Author Topic: Stories - Your favorite stories re pros / legends  (Read 556508 times)


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #700 on: June 20, 2005, 12:04:14 PM »
Bossa yes I used to compete and was okay.  I thnk that day I took on about 30 or so guys.  here is the pic.  Not that hot but it is the only pic I have of me in the gym.
Onlyme-that is serious weight there....

You must be crazy going with a thumbless grip though-if that baby slips you are history!

Looks like you have a narrow grip on the bench press, which would make the lift much harder-is this your normal grip width?

PS, dont tell Big G man your secrets or we will never hear the end of it!

Stunt-any pics of Belknap from the Nationals? Poor guy had to do the show 3 times and still never won the Universe/World.

Joe-I cant believe "Pillow" never competed in the Ms O, for some reason I remember her as always pushing the muscle envelope as it related to females back then and that she was just a hair short of winning the big one.....guess I was wrong on that one......


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #701 on: June 20, 2005, 12:25:06 PM »
Ya 619 I was thinking teh same thing, thats not some superwide "belly-bench" thatsa close grip, thumbless from what I count 545 bench!!! I think Onlyme could very well be the most modest board member

And 619 u better watch out...Inspecter gadget is on your trail HAHAHA :D


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #702 on: June 20, 2005, 12:37:59 PM »
That is the only way I have ever benched.  It never felt right gripping it with my thumbs.  It takes away strength in your forearms (from having to grip the weight).  And people always say that if the weight slips, well believe me if the weight slips your thumbs aren't going to help.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #703 on: June 20, 2005, 12:44:06 PM »
I don't know about modest.  but it is harder to talk or brag about something you can't do anymore.  back then at least if someone question me I could just show them.  Like I said somewhere on here I have a goal to bench 500 by the end of the year.  if i can that then I will be happy.  Right now I highly doubt i could do 405.  Cause I am barely doing 315 for 4 sets of 6.  But who knows


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #704 on: June 20, 2005, 02:46:39 PM »
Wow, that kind of weight thumbless and with a closer grip.. That is impressive.

I always bench somewhat close, I find if I do go further I have less control.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #705 on: June 20, 2005, 04:29:23 PM »
Belnap pics? I must have some here someplace but it's gonna take a while to get more into the digital format shop because I am under a full load at present.

But I do recall going to the grocery store with Belnap and Jeff and Cory and everyone was buying those puffed rice crackers. ANd there was a funny story about a Hot Dog but Jeff will have to butt in here and tell us that one.

There will be a lull in my photo submissions for a bit so I'd like to suggest that those of you who are interested in arm "bending", ask Only to tell you some Arm Bending stories and various feats of related strength.

I like the story about Sly and his wife and Only's "part" in Over the Top and some other related points of interest.

I hope to be able to soon  post some pretty interesting shots taken when Teufel and Platz and the like were taking center stage.  These are in 35mm format so that means a trip to Sam's and a delay in the processing.

ONLY .......... if you can locate that 505+ behind the neck press by Joe Onisai, could you be able to post the important part of that video on the web for all to see? I do recall when PBN's wrere one of the primary lifts to test one's strength and Bob was doing something like 315+ for reps. I gotta ask around and see what that exact figure was though.

Another name from the past ..... Alison Brundage! Anyone recall Alison? How about Rock Stonewall? I think Rock was one of the guys I met at that party at Caesars I mentioned earleir.

And also names out of the past which may not be familiar but just in case they may be reading this stuff. Kip Narbo? Ked Schoming? Sam Griffith? Rich Rippetoe? Chip English? Bill Starr?  Jimmy Grimes? Ed Holovochik?  Kurt/Curt  Freeman? Mel Knoll? ...........

OK, 'nuff said...... Thanks


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #706 on: June 20, 2005, 04:35:27 PM »

Stunt-any pics of Belknap from the Nationals? Poor guy had to do the show 3 times and still never won the Universe/World.

What show did he do 3 times ?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #707 on: June 20, 2005, 06:12:25 PM »
DOn't ask me, Bix, cause I don't know!

But here's a question that someone may be able to answer right up front without taking a guess or retelling a rumor.

Is anyone 100% definite and without a doubt certain and can guarantee one and all that some of the female bodybuilders are actually guys pretending to be females?

I have heard this on a couple of occasions but I just laffed and put it out of my mind.

Until recently, that is! The subject has come up again.

WITHOUT mentioning names, can anyone state that this is so without the slightest doubt.

Please don't mention a name unless that individual has already "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak.

Thanks! Might be a great idea to make a movie about a female entering the men's nationals or the men's Olympia as a guy and getting away with it for a few years. Anyone know how to draft a movie script?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #708 on: June 20, 2005, 07:58:23 PM »

There will be a lull in my photo submissions for a bit so I'd like to suggest that those of you who are interested in arm "bending", ask Only to tell you some Arm Bending stories and various feats of related strength.

I like the story about Sly and his wife and Only's "part" in Over the Top and some other related points of interest.

Definatly interested in these stories...I watched over the top too many times to count...i always wanted to look like the guy that is suppossed to be canadian champ...he was pretty huge as i recall.  My dad was quite a good armwrestler, never competed in tournaments but he worked with a guy that came 2nd in Canada in teh heavyweights and could beat him every time at 175 lbs.  Unfortunatly i shattered a bone in my wirst in highschool and wrist strength has never been great since then.  I did attend provincial championships when i was 16 just to was pretty cool.  There was this one guy that had been a world champion and he had one HUGE arm, forearm was liek a bowling pin...and the other arm was normal looked pretty rediculous.  Onlyme did u know Rick Zumwaldt? I heard he passed away a few years ago...he was huge...ever armwrestle him?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #709 on: June 20, 2005, 08:45:44 PM »
The canadian guy in the movie was Paul Sullivan.  He was huge and very well known at Gold's Venice.  I later saw him about 4 years later and he weighed about 200 (down from the 300 he weighed in Over the Top).

I have told this story so many times but I will try to condense it.  The original Bull Hurley in the movie was Big John Studd.  But because of the shooting schedule and his kids birthday he couldn't do the movie.  Jump to the 2nd Over the Top regional championships in Denver.  I won 1st place.  The IAC (International Armwresting Association) was a huge sponsor of the show and provided the technical support for the movie. 

Now thye are loking for a new Bull.  I go in and read.  I get a call from Paula Gordon of White Eagle Productions to tell me they liked me and it looks like I got the part.  Stallone postponed filming by 3 months as he trained to be an armwrestler.  I am on my way to the Radford Studios (where they pieces of Gone with the Wind).  As I open the door to the office there is a table with allot of pictures on it.  A guy is sitting in front of me stands up and turns to me and says "Hey Keith".  It's Stallone.  All i could say was hi back.  I was there to pick up a copy of the script.  Anyway a couple weeks later I get a call from Paula.  She starts talking to me and such and then says she has something to tell me. 

She says don't take this wrong keith but it looks like they are going to go with another guy.  I said what I thought I had it.  she says you did but Stallones wife Bridgette got involved.  i saod what do you mean.  she says Bridgette said that you were too good looking to play opposite of Sly.  I couldn;t believe it.

Anyway, they got Rick is was awesome as Bull.  And it lead to him doing very well in Holllywood.  I went on and did a bit too.  so anyway they wanted to keep in the film.  Well in Vegas we shot during the actual IAC World Championships.  At that time I was sponsred by Varnet Sunglasses.  they provided me with a full line of clothing to compete in.  Well I had to wear them during competion.  I was a big billboard for them.  They were hoping to get some free mega exposure.  Well Cannon wanted them to pay a fee ($250,000) for product placement.  well Vuarner said no.  So they got another sunglass company (i think it is on the hat Sly wears).

Anyway I ended up on the cutting room floor.  U  have so many stories to tell about this whole ordeal.  By the way Stallone took my gimick of turning the hat around from me. I can't remember her name right now but the V.P. of Marketing at the time told me about this. 

Anyway, I knew Rick well.  He is in fact the guy who talked me into staying in Armwrestling because I was so strong and good,.  We in fact only competed against each other 2 times and I did win both.  I have a pic I will try to scan and post of me beating him.

Oh well theree goes that short story.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #710 on: June 20, 2005, 09:18:35 PM »
VERY COOL STORY! Too bad that you didn't get the part though...

Was Sullivan an armwrestler or just playing one due to his size? Any pics of him?

I googled Zumwalt I was correct he passed away in 2003...didn't realize he was so tall 6'4" 299 lbs he is listed at...How tall/weight were u at largest Keith?

as an aside I think armwrestling should be suggested as an olympic sport...i mean it truly is a test of strength and skill...


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #711 on: June 20, 2005, 10:01:57 PM »
No Paul wasn't an armwrestler.  he was just one strong dude.  He later took up boxing.  He wanted to follow in his greatgreat grandfathers shoes John L. Sullivan.  He lost over 100 lbs and really looked good.

Yes Rick was a big guy who armwrestled for many years.  At my peak I was 6'1" 300.  I was a little over 62" around my shoulders and I wore my favorite Cavorichi jeans size 36 all the time.  In fact I still have them cause I had them when I first moved here.  But they no longer fit me.  Someday I will get back into them.

And yes they have tried and maybe still are trying to get it as an Olympic Sport.  I traveled around the country doing appearances with the Special Olympics and became friends with Rafer Johnson.  I used to bring my table to them and let the kids play.  they loved it.  So I approached Rafer and he too thought it would be great but the logistics is so hard to introduce a new sport.  You have to have it as a demonstration sport in every chapter.  then every chapter has to appove it.  There are like way over 3,000 chapters worldwide.  it was too costly.

When they introduced weightlifting into the Special Olympics that is when I worked with Arnold.  We both worked it at the Cal State Games which is huge at UCLA,


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #712 on: June 21, 2005, 12:17:14 PM »
So you were just a little guy eh :D

Ya its pretty rediculous when you have ballroom dancing in the Olympics but not armwrestling or powerlifting (although they have shot selves in foot with all diff federations/rules/equipment)

Anyways sorry for the sidetrack...continue on with teh stories and pics they are great!


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #713 on: June 21, 2005, 01:57:55 PM »
What show did he do 3 times ?

Belknap did the Nationals 3 times. He won the first time in 1981, and went to the World/Universe where he placed second-forgot who he lost to.

But back in the 1980's you had to WIN the Universe to go Pro. To go to the Universe you had to win Nationals. Now here was the problem for Americans. If you lost the Universe you had to go back to, and beat, the new Nationals winner in the weight class you compete in for the Universe. The problem is you could not compete in the actual Nationals-only against the weight class winner. After the winner of the weight classes were called, the current Nationals winner would pose off with any previous winner from prior years (Belknap)  that did not win the Universe-which was Belknap.

Belknap did this the 2 years following his 1981 overall win (in 82 they changed the name from Mr. America to Nationals after the IFBB/NPC lost a lawsuit to the AAU over the name rights).

99% of the time the US Nationals winners would also win the Universe. But in Belknaps case he lost. So, after he lost in 81, he tried to win a spot on the Universe team by tryig to beat out the Light Heavy Nationals winner in 82 and 83-he lost both years. Finally he went the NABBA route.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #714 on: June 21, 2005, 03:45:54 PM »

Tim Belknap
Born 1958, Rockford, Illinois
Height 5'4"
Weight 200
Mr America - AAU, Overall Winner
Mr America - AAU, Light-HeavyWeight, 1st
World Amateur Championships - IFBB, Light-HeavyWeight, 2nd

Nationals - NPC, HeavyWeight, 3rd

Grand Prix Las Vegas - IFBB, 10th

Mr Universe - NABBA, Short, 1st
World Championships - NABBA, Overall Winner
World Championships - NABBA, Short, 1st

Mr Universe - NABBA, Overall Winner
Mr Universe - NABBA, Short, 1st
World Championships - NABBA, Overall Winner
World Championships - NABBA, Short, 1st

Niagara Falls Pro Invitational - IFBB, 10th
San Jose Pro Invitational - IFBB, 7th

Ironman Pro Invitational - IFBB, 14th
Ironman Pro Invitational - IFBB, did not place


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #715 on: June 21, 2005, 07:23:18 PM »
Thanks for that Belnap info guys, I was not aware of that procedure and I thought I knew everything!

Here's a shot taken backstage the year that Sprague (Gold's) promoted the contest in Santa Monica. There was an elaborate amount of pump up equipment back stage that year. I don't think that there has been a more elaborate setup since.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #716 on: June 21, 2005, 07:41:16 PM »
DOn't ask me, Bix, cause I don't know!

But here's a question that someone may be able to answer right up front without taking a guess or retelling a rumor.

Is anyone 100% definite and without a doubt certain and can guarantee one and all that some of the female bodybuilders are actually guys pretending to be females?

I have heard this on a couple of occasions but I just laffed and put it out of my mind.

Until recently, that is! The subject has come up again.

WITHOUT mentioning names, can anyone state that this is so without the slightest doubt.

Please don't mention a name unless that individual has already "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak.

Well I don't care what anyone says. I think Chyna is a man. She hasn't come out as a guy or anything, ...but I saw a clip from "A night in Chyna" and I swear that thing looked like a little penis to me.  :o

Thanks! Might be a great idea to make a movie about a female entering the men's nationals or the men's Olympia as a guy and getting away with it for a few years. Anyone know how to draft a movie script?

Movie Magic or Dramatica. If you need a copy, PM me and I'll hook you up.



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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #717 on: June 22, 2005, 02:06:15 PM »
Thanks,Jag, but I never met Chyna. Maybe someday soon. Only will probably introduce me if she is a Craps player.

OK, let's take a break from this bodybuilding stuff and toss a picture of some other subject in here.

This is a photo of a "boat" that most of the pros have sailed on during their Hawaii visits.

It's a one hour sail off the coast of Waikiki and once you get past the protection of Diamond Head, the wind picks up and the seas get huge and the passangers get seasick, but I never do so I just stroll around and try to be of help. But most just like to be left alone and puke in the provided cups and buckets.

This rough ride usually lasts about ten to fifthteen minutes and the captain turns back with a sinister smile and heads to Waikiki Beach. The last half hour is smooth as sailing on polished glass so everyone manages to forget those rough seas and disembark with smiles  and hopes to go again.

The islands really are more beautiful when seen from a couple miles off-shore.

Don't miss this sail if you spend any time on Waikiki Beach. Tell the guy you are a "repeat" and you'll get a sizeable discount. Just dont tell him you are a Ka'maina if you ain't.

Bodybuilders take this sail a lot, so I figure it's appropriate to post it here and besides, this is the exact location where Armand Tanny and his pro wrestling buds and those old time guys used to hang.


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #718 on: June 22, 2005, 02:25:11 PM »
One more swift but unrelated item. I'll make this appropriate for this section by stating that Steve Reeves should have auditioned if he was still alive.

They are looking for Tarzan on Broadway!

A new Broadway play about Tarzan is in the production phase and auditions have been underway, but I am not aware if the principal players have yet been cast.

I guess that Tarzan will have to be able to sing in this one or at least know how to do the Tazan yell as well as Carol Burnett.

Any suggestions on who should audition for the role?


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #719 on: June 22, 2005, 08:38:06 PM »
That boat reminds me of something.  anyone on here ever been on the SS Catalina that used to said to Catalina Island off the coast of CA.  It left from San Pedro.  if so I have a story.  if not then no one can relate.  by the way it was a ship not a boat.  Do you know the difference.  The old saying is ........................ ....?

man from oz

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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #720 on: June 22, 2005, 11:04:49 PM »
ship's have to be big enough to carry boats and boats have to be small enough to be carried by ship's


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #721 on: June 22, 2005, 11:47:07 PM »
Yes very close.  "Ships can carry a boat, but boats can't carry a ship."  My uncle would get so mad at me because I would always ask him about his boat.  He bought the SS Catalina back in the late 70's or early 80's.  It's now sinking in the Einsenada harbor.  At nearly 330' long and able to carry 1200+ passengers it was a ship


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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #722 on: June 23, 2005, 11:13:52 AM »
Onlyme, I see that you have mentioned Benny Podda and your falling out on here, as well as on thread about eggs so just incase you were interested this is what he is up to now:

Wild thing: former bodybuilding champ and pro-football trainer Benny Podda lives in a cave, runs through walls, and hangs massive weights from his testicles. But in his eyes, you might be the crazy one

Jeff O'Connell
Benny Podda lives as a modem-day medicine man in the mountains of the San Bernardino National Forest in Southern California. He sleeps in a spirit-filled cave, using a rock as his pillow. He flagellates his body with a large metal stick that has 180 spokes. He can spurt blood from his nose at will. He swings 220 pounds of weights from his testicles to see how much pain he can endure. And yet, unhinged though he may seem, Benny Podda is saner than you are.

Benny doesn't work nine-to-five. He isn't chained to a cell phone or Palm Pilot. He doesn't have to do anything or be anywhere at any time. But you do.

Before he went off the grid, Benny was a bodybuilding champ and a personal trainer to everyone from Joe Montana to Chuck Norris, and today is a martial-arts bad ass who. at 47, could still knock Mike Tyson into next week.

But in his restless, roller-coaster life, Benny has always felt an intense aversion to conventional notions of success. "Whenever I start making money and getting popular and shit;' he says, "right away 1 have to luck it up and disappear." As self destructive as that seems, Benny actually has a master plan: to save mankind. After years of secluding himself in a cave in the hills among the Cahuilla Nation Indians, Benny has emerged to reveal how he intends to do it.


From Los Angeles, getting to Benny and his cave takes the better part of a day. A hundred miles from the coast, you leave the freeway behind and drive up 6,000 feet into the mountains along a desolate road. As you climb, the temperature drops 35 degrees and dark clouds envelop you. You drive up a gravel road called Paradise, and there is Benny standing in front of a small home. "Are you ready to leave the United States?" he asks. "Welcome to the Cahuilla Nation."

The house is a friend's, but this is where medicine man Benny meets patients and visitors. In the back, gnarled manzanita trees guard an herb garden, where he grows his potent potions and medicines. He claims that the brews he concocts from this small patch of earth can heal you, kill you, or reveal the secrets of every religion.

A few yards beyond this garden of truth is the Pacific Crest Trail. The rattlesnake-infested path runs from Mexico to Canada and is well worn by illegals who use it to cross into the States. "I've seen dead bodies out on this trail;' Benny says matter of factly.

To gain admission to Benny's cave, he insists that you first go to a remote waterfall to be purified. If the cave "rejects" you, he warns, "your soul will be rent from your body in a spiritual tear." So you suffer the pain and indignities of purification as the frigid water pours down on you with the shocking force of a spiritual flogging.

The cave's climate is reminiscent of Benny's native Pittsburgh: hotter than hell in the summer, freezing cold in the winter. It has been inhabited for thousands of years, Benny says, and it leads to an outdoor amphitheater. "The opening is a vaginal orifice," he offers. "In initiation ceremonies, they [Native Americans] would pass through it one by one to be 'reborn' as warriors."

Benny prepares dinner, and you're relieved to learn that you're not the entree. "This lamb was 'alive last week," he says, the idea of recent slaughter enlivening him.

Benny's physical training is based on the philosophy of Genghis Khan. "He taught his troops the importance of exterior and interior training," he says. "His warriors learned how to turn themselves inside out to project their inner power like lightning" Perhaps preparing himself to carry the weight of the world--which in his mind he does--Benny grabs his flagellating rod and whips himself as hard as he can a dozen times, striking the acupuncture meridians of the body. The thick muscles of his flesh thud with each strike. "You know that feeling when you're blowing your load?" he asks. "Instead of letting that go out, you reverse that whole thing. It feels like your body is on fucking FIRE! I lift weights with that [energy] coursing through my body and my ticking testosterone a thousand-times normal--'cause I just fucked myself." Then he smiles calmly. "See? That's why I can hang 220 pounds from my fuckin' nuts."

Yeah, you think. Fuckin' nuts.


Benny was born in 1957 in South Fork, Pa., a coal-mining town east of Pittsburgh. His Sicilian immigrant father, Benjamino, worked the mines; his mother, Prudence, a postal worker, came from bootlegging stock. Benny gravitated to similarly dubious pursuits, shooting dice and playing blackjack on street corners. A dominating fullback and linebacker on his high school football team, Benny was a physically gifted adolescent. But his strength exploded when he started training at the McKeesport YMCA, a hangout for hardcore hoods.

Soon Benny began roaming the back streets of Steel-town with a precociously oversized body and an attitude to match. He hired himself out as muscle to wiseguys and masterminded his own bizarre crimes. Once he even got shot while robbing a pharmacy for painkillers, armed not with a gun like a normal crook but with a bow and arrow.

When Benny wasn't causing trouble he spent hours at the Carnegie Library. He was surely the first Pittsburgh street thug to devour Faust, transfixed by German literary figure Goethe's tale of a man willing to do anything for godlike wisdom and power. He added yin to that yang by studying Eastern religious texts, such ms the Bhagavad Gita and Chinese philosophy, and was soon immersed in herbology.

Benny attended the University of Richmond in Virginia on a football scholarship, intending to study biochemistry, but preferred getting drunk. Expelled for being "insane," he says, he headed back home to become a bodybuilder. He trained at Manion's Gym, a haven for Pittsburgh roughnecks as well as stars of the hometown Steelers. There, Benny stood out from the other gym rats. Once, to psych himself up for a lift, he ran straight through a wall--emerging in the next room in a cloud of plaster and debris. Another time, Steeler lineman Steve Courson was using a pay phone when Benny charged and knocked him and the wall-mounted phone across the room--with his head.

Those were his warm-ups. Fueled by the visualization techniques of Eastern philosophies and herbal concoctions he made and drank from root-filled mayonnaise jars, Benny trained like a human wrecking ball. The gym's owner, Jim Manion, recalls Benny doing reps one day with his head wrapped in a blood-drenched towel as other lifters scattered nearby. "The cable had snapped on a long cable-row machine and the handle had hit him on the head" recalls Manion. "He had to keep replacing the towels when they got soaked with blood. I made a guy take him to the hospital, and it took 12 stitches to close the open wound."

Benny won the National Physique Committee (NPC) USA Bodybuilding's light-heavyweight championship in 1983 and placed in a string of other contests. But unlike most pro posers, Benny's heart was more into training than flexing. "I hated competition," he says. "I loved the discipline of training for it, and I loved partying after it, but I never dug the sport or considered myself a bodybuilder." But that never prevented him from going balls out at each meet.

Benny amazed audiences with the intensity and ferocity of his posing style. More tame performances might find him flexing wildly in a wolfman's mask, or shooting blood from his nose on command, a trick he learned when he was younger from playing with his "fucked up" sinuses.

But his masterpiece crone at the end of a contest in Newark, N.J. He hung himself from the rafters and dangled motionless from the noose with his eyes closed. For five minutes people watched in silence, bewildered. Suddenly, he bugged out his eyes, gave everyone the finger, and walked out the back door. "At that point I knew I could never top my condition," he explains. "I felt I had maxed out. I got a fucking standing ovation, right? So I knew my shit could lift people up." He was through with bodybuilding for good.


Benny drifted to the West Coast, where he worked as a personal trainer--that is, when he wasn't off on long trips in the wilderness. Despite his zigzagging, he managed to carve out a high-profile rep for himself among celebrities and pro athletes. At a friend's gym, Benny met Chuck Norris. "I didn't know who the fuck he was and didn't give a fuck," says Benny. "They took me to his house and we hit it off because I pounded the guy. I yelled at him, 'Kick me in the fucking chest as hard as you can!' He's like, 'No, I shouldn't.' So I berated the flicker until he did it--and didn't budge when he did."

In 1991, Mary Marinovich asked Benny to train his son Todd--a QB at USC--for the upcoming NFL draft. "[Podda] worked with my son very effectively" recalls Marv, now a sports-conditioning consultant in Orange County. "The pliability of his body and the way he uses his power and speed is earth-shaking for a young athlete."

Benny was also pleased with the results. "He was a skinny sucked-up prick when I first met him," says Benny of Todd. "But he added 50 pounds of muscle before the draft."

Todd impressed scouts enough to become a first-round pick by the Raiders. Word of his transformation spread fast through NFL circles, and soon other star players headed to Benny's gym in San Clemente, Calif.--including All-Pro linebacker Bill Romanowski. Later, when the Kansas City Chiefs were in town, a mutual acquaintance asked Benny to use acupuncture on the ailing hamstring of their QB, Joe Montana. The fellow Pittsburgh native not only played the next day but also brought Benny to Kansas City with him to train.


Despite his newfound success as a trainer to the pros, Benny chafed at what it cost him in freedom. So he abandoned his lucrative NFL training shop and headed to the mountains, backtracking to civilization only when he needed survival money Using a cabin at the divide of Orange and San Diego counties as a home base, Benny went deep into the wilds for longer stretches of time, mostly over the lands of the Cahuilla, who have roamed from Borrego to Riverside in California for more than 2,000 years.

There he became attuned to the presence of spirits during long treks through ancient burial grounds. On one journey, he found the entrance to "his" cave and chose to spend the night. One day bled into another, and soon Benny was living there, as the Cahuilla had 1,000 years ago. He ate peyote with medicine men and, he says, was visited by the spirits of ancient warriors. "They are there all the time," says Benny. "But peyote lifts the veil that prevents you from perceiving them."

Normally, outsiders would not be allowed to occupy traditional land on an Indian reservation. But Benny received what amounted to free reign after curing the daughter of the tribal police chief using his own herbs and healing skills. Henceforth, the Cahuilla referred to Benny as chula kua--medicine man.

But no one will mistake him for Dr. Quinn. At 5'6", 215 pounds, Benny is as big and thick as ever, with 20-inch arms. He eats buffalo meat, organic eggs, homegrown vegetables, and ingests an herbal concoction every three hours.


Recently, gambling revenues began flowing to the formerly impoverished Cahullla. Tribesmen who used to roll in broken-down pickups have brand-new luxury rides. Teenagers defile the lands of their ancestors by holding raves on sacred ground, The tribal chief even constructed a garish "mansion" within sight of Benny's cave.

"The world of tradition is dying," Benny laments. "When the last flame goes out, that's when you have apocalypse--like the great flood, the Black Plague, earthquakes, and nuclear war. It'll make World War II and the dropping of the atom bombs look like nothing. But as long as one person keeps the flame alive, a complete cataclysm can be avoided." While these may sound like the ravings of a madman, take heart. If the end of the world concerns you, there's a medicine man with weight plates swinging from his goolies bearing that last torch.

man from oz

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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #723 on: June 23, 2005, 12:47:02 PM »


  • Getbig V
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Re: Tell your favorite stories re pros/legends
« Reply #724 on: June 23, 2005, 01:02:59 PM »
Bossa, thanks for that amazing Benny Poda story. Where and when was that published? Was Benny a good friend of Ray Mentzer's because I heard that Ray was living a similar life-style for a while, but I don't know those details.

Thanks, Bossa.