens
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a homicide bomber from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad blew himself up in a cafe...

March 22, 2003
Many Palestinians call for Iraq to bomb Israel with chemical weapons
Israel Insider ( reports that Palestinians are supporting Iraq and the butcher from Baghdad: Tens of thousands Palestinians demonstrated Friday...

March 19, 2003
Arafat's Palestinian terrorists shoot Israeli in the head
I just heard on Israeli radio that Palestinian terrorists from Arafat's terrorist group "Al-Aksa brigades" have deliberately shot an Israeli...

March 15, 2003
The Muslim holiday of 'Ashoura': a bloody celebration of intolerance
This week many Muslims around the world celebrated the holiday of Ashoura. I have found a page that explains what...

March 05, 2003
Palestinian homicide bomber deliberately murders 15 Israelis in bus explosion
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist has blown himself up inside an Israeli bus, deliberately murdering 15...

January 12, 2003
Palestinian terrorists from the Islamic Jihad murder 48-year-old Israeli, father of 4
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist from the Islamic Jihad murdered a 48-year-old Israeli, father of 4:...


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 4884
January 10, 2003
Islamic leader of Palestinian Hamas calls for "Suicide Army"
The Middle East Media Research Institute ( translates articles from the Arab Muslim world. In its latest article, has...

January 05, 2003
Massacre in Tel-Aviv: double homicide bombing by the Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaves 23 dead
Israel Insider ( reports that murderers from the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are responsible for a double homicide bombing in Tel-Aviv:...

January 01, 2003
Palestinian terrorist tries to murder Israeli family, manages only to get killed
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist broke into the house of an Israeli family with the intent...

December 27, 2002
Palestinian terrorists from the Islamic Jihad murder 4 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinian terrorists from the Islamic Jihad deliberately murdered four Israelis that were celebrating the...

December 21, 2002
Israeli Rabbi, father of 6, deliberately murdered by Palestinian terrorist from Islamic Jihad
Israel Insider ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist from the Islamic Jihad has murderer an Israeli Rabbi, father of 6:...

December 13, 2002
Palestinian TV broadcasts racist programs calling Jews "monkeys and pigs"
Worldnet Daily ( reports that for the holidays (Ramadan) Palestinian TV has broadcasted racist programs: Palestinians show their support for...

December 09, 2002
Arafat wishes to die murdering women and children (becoming a "martyr")
The Middle East Media Reasearch Institute (, has translated an interview given by Arafat, the Palestinian "leader", on October 10,...

November 28, 2002
Arafat's Palestinian terrorists murder 5 Israelis
Ha'aretz ( reports that Palestinian terrorists have deliberately murdered 5 Israelis in Beit Shean, a city in the north of...

November 27, 2002
Terrorists attack Israeli tourists in Kenya - 12 people murdered, including two Israeli children, over 80 injured
The Jerusalem Post reports on a terrorist attack against Israeli tourists in Kenya: KIKAMBALA, Kenya - Three suicide bombers attacked...

November 24, 2002
Arafat sets up factory of explosives
Ha'aretz ( reports that Arafat and his thugs from the Palestinian Authority wish to implement the "peace of the brave"...

November 23, 2002
New: Palestinian homicide/suicide dinghys
The Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad (holy war) tried to murder dozens of women and children by packing a boat...

November 22, 2002
Massacre in Jerusalem: Palestinian homicide bomber deliberately murders 11 Israelis, including 5 women and 4 children
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian homicide/suicide bomber blew himself in a bus in Jerusalem, murdering 11 Israelis,...

November 18, 2002
Palestinian terrorists murder Israeli 48-year-old woman, mother of 7
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinian terrorists have shown once again what great warriors they are by shooting and...

November 17, 2002
Arab Muslim tries to hijack Israeli airplane
Ha'aretz ( reports that an Israeli Arab Muslim tried to hijack an El Al (Israel's airline) plane: Alert security guards...

November 15, 2002
Palestinian Islamic Jihad murders 12 Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that the Palestinian Islamic Jihad attempted to murder dozens of Israeli worshipers. They managed to...

November 10, 2002
Palestinian terrorists deliberately murder five Israelis: one young man, 2 women and 2 children aged 4 and 5
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated a kibbutz (an Israeli collective farm), and fired at women...

November 08, 2002
Israeli soldiers stop Palestinian homicide/suicide bomber from murdering women and children
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Israeli soldiers were able to stop a Palestinian homicide/suicide bomber from deliberately murdering unarmed...

November 06, 2002
Palestinian terrorist deliberately murders two Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist has murdered two Israelis: A Palestinian terrorist from the village of...

November 04, 2002
Palestinian homicide bomber murders two, injures 32, unarmed Israelis
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian homicide/suicide bomber deliberately blew himself up in a crowded mall in Kfar...

November 01, 2002
Palestinian father of homicide bomber believes Israel is behind 9/11 and suicide attacks
While checking Instapundit I stumbled upon this article from "The Australian" ( which described a Palestinian father of a homicide/suicide...

October 29, 2002
Palestinian terrorist murders Israeli woman, shoots at kids
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated an Israeli town and tried to murder everyone in site:...

October 27, 2002
Palestinian genocide bomber murders four Israelis
I just heard on Israeli radio that once again a Palestinian terrorist has blown himself up. The Palestinian homicide/suicide bomber...

October 22, 2002
Palestinian Islamic Jihad murders 15 unarmed civilians
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that the Palestinian terrorist group Islamic Jihad blew up a a car stuffed with over...

October 10, 2002
Palestinian homicide bomber murders one grandmother
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian homicide bomber killed a 71-year-old woman and injured over two dozen people...

October 01, 2002
Video: Arafat's terrorists are funded by Iraq and Iran
A couple of days ago, the american network CBS broadcasted an excellent show. In this week's "60 Minutes", the host,...

September 25, 2002
Palestinian Television continues to broadcast hate, racism and calls for war
In one of the forums I read daily, someone posted an article that described how Arafat calls for peace: “Only...

September 23, 2002
Palestinian terrorist opens fire on crowd of Israeli women and children
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a crowd of Israeli men, women and children...

September 19, 2002
Palestinian terrorist kills 5 and injures over 60 unarmed Israeli men, women and children
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that another Palestinian genocide bomber has blown himself up in a crowded bus in Tel-Aviv,...

September 18, 2002
Palestinian genocide bomber murders one Israeli
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian genocide bomber has blown himself in a northern Israeli-Arab town, murdering one:...

September 13, 2002
Palestinian terrorists fire rockets into Israeli civilian centers
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that Palestinians have fired a Kassam rocket into a civilian area in Southern Israel. Terrorists...

Three Palestinians attempt to poison customers of a cafe in Jerusalem, Israel's capital
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that three Palestinians tried to poison customers of a cafe in Jerusalem. According to police,...

August 29, 2002
Palestinian Television teaches hatred
The IDF (Israel's army, has published a report on how Palestinian kids are taught to hate at a young...

August 24, 2002
Palestinians schoolbooks are racist and teach hate and violence
The Center for Monitoring the Impact of Peace ( has published a reports that examines the Palestinian schoolbooks printed in...

August 22, 2002
Arab Muslims residents of Jerusalem turn out to be terrorists
CBS News ( reports that Israel has arrested a Palestinian Hamas (Islamic Resistance) group responsible for the murder of 35...

Palestinian University students support genocide bombings
The Israel Defense Forces (, Israel's army, has created a webpage that shows how a Palestinian University, Al-Najah, is the...

August 20, 2002
Arafat's security chief commanded Hamas and Islamic Jihad in terrorist attacks against unarmed Israeli civilians
The Washington Times ( has published an article that describes how Israel has arrested and brought to trial Marwan Barghouti,...

August 12, 2002
Many Arab/Muslim small businesses in the US fund Palestinian terrorism
The Washington Post ( reports that the US authorities are investigating over 500 Arab/Muslim small businesses that might have been...

August 11, 2002
Israeli mother of 2 murdered by a Palestinian terrorist
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the town of Mechora and murdered Yafit Herenstein, a 31-year-old...

August 10, 2002
80% of Israeli fatalities are unarmed civilians, most Palestinian fatalities are armed violent men
The International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism ( has published a statistical analysis of Palestinian and Israeli fatalities since Arafat and...

Palestinian murderer tries to kill dozens of civilians but fails
The Jerusalem Post ( reports that a Palestinian genocide bomber tried to kill dozens of unarmed Israeli civilians, but did...


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 4884
That was half of the list I found.  If you want the other half just ask.



  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 13281
  • the Media is the Problem
you could easily compile a list just as long of people murdered/removed/ethnically cleansed by israel during israel's creation and on through today. the only reason they are attacking you is because you are sitting right on their former land you kicked them off of, its not like they are a random group randomly attacking you poor innocent jews ::)


  • Getbig V
  • *****
  • Posts: 4884
you could easily compile a list just as long of people murdered/removed/ethnically cleansed by israel during israel's creation and on through today. the only reason they are attacking you is because you are sitting right on their former land you kicked them off of, its not like they are a random group randomly attacking you poor innocent jews ::)

Ethnic cleansing?  Nice try.

Actually that's exactly what they're doing but I'm not surprised how blind you are and how much speculative garbage you've obviously soaked up.