Author Topic: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?  (Read 125135 times)


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #525 on: April 25, 2009, 05:15:59 PM »
Hopefully Milos comes on to tell us what the plan is. Looks pretty obvious that he's not signing any contract at least. He already breached the terms there.

I do think he's done competing. I suspect the arms are in bad shape and it's not a good idea to ruin the image of the "beautiful" physique he used to have.
will Milos be at the NYPro?


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #526 on: April 25, 2009, 08:31:30 PM »
Milos is lucky to be let back in at all.  It's a pretty idiotic move to accuse someone of rigging shows without being able to show any proof, and then expect everything to just be cool after that.  Sounds like Milos wanted to be hero but wasn't prepared to be a martyr.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #527 on: April 25, 2009, 08:49:00 PM »
Milos is lucky to be let back in at all.  It's a pretty idiotic move to accuse someone of rigging shows without being able to show any proof, and then expect everything to just be cool after that.  Sounds like Milos wanted to be hero but wasn't prepared to be a martyr.
the pictures wern't admitted as evidence.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #528 on: April 25, 2009, 09:16:51 PM »
Milos is lucky to be let back in at all.  It's a pretty idiotic move to accuse someone of rigging shows without being able to show any proof, and then expect everything to just be cool after that.  Sounds like Milos wanted to be hero but wasn't prepared to be a martyr.

It did seem like that; but Chua and the whole ABBF has been suspended for corruption (as Milos' witnessed).  Milos is the whistle blower; not the hero.

Schmoe Buster

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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #529 on: April 26, 2009, 10:13:51 AM »
To add insult to injury we now see Bob C's image on national TV in Australia advertising a recent movie. Congratulations, Bob! That is your forte, show business, not the monkey business called the IFBB!

In some ways the IFBB is show business! the ABBF was certainly a lot of smoke and mirrors.
Thunderdome approved


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #530 on: April 26, 2009, 10:36:54 AM »
From: skanda <>
Date: Wednesday, 1 April, 2009, 4:33 PM

Dear Tony
Further to my email sent to you yesterday, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that you and the IFBB are fully aware that Kamal of Qatar had been granted a " semi-pardon"  in the year 2004 for a doping offence which he committed in Mumbai, India in 2003 World Men's Bodybuilding Championships, by having his suspension of 2 years reduced to 8 months.
Be that as it may, the fact remains that Kamal  has a previous offence in your record, therefore the next violation committed in 2007 should have been a life ban under the IFBB rules in existence at that time.
Also he had no right to compete in the Excalibur Competition in 2007.
A similar case applies to Khun Somrsi, a Thai athlete, found positive in Bahrain in 2008,
who is not allowed to participate in the Mr. Thailand in April 2009,
as instructed by Rafael Santonja in his e.mail to me dated Feb 17th 2009
Surely this is a case of double standards ?
May I have an explanation ?
Best wishes
Douglas Latchford
President - Thailand Bodybuilding Association
President S E Asia.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #531 on: April 27, 2009, 08:56:24 AM »
I see you are coming to Bob's aid,

As he is unable to answer questions.
Hell he is so shallow he can't even stand behind his own statements "women's bodybuilding belongs in a trash can"
Bob, do you think Betty Pariso, Lenda Murray all belong in a trash can?

Funny how the rule don't quite apply to the stooges

despite your rantings, you also have yet to explain why the ifbb can't follow its own drug rule.

Wow - incredible... resorting back to the IFBB and drug policies.  That is what you come to.  Basketball, football, baseball - all of inconsistant policies too, and gasp, do they really enforce them... come on, we have talked about the lack of enforcement, aka A-Rod and many others over and over again. So get off the subject.  Steroids, prescription drugs are there, end of story.

As for women's bodybuilding, Bob said what he felt. He didnt slander anyone. He felt the genre of the sport was not going in the right direction. Many agreed with him. Women's bodybuilding needed to go back to where symmetry was queen, not muscularity, and in many shows I go to know, it is getting back there. At the Emerald Cup, I was very impressed by the winner, Laurie Smith.

There are a myriad of rules and guidelines in every sport. Screaming every time a rule is violated is crazy.  Consider them guidelines, but like many things, including this board, which has very simple rules, people cross the line, and some rules you do not cross.

You dont go to another federation and then slander the federation you came from.

You dont accuse someone, regardless, of things unless you have some proof. And a picture isnt proof.

Those actions are much more than, oh... the guy stripped at one time, oh, the guy did drugs, oh the competitor took a topless or nude shot or video.

Hell, half of Hollywoods actors would be out.

I feel like you are grasping at straws all the time, and it is quite amusing now.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #532 on: April 27, 2009, 10:14:40 AM »
I see you are coming to Bob's aid,

As he is unable to answer questions.
Hell he is so shallow he can't even stand behind his own statements "women's bodybuilding belongs in a trash can"
Bob, do you think Betty Pariso, Lenda Murray all belong in a trash can?

Funny how the rule don't quite apply to the stooges

despite your rantings, you also have yet to explain why the ifbb can't follow its own drug rule.

It's already been answered a few're just too stupid to inderstand it. The IFBB rules clearly state that they "reserve the right" to test at any show.

Giving my opinion about the current state of FBB (an entity), is much different than calling out specific individuals (which Milos did)

Not too bright, are you?


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #533 on: April 28, 2009, 10:00:56 AM »
The rules also state that drugs are prohibited. I guess following its own rules is too tough for the IFBB.

In "Giving your opinion" as you call it, you slammed 50-100 IFBB members, which was via a "public statement"
Also against the rules.

Bob Chick somehow got a pass. Being Manions litle boy certainly has its privileges.

This is simple truth and logic, Chick. It is not difficult to see why you don't follow.

It's already been answered a few're just too stupid to inderstand it. The IFBB rules clearly state that they "reserve the right" to test at any show.

Giving my opinion about the current state of FBB (an entity), is much different than calling out specific individuals (which Milos did)

Not too bright, are you?


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #534 on: April 28, 2009, 11:06:43 AM »
The rules also state that drugs are prohibited. I guess following its own rules is too tough for the IFBB.

In "Giving your opinion" as you call it, you slammed 50-100 IFBB members, which was via a "public statement"
Also against the rules.

Bob Chick somehow got a pass. Being Manions litle boy certainly has its privileges.

This is simple truth and logic, Chick. It is not difficult to see why you don't follow.

Feel free to dig up the interview and disprove anything I said.....I guess "slammed" in your mind means that some people disagree....I got news for you....most of the girls I talked to agreed with me....judging by the state of FBB as it is, looks like the majority is on my side.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #535 on: April 29, 2009, 09:30:51 AM »
Datuk Paul Chua
Secretary General
Asian Bodybuilding and Fitness Federation

Dear Sir,

I am extremely disturbed over the suspension of ABBF, your goodself and my friend Simon Chan by IFBB. It clearly shows how the sport has deplored under the stewardship of the current International President. With regards to charges laid against ABBF, the below are my 2 cents worth.

IFBB became a signatory to the WADA Code in 2003. However, at that point in time the IFBB Anti-Doping rules were not in conformance with the WADA Code. Only on 1st January 2006, the IFBB Anti-Doping Rules 2006 came into effect and that version was accepted as being in conformance with the WADA Code. Given that being the background, the following charges are in contention and suspect.

ABBF decision on the 3 Hong Kong athletes

ABBF's decision to reinstate the 3 athletes prior to the Asian Games in Doha was done under the prescribed process being in force at the time the decision was made. The athletes had served a reduced period of suspension on 1 year after an appeal by the athletes supported by the NF. ABBF had not only followed the prescribed process but also followed set precedent of IFBB (refer to case of 2 Qatar athletes vs IFBB - athletes were allowed a reduced period of suspension of 8 months following appeal by athletes supported by NF). ABBF also ordered the athletes a penalty of $4000 each following precedent set by IFBB in the Qatar case.

If ABBF is punished for wrongful handling of the doping process, then IFBB should also remain vicariously liable for not having proper processes at the time of the incident and for not setting the right precedents.

Involvement of WADA

As for IFBB's allegation that WADA is investigating the matter, it is clear that WADA had no jurisdiction to investigate the matter as at the time of offense, the Anti-Doping rules in force was not in conformance with the WADA Code. Though it can be argued that at the time of appeal in 2006, a new set of rules was in place, this arguement cannot hold water as the code was not in place when the offence took place. It would be against the cause of natural justice to adjudicate on one set of rules and appeal on another different set. This is highly prejudicial against the said athletes.

ABBF's decision was therefore exercised in good faith and in accordance of the rules in force at that time.

IFBB Incorporated

As for the allegation that IFBB is a corporate enterprise, this goes against the grain of promoting bodybuilding as a sport. IFBB owes all member nations an explaination, not just as a responsible sporting citizen but also since all National Federations had paid an annual affiliation fee, all National Federations can be deemed as shareholders in the context of Company Law.

In conclusion, it is very sad to see a once esteemed organization like IFBB rotting away like a dead corpse. However, with its inherent lack of transparency and iron fisted ruler, this is not seen as uncommon. With many large corporations like Enron, China Aviation Oil and Maxwell Corporation collapsing for the same reason, it is foolish for the leaders not to see this coming but alas perhaps they were not smart enough to begin with.

This episode is something former athletes like myself and current athletes will be watching closely. But if at all God is great, this would only make ABBF and the friendship and brotherhood amongst member countries even stronger. For those members who fall apart, this is the time to see who the real Asian brothers are and who are not.

I pray that you and our brothers in Asia remain steadfast and strong. God Bless you Datuk.

Your humble former athlete

S Krishnan


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #536 on: April 29, 2009, 09:45:05 AM »
Date: Sunday, 26 April, 2009, 12:09 AM

Dear Mr. Chua
I am proud that you stood well with the "Idi Amin of Egypt", a fat and clumsy disgrace to the sport of body-building.

For your information, I have known about his past involvements in Judo, I have heard from many of my close Maldivian associates in Egypt that he had been kicked out of the Judo club for being a pompous loudmouth and a nuisance.
He is a megalomaniac who literally "killed" the great champion bodybuilder El Guindi by seizing power, to accomplish his evil ambitions.
He has made a mockery of the entire sport and discipline of bodybuilding by selling Weider Coaching Certificates to a 7-year-old boy in the UAE, and also to a lady in Saudi Arabia.
Adel was caught circulating flyers in the Asian Games Championship held in Doha in 2006, and was then kicked out. What kind of an Executive Assistant is he to the IFBB Corporation under the CEO of Rafael Santonja? Rafael does not answer my emails. He now realizes that the unilateral decision is not working so he will use his villian english boy to reply.
Adel is indeed suffering from delusions of grandeur. He can certainly be considered as a Humpty Dumpty.

He is writing on behalf of his master Rafael so that he can travel free and earn some money while carrying Rafael's luggage.
He is a shame for all our Muslim brothers, a traitor in the midst of our society, a servant to the elite tour for the elite people.
Sir, I implore you to keep fighting for your rights. The IFBB Corporation has disgraced our Muslim brothers by cancelling the World Championships, this shall go down in history forever so we cannot forgive these money-hungry wastes of humanity.
You are a HERO and Adel is merely a piece of shit and a puppet of Rafael and his corporation. They have single-handedly demolished the legitimacy and reputation of the IFBB, it is a just a shell of what it used to be.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #537 on: April 29, 2009, 01:05:27 PM »
religion and bodybuilding, this is sick

Vince B

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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #538 on: April 29, 2009, 05:05:41 PM »
Talk about a circus. Where does 'Dick' get these emails from? Is Paul Chua posting in this thread?

By the way, what are the proper protocols for the pro athletes rep? Why is he allowed to post on Getbig when the other pros are forbidden to do so? If Bob is a current pro then what goes? If he isn't a current pro he shouldn't be representing them.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #539 on: April 29, 2009, 05:07:30 PM »
Vince,isn`t there a strangers funeral you should be attending right now?  :)


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #540 on: April 29, 2009, 05:30:15 PM »
Talk about a circus. Where does 'Dick' get these emails from? Is Paul Chua posting in this thread?

By the way, what are the proper protocols for the pro athletes rep? Why is he allowed to post on Getbig when the other pros are forbidden to do so? If Bob is a current pro then what goes? If he isn't a current pro he shouldn't be representing them.

Pro's are forbidden to post here?   news to me

Get back to cleaning the toilets at your daddy's gym, ImBasile

Vince B

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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #541 on: April 29, 2009, 07:32:06 PM »
Chick is instructed to get the last word in no matter what. I guess he avoided my question but then again his answer is that he is no longer a pro. I guess most of us have to hang up our posing trunks one day.

Could you state what the athletes rep job is? Or do you make it up as you go? You know, do what Jim tells you.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #542 on: April 29, 2009, 08:24:04 PM »
Chick is instructed to get the last word in no matter what. I guess he avoided my question but then again his answer is that he is no longer a pro. I guess most of us have to hang up our posing trunks one day.

Could you state what the athletes rep job is? Or do you make it up as you go? You know, do what Jim tells you.

sure thing, Basile....the job of the athletes rep is to represent the athletes...any more stupid questions?

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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #543 on: April 30, 2009, 03:29:07 AM »
Chick you continue to involve yourself in childish debates.  This is 'not' a good look for you or this so-called sport.

Professionalism and leadership within the ranks of the IFBB has been sorely lacking for the best part of two decades now.

You Chick, have the opportunity to take hold of the reigns and run.  Yet, you choose to spend hour after hour, day after day arguing with ignorant children, deviants and the dishevelled.  Why?

Are you that bored with your life Chick?  Are you that empty that you feel the need to constantly debate predators like Basile? 

C'mon Chick it is time to move on.  You have stagnated in this Getbig sewer way past your 'use by' date!


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #544 on: April 30, 2009, 03:43:46 AM »
You still failed to answer my question.

Does Betty Pariso belong in a trash can?

Note - Betty is a female bodybuilder, one of the people that you say belongs in a trash can.

If Manion is considered "the majority", then you are correct. The majority is on your side.

Feel free to dig up the interview and disprove anything I said.....I guess "slammed" in your mind means that some people disagree....I got news for you....most of the girls I talked to agreed with me....judging by the state of FBB as it is, looks like the majority is on my side.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #545 on: April 30, 2009, 03:47:35 AM »
Its a shame that you represent the IFBB more times than you do the athletes.

sure thing, Basile....the job of the athletes rep is to represent the athletes...any more stupid questions?


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #546 on: April 30, 2009, 07:11:35 AM »
You still failed to answer my question.

Does Betty Pariso belong in a trash can?

Note - Betty is a female bodybuilder, one of the people that you say belongs in a trash can.

If Manion is considered "the majority", then you are correct. The majority is on your side.

Better get the quote making an idiot of yourself.....again.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #547 on: April 30, 2009, 01:25:56 PM »
You failed to disprove the ifbb arbitrary application of its so called rules,
and you are yet again failing to stand behind your own words (public statement)

thus, you make a good ifbb stooge

Better get the quote making an idiot of yourself.....again.


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #548 on: April 30, 2009, 02:33:01 PM »
You failed to disprove the ifbb arbitrary application of its so called rules,
and you are yet again failing to stand behind your own words (public statement)

thus, you make a good ifbb stooge

Quote my words, and we'll see....


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Re: The ABBF is suspended by the IFBB : CORRUPTION ?
« Reply #549 on: April 30, 2009, 02:49:37 PM »
I'm convinced the IFBB's term "Athelete's Representative" is all fluff.  Chick is IFBB's fluffer.  Anyone would be happy to have such a position($$$$). I would take that opportunity; Shawn wanted that position.