Author Topic: ahh fuck it. this what I've read about Ron Paul and I'm sharing it with you.  (Read 2770 times)


  • Getbig V
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whose gimmick are you?


  • Getbig IV
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whose gimmick are you?

I am PT & have been around the net for fucking years mate.
My pics are all over the site.

Same deal as every-one else has had - PM me & we will set a web-cam time - where you can see my face (the one in all my pics)
Or are you going to be NO.4 to bail on this most simple of requests ?? ::)
Growth/noob loves me


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith
you could be the Hamburglar for all I care.

you're somebody's gimmick.


you're no better than ron paul and his distractions  ::)


  • Getbig IV
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you could be the Hamburglar for all I care.

you're somebody's gimmick.


Check NO.4

Growth/noob loves me


  • Getbig V
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you could be the Hamburglar for all I care.

you're somebody's gimmick.


you're no better than ron paul and his distractions  ::)

You're too cynical...the fact that RP is kind of a doddering old fool is pretty decent evidence that he is not working for anyone.
I hate the State.


  • Getbig V
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  • RIP Keith
You're too cynical...the fact that RP is kind of a doddering old fool is pretty decent evidence that he is not working for anyone.


you don't think you should ask yourself why you believe this. Your statement raises a red flag for me. It's a cop out. Same thing with the one where you said "could he really be doing this for 30 years?"
my answer is yes.

I guess you didn't read this ?

From childhood, citizens of Western countries are taught to have a religious sort of reverence for the concept of “Democracy”. Though the meaning of this word changes with some regularity, it is generally taken to mean a system of government where the people, at least the majority, decide the way things are done.

When people begin to wake up to the reality of what is taking place in the world today, they are gripped by an urgent need to take some sort of action to counteract what is happening; their first response is usually to seek some type of political solution. They are then pushed further into the mindset that positive change can be achieved through political means by the segments of the alternative media which I believe can properly be termed “controlled opposition”; because as long as a person believes that they can “use the system to fight the system”, they remain completely harmless, presenting absolutely no threat to the real institutions of power.

The entire concept of “Democracy” was created and given to us by the ruling elite. They understood that in an age when the power of the religious institutions, which had for millennia taught us that it was God’s will that we obey our rulers, began to wane, they would need a new technique for keeping the masses in-line. Instilling people with the belief that they had a say in the way the rulers ruled them would keep them from launching violent revolutions, or for that matter, doing anything at all to question the status quo.  This technique has worked marvelously.

The “political theater” is nothing more than a drama presented for public consumption. Real decisions are not made by politicians, but by think-tanks and councils such as the CFR, always based on the mandates of the United Nations. This should be obvious enough, given that no matter what kind of rhetoric the politicians are spouting, the same agenda pushes forward, unhindered.

The now historical “Great Ron Paul Debacle” should be proof enough for anyone that we are wasting our time even thinking about politics at all. Millions of man-hours were wasted attempting to do the impossible. This is time which could have been spent informing people about real issues. I think everyone would do well to get a little irked at the so-called “leaders” who pushed so many of us into believing we were actually going to win this election. They all knew better (at least most of them did).

I had hoped that this monumental failure would have been enough to jolt people back into reality and get this entire movement to recognize the plain fact that we are not going to save the world with politics. To my astonishment, I am still seeing Truth related websites encouraging people to “call their congressmen”; some are even promoting “Ron Paul 2012”.

Although I too would love to believe that we could simply all go vote for a Ron Paul or a Ralph Nader, and instantly fix all of the world’s problems, this simply is not an option. This is a broken paradigm, and it’s now time to move on.

The first thing to understand is that the mass media controls virtually every aspect of Western society, and thus determines the outcome of elections. Neither the television, nor the AM radio is ever going to present an alternative candidate as a viable option.

Though Ron Paul had a great deal of support among the educated segments of the population and was even given a surprising amount of face-time by the MSM, he was ridiculed and declared a joke by all of the pundits, and thus the mass man was convinced that even if they sympathized with his positions, it would be a waste of time to support him, and so they moved on to more “realistic” options.

The second major reason why there can never be a political solution to the problems we face is that if a politician who genuinely wished to do right by the people were ever elected to a significant position of power, he would either be turned, or assassinated. We saw with President John F. Kennedy, and more recently with Senator Paul Wellstone that the real rulers of the world have no problem assassinating American politicians who refuse to play ball.

Another somewhat secondary point is that no matter who the people vote for, the establishment will put whoever they want in office. George Bush actually lost two elections. Even though Gore and Kerry were both shill candidates who would not have done anything differently, the powers that be had their minds set on Bush, and simply allowed him to steal two consecutive elections.

It is also worth noting that with the new Diebold voting machines, voter fraud has become much less messy. This is largely unnecessary, but provides a failsafe if a real candidate somehow makes it to the final running.

If politics won’t work, then what are we supposed to do?

The main reason that people seem unwilling to abandon their faith in the political system is that they feel that if they do, they will be left helpless, without a medium through which to act. If there isn’t a political solution, and attempting a violent revolution would only make things worse, than what are we to do? There is no easy solution, but giving up the absurd practice of wasting time doing things that we know have no chance of working is a good start.

The global agenda is presently at such an advanced stage that it is unrealistic to suppose that we are going to stop it dead in it’s tracks at this point. Things are most certainly going to get a whole lot worse before they get better. I do not believe we can “save America”, as, to put it bluntly, there is nothing left to save. This thing is going to come crashing down in an exceedingly bloody fashion, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop it.

So, on an individual level, the most important thing to do right now is prepare for what’s coming. There is no good reason anyone should still be living in a big city. Even if you have to make drastic cuts in your quality of living, it is imperative that you find a place outside of the major population centers. If at all possible, I recommend people leave the United States entirely (Europe is going to get bad as well, but nothing on the scale of the US). A remote third world country would be ideal, the less developed the better.

Wherever you are, be ready for very rough times. This includes stocking up on storable food, as well as learning to grow your own food. I also think everyone needs to learn basic survival skills, including hunting and foraging. If you have vacation time, or are out of work, go camping.  You’ll learn things quickly, and I guarantee if you give it a couple days, you’ll enjoy it.  Bring a book about edible plants and try and find some.

As a movement, we need to continue to focus on waking others up. We have made great strides in this endeavor since the towers came down, and we must remain vigilant. As I have said many times before, it is time to take things to the next level, and begin to create a real understanding amongst the public that our entire way of life is unsustainable, and a totally new system is necessary.

When all is said and done, this plan for a New World Order will fail. That is the only possible outcome. If the universe were going to allow such a system to exist, it would have been created a long time ago. When it fails however, our entire society is going to collapse completely. The scientific age will end. There is no way to save it; it is corrupt from the top down. Most people, even those who are partially “awake”, have become accustomed to this mode of living, and refuse to acknowledge it’s inevitable end. Regrettably, if they are unable to accept the coming changes, they will go the way of the masses.

What we are looking at is a future lifestyle more akin to that of the American Indians than that which is portrayed in science fiction. We must prepare ourselves, physically and spiritually, for a new mode of existence. The Dawn of a Beautiful New Day comes quickly upon us.

Stay Free.


  • Getbig V
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you don't think you should ask yourself why you believe this. Your statement raises a red flag for me. It's a cop out. Same thing with the one where you said "could he really be doing this for 30 years?"
my answer is yes.

I guess you didn't read this ?

I did read it. I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. I still love you man!

Good lifts btw...
I hate the State.


  • Getbig IV
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ron paul is the real deal


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  • Getbig V
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I do not doubt Ron Paul's sincerety.  No way he is some government plant, that is lunacy.
I see where the author says it doesn't matter because RP will not get elected but that is a very cynical way of looking at it.  RP has grilled some people in washington that other pussy ass politicians wouldn't touch.  I believe RP looks out for the people, with what he believes is the right thing to do.  He is also a champion of personal freedom, unlike many in washington.
RP was a reasonably wealthy doctor before he entered politics.  I have also heard him speak.  I believe he truely believes the things he says.  He has opened a lot of eyes in the last couple years.
Politicians play us...the two big parties play us.  I think Ron is one of the few real people in Washington who doesn't go along with the game.


  • Getbig V
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I do not doubt Ron Paul's sincerety.  No way he is some government plant, that is lunacy.
I see where the author says it doesn't matter because RP will not get elected but that is a very cynical way of looking at it.  RP has grilled some people in washington that other pussy ass politicians wouldn't touch.  I believe RP looks out for the people, with what he believes is the right thing to do.  He is also a champion of personal freedom, unlike many in washington.
RP was a reasonably wealthy doctor before he entered politics.  I have also heard him speak.  I believe he truely believes the things he says.  He has opened a lot of eyes in the last couple years.
Politicians play us...the two big parties play us.  I think Ron is one of the few real people in Washington who doesn't go along with the game.

right on


  • Getbig V
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Yes, RP was a blow-off valve, but follow through with the judo steps: yes, they made a judo move here, but simply because they did so doesn't mean you back away from it and surrender the move. They invested energy of their own to dangle him in front of the crowds and give false hope. And the way you respond to that is to exploit it for consequences they would not have intended, such as large rallies full of people laying down the 101 version of "the truth", to introduce it to the masses. Or even taking things to the next level for those already versed with such basics as "9/11 was done by contractors paid for by the U.S. government, by way of Pakistan's ISI as a cut-out".

Further and deeper, always go further than they're ready, and deeper than they can handle, even with the projects *they* instigate. Take another example: provocateur units in a "peaceful protest" rally. Okay, fine, FLIP that judo move. Exploit it. They switch the confrontation mode to violent, now alla sudden the people swarm the streets with tasers, flame throwers, homemade microwave weapons, makeshift grenades, whatever they can produce in their nearest metal shop to absolutely ruin the stormtroopers' day, STARTING with the provocateurs themselves who are shuttled over to the other cops who don't know they're undercover.

Hoist them, in short, on their own petard. More Sun Tzu, less do-nothing crybaby. Play chess all over their checker moves.


  • Getbig V
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  • Getbig V
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I'll ask you again. Who best represents "the truth" and isn't a plant in your opinion?

no one. it's a difficult question to answer.

The two party system rules ... making it a one party system. There is no way a RP type figure will Ever make it to being president.


  • Getbig V
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found another thread. I'll only post the things that I can agree with. Rest of the stuff in can easily throw the discussion off track ... bilderberg, masons, jesuits  etc.

Now the first argument that people give me when I question the authenticity of Ron Paul as a leader of the so called "revolution". Is that hes fighting for freedom, hes against the NAU, hes against national id cards, hes against the IRS, hes against the Federal Reserve.

Ok well, we all can agree that all television channels on mainstream television, all under the NEWSCorp corporation, are working for the same organization. The Television is a mind control tool as well as a propaganda tool of incredible proportions.


I believe that the issues of the Federal Reserve are purposely being allowed to reach mainstream, to give these so called "peoples freedom revolutionary candidates" some authenticity. So when people say that Ron paul is bringing up these issues.. It is not because he is "with us", it is because the CIA is trying to gain some credibility in the publics eyes since everyone knows that 911 was a inside job. And that the media covered it up. Also Building 7 which Flight 93 failed to hit was the smoking gun of 911. They quickly need to do something to counter act their mistake which would lead to mass questioning. So they gave us Ron Paul as a candidate to ease our nerves and make us feel that we still have a chance at turning the government into a "good organization", a pro life, pro america government. But we all know this isn't going to happen.


Mad Money's house and Ron Paul are exposing the federal reserve on the media which is ludacris because it means that the CIA is exposing themselves to give Ron Paul credibility. It also means that Ron Paul is in an alliance with the media.


1. Gatekeepers are comedian shows that have a political spin. They seem to blame the current president for the secret governments acts. Presidents are figureheads so why are we worshipping Presidents who are just puppets? Ron Paul has been on Colbert, John Stewarts Daily Show, numerous other media outlets. The media is basically exposing Ron Paul all over the media


Ron Pauls reinforcement of the governments story about 911 is keeping people in the dark.


In Conclusion. Ron Paul is a COINTELPRO Presidential Candidate. The media is not only giving Ron Paul publicity, they are also purposly censoring Ron Paul to give him authenticity. They are using television stars like Bill Maher to call Ron Paul their hero. ... They are proping up Ron Paul as the leader of the FREEDOM Revolution of America. But Ron Paul's only purpose was to reenforce the official story of the 911 lie, to blame it on terrorism, to reinforce the illusion of terrorism, to sway the public away from 911 truth towards a fight against the Federal Reserve. ... Ron Paul is the trojan horse of the 911 truth and justice and freedom campaign that has been the grassroots of the revolution happening in America on the alternative media.

the rest of the stuff in the thread is a jerk-off.