Author Topic: Magikusar's daily/weekly musings  (Read 75698 times)


  • Getbig III
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Will Bernie offer free sex and house? then mi in!
« Reply #1500 on: January 17, 2016, 11:04:49 AM »
not b4!


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Re: So ok democrats answer this: If you had your way, what would USA look like?
« Reply #1501 on: January 17, 2016, 12:34:32 PM »
It's not an insult if it is the truth.

I know Republicans have a problem with the truth, but it doesn't change things.   ;D

But there sure is a lot of "educated" people in those broke ass red states that possess the highest rate of teen pregnancy, drug use, high school drop out, poverty and gov't $$ assistance in the nation. 

Not true at all.  CA Ny have far more teen preg than oh I dunno, Kansas


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making democrat heads explode
« Reply #1502 on: January 17, 2016, 01:14:35 PM »
Capitalism without Guilt: The Moral Case for Freedom - Yaron Brook


  • Getbig III
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Meanwhile in Nigeria
« Reply #1503 on: January 17, 2016, 03:51:19 PM »


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This is how I feel schooling getbig commies like whork and etcetc
« Reply #1504 on: January 17, 2016, 03:55:50 PM »


  • Getbig III
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Dems debate tonight!!!! Why are there only 3 competitors? Repubs have so many
« Reply #1505 on: January 17, 2016, 04:06:22 PM »
What up wih this?


  • Getbig III
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jason blaha has got to be a getbigger
« Reply #1506 on: January 17, 2016, 04:07:08 PM »


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marty, what do you think? note not electricity related
« Reply #1507 on: January 17, 2016, 04:45:36 PM »


  • Getbig V
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GOP is nothing more than a pathetic attempt at an Agatha Christie dinner party.  Don't worry.... they will be disappearing like her guests very soon.


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Re: This is how I feel schooling getbig commies like whork and etcetc
« Reply #1509 on: January 18, 2016, 07:26:54 AM »
This is how you should feel when simple YouTube links school you on GetBig.


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Re: So ok democrats answer this: If you had your way, what would USA look like?
« Reply #1510 on: January 18, 2016, 07:29:32 AM »
Not true at all.  CA Ny have far more teen preg than oh I dunno, Kansas

Of course.   In your reality.  But not in the one that everyone else lives in.

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GOP is nothing more than a pathetic attempt at an Agatha Christie dinner party.  Don't worry.... they will be disappearing like her guests very soon.

i think a lot of them will stay in way longer than they should, hoping to be the mccain of 2016.

you'll have rand paul still 'in it' in march despite being 7th evreywhere lol

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Re: So ok democrats answer this: If you had your way, what would USA look like?
« Reply #1512 on: January 18, 2016, 09:06:06 AM »
240 you are one of the dumbest posters here.

this board sucks donkey balls lately.  

Dos Equis

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Re: So ok democrats answer this: If you had your way, what would USA look like?
« Reply #1513 on: January 18, 2016, 10:05:20 AM »
this board sucks donkey balls lately.  

Then leave.


  • Getbig III
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live trump feed right now
« Reply #1515 on: January 19, 2016, 04:13:17 PM »

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Re: live trump feed right now
« Reply #1516 on: January 19, 2016, 04:23:56 PM »
Palin endorses Trump.

The republican party may have officially died tonight.   She was the voice of the tea party and now she's snubbing conservative stalwart Ted Cruz to support the celebrity who was a liberal for 60 years.

you repubs are fcking stupid if you support trump.  You're just stupid.  You want crap.

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Re: Three New Polls Show Trump Leading in Iowa and New Hampshire
« Reply #1517 on: January 19, 2016, 04:24:54 PM »
She's wearing the fat lady sweater.  Looks like she's bulking up a bit.

Those GOPers with boners aren't going to like this.


  • Getbig III
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Re: live trump feed right now
« Reply #1518 on: January 19, 2016, 04:29:30 PM »
No we are Brilliant.

Capitalism will make USA awesome as it always does.

Obama is worst president of all time, worse than FDR, who caused the great depression.

2008 was caused by Bill Clinton making Fanny n freddy loan  and fed and fanny!

Socialism failed in soviet russia and china and killed 110million people in 20th century!

Resist the crony communists who own most TV n government funded school systems, they lie ni favor of big government.

Free trade and less regulations on producing will make usa GREAT again!

Vote Trump!  Vote Republican!

Remember global warming is a scam and all educated people, scientists, engineers, businesspeople, inventors all vote pro capitalism!


  • Getbig III
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socialism is not practicle
« Reply #1519 on: January 19, 2016, 04:45:08 PM »
I Hate Communism
Why Communism Is Evil And Will Never Work
Communism has enslaved and killed millions of innocent people. Every communist country that ever existed has either collapsed or is on its way to capitalism. Yet, scores of people are still screaming "communism is the answer". As a a former citizen of the Soviet Union, I find this astounding. And chilling to the bone.

Why do you think people defected from the Soviet Union back in the day, under the threat of imprisonment and death? Why do you think people are still risking their lives to swim out of Cuba? Just for fun? Why do you think every communist state was born in violence and held together by fear and isolation? If this is such a wonderful ideology that makes everything better for everyone, why is it that the only way for it to succeed is to force itself down people's throats?

The defenders and supporters of communism like to point out that the statement about communism killing all those people is incorrect because communism in its purest form has never actually been tried in the world. That's right, it hasn't. For the simple reason that it isn't possible for it to ever be achieved.

Allow me to explain why. The fallacy of ideologies like Marxism is their belief in every human being's complete benevolence and its labeling of every selfish act as evil. In reality, human beings are not benevolent, and they are not selfless. I will be the first to admit that the free market system is based on this notion, but that doesn't make it evil (neither does financial success of China make it a successful society). What motivates a person to work hard for a better future for everyone? The promise of a better future for him or her as an individual. When there is no personal payoff, there is no motivation to work hard for common good. To put this into real-life terms, the reason Mr. Smith decides to open a restaurant is not because he wants to feed people who are hungry and make the world a better place, but because he wants to sell a product to those who want to buy it, and thus make a profit that would better his and his family's lives. But, by providing a service other people want, Mr. Smith is making the world a better place. Because the moment he starts selling bad food and being rude to his customers, the customers will no longer buy from him, but from Mr. Jones down the street who does offer quality food and service. In a free market system, one cannot offer the bare minimum, cannot compromise the quality of their goods, because doing so will drive them out of business. No bad restaurants on the street = better street. That's just common sense.

But in a Marxist society, a man can and will offer his absolute bare minimum, because there is no payoff for working harder, and no threat of his customers leaving him for greener pastures if he sells them bad-quality goods, rude service, or a pack of lies. Not only will he not change if they complain, he'll laugh in their faces - now, this I know from experience. Every purchase we made when I was a kid was a decision of paramount proportions, because there was no option to either exchange or return the goods you bought. This sort of thing leads to people trying to obtain better quality goods from abroad, which in turn leads to people scheming, stealing, and trying to game the system, because those foreign goods cannot be purchased at their local stores or on their miserly salaries. They are willing to risk what little they have to obtain something that's better than what's available to them legally. And why? Because it would make their lives better in some way. No matter which system you live under, human nature wins every time. We will always want what we cannot have. No matter how much we have, we will always crave more. When we're put in a cage that stifles our ability to better our and our family's lives, we will always, always strive to escape it.

You cannot build a perfect society with imperfect individuals, and you cannot force people to be perfect. So it makes sense that the only way for communism to succeed (in a manner of speaking) is to create a totalitarian government over the "dumb masses", who are to be ruled by the "perfect" select few, to be cowed and forced into submission. It's just another form of slavery under the guise of altruism. The “common good of all people” was used as a justification for every single tyranny that ever existed, and the evil they've committed overwhelms the evil committed by openly selfish undertakings or governments. All these “humanitarians” who commenced their rule with speeches about love, peace, tolerance and common good, ended up neck-deep in blood of their fellow men, the very people they had claimed to love so dearly.

And the moment a leader considers it acceptable to sacrifice the lives of millions of people for a humanitarian cause, he stops being benevolent and becomes evil incarnate.

Communism is nothing more than a form of slavery, a religion without a god; an ideology in which the government is god. It is why abolition of religion, nationality, and private property are communism's primary objectives. A person who worships a god, will never worship a government. When you are free to choose whatever belief system you want, you can never be chained to an ideology. When you are self-sufficient, you cannot be made slave to handouts and promises of a better life. When you know your history and feel pride in your culture, you cannot be dictated what your identity should be.

Which would you rather be? Would you rather live in a society where you can be free to choose your own destiny, where you can peacefully co-exist with all kinds of people even though you may not share their spiritual beliefs and cultural traditions? Or would you rather live in a society where you have but two options: either worship the God of Government or perish on the altar of its good intentions?

Thanks for reading.


  • Getbig III
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I have grown tired of hearing John M. Keynes' strawman version of Say's law ..
« Reply #1520 on: January 19, 2016, 04:46:58 PM »
Daniel Pealer 1 year ago (edited)
 I have grown tired of hearing John M. Keynes' strawman version of Say's law being bandied about as though it is the real thing. The Keynesian "supply creates its own demand" makes it sound as though demand will spring up for any good you produce just because you produce it. this is obviously false, I don't care how well Joe makes his mud pies I'm not buying. What Jean-Baptiste Say was actually getting at in his "A Treatise on Political Economy" is that in order to demand goods you must first supply goods. you cannot merely want (demand) something and have it come into being, you cannot simply demand something into existence, if that were the case the path to becoming fabulously wealthy would be to rack up eternally growing debts. Instead you must produce goods or provide services that people will value if you wish to in turn be able to obtain goods and services to satiate your wants.
To put it succinctly: Goods and services are paid for with goods and services, money merely makes the system run smoothy.


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The Law: by Frederic Bastiat
« Reply #1521 on: January 20, 2016, 07:56:02 PM »


  • Getbig III
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Why doesn't any socialist country give a free house?
« Reply #1522 on: January 20, 2016, 08:04:58 PM »
I asked my commy canadien girlfriend this years back and she got mad.

Why not a free house?

Bernie wants to give you a free social studies masters degree LOL  what good will that do?

Why not free house and sexual favors?  then im in!


  • Getbig III
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apple owes up to 19Bilion in taxes to ireland, democrat press covers up
« Reply #1523 on: January 22, 2016, 04:06:19 AM »


  • Getbig III
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browns who can't act, hek neither halle nor denzel deserved oscar, complain
« Reply #1524 on: January 22, 2016, 04:08:21 AM »

brown actors are 100% terrible

trying to bring thier huge ego dreams to screen and not have people laugh at them