Author Topic: Meg Whitman, Hewlett-Packard Executive, Hits the Trail... again  (Read 65524 times)


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #50 on: October 04, 2010, 06:30:36 AM »
Housekeeper issue casts Whitman as hypocrite
The former EBay chief falters on her illegal immigration rhetoric.
by George Skelton

Turns out I was wrong about last week's gubernatorial debate. I gave the edge to Jerry Brown but wrote that Meg Whitman didn't make any mistakes.

I was only half right. Whitman really goofed, adhering to a campaign script that now has cast her in the role of hypocrite.

Words do matter.

Whitman made herself into a very large target at UC Davis when she declared: "We do have to hold employers accountable for hiring only documented workers, and we do have to enforce that law."

Despite the revelation the next day that she herself had employed an illegal immigrant maid for nine years — unbeknownst to her, she says — Whitman repeated the admonition in a second contentious encounter with Brown on Saturday at Cal State Fresno:

"If we don't hold employers accountable, we will never get our arms around this [illegal immigration] problem."

She couldn't have teed it up better for Brown.

"Ms. Whitman obviously didn't crack down on herself," the Democrat replied. "This is a question of talking out of both sides of her mouth."

The only place Whitman has been held accountable is, suddenly, in the political arena.

The Republican candidate's problem is not that she hired an undocumented housemaid. That's understandable in modern California. The Mexican immigrant's papers were phony, after all.

That would be a problem only within the Republican right, which Whitman pandered to in winning the GOP nomination. And that's her problem now as she runs among a broader electorate, because the early hard-line anti-illegal immigrant stance seems so contradictory.

It also amounts to impractical policy, as she herself has shown.

"Basically, it's disingenuous rhetorical fantasy about what the California governor can do," says Democratic consultant Bill Carrick, who's not involved in the gubernatorial race.

"What happens when Whitman's next door neighbor has a swat team of gardeners show up every week? Is she going to notice this and send in her inspection team? She is exposing the reality of California at the same time she's engaging in all this hollow rhetoric."

The housekeeper issue also really isn't about whether Whitman and her neurosurgeon husband, Griff Harsh, received a government letter in 2003 warning that the maid's Social Security number and name didn't match.

Whitman at first ungraciously suggested that the letter was intercepted and tossed by the maid, Nicandra Diaz Santillan. Then the maid's media-wise attorney, Gloria Allred, produced a copy of the letter with the husband's handwriting on it: "Nicky, please check this." The couple's response was that they had no recollection.

And that's believable. Very little problem there.

A larger issue — particularly for Latino voters — is how Diaz Santillan was treated in June 2009 after she informed Whitman and her husband that she was in the country illegally and asked for help. She was fired and thrown away "like a piece of garbage," the weeping maid told reporters.

Whitman said she was told by her lawyer that the housekeeper was beyond legal help because she had perjured herself. As for the garbage part, that's nonsense, the candidate said. So it's the word of the maid versus Meg.

What's indisputable is that Whitman knew at least 15 months ago that she had employed an illegal immigrant for nine years, yet publicly continued to bash the employment of illegal immigrants.

Her strategists explain that Whitman has only castigated those who knowingly hire the undocumented. But that's not the way the rhetoric has sounded.

During the primary, the campaign ran a TV ad featuring former Gov. Pete Wilson, the champion of Proposition 187, assuring Republicans that Whitman would be "tough as nails on illegal immigration."

Her campaign brochure promised to "institute a system where state and local law enforcement agencies conduct inspections of workplaces suspected of employing undocumented workers."

Whitman keeps talking about the need for "a temporary guest worker program"—"so people like Nicky," she now adds, "can work here legally."

But is nearly a decade, the length of her maid's tenure, Whitman's idea of temporary?

There also are a couple of subliminal subtleties at play.

The episode highlights billionaire Whitman's extreme wealth and is bound to leave some voters asking themselves, Can she really relate to us ordinary folks?

And in stumbling on the campaign trail, it raises a question about how competent this former EBay chief really is. The pitch has been: Sure, she has no governing experience, but she's very bright and a quick study. Governing isn't brain surgery and she'll easily pick up on the political nuances of Sacramento.

Maybe not.

Why didn't Whitman acknowledge the hiring of an undocumented maid months ago, with her own timing and message? She didn't want to expose Diaz Santillan to possible deportation, her handlers answer.

But it's foolish in the extreme to think that word of an illegal immigrant maid wouldn't somehow leak out before a California election.

Whitman desperately wants to blame Atty. Gen. Brown for orchestrating a smear. Brown flatly denies it.

In this anti-politician climate, Brown could be smudged himself if he were caught with his hand in it, even though such covert tactics are a tradition of American democracy.

"Jerry, you should be ashamed [putting] her deportation at risk," Whitman told Brown in the Fresno debate.

Brown then got off the best line of either debate: "Don't run for governor if you can't stand up on your own two feet and say, 'Hey, I made a mistake....'

"You have blamed her, blamed me, blamed the left, blamed the unions. But you don't take accountability."

How much is all this hurting Whitman? Unknown. But even a little could be a lot in a tight race.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #51 on: October 04, 2010, 07:24:26 AM »
As opposed to who?   Pelosi, boxer, feinstein, wasserman-schultz, DeLauro, Napolitano, Kagan, etc?
you are making looks a political party thing...Dude she is ugly..even in her own ads she is ugly... bro what the fuck is wrong with you get a grip. wow this is like alarming.
Wow...just wow...

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #52 on: October 04, 2010, 07:27:16 AM »
Yes,employing someone for 9 years at 27 dollars an hour is darn near slavery and abuse.Poor poor little illegal.With the money that filthy wet back made why didnt she hire her own lawyer and get legal?

why is she a filthy wet back...because of her skin color?


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #53 on: October 04, 2010, 07:32:23 AM »
why is she a filthy wet back...because of her skin color?

BECAUSE SHE IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE SHE FORGED HER DOCUMENTS AND LIED FOR 9 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE SHE IS TRYING TO GET PAID NOW AFTER BEWING PAID 27 DOLLARS AN HOUR FOR 9 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is that a good enough reason to call her a lying,filthy wet back?

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #54 on: October 04, 2010, 07:35:32 AM »
BECAUSE SHE IS ILLEGAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE SHE FORGED HER DOCUMENTS AND LIED FOR 9 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BECAUSE SHE IS TRYING TO GET PAID NOW AFTER BEWING PAID 27 DOLLARS AN HOUR FOR 9 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is that a good enough reason to call her a lying,filthy wet back?
Oh so it has nothing to do with her skin color right.  ::)


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #55 on: October 04, 2010, 07:38:14 AM »
Oh so it has nothing to do with her skin color right.  ::)

She is Mexican not black.She is far closer to white then you.Do I call you a wet back?She is a liar,been proven a liar and het lawyer is a piece of crap who is a pal of Jerry Brown.Thew entire charge is a made up lie by the left,but thats what the left always does.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #56 on: October 04, 2010, 07:40:32 AM »
b]She is far closer to white then you.[/b].

Like i strive for that...Im gonna stick with this Black/latin thing..been workin out for me and my family pretty


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #57 on: October 04, 2010, 07:59:41 AM »
Like i strive for that...Im gonna stick with this Black/latin thing..been workin out for me and my family pretty

The point is,it has nothing to do with her skin clor.She was treated great for 9 years based on HER lies and now she has a beef?Are you kidding me?

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #58 on: October 04, 2010, 08:04:39 AM »
She is far closer to white then you.

Thats hilarious


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #59 on: October 04, 2010, 08:20:35 AM »
Nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade.


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #60 on: October 04, 2010, 08:26:01 AM »
She is far closer to white then you.

Thats hilarious

Why?You said I was ripping her because of her skin color,I said she is closer to white then you.Its always funny,but when I used to call Dead Kenned pasty faced or pale faced or posted about his bloated white belly,NEVER did I hear you jump on race.Again,typical lib.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #61 on: October 04, 2010, 08:27:58 AM »
Why?You said I was ripping her because of her skin color,I said she is closer to white then you.Its always funny,but when I used to call Dead Kenned pasty faced or pale faced or posted about his bloated white belly,NEVER did I hear you jump on race.Again,typical lib.

First off...i have never seen you post that..nor do i know who that is...Ive never heard of the guy.


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #62 on: October 04, 2010, 08:40:14 AM »
First off...i have never seen you post that..nor do i know who that is...Ive never heard of the guy.

That would be that big fat rotting corpse Ted Kennedy,but since he is dead,it is now Dead Kennedy.Im sure his stinking corpse looks the same as he drank enough booze to keep his corpse intact for fifty years.Hopefully his strung out junkie son will join him very very soon.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #63 on: October 04, 2010, 08:40:44 AM »
That would be that big fat rotting corpse Ted Kennedy,but since he is dead,it is now Dead Kennedy.Im sure his stinking corpse looks the same as he drank enough booze to keep his corpse intact for fifty years.Hopefully his strung out junkie son will join him very very soon.



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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #64 on: October 04, 2010, 10:08:08 AM »
Big Brown-Whitman debate on KGO radio Tuesday cancelled

The big radio debate between California gubernatorial candidatees -- Democrat Jerry Brown and Republican Meg Whitman -- which had been scheduled Tuesday at 10 a.m. on the Ronn Owens' show has been cancelled, the station says.

Sterling Clifford, Brown's spokesman, said the debate was only a "discussion" between the two candidates, and "by mutual agreement,'' the two have decided not to pursue it.

But the debate was announced confirmed by KGO and Owens, one of the country's leading radio broadcasters, after the June primary - and neither of the candidates ever suggested they would not participate.

It was to be the third in a series between California's two gubernatorial candidates, and the only one scheduled for radio.

All this comes on the heels of Saturday's Univision debate in Fresno, dominated by the discussion of Whitman's hiring of an undocumented immigrant as her housekeeper for nine years.

We'll keep you posed and update.


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #65 on: October 04, 2010, 10:11:55 AM »
This is a great example of what the majority of illegals are all about. They deceitfully can get something by lying, then immediately turn on who they scammed to get something more when they get exposed.

Deport the bitch, take everything she has (the gain from illegal activity), and do whatever else it takes to make her an example to the other 14.99 million illegal criminals who sneak in.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #66 on: October 04, 2010, 10:17:21 AM »
This is a great example of what the majority of illegals are all about. They deceitfully can get something by lying, then immediately turn on who they scammed to get something more when they get exposed.

Deport the bitch, take everything she has (the gain from illegal activity), and do whatever else it takes to make her an example to the other 14.99 million illegal criminals who sneak in.

Yup - anyone who deals with these vermin knows what most are all about - gimme gimme gimme gimme. 


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #67 on: October 04, 2010, 10:28:54 AM »
I would just love to see ICE come in during that wetback girls press conference, cuff her up and stuff her into one of those green Immigration busses waiting outside.

That woud be justice.. however enforcing and respecting the laws would be unacceptable to the democrats in the audience I'm sure.

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #68 on: October 04, 2010, 12:41:17 PM »
Big Brown-Whitman debate on KGO radio Tuesday cancelled

The big radio debate between California gubernatorial candidatees -- Democrat Jerry Brown and Republican Meg Whitman -- which had been scheduled Tuesday at 10 a.m. on the Ronn Owens' show has been cancelled, the station says.

Sterling Clifford, Brown's spokesman, said the debate was only a "discussion" between the two candidates, and "by mutual agreement,'' the two have decided not to pursue it.

But the debate was announced confirmed by KGO and Owens, one of the country's leading radio broadcasters, after the June primary - and neither of the candidates ever suggested they would not participate.

It was to be the third in a series between California's two gubernatorial candidates, and the only one scheduled for radio.

All this comes on the heels of Saturday's Univision debate in Fresno, dominated by the discussion of Whitman's hiring of an undocumented immigrant as her housekeeper for nine years.

We'll keep you posed and update.

too bad

i listened to the first debate last week and it was pretty good

I'm voting for Brown

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #69 on: October 04, 2010, 12:44:02 PM »
too bad

i listened to the first debate last week and it was pretty good

I'm voting for Brown

No kidding - you voted for obama so your track record speaks for itself.  Brown is one of the people responsible for the pension disaster you clowns have and its only going to get drastically worse. 


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #70 on: October 04, 2010, 12:47:11 PM »
No kidding - you voted for obama so your track record speaks for itself.  Brown is one of the people responsible for the pension disaster you clowns have and its only going to get drastically worse. 

How about this

you vote for governor in your state and I'll vote in mine

you already know how I feel about pensions but that doesn't change my mind in voting for Brown

Guess what......I'm going to vote for Boxer too

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #71 on: October 04, 2010, 12:50:20 PM »
How about this

you vote for governor in your state and I'll vote in mine

you already know how I feel about pensions but that doesn't change my mind in voting for Brown

Guess what......I'm going to vote for Boxer too

This is why you are one of, if not, the dumbest person on this board. 

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #72 on: October 04, 2010, 12:52:40 PM »
This is why you are one of, if not, the dumbest person on this board. 

Because he dosent agree with you

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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #73 on: October 04, 2010, 12:58:43 PM »
Because he dosent agree with you

No - because he is voting for a guy who is one of the principal architects of the major economic time bomb in that state expecting that he will do anything about it. 

Good job you libs - your idiocy, ignorance, insanity, ineptness, and incompetence never fails to surprise people. 


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Re: Ex-eBay CEO Whitman stirs up CA governor's race
« Reply #74 on: October 04, 2010, 01:34:56 PM »
Brown Whitman Debate: Jerry Brown Beats Meg Whitman

If you're a Californian with over 20 years in the state, you don't have to pay much attention to the video replays to know that Jerry Brown was light years ahead of Meg Whitman in Tuesday's debate.

Simply put, Meg Whitman came off as a policy wonk with bad hair, whereas Jerry Brown appeared as an experienced elected official who knows how California works.

Take the exchange on the California Budget. Whitman talked about ideas, as in when she said that she would start the budget process earlier. But Brown talked specific actions beyond a start date.

Jerry said that he would have each legislator go through their budget and look for areas to cut. In short, former Governor Brown is more comfortable talking about how to make the California government work than Meg Whitman is.

On the subject of Illegal Immigration Meg Whitman's problem of not understanding the system of California operation comes up again. Brown favors a path to legalization, whereas Meg Whitman does not.

But then Meg says something confusing. She says that she doesn't favor a path to legalization, but then says we all know illegal aliens are here "for the jobs." So making them legal allows them to get a job; not doing so just perpetuates the cycle of deportation and return to America.

There are other examples, but the overall result is Jerry Brown is more comfortable with himself and with dealing with California's problems. Let's face it. Meg Whitman hasn't done that. But the Former eBay CEO has another problem: her appearance.

Someone has to say this, so it might as well be this blogger: Meg Whitman's hair looked awful. It seemed frayed and her eyes looked tired.  Meg has looked better before and it could be the rigors of the campaign have caught up to her.  A pair of glasses would have made a big difference in Whitman's appearance for the debate.  One commenter wrote that Whitman looked like "Hagatha."

Whatever the case, Meg Whitman could benefit from a good makeover. In fact, so can the State of California. The perception here is Jerry Brown - who doesn't need a makeover and one can argue already got one while he was Mayor of Oakland - is better for the job of California Governor than Meg Whitman.