Author Topic: How do you NOT go to failure?  (Read 31186 times)

local hero

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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #75 on: May 23, 2011, 11:06:03 AM »
we can argue this forever,,, i dont agree with you and never will on this


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #76 on: May 23, 2011, 11:14:26 AM »
going to failure only damages the muscle. you dont want to do that. you just want to work the muscle.

Positive failure = damaged muscles? LULZ.

Is that how you justify your chumpish workout techniques?


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #77 on: May 23, 2011, 11:33:15 AM »
Positive failure = damaged muscles? LULZ.

Is that how you justify your chumpish workout techniques?


have fun being skinny


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #78 on: May 23, 2011, 07:02:05 PM »
dj181, if you want your bi's to grow you have to work your brachiallis as well as bicep. Stuff like hammer curls, pinwheel curls, reverse barbell curls. Biceps are a small muscle, look at pic of even Ronnie in a FDB, his arms are huge but the actual bicep portion is not that big, and that's a guy with the biggest oil free arms of anyone that stepped on a stage.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #79 on: May 23, 2011, 07:54:39 PM »
dj181, if you want your bi's to grow you have to work your brachiallis as well as bicep. Stuff like hammer curls, pinwheel curls, reverse barbell curls. Biceps are a small muscle, look at pic of even Ronnie in a FDB, his arms are huge but the actual bicep portion is not that big, and that's a guy with the biggest oil free arms of anyone that stepped on a stage.

Thanks man :) Yeah I've been thinking about adding hammer curls, I know that chin-ups can work well also, but they aren't a good choice for me, since I'm attempting to "spot gain" on Arms and Delts and chin-ups activate the lats too much, just like close-grip benches and dips activate the pecs too much.

local hero

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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #80 on: May 24, 2011, 08:07:05 AM »
hammers are great to finish off your biceps, totaly smoke your forearms at same time....


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #81 on: May 24, 2011, 09:37:32 AM »
Would suggest the reverse BB curl, alternating between a false grip at times. Great brachiallis  influence, plus the forearms themselves. Reverse BB curls are a very overlooked exercise when arm size is concerned. I would place it on par, or even above, hammer curls for bicep/forearm size. Good Luck.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #82 on: May 26, 2011, 12:15:11 AM »
Quick update: my arms and delts have already gotten bigger and thicker, but that was to be expected as I just recently upped my cals back to a normal level from their previous level of being quite low. I was eating roughly 1200 cals per day, and now I'm up to around 2000 to 2500 or so. I'll post update pics with a week or so.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #83 on: June 08, 2011, 01:28:52 AM »
Just measured my arms, and they are up a half inch, from 14.75 inches to 15.25 inches. I'll post update pics on or before June 15th.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #84 on: June 11, 2011, 11:34:39 PM »
Here are the 4 week update pics.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #85 on: June 12, 2011, 02:26:39 AM »
Here are the 4 week update pics.
Noticable improvements there. keep it up..  8)


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #86 on: June 12, 2011, 05:03:42 AM »
Noticable improvements there. keep it up..  8)

Thanks ma man ;D

And here's some numbers as far as weight improvement:

1. DB Supination Curl: Start at 45*8 and on my latest workout I did 55*6

2. DB Overhead Tricep Extension: Start at 65*8 and on my last workout I did 75*5

The curls increased more than the tricep extensions coz I increased 10 pounds per bell per hand on the curls and 10 pounds with a single bell on the tricep extensions.

Mr Nobody

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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #87 on: July 04, 2011, 07:31:27 AM »
Here are the 4 week update pics.
Good increase in a short time.

The Abdominal Snoman

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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #88 on: July 08, 2011, 08:20:00 PM »
Do all you people who train to failure every single time have a training partner? Or do you ask any Joe Blow for a spot in the gym? I'm wondering how it is you can mentally adjust to just anyone spotting you on certain exercises without it effecting the mind muscle connection on that very last rep? If that last rep is as important as some of you are saying, then certainly the spot you have and the amount of pressure someone gives you is going to be valuable. Ass to grass squats with some 140 pound kid standing behind you because the gym was dead that day seems like it could be a mind fuck when you take it to absolute failure. When in fact you may not take it to absolute failure because of the spotter behind you who you don't trust???


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #89 on: July 09, 2011, 04:05:30 AM »
Good increase in a short time.

Thanks man :) At the moment my arms are 15 and 3/8 inches, so they are only up bout an 1/8 of an inch, but the thing is I'm leaner now, and the long vein along my bicep is clearly visable when I'm standing relaxed with my arms at my sides ;D

I actually went to Gironda's 8*8 for awhile with the curls and extensions, but I got better results doing the heavy single set, so now I'm going back to it. I'll try and post some update pics soon, probably by the end of the month, and hopefully my arms will be up to over 15 and a half inches by then.

Yeah fellas, I know that a 15 and a half inch to 16 inch arm doesn't sound all that impressive, but when one is sitting at 6-7% bodyfat then it ain't so bad.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #90 on: July 22, 2011, 04:19:12 AM »
The argument against going to failure is that if you do it or atleast if you do it too much, it will become a learned pattern for your nervous system and will hurt your gains in the long run. A lot of people may think it is better to err on the side of going a little too heavy on your lifts, but its actually better to err on the side of going a little too light, so you dont fail. Though I understand the temptation of wanting to err on the side of too heavy, and I admit I have done it a lot.

It seems to me the ideal thing is to get as close to failure as possible without actually going to failure, while stretching out the volume of work as much as possible.
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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #91 on: July 22, 2011, 04:37:11 PM »
Allright, I went 4 to 5 "work sets" for bis and tris while keeping the training at "sub-failure" levels (basically 1 or 2 reps short of failure) and it didn't work as well. So therefore I've found that 4 or 5 sub-failure work sets, and Gironda's 8*8 didn't work for me, but what did work for me was/is 2 heavy cycles til failure, so I'm getting right back on that 8)


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #92 on: July 22, 2011, 11:03:57 PM »
I will go to failure for maybe two weeks than back off light for three or maybe an immediate 5-7 rest days. After return to close to or near what I was doing before. I use going to failure as an occasional measuring stick. It on occasion helps you know where you stand and if you're headed in the right direction.

But I agree going to failure too much can be detrimental.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #93 on: July 23, 2011, 03:44:52 AM »
Just did my 1st heavy bi cycle and my previous PR was a 55 pound bell for 6 reps, today I only got 4 reps with the 50 pound bell, so that's not good :( I could see in the mirror that my bis had lost some thickness and fullness, and this training session today just confirmed my fears/suspicions...


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #94 on: July 25, 2011, 04:46:49 AM »
Just did my arm workout after 48 hours btw arm sessions, and I went up 2 reps on my curls, from 7 reps to 9 reps, and I went up 4 reps on my overhead tri ext, from 6 reps to 10 reps ;D

I get carried away and usually train every single day, in fact I had recently trained 8 days in a row, but I actually took yesterday off, and I was rewarded with an increase in reps on both exercises 8)

I'll try and train every other day, and see what happens...


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #95 on: July 27, 2011, 05:51:09 AM »
Just did my arm workout after 48 hours btw arm sessions, and I went up 2 reps on my curls, from 7 reps to 9 reps, and I went up 4 reps on my overhead tri ext, from 6 reps to 10 reps ;D

I get carried away and usually train every single day, in fact I had recently trained 8 days in a row, but I actually took yesterday off, and I was rewarded with an increase in reps on both exercises 8)

I'll try and train every other day, and see what happens...

Another update...

Curls went up 2 reps, from 6 reps to 8 reps.
Tri ext went up 3 reps, from 7 reps to 10 reps.
All after 48 hrs btw sessions ;D

I still haven't equaled my Curl PR which was 23kg for 6 reps, as I just did 23kg for 5 reps today.
But I did suprass my Tri Ext PR which was 33kg for 6 reps, as I did 35kg for 8 reps today.
I'll post arm updat pics soon....


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #96 on: July 27, 2011, 07:38:52 AM »
 ::)......jeez it never ends.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #97 on: July 27, 2011, 09:30:56 AM »

LOOK WHO'S SPREADING HIS LIES AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're arms are almost 16 inches at 7% bodyfat ? YOU LYING FUCK !!!!!!!!!!!!!

post a picture mutherfukker, and you better not be lying or i am going to skin you alive all over again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you just can't help yourself, can you little fucking lying shitstain ?? I'm going to own you and rip you a new asshole twice a bad as before.

how was the "vacation" you penniless guy ?? a little hint, cleaning elephant shit in a traveling circus isn't a skinny, big nosed, bald ,EVERYONE WISHES YOU WERE DEAD, weak, stupid, unfunny, poor little asshead


  • Getbig IV
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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #98 on: July 27, 2011, 09:31:22 AM »
dj181: I can understand you enthusiasm, but someone is going to have to break it to you. You may want to go to the Training Log board, rather than here, for all your workout news and hourly updates. That's why the Training Board is available. Getting rather tedious, to be blunt. And the main thread here now is "failure", not dj181's excellent gains & struggles.

When you can do cheating BB curls for at least 135 for 8 reps and dips with a 100lbs added for another 8 reps, only than let us all know (on the Training Board). Plus adding 20lbs to 25lbs of muscular  body weight to your frame.  The guns should be around the 17 1/2, at least, by then. And when taking pic's of your guns, try doing it in natural sun light. Get a more true and honest indication of quality of muscle that way.  Again, no malice or offense intended.  Take all this as friendly suggestions.

Good Luck.


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Re: How do you NOT go to failure?
« Reply #99 on: July 27, 2011, 09:40:19 AM »
dj181: I can understand you enthusiasm, but someone is going to have to break it to you. You may want to go to the Training Log board, rather than here, for all your workout news and hourly updates. That's why the Training Board is available. Getting rather tedious, to be blunt. And the main thread here now is "failure", not dj181's excellent gains & struggles.

When you can do cheating BB curls for at least 135 for 8 reps and dips with a 100lbs added for another 8 reps, only than let us all know (on the Training Board). Plus adding 20lbs to 25lbs of muscular  body weight to your frame.  The guns should be around the 17 1/2, at least, by then. And when taking pic's of your guns, try doing it in natural sun light. Get a more true and honest indication of quality of muscle that way.  Again, no malice or offense intended.  Take all this as friendly suggestions.

Good Luck.

He had a thread on the training board but got crushed for spewing the same bullshit.

......he try's every stupid theory ever invented instead of the truth....gaining muscle takes time and hard work.