Author Topic: Stories - Your favorite stories re pros / legends  (Read 556323 times)


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #375 on: April 24, 2005, 06:32:35 PM »
It is really too bad thatt he Mr America title is not being used anymore.

But it is being used .


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #377 on: April 24, 2005, 08:04:59 PM »
I've been in So Cal for the past few weeks and "onlyme" has been telling me to go to "Piggelly Wiggely" ever since I arrived.

He calls at least once a week asking, "Did you go to Piggelly Wiggely yet!?" (He also wants me to go to "Pink's" where all the top movie stars dine on the best hot dogs but he can't recall the address.)

I always say, "NO!" about Piggely Wiggely cause I couldn't find it but today he called with specific directions, "Go to the intersection of Roscoe and Sepulveda and look for it."

So I went to Roscoe and Sepulveda and did manage to find it about a block south of where he said it was located.

The only problem was that is ain't "Piggelly Wiggely"! But that was close enough to figure it out.

The real name is actually "Dr. Hogley Woggly" and they serve some damn fine Tx Bar-B-Q (30 years in that same location) which I just finished eating while my dog (Marley - a white lab) looked on thinking she was gonna get the bones but she ain't cause dem bones make her meaner than she usually is already.

Had a good day in Venice. Had a good talk with a lot of the pros at the Fire House during lunch and all agree that promoting the Olympia in three different locations (the Hilton as the Host Hotel, the Convention Center as the Expo site, and the Orleans Arena as the contest site) was beyond their comprehension but nothing to get too concerned about.

Jay was there having lunch with some friends, Gunter was talking business, and Bob Chic was looking contest ready already (NOC) and Tom Prince was enjoying his lunch.

Had a long talk with Dan Decker who has packed on a lot of good bodywt since I saw him last at the Arnold a few years back. Looks like he plans to have some fun entering the July 4th Muscle Beach event. Looks like he sould win that one pretty easily.

Stopped by Gold's to see some old friends on the staff but they were hiding someplace or out of town so I just mosied around looking to see who I thought I might know or have met in the  past.

The big man from Australia (Mike Woods?) was doing some heavy training after a long flight from down under and it looks like he will be doing well this year or next.

And there was an impressive guy in the outside part of Gold's in the back who was doing some stretching movements without a shirt and he couldn't have gotten any "rip-ter" if he pealed the skin off his body. Not real huge, but definitley ripped to shreads. I actually think he was turned inside-out.

It was relatively quiet so it was a short visit and I went a-looken for Pax Beale without success.

A great sunny beach day in Venice. Good conversations and a very relaxing day.

I'm not a leather guy at all but I did buy one of those big and bulky leather motorcycle jackets on the Broadwalk and someone gave me a Harley Davidson logo to sew on the back. I can sew a button on a shirt if I have too (come to think of it, I've never had too!) but sewing one of these things on a leather jacket is beyond my capabilities so the shop gave me the address of a place to get it done cheaply.

So I took the jacket and the Harley logo to the shop and it turned out to be full grown leather store for people who like leather a whole lot - shirts and pants and other paraphenalia.

I was expecting to pay about $50 to get this logo sewn on professionally  but the guy only charged me 10 bucks. So I thanked him and told him that if I ever meet anyone who was into leather pants and stuff, that I'd send them his way.

Keith? You need a pair of leather trousers?

Now I gotta save up to buy the Harley.




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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #378 on: April 24, 2005, 08:28:23 PM »
Piggelly Wiggely..... ;D ;D....that is an east coast grocery store chain.

Good thing Kevin didn't tell Bob Chick he was a Getbig member... :-X

I am surprised the Firehouse is still the Rose Cafe still around.....It has been a long time since I was at the Mecca of Bodybuilding!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #379 on: April 24, 2005, 09:22:53 PM »
and keep moving!


  • Getbig II
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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #380 on: April 24, 2005, 10:23:20 PM »
Max, your news about Pat Casey passing away made my hair stand on end. I haven't seen Pat in a good number of years but I was present that day when he broke 600 in the bench in San Diego, California in the early 60's. I sure wish I could find those photos but I fear that they have been long gone.

I'll never forget that sound of a roaring lion the moment Pat made that lift. We must have been close to the San Diego Zoo.

Rest in Peace, Pat! You made your mark upon this world!

Thanks for informing us, Max.

Rules, I did mention GetBig to Bob during our conversation. He just laffed and kept on talking.

I've known Bob for a good long time and have a completely different viewpoint. In my opinion he is one of the good guys in this sport. Been a good friend for many years.

Ya, the Rose Cafe is still there and going strong. It looks like they extended the interior to the exterior on the west end side. It was packed around noon with lots of people waiting for an outside table. I had a cup of coffee, took some inside photos and headed on over to the Firehouse where I met the gang and had my typical Bodybuilder's Special Dinner - half a chicken with vegetables and rice for $11.95 (I think that's what I paid).

Most of the others ordered egg whites with various cutting up stuff inside. It's still a haven for the guys from Gold's and the best place to meet the pros if you really wanna  meet them. It's kind of like a bodybuilder's social club there.  Everyone seems to want to relax and talk after a long and hard and silent training session in the gym.

If you're new to this bodybuilding scene and really want to meet the pros, go to lunch at the FireHouse and politely introduce yourself while their mouth isn't completely full of food. Or simply wait until they're finished eating.

I have yet to meet any pro who didn't appreciate meeting a fan while he wasn't under a heavy squat.

Jay introduced me to a very impressive natural competitor whose name completely escapes me now, but I guarantee ya that it won't escape me in a few month's time. This new guy (new to me anyway) is gonna worry a lot of people - natural or supernatural. Jay told me to check him out at but I failed to find his photos there or any mention of a great new natural guy appearing on the competitive scene. Nice guy too. Very HUMBLE! Anyone know who I am speaking of?

KooKooRoo across the street is now closed up and waiting for another tenant.

If I recall correctly, many years ago the Rose Cafe used to be situated furhter north on Main St down by the old World Gym. If you have any desire to meet prominant TV stars, drop into the Rose most any time of the day.

Oh yea, I gotta mention this. I previously mentioned that the meeting that joined the NPC to the IFBB was held at the Santa Monica Civic, but another good friend who was also there says that I am mistaken and that it was held at the Santa Monica Holiday Inn. I hate to say this, but I think I am right. Any help out there?


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #381 on: April 25, 2005, 03:32:23 PM »
The Rose Cafe is pretty cool. I have only been to the location by Gold's, and it has been there since I first went there in 1982-don't know if it was at another location earlier or not.

KooKoo Roos have not donw very good-every single one I have seen open has closed.

I spoke with Onlyme today-I forced him to tell me the Flex Wheeler driving story- and it is pretty damn funny. Has to do with Flex and a rather very expensive Italian sports car  :D


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #382 on: April 25, 2005, 05:25:11 PM »
For as long as I c an remember, competitive bodybuilders like fancy cars.

Back in the old days, you had to have a Corvette to be an "in" car guy.

I was raised on an auto lot so I usually had my choice of any car I wanted when I needed one for special occasions, so nowadays when you talk about transportation, what comes immediately to my mind is a good pair of hikeing boots or a solid pair of Adidas.

No kind of car really impresses me.

BUT this weekend a few of the old time gym guys are getting together for an annual reunion in Las Vegas and we all got good deals at the new 2.7 BILLION Wynn Las Vegas.

And a couple of guys are interested in renting one of those Ferraris or Maseratis that they plan to offer at that hotel.

I actually could care less about the car I drive around in but that often causes lots of arguments.

What is it with bodybuilders and cars and who drives what?

I'll let Only tackle this one once he gets back on line. We did discuss the story he plans to tell but some of it may have to be toned down a bit to avoid complications.

Only likes any car that he can lift from the street onto the sidewalk.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #383 on: April 25, 2005, 05:49:21 PM »
Car and sidewalk!

That reminds me of a story I haven't told yet. Not much to this one but it will fill in the gaps until a better one comes along.

I got a good friend who is more of a model than a bodybuilder. But he is one of those guys who looks like he has an average athlete's build until he takes his shirt off and then it's a horse of another color.

And he is strong as shit!

One time we were all out some place doing some heavy partying and noticed that the car (a VW) was missing from the place we parked it. In fact, two VW's were missing.

Then we noticed the "No Parking Zone" sign which had an address on it showing us  parking culprits where guilty VW's were towed to.

So we go over to reclaim two VWs but the jerk behind the desk wants $120 each before he will release the cars and no kind of argument from any of us is gonna persuade him any differently.

So we go outside and get a cup of coffee to sober up a bit and Ken says, how tall was that fence there?

We said, "No fence! Just a heavy iron chain link fence about three feet off the ground surrounding the entire lot!"

So we are four strong guys who lift heavy things and decide to go back to that lot and lift the two VW's right out of it.

But first one of us had to keep the jerk behind the front desk occupied,

And somehow I got that job. I talk good, I guess.

And I did my job talking good cause the other guys, with the help of a sleepy brother, got into that lot and lifted both those VW's onto the other side of that chain linked fence and drove up to the front office, honked the horn and got me into the car while the jerk behind the desk simply watched us drive away with  a dumb look on his face.

I bet just evey bodybuilder or weight lifter has a similar story about lifting cars, but this one is unique.

The City of San Franciso Fire Department opens their fire hydrant class for new recruits by stating that no city fire hydrant has even been lost or stolden EXCEPT one!

And they still can't figure that one out because fire hydrants are just too big and bulky.

That stolden hydrant was in my basement for many years, We "stold" it one late Friday night when a drunk knocked it over sending water a hundred feet into the air.

I got back home that nite, wet as hell lugging one hell of a heavy fire hydrant into the house.  The only MIA in the city.

man from oz

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #384 on: April 28, 2005, 02:14:59 AM »
you blokes have had great lives
more stories


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #385 on: April 28, 2005, 08:05:35 AM »
OzMan,  Who was the young  "bloke" from New Zealand or the whereabouts who trained with his dad and was very impressive and was planning to train in the USA about 10 years back?


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #386 on: April 28, 2005, 08:40:54 AM »
Still waiting for OnlyMe to get back on line. I think he'll show up soon.

Here's another "hold-over" until he reappears........

Back in the 70's a couple of the Santa Monica smorgasboard (buffet) type restaurants were closed up because of the local bodybuilder eating habits.

When those places closed down and before the German's opened, a few of the big guys who trained at Gold's used to visit the local grocery store and make it a smorgasboard of their own.

They would cruise up and down the aisles and fine dine on anything that was "eatable" in accordance with their current diet objectives.

Milk and cottage cheese and the fruit stands were of special interest but the entire  inventory of the store was wide open just as long as it was consumable before you reached the check out stand.

When the German's opened in Venice, the management of that place caught on and offered a dozen egg omlete and all the fixens for about $3. I always ordered the huge bowl of fresh strawberries for a buck.

It soon turned into a bodybuilder's haven.

Last time I ate there was when Ed Corney was training for one of his final IFBB entries.

The German's was the Fire House of its day which saw the needs of hungry bodybuilders and filled the gap.

I don't know why that place ever closed down. Today it's a karate dojo I think.


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #387 on: April 29, 2005, 06:28:50 PM »

We need that Flex Wheeler driving story ASAP......please get that baby up..... ;D ;D

man from oz

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #388 on: April 29, 2005, 09:29:43 PM »
OzMan,  Who was the young  "bloke" from New Zealand or the whereabouts who trained with his dad and was very impressive and was planning to train in the USA about 10 years back?

can't think of him at the moment
but the guy from here you posted about training at gold's is luke wood
sorry mate

man from oz

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #389 on: April 29, 2005, 09:43:51 PM »
OzMan,  Who was the young  "bloke" from New Zealand or the whereabouts who trained with his dad and was very impressive and was planning to train in the USA about 10 years back?

your not thinking of sonny schmidt
are you
passed away 25 jan 2004


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #390 on: April 30, 2005, 05:54:00 PM »
Still waiting for OnlyMe to get back on line. I think he'll show up soon.

Here's another "hold-over" until he reappears........

Back in the 70's a couple of the Santa Monica smorgasboard (buffet) type restaurants were closed up because of the local bodybuilder eating habits.

When those places closed down and before the German's opened, a few of the big guys who trained at Gold's used to visit the local grocery store and make it a smorgasboard of their own.

They would cruise up and down the aisles and fine dine on anything that was "eatable" in accordance with their current diet objectives.

Milk and cottage cheese and the fruit stands were of special interest but the entire  inventory of the store was wide open just as long as it was consumable before you reached the check out stand.

When the German's opened in Venice, the management of that place caught on and offered a dozen egg omlete and all the fixens for about $3. I always ordered the huge bowl of fresh strawberries for a buck.

It soon turned into a bodybuilder's haven.

Last time I ate there was when Ed Corney was training for one of his final IFBB entries.

The German's was the Fire House of its day which saw the needs of hungry bodybuilders and filled the gap.

I don't know why that place ever closed down. Today it's a karate dojo I think.


Remember the Swedish Inn Smorgasboard on Lincoln up near Manchester? My roomate and I used to eat thear all the time in the ealry 80's. We'd see Waller and Tony there but then they got banned because they ate to much.

What about Dinah's all you can eat chicken night? I used to see Roger Collard, Robbie the Barbarians and a bunch of other guys there. Thay are still there.

and keep moving!


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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #391 on: May 03, 2005, 08:33:53 PM »
JUST GOT BACK FROM Las Vegas.,\ Let me get unpacked and I'll do my best to catch up and respond.

man from oz

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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #392 on: May 04, 2005, 01:03:26 AM »
o k

man from oz

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Re: onlyme, Max_rep, others: tell your favorite stories
« Reply #393 on: May 04, 2005, 01:11:17 AM »
JUST GOT BACK FROM Las Vegas.,\ Let me get unpacked and I'll do my best to catch up and respond.
hurry up before i go to bed


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #394 on: May 11, 2005, 06:08:19 PM »
Well I will be back online this Saturday.  Stay tuned. 


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #395 on: May 14, 2005, 12:52:38 PM »
Hello again! This is KEVIN on another computer with a new name due to a sign in problem which I had trouble with.

I am also having problems finding out how to post photos here so I have built a scrapbook on line with the recent pics I took of some of the spots that were bodybuilding hangouts in the old days in the Santa Monica / Venice area.

If you want to see them you'll have to email me at until I can figure out another way to do it. I'll also send  some off to Only Me to see if he can post them on here.
He is a computer Guru[img]

If you email me I'll send you the Club Photo invite to see the pics. The password to see them is "getbig". [


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #396 on: May 14, 2005, 01:03:46 PM »
OK, it appears that I figured this out, so here are some more pics .........

This is the original Gold's Gym location on Pacific Avenue in Venice. About one block from the beach. I think memberships were only $35 a year back then. Joe was usually in the back welding some new equipment together. Years later, I believe Ken Sprague bought this place and turned it into his living room. I recall a glass window front but I guess they were boarded up when it became part of the house. Anyone have detailed info?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #397 on: May 14, 2005, 01:11:06 PM »
This is the buidling on 2nd Avenue in Santa Monica where Ken Sprague set up the business after purchasing it from Joe Gold. It is now a lawyers' office in a very trendy neighborhood. I don't recall how many years Ken kept the business but he eventually sold out to Peter and Tim and Ed and one other whose name presently escapes me. There were a few rough years there whe nT-shirt sales were the main source of income.

To me, these were the glory days of the sport and mostly great times were had by all. Rents were cheap and food was cheaper and weekend hell-raising was had by all.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #398 on: May 14, 2005, 01:15:53 PM »
Gold's location on 2nd in Santa Monica


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #399 on: May 14, 2005, 01:22:46 PM »
This is the original World Gym location. Joe was going to call it Gold's but he had already sold the Gold's Gym business to Ken Sprague which included the rights to his name. Someone correct me here but I believe it took some legal action to settle it. Joe lost and named it World Gym.