Author Topic: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines  (Read 6294 times)

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #50 on: September 22, 2009, 04:43:04 AM »
Unreal.  You posted a litany of items you blamed GWB for that myself and others proved was false and maybe contained grains of truth.  We pointed out your numerous factual mistakes line by line.  Yet, somehow you consider others pointing out YOUR FALSE ASSERTIONS as defending GWB?  Nice try.  Better luck next time.   

...what thread have you been reading?

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #51 on: September 22, 2009, 05:05:39 AM »

...what thread have you been reading?

The Luke

This one.  I pointed out at least three factual mistakes you made in your litany of items against Bush.  At least blame the man things he actually did. 

1.  You were wrong about Bush "deregulating" the banks concerning the CDO situation since the repeal of Glass Steagal did that.   

2.  You were wrong about the election of 2004.  You have no proof or basis to make that allegation. 

3.  You were wrong about the admn "passing legislation".  The admn does not pass legislation, the congress does.

4.  You were wrong about push pushing "unpopular legislation".  The Patriot Act passed in the Senate 98-1.  The Iraq War passed the Senate by a vote of 77 to 23, and the House of Representatives by a vote of 296 to 133. So how unpopular was that as you claim?

5.  You were wrong about Bush hating black people.  He had more blacks in his cabinet than any previous admn. and probably had more than even Obama has now.  I have to check. 

6.  You ignored the role of the local response in Katrina and ignored the fact that everyone was warned a week in advance to leave.  Did you even look at the picture I posted with the busses?  Do you know why they were not used?  Look it up.

On other points you were correct and I wont disagree with you, but at least get your facts right.         

Soul Crusher

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #52 on: September 22, 2009, 05:39:08 AM »

...what thread have you been reading?

The Luke

You said Bush pushed through "unpopular legislation".  I'm trying to figure out which major bills did he push that were so unpopular as you say. 

1.  Patriot Act - 98-1 in the Senate

2.  Iraq War - 77-23 or something like that.

3.  No Child Left Behind - 87-10 in favor

4.  Prescription Drug Bill - 54-44 (Senators crossed parties to vote for this)

5.  Tax Cuts - 54 - 44 (Mostly party line vote)

6.  Budgets???  Bush never vetoed one Budget and they wanted him to spend more!  (He was reckless, but they all were)

7.  Renewal of the Patriot Act in 2006?  89 Senators voted in favor of that!

Like I said, just get your facts right before throwing insults around at people. 


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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #53 on: September 22, 2009, 06:20:12 AM »
like i said at the beginning luke you posted a lot of half truths

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #54 on: September 22, 2009, 06:37:35 AM »
like i said at the beginning luke you posted a lot of half truths

With regard to Katrina - The Luke again is wrong. 
________________________ ________________________ _________

Katrina One Year Later: Myths Still Prevail

It has been one year after the largely ineffectual response to the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Despite the failures on all levels of government, it seems that history shows that Bush bears the full brunt of the blame for the failures. While Bush and FEMA do bear some blame for the aftermath, there are many failures that most go noticed if they are to be rectified. It may be politically helpful to pick a favorite scapegoat for political gain, however, lives are lost if all the lessons aren’t learned. After action reports have been discarded for political talking points.

First, the United States is a grouping of 50 sovereign states. The president has no authority, absolutely none, to tell a governor what to do with their own resources. Governors cannot be selected by the President, they are not accountable to the President, and most importantly, they cannot be removed by the President. It may be simple to say “The buck stops at the top” but it reflects a sad lack of understanding of the US governmental system. Bush is responsible for some aspects of the aftermath, but Louisiana Governor Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin bear a good chunk of the blame themselves. They were elected to be sole stewards of their governmental assets and they utterly failed their constituents.

Second, it is important to note that the disaster plan was written by the State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans alone. It was their plan. They are responsible with what their governments do leading up to a disaster, it was their responsibility to be prepared to deal with a disaster as much as possible, and it was their responsibility alone to deal with evacuation. FEMA responds after a disaster strikes; it is the local and state governments which must take action to mitigate the potential damage.

Third, the failure to call for an evacuation until virtually the last effective moment only maximized the number of people in harms way. Mississippi managed to handle the disaster effectively with minimal loss of life. Florida did as well. All the tales of horror came from Louisiana, and in particular, New Orleans. This was largely because those officials did not call for an evacuation. In fact, the President got on the phone to ask them to evacuate when it was clear they weren’t doing so. An extra 24 to 48 hours would have been more than enough to evacuate every man, woman, and child from the New Orleans area.

Fourth, the decision to leave fleets of unattended school buses in parking lots to get destroyed was a critical failure of Mayor Nagin. There were enough buses to evacuate every single person without their own transportation from New Orleans. The fact the buses went unused and the images of buses floating in the Mayor Ray Nagin memorial parking lots should serve as a testament of local government failure spearheaded by Mayor Ray “School Bus” Nagin.

Fifth, when disaster struck, Governor Blanco simply could not lead. Not only did she get on national TV and cry, she simply was unable to make decisions. The state government and disaster planners looked to her for leadership as the head executive of the state of Louisiana and she failed them. When 9/11 struck, there was no doubt that Rudy Giuliani was firmly in charge. When Katrina struck, no one knew who was in charge because the local and state government fell apart.

Sixth, when Katrina struck from one to two-thirds of the New Orleans Police Department simply walked off the job. For their efforts, they were given free family vacations to Vegas and are portrayed on billboards as symbols of courage. In the military, of a soldier walks off the job during war in a forward area, they can be summarily executed. In New Orleans, they get rewarded.

Seventh, patients were summarily executed by medical professionals. This was called “euthanasia” by the press and the medical community, however, they were not killed for being terminal, they were killed because the conditions of the storm made them “too difficult” to care for. They were killed because they were too high maintenance.

Eighth, everyone remembers the stories of carnage and rioting in New Orleans that permeated the media. When those stories turned out to be, at best, exaggerations, the organ most responsible for spreading the deceptions, the media, has not taken accountability. It is unknown how many lives were lost simply because the media’s stories of Armageddon had scared off people from helping. The media needs to thoroughly examine how it gets news and how it presents news. The media is known for sensationalizing stories to produce fear or anger in their audiences. This needs to be addressed.

Ninth, Louisiana and New Orleans have a long and “distinguished” history of corruption and embezzling funds. In fact, before Katrina federal officials were trying to find out were millions of dollars “disappeared” to when sent to Louisiana for homeland security and disaster preparedness. Since Katrina, $77 billion has been spent or is available, yet only one-third of hospitals and one-half of schools are actually open. How much of the money the government and aid organizations spent on New Orleans “disappearing”? The population of Louisiana is 4.5 million and New Orleans is 500,000 of that. Should it really cost hundreds of millions to build a city for that few people?

A year has passed after Katrina; if we truly want to prevent such an event from happening again we need to take a look at the failures. All of them.

________________________ ________________________ ________

Like I said, only brain dead idiots blame Bush alone for Katrina. 


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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #55 on: September 22, 2009, 06:46:54 AM »
no doubt not only that but they overlook all the federal help that got after the fact shit again I live in houston alot of NO residents got bused here and were given federal aid...

many of whom squandered and found ways to rip off the govt of more money leaching off their fellow victims...

to give you an idea of what kind of ppl we are talking about here

our murder rate jumped 25+% the year following katrina from the previous year

our crime rate jumped something like 300% the year following katrina from the previous year...

Soul Crusher

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #56 on: September 22, 2009, 06:52:00 AM »
no doubt not only that but they overlook all the federal help that got after the fact shit again I live in houston alot of NO residents got bused here and were given federal aid...

many of whom squandered and found ways to rip off the govt of more money leaching off their fellow victims...

to give you an idea of what kind of ppl we are talking about here

our murder rate jumped 25+% the year following katrina from the previous year

our crime rate jumped something like 300% the year following katrina from the previous year...

Many of those leeches stayed in N.O. so that they could loot the joint, including the cops!    Remember this clip:

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #57 on: September 22, 2009, 11:15:00 AM »
1.  You were wrong about Bush "deregulating" the banks concerning the CDO situation since the repeal of Glass Steagal did that.   

...I never argued that Bush repealed Glass-Steagal. I argued that he did nothing to reign in rampant speculation, in fact he further deregulated the exotic financial products and derivatives markets. That's a fact, and not open to debate.

You aren't seriously arguing that Bush did something constructive to head-off this financial collapse?

Again, attacking me over a point I did NOT make does not make your argument for you, but this constant apologist drivel on Bush's behalf DOES make my point.

2.  You were wrong about the election of 2004.  You have no proof or basis to make that allegation. 

...I think we'll have to let history decide this one.

3.  You were wrong about the admn "passing legislation".  The admn does not pass legislation, the congress does. splitting. The White House drew up all the most egregious legislation.

4.  You were wrong about push pushing "unpopular legislation".  The Patriot Act passed in the Senate 98-1.  The Iraq War passed the Senate by a vote of 77 to 23, and the House of Representatives by a vote of 296 to 133. So how unpopular was that as you claim?

...again, this doesn't make YOUR point, it makes my point for me. You can't claim Bush couldn't reign in the financial markets due to a lack of support, when he managed to pass every shitty un-American law he put forward.

5.  You were wrong about Bush hating black people.  He had more blacks in his cabinet than any previous admn. and probably had more than even Obama has now.  I have to check. 

Are you seriously arguing that black people as a whole are BETTER off after eight years of Bush than they were before?

He may have had lots of brown faces in his cabinet, but he was simultaneously ordering the systematic torture of hundreds of other brown people.

Did Bush torture any white people? Even one?

6.  You ignored the role of the local response in Katrina and ignored the fact that everyone was warned a week in advance to leave.  Did you even look at the picture I posted with the busses?  Do you know why they were not used?  Look it up.

Are you seriously arguing that Bush did not "fail" the people of New Orleans? (which is all I argued) Even after Bush himself admitted such?

Again, attacking me over a point I did NOT make does not make your argument for you, but this constant apologist drivel on Bush's behalf DOES make my point.

You said Bush pushed through "unpopular legislation".  I'm trying to figure out which major bills did he push that were so unpopular as you say. 

1.  Patriot Act - 98-1 in the Senate
2.  Iraq War - 77-23 or something like that.
3.  No Child Left Behind - 87-10 in favor
4.  Prescription Drug Bill - 54-44 (Senators crossed parties to vote for this)
5.  Tax Cuts - 54 - 44 (Mostly party line vote)
6.  Budgets???  Bush never vetoed one Budget and they wanted him to spend more!  (He was reckless, but they all were)
7.  Renewal of the Patriot Act in 2006?  89 Senators voted in favor of that!

...none of the legislation you cited had majority support among the people: so by definition it was unpopular; ie contrary to the wishes of the populace.

Seriously dude,

I respect your right to have an opinion, but such a poorly formed opinion shouldn't be held so tightly, nor shouted so loudly.

You counter my charge that you unfairly attack the Obama administration while continuously apologising for the Bush administration, by posting reams of apologies for the Bush administration!?! This is the unconscious Pavlovian reaction of a brainwashed simpleton. Think about what you are defending: the worst president in the history of the United States.

How can we debate this when you are making my point for me, while insisting my point is invalid?

You will never have any credibility on this or any other board if you insist upon this blinkered ideological favoritism. It's intellectually dishonest to the point of self-delusion.

Conservative Republicanism is a political ideology.... not a religion. Take the halo off that country club drunk.

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #58 on: September 22, 2009, 11:26:33 AM »
...I never argued that Bush repealed Glass-Steagal. I argued that he did nothing to reign in rampant speculation, in fact he further deregulated the exotic financial products and derivatives markets. That's a fact, and not open to debate.

You aren't seriously arguing that Bush did something constructive to head-off this financial collapse?

Again, attacking me over a point I did NOT make does not make your argument for you, but this constant apologist drivel on Bush's behalf DOES make my point.

...I think we'll have to let history decide this one. splitting. The White House drew up all the most egregious legislation.

...again, this doesn't make YOUR point, it makes my point for me. You can't claim Bush couldn't reign in the financial markets due to a lack of support, when he managed to pass every shitty un-American law he put forward.

Are you seriously arguing that black people as a whole are BETTER off after eight years of Bush than they were before?

He may have had lots of brown faces in his cabinet, but he was simultaneously ordering the systematic torture of hundreds of other brown people.

Did Bush torture any white people? Even one?

Are you seriously arguing that Bush did not "fail" the people of New Orleans? (which is all I argued) Even after Bush himself admitted such?

Again, attacking me over a point I did NOT make does not make your argument for you, but this constant apologist drivel on Bush's behalf DOES make my point.

...none of the legislation you cited had majority support among the people: so by definition it was unpopular; ie contrary to the wishes of the populace.

Seriously dude,

I respect your right to have an opinion, but such a poorly formed opinion shouldn't be held so tightly, nor shouted so loudly.

You counter my charge that you unfairly attack the Obama administration while continuously apologising for the Bush administration, by posting reams of apologies for the Bush administration!?! This is the unconscious Pavlovian reaction of a brainwashed simpleton. Think about what you are defending: the worst president in the history of the United States.

How can we debate this when you are making my point for me, while insisting my point is invalid?

You will never have any credibility on this or any other board if you insist upon this blinkered ideological favoritism. It's intellectually dishonest to the point of self-delusion.

Conservative Republicanism is a political ideology.... not a religion. Take the halo off that country club drunk.

The Luke

You are seriously drinking way too much Guiness Stout.  Your post is nothing but backtracking on every point I made which debunked your nonsense almost line by line.  Sure you were correct on some, but most was just speculative nonsense that is taken out of proper contaxt in order to attempt to make political point on your part.   

No amount of flowery language on your part can mask your gross misunderstanding of many of the issues you yourself brought up. 

BTW - with regard to CDOs you wrote the Bush:

"deregulated CDOs, CDSs and a host of other exotic financial instruments?"

Where is your factual support for that? 

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #59 on: September 22, 2009, 11:47:08 AM »
BTW - with regard to CDOs you wrote the Bush:

"deregulated CDOs, CDSs and a host of other exotic financial instruments?"

Where is your factual support for that? 

...the fact that he did?

You keep filtering everything I write along ideological lines... I make a point, you misconstrue the point and attack some erroneous extraneous tangential point I didn't make and conflate this faulty logic into a rebuttal.

If I say Bush failed the people of New Orleans, pointing out the complicit failings of others does NOT diminish or invalidate my point. A point Bush admitted himself.

If I say Bush pushed through unpopular legislation, pointing out the complicit actions of the Congress/Senate does NOT infer that legislation is somehow popular.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you, this is basic logic.

If I make a point, you should counter THAT point... not attack a different point, then attempt to invalidate both by conflating them.

Where does this line of argument lead...? Will you eventually win the debate by calling me French?

Is this perhaps simply a reading comprehension problem? If English is your second language, maybe you should read and re-read my posts watching the clauses carefully... or perhaps just ask for clarification/explanation of any point you don't fully understand?

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #60 on: September 22, 2009, 11:57:35 AM »
...the fact that he did?

You keep filtering everything I write along ideological lines... I make a point, you misconstrue the point and attack some erroneous extraneous tangential point I didn't make and conflate this faulty logic into a rebuttal.

If I say Bush failed the people of New Orleans, pointing out the complicit failings of others does NOT diminish or invalidate my point. A point Bush admitted himself.

If I say Bush pushed through unpopular legislation, pointing out the complicit actions of the Congress/Senate does NOT infer that legislation is somehow popular.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you, this is basic logic.

If I make a point, you should counter THAT point... not attack a different point, then attempt to invalidate both by conflating them.

Where does this line of argument lead...? Will you eventually win the debate by calling me French?

Is this perhaps simply a reading comprehension problem? If English is your second language, maybe you should read and re-read my posts watching the clauses carefully... or perhaps just ask for clarification/explanation of any point you don't fully understand?

The Luke

Hey jerkoff - the fact that you make allegations you cant back up with fact is not my problem, its yours.  It makes you look like the fool, not me.  I debunked most of your bullet points with facts and you turn all sour because your little diatribe got destroyed.  Tough shit.  Deal with it. 

Like i said, no amount of pompous language on your part can mask your ignorance on the issues YOU YOURSELF BROUGHT UP!     

you made a series of allegations that you claim to be true.  I'm asking you to back them up.  You cant because you are guilty of everything you accuse others of but are to convinced of your own genius to see how foolish you really are.

Again, FOR THE SECOND TIME, you stated as follows with regard to Bush: 

"deregulated CDOs, CDSs and a host of other exotic financial instruments"

Where is your proof for that?  If you dont have any, STFU with your lengthy posts that contain nothing but half truths, distortions, warped interpretations of events, and a fundamental misunderstand of how laws are made and pssed in this country.     

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #61 on: September 22, 2009, 12:34:14 PM »
Again, FOR THE SECOND TIME, you stated as follows with regard to Bush: 

"deregulated CDOs, CDSs and a host of other exotic financial instruments" you think Bush tightened regulations on derivatives?

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #62 on: September 22, 2009, 12:39:27 PM » you think Bush tightened regulations on derivatives?

The Luke

Game over fag. 

You lost - deal with it. 


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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #63 on: September 22, 2009, 12:41:59 PM »
Ur arguing with a lawyer...

Man in Black: All right. Where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right... and who is dead.
Vizzini: But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool, you would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You've made your decision then?
Vizzini: Not remotely. Because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows, and Australia is entirely peopled with criminals, and criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.
Man in Black: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.
Vizzini: Wait til I get going! Now, where was I?
Man in Black: Australia.
Vizzini: Yes, Australia. And you must have suspected I would have known the powder's origin, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You're just stalling now.
Vizzini: You'd like to think that, wouldn't you? You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But, you've also bested my Spaniard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.
Man in Black: You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.
Man in Black: Then make your choice.
Vizzini: I will, and I choose - What in the world can that be?
Vizzini: [Vizzini gestures up and away from the table. Roberts looks. Vizzini swaps the goblets]
Man in Black: What? Where? I don't see anything.
Vizzini: Well, I- I could have sworn I saw something. No matter.First, let's drink. Me from my glass, and you from yours.
Man in Black, Vizzini: [they drink ]
Man in Black: You guessed wrong.
Vizzini: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well-known is this: never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha...
Vizzini: [Vizzini stops suddenly, and falls dead to the right]

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #64 on: September 22, 2009, 12:44:46 PM »
...the fact that he did?

You keep filtering everything I write along ideological lines... I make a point, you misconstrue the point and attack some erroneous extraneous tangential point I didn't make and conflate this faulty logic into a rebuttal.

If I say Bush failed the people of New Orleans, pointing out the complicit failings of others does NOT diminish or invalidate my point. A point Bush admitted himself.

If I say Bush pushed through unpopular legislation, pointing out the complicit actions of the Congress/Senate does NOT infer that legislation is somehow popular.

I shouldn't have to explain this to you, this is basic logic.

If I make a point, you should counter THAT point... not attack a different point, then attempt to invalidate both by conflating them.

Where does this line of argument lead...? Will you eventually win the debate by calling me French?

Is this perhaps simply a reading comprehension problem? If English is your second language, maybe you should read and re-read my posts watching the clauses carefully... or perhaps just ask for clarification/explanation of any point you don't fully understand?

The Luke

This is unfair.  ;D

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #65 on: September 22, 2009, 12:46:59 PM »
This is unfair.  ;D

Go back to bed soldier boy. 

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #66 on: September 22, 2009, 12:50:32 PM » you think Bush tightened regulations on derivatives?

The Luke

Nice way to try to CYA after you lost the argument.  Your question is a blatant attempt to distract away from the lack of factual support for your original allegation that Bush "deregulated CDO's and other exotic financial instruments."



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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #68 on: September 22, 2009, 01:17:24 PM »
I dont mind going back and forth with Luke because he will actually debate an issue.

Mons is just a stalker and sick demented freak who made up a war record.

Mons Venus

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #69 on: September 22, 2009, 01:23:54 PM »
I dont mind going back and forth with Luke because he will actually debate an issue.

Mons is just a stalker and sick demented freak who made up a war record.

What branch did you serve 333's?

big L dawg

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #70 on: September 22, 2009, 01:24:13 PM »
hows business..3333... ;D

I already know the answer bro...It's great... I'm sure you earned $15,000 for ten seconds of work...typical day at the office... ;)

Soul Crusher

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #71 on: September 22, 2009, 01:27:39 PM »
hows business..3333... ;D

I already know the answer bro...It's great... I'm sure you earned $15,000 for ten seconds of work...typical day at the office... ;)

Actually - tommorow im picking up a check for 10g's on a deal I have been working a few months.

I made $500.00 for literally ten minutes work about a half hour ago from a deadbeat Veternarian who did not pay the medical equipment repair company for work they did.

I made $1,200 today on 6 liens I did for a plumbing client.

So things are rolling.  Thanks for asking.     

The Luke

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #72 on: September 22, 2009, 01:35:59 PM »
Okay, this might seem mean, but it's a good example of the poor reading comprehension I was referring to:

Observe the tactic in practice:
Again, FOR THE SECOND TIME, you stated as follows with regard to Bush: 

"deregulated CDOs, CDSs and a host of other exotic financial instruments"

...I never did any such thing. Not once, and certainly not twice.

What I actually did was ask the question:
...which administration:
-deregulated CDOs, CDSs and a host of other exotic financial instruments?

That's a question, not a statement... 333386 has inferred not only a statement where none exists, he has even attributed an answer to the question where none existed.  

My original statement was actually part of a series of questions that highlighted the many government failures which lead to the current crisis situation... some of them the fault of the George Bush Senior administration... some of them the fault of the Clinton administration... some (most) of them the fault of George Dubya Bush.

The point was that NONE of these mistakes were the fault of the Obama administration (which 333386 bewails incessantly).

Read the post yourself, it's on page one of this thread and was quoted in its entirety by both Mons Venus and tonymctones (I didn't modify or edit it).

But 333386 can't read a post like that in an objective way... he snaps immediately into defensive mode once he PERCEIVES an attack upon George Dubya.

His defensive reactionary thinking leads him to lash out... and once he has conflated a genuine point with an imaginary one he attacks as if he has somehow invalidated the real argument made:  
Game over fag.  

You lost - deal with it.  

How can such a person have any credibility whatsoever?

He's demanding evidence for an erroneous statement HE made... he merely based it upon what he THINKS I wrote. Now he's been caught doing it, but continues his attack completely unaware of his misunderstanding. That's either dishonest, or evidence of very poor reading comprehension.

What's wrong with this guy? Is he related to Dubya or in love with him or something?

The Luke


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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #73 on: September 22, 2009, 01:41:09 PM »
What branch did you serve 333's?

Why don't you show the post where he said he served, oh thats right there isn't one.


Soul Crusher

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Re: Small-Business Owners Fret Over Large IRS Fines
« Reply #74 on: September 22, 2009, 01:48:57 PM »
Okay, this might seem mean, but it's a good example of the poor reading comprehension I was referring to:

Observe the tactic in practice:
...I never did any such thing. Not once, and certainly not twice.

What I actually did was ask the question:
That's a question, not a statement... 333386 has inferred not only a statement where none exists, he has even attributed an answer to the question where none existed.  

My original statement was actually part of a series of questions that highlighted the many government failures which lead to the current crisis situation... some of them the fault of the George Bush Senior administration... some of them the fault of the Clinton administration... some (most) of them the fault of George Dubya Bush.

The point was that NONE of these mistakes were the fault of the Obama administration (which 333386 bewails incessantly).

Read the post yourself, it's on page one of this thread and was quoted in its entirety by both Mons Venus and tonymctones (I didn't modify or edit it).

But 333386 can't read a post like that in an objective way... he snaps immediately into defensive mode once he PERCEIVES an attack upon George Dubya.

His defensive reactionary thinking leads him to lash out... and once he has conflated a genuine point with an imaginary one he attacks as if he has somehow invalidated the real argument made:  

How can such a person have any credibility whatsoever?

He's demanding evidence for an erroneous statement HE made... he merely based it upon what he THINKS I wrote. Now he's been caught doing it, but continues his attack completely unaware of his misunderstanding. That's either dishonest, or evidence of very poor reading comprehension.

What's wrong with this guy? Is he related to Dubya or in love with him or something?

The Luke

So now you are trying to say that your diatribe was about both Bush and Clinton? Nice try at covering up your ignorance which has been on display all too well in this thread.  Your entire attack on me is that you claim I was a bushbot and supported everything he did.  You then listed a bunch of nonsense that Bush allegedly did, and now that your list has been torn to shreds, you want me to believe you were referring to Clinton as well?          

You want to play word games fine, but we both know where you dont want to argue - and thats the facts.  You do it in every single thread.  You play word games with people but never have any factual underpinnings to your arguments.

Keep jerking off to your perceived brilliance of yourself, maybe you actually believe it.  Kazan, Tony, others, see right through your fluffy b.s. for what it is.  All words, no substance whatsoever.