Author Topic: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy  (Read 12601 times)

Benny B

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #75 on: January 10, 2009, 01:48:33 PM »
Palin/Kennedy discussions=LAUGHABLE
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

Sarah Palin Education Background
Palin attended Hawaii Pacific College in Hilo, Hawaii, in 1982 for a semester, where she majored in Business Administration, and transferred in 1983 to North Idaho College for the 1983-1984 school year. After winning a scholarship, she transferred to Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska for one term before transferring back to the University of Idaho the following year where she finished out her college education and received a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987, where she also minored in political science.

Caroline Kennedy Education Background
She graduated from Concord Academy in Massachusetts in 1975, and received her A.B. from Radcliffe College at Harvard University in 1979. She earned a J.D. from Columbia Law School in 1988, graduating in the top ten percent of her class, several weeks before giving birth to her first child.

Let the haters continue to hate!

Benny B

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #76 on: January 10, 2009, 04:04:54 PM »
Lifting veil of privacy, friends discuss Kennedy
By SAMANTHA GROSS, Associated Press Writer Samantha Gross

NEW YORK – When community groups and the Board of Education were caught in an acrimonious dispute over an arts program, education officials brought in a fixer: Caroline Kennedy.

The daughter of a president and niece of two senators listened attentively, asked probing questions and proposed various scenarios to resolve the dispute. Under her prompting, a compromise was reached.

"People were pushing themselves back from the table and folding their arms," recalled Stephanie Dua, chief executive officer of the Fund for Public Schools. "She was very good at defusing the situation. ... She has a very easy style about her but she's very sharp."

The episode is an intriguing glimpse into how Kennedy might fill the role of U.S. senator if she is appointed to replace Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In a series of interviews with The Associated Press, friends and colleagues of Kennedy painted a picture of a reserved but intelligent and tenacious woman who writes her own speeches and who, despite her vast wealth, still takes the subway.

Those interviewed did not provide an impartial view — but, with several speaking publicly for the first time about their relationship, they offered a rare look inside the private world of a woman America fell in love with decades ago as she rode her pony over the White House lawn.


Much was made of Kennedy's decision last January to support Barack Obama's presidential campaign, but she is no stranger to politics. Paul G. Kirk Jr. remembers meeting her at the age of 16 or so, soaking in as much as she could while on the campaign trail with her uncle Teddy.

She was "lively, engaged, inquisitive," said the family friend and former head of the Democratic Party. "She might hear two or three people ask the senator the same question if he was in a forum. They'd get back in the car, and she'd follow up."

By the time she was in Columbia University Law School more than a decade later, her intellectual curiosity, and her studiousness, still made an impression.

"She's the A-plus student who does 110 percent," said classmate, friend and eventual co-author Ellen Alderman. "We were nerds ... the two Type A personalities who had worked very hard in school."

Inspired by some of their law school case studies, Kennedy and Alderman had a book proposal completed before they graduated. Soon they were traveling the country, interviewing people who had been caught up in civil rights cases for "In Our Defense: The Bill of Rights in Action."

Kennedy was very good at putting their interviewees at ease, Alderman said. There was never any talk then of a political career, she said, but looking back she's unsurprised.

"For me now it seems very natural," she said. "The most important part of the research we did was talking to people and listening to them. And she's terrific on the legal end, on the analysis and the issues, and she's terrific on the people end, on understanding how the law and government affects people every day."


Kennedy had her first daughter, Rose, around the same time she graduated from Columbia in 1988, and her professional life took shape around her children.

When Alderman became pregnant, she recalls, Kennedy became her "mommy mentor," showing her what she needed to pack a diaper bag, and giving her advice on work: "You can still do it, you're just not going to have eight, 10, 12 hours at a time," Alderman recalls her saying.

Kennedy had help around the house, but she never delegated parenting — picking her three kids up from school and knowing who their friends were and where they were, said Esther Newberg, her friend and literary agent. Kennedy joined the board at her children's school, and colleagues said she'd never attend a meeting if it meant missing a recital or another such event.

Kennedy's friends and colleagues talk about what a remarkably "normal" life she lives, but one could argue they're not the best judges. After all, her circle includes famous authors, a co-president of HBO, a former head of the Democratic National Committee, senators and the president-elect.

Kennedy's finances — estimated by some at more than $400 million — never came up, Alderman said. The co-authors swapped who paid for dinner, and they flew coach. Kennedy has an assistant but does not use a driver, takes the subway around New York and books her own flights, friends said.

Her six-room apartment is at an exclusive address on Park Avenue where a larger unit was recently listed for $13 million. Friends describe it as a low-key place covered with books and decorated with slip-covered sofas.

Kennedy and her husband, museum designer Edwin Schlossberg, enjoy entertaining, frequently hosting buffet-style gatherings, Newberg said. Sometimes, he cooks.

Like thousands of New Yorkers, the couple hosted a debate-watching party the night of the face-off between vice presidential candidates Sarah Palin and Joe Biden. Talkative guests were shuffled into a separate room with a television so the true political junkies could hunker down in the den and hear every word.

When she wasn't playing hostess, Caroline Kennedy chose the den.


Compared to the sharp-elbowed style common among New York politicians, Kennedy's personality in a series of recent media interviews has seemed quiet, soft-spoken.

But those who have worked with Kennedy said her sometimes reserved demeanor could be misleading. More than one spoke of an instance where they had watched her listen carefully to each person's point of view, then argue her point calmly but tenaciously until she achieved her goal.

"If you aren't as loud as I am, often people mistake that for not being effective and that's just wrong," said Elaine Jones, the former president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund, where Kennedy served on the board. "I know how able, substantive and tough-minded Caroline is. Now others have got to see that in her. And she may have to project it."

While she never practiced law, Kennedy did heavy-duty research before board meetings and contributed to detailed legal debates over which cases would be selected by the NAACP fund, Jones said.

Kennedy also has been instrumental in selecting at least some of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award winners, who are honored for risking their careers to take a stand for their principles.

For the 2000 honor, she persuaded the award committee to select a relative unknown, Hilda Solis, now the likely incoming secretary of labor, said Kirk, a committee member. Kennedy won the panel over with her argument that it was important to acknowledge lesser-known public servants so as to inspire others at every level of government.

Kennedy writes all her own speeches, says another longtime friend and colleague, Heather Campion. Preparing for the 2008 Democratic National Convention, speech writer and strategist Bob Shrum recounted handing her a draft of her speech, only to see her rewrite it from top to bottom.

Kirk said she seems to have taken to heart an oft-repeated family quote that she has included in her speeches again and again over the years: "Each of us can make a difference and all of us must try."


After years of focusing on her young children, Kennedy began to look for an alternative to the books on which she had been working.

"I'd like to work with people. Being a writer is a solitary job," she told Campion shortly before she went to work for the New York City Board of Education in 2002.

In her 22 months working three days a week at the agency, she was credited with raising tens of millions of dollars and revamping fundraising operations. Friends argue those fundraising skills would serve her well if she's chosen as senator. Whoever is selected by Gov. David Paterson to fill Clinton's seat would have to run for election to the seat in 2010, and — if successful — again in 2012.

Kennedy's endorsement of Obama for the Democratic nomination came at a vital moment in his campaign, and friends said she loved campaigning and seemed invigorated by it.

"Presumably she could have had an appointment," said Campion, who at Kennedy's request broke decades of public silence about their friendship. "There are a lot of great ambassadorships," Campion said she told Kennedy earlier.

There seemed easier ways to contribute without thrusting herself into the intensive public scrutiny that would come with a Senate bid.

However, Campion recounted, Kennedy was unconvinced by the warning.

She said: "But I want to make a difference ... and I love New York."

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #77 on: January 10, 2009, 04:08:41 PM »
Palin/Kennedy discussions=LAUGHABLE
Sarah Palin is an idiot.

Sarah Palin Education Background
Palin attended Hawaii Pacific College in Hilo, Hawaii, in 1982 for a semester, where she majored in Business Administration, and transferred in 1983 to North Idaho College for the 1983-1984 school year. After winning a scholarship, she transferred to Matanuska-Susitna College in Alaska for one term before transferring back to the University of Idaho the following year where she finished out her college education and received a Bachelor of Science degree in communications-journalism from the University of Idaho in 1987, where she also minored in political science.

Caroline Kennedy Education Background
She graduated from Concord Academy in Massachusetts in 1975, and received her A.B. from Radcliffe College at Harvard University in 1979. She earned a J.D. from Columbia Law School in 1988, graduating in the top ten percent of her class, several weeks before giving birth to her first child.

Let the haters continue to hate!

There is/was not a Hawaii Pacific College in Hilo. 

I'll summarize Kennedy's professional career:

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #78 on: January 12, 2009, 05:15:02 AM »
What else are those lackeys going to say about Schlossberg?

She is a joke and even Paterson said she lacks qualifications.


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #79 on: January 12, 2009, 04:13:42 PM »
January 7, 2009
Sweet on Caroline


Ask not, you know, what your country can, like, do for you. Ask what you, um, can, you know, do for your country.

After a lifetime of shying away from the public spotlight, Caroline Kennedy asked herself what she could do for her country.

Her soft-spoken answer — to follow her father and two uncles and serve in the Senate — got her ripped to shreds in the, you know, press.

I know about “you knows.” I use that verbal crutch myself, a bad habit that develops from shyness and reticence about public speaking.

I always thought that Caroline and her brother, John, had special magic capital in America because of their heartbreaking roles in the Kennedy House of Atreus.

Joe Kennedy, the wily patriarch of the clan, had pioneered the use of Hollywood glamour in pursuit of Washington power. With his glossy pop-culture political magazine, George, John reversed that equation, using his stature as an American political prince to persuade Salma Hayek to pose on the cover of his magazine.

I wrote a column once saying that it seemed like a frivolous use of his time. I thought he should run for office and employ his special clout to make life better for Americans. He died before he had the chance.

So I found it bizarre that when Caroline offered to use her magic capital — and friendship with Barack Obama — to help take care of New York in this time of economic distress, she was blasted by a howl of “How dare she?”

People are suddenly awfully choosy about who gets to go to the former home of Jesse Helms, Strom Thurmond and Robert Torricelli.

Although Americans still have enough British in their genes to be drawn to dynasties, W. has no doubt soured the country on scions. And the camps of the other two New York dynasties — the Clintons (still bitter about Caroline’s endorsement of Obama) and the Cuomos (who’d like that Senate seat for Andrew) — have certainly done their best to undermine Caroline.

Congress, which abdicated its oversight role as the Bush crew wrecked the globe and the economy, desperately needs fresh faces and new perspectives, an infusion of class, intelligence and guts.

People complain that the 51-year-old Harvard and Columbia Law School grad and author is not a glib, professional pol who knows how to artfully market herself, and is someone who hasn’t spent her life glad-handing, backstabbing and logrolling. I say, thank God.

The press whines that she doesn’t have a pat answer about why she wants the job. I’ve interviewed a score of men running for president; not one had a good answer for why he wanted it.

Robert Duffy, the mayor of Rochester, complained that when the would-be senator visited the Democratic headquarters there recently, she did not respond to pictures in a conference room of her father, mother, brother and herself as a little girl. Isn’t it creepy to expect her to emote on cue? Isn’t it more authentic to want to keep some of your most private feelings to yourself?

I know Caroline Kennedy. She’s smart, cultivated, serious and unpretentious. The Senate, shamefully sparse on profiles in courage during Dick Cheney’s reign of terror, would be lucky to get her.

And believe me, she talks a whole lot better than the former junior senator from New York, Al D’Amato, who once wailed that he was “up to my earballs” in some mess, and another time complained to me that those “little Jappies” bring over boats full of cars and then take the boats back empty.

Anyhow, it isn’t how you say it. It’s what you say. Hillary Clinton is a great talker, but she never stood up in the Senate to lead a crusade against any Republican horror show, from Terri Schiavo to the Bush administration’s dishonest push to war.

Sitting in the Senate gallery on Tuesday as senators were sworn in by Dick Cheney, I saw plenty of lawmakers who had benefited from family.

Two Udalls were being sworn in, under the watchful eye of Stewart Udall. Mark Begich, the new senator from Alaska, is the son of a former Alaska congressman. The classy Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, son of the late Gov. Robert Casey, was there in a festive pink tie. John McCain, whose wife’s money and Arizona pull made his Senate election possible, looked on with a smile. Hillary, whose husband paved the way for her to join this club and run for president, chatted with colleagues. Jay Rockefeller wandered about, as did Chris Dodd, son of Senator Thomas Dodd. And Teddy Kennedy, walking with a cane, worked the room with his old brio.

It isn’t what your name is. It’s what you do with it. Or, in the case of W., don’t.

she is right and it's not because she's a friend

Benny B

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #80 on: January 12, 2009, 05:21:53 PM »
What else are those lackeys going to say about Schlossberg?

She is a joke and even Paterson said she lacks qualifications.
What Patterson said was that her lack of political experience is not helpful to her cause, not that she is not qualified. Nevertheless, I predict she will be appointed and it will be a great thing for New Yorkers.  ;)

She is a very smart and very thoughtful person who is humble and has shown great compassion for the poor and working class people of NYC.

It may not mean shit to you, but it says something to me that she did her first televised interview with a black journalist on New York One (Dominic Carter), made a point to make one of her first public appearances with Rev. Al Sharpton at Sylvia's restaurant up in Harlem, and sat on the board of the NAACP. Not to mention to time an energy she spent trying to help improve NYC public schools.

Her ability to easily raise the $100 million it will likely take to campaign in 2010, and her close friendship with the president-elect all work in her favor.

If it is not Caroline Kennedy, it will likely be Andrew Cuomo. And I don't how any of you can complain about selection by birthright given his bloodlines in New York politics. ::)

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #81 on: January 13, 2009, 04:54:39 AM »
You are such a joke and a fanboy. 

Its all about $$$$$ just as you said. 



Benny B

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #82 on: January 13, 2009, 07:25:21 AM »
You are such a joke and a fanboy. 

Its all about $$$$$ just as you said. 
You are such a shithead and a moron. You mentioned Peter King as a potential appointment, as though Patterson would actually select a Republican to replace Hillary.  ::) How stupid ARE you?

Of course $$$$$ are important in a New York senatorial race. It takes serious money to run a campaign in New York, otherwise any schmuck could run.

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #83 on: January 13, 2009, 07:28:54 AM »
You are such a shithead and a moron. You mentioned Peter King as a potential appointment, as though Patterson would actually select a Republican to replace Hillary.  ::) How stupid ARE you?

Of course $$$$$ are important in a New York senatorial race. It takes serious money to run a campaign in New York, otherwise any schmuck could run.

God forbid a normal New Yorker, like Nita Lowey, be appointed right????

What has Schlonssberg ever done for NY?


Its all about money, glitz, glamour, and hollywood, just what the NY liberals like.


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #84 on: January 13, 2009, 09:35:54 AM »
Its funny,240 and the rest of this board judges Palin by one interview.Kennedy sounded RETARDED in her interviews and it means nothing because she went to law school.hundreads of thousands go to law school,50 are governors,but somehow,according to the idiots on here,law shool trumps being a governor.This nit wit NEVER HAS HAD A JOB and she wants to make laws for me?

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #85 on: January 13, 2009, 09:47:10 AM »
Its funny,240 and the rest of this board judges Palin by one interview.Kennedy sounded RETARDED in her interviews and it means nothing because she went to law school.hundreads of thousands go to law school,50 are governors,but somehow,according to the idiots on here,law shool trumps being a governor.This nit wit NEVER HAS HAD A JOB and she wants to make laws for me?

So far from what I can tell:

1.  Pro Gay Marriage
2.  Amensty for illegals
3.  Closing down our only nuclear power plant. 

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #86 on: January 13, 2009, 11:01:11 AM »
Its funny,240 and the rest of this board judges Palin by one interview.Kennedy sounded RETARDED in her interviews and it means nothing because she went to law school.hundreads of thousands go to law school,50 are governors,but somehow,according to the idiots on here,law shool trumps being a governor.This nit wit NEVER HAS HAD A JOB and she wants to make laws for me?

Palin has had 3 jobs.

TV reporter, where she talked about local high school hockey games.

Mayor.  The new mayor admits it's mostly mundane paperwork and you have little power.

Governor.  For 18 months, many of which she worked from home.  Installed by an oil company that she then gave a contract to on day one, who sitll hasn't built the pipeline they were paid tens of millions to do.  Her accomplishments as Gov?  Umm....

So there you have it.  You wanted to hand her the nuclear football, giving her the power to effectively destory Planet Earth.  Why?  Because she'd done paperwork as Mayor for a few years, and done 18 months as governor as her hubby sat in the office running 90% of her meetings.

Brilliant ;)

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #87 on: January 13, 2009, 11:20:17 AM »
Complete distortion.  She was elected to the City Council twice.  She was elected mayor twice.  And elected governor. 

Kennedy wrote books.  No comparison. 


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #88 on: January 13, 2009, 11:27:48 AM »
Palin has had 3 jobs.

TV reporter, where she talked about local high school hockey games.

Mayor.  The new mayor admits it's mostly mundane paperwork and you have little power.

Governor.  For 18 months, many of which she worked from home.  Installed by an oil company that she then gave a contract to on day one, who sitll hasn't built the pipeline they were paid tens of millions to do.  Her accomplishments as Gov?  Umm....

So there you have it.  You wanted to hand her the nuclear football, giving her the power to effectively destory Planet Earth.  Why?  Because she'd done paperwork as Mayor for a few years, and done 18 months as governor as her hubby sat in the office running 90% of her meetings.

Brilliant ;)

You make yourself look foolish everyday.She was VOTED IN as a governor!!Do you understand the concept?SHe put her views up for public consumption and THE PEOPLE voted for her and gave her an 80% approval rating.

She was voted in as mayor.By the way,to say a mayor has little power is as stupid as anything you ever posted.They have tremendous power in their community.Not nationally,but your mayor has a lot more power over you then your senator does.

TV reporter.Well,Kennedy certainly couldnt do that job.She cant speak and has the personality of a rock.YOU KNOW.

Lastly,you are confused.She RAN for the office of vice president.We werent going to give her anything.Unlike Kennedy,she ran and didnt ask for anything.By the way,you voted in a man that thinks JOBS is a three letter word... brilliant.


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #89 on: January 13, 2009, 11:28:12 AM »
Kennedy also seems like a hard left party liner.  We need more moderates in politics. She may be smart, but has no political experience to qualify her for that position.  


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #90 on: January 13, 2009, 11:30:27 AM »
By the way,Obamas accomplishments as a senator.....umm.

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #91 on: January 13, 2009, 11:47:25 AM »
Complete distortion.  She was elected to the City Council twice.  She was elected mayor twice.  And elected governor. 

Kennedy wrote books.  No comparison. 

Neither of them are fit for the jobs they seek.  Neither are the best fit.  The best we can hope for is that their handlers would tell them what to read, and make good decisions for them.

Just because Plain had more experience than Caroline doesn't make her a good pick for VP.

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #92 on: January 13, 2009, 11:58:03 AM »
Neither of them are fit for the jobs they seek.  Neither are the best fit.  The best we can hope for is that their handlers would tell them what to read, and make good decisions for them.

Just because Plain had more experience than Caroline doesn't make her a good pick for VP.

Why are you comparing their qualifications? 

My post was highlighting how you distorted Palin's record. 


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #93 on: January 13, 2009, 12:35:52 PM »
Why are all the Kennedys such left wingers?

That doesn't make senes to me....


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #94 on: January 13, 2009, 12:45:10 PM »
Complete distortion.  She was elected to the City Council twice.  She was elected mayor twice.  And elected governor. 

Kennedy wrote books.  No comparison. 

a senator runs nothing but his/hers mouth governors are executives


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #95 on: January 13, 2009, 12:49:01 PM »
hundreads of thousands go to law school,50 are governors,but somehow law shool trumps being a governor.

Agree. A person doesn't even remotely have to be close to the brilliant category IQ-wise to get a law degree. Regardless of how one views Palin, it's astonishing how some perceive a law degree as a higher qualification than Governor...and I'm not even a big Palin fan.

 C'mon, Governor of ANY state>law degree. Let's be reasonable.

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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #96 on: January 13, 2009, 12:56:04 PM »
Why are all the Kennedys such left wingers?

That doesn't make senes to me....

Because they can afford to be.  Ever hear the phrase "limosuine liberal"????


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #97 on: January 13, 2009, 12:58:01 PM »
Must be a similar phenomena to the fact that a lot of billionaire Californians are party-line democrats.

Can't fathom it.


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #98 on: January 13, 2009, 01:03:14 PM »
Exactly, they are comfortable with a lot of money and live very well so they don't mind paying a lot in taxes. 


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Re: Senate Would Be Lucky To Get Caroline Kennedy
« Reply #99 on: January 13, 2009, 01:10:35 PM »
Exactly, they are comfortable with a lot of money and live very well so they don't mind paying a lot in taxes. 

Wrong,they do mind paying a lot in taxes.They want YOU to pay a lot in taxes.Ever hear Robert Keenedy jr?This little tool wants to end all sources of energy except for wind.They wanted to put windmills off the coast of Mianasport and he blocked it.It would have interupted his view.You see,they only want everyone else to suffer and sacrifice but they are royalty so they just live by a different set of rules.Hence,Caroline Kennedy ,with ZERO expierance,zero accomplishments having never even held a job,now deciding she is the rightfull person to be senator.They are Kennedys they are entitled.

Look at Patrick.He makes drug laws for us to follow but has been in drug rehab three times.Do as I say,not as I do.