Author Topic: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked  (Read 86158 times)


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #100 on: January 08, 2009, 12:45:55 PM »
I'm quite conscientious about society and people around me.  If I see a guy getting beat up, I'll try and help.  Last Christmas I saw a guy stealing stuff from a pharmacy and I stopped him and kept hold of him til the police arrived (I was wearing my Tapout T-shirt...). 

I've always tried to have a positive affect on the people around me as well.
Uh, who talks like this about themselves!? I bet even the Dalai Lama wouldn't say such a thing.  ???


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #101 on: January 08, 2009, 12:53:48 PM »
im obsessed with this because I have worked for brilliant Ivy Leaguers with high IQ's and I have worked for Joe Schmoes and I can tell you the IVy Leaguers can really make things happen. They solve problems quickly and efficiently and it rubs off on the whole office and everything runs smoother and everyone is way more happy. THey are not petty, emotional and do not care about power plays or blaming is way more civilized.

Sorry to say this but we need more of these high IQ types or at least not squander the ones we have....I dont think they should have power per say but they should definitley be used to solve problems . The world would be a much better place....true story.

I am currently working for a Joe Schmoe and it sucks big time.

In my line of work (marketing) I work with all kinds of people.  Highly educated people are always more efficient and they don't make moves based on emotion most of the time.  "Joe Schmoe" tends to make moves based on emotion.  This is not the case for ALL regular Joe's, but most regular guys who own large companies need a group of advisor's or they would squander their whole advertising budget on retarded media sources.  Most use agencys.  Dennis Drinkwater is a prime example of this.


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #102 on: January 08, 2009, 01:24:57 PM »
Uh, who talks like this about themselves!? I bet even the Dalai Lama wouldn't say such a thing.  ???

I didn't think it would take long for someone to mention that.  Although I'm slightly disappointed, I was expecting an amazing 'Gayer than...' comment!

As an example of what I mean, I've got a mate who's 19, likes going out for a drink, but when he's had too much he gets all emotional, starts fighting, etc., but he doesn't like this side of himself.  So whenever he gets in trouble, I help him out, make sure that he's OK, and try to get him to see why he gets all messed up.

I've got another mate who's so highly strung he kicks off at people for no reason, even screaming and swearing at his mother for not ironing his T-shirts, so I try and calm him down, get him to understand that he doesn't need to react like that.

I'm just changing the world, one person at a time...   :-X

(Cue more 'gayer than...' comments)   ;D


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #103 on: January 08, 2009, 01:59:48 PM »
whatever moron. i love to point out that i am smarter than 999/1000 others because i know its true.. hence i call people morons ALOT.

and its cool to watch them squirm when they try to find comebacks.

fwiw i obtained mine in 1989 after high school and socred 141. it got me into the australian defence force academy also. i didnt do genuis wise great at high school or uni- and got into lotsa trouble.

wrt the "3" people who claim mensa in this thread. since 135 is 2% of the population then i cant see why 3 out of all the views is unreasonable. in fact its just about spot on.

Other things on getbig that aren’t “unreasonable”…

The number of alpha male keyboard commandos that:

Are dating supermodels
Are extremely rich
Are handsome
Are tall
Can bench 500 lbs for a warmup
Have 24 inch biceps

Given all that, I guess some getbig trolls with a grade school level command of language and sociology claiming their peerless genius isn’t so “unreasonable”.



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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #104 on: January 10, 2009, 02:55:12 AM »
i still dont understand why you mensa guys cannot translate that talent into being the elite of the world. You guys should be hanging out with powerful people solving the worlds problems. How is that many accomplish nothing?

I think the govt should take you guys and give you special training to tap into that potential. Figure out how to use it to help the world.  It is like an untapped resource that we are just sitting on.

actually you'd be surprised. even though many people struggle in society- its not that easy to mingle when 98% of people at least dont have your aptitude...BUT, being in a 2 percentile doesnt mean that you are can come up with world changing solutions or the new lightbulb.

sure its convenient when at work- say an engineering company like, lockheed martin or boeing- most of the good engineers there would be in the 2-4 percentile.

then you have doctors- who, as a group could be argued that they are actually doing what you are saying- they are using their talents to make a better place.

still, 2% might sound impressive- but take the US as an example: thats means that mensa could have as many as 6 million members.

thats alot of smart people..

although there are a bunch of socially inedpt people with 0.1 percentile IQs- theres also plenty of socially gifted ones as well.

its those that are the people who need to be "harnessed"..and i think they just fall into the jobs they're supposed to do.

i cant think of 1 person i went to uni or highschool with that displayed brilliance that isnt a doctor, or Phd, or professor, or leading expert in their field now- 15-20 years later.

James Phoenix

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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #105 on: January 10, 2009, 12:09:47 PM »
wrt the "3" people who claim mensa in this thread. since 135 is 2% of the population then i cant see why 3 out of all the views is unreasonable. in fact its just about spot on.

Hans Eysenck said, "the fact that you are interested in the concept of IQ means you probably have an above average IQ; dumb people are rarely interested in the concept. With that in mind, it's likely that people contributing to this thread are fairly intelligent. And it's not absurd to think there are a few in the 130+ range.

Maybe the problem is you have a low EQ...I know people that are very smart but they are clueless in social situations and cannot read physical clues and emotions on other people, therefore they are not very employable because they cant get along with other that your problem. I think they call it Aspergers Syndrome.

Sure there are very intelligent people that aren't socially inept;

however, when there is an IQ difference of 20 points, people sometimes have difficulty relating to their "peers".
A man with an IQ of 100 will probably not be able to relate to someone with an IQ of 84 - unless they're female.
Each person would probably recognise that they are operating on a different level, and have wildly different interest.
When people find their 'level', those that were formally considered introverted show themselves to be as gregarious as anyone else,
within that circle of people.

Malcolm Gladwell discussed this on Charlie Rose when promoting Outliers.  Its possible that incredibly intelligent people are much too aware of the sacrifice that it takes to achieve great heights, therefore they figure that the risk outweighs the reward.  A lot of great success stems from incredible tenacity bordering on insanity.  Some people just aren't down for that regardless of how smart they are.  Also, incredibly intelligent people can be incredibly indecisive.  I know I am, ha.

That all rings as true to me.

I've known highly successful, very intelligent people (family members); they live stressed, boring lives, raising children like everyone else.
They aren't changing the world; they're collecting more expensive versions of the material goods everyone in the 1st world has.
And now, they aren't even doing that; I-Phones are set to sell at Walmart for 99 dollars. So why pay for pussy when the pussy is free eh?

It reminds me of the symbolism behind the old Andy Warhol soup can paintings: the subject becomes surreal, because it's so universal;
everyone from the rich to the poor has eaten that soup : ) Well fuck, everyone from the punk on the street to the man in office will have an I-Phone.
We're achieving a form of socialism through capitalism, ironically. Everything is coming full circle.

With such an outlook on life (and you can't not analyse), you feel stuck in a state of stagnation.
I could already read and write in kindergarten and I was always tasked with helping other kids. They didn't allow me to skip grades, but they did allow me to go to higher grade levels during reading and math. Later, I tested nationally in the 97th percentile on the Iowa test (some of my verbal scores were almost off the page lol), and subsequent IQ testing placed me in the gifted magnet program.

School was easy for me, but I started becoming a fuck-up.
I started as a nerd and became a bad kid. I was depressed all the time, and they suspended me from school for fighting during high school. I never went back. I think an unstable home contributed to my downward spiral. When your living situation could radically change any day, everything seems ephemeral and unimportant. I was drinking daily, or otherwise using heavy doses of DXM on a regular basis.
I was even exhibiting symptoms of Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome from the alcohol abuse.

But now I see what the future holds.

The future is in genetic engineering.
This will effect everything. When we evolve ourselves, everything else evolve much faster.
Humanity is set to mimic Moore's law. And then racism will end, disease will end, and war will end. Why?
Because there will only be one genetically engineered race, and eventually, one cloned man. This one man will have duplicates as needed,
and machines will do most of the grunt work. It will happen because it is the natural progression of things. I will help bring this to fruition.

im obsessed with this because I have worked for brilliant Ivy Leaguers with high IQ's and I have worked for Joe Schmoes and I can tell you the IVy Leaguers can really make things happen. They solve problems quickly and efficiently and it rubs off on the whole office and everything runs smoother and everyone is way more happy. THey are not petty, emotional and do not care about power plays or blaming is way more civilized.

That definitely rings true. When you are working with intelligent people everything runs smoothly like a machine.
Everyone naturally knows their role within the system; efficiency is more important than power plays.

Now imagine if everyone had an Iq of 125 or more;
the real result would be a more efficient, enjoyable society.
You could actually go places and not feel like a human being amidst a pack of animals.
That would be the real effect of such a change: civility. Not to mention, overall productivity would skyrocket.

When intelligence increases, the power of the ego diminishes, and awareness is expanded to encompass a greater portion of reality.
At this juncture, ego is reduced to an intellectual concept - understood as a tool of self-preservation, however, not necessarily innate.
That is the driving force of minds - union with the divine ground. The seat of awareness will extend beyond that which relates only to the body,
and that which minds previously deemed superfluous will become omnipresent.

In it's final stage of evolution, it's near perfect union with the divine ground, and last bit of self-conceptualisation, will force the universal mind to dissolve itself -resulting in reversion to singularity.

It's cyclical.
☠ Order of Nephilim


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2009, 04:39:46 PM »
Hans Eysenck said, "the fact that you are interested in the concept of IQ means you probably have an above average IQ; dumb people are rarely interested in the concept. With that in mind, it's likely that people contributing to this thread are fairly intelligent. And it's not absurd to think there are a few in the 130+ range.

146 when I had it checked.  Wooo!

There's some interesting stuff in that post, makes you wonder about where things are headed.  (I think I'll be heading to the store if I can have an iPhone that cheap!)

And just to be annoying, because the IQ level is an indicator of your intelligence against a base average of 100, it would be impossible for everyone to have an IQ of 125.   ;D

James Phoenix

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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #107 on: January 10, 2009, 06:34:22 PM »
146 when I had it checked.  Wooo!

There's some interesting stuff in that post, makes you wonder about where things are headed.  (I think I'll be heading to the store if I can have an iPhone that cheap!)

And just to be annoying, because the IQ level is an indicator of your intelligence against a base average of 100, it would be impossible for everyone to have an IQ of 125.   ;D

Ha! True.

Of course I'm actually talking about a percentage increase of relative intelligence though.

And yeah dude, they're supposedly going to be 99 bucks at Walmart soon!
☠ Order of Nephilim


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #108 on: January 10, 2009, 06:53:51 PM »
jp what is Wernicke-Korsakoff  syndrome?

also it amazes me why our country does not want to invest in educating people, the country would run smoother and we would be doing so much better off. instead the powerful are only concerned about dumbing down America so they can steal our money and then control the is very sad. That is why I wish the mensa's and others would ban together and get people power beg in power. We cannot let capitalists control us, not all capitalists are smart people.

Als, do you think a persons IQ can increase through learning or being with others with a higher IQ, I think it is very possible.

James Phoenix

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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #109 on: January 10, 2009, 07:18:52 PM »
It's just brain damage from alcohol.

It manifest in spoonerisms and decreased fluid intelligence.
Often I would call some object by a similar sounding yet wrong name.
It's going away though, because I've abstained from serious drinking for a long while.

Our country plays to the herd, and religion still has a hold over us.
However, progress will only be stalled, not stopped. As a herd, we are at the whim of the ranchers;
eventually the ranchers will see the benefit of nano-technology, and wide-scale alteration of the human germline.
It's just a matter of how long it will take to happen. Luckily, the wide availability of knowledge today might diminish the hold of religion
in the west, thus allowing these changes to occur sooner. Intellectuals have always been targets of the church,
but today you can't shelter people from educating themselves like times past.

Scientist coming together to bring about this change is the closest thing to what your talking about.
Any real threat to the status quo would be squashed if it gained momentum. You have to work within the system.
If you want to read something really interesting, look up Industrial Society and It's Future. It explains succinctly
the underlying issues with modern society, and the monumental task it would be to create serious change.

There are certain exercises that have been shown(though not definitively) to increase it slightly, called "dual and task".
Might be especially useful to younger people, since their brains are still developing.
Older people might benefit too since diminished intelligence in the aged is partly attributed to lack of mental stimulation.

Worldwide, intelligence is already increasing anyway.

☠ Order of Nephilim


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #110 on: January 10, 2009, 07:43:06 PM »
It's just brain damage from alcohol.

It manifest in spoonerisms and decreased fluid intelligence.
Often I would call some object by a similar sounding yet wrong name.
It's going away though, because I've abstained from serious drinking for a long while.

Our country plays to the herd, and religion still has a hold over us.
However, progress will only be stalled, not stopped. As a herd, we are at the whim of the ranchers;
eventually the ranchers will see the benefit of nano-technology, and wide-scale alteration of the human germline.
It's just a matter of how long it will take to happen. Luckily, the wide availability of knowledge today might diminish the hold of religion
in the west, thus allowing these changes to occur sooner. Intellectuals have always been targets of the church,
but today you can't shelter people from educating themselves like times past.

Scientist coming together to bring about this change is the closest thing to what your talking about.
Any real threat to the status quo would be squashed if it gained momentum. You have to work within the system.
If you want to read something really interesting, look up Industrial Society and It's Future. It explains succinctly
the underlying issues with modern society, and the monumental task it would be to create serious change.

There are certain exercises that have been shown(though not definitively) to increase it slightly, called "dual and task".
Might be especially useful to younger people, since their brains are still developing.
Older people might benefit too since diminished intelligence in the aged is partly attributed to lack of mental stimulation.

Worldwide, intelligence is already increasing anyway.

wow, well hope you get better, the brain is amazing at self healing. i know a person that had a brain injury and the docs said they would could be a vegtable...but after a year they are almost normal now.


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #111 on: January 10, 2009, 07:57:57 PM »
I have an IQ of 153 last time I checked.

I've solved many cool problems in my career as an engineer.

I make pretty good money too.

Still, I spent 9hrs watching "Jay to Z" this week and would switch my life with JC in a heartbeat.


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #112 on: January 10, 2009, 08:11:51 PM »
It's just brain damage from alcohol.

It manifest in spoonerisms and decreased fluid intelligence.
Often I would call some object by a similar sounding yet wrong name.
It's going away though, because I've abstained from serious drinking for a long while.

Our country plays to the herd, and religion still has a hold over us.
However, progress will only be stalled, not stopped. As a herd, we are at the whim of the ranchers;
eventually the ranchers will see the benefit of nano-technology, and wide-scale alteration of the human germline.
It's just a matter of how long it will take to happen. Luckily, the wide availability of knowledge today might diminish the hold of religion
in the west, thus allowing these changes to occur sooner. Intellectuals have always been targets of the church,
but today you can't shelter people from educating themselves like times past.

Scientist coming together to bring about this change is the closest thing to what your talking about.
Any real threat to the status quo would be squashed if it gained momentum. You have to work within the system.
If you want to read something really interesting, look up Industrial Society and It's Future. It explains succinctly
the underlying issues with modern society, and the monumental task it would be to create serious change.

There are certain exercises that have been shown(though not definitively) to increase it slightly, called "dual and task".
Might be especially useful to younger people, since their brains are still developing.
Older people might benefit too since diminished intelligence in the aged is partly attributed to lack of mental stimulation.

Worldwide, intelligence is already increasing anyway.

::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #113 on: January 10, 2009, 08:14:23 PM »
The guy is the real deal...Had his IQ tested many times...Smart mother fucker but also has an Ego the size of Texas...Here is an interview with the guy

part 1

part 2

part 3

He's so smart he can live off of $11,000 I once saw. My thing is, Where are the Bitches? He better used that smarts and make a PUssy Pulling Machine---in HD

James Phoenix

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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #114 on: January 10, 2009, 08:15:38 PM »
::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::)
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Why are you irrelevant?

☠ Order of Nephilim


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #115 on: January 10, 2009, 08:22:50 PM »

This thread is B.C.H. Approved!!!



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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #116 on: January 11, 2009, 01:28:10 PM »

Worldwide, intelligence is already increasing anyway.

but not the quotient


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #117 on: January 11, 2009, 05:08:15 PM »
I have an IQ of 153 last time I checked.

I've solved many cool problems in my career as an engineer.

I make pretty good money too.

Still, I spent 9hrs watching "Jay to Z" this week and would switch my life with JC in a heartbeat.

153?  That's mighty impressive if true.  When and where did you take the test?


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #118 on: January 11, 2009, 05:11:58 PM »
153?  That's mighty impressive if true.  When and where did you take the test?

3 times... last time was my first year at Stanford... I actually scored less that time.. 149 if I remember correctly but I blamed it on the binge drinking and a bone dry drained cock...


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #119 on: January 11, 2009, 05:21:41 PM »

3 times... last time was my first year at Stanford... I actually scored less that time.. 149 if I remember correctly but I blamed it on the binge drinking and a bone dry drained cock...

You're making me and my 133 feel paltry!  I've taken it a few times and consistently scored 129-133.  I guess that's high enough to be dangerous. 


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #120 on: January 11, 2009, 05:33:21 PM »
You're making me and my 133 feel paltry!  I've taken it a few times and consistently scored 129-133.  I guess that's high enough to be dangerous. 

My older sister scored 158 consistently... however she's fucking nuts and we don't really talk anymore. She used to work as a translator for the Canadian Government... she speaks 5 languages if I remember correctly; She would get along pretty well with Nasser... they could converse in 5 languages (at least) as to why he's a mess now...

funny thing is, her daugther is dumb as fuck...


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #121 on: January 11, 2009, 05:34:52 PM »
your all a bunch of selfish bastards, now go work for the government and start solving some real problems other than how to get big muscles  ::)....which btw none of you have solved.  ;D


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #122 on: January 11, 2009, 05:39:37 PM »
your all a bunch of selfish bastards, now go work for the government and start solving some real problems other than how to get big muscles  ::)....which btw none of you have solved.  ;D

hahahaha thought the same when watching this ;D...

I'm actually surprised that such an intelligen man has such a narrow understanding of human behavior.. all math and logic but classic misunderstanding of group selection and global meme in general... he should talk with Howard bloom:



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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #123 on: January 11, 2009, 05:42:29 PM »

My older sister scored 158 consistently... however she's fucking nuts and we don't really talk anymore. She used to work as a translator for the Canadian Government... she speaks 5 languages if I remember correctly; She would get along pretty well with Nasser... they could converse in 5 languages (at least) as to why he's a mess now...

funny thing is, her daugther is dumb as fuck...

I think 80% of IQ is genetic, so you obviously have a gifted family.  However, even the most intelligent people are subject to personal problems and mental disorders.  Also, I think many ultra high IQs have a very difficult time adapting socially.  

Did your sis marry a tool, hence the dummy of a daughter?


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Re: Christopher Langan - The Smartest Man On Earth Is Jacked
« Reply #124 on: January 11, 2009, 05:44:21 PM »
your all a bunch of selfish bastards, now go work for the government and start solving some real problems other than how to get big muscles  ::)....which btw none of you have solved.  ;D

Is something wrong?