Author Topic: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread  (Read 45193 times)

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #75 on: April 21, 2011, 05:52:49 AM »

33, do you have a problem with politicians having these dinner for $tens of thousands for a 'seat at the table'?

Cause you're pissed obama is doing it - yet I don't see you complaining when repubs do it ???

Everyone does it.  The 2012 winner will raise 600 mil to $1 bil.   They aren't going to be finding that kinda $ in the seats of their couch.  Since both parties do it - there's nothing to bitch about.  Ron Paul will be doing this if he wins the nod - which probably won't happen cause you'll vote for a lib in the primaries...

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #76 on: April 21, 2011, 06:07:38 AM »
Its the hypocrisy stupid.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #77 on: April 21, 2011, 06:13:37 AM »
Its the hypocrisy stupid.

????  how so?  Has obama ever criticized the repubs for holding fundraising dinners?

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #78 on: April 21, 2011, 06:21:42 AM »
No.  Its bama and his sycophants always screaming about the evil rich, gop as party of the rich, bama claiming he is for the little guy and middle class, bama bullshitting the tax and deficit issues, bama screaming about citizens united, etc.

Not that this matters to you considering you want jeb for potus but also believe his family has forewarning or worse on 911.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #79 on: April 21, 2011, 06:24:34 AM »
No.  Its bama and his sycophants always screaming about the evil rich, gop as party of the rich, bama claiming he is for the little guy and middle class, bama bullshitting the tax and deficit issues, bama screaming about citizens united, etc.

Not that this matters to you considering you want jeb for potus but also believe his family has forewarning or worse on 911.

Sure, you can't separate the moral from the utilitarian aspects of things.  it's cool.  i was emotionally immature like that in the past.  "how could anyone let a 911 happen".... in the bigger scheme, 100 years from now when those dozens of bases in afghanistan are holding shit down in energy wars against RUS, CHINA, and whoever else... well, people will look at cheney and friends like heroes for 'letting' a 911 happen.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #80 on: April 21, 2011, 06:40:12 AM »
You are really nuts.


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Re: Official Barack Obama Appreciation & Re-Election Thread
« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2011, 06:40:54 AM »


LOL!! What a bunch of retards. Some people are so gullable it's a wonder they havent been robbed of everything they own yet. Actually maybe they have been and thats why they want Obama to pay for thier gas and mortgage, etc.. now.


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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #82 on: April 21, 2011, 06:48:55 AM »
White House fears gas prices could tank Obama
LA TIMES | 04/06/11 | Peter Nicholas

For much of President Obama's term, White House aides were convinced the main barrier to his reelection was the worrisome unemployment rate. But even as the economy bounces back, a new political obstacle has emerged: rising gas prices.

What drugs is this person smoking? I swear, there is no hope for America, none at all. There's just too heavy a weight around the ankle of intelligence to make any meaningful change. The public will be screaming for help from the same idiots that put them on the street. These folks really need to take a long hike.

I stand corrected, McDonalds is hiring  50,000 new employees. Lets hear it for progress. woohoo.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #83 on: April 21, 2011, 07:03:57 AM »
You are really nuts.

and you're trapped in the good vs. evil mindset sold to us in mother goose books.

any world leader would trade 3000 lives for 100 military bases in oil rich nations with strategic defense lines against RUS and CHI.   

you can pretend otherwise if it makes you sleep better at night.  you wear your moral goggles but don't realize some people wear utilitarian glasses.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #84 on: April 21, 2011, 10:03:26 AM »
Obama's Likability Gap - Obama today is different than the 2008 candidate.
Wall Street Journal ^ | 4/21/11 | DANIEL HENNINGER

If it is true, as Michelle Obama said in February, that her husband isn't smoking anymore, maybe he'd better start mellowing out with the cigs again before it costs him the presidency.

The Barack Obama we've been seeing lately is a different personality than the one that made a miracle run to the White House in 2008.

Obama.2008 was engaging, patient, open, optimistic and a self-identified conciliator.

Obama.2011 has been something else—testy, petulant, impatient, arrogant and increasingly a divider.

Never forget: That historic 2008 victory came with 52.9% of the total vote and 52% of independent voters. David Axelrod recently noted "how small the margin for error is."

Presidential personality is well inside the margin of error for 2012, but the one on display recently has not been attractive. And it's happening a lot.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #85 on: April 21, 2011, 10:26:20 AM »
Politics from the Nation's Capital Obama: Mistakes? Can't think of any.
TAGS: Barack ObamafacebookGeorge W. Bush
Comments (0) Share Print By: Byron York 04/20/11 11:34 PM
Chief Political Correspondent Follow Him @ByronYork

. Seven years ago, in April 2004, President George W. Bush held a formal news conference in which he was asked, "What would your biggest mistake be…and what lessons have you learned from it?"  Bush's hemming and hawing answer -- in several minutes of flailing about, he never managed to come up with a single mistake to cite -- was widely criticized in the days that followed.

On Wednesday, President Obama held a town hall at the headquarters of Facebook in Palo Alto, California, during which he was asked, "If you had to do anything differently during your first four years, what would it be?"  Obama, it turns out, is no better at analyzing his own missteps than Bush.

The president began his response haltingly, pointing out that he has actually been in office just two and a half years, and "I'm sure I'll make more mistakes in the next year and a half."  But what mistakes has he already made? "There are all sorts of day-to-day issues where I say to myself, oh, I didn't say that right, or I didn't explain this clearly enough," Obama said, "or maybe if I had sequenced this plan first as opposed to that one, maybe it would have gotten done quicker."

But the president mentioned no actual mistakes. Next, he brought up the health care battle, not to admit error but to praise the work of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in pushing the national health care bill through Congress.  The fight got pretty complicated, Obama said, "and I've asked myself sometimes is there a way that we could have gotten it done more quickly and in a way that the American people wouldn’t have been so frustrated by it?"  Was that possibly a mistake?  Obama quickly excused himself.  "I’m not sure I could have because there’s a reason why it hadn’t gotten done in a hundred years," the president explained.  "It's hard to fix a system as big as health care and as complicated as our health care system."  After a good bit of talking, Obama still had not mentioned any mistake or anything he would do differently.

At that point, Obama decided to steer away from the subject of mistakes altogether.  "I think the best way to answer the question is what do I feel I still have to get done," he said.  He briefly mentioned the deficit and immigration reform.

And then it was on to energy.  "We haven’t talked a lot about energy today," Obama said, "but first of all, $4-a-gallon gas really hurts a lot of people around this country…"  With that, Obama began a long discussion of gas mileage, solar energy, wind energy, biofuels, clear car technology, the federal auto fleet, electric cars, hybrids, fuel-efficiency standards, oil production, and more.  After that it was the big oil companies.  They shouldn't receive government subsidies, Obama said, nor should they get special tax breaks.

"So when it comes to energy," said Obama, summing up, "when it comes to immigration, when it comes to getting our deficit under control in a balanced and smart way, when it comes to improving our math and science education, when it comes to reinvesting in our infrastructure, we’ve just got a lot more work to do."

By then, it was hard to remember that Obama's long and rambling answer was in response to the question, "If you had to do anything differently during your first four years, what would it be?"  Obama's answer, even with all its twists and turns, was smoother than Bush's had been seven years earlier.  But in substance it was no different.

Read more at the Washington Examiner:

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #86 on: April 21, 2011, 10:30:58 AM »
A bad time for Obama’s approval dip
By Sam Youngman - 04/20/11 06:25 AM ET

President Obama’s approval ratings are plummeting, and the timing is terrible for the White House.

Even as Obama skewered Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and the House GOP budget plan, his approval rating dipped in a Gallup poll to 41 percent, the lowest number yet of his presidency.

A Washington Post/ABC News poll released Tuesday shows Obama at 47 percent, down seven points since January.

Worse yet for the White House, Gallup shows the president in a nosedive with independents, who are coveted by the Obama-Biden 2012 campaign.

From April 12-14, independents’ approval of Obama fell to 35 percent, 9 percentage points off his average for the year, according to Gallup.

Rising gas prices are no doubt a problem for the White House, and may be a main factor in the plummeting poll numbers. The higher gas prices generally rise, the lower a president’s approval ratings tend to be.

Still, it is disconcerting for the White House and Obama’s new campaign operation in Chicago to see falling poll numbers just after the president launched his reelection campaign with a strategy of focusing on the economy and the contrasting economic visions of the president and the GOP.

White House officials insist they are focused on the long run and do not put much stock in short-term polls. With time, officials say, the arguments Obama is laying out will work to his advantage.

But there are trends at play that should give even a long-ball player like Obama political adviser David Plouffe some concern.

The White House has repeatedly angered its liberal base by seeking compromise with Republicans, increasing the importance for Obama of attracting independent voters next year.

If anything, the deal to avert the government shutdown should have helped Obama with that bloc. Instead, polling showed that the president didn’t get noticeable credit or blame.

The trouble started, according to the polls, when Obama went nuclear on Ryan and the GOP, inviting them to a speech on fiscal policy that turned out to be a public kick in the pants.

While White House advisers pushed back hard on the idea that Obama was giving a campaign speech, a subsequent campaign email from Obama campaign chief Jim Messina that night and Obama’s incorporation of the theme into campaign events in Chicago seemed to put that point to rest.

The concern for the White House is that voters don’t like their president to be acting like a candidate when they want him focused on the economy.

With just a few days of hindsight, it’s not difficult to imagine that Obama’s advisers saw the Ryan plan, and particularly its proposed reforms to Medicare, as a political gift. The White House could not resist the temptation to go for a knockout punch.

In swinging for the knockout, the president might have gone too far.

Despite the ever-present acrimony in Washington, Obama generally gets credit from independents for trying to change the tone in Washington. By pulling out the big guns on Ryan, Obama might have holstered one of his most valuable traits.

Democratic strategists, hopeful that the downward polls are the result of rising gas prices, say that Obama is taking a “calculated risk” in trying to rally his liberal base with some good old-fashioned partisan warfare.

“Right now he needs to fire up his base and get the grassroots operation and fundraising into gear,” said one Democratic strategist. “There is time to come back to independents — particularly since the GOP has lost its way so badly and Trump could be their nominee.”

Democrats believe that every day real estate mogul Donald Trump is appearing in living rooms around the country as a possible GOP presidential candidate, the more Obama looks like a serious, sober-minded president focused on issues people care about.

Lara Brown, a political science professor at Villanova University, said she agrees that Obama used last week’s speech as an effort to bring Democrats in line.

“His partisan budget speech last Wednesday may help restore some of his support among Democrats and begin the process of rallying his base in advance of the 2012 election,” Brown said.

On the other hand, Monday’s decision by Standard & Poor’s to downgrade its outlook on U.S. debt is bad news for the president’s efforts to attract independents, Brown said.

With that announcement, “it would not be surprising to see the president’s support continue to fall among independents who for the past year have seemed nearly as concerned about the nation’s fiscal future as bond traders,” she said.

Youngman is the White House correspondent for The Hill. Find his column, Obama’s Bid for Reelection, on

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #87 on: April 21, 2011, 11:27:56 AM »

Protesters hit high-end Obama fundraiser...
Thurs April 21 2011 12:52:09 EDT

Subject: Pool report #1

San Francisco -- ***Protestors in high-end fundraiser - see below***

Motorcade left the Intercontinental Hotel at 9 am local and arrived at the St. Regis for President Obama's last Bay area fundraiser. A couple dozen demonstrators are on a corner across the street from the hotel. They have signs - "Yes We Cannabis" and "Protect Marijuana Patients Rights" - and are chanting something your pooler couldn't make out. One of them also has sign of Uncle Sam's face with "LIAR" written on his hat.

About 200 donors were at the breakfast fundraiser, per a Democratic official.Your pooler counted 15 tables with 10 chairs each, however, and not all tables were full, including one in the back where Valerie Jarrett, Jay Carney and Patrick Gaspard sat with two other people. Tickets are $35,800 each. The money goes to The Victory Fund, a joint account of the Obama campaign and the DNC. $5,000 goes to the campaign, and $30,800 goes to DNC.

POTUS was introduced by Nancy Pelosi. "We can thank him for bringing hope where there was despair for some," Ms. Pelosi said. POTUS, she said, was a job creator from the start."His reelection is absolutely essential to our country's future," Ms. Pelosi said. POTUS spoke with a handheld mic. "I'll admit I sort of slept in," POTUS said.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Lt Gov. Gavin Newsom was seated front, former Mayor Willie Brown, "no matter how hard I try, Willie is still better dressed than me - although I'm still getting used to the no mustache thing." POTUS called Ms. Pelosi one of the greatest speakers in history. He started to launch into his stump speech when Ms. Pelosi interrupted to say Gov. Jerry Brown had been there.

Mr. Obama was in the middle of his remarks when a woman in a white suit stood up and said, Mr. President we wrote you a song. POTUS tried to get her to wait until later, but she persisted and the table of 10 broke into a song that pointed out they'd just spent $5,000 donating to his campaign and went on to protest the treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning. The woman stayed standing as they sang. Mr. Obama looked to Ms. Pelosi and asked, Nancy did you do this? Ms. Pelosi had a look on her face, as she stared at the singing group, that definitely said she did not. The song - will send quotes after transcribe - talked about Bradley Manning and how he is "alone in a cell..."

The 10 singers then passed around 8.5x11 signs that said "Free Bradley Manning" or had a photo of him.Then the woman in the white suit stripped off her jacket to reveal a black T-shirt that said Free Bradley Manning, with an image of him. "We paid our dues. Where's our change?" they sang. USSS and WH staff had moved near the table at this point. The woman was escorted out. Two others left on their own. (The rest stayed and applauded at the end of POTUS's speech.)

"That was a nice song," a displeased Mr. Obama said. "Now where was I?" POTUS asked. As was indicated by that song, "Over the last 2 and a half years, change turned out to be tougher than we expected," POTUS said.

Subject: Pool report #1a - song lyrics

Here it is:

Dear Mr. President we honor you today sir
Each of us brought you $5,000
It takes a lot of Benjamins to run a campaign
I paid my dues, where's our change?
We'll vote for you in 2012, yes that's true
Look at the Republicans - what else can we do
Even though we don't know if we'll retain our liberties
In what you seem content to call a free society
Yes it's true that Terry Jones is legally free
To burn a people's holy book in shameful effigy
But at another location in this country
Alone in a 6x12 cell sits Bradley
23 hours a day is night
The 5th and 8th Amendments say this kind of thing ain't right
We paid our dues, where's our change?

One of the singers gave your pooler the lyrics, written out on the back of the menu for the fundraiser. It includes the website

Also, on POTUS - your pooler would say he took the song in stride and at first he didn't seem to realize it was a protest song.

In other news, the menu included scrambled organic Petaluma farmed eggs, chicked apple sausages, organic fingerling potatoes; fruit and berries; miniature danishes and Matzo crackers. Motorcade is rolling to the airport at 10 am local.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Appreciation & Re-Election Thread
« Reply #88 on: April 21, 2011, 12:33:28 PM »


These are the kinds of ads he will have to run.  Very little of him (or just soundbites from speeches).  Nothing about his accomplishments.  Just vague references that have an emotional appeal.

He can't run on his record.   

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #89 on: April 22, 2011, 05:54:03 AM »

If only they threw shoes at his ass.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #90 on: April 22, 2011, 10:19:12 AM »
Obama speaks to the stars; Tom Hanks suggests 'five and a half more years'
The Hill ^ | April 22, 2011 | Jordan Fabian

________________________ ________________________ ______

President Obama asked for support Thursday from a small Los Angeles audience dotted with Hollywood stars.

Speaking in a tiny room of the Italian restaurant Tavern to a an audience of 60 that included Steven Spielberg, Will Ferrell, Tom Hanks and George Clooney, Obama said he understood frustration with his compromises with centrist Democrats and Republicans on healthcare, ending the Bush tax rates for the wealthy and other issues.

Over the past two and a half years, Obama said, he was sure there were times "where you're reading the papers or you're watching TV and you're saying, 'Ah, Obama, you know, why's he compromising with the Republicans?' Or 'Aw, why did healthcare take so long? and I want single-payer plan anyway.' "

The president then joked: " 'Golly, you know, if he was just as good a communicator as George Clooney, I'm sure the American people would understand exactly what needs to be done.' "

The remark cracked the room of donors up, according to a White House pool report.

Obama, who returns to Washington from California on Friday, has held a series of fundraisers in the Golden State over the past two days as he completes a week of barnstorming across the country that foreshadows the presidential campaign.

The president has spoken to liberal supporters in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Palo Alto whose continued support will be critical if Obama's campaign is to meet a goal of raising $1 billion in campaign funds for 2012.

A big part of Obama's message on the West Coast has been that the White House has accomplished much, but that the president needs another four years to continue his work.

"We've pulled this economy out of a recession. We've stabilized the financial system. We've passed historic healthcare legislation to make sure 30 million people aren't going to go without coverage. We have repealed 'Don't ask, don't tell.' We have put two women on the Supreme Court, including the first Latina. We've passed equal pay for equal work.

"We can go down the list," Obama told the crowd. "But we also know we've still got a lot more work to do. We've just started, and we've got a lot more work to do."

Obama's 2008 campaign had serious backing from Hollywood and Silicon Valley, but the left has soured a bit on the White House over the course of Obama's time in office. A stepped-up effort in Afghanistan was a disappointment to the anti-war left, and Obama's decision to allow the Bush tax rates for wealthier taxpayers to be extended for two years more recently irritated liberals.

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.) recently said he and other members of Congress needed to pressure Obama to act more like a Democrat.

The White House has intensified its effort to attract independents to Obama's 2012 bid. Those voters were also critical to Obama's 2008 success, but polls suggest their support has weakened substantially. In working with Republicans on December's tax deal and, more recently, on spending cuts, the White House is making a play for independents. But this risks alienating the left.

The signs of frustration from liberal supporters of the president could be seen during his swing through California over the past few days — ten protesters broke into Obama's first fundraiser of the day on Thursday, singing, “We’ve paid our dues / Where’s our change?” at the San Francisco event.

And several picket signs could be seen along several of his motorcade routes voicing opposition to the U.S. military intervention in Libya.

At the Tavern event, at least, Obama seemed to make some headway.

Hanks, for one, could be seen turning to his table mates and saying: "Five and a half more years."

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #91 on: April 22, 2011, 02:12:51 PM »
Brutal NYT/CBS Poll For Obama
Washington Examiner ^ | April 21, 2011 | Conn Carroll

The New York Timesis burrying the lead on their latest poll. The numbers are just brutal for the White House:

70% of Americans feel things in this country are seriously off on the wrong track. That is the highest number since the 79% registered in 1/11/09 when President Bush was still in office.

80% rate the national economy as bad (44% fairly/36% very). Only 19% rate it as good (2% very/17% fairly).

39% think the economy is getting worse, only 23% say it is getting better. Last month those numbers were even at 26. In February they were flipped at 32% better, 22% worse.

57% disapprove of Obama’s handling of the economy. That is the highest disapproval measured by the CBS/NYT poll. His 38% approval is matched only once by a pre-Democractic election wipe out October poll.

59% disapprove of Obama’s handling of the federal budget. Also the highest CBS/NYT has ever measured that number.

Obama’s Libya approval numbers have completely flipped from 50/29 approve in March to 45/39 disapprove today.

46% disapprove of the way Obama is handling foreign policy. That is the highest number ever for Obama in a CBS/NYT poll. His 39% approval on FP is also his lowest score ever.

55% tell NYT/CBS they would rather have a smaller government providing fewer services. Only 33% want a bigger government with more services.

When asked “Do you think Barack Obama has the same priorities for the country as you have, or doesn’t he?” 53% said no and 43% said yes. When Obama was inaugurated those numbers were 65% and 28% no.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #92 on: April 25, 2011, 06:13:48 AM »
The daily beast
Obama's Awful '70s Show Echoes Jimmy Carter
by Eric Alterman Info m


Eric Alterman is a Distinguished Professor of English and journalism at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, a senior fellow of the Center for American Progress and media columnist for The Nation. His most recent book is Kabuki Democracy: The System vs. Barack Obama.
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print   TwitterEmailShare Gas prices are heading toward $5, single-family home sales are at a low—and with President Obama ignoring his base like Jimmy Carter did, he could end up being another one-term president, Eric Alterman writes.

Can You Spell “M-A-L-A-I-S-E?”

 Jim Young, Reuters / Landov
Stylistically speaking, Barack Obama could hardly be further from Jimmy Carter if he really had been born in Kenya. Carter was a born-again Baptist who was raised on his father’s peanut plantation and supported George Wallace on the road to the Georgia state house. Barack Obama—well, you know the story. But the two men have a great deal in common in their approach to the presidency, and not one of these similarities is good news for the Democrats or even for America. Both men rule without regard to the concerns of the base of their party. Both held themselves to be above politics when it came to making tough decisions. Both were possessed with superhuman self-confidence when it came to their own political judgment mixed with contempt for what they understood to be the petty concerns of pundits and party leaders. And worst of all, one fears, neither one appeared willing to change course no matter how many storm clouds loomed on the horizon.

Ask yourself if the following story does not sound like another president we could name The gregarious Massachusetts pol, House Speaker Tip O’Neil, could hardly have been more eager to work with a Democratic president after eight years of Nixon and Ford. But when they first met, and O’Neil attempted to advise Carter about which members of Congress might need some special pleading, or even the assorted political favor or two with regard to certain issues, to O’Neil’s open-jawed amazement, Carter replied, “No, I’ll describe the problem in a rational way to the American people. I’m sure they’ll realize I’m right.” The red-nosed Irishman later said he “could have slugged” Carter over this lethal combination of arrogance and naivety, but it would soon become Carter’s calling card.

Obama, like Carter, is reacting to warning signs by seeking to split the difference between dispirited Democrats and increasingly radicalized Republicans.

Well that was the ‘70s, you say, and America is a different country these days. True enough, but while history never repeats itself, political patterns do. More and more, Democrats are starting to worry they that they have a more um, colorful version of Jimmy Carter on their hands. Obama acts cool as a proverbial cucumber but that awful ‘70s show seems frightfully close to a rerun. Consider the following and see if the hair on your arms doesn’t start to stand up straight in a horror-movie kind of way:

• Multiple news organizations are reporting that gas prices are rising so fast, we could easily face a summer of $5-a-gallon prices at the pump.

• The New York Times reports that, “New single-family home sales are now lower than at any point since the data was first collected in 1963, when the nation had 120 million fewer residents.” Instead of nice, new houses, buyers are looking for something small, cheap and (thanks to rising gas prices) close to work. Foreclosure homes are all the rage, even as we apparently emerge from a recession. “That often means buying a home out of foreclosure from a bank,” the Times said.

• Politico reports that organized labor is losing patience with the president. As unemployment remains near 9 percent, the president is pushing business-friendly trade agreements in Latin America with little concern for their impact on labor at home, or even abroad. In Colombia, for instance, it’s not safe to be a labor leader. Rep. Mike Michaud (D-Maine), who chairs the House Trade Working Group, says he is “appalled that the administration is putting forward this action plan as the answer to Colombia’s rampant human rights and labor rights violations.” Politico also notes that "a larger group of liberal Democrats—including close Pelosi allies George Miller (D-Calif.), Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) and Jan Schakowsky (D-Ill.)—last month demanded assurances from Obama that 'Colombia’s long track record of repression, violence and murder of labor unionists has truly changed,’” but Obama nevertheless "subsequently hosted Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos at a cordial White House meeting to promote the trade agreement."

• The Times also reports that “Americans are more pessimistic about the nation’s economic outlook and overall direction than they have been at any time since President Obama’s first two months in office,” with well fewer than 50 percent expressing confidence in the president’s leadership or the direction in which he’s taking the country.

• Meanwhile, Obama, like Carter, is reacting to these warning signs not by rallying his own side, or focusing on those aspects of his party’s platforms that remain popular, but by seeking to split the difference between dispirited Democrats and increasingly radicalized Republicans. According to recent polls, only 29 percent of Americans questioned believe that this rush to slash the deficit will help create jobs. Seventy-two percent favor Obama’s promise to restore pre-Bush tax rates for those enjoying incomes of $250,000 a year, but of course he caved on that in 2010, and it’s hard to see why he won’t do so again in another election year. When asked specifically about Medicare, those questioned say they are willing to pay higher taxes rather than see its services cut, and a plurality of 45 percent prefer military cuts instead.

So what does Obama propose? Well nothing so simple as his own party’s highly popular political platform for this president. He’s too smart for that. Rather, as Ezra Klein points out,, Obama’s deficit reduction plan, while not quite as brutal as the Republican Ryan plan, is even more conservative than the Simpson-Bowles plan, which was itself deeply conservative. He calls for raising less money in new taxes and far smaller cuts in the defense budget, chasing the Republicans into territory that is well to the right of anything even Ronald Reagan dared propose before his 1980 shellacking of Jimmy Carter.

Carter, as it happens, took much the same path. Turning his back on O’Neil, his party and its primary constituencies, he accepted the Republican argument that the only way to solve the country’s economic problems was to attack the deficit. He would later explain to a group of political scientists after leaving the presidency, "A lot of my advisers, including Rosalyn, used to argue with me about my decision to move ahead with a project when it was obviously not going to be politically advantageous, or to encourage me to postpone it until a possible second term and so forth. It was just contrary to my nature...I just couldn't do it. Once I made a decision I was awfully stubborn about it.”

Sound like any presidents you know?

Eric Alterman is a Distinguished Professor of English and journalism at Brooklyn College and the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism, a senior fellow of the Center for American Progress and media columnist for The Nation. His most recent book is Kabuki Democracy: The System vs. Barack Obama.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #93 on: April 25, 2011, 02:08:36 PM »
From: "Jim Messina," <>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:08:12 -0400
To: 333386
Subject: Video: First look at our campaign plan

Friend --

I want to show you a quick presentation I've been giving to the first staff coming on board here in Chicago, outlining our strategy to win and our overall approach to this campaign.

In the weeks and months to come, we'll ask grassroots supporters like you to meet with one another and local organizers to take the first steps to victory on November 6th, 2012.

But before we begin meeting in living rooms and backyards across America, it's important that we communicate with each other about a set of principles for the organization and our overall strategic thinking about how the race will shape up.

The most important aspect is this: Our campaign will be grounded in President Obama's experience as a community organizer. This notion of ordinary people taking responsibility for the organization at the neighborhood level is not only the way to win, it's also the way politics ought to work. Our campaign will be an example of innovation and efficiency, but it will also be an example of civic engagement at its best and most rewarding.

Have a look at the briefing, then say you're in to help build this campaign:

This plan will evolve as we get feedback from grassroots supporters like you over the weeks and months ahead. That's already happening -- as you know, we've already started the process of having one-on-one conversations with people in every state to gather thoughts and ideas, and thousands more talks will take place over this spring and summer.

But this briefing should give you a sense of our current thinking about how we'll build an unprecedented grassroots campaign to win -- with you leading it.

Thank you,


Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #94 on: April 25, 2011, 07:05:06 PM »
Fox's Brit Hume: No Chance for Obama in 2012
Monday, 25 Apr 2011 01:37 PM
By Tom O'Connell

It will not be difficult for a Republican to defeat President Barack Obama in 2012, despite pundits who say the current crop of potential challengers is too weak, Fox political correspondent Brit Hume says.

Consumer dissatisfaction over the price of gas and goods will be central to how people vote, Hume said on “Fox News Sunday.” If the economy remains the way it is now on election day, Obama doesn’t have a chance.
“If these high gas prices were unaccompanied by higher prices that people are feeling at the grocery store and elsewhere, it wouldn’t be nearly so large a problem,” Hume said.

Hume was blunt in his prognosis for 2012.

“If the election were held today, in my view, Barack Obama would lose,” he said. “He might lose big. Obviously, he’s got some time. Events change. He would lose to any reasonable nominee from the Republican Party. The Republican Party might be able to lose the election if they nominate some extremely colorful freakish candidate.”

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #95 on: April 25, 2011, 07:08:29 PM »
Fox's Brit Hume: No Chance for Obama in 2012

well if a fox announcer calls obama a failure, i'm sold. 

we're not going to find a more fair and balanced evaluator of a liberal democrat president than this. 

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #96 on: April 25, 2011, 07:26:43 PM »
 ::) ::)

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #97 on: April 25, 2011, 07:27:47 PM »
Schiff destroyed bama tonight.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #98 on: April 27, 2011, 10:39:45 AM »
Obama Visit To Create Traffic Nightmare
Updated: Wednesday, 27 Apr 2011, 7:20 AM EDT
Published : Wednesday, 27 Apr 2011, 5:41 AM EDT

MYFOXNY.COM - President Obama is going to be in New York City for the third time in a month on Wednesday, and this visit could create a real nightmare of an evening commute.

Obama's motorcade could force the closure of the FDR Drive from Wall St. to E. 61st St. from 5 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Fifth Avenue from East 89th to East 59th streets will be closed from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Central Park's transverse roads along with all avenues from York to Fifth could be blocked during that period.

There is also a Yankees game tonight, so Gridlock Sam warns to avoid the FDR and the East Side at all costs this evening.

The president is planning on attending a $35,000 a person fundraiser on the Upper East Side, a high-priced dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria, then a Midtown concert by the Roots with prices more reasonable for the average Joe.

As the president heads out of town in the 11 p.m. hour, avenues east of Broadway and the FDR will be blocked again.

President Obama is starting his trip in Chicago.  He is flying there this morning to tape an appearance for the Oprah Winfrey show.

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Re: Official Barack Obama Re-Election Thread
« Reply #99 on: April 27, 2011, 10:51:52 AM »
Obama Visit To Create Traffic Nightmare

THIS is what you're resorting to complaining about?  THIS?

Every friggin' president in history has shut down traffic with his motorcade.  THIS is what you're mad about?  Dude?