Author Topic: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7  (Read 67485 times)


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #250 on: September 08, 2011, 03:15:22 PM »
They didn't know flight 77 was even headed toward DC until 9.25 thereabouts so there would have been no reason to leave the White House for the bunker before then.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #251 on: September 08, 2011, 04:23:06 PM »

Cheney entered the bunker at 9.37 the same time the plane hit he pentagon. He was leaving the white house because they were told that plane was heading that way.

I have to ask you about this, because the according to The 9/11 Commission Report, Cheney arrived “shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58”.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #252 on: September 08, 2011, 04:35:51 PM »
I have to ask you about this, because the according to The 9/11 Commission Report, Cheney arrived “shortly before 10:00, perhaps at 9:58”.

The secret service ordered him out of the white house at 9.35 since flight 77 had just flown over Washington and was circling back and descending towards them again. He was in the tunnel at 9.37 when the pentagon was hit. What time he actually entered the room in the bunker I haven't seen anywhere but probably way before 9.58.

There is no doubt he ordered flight 93 be shot down even though he had no authority by law to actually do so. 93 was lost from radar when it was crashed but they thought it was still in the air since it had been lost from radar when it was taken also. The aide saying it is ten miles out etc is their projection of where it should be if still in the air but it wasn't at that stage.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #253 on: September 08, 2011, 06:01:29 PM »
This is interesting.

A 2004 LA times article I just read states that Chenney left the white house for the bunker at 9.37 but stopped at a checkpoint within the tunnel that had a secure phone line and called Bush in Florida. While on the call they got word the pentagon was hit. During the call Bush okayed the order to shoot down planes. Chenney may have indeed then entered the bunker itself as late as 9.58 and been authorized to give the engage order after all.

Jack T. Cross

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #254 on: September 08, 2011, 07:33:27 PM »
Yes, that's' true.  The 9-11 Commission Report ("the official story") states that Cheney arrived in the PEOC at 9:58 - 10:00.

But this contradicts past statements by Richard Clarke, Condoleeza Rice, White House Photographer David Bohrer and sworn testimony by Secretary Norman Mineta - all placing Cheney at the PEOC before 9:20.  None of these people were "out to get" Cheney, mind you, rather most of them appear to have just inadvertently brought what would later become the official account into question during the fray.

Seriously, what's going on?

The timeline is very important, because according to the "official story", Cheney was NOT in charge at the PEOC when the plane hit the Pentagon. 

Remember, we're talking about the plane that was heading for the Pentagon, and the controversy of this particular piece of the puzzle is that there was apparently a stand-down order, not a shoot-down order.

Another funny little point a person should wonder about, is the question of security recording equipment and the fact that it has timekeeping software built in.  It should clear up this particular question once and for all, and as far as I know it's never been offered as evidence.  But just as Norman Mineta's testimony was left out of the 9-11 Report, would electronic evidence be left out, too, if it were inconsistent with "the official story"? 

I've got some real concerns about this.  And it's just a small piece of the problem.  The only way you can try to sort through it all is to go from one loose thread to the next.  And there are many, many loose threads.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #255 on: September 08, 2011, 07:39:38 PM »
No the order is to shoot down and they are talking about flight 93 not flight 77.

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #256 on: September 08, 2011, 07:45:33 PM »
Yes, that's' true.  The 9-11 Commission Report ("the official story") states that Cheney arrived in the PEOC at 9:58 - 10:00.

But this contradicts past statements by Richard Clarke, Condoleeza Rice, White House Photographer David Bohrer and sworn testimony by Secretary Norman Mineta - all placing Cheney at the PEOC before 9:20.  None of these people were "out to get" Cheney, mind you, rather most of them appear to have just inadvertently brought what would later become the official account into question during the fray.

Seriously, what's going on?

The ONLY man with power to shoot down those planes - officially goes MISSING for 30 critical minutes on 9/11.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  :)


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #257 on: September 08, 2011, 07:47:31 PM »
At 9.20 Chenney was in the white house situation room in the west wing and so was Rice etc.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #258 on: September 08, 2011, 07:51:06 PM »
9/11 Mythology: The Big Lie of Our Time - by Stephen Lendman

Winston Churchill rightly explained that "(a) lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on." Today, of course, it circulates everywhere instantly.

Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany's Reich Minister of Propaganda, once said:

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it."

He added that "truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State."

Corporate media manipulators love a big story they can hype, distort, and falsify to attract large audiences supportively for the worst imperial crimes.

In fact, the bigger the event, the worse the reporting, sacrificing truth for managed news and opinions everyone should understand and avoid.

Distinguished scholars like David Ray Griffin exposed the 9/11 lie in his exhaustive research and writings. In numerous books, articles, and lectures, he provided convincing evidence about an inside job, not an attack carried out by "crazed Arabs."

In an April 5, 2006 lecture titled, "9/11: The Myth and the Reality," he concluded saying:

"It would seem, for many reasons, that the official story of 9/11, which has served as a religious Myth in the intervening years (and still does), is a myth in the pejorative sense of a story that does not correspond to reality."

It was Griffin's polite way of calling it a Big Lie, the biggest of our time.

On September 11, 2008, his Global Research article headlined, "September 11, 2001: 21 Reasons to Question the Official Story about 9/11," including:

(1) Although the Big Lie holds Osama bin Laden accountable, the FBI admitted it "has no hard evidence connecting" him to the attack (NPHR 206-11).

(2) Although the 9/11 myth claims "devout Muslims (were) ready to die as martyrs to earn a heavenly reward, Mohamed Atta (their alleged leader) and the other alleged hijackers regularly drank heavily, went to strip clubs, and paid for sex (NPHR 153-55)."

(3) Claimed cell phone calls from above 30,000 feet to relatives were falsified as technology at the time made completely them impossible. Later, the FBI changed its story, saying only two were made "from United 93 after it descended to 5,000 feet (NPHR 111-17)."

(4) Then "US Solicitor General Tel Olson's claim that his wife, Barbara Olson, phoned him twice from AA 77," saying hijackers controlled the plane, "was also contradicted by this FBI report," saying one call she attempted was "unconnected" and lasted "0 seconds (NPRH 60-62)."

(5) The FBI lied, saying Atta's left behind luggage included "decisive evidence that al-Qaeda was responsible for the attacks....(NPHR 155-62)."

(6) Evidence of alleged Al Qaeda videos, "passports discovered at the crash sites, and a headband discovered at the crash site of United 93 (showed) clear signs of having been fabricated (NPHR 170-73)."

(7) Evidence shows hijackers WERE NOT on the planes. Moreover, if they broke "into cockpits, the pilots would have 'squawked' the universal highjack code," a simple two second act. However, none aboard the four flights did it (NPHR 175-79).

(Eight) Standard operating procedures to intercept "planes showing signs of an in-flight emergency within about 10 minutes" weren't followed. Instead, a "stand-down order prevented (them) from being carried out (NPHR 1-10, 81-84)."

(9) Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said Dick Cheney, inside the White House bunker, "apparently confirmed a stand-down order at about 9:25AM," prior to an alleged plane striking the Pentagon. "Another man has reported hearing a member of LAX Security learn that a stand-down order (came) from the 'highest level' of the White House (NPHR 94-96)."

(10) The 9/11 Whitewash Commission ignored Mineta's report, deleted it from the official record, "and claimed that Cheney did not enter the (bunker) until almost 10:00...." They lied (NPHR 91-94).

In fact, Philip Zelikow, head of the 9/11 Commission, was a member of the Bush White House.

(11) The 9/11 Commission even contradicted what Cheney told Tim Russett on "Meet the Press" on September 16 (NPHR 93).

(12) Hani Hanjour, the so-called terrible pilot unable to fly a single-engine aircraft, "could not possibly have executed the amazing (AA 77) hit Wedge 1 of the Pentagon" that even experienced airline pilots would have had trouble negotiating, and never would have tried, fearing they'd crash and burn (NPHR 78-80).

(13) Wedge 1 was the most implausible spot to be struck. It was furthest from offices of Rumsfeld and Pentagon top brass, presumably the targeted high-value officials.

It was also "the only part of the Pentagon that had been reinforced." Its reconstruction wasn't finished, so few people were there. And it presented the most difficult flight path to execute (NPHR 76-78).

(14) Pentagon officials lied, saying they had no warning of an approaching aircraft. In fact, "a military E-4B - the Air Force's most advanced communications, command, and control airplane - was flying over the White House at the time." Astonishingly, the Pentagon "denied it belonged to them (NPHR 96-98)."

Moreover, the Pentagon is the most guarded structure in the world, complete with advanced radar and surface-to-air missiles, able to intercept and destroy any approaching threat.

(15) Without explanation, the Secret Service let George Bush remain at a Sarasota, FL school for 30 minutes after learning the second tower was struck, ignoring standard procedures to secure his safety as presumably high-value officials were targeted.

Only advance knowledge assured them of no danger at a time media reports circulated about America being under attack.

On 9/11's first anniversary, a new White House story emerged, falsely claiming Bush left the school immediately. "The lie was told in major newspapers and on MSNBC and ABC television (NHHR 129-31)."

(16) Their rigid steel columns made it impossible for the towers to crumble, let alone "at virtually free-fall speed - unless (they) had been sliced by means of explosives." In other words, claims about impacting planes and resulting fires being responsible are "scientifically impossible (NPHR 12-25)."

(17) Other features of the towers' destruction "can be explained only in terms of powerful explosives." They include "horizontal ejections of steel beams, the melting of steel, and the sulfidation and thinning of steel." Moreover, "fires could not have come within 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit of the temperature needed to melt steel (NPHR 30-36)."

(Eighteen) New York Fire Department "oral histories shortly after 9/11" provided testimonies of "having witnessed explosions in the Twin Towers. Others toppling WTC 7 as well as the towers were also reported by city officials, WTC employees, and journalists (NPHR 27-30, 45-48, 51)."

(19) On 9/11, Mayor Rudy Giuliani told" told ABC News anchor Peter Jennings that he was informed that the towers would collapse, despite no basis to think so. In fact, the so-called information came from his own Office of Emergency Management that either falsified it or had advance knowledge of the plot (NPH 40).

(20) "NIST, which produced the official reports on the Twin Towers and (recently) WTC 7, has been fully hijacked from the scientific to the political realm...." In fact, its "scientists" are "hired guns (NPHR 11, 238-51)."

(21) Growing numbers of "physicists, chemists, architects, engineers, pilots, former military officers, and former intelligence officers" reject the official 9/11 myth as a bald-faced lie (NPHR xi).

The Commerce Department's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST - formerly the National Bureau of Standards, NBS) is a measurement standards laboratory, expected to produce scientifically verifiable, not falsified, analysis.

In other writing, Griffin exposed its 9/11 coverup role, saying it suggested that "fire-induced collapses of large steel-frame buildings (like the twin towers) are normal events," when they knew it's impossible.

NIST was also tasked to provide "the definitive explanation" of WTC 7's collapse. Again, coverup was its unstated mandate.

It "committed two kinds of scientific fraud: Ignoring relevant evidence (showing explosives were used) and falsifying evidence."

For example, it suppressed evidence revealed in a peer-reviewed University of Copenhagen report, showing "WTC dust contained unreacted nanothermite. Unlike ordinary thermite, which is an incendiary, nanothermite is a high explosive."

Short of verifiable insider confessions, its presence is as close as it gets to smoking gun proof of controlled demolitions, destroying the twin towers and WTC 7, not fires or other causes.

Scholars for 9/11 Truth

James Fetzer founded Scholars for 9/11 Truth, a non-partisan association of faculty, students, and scholars, dedicated to exposing official lies, removing the shroud of deceit, and revealing truths behind 9/11.

Access his site through the following link:

A section on it headlines "Why Doubt 9/11," providing 20 examples to debunk the official lie. They include:

(1) The Twin Towers were built to sustain impacts similar to large planes striking them.

(2) Most jet fuel burned "in the first fifteen seconds or so. Below the 96th floor in the North Tower and the 80th in the South, those buildings were stone cold steel, unaffected by" fires above.

(3) Steel melts at 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit, "about 1,000 degrees higher than the maximum" burning jet fuel produces.

(4) "Underwriters Laboratory certified the" building steel to be able to handle temperatures up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit "for three or four hours without any significant effects."

The ignited 500 degree fires were more suitable for roasting marshmallows than melting steel.

(5) Had steel melted or weakened the buildings, "the affected floors would have displayed completely different behavior," far short of collapsing that was impossible.

(6) Even when the top 30 floors of the South Tower "pivoted and began to fall to the side when the floors beneath gave way, it wasn't enough "to exert downward pressure on the lower 80 floors."

Moreover, the top 16 floors of the North Tower, "as one unit of downward force," was offset by "199 units of upward force....counteract(ing) it."

(7) Last man out of the North Tower William Rodriguez "reported massive explosions in the sub-basements that (caused) extensive destruction...."

(Eight) He said "the explosion occurred prior to reverberations from upper floors, a claim...substantiated by a Craig Furlong and Gordon Ross" study, titled "Seismic Proof: 9/11 Was an Inside Job," showing the "explosions actually took place as much as 14 and 17 seconds before the presumptive airplane impacts."

(9) "Heavy-steel-construction buildings like" the towers are virtually immune from "pancake collapse," unless rigged explosives cause it.

(10) Both towers collapsing from fires or on their own any other way at free-fall speed is impossible.

(11) Mechanical Engineering Professor Judy Wood compared the phenomenon of the towers collapsing to "two gigantic trees turning to sawdust from the top down."

(12) WTC-7 was a "classic controlled demolition at 5.20PM...."

(13) The twin towers were "destroyed by different modes of demolition."

(14) "The hit point at the Pentagon was too small to accommodate a 100-ton airliner with a 125-foot wingspan and a tail that stands 44-feet high...."

Moreover, the debris found had "no wings, no fuselage, no seats, no bodies, no luggage, no tail," and no engines.

In other words, no plane struck the Pentagon. A likely cruise missile was used, a weapon unavailable to alleged terrorists anywhere, let alone the ability to launch one.

(15) Pentagon videotapes show no Boeing 757 striking the building.

(16) The "official trajectory - flying at high speed barely above ground level - (was) physically impossible..." It was aerodynamically inconceivable to negotiate even for experienced airline pilots. None, of course, would have tried.

(17) Flight recorder data given to Pilots for 9/11 truth by the NTSB "corresponds to a plane with a different approach and altitude...." If followed by a Boeing 757, it would have overflown the Pentagon, not hit it.

(Eighteen) If Flight 93 crashed as reported, efforts would have been made to find survivors post-haste. Instead, coverup to suppress the truth followed, suggesting an incident other than reported.

(19) The alleged hijackers had minimal competence to fly single-engine aircraft, let alone be able to handle commercial jets. Moreover, their "names are not on any original, authenticated passenger manifest."

In fact, several "turned up alive and well and living in the Middle East." Washington never even produced their tickets as evidence because they weren't aboard the planes and had nothing to do with the incidents.

(20) George Bush later acknowledged that Saddam Hussein "had nothing to do with 9/11. The Senate Intelligence Committee" said he had no connection to Al Qaeda. Moreover, the FBI admitted having no evidence linking bin Laden to 9/11.

Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth

AE911Truth is a "non-partisan association of architects, engineers and affiliates dedicated to exposing the falsehoods and to revealing truths about" the Big 9/11 lie, substituting myth for reality.

Its growing membership "is devoted to:

(1) Dispelling misinformation with scientific facts and forensic evidence

(2) Educating and motivating thousands of architects and engineers and the public at large

(3) Procuring a truly independent 9/11 investigation with subpoena power

(4) Achieving 9/11 Truth mainstream coverage

Access AE911Truth's site through the following link:

Growing numbers worldwide now dispute the official myth, including Muslims for 9/11 Truth, anyone can connect with through its site, accessed through the following link:

More than any others worldwide, Muslims unfairly paid the greatest price - vilified, persecuted and attacked for their faith, ethnicity, locations in resource rich countries, and domestically for political advantage.

The 9/11 lie bears main responsibility for launching a decade of war, persecution and other forms of abuse. Stopping it ahead is job one. Revealing the truth and holding those responsible is how.

In his new book titled, "9/11 - Ten Years Later," David Ray Griffin said the following:

"Getting the 9/11 lie exposed is essential. One obvious reason is simple justice," not only for 9/11 family members never told the truth or compensated in whatever way possible.

"There also needs to be justice in the sense of punishment for those who engineered this crime," including top government and military officials. They perhaps consider themselves patriots. They're, in fact, "guilty of murder and treason."

Revealing 9/11 truth is also vital "for the sake of preventing further crimes against democracy."

"Many lines of evidence show that 9/11 was an inside job." It's virtually indisputable. As a result, it needs to outed so everyone knows to give "never again" real meaning.

A Final Comment

9/11 was the transformative event of our time, for ill, not good. It sparked multiple wars producing more of them, as well as repressive domestic crackdowns.

It also launched a Global War on Terror (GWOT), another on truth, human and civil rights, social justice, rule of law principles, and democratic values wherever America and its NATO partners show up.

September 11, 2011, will mark the 10th anniversary of a day those old enough won't ever forget. Nor should they forgive political Washington for using it to wage war on humanity.

All wars are for wealth and power, never for liberation or other social justice reasons.

Debunking the official 9/11 lie is a vital first step to freeing America of a malignancy that's destroying it and free people everywhere in its grip.

Mark October 6 on your calendar. Stand with most Americans for "human needs, not corporate greed."

"Stop the Machine! Create a New World!" Head to the nation's capital where "hundreds of thousands are expected" to "occupy Freedom Plaza indefinitely until their demands have been met," including:

(1) Taxing the rich and corporations.

(2) Ending imperial wars, bringing US forces home, and cutting military spending.

(3) Protecting America's social safety net, especially Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, as well as public and private pensions.

(4) Ending corporate and other forms of welfare for the rich at the expense of most others.

(5) Transitioning to a clean energy economy, as well as reversing environmental degradation.

(6) Protecting worker rights, including collective bargaining, decent wages and benefits, and initiatives to create jobs.

(7) Getting money out of politics, and

(Eight) Supporting social justice for everyone, not just too-big-to-fail banker crooks, other corporate favorites and America's aristocracy.

Transforming America starts with putting our bodies on the line for change, and not quitting no matter the odds.

There's no other way because the alternative is too grim to accept what only grassroots activism can achieve.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #259 on: September 08, 2011, 08:04:19 PM »
(14) Pentagon officials lied, saying they had no warning of an approaching aircraft. In fact, "a military E-4B - the Air Force's most advanced communications, command, and control airplane - was flying over the White House at the time." Astonishingly, the Pentagon "denied it belonged to them (NPHR 96-98)."

So the Pentagon denied this plane belonged to them. Who's plane was then allowed to fly in a no fly zone OVER THE WHITE HOUSE after all flights had been grounded following the attacks?? lol!


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #260 on: September 08, 2011, 08:14:35 PM »
Why would the air force ask permission from the pentagon to launch that plane?


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #261 on: September 08, 2011, 08:23:16 PM »
Why would the air force ask permission from the pentagon to launch that plane?
Oh ok, so now the Air Force and Pentagon have ZERO interaction?

The Pentagon is the headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, I think they would be in on anything related to defense in the country.

Face it buddy, this is bullshit. Let me ask you this. I'd love to hear from you.

Do you believe your government officials are 100% honest and truthful servants of the public? If not 100% please give examples where you believe they have not been truthful.

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #262 on: September 08, 2011, 08:26:42 PM »
So the Pentagon denied this plane belonged to them. Who's plane was then allowed to fly in a no fly zone OVER THE WHITE HOUSE after all flights had been grounded following the attacks?? lol!

that's the funniest shit of the day.   Nation is on airway shutdown.  A huge white military control HQ aircraft is flying over DC and nobody wants to claim it hahahaha.

I got $5 that says the white airplane was controlling whatever the hell hit the pentagon.

Hey, wasn't that same white plane iN NYC about 40 minutes before that?  Same big ass blue stripe on tail, same body and nose, same everything...

hahahaha yep yep!  nothing but a peanut!
NYC plane:

Pentagon plane:


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #263 on: September 08, 2011, 08:33:26 PM »
240, you aren't seriously saying a 757 did not hit the pentagon are you?

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #264 on: September 08, 2011, 08:35:57 PM »
240, you aren't seriously saying a 757 did not hit the pentagon are you?

I am not saying that.

I'm saying there was a huge white military jet with identical tail markings - flying over the NYC carnage, then over the pentagon.  All while other aircraft no longer in that area.

I admit I don't have a clue what happened at the pentagon - But I'd love to hear why the Govt denied knowing what the hell this plane was.   At both sites?  Really? 


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #265 on: September 08, 2011, 08:46:27 PM »
This is the problem with all this crap.. All these youtube videos and all these pictures mean absolutely nothing.

This garbage isnt evidence.. you know how easy it is to edit a plane into a video, or photoshop a picture? I'm not sure if you guys really think this stuff is true, or you just doing it because you like to argue. whatever revs your engine I guess..carry on

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #266 on: September 08, 2011, 08:52:22 PM »
you prob haven't researched it - on that day, jim michlaeshefsi of NBC detailed the plane flying over the pengaton at the time.  weren't you watching that day?  That zoom in pic of the white plane was HUGE that day - everyone thought it was coming down too.  All the people pointing and thinking it was going to crash next.

kh, that was real.

and the WTC 3rd plane - really?  that shit showed up in quite a view channels' coverage. 

These things aren't faked.  TO me, it's a little creepy that in a no-fly zone, some huge aircraft was coasting by each site and "just" the right time.  Maybe it was a govt plane checking on it, and we're not told about it... but wow, it showed up at each place when the collapse/impact happened.  Such timing!

Lol probably some high end spy shit, just leave it at that.  but if your defense is "it's all fake!", that's just not true man.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #267 on: September 08, 2011, 08:56:44 PM »
Anyone who uses Science to back there argument, In example: a building falling Unobstructed at free fall speed.. = Conspiracy theorist = Terrorist.. ;D

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #268 on: September 08, 2011, 08:59:56 PM »
the Penn plane - debris spread out over 8 miles.  Obviously shot down.  Denied.

the white plane seen at all 3 crashes, denied it existed...

Just tell us the truth, and you won't foster such CTs.   Bullshitting people with easily disprovable lies leads to many CTers that would be avoided if our leaders were just a tad more honest with us.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #269 on: September 08, 2011, 09:02:02 PM »
This plane is in DC for sure but I haven't seen proof it was in new York.

YouTube video of said plane in the sky with no new York landmarks but a tag of new York doesn't mean much to me.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #270 on: September 08, 2011, 09:02:38 PM »
I spent some time overseas this summer...Seems like everyone outside the united states knows what really happens...

However, the majority of people in the united states believe the official story. no matter how fictitious it really is

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #271 on: September 08, 2011, 09:05:31 PM »
This plane is in DC for sure but I haven't seen proof it was in new York.

YouTube video of said plane in the sky with no new York landmarks but a tag of new York doesn't mean much to me.

It was there.  I've watched so many official network clips of that day.  that one is always in the background coasting by at critical moments.  WHo knows what it's doing there, but it is identical in markings to the one at the pentagon 40 minutes later.  

I'm not claiming to know what it was.  But the 911 report denied it.  Are you going to believe the 911 commision, or your lying eyes/  haha

I'm not going all Dr Steven Jones, claiming to KNOW anything.  But I do find it curious.  If there were 3 shootings in my town, and the same shady white car was seen at all 3 events, I'd probably want to have a talk with the driver, wouldn't you?   LOL!  Watch the NY clips - it circles in the background very clearly.

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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #272 on: September 08, 2011, 09:06:26 PM »
I spent some time overseas this summer...Seems like everyone outside the united states knows what really happens...

what do they say really happened?

IN the USA, we have a lot of theories - from "Let it happen" to "made it happen" and some really crazy theories.

What is the general consensus in the outside world?


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #273 on: September 08, 2011, 09:09:12 PM »
you prob haven't researched it - on that day, jim michlaeshefsi of NBC detailed the plane flying over the pengaton at the time.  weren't you watching that day?  That zoom in pic of the white plane was HUGE that day - everyone thought it was coming down too.  All the people pointing and thinking it was going to crash next.

kh, that was real.

and the WTC 3rd plane - really?  that shit showed up in quite a view channels' coverage. 

These things aren't faked.  TO me, it's a little creepy that in a no-fly zone, some huge aircraft was coasting by each site and "just" the right time.  Maybe it was a govt plane checking on it, and we're not told about it... but wow, it showed up at each place when the collapse/impact happened.  Such timing!

Lol probably some high end spy shit, just leave it at that.  but if your defense is "it's all fake!", that's just not true man.

Dude I could show you 100 videos covering the sky line that day that wouldn't show another plane. But what would be the point, cuz you would deny it, or change the subject.. you know it didnt exist..How many fucking threads have been made on this subject in the past 10 years. How many hours have been wasted talking about this fantasy of yours. It just goes on and on.

If any of this 'evidence' had an once of authenticity it would be all over the news..Oh wait the government wont let them  ::)

Its just as simple as a bunch of muslim fucks hijacked some planes and crashed them..But you guys have turned into into this complex design thats beyond impossible to achieve. You claim the building were rigged with explosives, but you dont even realize the events and the amount of people that would have been involved. you claim theres this mysterious plane flying around..First of all do you think the thousands of people that organized this were too stupid to allow a plane flying around when they know everyone is filming? why is it on youtube and not on the news as you claim? because its faked, just like everything else.

But if this gets you off keep going, you know damn well there is no conspiracy but whatever kills time for ya.


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Re: Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
« Reply #274 on: September 08, 2011, 09:10:12 PM »
This is the problem with all this crap.. All these youtube videos and all these pictures mean absolutely nothing.

This garbage isnt evidence.. you know how easy it is to edit a plane into a video, or photoshop a picture? I'm not sure if you guys really think this stuff is true, or you just doing it because you like to argue. whatever revs your engine I guess..carry on
That is a weak argument. Which proves you have really done zero research. You do deserve the giant dildo being rammed up your ass. Big bro wants you to spread wider! Thanks a bunch.