One thing that a lot of people here simply don't get, you can have the biggest mantion the best of everything the most amount of money, it means fuck all if you are lonely.
And for most of these "pop stars" they are lonely.
Its so easy to think their life is one big party - and programs like MTV cribs etc suggest exactly that, but I bet you the reality looks a lot different.
It must fucking suck that you cannot go any place without being fucking swamped by people, it must suck to be always recognized wherever you go, it must suck to always
doubt that the girl you go out with actually loves you or your money and fame.
I be 100% honest here, if I could win a couple of millions - sure why wouldn't I take it I am pretty confident that It wouldn't change me as a person since I am pretty much
established and I don't think I change that much anymore, but ask me if I want to be a world famous person that has 100$ mill in the bank account and I am 100% honest
here when I say, FUCK no!!!
I rather stay with my 60K salary and I am nobody, but I can go outside in da woods when I want to I dont need to be afraid that my kids is getting kidnapped and I the most
important part, I can just be incognito.