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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #50 on: February 03, 2009, 06:26:56 AM »
A welfare package is good for few people and certainly does not help our overall economic power in the world or the value of our money.

We'll continue to follow this story but looks like more democrats in the senate are opposing the bill in its present form and looking to ammend it.  Thank god.  The bill is a disgrace and an insult to the American people.  Obama will be seen as weak if he cannot control Pelosi and the far left of the party (as is happening).

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #51 on: February 03, 2009, 06:28:08 AM »
This is nonsense!  this is just a forcible taking of $$$$$$ from those of us who work to those of us who wont. 

What a joke.

Joe the Plumber was right - Obama is a socialist and wants to take everyone who works' money and give it to those who wont.

Cheer on this commie if you like, but I will not. 


Both spendings were wrong and stupid.

My point is that if a prez is going to drop 1 tril in spending, i'd rather it be spent on people and things in the USA, rather than rebuilding infrastructure in iraq, paying off afghanistan warlords, etc.

Wouldn't you?  I mean, if you HAD to spend the $, where would you rather it go?

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #52 on: February 03, 2009, 06:34:15 AM »
Both spendings were wrong and stupid.

My point is that if a prez is going to drop 1 tril in spending, i'd rather it be spent on people and things in the USA, rather than rebuilding infrastructure in iraq, paying off afghanistan warlords, etc.

Wouldn't you?  I mean, if you HAD to spend the $, where would you rather it go?

That's a total straw man argument.  It's not like the money's earmarked for here or iraq.  Of course anyone would want it here.   

We just want it here in the right place. 

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #53 on: February 03, 2009, 06:34:42 AM »
Both spendings were wrong and stupid.

My point is that if a prez is going to drop 1 tril in spending, i'd rather it be spent on people and things in the USA, rather than rebuilding infrastructure in iraq, paying off afghanistan warlords, etc.

Wouldn't you?  I mean, if you HAD to spend the $, where would you rather it go?

I disagree with your entire premise.  We dont have to spend this NEW TRILLION DOLLARS money in the first place.

Cut the fat, waste, fraud, and abuse from other areas, and apply that money to Infrastructure.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #54 on: February 03, 2009, 06:36:41 AM »
I hear what your saying 240 but we must analyze each decision individually.  Iraq was a least it has stabilized and looks like we are able to withdraw many more troops in the next 2 yrs. 
This bailout must not be looked at in comparison to the Iraq spending, it is separate.  It is another, and larger, spending bill with very questionable effects.

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #55 on: February 03, 2009, 06:45:30 AM »
I hear what your saying 240 but we must analyze each decision individually.  Iraq was a least it has stabilized and looks like we are able to withdraw many more troops in the next 2 yrs. 
This bailout must not be looked at in comparison to the Iraq spending, it is separate.  It is another, and larger, spending bill with very questionable effects.

The democrats are showing themselves to be the 5 year olds that we said they are.

Just because GWB makes a huge mess and has his bailout - they think its ok for themselves to cause an equal mess and have their own 1 trillion dollar spending disaster.



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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #56 on: February 03, 2009, 07:04:11 AM »
333...I had to look that damn word up!  Nice.

I really like to Steele.  He has more of a laid back approach, which I like, but I understand your criticizm.

I listen Steele on Friday mornings on the radio.  He is excellent.  Extremely positive person and very humble, smart and rational.  He is NOT a Rush Limbaugh so will be attractive to more moderates like myself.  He is a conservative principled guy but not the typical GOP person we've seen in the past.  Steele is an excellent speaker and can communicate well, unlike many in the party.

Overall, excellent choice.  I hope this man goes far.  Love his positive and non-militaristic partisan attitude.  We have too much shouting in politics.  Steele is will help the party.  I hate pandering too but hope he will attract more blacks to the party.   Principles are color blind and republicans need to get back to the defining principles of limited government and protecting personal freedoms (ie Ron Paul).  Enough pandering to the far right.

Speaking as you know, the board black person - he won't ;D

It will be seen as obvious subtle pandering - plus the thing that blacks vote black isn't actually true - we vote dem as a rule. Look at races [including Steeles senate race] where the GOP runs a black man againest a white dem - the white dem gets the black vote, and while I am at it the Native American vote which is a small block yes, but votes as strongly dem as blacks do. Running a black man won't get the black vote, running a black dem will. That is true all the time.

Only way Steele can attract the black vote really, is same way all moderates might, as well as the offshoot effect of his appointment flushing out some racists in the GOP [of which there are many, lets not pull punches]. Really to attract the black vote, that is what is needed. Many blacks, myself and my family amongst them, would be GOP  - but if you attend an event and its all sorts of racist crap going on - you're out of there.

My brother  - been stateside for 20 years - makes buckets of money and being from a place like me is wildly anti - welfare. He was all repub with himself, but a few didnt like the 6ft 4" brother in their midst - so he said frig em and went dem.

To attract the blacks [who in the end are like everyone else, we all feel differently and have various views] main issue is to get rid of the racist elements. I don't mean the elected officials, really few are racist most are pols who either mean well or are corrupt lol - but the supporters, of which there are many. One only needs to look at youtube vids of Palin rallies to see that. So if Steele pisses of some racists in the GOP and the GOP looses their support - that could indirectly long term help bring the black vote.

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #57 on: February 03, 2009, 07:08:10 AM »
I agree with you.  Pandering to any group is offensive. 

This is why the immigration debate is so maddening. 

WTF should we pander to hispanics over something we all know is wrong?????????


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #58 on: February 03, 2009, 07:10:52 AM »
I care what the military thinks.  If they want it, keep it, if not, tough shit for the gays.

The military is not supposed to be a social engineering project. 

I want a military that is the best and toughest in the world, not a place of social "fairness" and lowered moral.  

Really, I think gays in the military is the least of the issue. Google away - the military is giving out mad criminal waivers at highets levels since WWII - various reports have convicted criminals making up 12 - 18% of the intake. Terribly high number, even the some factions of the military is complaining of, obviously, having a bunch of sucky guys isn't exactly good for quality.

And yes, I am not joking, including convicted rapists and child molesters. They say its "under 50". Wow, great 50 marines who like to rape women :-X

I am all for waiving it for some kid who maybe smoked some weed or stolen some gum from a store, but it is unsafe, a disgrace to the other good soldiers worldwide and the entire USA and a safety concern to have convicted rapists as military. I find it disgusting, and no one in their right mind would disagree.

Surely, anyone but a clear bigot would rather have a gay man serving then some freakin rapist. :-\


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #59 on: February 03, 2009, 07:22:53 AM »
U can't get into the Marines with that kind of Waiver. U can't get in with a GED either. The Marines have no problem meeting retention goals and neither will we if the economy stays like this.  The GOP has few if any racist elements. The Dems seem to forget Byrd or segregation of who exactly pushed through all the anti-segregation legislation. The dems have done nothing but keep blacks down...with welfare..blocking vouchers...proping up teachers unions....affirmative action. The list is endless. Blacks are not new comers to this country. Every minority group has faced horrible racism but has assimilated. Asians do well, Middle Easterners, Eastern Europeans etc etc all have done well. Even latino's work very hard. The dems have a built in voting block and guys like Steele won't be able to pick enough off to make any difference.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #60 on: February 03, 2009, 07:36:02 AM »
U can't get into the Marines with that kind of Waiver. U can't get in with a GED either. The Marines have no problem meeting retention goals and neither will we if the economy stays like this.  The GOP has few if any racist elements. The Dems seem to forget Byrd or segregation of who exactly pushed through all the anti-segregation legislation. The dems have done nothing but keep blacks down...with welfare..blocking vouchers...proping up teachers unions....affirmative action. The list is endless. Blacks are not new comers to this country. Every minority group has faced horrible racism but has assimilated. Asians do well, Middle Easterners, Eastern Europeans etc etc all have done well. Even latino's work very hard. The dems have a built in voting block and guys like Steele won't be able to pick enough off to make any difference.

You can get into the *army* though with convictions, unless every single news source and the army itself is lying through their teeth.

The fact is - convicted rapists are in the US military. Fact, and a disgrace, and anyone who disagrees is also a disgrace. Rapists and child molesters are the scum of the earth.

The GOP has racist elements, that is a fact. Small yes, but they are there and sadly vocal so seem greater numbers. Of course the average GOP person does not feel this way, but bad elements stick out more, human nature. And also, anyone prone to be racist is most likely a far right loon anyway - and the GOP needs to, as Shootfighter said, veer away from the far right and get back to low tax, small government. The antiabortion,  racist, guns, god and homophobe zealots can't vote anyone in - too small a block [which is great of course] so get back to the basics - attracting those that want minimal handouts and low taxes.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #61 on: February 03, 2009, 08:14:25 AM »
Um......first off I'm in a much better position to know. Second u said Marines as in USMC...United States Marine Corp. The Marines are a separate fighting force with their own set of recruiting standards.

As far as ur Lib rant. Guns!!! Its defined in our Constitution so while offensive to lib douchbags everywhere, we can keep our guns. And are they really far right many times are Republicans shouted down on college campuses or are supposed racist rants actually hoxed by libs? Libs hoist a bunch of their bullshit on the rest of us but don't want it near them.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #62 on: February 03, 2009, 08:40:51 AM »
I am primarily an economic focused conservative.  The social issues, while important, are secondary to economic federal policy.  I think Steele may attract some.

CQ, I agree with a lot of what u said.  Some racist people may be republican because there are only 2 party choices...just as some wackos who hate America and its general policies may choose to be democrat, but I think very very few republican officals are racist these days.  There will be a rebirth of conservative economic ideas these next couple yrs, seems like its starting already.
Nonetheless, we must punish any racist element in the party whenever possible because its pathetic and also bad for the party.  As blacks continue to make more money, we will see more economically conservative black Americans.  I have a few friends like this.  They make good $ and don't want the gov to take 1/2 of it away, they also don't want to be told by the gov what they can and cannot do.  Many black Americans do not trust or like big government but have traditionally voted democrat because the democrats pander to minority groups for their vote.  You can certainly make an argument that some democrats keep people in catagories and support programs that play to that rather than giving all an opportunity and keeping hands off, as is the traditional true conservative approach.  The republican party needs more principled conservatives and moderates...and needs them to speak out again.

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2009, 09:18:21 AM »
The GOP has few if any racist elements.
hilarious!  ;D

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #64 on: February 03, 2009, 09:24:16 AM »

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #65 on: February 03, 2009, 09:29:56 AM »
How is KKK Byrd doing??????????

In the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People's (NAACP)Congressional Report Card for the 108th Congress (spanning the 2003–2004 congressional session), Byrd was awarded with an approval rating of 100 percent for favoring the NAACP's position in all 33 bills presented to the United States Senate regarding issues of their concern. Only 16 other Senators of the same session matched this approval rating. In June 2005, Byrd[51] proposed an additional $10 million in federal funding for the Martin Luther King memorial in Washington, D.C., remarking that "With the passage of time, we have come to learn that his Dream was the American Dream, and few ever expressed it more eloquently."

More than all this, though, Byrd's decision to stand with Obama deserves notice as a sign of one man's evolution.
As is noted in virtually every lengthy story about Byrd, as a young man he joined the Ku Klux Klan. There has been an ongoing dispute about the length of his membership and his commitment to the Klan's racist cause -- Byrd over the years has minimized his involvement; others have said that in doing so he ignores the facts.
The issue was examined by the Washington Post in a 2005 article headlined "A Senator's Shame."
What has not been in dispute is Byrd's mea culpas. The Post piece ended with this quote from him:

            "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
-- Don Frederick

Black people know about Byrd's past and have forgiven him.

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2009, 09:40:53 AM »
Right, because he follows the NAACP agenda.

If he were a republican you would not.

The NAACP is a freaking joke and a disgrace.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #67 on: February 04, 2009, 05:35:35 AM »
You can get into the *army* though with convictions, unless every single news source and the army itself is lying through their teeth.

The fact is - convicted rapists are in the US military. Fact, and a disgrace, and anyone who disagrees is also a disgrace. Rapists and child molesters are the scum of the earth.

The GOP has racist elements, that is a fact. Small yes, but they are there and sadly vocal so seem greater numbers. Of course the average GOP person does not feel this way, but bad elements stick out more, human nature. And also, anyone prone to be racist is most likely a far right loon anyway - and the GOP needs to, as Shootfighter said, veer away from the far right and get back to low tax, small government. The antiabortion,  racist, guns, god and homophobe zealots can't vote anyone in - too small a block [which is great of course] so get back to the basics - attracting those that want minimal handouts and low taxes.

If the "antiabortion, racists, god and homophobe zealots can't vote anyone in", why were they blamed, especially the "god and homophobe zealots", for Bush's re-election in 2004?

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #68 on: February 04, 2009, 07:11:39 AM »
The democrats are showing themselves to be the 5 year olds that we said they are.

Just because GWB makes a huge mess and has his bailout - they think its ok for themselves to cause an equal mess and have their own 1 trillion dollar spending disaster.


Obama's plan helps americans a lot more than Bush's iraq spending did.

it creates a lot more jobs too.

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #69 on: February 04, 2009, 07:19:40 AM »
Obama's plan helps americans a lot more than Bush's iraq spending did.

it creates a lot more jobs too.

Give it up dude, every economist has said this plan is a mess.  It created jobs at the welfare office, plannedparenthood and other liberal rat holes.

You are just in denial that your boy Obama has already been proven to be the clown most of us said he would be.

BTW - it is plain as day he will rubbwer stamp anything from Pelosi.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2009, 07:22:28 AM »
Um......first off I'm in a much better position to know. Second u said Marines as in USMC...United States Marine Corp. The Marines are a separate fighting force with their own set of recruiting standards.

HH6, be real - its public knowledge. The US Military has accepted convicted rapists and child molesters. The stats of 12 - 18% of the new army recruits include criminals - stats given by the military.

The marines I did say, was a misspeak cool - but fact remains the military as in army - the ever praised "troops" include men who the US gov already convicted and locked away for rape and kiddie fiddling.

That is an embarassment and a disgrace. Rapists? It gets no lower then that.


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2009, 07:27:14 AM »
If the "antiabortion, racists, god and homophobe zealots can't vote anyone in", why were they blamed, especially the "god and homophobe zealots", for Bush's re-election in 2004?

Fearmongering did that, hardly debatable.

Antiabortion, racists, god and homophobe zealots are not a large voting block anymore [which is great]. Include the sexists in that bunch as well. Times change and for the better.

GOP gets back to small gov, lower taxes and they can regain what they were.

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2009, 03:36:44 PM »
Fearmongering did that, hardly debatable.

Antiabortion, racists, god and homophobe zealots are not a large voting block anymore [which is great]. Include the sexists in that bunch as well. Times change and for the better.

GOP gets back to small gov, lower taxes and they can regain what they were.

Reagan, Bush Sr., and Dubya were all pro life Christian "homophobes" who won five presidential elections.  The GOP doesn't need to change any of its core values to win more elections.  They need a clear message and a leader.  They have neither at the moment.     


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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2009, 04:20:46 PM »
This is nonsense!  this is just a forcible taking of $$$$$$ from those of us who work to those of us who wont. 

What a joke.

Joe the Plumber was right - Obama is a socialist and wants to take everyone who works' money and give it to those who wont.

Cheer on this commie if you like, but I will not. 


Is not sending money to Iraq welfare?

It's just not staying inside our borders... It's going across the world.

Am I missing something?

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Re: Republicans Pick Steele as Next Party Chairman
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2009, 04:34:46 PM »
Is not sending money to Iraq welfare?

It's just not staying inside our borders... It's going across the world.

Am I missing something?

Oh no.  I agree with you.   :o  To a degree.  The Iraq war is welfare for the Iraqi people.  They need to be writing us a check.