Author Topic: Stories - Your favorite stories re pros / legends  (Read 556829 times)


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #500 on: May 20, 2005, 01:45:28 AM »
WOW! Thanks for those Zuver shots. Great memories. Was Arty Zeller every really that young?

Here's my memory of that place.

First of all, it was in a residentual neighborhood. Wasn't it in the back of his house or ajacent to his home? And I think it was "Reverend" Zuver. And I think he had a little son whose name was "Rhino" then. Or did he get that name later?

Anyone know what "Rhino" is doing today? And how about Reverend Zuver? Is the gym still there?

Thanks for those photos , Tamas.

I recall that the gym was either in the back or the front of his personal residence and that there was a big gorilla at the entrance. And that huge front door had a sign on or near it saying, "If you can't open this, you're too weak to enter!"

I recall that olympic plates were used to cover a major portion of the floor and that a lot of the gym equipment was labeled "The world's largest this!" or "The world's largest that!" and there was no reason to question either claim.

It was always neat and squared away!

It wasn't a place for a novice lifter. I must have been there in 1962-1962 but once again those dates could be wrong.

Thanks for those photos,  Tamas. I never took any myself.

There was a pretty popular bar in the neighborhood called "Abners" where the waitresses dressed like Daisy Mae and the bartender was a musclehead who looked and acted like L'il Abner. It was the "in-place" to be for a couple of years. They made it feel like "Dogpatch, USA" so I was right at home.

Years later I had the opportunity to meet Arty Zeller and we remained in contact until he passed away. The last time I saw him was when he was in Venice judging one of the Venice Beach contests with Gene Mozee and the "good looking guy with the beautiful wife" whose name escapes me at the moment.

Oh yea, it was Reg and Sheri Lewis. Reg was there but Sheri was not. They were major attractions on the beach in them good old days back in the 60's.

Here's a question for one and all ................... Where was "Sinbad's"? Sinbad's was a restaurant on one of the pier's in southern California, but I can't recall the precise location. They hired bodybuilders to work the front door on weekends and it was a very popular dining spot.

And another question ..... Was anyone around when the original Venice Pier was in operation? It's not there today of course but it was a major attraction in its day. Does anyone recall the year it ceased to exist and the reason for its non-exisance? I think I was on it once and saw the real huge "ballroom"where that major band leader who said , "Ahhh one, ah two, ahhhh three" appeared on a weekly basis.

And one more to cap this off ......... Did anyone here ever train with George Frenn or Bill "Peanuts" West? Or see them train? Or even ever meet them? Or have any clue as to whom I am talking about?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #501 on: May 20, 2005, 01:55:53 AM »
Only, I don't recall Doc's Gym in Hawthorn and I don't know why but I did know Paul Anderson and was invited to the first pro wrestling match he ever had. It was held at the Civic Center in San Francisco and he won, of course.

Can anyone recall who his opponent was?

I don't know how many matches he had in his lifetime but he was darn popular way back then and that auditorium was packed.

He had short arms and a humongous chest which made his bench presses relatively short lifts.

But no one ever questioned his strength or sincerity.



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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #502 on: May 20, 2005, 02:13:39 AM »
Rules, back in the 60's/70's bodybuilders could actually afford to rent those houses along the Venice Canal. They weren't rich but the rent was cheap. Real cheap

Now they are untouchable and many bodybuilders have moved down to San Diego or over to Las Vegas.

I stayed at a great house along the canal for a few months back then. It was a very peaceful place and only a short walk over a bridge and on to Gold's each morning.

Things were so much simpler then!


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #503 on: May 20, 2005, 01:06:40 PM »
You know I have known Pete G since 1986 about.  We became very close friends in 1990 when the Honolulu Gold's Gym opened and I was the marketing & promotions director there.  He bought a condo and spent allot of time in hawaii.  We went nearly every night along with the countless meals.  We had great times.  I always knew he was a bodybuilder.  But I never knew how big he used to be.  I mean now he in around 190lbs.   I would have never guessed he weighed 260 lbs. 

I found this link below to some really good pictures of Pete when he competed.  I thought it was great.  How come he lost weight after being so big and I gained weight.  Don't figure. 

I know you guys have great Pete stories.  I will tell some more if you do.  It was never a dull moment when you are with him.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #504 on: May 20, 2005, 01:44:01 PM »
You know I have known Pete G since 1986 about.  We became very close friends in 1990 when the Honolulu Gold's Gym opened and I was the marketing & promotions director there.  He bought a condo and spent allot of time in hawaii.  We went nearly every night along with the countless meals.  We had great times.  I always knew he was a bodybuilder.  But I never knew how big he used to be.  I mean now he in around 190lbs.   I would have never guessed he weighed 260 lbs. 

I found this link below to some really good pictures of Pete when he competed.  I thought it was great.  How come he lost weight after being so big and I gained weight.  Don't figure. 

I know you guys have great Pete stories.  I will tell some more if you do.  It was never a dull moment when you are with him.

you're right....some good pic's there


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #505 on: May 20, 2005, 01:49:27 PM »
WOW! Thanks for those Zuver shots. Great memories. Was Arty Zeller every really that young?

I guess we always will remember artie as the man behind the camera

Artie....the early years:


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #506 on: May 20, 2005, 02:42:24 PM »
Man.....look at those fucking biceps....Artie looks like he is 10 years old there with Arnold type peaks....just goes to show you how you are born with certain body parts that don't need much training.....


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #507 on: May 20, 2005, 02:50:29 PM »
Onlyme and knny... to be honest those pictures don't do Pete justice. Pete physique for some reason (I don't know photography) was not photogenic. In addition Pete was known to look much more impressive in repose and always seemed to loose a little when hitting a shot. These pics were all taken in the seventies Pete's best year was the third time he placed second in the AAU America. He walked on-stage at 255 and hard. The next guy was about 225. Pete looked like a gargolye. His back and his delts did overpower his arms which were very good but his delts were outstanding. They published very few pics from this show because if they did everyone would have seen it was Pete's show and Hoffman (Publisher of Muscular Development and Stregth and Health) held a lot of Power in AAU bodybuilding. They didn't like Pete because he was VERY open about his drug use.   

It's really to bad that there aren't better pictures of Pete because he was damn impressive. Not that these pics aren't impressive. They just don't do him justice.
and keep moving!


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #508 on: May 20, 2005, 08:17:34 PM »
i found this pic of he Twins with Pete. 

The twins and myself were promoting their movie Twin Sitters in Hawaii back when it came out.  We went to The Big Island and Maui and did several autograph signings. We had one schedled at a mall on Maui.  My girlfriend came with us to help.  I couldn't believe how popular the twins were.  Literally 500+ people came out for autographs.  My girlifriend was keeping track of the line and escorting people up to the stage and table. 

Blockbuster Video helped sponsor the signings and sent a beautiful girl to help out.  She was assigned to help me in anyway I needed her.  My girlfriend wasn't happy with that but stuck it out. 

Well she (my girlfriend) had a clipboard that I had given her.  I would look up every now and then and one time when I looked up I noticed her reading something.  In about 2 seconds I realized it was a letter to a girl i had written that I met while shooting a movie in San Diego (Dangerous Curves).  She had left hawaii a few weeks before visiting me.  Well my girlfriend came over to me and threw the letter at me and said f**k you and she left.  i didn't do anything cause what could I do.  She flew back to Oahu.  Well the twins started laughing and making fun of me for getting dissed by my girlfriend.  The girl from Blockbuster says "so does this mean you don't have a girlfriend now"?  Peter says 'well he doesn't now"!  I said yep it appears that way.  She says great!

So we finish the sigining and go to dinner in Lahaina.  The girl comes with us.  as we are walking down the main strip everyone is yelling at the twins and cars are stopping.  We ended up having the cops escort us back to our cars after we ate. 

We go back to the hotel room.  My room is right next to the twins room.  (this was the trip where they tried to convince me to have breakfast with them...a diet orange soda, tuna, eggs, and protein powder shake).  They are trying to convince me to leave the door between our rooms open so they can watch me with the girl.  It didn't happen.  I had a great night with the girl and I actually ended up seeing her each time I went back to Maui for a couple years.  And yes me and my girfriend got back together after some great talking from me to explain the letter.

While we were there we trained at a gym in Kihei.  The people in their of course went crazy when they saw us.  the twins made so much noise though and threw weights around that the management asked us to leave.  So we only got to train once there.

It was very surprising to me how popular the twins were everywhere we went.  It was like rock stars.  Even though we get allot of celebrities here in Hawaii they mostly hide out and stay away from the public.  So seeing these guys hanging out with the public was really neat for everyone.

And the pic below is real weight.  I trained with them numerous times and we would get 405 seated BNP for a couple. 315 was butter.  they were strong.

man from oz

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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #509 on: May 20, 2005, 08:33:33 PM »
i can feel my rotator cuff going   POP just looking at that pic


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #510 on: May 20, 2005, 08:40:36 PM »
Onlyme....that is some serious behind the neck pressing.

Since you trained with the twins (and Twin Sitter was one of their better movies) I am sure you know what the real story is on them coming out to CA. I had read that they met Grymko at a show in Rhode Island where they're from, and Pete said if they ever made t out to CA that they could train for free at Gold's.

I guess they said WTF and moved out to Cali and Pete kept his word. Is this the true inside story?

Vic Richards also trained with the twins-did you ever train with Vic?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #511 on: May 20, 2005, 08:54:39 PM »
I'm sure that is true.  I see pete saying that. 

you know the twins were building a gym at their house back east when they were younger.  They would go to the local gyms and high schools and the "Y' and take a dumbell or plate or bar or whatever they could get in order to make their gym.  Pete told me this and I thought it was funny.

you I never used a liftoff in any exercise except the seated BNP.  I just couldn't get it off the rack.  But. once off I could go all the way down till it hit my traps.  For some reason i couldn;t reach back and lift off.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #512 on: May 21, 2005, 12:27:28 AM »
Not sure if I told this story before.  Me Pete, Linda (his very long time girlfriend of 17 years) and her sister went to Kauai for a weekend.  We were eating dinner at the hotel when all of a sudden this man comes up to Pete.  he says to Pete "man I haven't seen you in more than 25 years".  If you know Pete he of course pretends that he remembers the guy.  But the guy knew he didn't. 

So the guy goes on to remind Pete who he is.  "He says he was a cop in Santa Monica and that he once arrested Pete.  Pete looks at him with that look of "what time was that.'  He goes on to remind Pete of the time when he was laying naked on top of one of the lifeguard towers and was arrested for indcent exposure.  Well that jogged Pete memory big time.  They both new the exact date and so did Pete but I can't remember.

Pete remembered that incident very clearly.  That is when he told me about sleeping during the day and training at night.

Pete guest posed as often as he could.  he charged $2,000 plus expenses back then.  he would take the money he made to pay back the loan for the gym.  in fact, his first guest posing gig was here in Hawaii at the Pacific Hotel. 

If I remember right Pete paid for the guy and his wife's dinner.

Another story from the same weekend.  After dinner and some drinks we all went back to our rooms.  For some reason I had an odd idea.  Now we are staying in a 5 star resort.  Pete and the others are walking behind me as we exit the elevator.  All of a sudden I start walking down the hall makig a chicken noise.  It is around 10pm.  Then I start screaming "help me my chicken is loose".  And I keep doing this.  He is laughing so hard.  Then all of a sudden doors start opening and watching me chase down the hall after an imaginary chicken.  I am running side to side in the hall and I hear Pete telling people it is a champion chicken worth thousands of dollars.

Anyways I get to the end of the hall and turn the corner.  Our rooms were down there and I just stayed there.  Pete, Linda and her sister come around the corner laughing and couldn't believe how many people were out in the hall watching chase an invisible chicken.

If you ever see Pete mention this story and he'll go crazy telling you about it.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #513 on: May 21, 2005, 12:12:04 PM »
Only, I picked up Pete at the airport when he did that guest posing stint in Hawaii. I think Ernie was with me when we drove him to the hotel and he kept telling us that he was presently in horrible shape but would look unreal  if we locked him up in his hotel room (the Outrigger) for three days and don't let anyone visit him.

So we said, "Sure, Pete! We'll come and get ya the night of the show."

Three days later we are knocking on his hotel room door and he opens up wearing his sweatpants and no shirt with a big "Grymko" type grin on his face asking. "How do I look, guys? I'd hate to disappoint anyone at that show tonite."

We couldn't believe it! He was just about in tip top condition and all it took was three days!

"How the hell did ya do that, Pete?! You only had three days!"

"Don't ask now, we'll be late!"

So off we went to the contest and he brought down the house.

And I never did ask him how he did it.



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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #514 on: May 21, 2005, 12:50:59 PM »
I also posted this in the Tribute to Artie Zeller - Kevin

I had one of those real small VW's a long while back and was stationed in Hawaii.

Artie and Franco and Arnold were all over here in an effort to shoot a cover shot for Weider.

But it was the winter season and the sun was behind a mass of clouds. Even in Waikiki where is shines  365 days a year and one additional day on every 4th year.

But this particular day, the sun was taking its own vacation.

It was important to Artie and Arnold that they get that cover shot as requested by Weider, but they needed the sun to make it happen.

So I come up with the idea ....... Let's chase the sun and see where it leads us!

So the four of us hop in my little VW and go in search of the sun for a  photograph session.

Picture Arnold and Franco and Artie and me in this little car driving over the Pali Highway! It just about made it to the top, but we did get there and sped down the other side.

But no sun here either. So I turned right and headed out to Makapuu because it looked like the clouds were brighter there.

And as we drove around the Blowhold area, the sun came out and peeked through the clouds and I pulled off to the side of the road and we all hopped out and ran off to that patch of sun which probably shone on us for about a minute and a half.

But Artie did get his picture and was satisfied enough to say, "Let's get lunch! Enough of running around in this little car!"

I understand that that photo was used as planned, but the story around it was never told.

It was the only shot that Artie took that day but it was good enough to make the cover. 


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #515 on: May 21, 2005, 02:28:15 PM »

The Ernie you said was with you when you met Pete G., was that Ernie Santiago?

He was from Hawaii and won the Jr. Nationals, Jr. USA and the USA-only thing he didn't win was Nationals-he was a force in his day.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #516 on: May 21, 2005, 02:31:26 PM »
Yes, Rules, It was Ernie Santiago. I talked to Ernie and few months back and he might be getting back into shape once again. Maybe I'll talk him into entering some Over 40/0ver 50 contest before he reaches Over 60!

Correct me if I'm wrong here but I think that the only 2 guys who won the Jr Nationals and the Jr USA in the same year was Ernie and Tony Pearson. I think that Pete G told me that.

I'll keep ya posted on Ernie's plans.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #517 on: May 23, 2005, 03:53:32 AM »
Okay prepare yourself for Fart Story #2.  I have to tell you in advance I am typing in the dark on my bed so give me a huge break on spelling. 

Also, I was wondering because I type so fast does that make me more feminine.

Okay, I was with 4 or 5 others including my pal Tony Halme.  One of the others was our friend and one of me and Tony's sponsors, the owner of Legends Sports Bar & Grill.  We had just had lunch and decided to walk the Venice boardwalk.

It was Saturday and very hot.  If you know Venice, the weekends are packed with thousands of people.  Before I go on I need to tell the people who don't know me that I am probably bigger than most people but not everyone.  And one of them is Tony.  He stands 6'4" and weighed then around 330 lbs.  I was 6'1" and a puny 300 lbs.  Now this plays an important part of the story as it develops.  I keep wanting to say Hannu and Marjo Selin was with us.  I think they were but can't really remember.

As we strolled down the boardwalk we (me and Tony) got occassionaly looked at.  he stopped at every vendor to see what they were selling.  Well, I had my infamous fart machine with me.  Needless to say I was farting on as many people as I can. 

Now if you know Venice you know on weekends every guy who workouts is down there showing off their muscles.  (this is where the size thing comes in).  Well no one is immune to my farting.  I would walk up behing the most beautiful girl and just start farting away.  Of course I would apoligize when they looked at me with that "Oh my God" face.  Now I think because of my size people get the wrong idea that my farts smell worse or more than the normal persons.  I personally don't think so.

Now Gene (the owner of Legends) notices how excited a reaction I recieve when I fart and he starts video taping me and peoples reaction. 

Now I had a pair of sunglasses I had bought earlier that had small mirrors on the side so I can see behind me.  I wore them because I found out when I fart while walking by someone, the reaction is delayed and it happens after they pass me by.

So, while we are walking down the boardwalk I am farting constantly and am getting several different reactions from people.  Japanese jump. black women scream (loud), white girls hit each other while pointing at me, middle aged women call me imature or sick, older guys just stare, younger guys go crazy and tell me I'm rad or that's awesome.

Well after about 60 minutes of farting people were noticing Gene videoing me.  Now all of a sudden after people found out about the machine I started getting people following me and watching others who didn;t know I had the machine react.  I swear to god you can ask Tony when you see him I had at one time more than 50 people following me down the walk watching me fart.  I even had the cops following me. 

Well here comes the size thing again.  I see these 4 good sized black guys with no shirts on comiing towards me.  I walked right between them splitting them and then farting as loud as I can.  These guys turn around and and looked at each other then say to me "hey man that;s fucking rude".  I turn around and I say "sorry guys I just had some bad food."  At the same time the huge group comes up laughing then telling the guys what I was doing.  They started laughing and we are all friends now. 

Also, you know the have mimes down there that just stand there and don;t move.  I was walking by them one time and farted on these two girls.  They (the girls) turned around and yelled "how sick you pig!"  Well the two mimes started busting up.  They couldn;t keep it together.  They were watching me all day and jsut couldn;t hold it.

Anway, thay day was really fun.  Well, Gene made a tape and it was almost an hour long.  He calls me one day to come down to the restaurant.  I show up and up on the TV screens he points to them and he is showing the tape of Venice.  everyone is laughing so hard.  Well that tape was seen by hundreds of people.  It made it travels to several different people and ended up lost.  I wish i had a copy cause it really was a funny tape showing the reaction people had at me.

i will bring it to the Olympia so beware.  And don't hit me if I fart on you.  Also, in Vegas it is a great way to get a free taxi ride.  jsut keep farting and the driver will kick you out and you don't have to pay.  It's also a great way to get free food.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #518 on: May 23, 2005, 11:31:25 AM »
..........farting machines and're killing me........ ;D ;D


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #519 on: May 23, 2005, 03:27:17 PM »
Here are a few old World gym stories from 79', 80' and maybe 81' or 82'.

First my friends Dan & Rosie Keller got me into bodybuilding and lifting seriouosly.  Their daughters were friends of mine in high school.  Dan & rosie trained at the original Gold's Gym and were also part of Muscle beach back in the 50's.  They were in incredible shape and rosie was very hot for a mom.

They introduced me to Ron Depolito who has been bodybuilding since the 50's and was very popular with the guys at the gym(s) because he was like a white pimp.  he had a convertible corvette and/or cadillac and always had hot women around him.  He would get guys laid at the gym all the time.  I heard recently he had one of his legs amputated which he blamed on the many years of steroids (?).

Anyway, he paid for my first year at World's for me. Which if I remember was $150.  The only thing I didn't like is he was a morning person.  We trained at around 8am or 9am.  I lived in Hawthorne back then and it was a drive taking into account the traffic.  Even back then.

he knew allot of stuff and I learned allot from him.  But it was also learning from the others in the gym.  Back then you could basically ask anyone if you could jump in with them or ask them a question and learn more from them for free than you would paying a personal trainer $70 an hour anyday nowadays.

I learned allot by either watching or working in with guys like Ferrigno, Pearson, Columbo, Callendar, Tinnerino, Dickerson, Platz, Skalak, Waller, Pettis, and others.  It was great.  I'll never forget doing arms with Lou.  He really helped me and worked with me to each me how.  I never knew how much dips could help you till I did them with Roy Callendar.  Nothing like seeing a guy do full dips with (2) 150 lb. dumbells hanging from his waist.  And him and Pettis would do full chinups the same way.  Deadlifts which I hated and rows were great after doing them with Franco.  I remember Franco taking his shirt off while doing bent over rows.  His lats were so big from the back, to this day I have seen any like them.

I remember Kal, going around the gym like a secret agent measuring the equipment.  I asked him what he was doing and he tells me he is going to make his own equipment and sell it.  Joe made some of the equipment in the gym I think.  Joe was a welder if I recall.  when Joe would come in and walk around Kal would hide his little notebook and tape so Joe didn't see him.

And how about Tony Novak.  he was Joe's very own security.  he made sure things stayed in order at the gym.  I remember there were signs all over saying "NO Pictures allowed without permission"  Well one day some guy comes up the stairs and is looking around.  Then he starts taking pictures.  tony yells at him from across the gym.  He starts to walk towards the guy.  Now if you know Tony he was a very big and intimadating looking guy.  In fact when I frst started there I thought he was Raiders John Matuszak.  And tony can be loud.  So now the whole gym is watching Tony dart across the gym towards this guy.  There is no talking quietly for Tony.  he gets in this guys face and yells.  He tells the guy no pictures.  Now this guy is scared as hell.  And starts to leave.  Tony grabs his camera tears out the film and throws it down the stairs.  They guy is just standing there scare stiff and probably thing he is going to die.  And now there's no proof,  not even enough for Columbu to figure out.  well grabs the guys and gently (in Tony version of gently) throws the guy down the stairs.  then he yells "and quit tresspassing".  Then everyone just went back to training like nothing happened.

Tony was also the supplement guy back then for most of us, if you knwo what I mean.  His training partner was a guy named Bugsy.  he was a chubby older guy who had a Rolls Royce.

I have more but this one got to be to long. 


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #520 on: May 23, 2005, 03:48:59 PM »
Short comment on your post above, Only.

Joe Gold was an avid welder and made his own equipment. When I first met him in the early 60's he was welding a bench together in the back.

Someone else here may be able to elaborate but I think most of the original equipments was home made and of his own design.

Here's a question. Who made the first Scott Curl "bench"? Must be another name for it cause it ain't no bench at all.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #521 on: May 23, 2005, 04:17:17 PM »
Here's a question. Who made the first Scott Curl "bench"? Must be another name for it cause it ain't no bench at all.

Just a guess:  Vince Gironda?

In any case, a buddy of mine visited Vince's Gym a few years back when Vince was still around.  He sent me a pic of him standing with Vince.  I wish I could find that pic.

Flex 215

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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #522 on: May 23, 2005, 06:02:18 PM »
Hey Onlyme, is Tony Novak the guy in Pumping Iron that Arnold calls Big Tony when he is signing in at Gold's at the beginning?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #523 on: May 23, 2005, 07:27:32 PM »
Hey Onlyme, is Tony Novak the guy in Pumping Iron that Arnold calls Big Tony when he is signing in at Gold's at the beginning?

Yup....thats him.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #524 on: May 23, 2005, 08:33:54 PM »
Just a bit of info here.........

The Olympia (Oct 13-16) host hotel is the Orleans where the contest will be held.

The Expo part will be held at the LV Convention Center which is a couple of miles away.

The Convention Center is HUGE, so bring a map and a compass to find the exact Oly Expo spot.

If you plan to stay at the Orleans (recommended as a fine place to stay), I suggest you book early as the room rates have already been increasing and right now you can get a decent Room for $80 Thursday nite and $120 on Fri/Sat nights. A month or so ago, it would have been a hell of a lot less. And it will probably go up.

This morning I asked for the Olympia rate and got a quote of $75/$150 so it does pay to check it out first before passing your credit card.

I am very familiar with the Orleans as I have been staying there since it first went up. It is one of the better Locals' hotels and has one of the best buffets in town unless they jack the prices up when the bodybuilders arrive in town.

You won't really need a car as they do provide shuttle service to the Strip (Barbary Coast) and from there you can get the Tram over to the Convention Center ... $3.00.

Or just flag the "farter starter" and ask for a ride. Only is very kind when it comes to toteing people around and he knows a hell of a lot about the Orleans too as well as just about every Craps Pit Crew in that city. He can also tell you a lot about the Convention Center and T-shirt sales, etc. And some of the better places to eat even though he eats less than half as much as the normal person. Just look for the Big Guy throwing the dice at one of the tables.

The Orleans is a great place to bring your wife or your girlfriend. But if you want CHEAP, take a look into the Wild Wild West which is about a half mile east towards the Strip. They always take credit for the best hamburgers in town and a decent breakfast will run ya about $1.99, but that does not include your coffee - so add another buck and a half. I wouldn't take your wife there though unless she is a female wrestler.

Between Only and I and a couple of other guys on here, we can just about write the history of that town from MEMORY, so feel free to ask if you have any questions.

In fact, I'll start a LV OLY QUESTION topic tonite.

Thanks, Kev   Here is the Orleans Toll Free #  800-675-3267