Author Topic: Must read article how Goldman Sachs owns obama and is pushing for Cap & Trade  (Read 1964 times)

Soul Crusher

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I cant cut and paste the article, but everyone needs to read this.  This was in Rolling Stone and shows how Goldman Sachs owns Obama and why they are pushing Cap & Trade.

Cap & Trade is the next bubble and scam, even bigger than anything else. 

Please read and share with your friends.

Bush & Obama = owned by Goldman Sachs. 

Soul Crusher

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I cant cut and paste the article, but everyone needs to read this.  This was in Rolling Stone and shows how Goldman Sachs owns Obama and why they are pushing Cap & Trade.

Cap & Trade is the next bubble and scam, even bigger than anything else. 

Please read and share with your friends.

Bush & Obama = owned by Goldman Sachs. 

________________________ ________________________ ____



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Soul Crusher

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Did you read the article????

This is not exactly from a "conservative" source. 


  • Getbig V
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.....yes i read the article and that as my reaction

Soul Crusher

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.....yes i read the article and that as my reaction

It freaking sucks and shows that Goldman uses both parties to do their dirty work. 

This article was horrific. 


  • Getbig II
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great article, but seeing as how you can't beat them, why not try to profit from their corruption? is there a way for the little guy to get a piece of the action? i realize it sounds terrible, but really these guys can't be stopped.


  • Getbig V
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I cant cut and paste the article, but everyone needs to read this.  This was in Rolling Stone and shows how Goldman Sachs owns Obama and why they are pushing Cap & Trade.

Cap & Trade is the next bubble and scam, even bigger than anything else. 

Please read and share with your friends.

Bush & Obama = owned by Goldman Sachs. are becoming seriously mentally ill over are going to need a psychiatrist soon ;)


  • Getbig V
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.....yes i read the article and that as my reaction


.. that was my reaction when I realized this country is full of morons duped into electing obama.


  • Getbig V
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.. that was my reaction when I realized this country is full of morons duped into electing obama.

Gee Mr. Baltimore who would you have voted for?...HITLERY CLINTON, BUSH again, BIDEN, the Mormon guy, WHO? Despite who would have been  voted in the same end would have been obtained. The failure of american is in the knowledge that the president is just a puppet and congress is an already BOUGHT AND SOLD entity. They are all under the control of BIG BUSINESS and the WEALTHY. It is, has been and will be right up until the END OF AMERICA. WHen everyone comes to that understanding and stops trying to think rationally about how things "COULD GO" then you will realize that getting upset over this stuff is really a waste of time. It is good to know what is happening, but thinking it can be stopped, changed or that "if someone else had been elected things would be deifferent" is foolish at best. America is deliberately being driven to its end. THe wealthy had derived from it all that can be had and therefore have no use for it. So the last of the money is being drawn out...the last of the manufacturing, the last of jobs, the last of everything. And as it collapses they will hop into their jets and leave the masses in turmoil and probably civil war as they escape to Europe, China and even Russia...


  • Getbig V
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.. that was my reaction when I realized this country is full of morons duped into electing obama.


i think youre looking for something that isnt there chief


  • Getbig V
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Gee Mr. Baltimore who would you have voted for?...HITLERY CLINTON, BUSH again, BIDEN, the Mormon guy, WHO? Despite who would have been  voted in the same end would have been obtained. The failure of american is in the knowledge that the president is just a puppet and congress is an already BOUGHT AND SOLD entity. They are all under the control of BIG BUSINESS and the WEALTHY. It is, has been and will be right up until the END OF AMERICA. WHen everyone comes to that understanding and stops trying to think rationally about how things "COULD GO" then you will realize that getting upset over this stuff is really a waste of time. It is good to know what is happening, but thinking it can be stopped, changed or that "if someone else had been elected things would be deifferent" is foolish at best. America is deliberately being driven to its end. THe wealthy had derived from it all that can be had and therefore have no use for it. So the last of the money is being drawn out...the last of the manufacturing, the last of jobs, the last of everything. And as it collapses they will hop into their jets and leave the masses in turmoil and probably civil war as they escape to Europe, China and even Russia...

Worst, most incoherent, rambling, nonsense-filled post ever.

Lib prez + lib congress = RIP US Constitution

That is all. 


  • Getbig V
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It freaking sucks and shows that Goldman uses both parties to do their dirty work. 

This article was horrific. 

Nice to see you starting to open up to a little more progressive media.

One that's not just dead struck on sucking either of the two big parties dicks.
As empty as paradise

Soul Crusher

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Thats because I have never in my entire life seen such insanity so fast and so egregious.  Obama's plans are killiing the economy for good and there will never be a recovery so long as he is there.

He is a marxist and his policies have never ever worked in the history of man. 

He is an abject failure.


  • Getbig V
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Thats because I have never in my entire life seen such insanity so fast and so egregious.  Obama's plans are killiing the economy for good and there will never be a recovery so long as he is there.

He is a marxist and his policies have never ever worked in the history of man. 

He is an abject failure.

I don't really have a problem with your opinion ..I just think you should wait a little before pasing judgment..he has been in office barely six months.....

talk to me in two years...then we'll see


  • Getbig V
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I don't really have a problem with your opinion ..I just think you should wait a little before pasing judgment..he has been in office barely six months.....

talk to me in two years...then we'll see

Why should we wait to pass judgment? It's all to apparent all these tarps and bailouts are load of crap and are going to prolong the downturn, add in cap and trade and we are fucked for atleast the next 20 years. Maybe you are content to wait and see what destruction the POTUS can bring over the next year and a half but I am not.


  • Getbig V
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Why should we wait to pass judgment? It's all to apparent all these tarps and bailouts are load of crap and are going to prolong the downturn, add in cap and trade and we are fucked for atleast the next 20 years. Maybe you are content to wait and see what destruction the POTUS can bring over the next year and a half but I am not.

Dude..come clean..your problem with Obama is that he's black


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Thanks 3333  very interesting and disturbing article.

Not sure if you've seen:

Could cap-and-trade create another economic bubble?
By Eoin O'Carroll | 07.10.09

The American Clean Energy and Security Act, which squeaked through the House of Representatives by a vote of 219-212 last month and is set to be taken up by the Senate in September, proposes to create a huge new market for trading carbon emission permits and offsets. This system would create whole new classes of financial assets, which financial firms could securitize, derivatize, and speculate on.

Sound familiar? Many critics are pointing out that this new market for carbon derivatives could, without effective oversight, usher in another Wall Street free-for-all just like the one that precipitated the implosion of the global economy.

Writing in Mother Jones magazine, reporter Rachel Morris explains that this new market — which is expected to become the world’s largest derivatives market — would be based on two instruments: carbon allowances, that is, permits granted by the government to companies, allowing them to emit greenhouses gases; and carbon offsets, which allow companies to emit in excess of their allowance, provided that they invest in a project that reduces emissions somewhere else, such as a reforestation initiative in the Amazon.

Additionally, carbon emitters and financial services firms would be allowed to trade in carbon derivatives — think “offset futures” or “allowance swaps” — creating a market that Ms. Morris calls “vast, complicated, and dauntingly difficult to monitor.”

And prone to melting down, Ms. Morris warns. Just as the inability of homeowners to make good on their subprime mortgages ended up pulling the rug out from under the credit market, carbon offsets that are based on shaky greenhouse-gas mitigation projects could cause the carbon market to tank, with implications for the broader economy.

As a Friends of the Earth report titled “Subprime Carbon” notes, a lot things can go wrong with a carbon offset project. In addition to the usual risks faced by any project, independent verifiers could determine that a project isn’t cutting the amount of carbon it claimed to cut. This is particularly worrisome because the system would allow sellers to promise to deliver carbon credits before the emissions reductions have been verified. The report warns:

A carbon bubble can also set the stage for the kinds of financial innovation (e.g. complex securitized products) that can unwittingly spread sub-prime carbon through the broader marketplace. When the bubble bursts, the collapse in carbon prices can have destabilizing consequences for compliance buyers (companies) and for the larger financial system.

Despite these risks (or perhaps because of them), a carbon derivatives market has the potential to generate huge profits. The US Commodity Futures Trading Commission estimates that the cap-and-trade market could grow to $2 trillion in five years.

A market this size means that Wall Street has a major stake in the cap-and-trade policy that emerges from Congress. The Center for Public Integrity noted in February that banks have been sending climate change lobbyists to Washington in earnest:

Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan Chase, insurance companies like AIG and private equity firms had virtually no reps on Capitol Hill working on global warming policy in 2003; by last year, they had about 130 climate lobbyists, the Center for Public Integrity’s analysis of Senate lobbying disclosure forms shows. About 20 additional lobbyists worked for firms and organizations wholly dedicated to carbon marketing last year.

Writing in AlterNet, Teryn Norris, a Project Director at the Breakthrough Institute warns that this climate “super-lobby” could act to derail any meaningful emissions cuts. Mr. Norris writes:

The policy demands of these financial firms may vary, but most will push for weaker regulatory standards on carbon markets, larger volumes of carbon offset authorization, and provisions to increase the volatility of carbon prices, all of which would hinder progress on reducing U.S. emissions.

In particular, Norris warns that financial firms will call for emissions permits to be traded “over the counter,” that is, without a third party monitoring the risk. Over-the-counter trades came under attention last year when one type of this trade, the credit default swap, helped sink Lehman Bros. and Bear Stearns.

Despite these potential pitfalls, many environmentalists are optimistic about the ability of a cap-and-trade system to curb greenhouse gas emissions. After all, it’s worked once before. As the Environmental Defense Fund points out, such a program was hugely successful in limiting emissions of sulfur dioxide in the 1990s, at a cost far less than originally projected. As EDF argues, “Markets provide greater environmental effectiveness than command-and-control regulation because they turn pollution reductions into marketable assets. In doing so, this system creates tangible financial rewards for environmental performance.”

But limiting sulfur dioxide, which is emitted only in large quantities by power plants, is a far more straightforward task than limiting carbon dioxide, which is emitted by just about everything. As we watch the Senate take up the climate bill in September, we would do well to ask ourselves if we are building another market that is too complex for anyone to understand.



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John Crudele: Influence is in the bag for 'Government Sachs'
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2009-07-10 00:48. Section: Daily Dispatches
By John Crudele
New York Post
Thursday, July 7, 2009

When I last wrote about Goldman Sachs in late March, the most politically-connected and luckiest firm on Wall Street was in the middle of rigging the stock market -- again.

"Something smells fishy in the market. And the aroma seems to be coming from Goldman Sachs," is the way I put it in that March 28 column.

Well, a lot has changed in just the past few weeks. And I'd like to put it all together for you, and for the rest of the media should it choose to follow what is shaping up to be the most incredible financial story ever.

Back in March I noted that the rally occurring in the stock market had the indisputable fingerprints of Goldman all over it. There were numbers to back it up.

Despite the fact that regular investors seemed to be pulling their money out of the market or -- at best -- investing conservatively, stock prices were zooming. The reason was simple: Big investors were pouring money into equities.

And Goldman Sachs was the biggest of the big.

According to the New York Stock Exchange figures for the week of April 13 that I quoted, Goldman executed twice as many big trades -- called "program" trades by the industry -- as any other firm. And the bulk of the 1.234 billion shares bought by Goldman that week were paid for with the firm's own money.

Of course, Goldman would have to be mighty confident that stock prices were going up to risk so much of its own capital. Or, perhaps, it knew stocks would be rising.

This was the time, remember, when banks were trying to recapitalize by selling shares to the public. Goldman, you'll also recall, had turned itself into a bank holding company so it could take $10 billion in government money under the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

Goldman also sold billions worth of new stock to the public while all this was happening.

How much harder would it have been for banks to sell stock to nervous investors if the market was swooning rather than booming?

Goldman's sudden and inexplicable optimism about stocks was incredibly opportune for the banking industry in general, for Goldman in particular, and -- here's where the conspiracy starts to unfold -- for the government.

It's tough, however, to do what needs to be done to rescue the market when pesky journalists and annoying bloggers are looking over your shoulder.

So a couple weeks ago the NYSE suddenly announced that brokerage firms would no longer have to report their program trades. The new rule takes effect next week.


Wall Street and Washington have been playing footsie for decades.

Back in the late 1980s, President Reagan determined that the stock market was so vital to the country that he signed an executive order creating the President's Working Group on Financial Markets. What the president wanted from this group was unclear, but the precipitous drops in stock prices in 1987 and 1989 had made everyone nervous.

Soon afterward, Robert Heller, a former Federal Reserve governor, came right out and proposed what the president was probably thinking -- the stock market should be rigged in times of impending disaster. But instead of going through all the trouble of buying actual stock, as firms do in program trades, Heller suggested a shortcut -- the purchase of stock index futures contracts.

From that point on everyone suspected that Washington would jump in to calm the stock market whenever the waters got rough.

Goldman has so many top executives who've moved into government that the company is now not-so-affectionately called "Government Sachs."

Hank Paulson, the incompetent Treasury secretary during the last Bush administration, was a former chairman of Goldman. Paulson almost slipped about the cozy relationship Washington had with Wall Street when he was being interviewed on TV and blurted out that it was part of his job to speak frequently with "market participants."

No, it's not.

Was he tipping information to Goldman during these conversations, like interest-rate decisions? Was Goldman some sort of ex-officio government conduit?

The clincher came last week in the most bizarre and unexpected twist to this unpredictable decades-long tale.

Federal prosecutors accused a guy named Sergey Aleynikov of stealing proprietary "black box" computer codes from Goldman. The assistant U.S. attorney in charge of the case said the following in court: "The bank (Goldman) has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate the market in unfair ways."

What was Goldman doing with a program that could "ma nipulate the market in unfair ways"?

The answer: It was using it to manipulate the market.




  • Getbig V
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Dude..come clean..your problem with Obama is that he's black

I have read your posts on this board, dude you are better than that.

My problem with Obama is that I am from Illinois and I know how the Chicago political machine works, and I would never has wished that on the entire country.


  • Getbig V
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I have read your posts on this board, dude you are better than that.

My problem with Obama is that I am from Illinois and I know how the Chicago political machine works, and I would never has wished that on the entire country.

ok..maybe you're right..i possibly went overboard on saying that.......but even though he is from illonois, there is no indication he has been tainted by their politics..give him a least a year or two...

accept my apologies


  • Getbig V
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ok..maybe you're right..i possibly went overboard on saying that.......but even though he is from illonois, there is no indication he has been tainted by their politics..give him a least a year or two...

accept my apologies

I have to disagree about Obama not being tainted by Illinois politics, he served 3 terms in the Illinois state senate 97 -04. He has been part of the machine for years. Maybe I just have a different perspective, but for the most part I think politicians suck, and Illinois politicans take it to whole new level.


  • Getbig V
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  • Posts: 16720 are entitled to your one has connected him to anything shady......politics sucks in have to kiss a lot of ass and make a lot of promises to get to the top

Soul Crusher

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  • Doesnt lie about lifting. are entitled to your one has connected him to anything shady......politics sucks in have to kiss a lot of ass and make a lot of promises to get to the top

Do you really think a first term senator with zero experience gets to the presidency without major promises being made and serious special interests not owning him?


  • Getbig V
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Do you really think a first term senator with zero experience gets to the presidency without major promises being made and serious special interests not owning him?

I think Obama was in the right place at the right time...lots of luck had to do with it.....the guy running against him got caught up in a sex scandal....

then many people who probably would have beat him decided not to run (Mike Ditka being one of them)....then he ran against Hillary clinton who was an awesome candidate but had a poor staff who thought Obama would drop out after the  Super Tuesday primary victories...
and had no strategy when Obama ran off something like 13 straight victories in the primaries...

then the economy tanked and people turned away from the Republicans to Obama as the savior.....but there has not been ANY type of scandal attached to him....

again, your hatred of Obama has no's because................. ...................

HE'S BLACK????  ;)