Author Topic: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?  (Read 6018 times)


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Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« on: May 15, 2010, 10:58:37 PM »
Long time no see... used to run into each other once in while, haven't seen him in over a year. is still thriving (putting in an order as we speak), every order I've ever placed shows up in 2 days. Awesome service and constantly expanding product line.

Hope all is good, the products are for sure.

 I know it looks like ass kiss but  thanks to Dante, haven't stepped in a retailer store since 2007. No joke.


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2010, 11:01:35 PM »
I ventured to the trueprotein site but was sort of turned off by the "make your own shake." There were a lot of different types of proteins, and how the heck am I supposed to know how much to put in each one or what type is best, etc  :( :( Just easier to go to the store and buy it. Though, I can see how making your own protein mixture can have its benefits.

If anyone has any advice on a good post workout protein shake, please let me know. Would be interesting to make my own.


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2010, 12:00:32 AM »
I ventured to the trueprotein site but was sort of turned off by the "make your own shake." There were a lot of different types of proteins, and how the heck am I supposed to know how much to put in each one or what type is best, etc  :( :( Just easier to go to the store and buy it. Though, I can see how making your own protein mixture can have its benefits.

If anyone has any advice on a good post workout protein shake, please let me know. Would be interesting to make my own.
I shoot out my own protein every night.  ;D

Seriously tho, I like ON. I prefer real food tho.   


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2010, 12:47:19 AM »
I ventured to the trueprotein site but was sort of turned off by the "make your own shake." There were a lot of different types of proteins, and how the heck am I supposed to know how much to put in each one or what type is best, etc  :( :( Just easier to go to the store and buy it. Though, I can see how making your own protein mixture can have its benefits.

If anyone has any advice on a good post workout protein shake, please let me know. Would be interesting to make my own.

Here's one that I like to make when I'm trying to put weight on.

1 cup milk
2 scoops chocolate protein powder (Optimum Nutrition, Ultimate Nutrition, or Muscle Milk brand)
1 heaping table spoon of natural peanut butter (I drain the oil)
1 serving dry oatmeal (packet size)
1/2 cup cold water to help mix it up



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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2010, 01:22:55 AM »
Long time no see... used to run into each other once in while, haven't seen him in over a year. is still thriving (putting in an order as we speak), every order I've ever placed shows up in 2 days. Awesome service and constantly expanding product line.

Hope all is good, the products are for sure.

 I know it looks like ass kiss but  thanks to Dante, haven't stepped in a retailer store since 2007. No joke.

x100 great guy and great service


  • Getbig V
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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2010, 01:54:04 AM »
The guy is a massive liar/douche, I cant believe you guys supporting him.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2010, 06:37:15 AM »
Long time no see... used to run into each other once in while, haven't seen him in over a year. is still thriving (putting in an order as we speak), every order I've ever placed shows up in 2 days. Awesome service and constantly expanding product line.

Hope all is good, the products are for sure.

 I know it looks like ass kiss but  thanks to Dante, haven't stepped in a retailer store since 2007. No joke.

Here's a recent post from him:

"Now i have to comment.....on something i dont like to comment about.

I think the worst thing someone can do is be continuously on year round in high amounts......but regardless...a great many of the top competitors and (hell) random Joe Blow gym rats are on year round.

So here is the thing....the decisions you need to make

1) do you want to have kids some day? if the answer is yes, then I would be as sure as hell to send signals to the HPTA at predetermined intervals
2) do you want to be healthy? Im talking hematocrit, kidney health, cardiomyopathy, etc etc etc then you better as sure as hell take being on "year round" into account as it pertains to your health.
3) do you want to suffer muscle tears (low endo testosterone), low sex drive, lethargy, and disintegrate muscle size wise when you do FINALLY GET OFF......then you better sure as hell send signals to the HPTA at predetermined intervals.

Do you want to do one cycle a year and then be clean the rest of the year? Well that changes everything doesnt it? And my "supposed" 'HPTA upregulation whateverthingamajiggy above really wouldnt make sense now would it? Again it drives me absolutely bonkers when things I say get taken out of a context and I have no idea what that context was.

Do you want to do 2 eight week cycles this year and be off the other 36 weeks? Well that changes the whole equation totally also doesnt it?

This is all about personal choices. And when i comment on this stuff its in regarding the personal choice someone has made concerning their own BEING ON usage.

My opinion?

You tell me.......

Some of you guys hit every show as fans.....YOU TELL ME!

February = Ironman Pro bodybuilding championships
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
March = Arnold classic
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
May = NY pro show
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
July = USA championships
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
September = Olympia
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
November = Nationals
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?

Throw in the Europa, Houston pro, all the guest posings year round, all the appearances, all the photo shoots, all the boothwork at expos!!!!!
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this appearance look alot smaller or soft to you?

They aint getting off.

So you want my opinion....I'll give it to you below

Whats better?

Stay on year round and drive your HPTA into dormancy so fargone that you destroy any chances of having kids, drive your endo testosterone levels so low that you go into andropause at 32 years of age (when you TRY to maybe clean out for a little bit but panic because you feel so g'damn shitty so you go back on)......and if you do get off you disintegrate and muscle mass falls off you like its dead skin?!?!?!


(and ive caught more shit for this over the last decade than anything Ive ever talked about.....but ohhhhh I kind of proved my points over time and it actually DID WORK DIDN'T IT!).....Yes I will be the first to tell you I have a bug up my ass at the arguments i used to get into with this stuff with people telling me I was full of shit below

(sorry rant there) or

Is it better to send intermittent signals to the HPTA so there isnt a gigantic dormancy period?

Trust me on this......intermittent signals is the way to go. Every single one of my former trainee's can, will and/or have kids......including myself. My wife got pregnant in our 2nd month of trying when we decided to have kids and i have yet another one on the way in 2 months.

Now i had these huge huge huge arguments with people online many years back saying sending signals to the HPTA while on or having any tiny bit of outside source of testosterone in your body would do absolutely nothing.

I knew better. And I couldnt prove it until.....


The effects of aging in normal men on bioavailable testosterone and luteinizing hormone secretion: response to clomiphene citrate.

Tenover JS, Matsumoto AM, Plymate SR, Bremner WJ.

Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle, Washington.

Serum testosterone (T) levels in men decline with age while serum LH levels, as measured by RIA, increase. To assess if the decline in serum T levels in healthy aging men is paralleled by an age-related decline in the bioavailable non-sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)-bound fraction of T and to determine whether there are age-related changes in LH secretion or LH control of T production, we studied 29 young (aged 22-35 yr) and 26 elderly (aged 65-84 yr) healthy men. All men had single random blood samples drawn, and 14 men in each age group underwent frequent blood sampling for 24 h, both before and after 7 days of clomiphene citrate (CC) administration. Both mean 24-h serum total T levels and non-SHBG-bound T were reduced in elderly men compared to those in young men (P less than 0.05), while estradiol and SHBG levels were similar in the 2 age groups. Serum FSH determined by RIA and LH by RIA and bioassay were higher in the elderly men compared to those in young men (P less than 0.05), but the ratios of LH bioactivity to immunoreactivity and the LH pulse frequency and amplitude were similar. After CC administration, mean serum total T and non-SHBG-bound levels in young men increased by 100% and 304%, respectively, while in older men these values increased by only 32% and 8%, respectively. However, CC-stimulated LH pulse characteristics and serum levels of estradiol, SHBG, FSH, and bioactive and immunoreactive LH were similar in the 2 groups. Thus, both at baseline and after CC stimulation, elderly men had significantly lower serum total T and non-SHBG-bound (bioavailable) T levels than did young men, despite similar or increased levels of bioactive LH and similar bioactive to immunoreactive LH ratios and LH pulse characteristics. These results suggest that major age-related changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis occur at the level of the testes and are manifested by decreased responsiveness to bioactive LH. Administration of CC to young and elderly men resulted in similar changes in LH pulse characteristics and LH bioactivity and immunoreactivity, suggesting preserved hypothalamic-pituitary responsiveness in the elderly.


Look at the bold=normal healthy men with normal testosterone levels. So there isnt a need for an increase in total T and non-SHBG-bound levels but it happens anyway with the administration of clomid. That told me alot....and I knew i was on the right path with this stuff years ago. So all those people for all these years who have argued vociferously with me that PCT does absolutely nothing if testosterone is present whether endogenous or exogenous, got a big foot in the mouth with this study.

You dont need a total test level of 75 to 180 ng for clomiphene to works regardless....and increased normal testosterone levels above by 100 to 304%.........signals to the HPTA Work!

So let me run thru some of my opinions here on all this and again this all comes down to choices.

1) I believe in 250-500IUS of HCG done 2x a week, done on the day before shots.....and believe this is one of the most important things any bodybuilder can do for himself to keep himself as "normalized as possible"....this is Swales recommendation and kudo's go to his work.....dont credit me in the least on this...because its 100% Swale
2)Clomid is a very hard compound for people to take, it makes alot of guys depressed, anxious and absolutely irritable....want to know what its like for your girlfriend/wife on her period? Thats clomid by 5x. It also works very well if you can hack it (alot of people cant)
3)This is just personal opinion and nothing more than that. I believe Letrozole is just too powerful. You need some estrogen for health reasons. Always remember homeostatis......if you drive your estrogen levels down to nothing, guess where your endo testosterone is going to go. And there is nothing more dangerous in my opinion than having seriously low testosterone levels, especially for endothelial/cardiac health. I would probably pick something like exemestane and use the least amount you can of it for an anti arom.
4) Nolvadex/tamoxifen i go back and forth on opinionwise as an anti est. Ive kind of soured on it again....
a) raises HDL
b) can raise LH, FSH and testosterone in some/most
c) can cause blood clots
d) can cause some retinal damage maybe in some
e) can potentially reduce IGF liberation

(yes Ive started to get to the opinion that steroids and testosterone are pretty safe but its all the ancillary stuff that people are using in large amounts that they think is like pez candy (but are in actuality pretty darn powerful) might be a big culprit in alot of the side effects (especially cardiovascular/lipid/clot wise) we are seeing.

so my opinions would be the following

while on, use the lowest amount of juice you can to make gains so you can always have something to go up to later. Ive seen LATS say this, Ive seen Evan C say this, and ive said this alot of the years......if you do 2 grams of test now when you are 205 pounds......what the hell are you going to have to use when you are 225 pounds and stuck? 4000-5000mg of test a week? What?!?!, till you get past your plateau or have a cardiovascular event?

while on

1) HCG 2x a week
2) if you must use an anti arom...then use exemestane at its lowest dose you can and maybe every 2nd or 3rd day.

always go 4 to 8 (maybe 12 weeks tops if you are still gaining) and then send signals to the HPTA.


If i was someone who rarely or sporadically was I got off i would keep using HCG and exemestane (in the lowest dose possible).....along with clomid if i could hack it either cycled back and forth 2-3 weeks at a time with DAA (very excited by this compound, I think its going to be the one FINALLY EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR) or with DAA concurrently (I dont know on that one...DAA is so new).....until the point I felt somewhat normalized....that might mean 1 month, 2 months, maybe even 3 months....depends on the individual......I would also use the lowest dose of clomid I could in that case also. Its all about getting back to normal endogenous testosterone wise. Getting back to normal solves everything....including longterm muscle mass retainment.
(If more people thought in the terms of "how can i get back to normal as quickly as possible after this cycle to keep all this muscle mass" instead of "how can i get get huge during this cycle, fuck what happens after"......there would be so many more happy and content bodybuilders around.....I digress

If I was someone who used year round, I would do everything in my power to keep my endo test levels as normalized as possible.

Every 4-12 weeks, I would try my best to either get completely off or very low dose testosterone (again depending on the individual and his own personal choices)......and use HCG, clom, exemestane and DAA to the best of my ability for 10 days to 3 weeks before getting back on again or raising the low dose testosterone back up...(but hey my opinion on low dose testosterone seems to be alot different than alot of people in this forum).....I am talking either completely off or pyramiding downward during the 10 days to 21 days or using a very low dose amount (25mg to 50mg every 4th day or so) during the 10 to 21 days......before going back up. Again my opinion of going back up means 500-750mg (maybe 1000mg for the big boys) and not the 2000mg and upwards of testosterone that it seems alot of 220 pounders use in this forum. Thats what I would do if I was using year round.

There I commented on something I didnt want to comment on because I felt I had to....LOL"


  • Getbig V
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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2010, 11:36:19 AM »
Dante was fun to crack on because he took things too serious at times but you can definitely tell the man knows his stuff and does put out great products.


  • Getbig IV
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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #8 on: May 16, 2010, 01:50:17 PM »
Long time no see... used to run into each other once in while, haven't seen him in over a year. is still thriving (putting in an order as we speak), every order I've ever placed shows up in 2 days. Awesome service and constantly expanding product line.

Hope all is good, the products are for sure.

 I know it looks like ass kiss but  thanks to Dante, haven't stepped in a retailer store since 2007. No joke.

gh15 owned him and his camp into another dimension


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #9 on: May 16, 2010, 03:31:46 PM »

gh15 owned him and his camp into another dimension

Haven't seen that one, what happened?


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #10 on: May 16, 2010, 03:32:52 PM »
He came, he melted, he left.


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2010, 04:14:18 PM »

gh15 owned him and his camp into another dimension

He won't recover.



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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #12 on: May 16, 2010, 04:20:43 PM »
Here's a recent post from him:

"Now i have to comment.....on something i dont like to comment about.

I think the worst thing someone can do is be continuously on year round in high amounts......but regardless...a great many of the top competitors and (hell) random Joe Blow gym rats are on year round.

So here is the thing....the decisions you need to make

1) do you want to have kids some day? if the answer is yes, then I would be as sure as hell to send signals to the HPTA at predetermined intervals
2) do you want to be healthy? Im talking hematocrit, kidney health, cardiomyopathy, etc etc etc then you better as sure as hell take being on "year round" into account as it pertains to your health.
3) do you want to suffer muscle tears (low endo testosterone), low sex drive, lethargy, and disintegrate muscle size wise when you do FINALLY GET OFF......then you better sure as hell send signals to the HPTA at predetermined intervals.

Do you want to do one cycle a year and then be clean the rest of the year? Well that changes everything doesnt it? And my "supposed" 'HPTA upregulation whateverthingamajiggy above really wouldnt make sense now would it? Again it drives me absolutely bonkers when things I say get taken out of a context and I have no idea what that context was.

Do you want to do 2 eight week cycles this year and be off the other 36 weeks? Well that changes the whole equation totally also doesnt it?

This is all about personal choices. And when i comment on this stuff its in regarding the personal choice someone has made concerning their own BEING ON usage.

My opinion?

You tell me.......

Some of you guys hit every show as fans.....YOU TELL ME!

February = Ironman Pro bodybuilding championships
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
March = Arnold classic
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
May = NY pro show
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
July = USA championships
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
September = Olympia
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?
November = Nationals
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this show look alot smaller or soft to you?

Throw in the Europa, Houston pro, all the guest posings year round, all the appearances, all the photo shoots, all the boothwork at expos!!!!!
Did any pro's or top ams you saw at this appearance look alot smaller or soft to you?

They aint getting off.

So you want my opinion....I'll give it to you below

Whats better?

Stay on year round and drive your HPTA into dormancy so fargone that you destroy any chances of having kids, drive your endo testosterone levels so low that you go into andropause at 32 years of age (when you TRY to maybe clean out for a little bit but panic because you feel so g'damn shitty so you go back on)......and if you do get off you disintegrate and muscle mass falls off you like its dead skin?!?!?!


(and ive caught more shit for this over the last decade than anything Ive ever talked about.....but ohhhhh I kind of proved my points over time and it actually DID WORK DIDN'T IT!).....Yes I will be the first to tell you I have a bug up my ass at the arguments i used to get into with this stuff with people telling me I was full of shit below

(sorry rant there) or

Is it better to send intermittent signals to the HPTA so there isnt a gigantic dormancy period?

Trust me on this......intermittent signals is the way to go. Every single one of my former trainee's can, will and/or have kids......including myself. My wife got pregnant in our 2nd month of trying when we decided to have kids and i have yet another one on the way in 2 months.

Now i had these huge huge huge arguments with people online many years back saying sending signals to the HPTA while on or having any tiny bit of outside source of testosterone in your body would do absolutely nothing.

I knew better. And I couldnt prove it until.....


The effects of aging in normal men on bioavailable testosterone and luteinizing hormone secretion: response to clomiphene citrate.

Tenover JS, Matsumoto AM, Plymate SR, Bremner WJ.

Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Seattle, Washington.

Serum testosterone (T) levels in men decline with age while serum LH levels, as measured by RIA, increase. To assess if the decline in serum T levels in healthy aging men is paralleled by an age-related decline in the bioavailable non-sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)-bound fraction of T and to determine whether there are age-related changes in LH secretion or LH control of T production, we studied 29 young (aged 22-35 yr) and 26 elderly (aged 65-84 yr) healthy men. All men had single random blood samples drawn, and 14 men in each age group underwent frequent blood sampling for 24 h, both before and after 7 days of clomiphene citrate (CC) administration. Both mean 24-h serum total T levels and non-SHBG-bound T were reduced in elderly men compared to those in young men (P less than 0.05), while estradiol and SHBG levels were similar in the 2 age groups. Serum FSH determined by RIA and LH by RIA and bioassay were higher in the elderly men compared to those in young men (P less than 0.05), but the ratios of LH bioactivity to immunoreactivity and the LH pulse frequency and amplitude were similar. After CC administration, mean serum total T and non-SHBG-bound levels in young men increased by 100% and 304%, respectively, while in older men these values increased by only 32% and 8%, respectively. However, CC-stimulated LH pulse characteristics and serum levels of estradiol, SHBG, FSH, and bioactive and immunoreactive LH were similar in the 2 groups. Thus, both at baseline and after CC stimulation, elderly men had significantly lower serum total T and non-SHBG-bound (bioavailable) T levels than did young men, despite similar or increased levels of bioactive LH and similar bioactive to immunoreactive LH ratios and LH pulse characteristics. These results suggest that major age-related changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis occur at the level of the testes and are manifested by decreased responsiveness to bioactive LH. Administration of CC to young and elderly men resulted in similar changes in LH pulse characteristics and LH bioactivity and immunoreactivity, suggesting preserved hypothalamic-pituitary responsiveness in the elderly.


Look at the bold=normal healthy men with normal testosterone levels. So there isnt a need for an increase in total T and non-SHBG-bound levels but it happens anyway with the administration of clomid. That told me alot....and I knew i was on the right path with this stuff years ago. So all those people for all these years who have argued vociferously with me that PCT does absolutely nothing if testosterone is present whether endogenous or exogenous, got a big foot in the mouth with this study.

You dont need a total test level of 75 to 180 ng for clomiphene to works regardless....and increased normal testosterone levels above by 100 to 304%.........signals to the HPTA Work!

So let me run thru some of my opinions here on all this and again this all comes down to choices.

1) I believe in 250-500IUS of HCG done 2x a week, done on the day before shots.....and believe this is one of the most important things any bodybuilder can do for himself to keep himself as "normalized as possible"....this is Swales recommendation and kudo's go to his work.....dont credit me in the least on this...because its 100% Swale
2)Clomid is a very hard compound for people to take, it makes alot of guys depressed, anxious and absolutely irritable....want to know what its like for your girlfriend/wife on her period? Thats clomid by 5x. It also works very well if you can hack it (alot of people cant)
3)This is just personal opinion and nothing more than that. I believe Letrozole is just too powerful. You need some estrogen for health reasons. Always remember homeostatis......if you drive your estrogen levels down to nothing, guess where your endo testosterone is going to go. And there is nothing more dangerous in my opinion than having seriously low testosterone levels, especially for endothelial/cardiac health. I would probably pick something like exemestane and use the least amount you can of it for an anti arom.
4) Nolvadex/tamoxifen i go back and forth on opinionwise as an anti est. Ive kind of soured on it again....
a) raises HDL
b) can raise LH, FSH and testosterone in some/most
c) can cause blood clots
d) can cause some retinal damage maybe in some
e) can potentially reduce IGF liberation

(yes Ive started to get to the opinion that steroids and testosterone are pretty safe but its all the ancillary stuff that people are using in large amounts that they think is like pez candy (but are in actuality pretty darn powerful) might be a big culprit in alot of the side effects (especially cardiovascular/lipid/clot wise) we are seeing.

so my opinions would be the following

while on, use the lowest amount of juice you can to make gains so you can always have something to go up to later. Ive seen LATS say this, Ive seen Evan C say this, and ive said this alot of the years......if you do 2 grams of test now when you are 205 pounds......what the hell are you going to have to use when you are 225 pounds and stuck? 4000-5000mg of test a week? What?!?!, till you get past your plateau or have a cardiovascular event?

while on

1) HCG 2x a week
2) if you must use an anti arom...then use exemestane at its lowest dose you can and maybe every 2nd or 3rd day.

always go 4 to 8 (maybe 12 weeks tops if you are still gaining) and then send signals to the HPTA.


If i was someone who rarely or sporadically was I got off i would keep using HCG and exemestane (in the lowest dose possible).....along with clomid if i could hack it either cycled back and forth 2-3 weeks at a time with DAA (very excited by this compound, I think its going to be the one FINALLY EVERYONE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR) or with DAA concurrently (I dont know on that one...DAA is so new).....until the point I felt somewhat normalized....that might mean 1 month, 2 months, maybe even 3 months....depends on the individual......I would also use the lowest dose of clomid I could in that case also. Its all about getting back to normal endogenous testosterone wise. Getting back to normal solves everything....including longterm muscle mass retainment.
(If more people thought in the terms of "how can i get back to normal as quickly as possible after this cycle to keep all this muscle mass" instead of "how can i get get huge during this cycle, fuck what happens after"......there would be so many more happy and content bodybuilders around.....I digress

If I was someone who used year round, I would do everything in my power to keep my endo test levels as normalized as possible.

Every 4-12 weeks, I would try my best to either get completely off or very low dose testosterone (again depending on the individual and his own personal choices)......and use HCG, clom, exemestane and DAA to the best of my ability for 10 days to 3 weeks before getting back on again or raising the low dose testosterone back up...(but hey my opinion on low dose testosterone seems to be alot different than alot of people in this forum).....I am talking either completely off or pyramiding downward during the 10 days to 21 days or using a very low dose amount (25mg to 50mg every 4th day or so) during the 10 to 21 days......before going back up. Again my opinion of going back up means 500-750mg (maybe 1000mg for the big boys) and not the 2000mg and upwards of testosterone that it seems alot of 220 pounders use in this forum. Thats what I would do if I was using year round.

There I commented on something I didnt want to comment on because I felt I had to....LOL"
::) this bloated mess of a mentzer plagiariser used to recommend a staying on year round on a minimum of 1g test a week with short periods of 200mg a week  ::)

now he has completely changed his opinion  ::)

how do we know he's correct now ?

cue dante disciples attacking in 3,2,1....
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2010, 12:22:49 AM »
::) this bloated mess of a mentzer plagiariser used to recommend a staying on year round on a minimum of 1g test a week with short periods of 200mg a week  ::)

now he has completely changed his opinion  ::)

how do we know he's correct now ?

cue dante disciples attacking in 3,2,1....

Failed. Dante still rules.

End of the story.


  • Getbig V
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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2010, 03:26:14 PM »
Failed. Dante still rules.

End of the story.

in 5 months thats all you could come up with ?  ::)
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2010, 03:56:15 PM »
::) this bloated mess of a mentzer plagiariser used to recommend a staying on year round on a minimum of 1g test a week with short periods of 200mg a week  ::)

now he has completely changed his opinion  ::)

how do we know he's correct now ?

cue dante disciples attacking in 3,2,1....

Not a Dante disciple (no problem with him, or you, tho) but how do you feel he ripped off Mentzer? If you mean HIT, then wasn't Mentzer ripping off Jones?

I agree Dante's routine is nothing new as far as progressive overload, high intensity etc but he puts it in a nice spoonfed package for the typical low IQ meathead. His style of writing also appeals to uhh... that market. :D I don't think that makes him a plagiarizer though?...


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #16 on: October 04, 2010, 04:00:28 PM »
Not a Dante disciple (no problem with him, or you, tho) but how do you feel he ripped off Mentzer? If you mean HIT, then wasn't Mentzer ripping off Jones?

I agree Dante's routine is nothing new as far as progressive overload, high intensity etc but he puts it in a nice spoonfed package for the typical low IQ meathead. His style of writing also appeals to uhh... that market. :D I don't think that makes him a plagiarizer though?...

without question every single aspect of dc training is taken from mentzer's early writings, apart from 1 thing - the stretches. these were stolen from parillo.

his diet was also stolen from parillo.

i have no problem him re packing it but no pretend he's not stealing anothers work is pretty sad. Although he has admitted he uses parillos ideas recently, maybe he'll do the same with mentzers.
175lbs by 31st July


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #17 on: October 04, 2010, 04:42:35 PM »
without question every single aspect of dc training is taken from mentzer's early writings, apart from 1 thing - the stretches. these were stolen from parillo.

his diet was also stolen from parillo.

i have no problem him re packing it but no pretend he's not stealing anothers work is pretty sad. Although he has admitted he uses parillos ideas recently, maybe he'll do the same with mentzers.

What do you feel he stole, exactly? Isn't his rest-pause pretty different from Mentzer's? I know some people who use DC but never really looked into it.


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #18 on: October 04, 2010, 04:50:12 PM »
Dante is just busy.I know he works with Dusty Hanshaw, David Henry, and numerious athletes, plus runs you guys dont know this or no there is a Whey Protein sortage so I am sure Dante is pulling his hair out right now.I know I am.We pulled out of the Mr Olympia Expo, because of the shortage of Whey protein.
We didnt want to take on any new accounts.Plus we didnt want to be bothered with other companies asking us to sell them protein.I have had atleast 400 calls in the last 2 weeks asking for us to blend or sell other compnaies Whey Protein .I walked through the Mr Olympia expo and got stopped every 5 feet asking me if I had protein to spare, by everybody and there mother including protein bar companies.
The problem is Pepsi and Coke secured, around 500,000 lbs each.One to manufacture Gatoraides product for GNC and the other to Supply China or Japan with a protein drink.Both products dont have that much protein in them, but the volume of protein they bought used all supplies.
So if you normally drink a brand of protein and it didnt upset your stomach or give you gas before, and now it does.It because of the shortage.Some companies are buying anything they can get there hands on.
I stopped taking on ANY private label manufacturing.I turned away some very very big companies.There is just no protein to spare.everytime I get a shipment its gone the next 2-3 days.
Plus the price of Whey has gone up 30%.I am not raising my prices though.I am going to absorb the price increase as long as we can.Even tghough its killing us.I know right now people really dont have the extra money to spend on afford to pay 30% more for protein.I will eventualy have to raise my pricing.But my stores are actually pushing my product because we are the only product line who didnt raise our pricing.The sad truth is we are really not making any profit on protein, we never really did.If you make a good protein Like and us, you make very very little profit, its all based on volume.We sell 50-60,000 lbs of protein per month, but the margins are slim.
Trust me I seen Dantes pricing, and the guy is making very little % per order.But he isnt selling shit!!!
Compnies to beware of Dymatise, Champion,GNC,NOW,Human Developement, Xience,IDS, Nutrabolics,SNI nutrition this products is realy junk!!!)These companies are not reputable and wont make label assay.Companies like Labrada ,trueprotein,Isoprure, AST ,Bioplex,Mass Machine Nutrition,


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2010, 04:59:40 PM »
Dante is just busy.I know he works with Dusty Hanshaw, David Henry, and numerious athletes, plus runs you guys dont know this or no there is a Whey Protein sortage so I am sure Dante is pulling his hair out right now.I know I am.We pulled out of the Mr Olympia Expo, because of the shortage of Whey protein.
We didnt want to take on any new accounts.Plus we didnt want to be bothered with other companies asking us to sell them protein.I have had atleast 400 calls in the last 2 weeks asking for us to blend or sell other compnaies Whey Protein .I walked through the Mr Olympia expo and got stopped every 5 feet asking me if I had protein to spare, by everybody and there mother including protein bar companies.
The problem is Pepsi and Coke secured, around 500,000 lbs each.One to manufacture Gatoraides product for GNC and the other to Supply China or Japan with a protein drink.Both products dont have that much protein in them, but the volume of protein they bought used all supplies.
So if you normally drink a brand of protein and it didnt upset your stomach or give you gas before, and now it does.It because of the shortage.Some companies are buying anything they can get there hands on.
I stopped taking on ANY private label manufacturing.I turned away some very very big companies.There is just no protein to spare.everytime I get a shipment its gone the next 2-3 days.
Plus the price of Whey has gone up 30%.I am not raising my prices though.I am going to absorb the price increase as long as we can.Even tghough its killing us.I know right now people really dont have the extra money to spend on afford to pay 30% more for protein.I will eventualy have to raise my pricing.But my stores are actually pushing my product because we are the only product line who didnt raise our pricing.The sad truth is we are really not making any profit on protein, we never really did.If you make a good protein Like and us, you make very very little profit, its all based on volume.We sell 50-60,000 lbs of protein per month, but the margins are slim.
Trust me I seen Dantes pricing, and the guy is making very little % per order.But he isnt selling shit!!!
Compnies to beware of Dymatise, Champion,GNC,NOW,Human Developement, Xience,IDS, Nutrabolics,SNI nutrition this products is realy junk!!!)These companies are not reputable and wont make label assay.Companies like Labrada ,trueprotein,Isoprure, AST ,Bioplex,Mass Machine Nutrition,

Damn, that sucks that it has not been averted somehow. Thank god for gemma and peptopro.

no one

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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #20 on: October 04, 2010, 09:04:25 PM »

reported for spam.


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2010, 09:19:38 PM »
Dante is just busy.I know he works with Dusty Hanshaw, David Henry, and numerious athletes, plus runs you guys dont know this or no there is a Whey Protein sortage so I am sure Dante is pulling his hair out right now.I know I am.We pulled out of the Mr Olympia Expo, because of the shortage of Whey protein.
We didnt want to take on any new accounts.Plus we didnt want to be bothered with other companies asking us to sell them protein.I have had atleast 400 calls in the last 2 weeks asking for us to blend or sell other compnaies Whey Protein .I walked through the Mr Olympia expo and got stopped every 5 feet asking me if I had protein to spare, by everybody and there mother including protein bar companies.
The problem is Pepsi and Coke secured, around 500,000 lbs each.One to manufacture Gatoraides product for GNC and the other to Supply China or Japan with a protein drink.Both products dont have that much protein in them, but the volume of protein they bought used all supplies.
So if you normally drink a brand of protein and it didnt upset your stomach or give you gas before, and now it does.It because of the shortage.Some companies are buying anything they can get there hands on.
I stopped taking on ANY private label manufacturing.I turned away some very very big companies.There is just no protein to spare.everytime I get a shipment its gone the next 2-3 days.
Plus the price of Whey has gone up 30%.I am not raising my prices though.I am going to absorb the price increase as long as we can.Even tghough its killing us.I know right now people really dont have the extra money to spend on afford to pay 30% more for protein.I will eventualy have to raise my pricing.But my stores are actually pushing my product because we are the only product line who didnt raise our pricing.The sad truth is we are really not making any profit on protein, we never really did.If you make a good protein Like and us, you make very very little profit, its all based on volume.We sell 50-60,000 lbs of protein per month, but the margins are slim.
Trust me I seen Dantes pricing, and the guy is making very little % per order.But he isnt selling shit!!!
Compnies to beware of Dymatise, Champion,GNC,NOW,Human Developement, Xience,IDS, Nutrabolics,SNI nutrition this products is realy junk!!!)These companies are not reputable and wont make label assay.Companies like Labrada ,trueprotein,Isoprure, AST ,Bioplex,Mass Machine Nutrition,
John , I find your posts very hard to follow ? ???

Palpatine Q

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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2010, 11:17:35 PM »
Long winded D-aspartic acid sales pitch  ;)


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #23 on: October 04, 2010, 11:33:22 PM »
i have no problem him re packing it but no pretend he's not stealing anothers work is pretty sad.

You do the same thing - copy & paste studies in which you had no involvement, give your take on it (which is nothing more than an opinion, which everyone has) and then claim 'expert' status, saying you know more than everyone else.

Memorising and parroting other people's work is far less impressive than posting your own findings and conclusions based on first hand experience, which is something you lack. If you do lose weight in a few months, you'll realize at that time that you know and understand things a lot more than what you thought you knew back now, where all you do is simply copy / paste pre-written literature.


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Re: Where's Dante aka "Doggcrap" ?
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2010, 02:22:16 AM »
You do the same thing - copy & paste studies in which you had no involvement, give your take on it (which is nothing more than an opinion, which everyone has) and then claim 'expert' status, saying you know more than everyone else.

Memorising and parroting other people's work is far less impressive than posting your own findings and conclusions based on first hand experience, which is something you lack. If you do lose weight in a few months, you'll realize at that time that you know and understand things a lot more than what you thought you knew back now, where all you do is simply copy / paste pre-written literature.
??? how is studying scientific studies, telling everyone about them and trying to use them myself the same as what dc is doing ?

are you a fucking imbecile ?

if i said i designed and ran the studies myself and discovered the findings that would be the same. it is nothing like what dc is doing.
175lbs by 31st July