Price Comparision :
LBA from Trueprotein = 16 oz $12.99
TwinLab Amino Fuel Liquid from Vitamin Shoppe 32 oz
SALE PRICE: $13.82
BodyTech Liquid Amino Acid Complex VS-2417
32 Fluid Ounces Liquid
OUR PRICE: $16.99
Both of the above from the Vitamin Shoppe website. Those are 32oz size, not 16oz like Trueprotein.
Optimum Nutrition Amino 2222 Liquid Punch - 32 Oz
By: Optimum Nutrition DPS Price: $14.99
Twinlab Amino Fuel Liquid - 32 Oz
DPS Price: $14.97
The above two are from the DPS Nutrition website.
Again, those are 32oz size, not 16oz size.
24 units of 16oz trueprotein LBAs will yield 384 oz. The cost is over $300
The most expensive brand listed (Bodytech) above would only cost you $204 for 384 oz (12 of the 32oz bottles.) The price drops if you go with another brand.
I fail to see what make Trueprotein or the EFX brand you used to hype so much better to justify the extra cost.