Author Topic: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list  (Read 113021 times)


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #25 on: January 03, 2011, 03:06:22 AM »
You really honestly would base your decision on what drugs to buy and inject into your body on the words of an anonymous poster on Are you being facetious? I really hope so.

Anonymous? Are you kidding me? I've read every single one of his 5000+ posts over the course of five years. I know him better than I knew that 60 old Korean man that I sat in the same room and worked and talk with for over 12 years while at Raytheon Missile Systems when I live in Cali. I listen for years to some radio talk show guy whose name wasn't even his real name and never knew what he looked like -- but I knew him. I knew because I listened to him tell me what he believes for year after year. If someone supported Reagan that tells me something. It tells me a lot how someone feels about Israel, the only democratic country in the region that allows Muslims to live, work and serve in politics peaceably, and whose only crime is they want to live in 1/10th of 1% of the land mass in that region, and want to survive as a people because even if they all moved out they still would be targets of death.  

When I first read the works of Arthur Jones I thought he was a genius. I still do. The fundamental principles he promoted made so much sense to me. I had no idea what he looked like and what name he called himself was irrelevant to me. Like most here when I first read gh15 I thought he was a crazy person. I read him because he amused me. But as time went on he gained more and more credibility. Why? Because what he says makes sense. A lot of what he says about the bodybuilders you actually knew yourself but never admitted it. Never clarified the thought in your own head. I remember that it was Mike Mentzer who first openly admitted about taking steroids and talked about it in the magazines. He said he took 200mgs of Deca a week and 3 dbols a day. That dose stuck in my head. He didn't have to admit anything but there he was talking about it openly. It never in my wildest imagination ever dawned on me that he would lie.

Who else are we suppose to listen to? Read the boards and hear that this source or this product is gtg but when someone says no they were scammed or ripped off their posts suddenly disappears and you see "banned" under their name. What HGH do you recommend and why? While researching HGH I googled Red Tops and get all these opinions on the boards of people who use them. Overwhelmingly they're positive. I become concern when one "HGH guru" starts bashing them. Says there is no vacuum seal and that means it's cheaply made. Says, riptropins are the ones to get. Then come to find out the guy has an agenda. A vested interest in rips. Maybe gh15 sells Thanks and that's why he promotes them. But now that Kigs has come out he says those are better. So what, he now sells Kigs and to forget about Thanks? For someone like me that doesn't know jack and never heard there was even such a thing as blue tops, black tops, yellow tops, green tops and pink tops what am I supposed to do? Ask a mod at ProMus or Outlaw? LOL! Maybe I'll listen to Lewellyen but his book comes out once a year and things already change by the time it comes out in print.

Every time you pick up a book and read about weight training, what brand of 9mm has the most stopping power, what role did Judaism play in the development of ethical monotheism, dark matter, reptilian hybrids.... who are these people to you? What because they are a professor or a doctor? Professor Singer at Princeton University feels you should  kill disabled infants and you should be about to kill, or abort(?) your baby up to 3 months after it is born. He's a professor at a prestigious university and is surely smarter than I am. Should I listen and believe him? Does that make moral sense to me? How is it that Arnold at his peak was 6'2" 235 lbs and was head and tails above the pack and now we have guys 5'10" leaner at 270lbs? Better training and nutrition? Does that make sense?

We all know more or less what kind of person disturbia is. It doesn't matter what his name is or what he looks like. We have a pretty good idea what kind of person True Adonis is. And Coach, and NoWorries, and Salvatore, and Muscle Center, and Kyomo, and Sev, and Parker, and NewMom and, and, and... After you read hundreds, if not thousands, of posts over a period of years you get a bit of a handle of a person. If Ursus says something I'll tend to believe him because he strikes me as an honest, decent person. Anything suckymuscle says I'll view with suspicion. That guy has no credibility with me.    

These are not anonymous strangers.  


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #26 on: January 03, 2011, 03:14:33 AM »
haha pellius be careful you might own vince into the grave / oblivion.


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2011, 03:19:58 AM »
You think I am going to debate medical matters with anonymous jokers on the internet? No thanks. Knuckleheads are overrunning the internet. They have a voice and it is now a dangerous place.

I get my information from university textbooks and scientific studies, not internet gurus and gods. What a joke.

Pellius had poor information about protein so was using excess for his energy needs and still couldn't gain muscle. Now what? Growth hormone? That is sad to see someone who isn't a dope capitulating like this.

Shake your head, Pellius, before it is too late.

I've read studies about the benefits of HRT and have experienced it myself. I have read studies on the benefits of HGH and it makes sense to me. I watched a program where one of the definitions of aging is your body losing the ability to repair itself and one of the reasons is drastically reduced HGH production which is the main hormone your body uses to repair and regenerate itself.

You recommend 20-50 grams of protein per day. Where did you come up with that? You believe that a person at any age can still gain muscle and that training will produce sufficient HGH and testosterone to allow this. How do you know this?  Where's the study that proves that?

Aging Muscles: 'Hard To Build, Easy To Lose'

As Good As It Gets: Octogenarian Muscles Don't Get Stronger With Exercise, Study Finds

Protein Requirements for Athletes


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2011, 03:38:12 AM »
When I had to go off testosterone even though I continued to train and diet was the same I slowly started losing what little muscle mass I had and started smoothing out. I look at one of my relatives who most resembles me and have very similar builds ever since we were kids and I compare myself to him. He doesn't weight train and is in his forties. He's 6 ft 160 lbs maybe about 15%. Looks skinny in clothes but has a bit of a roll around the belly. I'm a bit over 6'1, 6'1.5" to be exact and using gh15's 7lbs per inch rule that would put me at around 170 lbs 15%. People here like to make fun of me and my bloated belly. True, by bodybuilding and GetBig standards I'm no Salvatore. But in the real world, which to me matters a bit more than GetBig, nobody has ever commented on my bloated belly. They comment on my big ears, the tear on my right calf, how veiny I am, and that I have the kind of face they want to punch. But not my belly. In the real world it's really not that bad for an old, decrepit, grandpa barely clinging to life. And it simply would not be possible without some Watson testosterona. That was proven to me. But I only have one life to live and how I experience life and the things that I do that give it meaning, satisfaction and enjoyment depends a lot of being healthy and in good physical shape. So for me it's worth it. But we all have our cross to bear in life and for me it's my big stomach. Poor me. Life is so cruel and unfair. Why Jesus? Why?

Vince B

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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2011, 03:43:07 AM »
In the old days we didn't have bodybuilding experts. The guys who got big figured things out and kept that information to themselves. The magazines were written by staff hacks who didn't know much about bodybuilding. Ironman published plenty of authors but few with any credentials that I respected. Occasionally someone would come out of the woodwork with a new theory.

Arthur Jones was a genius. When you read what he wrote it makes sense. He did get results with Sergio so that surprised everyone. I personally think his high intensity training misses the mark. Completely. Volume plus intensity gets the job done. It really is as simple as that. So making sense is not enough. You need to know the correct and complete theory of hypertrophy. It will explain all growth and non-growth from serious training.

If you get old men to train doing plenty of sets with a maximum resistance you will see growth. Well, as long as they have enough nutrients.

You probably need 25 grams of protein a day. If you are not growing muscle maybe even less. That is the reality and has been known for decades.

You keep wondering who to believe. Do I have to point it out? Believe absolutely no one re bodybuilding. Study exercise science and nutrition so that you will be able to separate the kernels of knowledge from the crap you read on discussion boards. gh15 is not an authority. Anyone who believes this is simpleminded. That is okay, you join the unwashed knuckleheads known as the Flotsam! If you think that consensus is the test of truth they you have abandoned rational thought and become an internet believer in nonsense.


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #30 on: January 03, 2011, 03:48:08 AM »
In the old days we didn't have bodybuilding experts. The guys who got big figured things out and kept that information to themselves. The magazines were written by staff hacks who didn't know much about bodybuilding. Ironman published plenty of authors but few with any credentials that I respected. Occasionally someone would come out of the woodwork with a new theory.

Arthur Jones was a genius. When you read what he wrote it makes sense. He did get results with Sergio so that surprised everyone. I personally think his high intensity training misses the mark. Completely. Volume plus intensity gets the job done. It really is as simple as that. So making sense is not enough. You need to know the correct and complete theory of hypertrophy. It will explain all growth and non-growth from serious training.

If you get old men to train doing plenty of sets with a maximum resistance you will see growth. Well, as long as they have enough nutrients.

You probably need 25 grams of protein a day. If you are not growing muscle maybe even less. That is the reality and has been known for decades.

You keep wondering who to believe. Do I have to point it out? Believe absolutely no one re bodybuilding. Study exercise science and nutrition so that you will be able to separate the kernels of knowledge from the crap you read on discussion boards. gh15 is not an authority. Anyone who believes this is simpleminded. That is okay, you join the unwashed knuckleheads known as the Flotsam! If you think that consensus is the test of truth they you have abandoned rational thought and become an internet believer in nonsense.

25grms of protein a day ? is that a typo ?


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #31 on: January 03, 2011, 03:51:36 AM »
pellius do you have good posture?  i noticed a huge difference in abdominal bloat by correcting tilting my pelvis back into the correct position.


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #32 on: January 03, 2011, 03:53:40 AM »
25grms of protein a day ? is that a typo ?

Yes, he meant to say 2,5 grams of protein a day!


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #33 on: January 03, 2011, 03:57:39 AM »
In the old days we didn't have bodybuilding experts. The guys who got big figured things out and kept that information to themselves. The magazines were written by staff hacks who didn't know much about bodybuilding. Ironman published plenty of authors but few with any credentials that I respected. Occasionally someone would come out of the woodwork with a new theory.

Arthur Jones was a genius. When you read what he wrote it makes sense. He did get results with Sergio so that surprised everyone. I personally think his high intensity training misses the mark. Completely. Volume plus intensity gets the job done. It really is as simple as that. So making sense is not enough. You need to know the correct and complete theory of hypertrophy. It will explain all growth and non-growth from serious training.

If you get old men to train doing plenty of sets with a maximum resistance you will see growth. Well, as long as they have enough nutrients.

You probably need 25 grams of protein a day. If you are not growing muscle maybe even less. That is the reality and has been known for decades.

You keep wondering who to believe. Do I have to point it out? Believe absolutely no one re bodybuilding. Study exercise science and nutrition so that you will be able to separate the kernels of knowledge from the crap you read on discussion boards. gh15 is not an authority. Anyone who believes this is simpleminded. That is okay, you join the unwashed knuckleheads known as the Flotsam! If you think that consensus is the test of truth they you have abandoned rational thought and become an internet believer in nonsense.

Please post a study proving this. I've posted studies that show this not to be true. And compared to other 50 year olds I am in tremendous shape. You are not really that much older than Stallone but the difference in physical condition and appearance are light years apart. Why have you not put your own theories, beliefs, perceived facts to the test?

And in all your studies and research is there any information that you can share that will help someone procure legit HGH?


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #34 on: January 03, 2011, 04:06:17 AM »
. If someone supported Reagan that tells me something. It tells me a lot how someone feels about Israel, the only democratic country in the region that allows Muslims to live, work and serve in politics peaceably, and whose only crime is they want to live in 1/10th of 1% of the land mass in that region, and want to survive as a people because even if they all moved out they still would be targets of death.

I agree with you.

I can immediately tell that you are a complete idiot when I read the above- no need to meet you

by the way when u talk of 1/10th of 1% of the land mass in that region, what region is that, dumbass??

It must be pretty big since something 1000x bigger than current day Israel, which would be 8,522 sq mi X 1000= 8.5 milion sq miles,  is more than the area of the US+Canada +Mexico.

I hope if someone decides to evict you from the hole you call home with the same argument, after all it is only 1/gazillionth of the US land mass- surely you will be ok with leaving right??


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #35 on: January 03, 2011, 04:12:27 AM »
pellius do you have good posture?  i noticed a huge difference in abdominal bloat by correcting tilting my pelvis back into the correct position.

In addition to the umbilical hernia I also have something called "Sway Back." An exaggerated curvature of the spine that pushes your shoulders back and pushes your chest and gut out. This would be an example when I stand for a while relaxed. My shoulders start to go back and I start leaning backwards. It's usually in this position I start to unconsciously rub my belly like you would a genie in a bottle. I guess since it's sticking so much out there that it just seems like the natural thing to do. Hey, we can't all be perfect.


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #36 on: January 03, 2011, 04:15:05 AM »
I agree with you.

I can immediately tell that you are a complete idiot when I read the above- no need to meet you

by the way when u talk of 1/10th of 1% of the land mass in that region, what region is that, dumbass??

It must be pretty big since something 1000x bigger than current day Israel, which would be 8,522 sq mi X 1000= 8.5 milion sq miles,  is more than the area of the US+Canada +Mexico.

I hope if someone decides to evict you from the hole you call home with the same argument, after all it is only 1/gazillionth of the US land mass- surely you will be ok with leaving right??

Ah, I knew I'd get at least one anti-semite to rear their ugly head.

Vince B

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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #37 on: January 03, 2011, 04:16:34 AM »
We all do things according to what interests us and what is important to us. I am not motivated to look lean. I still carry reasonable mass and look better than most men my age. I am active and do hiking to take photos. It is all good. Calves still big and I don't train them.

I can't believe that people expect free information from people like myself whose profession is assisting others to modify body composition. Most of you people wouldn't know sense from nonsense and good advice from rubbish. It is a complete waste of my time to try to influence the people on Getbig.


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #38 on: January 03, 2011, 04:18:42 AM »
We all do things according to what interests us and what is important to us. I am not motivated to look lean. I still carry reasonable mass and look better than most men my age. I am active and do hiking to take photos. It is all good. Calves still big and I don't train them.

I can't believe that people expect free information from people like myself whose profession is assisting others to modify body composition. Most of you people wouldn't know sense from nonsense and good advice from rubbish. It is a complete waste of my time to try to influence the people on Getbig.

OK, so you have no studies to support your claims but just your opinion which you are unable or unwilling to back up and put to the test.

Schmoe Buster

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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #39 on: January 03, 2011, 04:20:50 AM »
We all do things according to what interests us and what is important to us. I am not motivated to look lean. I still carry reasonable mass and look better than most men my age. I am active and do hiking to take photos. It is all good. Calves still big and I don't train them.

I can't believe that people expect free information from people like myself whose profession is assisting others to modify body composition. Most of you people wouldn't know sense from nonsense and good advice from rubbish. It is a complete waste of my time to try to influence the people on Getbig.

Those 2 words sum up 90% of your posts
Thunderdome approved


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #40 on: January 03, 2011, 04:27:44 AM »
Ah, I knew I'd get at least one anti-semite to rear their ugly head.

anti-semite  :) :)

is this a conditioned reflex (pavlov dog like) of yours ,ie do u believe it??  or have you been instructed in the sophisticated (lol) arts of how to discuss israel/palestine politics

sure son, unless one shares whatever opinions and  non-factual based  reality you may have about this subject is an anti-semite.

I fucking hate semites i.e jews, arabs, canaanites, phoenicians,etc (you realise arabs are also semites right??)

seems that the HGH does not act on the brain- or you should change suppliers


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #41 on: January 03, 2011, 04:30:09 AM »
Pellius,you look great brother.

Basile,after becoming the national champion of Canada, and then spouting that 25 grams of protein is all that`s required to build muscle,how in hell did you win the contest?

If you only ingested 25 grams per day and absorbed and assimilated it all to build or retain mass,then you sir have the genetics of a god! 


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #42 on: January 03, 2011, 04:43:19 AM »
In addition to the umbilical hernia I also have something called "Sway Back." An exaggerated curvature of the spine that pushes your shoulders back and pushes your chest and gut out. This would be an example when I stand for a while relaxed. My shoulders start to go back and I start leaning backwards. It's usually in this position I start to unconsciously rub my belly like you would a genie in a bottle. I guess since it's sticking so much out there that it just seems like the natural thing to do. Hey, we can't all be perfect.

Sway-back ???

what you have is paluboism- i.e. your are so full of shit your abdomen over-expands and your empty skull is left behind.

GH is a helluva drug


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #43 on: January 03, 2011, 04:51:01 AM »
anti-semite  :) :)

is this a conditioned reflex (pavlov dog like) of yours ,ie do u believe it??  or have you been instructed in the sophisticated (lol) arts of how to discuss israel/palestine politics

sure son, unless one shares whatever opinions and  non-factual based  reality you may have about this subject is an anti-semite.

I fucking hate semites i.e jews, arabs, canaanites, phoenicians,etc (you realise arabs are also semites right??)

seems that the HGH does not act on the brain- or you should change suppliers

Haven't started the HGH yet. Still mulling it over.

Props on the hate. At least you confirmed my anti-semite claim. And it is a conditioned reflex. When someone says they hate semites like Pavlov's dog I brand them an anti-semite. No thought needed or required.


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #44 on: January 03, 2011, 04:52:16 AM »
Pellius,you look great brother.

Basile,after becoming the national champion of Canada, and then spouting that 25 grams of protein is all that`s required to build muscle,how in hell did you win the contest?

If you only ingested 25 grams per day and absorbed and assimilated it all to build or retain mass,then you sir have the genetics of a god! 

You forgot to say "for a 50 year old."


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #45 on: January 03, 2011, 04:53:56 AM »
Sway-back ???

what you have is paluboism- i.e. your are so full of shit your abdomen over-expands and your empty skull is left behind.

GH is a helluva drug

And will we be seeing what kind of shape you're in. I have a feeling not anytime soon.

Must suck to be you.



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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #46 on: January 03, 2011, 04:56:35 AM »
'thank you' Vince & Pellius for destroying this thread. It it so hard to start a new one  ???


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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #47 on: January 03, 2011, 04:58:45 AM »
You forgot to say "for a 50 year old."



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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #48 on: January 03, 2011, 05:08:45 AM »
'thank you' Vince & Pellius for destroying this thread. It it so hard to start a new one  ???

Red Hook

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Re: gh15 CURRENTLY approved hgh list
« Reply #49 on: January 03, 2011, 05:23:59 AM »
Vince, with all of your knowledge, old school know how, specially crafted purple equipment, scientific research data why is it that you are not producing bodybuilders? Why is it that no one is lining up for your advice? Why is it that not one single person that you have trained can come forward?

Yes, yes, the kids of today won't listen. ::)